KINGSTON VOL. II.] 4K&f» CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, (afternoon) DECEMBER, S3, (820. PROCLAMATION. UPPER-CANADA. P. MAITLAND. GEORGE the FOURTH by the Grace of GOD of the 0- nited Kingdom of Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland, King, De¬ fender of the Faith : To our beloved and faithful t^gffiative Counsellors of Our Province of Upper Canada, and to Our Knights, Citizens and fill?getter, <>f Dor faid Province, to Our Provincial Parliament, at Our Town of York, on the fifteenth day of November iuftant, to be commenced, held, called, and ele&ed, and to every of you Greeting :— WHEREAS, hy our Proclamation bearing date the fourth day of Oftoher 1ftIt, We thought fit to Pro- rogue Our Provincial Patliament to the fisreettth chy of N*>v. Iiviiant, at which time, at Our Town of York, you were held and con ftrained to appear, NOW KNOW YE, thai WE taking into Our Royal cwifideration the eafe and conveni¬ ence of C$r lnv(»)j» iubject-, have thought tit. bv and with the advice of Our Exec ut;v- Council, to relieve you and each of t-j, of roar attendance at the time afore- fa.d, hereby convoking; and by thefe pr? feats cnjoiiuag you and each r»f you, that oa Saiurc ay the twenty-third day of Deci tri¬ be* nexi enfuing, you meet us in Our Provincial Parliament, in our Town of York, there to take into confideration the fiate and welfare of Our Province of Up¬ per Canada, and therein to do as may feem neceffary, and herein fail not. l» testimony whereof, We hnvecaufrd thefe Our Letter* to he made Patent, and the G*g*t Seal t.f Our (aid Pro vince to He hereunto ?fTixed, Witness our truftvanJ well be'ovrd SI li PE- REGR.INE MAI PL AND, Knight Commander ^f the Mofl Honourable -Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant r-»U*»*ik^»t tit «/•*< 'i«i((. '* HfVttfVC, nil! Major General Commanding Our Forces therein, at York, this eleventh day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thoufand eight hundred and twenty and in the firtt year of Our Reign, P. M. By His Excellency's Command. D. CAMERON, Sce'y. Government Houfe* 1 6th March j 1820. J HIS Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor i«* pleafed to direct that no Location requiring Settlement Duty (ha' bv t onfi'med by Patent, without a Cer- tilicate from the Land 1 oard of the Diftrid in which fuch Location may be fituate, that the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Order in Council has bona fide been performed within the time fpecified by the Location Ticket. JOHN SMALL, CIL E. C. NOTICE, THTv Subfcrihets return their grateful and unfeigned thanks to their friend3 and rhe public, for the liberal patronage they have received while in bufincfsin this p^ee, and mud inform them that they have tuft r.ceived from Montreal 3 frefh fupoly of GOODS, in addition to their former Stock, which they will difpofe of verv low f >r cafh-. frort approved credit* or in exchange tor good Merchantable WHEAT, as they are now wanting l2,00'J Bushels, To he delivered to A. MacPherfon, Efq. Napane Mills, a Sample of which they will requiie to he delivered to then at their Store in the Village of Bach, one week previous to the delivery of any at the Na pane Mills, as Wheat that has Rye, Chefs, Cockle, or Smut in it, cjnnot be received, GEORGE HAM & Co. Bath, 27th Nov. 1820. 48 ME subscriber, being; ap¬ pointed Administrator of the ellate of DANIEL WASHBURN. late of Kingfton, Efquire, deceafed, rtquelh all perC>r.« having claims apainll faid elate to exhibit :hem, properly vouched ; and all ptrfona indebted, to fettle and make payment without delay. B. B1DWELL. Kingfton, 0£*ober23d, 1820. 