VOL. II.] Government Honfe. 1 Uh March, t8$o. \ HIS Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor is plea fed to direct that no Location requiring Settlement Duty (hall by Confirmed bv Patent, without a L'er. titivate from the Land Hoard of the •Diltrirt in which fuch Location may he Situate, that the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Order in Council has bona fide been performed within the time fpecified by the Localhn Ticket JOHN SMALL, CIL E. C. f^ENTLEMEN who rcsic %J% a» York, Upper Canswl, or at any place between York and Kiru llon, can be fupplied with the Spectator \ application to John Macaulay, Esquirt Poll Mailer. Kingftnn. John Crooks, Efqnirc, Port: Mailer a Niagara, U. C. and William G- Hepburn Inquire, of Qiietnston, are also A genu] for the Spectator *"DAY, Cfwritttmm) DECEMBER^ 2J),""1820. r *—— KINGSTON ASSEMBLY. THE next Kingston Assem¬ bly will be hold at Hart's Hotel, oh Monday Evening, ilie 1st of January, '&21. BURNS'S ALE, Just received, and for SALE/by the Subscriber. WW. BAYARD SMYTH. Kfogfton, i6tli Nov. 1S20. 46tf For Sak, at this Office, riVlE aight Reverend the Lord Bi- I fliop's < hat-jre to the Clergy of his [No 52. as are unavoidable under ir f Diocefe-delivcred in the year rtzo. We mould! however, hold ourfelves t Nov. 24 1*20. be war ting in that finetrity which is du to the franknefs of Your Excellency' character, in that dury and refpecl whic! we owe to our Sovereign, by whofe com mand Your Excellency has fubmitted the proposal of an additional and appropriation which wi . YORK Land Price-Current Office, kingsthee't; ana permaneni XTS J s NT; D. > xe men to conlraft th that al.er* f */ for ck,,r;ng Land;! •„ thc T()wn T.cket. to be dra«„ K hdf part 7 *■*, wood exceed half the M amoun fl,fp of Unt.olll> ftj ra Q-ftrfa* and fa C'°f% ., _ offthe «** fjomftil Revenue, «-ere * ,|lr T,nvn(h:p oj Yo,k. Chiflguacowcy, R.ngfton. Dec 21, iSao.____________ not, even in t m early flage of the pro and Stmco« i, the kOmi DiHrid NOTICE. T'E Annua! Mecling of the Kingston Co;n;>os«ionate Society wiii be. beid nn Monday. 1st day 0!'January. IS21, nt Mr. Robert WaikeiV Uotel, at the hour ot ['£ nYlock The attendance »£ the Members of the In(titut;on i* particularly requdled.- RO -Ur "i'v'X :'<>;\\ Set>. KinglVin, Do 2 :, iS.:o. F'U'H'i^' i- »>•»■.ni.«c</ m nit* titui*'- Jg_ ston Aiixiii.-'V to tee i'rii- i(h and Forei';;:! Bible SoaYry, aic defirons of making known tn ihr nubtfc that they have juli now 'eccived froii E;i;;lard, a large fiipply of" live H ,!v Scripturts in Kngiilh. '.Vellh, ftjdv, Fwndi a«d Ger¬ man, which ar* fi)r S lit .'it rautlcrjile prices, I and will be given in e&c!)<l8£<: for la- . at a price to be agreed Upon. ajlhO. ceedings, mod htnnb'y to rcprefeut, tha the declared i'tnk of otir Gonflituent^ tin bou: dury wheh we owe to our poftcnty, an< tn that e 'nftitution of Government whici the wisdom and beueficence of the Mothe J*e u"e of 35 acres of newly cleared land, t ountty has conferred upon this Province f,!,,atC(I widlin one mile and a half from together with the variable and uncertaii tllc ToWJI of York, wi'l be given for a future amount of that Revenue, which, a Y&** to any pcrfon who may be defirous w,-ll as our refources, depend on a trad< of f^toswo zrdcropping the fame upon e- at thf, moment peculiarly uncertain, wil qaiWblrfcfnw with 'he Proprietor ^ preclude us from making nnv other thar Capit ih(l= wifhii g t 1 ptirchase impro- nn annual appropriaiioa ft>f tlie general vcd Farm«, or Wild