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Kingston Chronicle, December 22, 1820, p. 3

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■*U'llQ mn riiniirteim.' fct* appropriation on Saturday next, at m 01 iSi7, and iumI then the honour of i^o o'clock. On the return of the Mcmhcra to the ICMJIji tluu liei r-yal lng!.nr(< the Piiii- ceti ul Wales* Called ujhm her upon her nrin-al. White in ninauad m Rome but twelve day.., and Kit tttftnc her royal Ili^h- neJs Had wie honour of ncr royal high* nclVn acquaintance before that period. -- 1 Jloute, Lours Josf.pu Papinkau, Esq- Member of the Eall Ward of Montreal, and Speaker of the three preceding As- rfemhJie^was unanirnoiifly cledted Speaker. This Day, Dec. 16th.—His Excel- Dmed at the luild Luroja -n-.ll hiy* m ;'h ' lcn.7 the Governor in Cnief, having again *" ' l.........'* *"* " ' * co iicdown to the Lc^fl-itite Council, and hem^ featedoii the i'hr -ne,& the Mcmbrrs of the Affirmbtjj Mr. Papincau, their >pc:-kcrcic-d betfi;j in attendance below the Bar, the Honorable the speaker of the Legiflative Council exprelled His Excel¬ lency's aI!()vvirJCe ((f the choice of trie IJ OU iboi AfT^-mjIy ; and then i i is Exccl- leucy waa pleafed to deliver the following GcMhivcx fiftlu legislative Council, and Gentlemen of [he Floune tfJlsstmhliu i have called you to meet in Provin¬ cial Pariia-nenc at the earJieti day that cir- curiltai'cea have permitted me to name, in older to bring under your conlideration the it itc and iuterelh of the Province. Thii has appeared to me to be matter of more than ordinary neceffity, becaule the regu¬ lar fcflioni cf the Le^iiliture having been inteiruptcJ by the effcel of public calami¬ ties, much bulincis has accumulated for your difcuffton. The death of his late Majelly following foon after that or hi, Grace the Duke of Richmond, are t!ie events to which I al- lu-le : and to thefe calamities we mu!l bow ia humble and fobm:ffive refiguation to the decrers or an a'l-wile Providence. Wlicn tiie Britifh Empire exprefcd its unfeigned forrow upon the lof> of a Mo¬ narch, in whom the whole world acknow¬ ledged every pub'ic and private virtu-, I believe that no part of his Majelty's fub- jtct- lamented that lcf» more tlian you did in Canada. The manly character of the late Duke of Richmond—his hoeral mind—his expe¬ rience in public afla-ri— his amiable diipo- fition in p'iv.ite lite, all quahiied him, in an eminent degree, to fill the high Ilation t > whit h he was appointed, and it is deep¬ ly to be regretted that hi> Grace has been hill to thia Province, beiore he hud time to render to ft the iei vices he had contem- pl'iteJ* It is pleaiing to me t > oiler this her royal highncf*. At tlwt poind the Wan viliied by perfOftQ of rat.!:, and had ail the fame maiku of diliinction paid 10 Iter which were paid to other royal perionages then refilling at Rome. Lord Kilwonh vifitcd her. The Abbey Taylor was a conll.int guell. Perfons of tank c;i:ne to pay evcui-'g v.fus. Lk-rgami wa<s at that time he>' »oya! highnefs*a chamberlain, lie in that character dined at her royal hi^h- nefs'A table. Hate frequently feen her roynl hfghnefs and ber-chamberlain togeth¬ er. Never law i he fniailtll impropriety of condutt between thele individuals dwiiu; the period of her royal highnels beiug at iiome, as well as at other period* ?.!fo. Witnel* paid his icfpe-'.ts to her royal htgh- nefs at Pefaro, Ul 1K19. On his return from Venice, he called at her royal high* nefc*3 villa near ! cfaro Her royal high refs v/a? out ziring when he called, but when flic returned Ihe font her curriage and eijueiry and Mr. William Am ft in, to de- fire wimels to come to htr that evening. Arrived at hrr hoille about eight o'clock; remained