43tf FOK SALE. f^n A HOUSE and Town lot, in '4iU.ll JrA. the Town of Kingston, with good ^tables and other convenient out-hou- fes ; likewife, a FARM of 100 acres of land in the Township of Frederick-burgh, with 50 acres improvement ; a large fram ed DWELLING-HOUSE, a good Ior- barn, and a fmall orchard thereon, in a good settlement and is a good fituatiou for any public Kufmefs. Alfo, lot, No. 4, third conceffion Rich¬ mond, 200 acres; and the well half of lot No. 16, S;xth conceffion Kingfton, 100 acres, with 10 acres improvement; the a bovc mentioned property may be had very reafonable for cash* Ear particulars fffiplv to KA.UUEL MERRILL. GENTLEMEN who reside at York, Upper Canada, or at any place between Yo»k 2nd King¬ fton, can be fupplied with the Spectator on application to John Macaulay, Esquire, Poll Mafter, Kingfton. John Crooks, Efquire, Pod Mailer at Niagara, U. C. and William G. Hepburn, Esquire, cf Queenston, are also Agents for the Spcdator. LANDS FOK SALE BELONGING to the Eftate of the late Charles Stuart, Efquire. Lot No 20, in the 5th Conceffion of ¥ittsburgl\ containing 200 Acres. Lots Nos. 20 and Eaft half of 19 in 8th Conceffion of do. 300 Acres. Lot No. 19 in the 12 Conceffion of do. con. 200 Acres, Lot No. 1 1 in the 3d Conceffion of Kitky, con. 2CO Acres. Lot No. 16 South half in 8th Conceffion, of Augusta, con. 100 Acres. Lot No. 11 in the 4th conceffion of Escot now Tonge, con. 200 acres. Lot No. \6 do do. con. 200 acres. Lot No 12 In the 6th conceffion of IVol- ford, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 8 in the 4th concuuon of ' Nepean, con. 2CO acres. Lot No. 37 in the 7 conceffion of Camden', con. 200 acres. Lots No?. 6 and Weft half of r4 in the 2d conceffion of Richmond con. 300 acres. Lot No. 25 in the 6th conceffion of do. con. 20c acres. Lot No. 14 1:1 the 5th conceffi n of Port- landy con. 2CO acres. Lot No. 38 \x\ the lit conceffion of Hun- gcrford, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 24 in 2d conceijon of do. con. 200 acres. Lot being letter G and | of FF, Prince Kdward's Cliff, fouth fide of great Weft Bay, Marysburgh, con. 300 acres. Lot No 26 til: conceffion, in Well Bay. fivwiu -:f &tar& I&i«t*, d& Gfttt<tUtg 200 acres* Lot No. 1 front conceffion call of Van Alftine's Lake, do. con. 200 acres. Lot No. 5 in tft conceffion, well of no. 1, wefl of the Rock, do. con. 150 acres Lot No. 8. in the 2d conceffion, iouth fide of Eaft Lake, in Ha/lowell, contain¬ ing 200 acres. Lot No. 10 in the 13th conceffion of Raivdon, con. 200 acres. Lotr» No. 10 in 9th concelfion,and no. II in loth conceffion of Cramahe, con. 350 acres. Lot No. 24 in the 7th conceffion of Mur¬ ray, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 35 in the 71I1 conceffion, do. con. 200 acre*. Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in 9th conceffion do. con. 400 acres. Lot No. 23 in the 4th conceffion of do. con. 200 acres. Lot No. 19 in the 6th conceffion of do. con. 200 acre*. Lots Nos. 28 and eaft half 29 in the 41)1 conceffion of do. con. 300 acres. Lot No. 29 in the 4th conceffion of Haidi mand, con 200 acres. Lots Nos. 9 and 10 in the 5th conceffion of do. con. 400 acres. Lot No. 12 in the 5th conceffion of do. con. 200 acre*. Lot No. 10 in the 5th conceffion of Percy y con 200 acres. Lots Nos. 17 and weft half of no. 18 in the 9th conceffion of do. containing 30O acres. Lot No. 59 i 'ft conceffion other- wife 2d Range from the Bay of Quinte, Sophiasburgh, con. IOO acres. Lot No. 29 in the 7th conceffion of Dar- lingt<;nt con. 200 acres. Lot No. 18 in the 8ih conceffion of Whitly, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 7 in the 7th conceffion of King% con. 200 acres Several Lota for Building, and improve¬ ment, confuting of one, two, three, four, five or fix acres in Stuartvdle at the eallern extremity of the Town of King- lion.—Application for the pnrchafe of the above Lands and Lots to be made to ALLEN McLEAN, Esq. GEO. OKILL STUART. Acting Executors to the Estate of Cm Stuart Esq. Kingfton, October, 6th i8?d. THE Subscriber lakes the earliest op¬ portunity of informing her fiiends, and the Ladies of this Town in general, that fhe has juft eftablilhed herlelf as a BURNS'S ALE, Just received, nnd for SALE, by the Subscriber, W.