LancUjfl Upper-' a- I Expenditure of t!ic Province, conformabl) naci:'- niaY bcfurniflicd (monthly) with 1 to the rccommeudjti.n--of Kis Majcilv'-Pcnm,,Cil! Pnre Curiert !M of F.naies, (Jovrisimcht a- figm'fod to the Patliamcn' °*™* ' Vt|r,',u^ T^wr.fhips, on payment ofthiN Ptovhce hy His Fxcellency Sii "f FoUR Collars 1 er annum—onequar- J!,n Cf>npe Shcrbraok^ late Governor it ltr_Jn ^ CJu^f, in hi\ Speech delivered from ih< Commiirums for buying letting,leafing, Throi.eat the opening of the ScJTion, 01 'm;! "g»ttcrjng ,'ibtrs, faithfully execu- lltf 7th [a:m .iv 1818. lCG- RAN away from the Huhfciiher, Oil the 3d day of December, an indent¬ ed apprentice girl, named Catherine D* ming, ilxteen years of agc» dark brown hair, fwarthy complexion and fullen coun¬ tenance— had on when fhe went away, a blue checked handkerchief and blue wool¬ en frock. All perfons are forbid harbor¬ ing or concealing her on penalty of the law, or truiling her on my account— Whoever will return the faid runaway to the Subscriber, fhall have one penny To¬ ward and no charges paid. DARIUS (OXE. Long Ifland, Dec. 5, 1820. 49-3^ MOWAT & BRUCE, Dealers hi Dry Goods and Gro¬ ceries, RETURN their grateful acknowledg¬ ments to their friends and the pub¬ lic foi pnfl favours, and take this opportu¬ nity of acquainting them that they have received, in addition to their former aflbrt- mentfalarge fopply of Woolens, Cottons, Silks, ij-e. Sfc. ALSO, GROCERIES, (ROCKERY, and GLASS WARE ; Fi 1 reign News. From the Hea> York Com- Advertiser, of Dec. 11. 4 After a deartu of many days, we are again enabled to pfefent a difh of foreiga news, received via Baltimore, by the brig Chatl'worth, capt Rogere, in 34 dayifrom Gravtsend, and 30 from the Downs.— Tbc newa by thin arrival is thirteen daya later than that received at this port by the Martha ; but it feema that thc Chatfworth brought no regular files, and papers ouly of the 20th, 22d and 23d October.— There i.-, of courfe, a chalm of ten day* ; fo that for a regular chain of the Queen'* Trial, we muS wait until another arrival. The examination of witiiefles, in favour of the Queen, is continued in these paper* to a great length, and tend to do away thc a*pcrfion« againft her character. Addres¬ ses were ftill continued from all part* to the Queen. In the Ilouseof Lords as late as Octo¬ ber 22, Mr. Brougham produced an Aut» trian Gazette, as evidence of the eflima- tion in which the Quten'a character wa« held abroad—this teftimony was rejected. A document was then exhibited figned bf theQuecrn, when Princefs of Wales, crea¬ ting bergami knight of the Holy Sepul¬ chre-, and VVra. Auftin was raifed to thc ^' *+ • • ■ # f 1 • '• . . TV be lvt<! on application t» either ot de:ment:oued \{ciiv*emen : — 4hi Prcs'nlenty u uu- TcRMS tue KeoiHiratton \\ Maikl 111 \; rest \ cna Rlli t.:*-1.'« 1\ w-hitney, *Rlq Vice President. N. WcLct>il, EAj. do. Rev G O. Stoartj -------J. Wilfon, ------- M. Booth, Mr. Raynes, ------- Martlet, ------- Richardfonr Thompfon, Denn, Members of the Committee. Lamprey, ■ . ■ Shaw, Secretaries. Minifterb in any part of the Upper Pro¬ vince may be fupplied with Bibles and Tes¬ taments for the ufeof thefr refpeftivc con¬ gregations, by application to either of the Secretaries. Kingllon, Dec. T2f 1820. 51 To Clothiers. For sale, a <juaniit\ of ' PKHSS-PaPERS. Tho. S. Wlntakcr & Co. August 19, 1819. 