there the evening, rapped, Si re¬ turned to hi? inn. The following day her royal hfghncla fent .hrr carriage and her equerry to (how vviintfs w!)af.everwai worth •eeing in the town of Pefaro. Returned with the carriage, and dined with her royal highnefs. And having walked with her royal highnefs in the grounds, wiencfr re¬ mained an hon". and then proceeded on his journey. — Had the honour of paying his refpeds to her .viajt^ty at Rome in February, after flic became Queen of Eng¬ land- J^he had received the account of the King's death, and hnd aff.jmed the title and dignity of the Queen of England. N<» ladie3 of honour woe appointed to attend upon her, nor any quard of honour. Noc- withflaiuiing this circumllance, feveial perfons of rank in Rome. Kng^fh a-d it-il ia:r, did themfelves the honour to wait up on her Majesty to pay their rtfpcdts Wit nefs faw none ; cmly krew :t or heard of it. Never faw any thing in the conciud of the Princef. and l^ergami towards.each ether in the flighted degree derogatory to the '->>nrarrer oi ill: Ooee^ of E':yl-i:.rl. '>r IiUeiy to wound the nu.;u* ieti:ng-» or her country, WitnePs, in hi*, interco.ou*. teith her Majesty, never few her Maj-iiy eonduel herklf. in public or private, in a way which could jullly be called excep¬ tionable or improper___Bergami aiways condiiifled himlelf towards her M;ije-ty with the utmoll refpeeit There wai no degrading familiarity between them ihe crofs-examination of this witnefs relat*.d merely to the prefence of Bei garni at the table of her royal higenefs at Rooie, wiico witnefs dined there, and the peifons who vifited her. His re examination by feveral Peers principally referred to the general manners of the Countcls Oldi. In aniwer to questions from Karl Orey, the wiv ^i.- repli d, t!:at hearriv.d in England in ftfay li.ftt and that sinee i.is ^riival no rppii a tion had been rmd.- to him relpeCiing what he had obferved in Italy relative to the cut* duett of the Qj"*cn. ('To I? continued ) tribute to the menniy of a fiieau, whom I have kno.vu aad honored during thirty how juftly tl,c coniidencc ^i his Majelly5* Government may ;c^ UP°" li in t,K' djY of danger—but t'ic. knowledge of what the Canada Militfl |fl caPaf)l«'- teaches us alfo the w.f.Jom dj wa*ch«»g over it; of holding it in a fiafcf °^" r<rad»'K'fs, complete in formation, and i^^P^^11-5'6 '» officers. The s'ttlement °* l'le W*ftc Lands is a fubjeft to which I ^cc' Jt ™Y duty to point your attention in n particular rmuner. The great tide offWgratujn, co this pro. vince promifes to c°nl^nuc» an^ l^c expe¬ rience of feveral vears 'ias fh.°wn the want of fome m*-afuresY> fegulate, and give ef- feft to this growmg drength—many of thefe people arrive M1 poverty* and in lick- neO, many alfo ml** abundant means, but the fettlement of H°*h defcriptfons, is im¬ peded by the want W Legiflative aid. While I ackn'>w'edge, however, the advantages xvhich ('^fe Provinces may de- rire from the acq-t'huion of fo many thou- fands of Britifii (ubjefts, I know that Lower Canada po^ertes in itfeif an abun¬ dant population to fettle thefe wafte lands., and the yet uncon^eded Sefgriiorial terri- torie.?. 'I am a\?aie ^^ there are llron^ prejudices to be overcome, and for that purpofe, inducements niidl be held out to make the people fpread more tvidely, fuch as the ereftion of Parochial Churches, and the laying out of Itoads of accefs to the didant wood-land*. The fubjeft is of difficult and diftant accomplishment, but in my idea, of the utmoll importance to Canada. I am fully fenfible of the great truft which his Majelly has been pleafed to commit to m:, aifd it fliali be the objefl of my highe!l ambition to render myfelf worthy of fuch ditlinguifhed honour. It /lull be my condant Itudy to adminifter the Government according to the Laws, nnd in equal jnllicc to all clafTes of his M;jelly's fubjeefts. A dranger among you, I have no partialities, no object but the good of the country. All my excr- tiom and all my attempts, however, mult be vain, unlefs I have the fupport of the Provincial Parliament, and it is exaftly to the extent of that confidence, which ihall be placed in me, that 1 can Lope to ren¬ der myfelf ufeful to the country. Quebec, Der. 11. rvrofrrrwrr. shipwreck. 