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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1970, p. 8

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The Best Salesmen in Halton County are on This Page BIRTHS Ml Run wish to the With a Guclph smieiil Hospital 10 WTO IVtuu imi to nit the i son IVug lis Ichium Ipllll A ttiu mid lit ON nit di 11 mUX tl ft Min Oil vo I In to mi DEATHS mm is i lulu or Miry WI in of duh llfv of ml if Toronto the hie Mrs I wis held it ihc Inn en on it 0 Interment Rexk FOR SALE WHIll w sln Iliom pin lHJM1 I lull Will nil iW nil tin DIU MM IUNI tiillv 1 I mm I s OF THANKS Since operate to living thinks from Could no Ah 142474 I would like to think all frittiils and neighbors for gifts ind pet well wishes while wis in Spenl thinks to Moore of the Ac ton Group iM2731 Mrs sincere think to il friends relatives for their kindness to me in sending and enquiring for me while I wis i pitunt in Toron to General Hospital and since returning home 1343472 Mrs Agnes Ware We would like to think Dr Fnscr the nurses of the fifth floor for the care that was given to our son while in the hospital Special thinks to Mrs George Lawrence and Ro- Carton who helped us when needed Bob and Charlotte Lawrence ml Hill 1 llllllsll li J Mi lions i imNiuiRi lved Mill I ist Anon I tin ii I loth eke lies dm i like m lltts Km Out lb 14 ILL Sill hut with lius spud ilk from tn 105 of i fishing Ed Mood 1 2001 Flower Mart Greenhouses miles nest of on Visit our No obligation Store OPEN from Wide of potted and floors Gift Planters lojs Garden ind Lawn Supplies Potted spring flovirs up Potted mums 75c up up Also rubber dm and others li31 if It A I I I 11 Iron Wndnr idny 11 1970 We acts of Mr- Griff in s thank ill our for their cards and mam during the Gemini Hospital during her convalescence Thise kindnessts wilt ilmvs be fulh ind IN DENNIS In loving of husband John Clark son who one aLo 1969 Laura I Dennis GRAHAM husband Giort COMING EVENTS Chapter is holding 1 Sale April in Simpsons Stars The annual dati is 21 Sh ix the Wtilth I id Commumti Cintrc Febiuiiv at sintd mission 7ic Sit urdav it p it tht Hill Crewsons Cormrs Lumh t Admission ift Evlp om Robert Little Public School students will present tin oner- itt I Sunbonnit Girl March and 19 Admission Tick from Acton arc holding a euchre and sali February at Luxton Hill Willow Si Euchre starts at 8 p Admission per per son Good prizes Lunch served At our sleigh ride parties arc a laugh in Anything con happen and usually docs Skating facilities and use of heated log cabin no extra cost Rates on request Phone your reservation to Joe Ross 8774893 if Private Sale OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT Underwood typewriters 1 Electric adding machine Desks 1 Counter 1 machine 1 Chubb insulated filing cabin net 3 drawer Steel filing cabinet drawer I Addrcssograph machine I Bond room 7 long 12 Stacking chairs Typewriter table Oihir small articles MAY BE SEEN AT 143 Main St Milton Come in ind us a bid TV TOWER SALE FM head Instilled head Installed Repairs of all tvpea RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE MAXS WHITE PAPER BURNER INFLATION BEATERS SKIROULE SNOWMOBILE Isid ipprmimililv II limns Hun ided mi it Only 689 CHEVROLET PICKUP Iwii ihimi V8 lie 29412B 1967 CHEVROLET PICKUP In il unit 1969 BEAUMONT DOOR HARDTOP conditioning Driven only com piuj I I FORD FAIRLANE Willi W0 mill Lie K19I6 CHEVROLET ami dine tin- one bt Lie Two VIVAS still available at only 1499 ON COML BASIS AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD MAIN ST MILTON 8782355 Jointings Excavating It It I I Imiii lindltij Illl lop Soil Given I IUSI I ASS PROCARIO MEATS KM I lIHINt I I I II US si I Si III I pin used It let u Hies in iplljjp to In id IrlelDl tiles Burts Farm Service Lloyd Harvey Burt 877 16i37 door Must sell Phone iftcr 6 HELP WANTED WISH von hid more monthly Wishing w do it Working will Also full lime openings C ill Fuller Brush 141643461 Who Is an Avon Representative hi who Someone people has likes to AVON rcpre Ctll now MRS Milton spit Milton Auto Body WANTED BODY PAINTER TOP WAGES FRINGE BENEFITS Phone 8786954 LOST OR STRAYED WHITE Heidi west ell Children pel RoeklVOXl 13 FOR RENT ROOM or 8510793 I 13s month imbellville e in il I PRODUCE FOR SALE HONEY clover or buck heat ere imcd or liquid Roek haven Dodds off Hw 2b32 2570 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE GRADE Holstein heifers due March Phone iputnnn nimediitih ill ippli 2733 for rent with 1 bedroom pets ISO per h eh mtludis heat niter phone Phone in I3a33 WORK FOR YOU 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 possession by No child ren Reply to Box Press with Tor possession about April 1st Reply free Press 14 SERVICES RIDl ill from to end Cill I URN1TUR Upholstery pert it upholstering ind of ill kinds lurniture lor free II Mini Vnety phone Acton REHNISHING We jw hive a modern sandcr and We will your floors or rent you the equip do the job yourself J rnnk phone Frederick St S Acton tf BEL AQUA Water Conditioning Co SOfT WATER SERVICE SALT 8531703 16i41 If For ALL of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 853 2227 ST Weddings pass ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique Modi I in title RLupholsteimg Repining Relinislung I Upholstering Delivery I iee miles ridius I OR CALL 853 0684 Earl Jensen 16i8tf BAYNES Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh deod disabled cows or horses Top pi ices for old horses ill GUEI Collect License Hour Service Stull Excavating RR MILTON ill Milton Custom Loader Work Speci in inure moving No Job Too Big or Too Small J Koski Co 11 St Al WINDOWS DOORS GLASS MIRRORS REPAIRS 878 9452 MILTON 