\I. PA YARD SMYTH. Kingflon, 16th Nov. 1S20. ^fnf For Sale, at this Office, HE Right Reverend the Lord Bi- ftcp's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocefe—delivered in the year 1S20. Nov. 24. T Io2C YORK Land Price-Current Office, KING STREET. WANTED, Axe men to contract for clearing Lands in the Town- fhip of Lincoln, Niagara Diftrifts and in the Townfhips of York, t hinguacowcy, and Simcoe, in the Home Diflrid. Land will be given in exchange for la¬ bour, at a price tc be agreed upon. ALSO, the u*c of 3 e acre? of newly cleared land, fuuated within ore mile and a half from lite Tow. of York, will be given for a year, to any perf'n who may be defirous of enclosing and crwp'rig the fame upon e- quitable terms wit the Proprietor* Capit.ilills wifivng to purchase impro¬ ved Farms, or Wfd Land* in Upper-Ca¬ nada, may be fnrr.Jflied (monthly) with a periodical Price Current Lill vf Evtates, tva file in various Townfhips, on payment of Four Dollars per annum—one quar¬ ter m advance. Com millions for buying, lettinpjeadn?, and tcJ. regifttring l.ftjtes, faithfully execu¬ tor the TFRMS Registration of 1 Laiui *. d 1 2 2 s* 4 3 o 6 o o o For too Acres and under From 100 and not exceeding ?co ------- 200 to 250 ------- 2^0 to 300 ------ 300 ti* 500 ------ coo and upwmds £j* All letter? addn fed to Mb. Angfll, Direftor of tin's office, mud Le poll paid, On the ift day of September ncx*, will he publifhed a Monthly Land Price- Current lift of E(tares on ^ale in Upper Canada, to he circulated hereafter in En- glands Ireland^ and Scot/and, and Wales. _________________________________34'f- K0T1CR RAN away from the Subfcriber, on the 3d day of December, an indent¬ ed apprentice girl, named Catherine Dt'MiNC, fixtcen years of age, dark brown hair, I'warthy complexion and fullen coun¬ tenance—had on when (lie went away, a blue checked handkerchief and blue wool¬ en frock. All perfons are forbid harbor* ing or concealing her on penalty of the law, or trading her on my account-— Whoever will return the faid runaway to the Subfcriber, fliall have one penny re¬ ward and no charges paid. DARIUS CONE. Long Ifiand, Dec. 5, 1820. 49-3^ MOWAT & BRUCE, " Dealers in Dry Goods and Gro¬ ceries, RETURN their grateful acknowledg¬ ments to their fiiends and the pub¬ lic for pall favours, and take this opportu¬ nity of acquainting them that they have received, in addition to their former aflurt- ment, a large fupply of Woolens, Cottons, Silks * Sfc. $c. ALSO, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, and GLASS WARE ; Which they offer for fale at their (lore, for cafh or fhort approved credit. N. B. Produce taken in payment the same 49 tf/ c ash. To Farmers. rjpHE ful-fcriber refpedtfully informs the »- Farmers that he will pay j/k, Hali¬ fax Currency, per bushel f-r any quantity ,.f -terchaiHable \\ heat, (not to exceed Three Thoufand Bu«heU) delivered to Air. \ McPherfon, at the A'apane Mills, eitlier on account or in exchange for Goods; a general afioriment of which he, as usual, constantly keeps on hand, at his Stores at Frrderick*burgh and Bath, and sells tbem on as 1-jw terms as Goods oi tnc lame qua¬ lity can be bought at Kingston, for Cash or Country Produce. He alio begs leave to inform his custo met', and the people in general, that he additi n to his Potash works in the village of Fredericksburg, one in »'ath ; at both which places he will re¬ ceive goo J clean Houfe and Field Ashes, and pay the highefl prices going for thttn in any kind of Goods, on delivery. JOHN CLARK. Bath, Dec 5//;, 1820. 49 THE Land Board, for the Midland District for the enluing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Honfc in the Town of Kinglion, at the h-»ui of 1 2 o'clock at noon, foi the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcriptioci of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and Others comi.ig to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britifli born fabjefts. All able fettlers that have rcfided in the Dlftrid previous to :he1ate war, ?nd pro duce Certificates of having done their duty in its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling cities within Eighteen Months from the dsie of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; ellablifhed by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of 100 acrcs, ^?I2 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do 30 Payable in three equal i-l*a1muit*s, viz. The firlt on the receipt «t the Location ticket ; the fecund on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character, or a fatisfaftoiy rcafon (hevn for fuch not being produced. By order of tie Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. ClerL Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B. To prevent difappointments to perfons