0'« the 5th November lad, about 6 o'- IlKrftenUFC to fnosc matters immediately af¬ fecting her most important intensKti Beside Mi- CooBtltotion of th<*. Conn* of Judicature *hc Ht.ilr of rlu- revenue, the ro;tds, and iuti nor coin munifeations, the laws about toes Pjre, nnd the organization of the miiiiia, Hi h-xra-ilency ,ii!udes to rmprovementa in Agri- culture, to tlie setCloment of the waste lands Of the crown, and of those tractaof wilder¬ ness now hold under seiKnori.-.l tenures, ami Jo the enaetment of permanent reveriue laws. 'i he IhhI tupir is one or peculiar importance to our brethren of Tjower Canada as well as l<» ourselves. Our laws regulating the trade- witlM'ie United Slates have been cquailv mutable in l.oth Provinces, and in conse" uuenco of Ibis instability the foreign trader has been disgusted and driven from ourm.r- k'-ts, to the ^real prejudice of ourcommercc. We trust tins session to see the deficit in the revenue Of Lower Canada honourably sup¬ plied, by a proper nnd permanent provision ior the support of die Civil Covemmenr, though the proceedings of former Parlia¬ ments would scarcely seem to warrant Ihe expectation. Cut the present is a new era. It bine first icssiou of a new Parliament, under a new Covernor, and a n#W King, and it is consequently a favourable period for con¬ signing to oblivion old causes of disagree¬ ment. The Parliament of Lower Canada has been too long the scene of low cabals, and narrow jealousies alike Injurious to the reputation of the members and the interests ol their constituents, His Lordship's !an- gnage breathes a spirit which cannot be mis¬ taken. He declares his sincere desire to promote the prosperity of the Province; and the dignified yetirank and conciliatory man¬ ner in which be expresses himself ought to secure him ihe afiectinnsand cordial co-ope¬ ration of the other branches of the Legis¬ lature. 1 At York (he lady of ^jor fllllier, A. U. C. on the Jwh irM. of a Son. in flu* town, on the 4th ir.st. by f|lc ^G.O.Stuarr, Mr. Pete* Boyle S M. J Marpret McNeil, daughter of Mr. On Saturday, (|,e 10th, Mr. William Utoen to Miss Sarah Bell. At Ameliaaburdi, on the 15th, by Ro- -rtC.UHkius, lisq. Mr. JoJAvery. <> Miss K|,2?|,cth Huyde, both of Ame- lia>burgh. vears. 1 Vetifomn ofgw House ofjisscmbly, \ tii uve given onlcxa that the accounts of g^-'vidi cxpciiviiiiHCi.t toe au-iiiuiUra- i-Jj/Oi'. lt'v^t;.:«\ Xkw- Vouk. Dr.c. 1. The Time? of the to;h erttcaiin* no later proceedings of the Queen's t»ial. then wa9 received by the Martha. Pari*; dales to tlie r^tli Iuve been receiv¬ ed ; thev contain n >thfnrr (,f importance. The Imperial Aulliijn eamp at EVll* t* confined to cav^h y rogitnents. P. rncfi Car-tti, was to let out immediately from Naples on a million to the French Go* vcrnment. The Admiralty rr.ve fent orders to Tortfrnouth nnd Plymouth, ordenng out a number of flr'ps of was lo render afTid- ance to homevvard boued trade, which mny be preveoced from getting into port by the continuance of noitii eatierly \vfn.i9. A JO-noVui p.ipt.r oTtfta loiri Of Octo¬ ber, in fjieaking of tlie Revenue, fay>: — 44 TIjc amouiit of the Revenue for the quarter ended this day is JJtO.874,000. Theamoi'nt of the correfponding