Kingston Gazette, Jan. 6, 1816
- Full Text
p.2 Late Sailing - Arrived, on Thursday last, the 4th inst. from Sacket's Harbor, the Schooner Woolsey, Capt. Chapman. Cargo Flour, chestnuts, etc. - Left Sacket's Harbor on New Years morning.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market house, where he will do
Business on Commission
Will buy and sell,
Store & Forward
up or down the River,
Will take in any orders of any description in that line of business.
N.B. Persons desirous of committing consignments to his charge, may know the rates of storage and commission by calling at the new commission store.
John Duncan
Kingston, Dec. 30th, 1816.
(available on microfilm at Kingston Frontenac Public Library, and at Queen's University - Stauffer Library)
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Jan. 6, 1816
- Local identifier
- KN.230
- Contributed by
- Rick Neilson
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