34 \\ c Loa\ Hit vour EzC^I'cnC? will ac- cet t our h*wnMe afinrauce of th* un-iltera P OT blc divpotTiio'i . f this House to vote an¬ nua iy 111 ;i l 'niutntionui manner* accoia T-m u\yt U; tl.;r r.oommeudation and 10 tlu. From 100 and not ex. ceding ?oo f'lemn ufl r : the AfTcmbly iti the ycai-------200 to 250 o .* liiuut-Hd eight hundred and ten, aY ------- 250 to 300 the rif-« • fT.i:y expenccs of His Majesty'! ------ ^00 tta 500 Civil Government in this Colony, in thj ------ 500 and upward* of Land s. d. 2 2 3 4 5 o 6 o o o Which they offer for .ale a« their IWe, for { K Ed7y WihrJZ ?T l° ^ caH, m flu.rt aunm.ed cedir. * LL^J\r TKV*&** to the preleiifi honotiiiibicand permanent Jup;.>ort of whicll C/* All let'ers ad"r ft* ItoMr- Anghlu none a\c more deeply and iiucercly iute-1 Di^edlor cf this . 'lice, mud be poll refted than .ia Majv>ty,s loyal fubjects' paid, whofti we have tlie ho our to reprelent. ------- or nute unxi u» to merit the confnuanc of th< COUhje.'CC which Hin Majesty i ^rations.y staled to exprefs of our loy alty ii: d duty We are du y feasible of the cxettions o your i.xtxil .cy in visiting as much of tl country a- the legular diipatch of businef permit led your Lxccjleuey to reach in til courfe <»t ml lumm r. and we fetl afTure that the loca. information already a.qniret by you Ex:*.llency, will tend to the genel ral advantage of the Province. The tontiitutioii of the Icvcral courts law of the Province, is indubitably a ma ter of the utmOlt ur.portatce to its we faie and we (hall accordingly re fume itj confide'at ion without delay. The efinbliffasneat of permanent Taxc beinu impr ft'cablc, wc lliall carefully in veiti^at.- the effcSs which mav rcfult td On -lie 1 ft day of September next, will be publilhed a lVIonth^ly Lanil Price* Current lift of Eft;;tes on ^ale in Uppei * anada, to be circulated hereafter in Y*w/- gland Ireland, and Scotland, and Wales. 34'f- NOTICE. cafh <.r flu>rt appioved ciedit. *N B Produce taken in payment the same as cash. 4g To Farmers. THE fubfenber refpedtfully inform* the Farmers that he wiK pay $fyt UalU fax rrency, per bushel for any quantity nt Merchantable Wheat, (not to exceed Three Thoufand Bushel*.) delivered to Mr. \ McPuerfon, at thc Napane Mills, a geneial allorin.ent of which he, as usual, constantly keeps on hand, at his Stores at FrcdertckbbUJgh and Bath, and sells them on as low terms as Goods ofthe fame qua¬ lity can be bought at Kingston, for Cash or Country Produce. lie also beg« leave to inform his custo¬ mer-, and the people in general, that he ha* ereCied,tn aJdilii»n tohis Potash works in the village of Fredericksburg, one in lath ; at both which places he will te- ccive good cl^an Houle and Field A&hes, and pay the higheft price! going for thtm in any kind of Goods on delivery. JOH>f CLARK. SaiL Dec $tb% I020. 49 NOI1CEL THE SuSfc.i^e.s letnrn their grateful and unfeigned thank. ti» their fridd- and the public, for thc liberal patronage they have received while i.- bttfiuefsjfl this place, and muft inform them that they have jull received from Montreal a rrcfll fopply of GOODS, in addition to their former Stock, which they will difpofe of very low for cafh, Ihort approved credit, or in exchange for good Merchantable WHEAT, as they are now wanting 2,000 Bushels, To be delivered to A. MacPherfon, Efq. Napane Mills, a Sample of which they will require to be delivered to them at their Store in the Village of Bath, one week previous to the delivery of any at the Na pane Mills, as Wheat that has Rye, Chefs, Cockle, or Smut in it, c.nnot be received. | GEORGE HAM & Co. || Bath, 27th Nov. 1820. 