applying for lands : it is necefiary to (late that the Board na* no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, al| fuch mud make application to York. York Land Price-Current Office- MR. ANGKLL rcfpectfully informs 1 he public, and Emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fettlement in this Province, and to purchafe improved Farms, that he has on the Kcgifler, for fale or exchange, an extenfivc variety ; together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi¬ ar to the moll fertile foils, which he is di¬ rected to. difpofe of in quantities at from half a dollar to 100 dollars per acre. These Eftates are advantageously situ¬ ated in the defirable parts of well select¬ ed Townfhips, within the Province of Upper Canada, and wateied by navigable rivers, creeks, and mofi brilliam fpiings. The capitalift may at all time find an opportunity of inverting money at this of¬ fice, fecined upon Fee simple Estate, which will afford to him an ample Inte- lell Non relidcnt Landholders may de¬ pend upon the moll faithful and aftive at¬ tention being paid to any Agency entrull- ed to the care of the Director. Terms of Regillering Lands, either to be fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of fettling duties: d. 3 100 acres and under 100 to 200 2co to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 5COand upwards £ O o o o o o 8. I 2 2 3 4 5 o 6 o o o PASTRYCOOK, £c Confectioner, in the House next to Mr. Norton's Shop, on the Market Square, where (he wil con¬ stantly keep on hand, or will prepare at the fhorte!t notice, Pastry of ail kinds, Jellies, Creams &c. She hopes by (Irict attention toobtain ge¬ neral patronage and fuoport. ELIZA COLLINS. Kingflon, Dec ijgftS 1820. N. B. She will be ready to go out if requited, as a coJc, on particuLr occa- Passage from Dublin to Quebec next Spring- J£!SL rpHE fad failing coppered t±££ I Ship KLlfc \, James Purdy, N. B. These rates include the charge for infertion in the General Land Price Current, which will be revifed and pub¬ lifhed monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Weil India lflands. All letters addressed to Mr. ^ngell, Director of this office, mull be poll paid. York, near the Crown Office, 1 22d Auguft, 1820. 3 35tf Kingfton, 2d Ncv. 1S20. 44tf I lions. 5° Mafter, 363 Tons Rugffter, (a regular Trader) is intended to leave Dub'in for this Port April I ft, 1R21. Settlers in Canada can iecuie a pafftge for thcii friends by application u, tlie Subfcriber, and paying their paiTagc or earneft, on or bcfoTe ill January next, \VM. P^NBERTON, Agent ror the Owners. Quchec, 14th Oft- 1 too. 43 BLJ\~R DEEDS and MEMORIALS, For sale at this Qfliee. i Paint Shop. ritHE Subfciiber, a few rods fouth of JL Mrs. Patrick's Inn, has just receiv¬ ed a general fupply of PAINTS, which he offers for sale, uncommonly low, for Cafh only, viz. Rofe Pink, Dutch Pink, King's Yellow, Chromic Yellow, Tena de Seana, Drop Lake, Verdigris, Patent Yellow, Piuflian Blue, Turkey Umber, Vermillion, Gold and Silver Leaf, Plaistcr Paris, Paris White, Yellow Ochre, Lamp Black, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, Glue, Copal and Japan Varnifhes— all which may be had dry, ground in oil, or fitted for the brufh. Alfo, RAW and BOIL'D OILS. PAINTING, in its various branches, done at the fhorteft notice. THKODORE BROCKET. Kingston, Dec. 3, 1820. 49tf QUEEN'S TRIAL. Twenty-fifth day, continued. By the Earl of Ennfskillen—Thf Queen returned from the opera about one o'clock. You defcribe that the Queen was drcfTcd, on one occasion, in a robe re- fembling a Grecian female : I wifti to know whether that robe could be put over any other drefs (he had on that night, without undrefling ?—Not only mufl it be fo, but I recoiled the drefs her Majesty had underneath ; it was perfe&ly plain, it came up to the neck, was very fhort, and had no train. By the Earl of Lauderdale. I attended the Princefa a few days at Rue- canelli, and afterwards came to Villa Grande, where I resided two months, in July and Auguft, 1817. Louis Bergami waa there fome part of the time. The Countcfs of Oldi, who, I underftood, was filler to Bergami, was alfo at Ruccantlli or Villa Grande. Louis Bergami fome- times dined at table with the Princefs. I never faw Bcrgsmi's mother to my know¬ ledge. I do not recoiled to have feen in the Princefs's fervice any other relations of his family but Louis and the Countcfs Ol¬ di — Was the fhort drefs one which the Princefs wore when fhe perfonated any other charader but the Grecian female ?