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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1970, p. 6

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JANUARY CLASSIFIEDS HELP PAY THE DECEMBER BILLS BIRTHS Christine and Philip are happy to announce the of a son Gregory Philip on Tues Jan 13 at General Hospital A wee brother for Heather MURRAY Bay and Flora Murray nee arc happy to on the birth of Carol Ann a sister for Jeffrey on day January 1970 at General Hospital PRICE Mr and Mrs Don Price of Willow St are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter at Gen end Hospital on January 13 A wee sister for Jennifer DEATHS COLLINSON Ivy At St Jo sephs Chronic Hospital Gu on Wednesday January 1970 Ivy Collinson formerly of Rockwood daughter of the late William and Collinson sister of the late Thomas Col linson and dear fnend of Mrs Alice Hilts Funeral service was held at the Rumlcy Shoemaker Home Acton on Saturdiy at Interment cemetery IN MEM0RIAMS In loving memory of Christine Ann Munday who passed away January 17 The memory of her dear wet ways Will linger with us all our day Sweetest flower too sweet to stay God took her away Lovingly remembered by Grandpa and Grandma S troy an COMING EVENTS Acton euchre every Sat urday at pan at the Lodge Hall Crewsons Comers Lunch provided Admission Every one welcome The annual meeting of the Acton Agricultural Society will be held in the Acton Council Chambers on Monday January at p m Everyone welcome VEHICLES FOR SALE 1964 RAMBLER American cylinder standard transmission door excellent condition Phone after pra 50292434 ACADIAN with tires 1969 Ford 500 V- auto matic Both- cars excellent con Owner has company car Must sell Phone COMET Cjclone H I performance 4 speed pos itraction new tires blue white interior stereo tachomct Best cash offer Lie Phone Acton 5b292S85 8 HELP WANTED FOR SALE HARRIS Charles At General Hospital on Tues day January 13 1970 Charles Harris of in his year beloved husband of Elsie Chapman and the late Emily Kitching and dear father of Elwood of Flint Michigan Arthur Elmer and Stanley all of Rockwood Gordon of 1 and the late Agnes Harris one brother Waslcy Harris predeceased Friends will be received at the Shoemaker ifuncr- al home on Thursday and day from to 9 Funeral service at iRockwood United Church on Saturday at Interment Rockwood Cemetery The casket will be open at the church from Saturday noon til In lieu of flowers memorials to Canadian Bible Society or the Gideon Memor ial Bible Plan would be apprec iated MOORE Mary H Suddenly at Guelph General on Tuesday January 13 Mary H Harvey wife of the late John Logic Moore former iytitRS 5 Milton in her year dear sister of Mrs Acton Mrs Anne of Toronto Mrs Al Thompson Milton Mrs Dor othy Detroit Mrs Vera Reed Buffalo and the late Mrs Janet Banks Friends may call at the Rum leyShoemaker Funeral Home Acton Funeral Thursday at 1 Interment Falrview ceme tery VELDHUIS At elph General Hospital on Monday January 1970 Bar end of Mam St S Acton beloved husband of us Slot and dear father of Jo- Ann Mrs Wilfred Duval dear grandpa of Carolyn and ley and Mark brother of Leo nard of Guelph and Marie Veld of Holland may call at the Rum leyShoemaker Funeral Home Funeral Thursday at Interment cemetery CARDS OF THANKS Members of Lakeside Chapter wish to thank all who contributed toward Christmas hampers in way I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their and acts of kindness shown to me while a patient in General Hospital Many thanks Mrs Rita Boisctnir Special thank you neighbors and relatives who sent cards and gifts on the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary Sincere thanks to all Mrs and fa mlly wish to thank alt those who sent cards letters and flowers and to all visitors on the occasion of her Birth day The many thoughtful and kind things which were done to make this celebration a very memorable event were greatly appreciated IN MEM0RIAMS HARRIS In loving memory of a dear husband Albert Ar thur Hams who passed away January Your tired eyes are sleeping Those willing bonds arc still It seems like only yesterday You walked through the vale of pain But I know youre in God log Until we meet again- Ever lovingly remembered by wife Vera TRI Liquid Embroid all colors now SpirkLOn each Instruction classes in your home Call Dons Scoyne Acton lb292586 LARGE glossy prints of Acton Free Press staff photos size 10 size Pius tax Cash must accompany order Enquire now at Free Press Office or Dills Stationery 56 Mill St E latf STEEL BUILDING Only 2 years old dismantled by for workshop or barn has 2 10 roof steel post 33 10 beam Iff 12 roily door windows electrical wiring Best offer to price CALL COLLECT AT NIGHT Toronto West End TV TOWER SALE 30 tower installed with all chan nel head tower installed with all chan nel 7630 50 tower installed with all chan nel head Extra heads for second TV set Installed Repairs of ail type RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phono 8786949 PRODUCE FOR SALE HONEY clover or buck wheat creamed or liquid Rock haven Apiaries Dodds Sideroad off 25 Hwy APPLES Mcintosh Court Delicious and Greenings Fjncy and grades Cider bring own containers Open daily am to 6 Closed Mondays Roy fi OFFICE help full time in Ac ton Reply Box Acton Free Press stating age and exper ience FEMALE employees for pro duction work Those who are conscientious willing to work apply to Northern Stag Indus tries Rockwood MALE or female clerk young aggressive person some book keeping knowledge an asset Ap ply in writing to Acton Main S