quarter of 18x8, was only £$ij8l%QQ0'* leaving a furplus of nearly eleven hundred th'*«" fand pounds in favour of this quarter, to j which is to be added, the amount of the quarter for Ireland, about ,£190,000. The charge for the corresponding quirter Jaft year, was X>9434t;^,5» leaving a lur- plus in that quarter of ^347,0^4 : but in this quarter there is a furplus ot above 1,000,000/. to which is to be added the account for Ireland, which will make the Whole furplus above -£Ji,200,ooo " The Hritannia of 120 puns was to be launched at Portfmouth on the 20th of Oftober. From the London Price Current, of oa. 10. -db&Ht&atVW United States^osa 419; Quebec, 34^. Pearl firft fort, 39s a 41s 2d. rROVINCIAlTTARLIAMEXT OF LOWER CAXADst. Thisday^ttwoo'.'oek His Excellency the Govciimr \<\ Chief came down to the Legiflative Coun.il Chamber, and having , comma., hi th<- rttu-daiice** rfw »* ber. of the v iT.^ibi%% liw Exce Jewry «• ple.Iel to iV.Mfy hi- :»i. alure th r they ( fhould ekell »fe-eaker,W»1 pvC&Ht l.un lor t:on or the governments during the lall two year3, and o( the revenue colleiled, (hall be laid before you li me ulnal way. I ihdi alio lay befnic y-ju account a of tl»e ...\penlc annually i. curred in payment ot the friaries and contingencies of the Civil 0;liee.s pTrnaneacly eltibliflied for the lcr>icc and fuppoH of hk Majedy's vjovemmeu ic ihi- Pr vince ; including luch occafional :?iyncu: an are unavoida¬ ble under it To that, I (hall a<Ju a (tatement of the annual pn'O'iCt of the permanent taxes, and hereditary territorial reve¬ nue or ti'ie Crown. I'Vom ttieic dor i. nents, formed upon an av*r:a^- of the la:t fix years, you will per- eeivc tht the snuaa revenue is not equal to the amount of annual permanent char ^s upon the Povincial Civil Lift, by a deficiency of twenty-two tbouiand pounds ana I have ;t in emmand from hi» Mdjes- ty to fay, that his Majetly having from p ill experience, the fullct co'ifidcnce in your loyalty! fenfe of duty, aad attachment to the principles of the Conllitution, does not doubt tli3t you will make a proper and permanent pioviiion to fupply that deficiency, and thereby enable him to tsia- tain the Civil Go'*einment of this Pro¬ vince with honor and with advantage to his lubj'.dK UeiUIenicn of (he LvgisZalfcc ConnrSa anrf flatr'tuun tfiht Mouse nf JtesttMfy Imrue:!..itEly after my arm si 1 made it my duty t > viiit as much of ths country, a* tlie regular defpatch of bufinefs, permitted me to teach in the courffc of the lall fum- mer. Although I derived fome local in- for mat ion, by fo doing I do not prefume 60 fpeak to you with confidence, ot the va- rious meafurea, which might be fu/gctled for the improvement of the Province; I thai! thereforf confine myfelf to thoie points which 1 con fide r moll immediately important. Of thefe, the firft is, the Condilution of the feveial Couit-* of Law of the Pro¬ vince. I concur in all that has been ex- prefL'd upon the ful.je&, in the MelTage of the late Duke of Richmond to both lloufcs of Provincial Tailiament In the month of March of the year 1819, and 1 therefore again recommend it to yourcon- (ide ration. I am convinced tliat great advantage would icfult to the Province in general, and to its Mercantile cbiTes in particular, were the Revenue Laws permanently en¬ acted, or for fuch a period at lead, a* would give confidence to thofe whole in- terells in a great meafure depend upon the (lability of the Commercial Regulations I cannot therefore but deem this fubjett to be highly worthy of your attention. The improvements of the Agriculture of this Province, and of the Roads and inte¬ rior communications I need only name; they arc aflurediy objects of great mo ment ; and a<* you have already