— I was in the paflage clofe to the door, and faw the Princefs in that drefs. You are certain that the fiift drefs her Royal High- nefs wore was over that (hort drefs ?—Be- yond a doubt, it could be no other. I am fpcaking of the drcls you defcribe as coming up high without a train ; do you know whether fhe wore that drefs in the firll character fhe aQumtd ?—It muft have been lo ; it was the firft drefs fhe wore ; it was impoflible that fhe could have taken it off in fo fhort a time. Bergami fat at ta¬ ble. Generally fpeaking, fomewhere on the left of her royal Highnefs. He fat fometimes next her Royal Highnefs, and lometimes at a diftance from her. When I was at the fame table, I generally fat, when there was no company, on the right fide of the Queen. Bergami fometimes fquare, round the corner. But when vi¬ sitors were prefent, did Bergami continue to occupy that place \—That waH juft as it happened, according to rank. By another Peer.—Louis Bergami dined at the table when 1 was prefent feveral times ; fome¬ times he wasabfent from home. I believe he was chamberlain at that moment. He generally fat at the other end of the table. By the Lord Chancellor, at theinftance of the Solicitor General. — When thePrincefs appeared in the Turkilh drefs, did fhe not vcartrowfers ?—I happen to know what the irowfers were, and I beg to explain them—(Explain, explain ) They are ve¬ ry muck like the common petticoat, fewed flightly between the legs at the bottsm ; fuch as are very often worn io the Levant ■ At the inftance of Mr. Williams.—Whca I faw the Pnncefa and Bergami walking on the terrace, they could be feen by per¬ fons in every houfe in the neighbourhood- as well as in the houfe to which it belong¬ ed. By Lord Browulow.—When the Princefs went up flairs to change her drefs, fhe had a great number of attendants to afSfl her; the door was opened and fhut by every body who went in and out of the room. I do not remember that fhe was attended by De Mont. I do not know that Bergami was there. The wit nefs was then ordered to withdraw, and, as it was four o'clock, the houfe adjourned. SATURDAY—TWENTY-SIXTH DAY. M'liWunt \Oiui I rii^l-OH^ l^lilc "Hull rtlt- ness,) valet to Sir William Gell, was then examined. He had been nine years with sir William Gell. Before that had been a midshipman in the navy. Was with sir William and the Princess at Na¬ ples, in 1814. Bergami was then a cou¬ rier. Never heard of any jealousy a- mong the other servants in consequence of his appointment. The first night of their being at Naples, Bergami slept ia a room over Mr. Sicard'6. That being so low that he could not stand up in it, he was removed on the second night to another, about sixty feet distant from that of the Princess, and separated by a ' passage, off which there were three rooms occupied b) Austin, Hieronymus, and Dr. Holland ; tfcese rooms opened into the passage. Remembered a masked ball at Naples, and waited on that occa¬ sion. Did not recollect any of the ser¬ vants being iu particular dresses. On the journey to Naples, Austin slept in a chamber by himself when there was room ; when there was not, he slept in that of the Priucess. Knew Majocchi ; had heard him at Ruccauelli mention the name of Baron Ompteda. The witness being then asked, "What did you hear him say ?" the Attorney and Solicitor Generals objected to the question, on the ground that Majocchi had not been examined as to any such conversation. Dr. Lushington argued that the question ought to be put. Was it possible to contend that any fact re¬ specting the conduct of Ompteda, who had been acting as a spyabout the persou of her royal highness, who had been en¬ gaged iu corrupting her serrauls, who had suborned witnesses, who had picked the locks, and robbed the most secret de¬ positories in which her Majesty kept her papers; was it possible, he asked, to contend, that, in an enquiry affecting the character and life of her Majesty, aud