N Acton CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES births DEATHS Ours FOR Fort HINT ETC It minimum lor IS Bo word InMttlcm no copy minimum or IB word Be wort Uo for euii payment COMOTQ GAUDS OF tor lint linn 0e IN UXMORIAM 10c Una vera DISPLAY Inch BOX NUMBERS to We CODES l Tor Produce For IB IB lob 11 or to Rent IB Personal Lend DEADLINES A and Real paid Dill PHONE 8532010 or For Dal II Found For Rent Darvlcaa IT Snowmobile Form snowmobile club complaints to promote good will The Acton Free Press Wednesday January 14 1970 WANTED TO RENT CHIROPRACTOR would like 1 or rooms preferably in a private home on the ground floor suitable for professional use partlimc weekly Apply Box Acton Tree Press 16 SERVICES First Class Tool and Die Maker First Chss Tool and Die Ma ker required by automobile parts manufacturer in George town Must be capable of working from blueprints to build auto motive parts dies Experience extrusion dies would be an asset Hospital medical and life in paid by company STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LTD GEORGETOWN DIVISION Guelph Street Georgetown EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN will baby sit by day r week on 25 LOST OR STRAYED LOST Collie pup weeks old vicinity Apts Mill St West Reward Phone ANYONE having information my Bobby Hull skates size please phone Chns Tcnnant Reward GREEN leather wallet containing important papers The return of papers to Box Acton will be greatly appreciated lla292584 13 FOR RENT ROOM and board available for gentleman or lad HALF of 2 family house 2 bed rooms own gas furnace Phone FURNISHED room suit two gentlemen linen supplied Laun done if desired Phone 13a29 2435 Hire the county s top person nel finder The Free Press 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE ACT QUICKLY That s no idle threat as buyers found last week when the advertised special was sold by Thursday night MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD sorry if others were but these specials don wait They require prompt action and were ready to talk now Heres 2 More Specials for This Week PONTIAC 1895 1968 FORD CUSTOM V- AUTOMATIC RADIO LIC 143418 1695 388 MAIN ST CALL US TODAY AT MILTON 2355 FURNITURE Upholstery Ex pert and repairing of all kinds of furniture For free estimates call Main Variety phone Mil Acton FLOOR now have a modem sunder and We will refinlsh your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the job yourself J B Frank phone Frederick St S Acton 16a For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 251 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visas industrial family team pictures 16a25tf DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING For fast efficient service pairs alterations new work Industrial Residential Phone 853 BEL AQUA Water Conditioning Co SOFT WATER SERVICE SALT 8531703 16atf ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique and Modern Furniture Rcupholstenng Repairing and Refinisfitng Car Upholstering 4 Days Delivery Fret Pickup miles radius FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 8530684 Earl Jensen Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Cali GUELPH Collect License 49R67 64C7 Hour Service I6atl HAN KS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Sheet Metal and Repairs INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL for Gas or Oil Lennox and United Gas Certified Dealer ACTON H L Stull Excavating 5 MILTON Call Milton 878 Custom Loader Work Specializing in manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small 16a Jennings Excavating RJt I Lnnehouse 8773197 Farm Fonda Bulldozing Trenching Septic Bed Fill Grant Top Sou Estimate Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE SERVICES CUSTOM SNOW BLOWING NO JOB TOO BIG Fast Efficient Service Call 0609 ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimney Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 Stanley Construction BULLDOZING TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL I Acton 853 0849 CARPENTRY K R Lumbers General contracting retnod alterations rec rooms im work etc ACTON MILTON PACON1 Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and hones CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith Lie No 185CS9 Tree Removal FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 1 FAST SERVICE Cah 878 3711 Kent Precast Products Sidewalk and Patio Slabs Chimney Caps Curbing any size Cement Floors and Stoops a specialty Phone ACTON 853 8531747 Highway miles south of Acton 161 FINANCE MORTGAGE FUNDS 1st and 2nd available residential com mercial also mortgages pur chased Call Glenn Oakawa Realty Investments Oakvtlle anytime 161M32243 REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and selling properties in Hal ton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKERS Main St MILTON Phones 8786057 8782095 ACTON clients call Roy W Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000 USE FREE PRESS Classifieds to clean out your attic Savoral complaint about have been receded at the pollen office Some near nod the way In which the motorized mow vehicles have been operated on the town and others were concerned about noise well Tho police urge anyone who li not certain of regulations concerning snowmobiles to drop Into the police office and check them out They intend to be more In their of the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act from now on When a snow vehicle Is being operated on the roadway the must observe the rulet of the road He must have a license and