extended a liberal hand to encourage them, I troll that you will continue to give them that fupport fo eilentially oecefTa.y to their fuccefs I alfo recommend to your attention at an ewhr day, the Laws which have re¬ cently 'expired, or ate about to expire ; jmd among thefe tlie Militia Laws; rbat fyllemol conllhutional defence is peculi £tj rdapted to the date of this r.ovmce, and the events of the tae war have mm clock m the cvenifgf the fchooner Julie, belonging to Mr. i'hornas Thcrien, mer chant, of Montreal, commanded by Capt. U. Matiuas, wad hit near Mont Louis. When the Pcfiel (Irick, the crew and pas- It mi-lit have been imagined that the long debates o!" last year in the Congress of the United States, relative to the admission of Missouri into the Union would have exhaust¬ ed the subject, but it appears that the ama¬ zing waste of words at that lime was fruit¬ less, and that neither of the opposing parties is yf't willing to yield. The wordy war was again commenced in Ihe Senate on the lUh mst. by Mr. Lowndes, after a flourishing pre- lud^by the Editors of Newspapers in all parts ofthe country, whoacted aslrumpetersonthe occasion, and the (ire was to be returned by Mr. Sergeant next day. when, as theNtw York Commercial Advertiser says, both [louses will *■ have got fairly to work." Mis¬ souri has formed a Constitution, elected a Governor, Judges, fcc and sent two Sena¬ tors and one Representative to Congress.— Those who contended last year for restric¬ tion, now desire the rejection of the Consti¬ tution, because they say it contains a clause directly opposed to'the Constitution of the General Cluverament. The other party say, that the clause objected to when property viewed is nut contrary to tin- spirit ofthe Federal Constitution, ^admitting thatitwere so, Congress are not now to discuss the point hut leave il to the decision ofthe Judiciary. -VT•< -T-/-■■••»L... j.-i/j«*w ..»> (*»*.** ui ...t. :. il* . r. ot this opinion the mode in which some other States were admitted into the Union. It is mentioned in the Newspapers thai though it was doubtful how the qnestion would be de- On Sunday mnruiug, the 17th instant, Mrs. Jefosha Dawson, wife of Air- Joho Dawson, of this tonn, aged 23 years. KINGSTON ASSEMBLY. THE next Kingston Assem¬ bly will be held at Harts Hotel, on Monday Evening, the 1st of January, 1821. °' Tickets to be drawn at half paft 7 o'clock. Kingfton, Dec. 2T, 1820. T seutatives. The report of the Secretary of the Ameri¬ can Treasury is not quite so favourable as had beet) anticipated. The receipts for the present year, including loans, amount lo ij,d'3€,2il dollars, ami the expenditures n-r the same period are estimated at 24,9(54,418 lie same p* I..liars T senders hurried up.-u deck, only partly dreffed, aad remain.d in that (late until ... r 1 e • 1 r cioeu in the Senate, the Constitution woulo midnight, expofed t.- the inclemency of a ri,,::(i„]v he rejected in the House of Repre- fnow Itorm, and tr the violence of the waves which broke jver every part of the vedel. Some of the perfons having got to the Chore, were peruaded by the Captain to attempt to reach he houfes, which they thought were at no great diltauce—after having walked until three o'clock ofthe following day, duriig the whole of which time they bore the greatelt fatigues, and finding their object unattainable, they de¬ termined to return t« the wreck, in expec- taiiou of obtaining yrovilions and clothes. On this march, two of them, one named Edward Acoul, naive of Jcrfcy, and Jac¬ ques Marcheaterre, )f Three Rivers, fell, unable to proceed aiy further, and died, the Others reached the wreck on the fol¬ io win ng nay where tiiey found one of the failots, Burke, dead d\\d almoll buried in the