4S E Laml ■ Hoard, for the Midland Dislnct lor the c .luing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houle in the Town of Kin^don, at the Ivm of 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpofc of receiv¬ ing applications {or land-1, from the under¬ mentioned deferiptton of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britilh burn fubjeAs York Land Price-Current Office. pa 111. ANGKLL respectfully informs ihis Province and to the mercantile chifsej. AJ, ab,e fctllcra l|ial ^ ft&M ;n {h{ in particular f.om the duratioa ofthe Ke] D-arift previous to the late war, and pro vf-inf Law-. 2 and we (hall endeavour td j,.Bp„(;:,..Q»«n.. •___1___.1, • j..». venue Law* , eru.eavour « duce Certificates of having done their duty nrpir1 ° confideration which it merits. tne payment of the following fees; We (hall alio attend in compliance with eftab'ifhed by an order in Council of 14th your Excellency's recommendation, at ar December 1819. early day lo the laws which have recent!• On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi- espned, or (hut are about to expire, an*iCTrants no frcs. among thefc tie Militia Laws.—That Cyfi- On Grants of 100 acres, £\z Sterling, tern of conifitutional defence is rightly ap¬ preciated by your Excellency in its adap- 3° fB^HE subscriberj being' ap- gj pointi'd Administrator of the eltate of DANIEL WASHBURN, late of Kingflon, Eiquire, deceafed, rcquefts all perfoti-s having claims againft faid eflate to exhibit :hem, propeily vouched ; and all perfons indebted, to fettle and make payment without delay. B. BIDVVEl.L. Kinofton, Oflober 23d, 1S20. ^jtf ' for sa:/.-, H A l*OUSE and Town lot, in !|] jTj\. the Town of Kingston, with good Stable-; and other convenient ont-hou fes; likewife, a FARM of too acres of land in the Township of Frederick -burgh, with 50 acres improvement ; a large fnwj cd DWELLING-HOUSE, a good log- barn, and a fmall orchard thereon, in a good 8ett.ernent and is a good fituation for any public Lruf;nels. Alfo, lot, No 4, third concefllon Rich¬ mond, 200 acres ; and the weft half of lot No. 16, S;x'h C'.ccefii^n EingRon, ico acres, with LO acres impr* vement ; t!»e a bovc mentioned property may he had very yealoii?V" h 1 *a»h. For particulars <*$pfy tn SAMUEL MERRIES. Kit^tton, 2d Nov. 1S20. 44Vi tatinn to the ilite of this Province, and the events of the late war have amply (hewn how juftly the confidence of his Majesty's Goveinrrcnt (My Fell upon it in the day of danger.— The knowledge of what the Ca¬ nadian Militia is capable of, teaches thc wil'dom of watching over it, of holding it alfo in a [tare of rcadtnefy, complete in its formation, and refpe&uhle ffl officers. The itnproven-.ent of the Agriculture of this Province, and -<f the roads and In¬ ternal communications are afinredly objefts of great moment, and your Excellency may rely upon our giving to them that at¬ tention which afubjeft offuch importance deferves. We humbly \\\z\\k your Excellency i" THE Subscriber takes the earliest &p* port unity of informing her friends, and the Ladies of this Town in general, 'hat {he has juft cftablifhed herlelf as a PASTRYCOOK, Sf Confectioner , fn the House next to Mr. Norton's Sh 0 on the Market Square, where fhe wil con- ilantly keep on hand, or will prepare at the (hortell notice. Pastry of all kinds Jellies, Creams, &g. She hope> by itrict attention toobtain ge¬ neral patronage <un\ fup; ott* ELIZ \ COLLINS. .