16a If Stanley Construction TRUCKING SLPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES I ILL ind TOP SOIL 1 linry ilimiiu I fit If 17 REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homos Farms Rural out in my ol xpeiluiei listing urn si lllng In If ilton and Counties Christie Woods III I Si I RS St MIIION Phones 878 6057 878 2095 ACTON clients call Roy W Goodwin or Ross Ballentine Phone 17a25lf Highway Cottage 14 on this home I o axes I living room bedrooms fur ice lot You should see Building Lot icres wild It lrontie on roid survived re with con sent seplie hell mi eiossmi hick of lot with irees W0 Good terms e hive i good list of lols ic ind C ill for more inform ition MURRAY SMITH Acton Georgetown 5261 J CARNEY REAL REALTOR Guelph St Georgetown 17i34 853 0849 16a50tf ED McMULLEN Con trie tor Cement floors Sidewalks Si Stoops Chimney Si Plastering Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 16a33tf CARPENTRY K R Lumbers DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING Phone 853 2203 Mil ION WYGA PLASTERING PI Fanev Snieco Work R R 2 Acton 853 16i32 I PAINTING PPERHNGIG of I to suit needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN 280 Pee Street Acton Call 8532815 I PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest prices for dead or cows and horses I OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith Li HANKS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Sheet til and Repairs RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL for Gas or Oil Lennox and United Gas Certified Dealer ACTON BEWITCHED This 4heclromn brick bung ilow ind clem south of town Only 800 full price with mortgie Generous terms BOTHERED Wlw they wint to sell this bed room split level home only 1 ir old in immicuhle con Asking full price with terms BEWILDERED his should been long gone 5 room home on full price Terms Sydney K Lamb Limited RE Acton Toronto 364 TENDERS TENDERS The County Board of Education PHYSICAL i ATION EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES FOR ALI SCHOOLS Detailed tender list and other miv be lined at e Central Administration Of South Service Road si Oakvillc Ontario The lowest or any tender will be accepted THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION USE FREE PRESS Classified to dean out your attic OBITUARY Mrs M long illness Alter i liiii Ann of N I I ii y I In Helium MaHu Wynon flunk II I Mini St Itcoulcm j i on morning 111 St flllpry Kev MotBm the scivieci Wild Bird Seed and Feeders SUET CAKES SUNFLOWER SEED HINTONS 5 to 1 Store YARD GOODS SPECIAL CLEARING LINES SAVE Winter Coats lor All tm Iv off HOCKEY SKATES EQUIPMENT 50 off TOY TRUCKS AND CAR TRANSPORTS EXCELLENT VALUE AT SUPER 66 PAINT ROLLERS Vigoro Fertilizer LAWNS GARDENS WHILE STOCK LASTS Discount CHOCOLATE BARS IN CELLO GAGS SPECIAL AT SUPER ladies Sweaters ALL TO CLEAR Save up to 50 Colon Slid LADIES WOOL HATS MITTS GLOVES REDUCED TO CLEAR briefs J MUM Ml for A jrc on duplay in window itAIINOiett were Hi Aelon not in itffUititt a rep MAI 101 iodic It Jl N ait My children tlir to Hi thureij uncby of ifitcrcil to of Mr and louder It to lien rk on in Indian in M nil d rill people on Mill St wjldiirirf the down of the and the Bank Nova Scot bank the wcren cold and future if only ONL OUR ailing officeri hack on duty but now another one is off with flu the force three short again tins week and regular replacement ate coming up from Milton OLD PICTURES of hockey teams which ran in the Pictures from the Past series will be framed for display in the arena They had been found by Chester Anderson in his attic A of lively letters has made interesting reading these weeks It seems that many weeks pass without any letters to editor and then they come all at once a variety of interesting subjects ITS PROBABLE the number of dances here on the weekend set a new record The society had a banquet and dance in the band hall Friday followed by the Rotary Valentine dance Saturday There was also a Valentine in the new curling club and a special dance the second of the week at the high school WILLIAM WOODS the Milton man who was detained in a typhoid quarantine aboard the luxury liner Oronsay at Vancouver for days remained aboard the ship as it sailed for Australia He is planning to complete his round world cruise His daughter Mrs John Conway says his letters report he was quite comfortable and found lots to do while marooned on board the ship at Vancouver harbor for three weeks He took art lessons played bridge and one day lie and some of the passengers boarded buses tor a driving tour of Vancouver although they were not allowed off the buses AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALhS AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE APPLIANCES SOME ANTIQUES ETC the Agnculttfal Half MRS JEAN JOHNSTON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21st At pan TVs ink uite Chester kitchen set 21 child flower stand limps mantel clock very odd chairs bedroom single bookcase bed small odd tables baby high English prime baby carnage in perfect order some pictures and frames bber tired wheel barrow wringer washing machine and the regular small appliances Pots pans dishes etc ANTIQUES Spinning wheel in excellent condition lish Windsor chairs oak parlor table Addison brass horn cyl inder type grarnaphonc fire screen and fire box chest of drawers oxbow front oak umbrella stand French Cana rocking chair pressed glass vinegar cruet oil lamps few small crocks and some fancy glassware TERMS ARE CASH Mrs Johnston is moving from house to Preview from 10 a sale day Lunch available Jim and Clerks CHRIS A SCHOOTEN Auctioneer 87W576

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