fand Wjfhcd Oier him bv tlie fea ; aiK.th-rperiun of tht name of D.micl Bi- chare, was miffing, and has not yet been heard of. i hofe who efcaped from thefe dangers, viz. Nfeffw, Therrein, Frs. X# Dcromc, Captain D. Muhia^, Jean Rene and Robert Daynes#were forced tt> remain on the (h*jre for t?Cven days, with few clothes and no fire, fufTeiing the ntmoft pain from the lofs o' federal of their ex* tremitiei by cold, fo much had they been injured, that they cotld not move but up on their knees and h„ujs—the moie hardy of them fuccceded h the above period in mending the boat, nto which they em¬ barked, and arrived in three days at Ste. Anne du Cap Chat, and with the greateft efforts fuccceded in reaching Matane, where they met with the n^ft humane treatment |Vom the Seignior^ Mrs. M'Gibbjns, Rene itmained hen—t|10fe w|10 continu¬ ed have to bear tellmony to the attention which |hey receiver from the fettlers efta- blilhed at t&ttU by Mr. MacNider. The lufrf of thefchooner 3nd cargo, is eflimated at ^200^ no part 0f which was enfured. Mr. Therrein, Captain Mathias, and Frs. X Dirome, ^rived in town on the 6th of December. he revenue fur 18£1 is estimated at I G,?j(hOOQ dollars, and tb^expeocesr inclu¬ ding the balance against the Treasury outhe 1st January next, at 2 l.UUl.r^G dollars lea¬ ving a balance of 7,1;'; 1,00U dollars to be pro¬ vided f.ir either by loans or taxation. The Anieri'Mus console themselves with the **n- couragenicnt hrld out by Mr. Secretary Crawford that the annual" revenue will for several yours after 18£J exceed the annual exjicnditnre. JJtit though thefinanoi.il eal- euinUons of men in office may often be good, they ;ire s<Hiniu;ies founded on flatferipg au- licipaUotiS which may not soon he realized. To those of our readers who recollect the great exertions which were made by the Oilicers of the Army and Navy, aid¬ ed by some of Lhe Gentlemen of King¬ ston, to contribute to our amusement du¬ ring the long winters of 1815 and 1SIG— The following curious extract taken from the. Books of our ]pt** respected friend William Mitchell, Ksquir?, (Treasurer to the Kingston Amateur Society,) may prove interesting. Dr. Kingston Amateur Theatre. To paid (a* ptr receipts) for limber aiul Carpenters' tfork done at ihe Theatre................£ 266 To paitl( as per receipts, ) Insurance on Theatre, Merchants' ami Tradesmen's accounts Lights, Fuel, Furniture,Canvas,.V Paints for scene*, Printing, Musicians, Ariilieers, Labourer?, Uoor- kreperi,Rrrvantti ^f »*»<..... T* remitted "Waterloo Suflerer*" a- per receipt from Secretary of WaterlooSocietv London........ 119 10 I I ions in i 0 Halifax Currency, 1MV3 1 2 Cr. KinzHon Amateur Theatre. I Dec. 14. There has now faucn a fufficiency of fnow to make the vinter roads fit for tra¬ velling. The co!d f,nce Sunday has been greater than ufual u ^ feafon, and many of the fmall rivers ;re now crofled on the ice. The St. Lav.rcncc [9 covered with floating ice, and Wg are told it has ttopt at one or two place, between this city and Montreal. Our ^a,ket9 are generally lower than they ha>e e>een for a great ma¬ ny years part, but i^e fcarcity of money is the univerfal comp^;nt# 27 0 ■ 11 By original subscriptions from •Viioy ami Xavy..............£ Do, from inhabitants in Ivingsion... Receipt tor the undermentioned phivs, viz. Poor Gcotlemen, Uoug- la-5,Johii Bull, Speed the Plough, Wheel oi' Furluue, Jew, Road *o Koiu, Heir at Law, Douglas, 2d. Cure for the Heart Ache, EdOCTli- 011, West Indian; Uoad t" Ruin,yd Spe^d the LHoagh, 2d. Wheel of Fonune, l2t\. Cure for Hie Heart Acl<e, 2d. Way to Ret Mani^d, 1 lei 1 at Law, 2d, She Sioops to Con¬ quer, Who wants a (Guinea, Busy Bodv,The UivaU, The Mountai¬ neer-. Honey Moon, John Bull,2d. Thi* Mountaineer*. 