\. tl. SIk- vsill be ready to go out if vqi.iiedj z< a cook, on particular occa- I'.jus. 5'- On Grants of 200 do. ayable in three equal inftalmtnt^s, viz. The full >n the receipt of the Location ket ; the tecond on Certificate filled of dement : the third on the receipt of the Itt for the patent. Mo petition can be entertained unlefs torn pan iett by a written character, or a ifc'ufaft'uy reafon fhewn for fuch not 'W produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICK/ILLS, Junr. Clerk. Ktigfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B. To prevent difappuintments to petto applying for land* : it is necefTary to ihie that the Board has no power to qrant Lands to the Childien of U. E. Lnyfits ; \iilitia men who ferved in the Fla"kcompanies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch mull make applicttion to York. Passage from Dublin to Quebec next Sprinaf. iHE faft failing coppered Ship ELIZA, James Purdy, Mailer, J6 \ Tons Rcgiller, (a regular Trader) is intended to leave Dublin for this Port April 1 ft, 1821. Settlers in Canada can fecure a pafTage for their friend-* by#polication to the Subfcriber, and payingiheir pafTa^re or earned, on or before ill January next. WM P.MBERTON, Ag:nt f • r the Owners. Quebec |ftfa OfiU 1^20. 43 DEEDS and MK.MOIUALS, Fof sale at this Oflicc. the public, and Emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fettlement in this Province, and to purchafe improved Farms, tint he has on the Legiller, for fale or exchange, an extenfive variety ; together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi ar to thc molt fertile foil9, which he is di¬ rected to difpofe of in quantities at from half a dollar to 100 dollars per acre. These Ellates are advantageously situ ated in the defirable parts of well select¬ ed Townfhips, within the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivers, creeks, and molt brilliant fprings. The capitalist may at all time find an opportunity oi inverting money at this 61- l salt, gTvihgVhna'ccouni*orM. iJefgirm- fice, fecured upon Fee simple Estate, " which will afford to him an ample Intc- reft. Nou refident Landholders may de¬ pend upon the moll faithful and aftive at¬ tention being paid to any Agency entruft- ed to the care of the Director. Terms of Regillering Lands, either to be fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of fettling duties : 1 appearances of the trial, we can only fayf that the teftimony touches on collateral and incidental point*, not inculpating the ch2rader cf ber Majefty. 'I he witdefles whofe examination* a-e publifhed in the papers received, aie— Sir John Bcrebford, Rear Admiral in the Na- vy ; Fellppo lomi, a carpenter ; Pom- pellio Pomati, clerk to the profcffional a- gent of her Majesty at Milan; Bonfiglio Pomaio ; Antonio Maoni ; Rumarigo Salvudore, profeftbr of languacrea ; Col. employed by her Majefty at Como ; and the Chevalier Carlo Vafsali. Thc teftimo¬ ny of all thefe witnefscs ts faid to be fa¬ vourable to the Queen, and that of thc latter particularly lo. as going to difpiovc fome of thc most important pans of thc oppofite testimony. Accounts from Naples ftate that the Sicilian infurgents, from a total incapacity of further ftruggle, had yielded to the pr«o pofuions of their fovereign. According to the French Journals, but one fentiment of enthuliaftic joy pervadci the nation, on account of the birth of the young Bourbon Prince. Sir Francis Burdett :> fufferlrtg under a feverc attack of the gout. #1 he Emperor of Ruflia has ordered a new levy of four men from every 5oc» ** mounting to 96,000. .Accoiding to the accounts from Vienna the interview of the fovereigns was to take