insurance TENDERS TENDERS The County of Education will receive tenders on Consumable Supplies for the Elementary Schools Tenders will close at EST February 2 The follow ing areas arc included in this tender Art Supplies Classroom Supplies Office and Writing Supplies and Paper Supplies Detailed tender list and other particulars for each of the ibovc classifications may be ob tained at the Central tration Office South Scr vice Road East Oakvllle On The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION owners in Acton and district arc holding a meeting at the grounds of the Acton district high school tins afternoon to form a club A meeting list Sunday attended by snowmobile John Beany in explosion Three students at the John F Ross Collegiate were ticatcd at hospital for burns and Iterations Tucsdjy afternoon due to an apparatus explosion While conducting a class experiment under the supervision of Mr Wciscr grade chemistry tocher a sodium peroxide exploded and resulted in several stitches to the hand of John Beilly formerly of Acton Two other students Dons Dyson and George Mclixibcs of were treated for possible burns However there were no serious effects fo hold bottle drive Sat Got your cellar cluttered up with empty bottles after a hectic season Ilcrcs your to get them out of the way Barry and Don Vin Fleet will be helping their eager group of hockey players conduct a bottle drive from door to door this Saturday The drive will start at a Players will be id to have any refundable bottles REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Bronte S COUNTRY LIVING acres west of Speysidc bungalow featuring family kitchen and large panelled living room 4room cot presently rented at per month Both lings an aluminum siding with aluminum storms and screens For the horse lover a 16 stable and board fenced paddocks Asking with terms LAND BARGAINS CARLISLE sugar bush just off paved road A picturesque setting waiting for a home or best offer ACTON acres partially cleared naturil pond site mixed bush attracting much wild life Priced at with ex OSPRINGE acres cleared land with 1400 highway front age panoramic view An exceptionally good investment For These and Other Farms and Acreages Call Mrs JUNE WARNER 8783238 WEST END bedroom storey home on large completely landscaped 50 lot larfce living room family kitchen bathroom gas heating and full basement Asking J21 with terms TOWN CENTRE 2torcy home on large well treed lot garage living room dining room kitchen den 2 bathrooms gas heating full basement Very close to schools shopping bus service and recreation Asking with good HIGH SCHOOL AREA storey brick home on largL corner lot This home features bedrooms living room dining room with fire place den double garage full basement and oil heating This home is In immaculate condition and must be seen to be appreciated Full with good terms WARREN GROVE I A storey home with carport and garage on large completely landscaped private lot living room family kitchen bathrjom laundry room full basement gas heat ing Asking with down EAST END brick on large lot overlooking park living room kitchen and dinette colored bathroom with vanity 3 family sized bedrooms full basement oil heating and paved driveway Full pnee with down INVESTMENT PROPERTY DUPLEX AT TOWN CENTRE Close to schools shopping transportation facilities and on a large 57 136 lot Each side features 2 bedrooms living room kitchen bathroom and gas heating Full price 19000 with down This property will show a good return on your investment COUNTRY RETREAT acre scenic lot only I mile off main highway south of Acton 150 frontage by 526 deep Full price with good terms G ALEC JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 8 MILL STREET EAST ACTON ONTARIO 8532086 TORONTO LINE owners elected Ron president and promoters hope to add many more to the roster Idea of the club is to counteract some of the actions or a minority of snowmobile owners who are giving the sport a bad nimc and to promote goodwill The club hopes to be able to explain some of the and safety rules regarding obi ling Everyone interested in is welcome Late death notices Jamcr away Hospital on Tuesdiy Jan 1970 Will Mad Jo of J Si hi year beloved of Isabella Re dear fjh of Mary Robert of loving of I may call the Gcoige Hume Norfolk Woolwch where service will be held Interment Woodlawn Cemetery The family will be at the funcul home Wednesday 7 and Thursday and 7 Remembrances the Canadian Society and for the Menially Ret tided would be in of flower DAVIDSON S Aged years Monday Jan 12 Sun Parlour Home for Citirens Leamington latercidencc 1 Coronalion Ave Leamington Beloved husband of Anna father of Jack Seacllffe VllLgc Mn Mrs Irene Nicholson Edmonton Alberta 12 and several great Rested at the Funeral Home 14 Russell St Leamington was Wednesday January at II a m with the Rev Robert McCullouah Interment n Cemetery Ont DENTAL DR LEONARD Dental Surgeon Suite No 17A Mill St E Acton For appointment phone ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER BArch 17A Mill Street Suits Telephone Office Hours by or Stavebank Rd Port Cndtt OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON OD MILTON IM Main St Tuesdays and Fridays ACTON 54 St Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone or day Bruce Shoemaker AND INSURANCE WRIGHT Wilbur SttMt Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and Over Years in Acton The Mutual Life ROBERTS HART Ml Orvilto Acts Bui Re ACCOUNTING NeUon St Wen Brampton Resident WILSON M HUGHES

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