2d. Who wants a Guinea,2d. Heir at Uaw, 2d. Bu¬ sy Body, 2d. and 29 Farces.........K22 1 0 0 Halifax Currency. 1 (423 I 2 KINGSTON, U^c£MBEft 22, 1820. ** •*•...........*'* ................... TUo Parliament or j^wer Canada met on lie i Uhin^.uit,pur M;iwl ,0 n(uice. and after :he ['"-election of tin form«r Speaker of the \:;eiu jIv. Mr. Pft]>iait-ait, were addressed m an eaebeni Speech J|y ^jg Excellency the Iruvmiur tieural. rpi?e subjects U* which ir» Kx«vlleney dm ls (||(. ijeliberajions of the Parti 1 »eni, s.'iev lh;it m 11BC. b|,„ri space iav: 0*>t tct*n ofb's rosiusnw 1: ill! ■uuda he ha; The property ofthe Theatre has late¬ ly been disposed of at Auction, and the proceeds of the sale, together with a small wardrobe, placed at the disposal ofthe Kingston Female Benevolent So¬ ciety, for the benefit ofthe indigent sick—Thus this little Society, which under many difficulties commenced cheerfully and succeeded effectually, now terminates honorably. ■ » The British P-'ckf-t Quftcnsberry, from Falixiosaii, arrived at tVcw York, via Halifax, 011 lhe -lUi i.istant NOTICE. THE Annual Meeting ofthe Kingston Compassionate Society will be held on Monday, 1st day of January, 1821, at Mr. Robert Walker's Hotel, at tlie hour of 12 o'clock. The attendance of the Memben of the InCtitution 19 particularly requeued. RO'BKRT STANTON, Sec'y. Kingfton, Dec. it: 1820. nE Committee ot the Ring- ston Auxiliary to the Bnt- ilh and Foreign Bible Society, aredefiroue of making known to the oublic that they have jnft now received from England, a large fupply pf the H-dy Scriptures in Englifli, Wclfh, Gaelic, French and Ger¬ man, which arc for Sale at moderate prices, or for gratuitous dillnbution. They may be had on application to either of the un¬ dermentioned gentlemen :— T. Markland, Efq. President, B. Whitney, Efq Vice President. N. McLeod, Efq. do. J Wilfon, M. Booth, Mr. liaynes* Bartletj Richardfon, Thompfon, Denn, Members of the Ctmrntttet. Lamprey, -------Shaw, Secretaries. Mfniftcrs in any part of the Upper Pro¬ vince may be fupplied with Bibles and Tes¬ taments for the ufeof thtfr refpeftive con- gregatfnns, by application to eicher of the Secretaries. Kingltnn, Dec. 12, 1820. 51 For Sale, A few barrels of fine York Salmon- 4LS0, 9 firkins eood Table BUTTER. JOHN MACAULAT & CO. Kingiton, Dec. 2t, 1820 Executive Council Officet ) Tori, zcjth Novembtr> i820.f NOTICE is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Go- vernor in Council, that unlets the rcpre- fentativesof John lilefs, the original Lo- catce of the Weft half of Lot number six¬ teen, in the third conctflion of the 1 own- fhip of Freden'eksburgh, in the Midland Diftrlft, do claim, within one year from thU date, the patent will ilTue to Martiu Salisbury. I his notice is to be publiflied for six months in the Upper Canada Gazette and Kingston Chronicle. 5im6 JOHN SMALL, C E. C. Wbr Sale In the Town of Kingston, (he House and Lots, Nos 124 and 125. containing 2-5 of an acre, bounded on King Street, lately occEnicd by Mrs. Gamble. ALSO The following Lots, Nos. 311, 312, 317, and 31S, containing together one acre, bounded on Store Street. Kingston, 20th Dec 1820. 60151 To SchoofMastcrs ~8g Merchants. A YOUNG Man of reliability, lately fiom England, who is mailer of the French and English languages, aad otherwife qualified, wifrics a fituation in an Academy or Compting-houfe. Salary not a very material objea. Apply by letter (Poll paid) to A. B. at this Office. Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1820. 5l ~~ WANTE D, 2000 Cedar Rails. B. WH11NKV. Kltmlon* 10th Dec. l«'20. .iltf To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34

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