place on the 26th Oftober. The accounts of the revolutionary pro« ceedings in Portugal, had excited extraor¬ dinary fenfat'oni io Vie 'na. The arch* duchefs Leopoldina having married the crown Prince of Portugal, is deftined, per- haps, to beco.r.e queen of that kingdom. There had been conliderzble damage done in the Downs by the laft fevere gale*. Several veflels had put into Ramsgatewith the lofs cf cables and anchore. The following is a fhort extraft from the teftimony ofthe Chevalier Carlo Vai- £ o o o o o s. 1 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o ^"■1 100 acres and under 100 to 200 200 to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 500 and upwards N. B. These rates include the charge for infertion in the General Land Price Current, which will be revifed and pub¬ lished monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Weft India Iflands* All letters addrebsed to Mr. ^ngell, Director of this office, mull be poft paid. York, near the Crown Office, 1 22d Auguft, 1820. J 35tf Paint Shop. f IlIIE Subfcriber, a few rods fouth of A Mrs. Patrick^ Inn, ha- just receiv ed a general fupply of PAINTS, which he offers for sale, uncommonly low, for Cafh only, viz. Rofe Pi^k, Dutch Pink, King's Yellow, Chromic Yellow, 1'ena de Seana, Drop Lake, Verdigris, Patent Yellow, Piuffian ISlue, Turkey Umber, Vermil'ion, Gold and Silver Leaf, Plainer 1 aris, Paris White, Yell <w Ochre, Lamp Black, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, Glue, Copal and Japan Varmfhes— all which may be had dry, ground in oil, or fitted for the bruhY Alfo, RAW and HOI LI) OILS. PAINTING, in its various branches, done at the Ihnteft notice. riUlODORE BROCKET. I Kingston, Dec. 8, 1820* 49tf ** Bergami wa- received at the tables of the families of distinction m the neighbour¬ hood of Pefaro. I wa* with the i rincefa at Munich. 1 reracmbe- when her Royal Highnefs and fuite dined with the king of Bavaria, Bergami dined at the king's ta¬ ble. I faw civilities palling between thc king of Bavaria and Bergami. He treat¬ ed Ucrgamiwith the greatest affability.-— Bergami after this received a prefent from the king. It was a gold fnuff box, fur- rounded with brilliants. The man who brought it to Milan, fhowed it to me be¬ forehand, lie afterwards told me he de¬ livered it to Bergami. 1 faw it after this in the poflvflion of Bergarr.i." Ni:w Vduk Dec. 15. Prom the National Advocate* Yesterday iuorniu£ anmd at this port, the packet ship James Monroe, Cupt. Rogers, (stated in the National Advocate ol yesterday as being below) in 39 days from Liverpool, having sailed on the evening of the 4th of November. By this arrival we have received from our al ten tire correspondents regular files of Liverpool papers to the 3d of No¬ vember ioclusnre, and Loudon to the evening of the 2d inclusive, being the latest dates. It was rumoured in London, that at an early hour, in the evening ofthe 2d, Sir Benjamin B'o< mti< Id. the private Secretary of the King, came to the House of Lords, and had an interview with the Lord Chancellor, and Sir Thomas Tyr- vfhitt. Sir Thomas then requested to <ee the fir*f counsel ofthe Queen who might !iirive at the House. This happened to be Mr. Tindall, who «as a long time closeted with Sir T. T wbitt. ^Oo these known facts," observes the Loudoa Traveller, " the rumours in circulation are all founded, hut we know nothing oa the subject with certainty euough to of¬ fer them to our readers/* Our correspondent writes from Liver¬ pool ou the 31st October, t; the Queen**