Kingston Gazette, March 16, 1816
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p.2 a letter from 'A True Briton' says that the Steam Boat petition has been rejected by the Legislature as being injurious to the interest of society.
p.3 Public Notice - The Subscribers to the Kingston Steam Boat are hereby requested, to make an immediate payment of one fourth of their subscription, to the Treasurer, in order to advance the necessary sums of money to the workmen.
Kingston 10th March, 1816 Geo. H. Markland, Secretary
For Sale - The Schooner Wellington - A new vessel recently built and is now lying at the wharf of Mr. Patrick Smyth, at Kingston. The subscribers being duly authorized will sell the said vessel to the highest bidder, at public auction, on Monday the first day of April next, if not previously disposed of by private sale. The Auction will commence at one o'clock P.M. where the vessel now lies. All the materials for finishing the said vessel, will be sold with her. H. Cassady, D. M'Donald.
Kingston, 16th March, 1816.
Tenders will be received at the Agent Victualler's Office, Point Frederick, on or before the 25th instant for the supply of Vegetables for the Crews of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels on Lake Ontario. The period of the contract, with other particulars may be known at the Office.
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- March 16, 1816
- Local identifier
- KN.240
- Contributed by
- Rick Neilson
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