- adc, and ftrcnglt, of ,„.nd to duo.d many | hd*L s(roU • as af„LPllhrw u- national prcjudiecs which might oppofc ^^X^^^^'T^9 hi. advancement. He attaches hi9 troop, and o»Sdbv ^Jtt*?**^ to his Eatercft not more by a ready pnrtici- to the * llI * "'ft? !f?ta» C%8 nation in rheir hardlhr J «EXff2l 1 " ST^l?":",,d b*",S bc"Calh «& to hia intercll not more by a ready partici¬ pation in rheir hard/hips, difficulties, ana danger*, than by the csfy familiarity with which he engages their confidence and flatters their vanity, and by the ability with which he afiuciatea their military cnthn- iiafm with his fiiccefr, and identifies their frlury with hU own. Me i-; a great mailer of political iiitrijrue, »nd fo v.-ifed in the arts (if himnlaiioji aiul diffinnd.uion, that lie has not only deceived hn own govern¬ ment, but every other which luw atterttfrtxd to torn him to its advantage. fljjj perfidy l$ more than Punic : he will make a treaty and violate it in the I ;mc hum : he will allwre his advofaiics into lu's power by the kindell word* and faiVeft promifes, and then deli toy litem w J; bout conpunc- tion. His ddi-e of wryeancc is deeply featcd, kn -w* n > limits, and fncrea&s by delay; neither dues he pHufs the leaft portion of that mgm&mky of fowl which can requite valour and geur. ii y in ;• foe. As All gaze* at power wi:h an eagle's eye fo I it cling*; to wealth with the appetite of a vulture. IJi s avarice is f > i exceffive that rue might think his defire of dominion proceeded iron tilt* vifh of gratifying this iufat\ib!eopi Jity. in pro- curiuii" wealth he ha% rce«urfe not unlv to a ie||» revenue, Surf t.> ill.- mcanelt artifi¬ ces and the mod fiumvf'd cxtoni.m. He has n-.'A political knuwlvd;*e enouirh to fre that the encourag? rrtnt *4 commerce and agriculture, with uj-mdnc Uvv$ and finan¬ cial arrangements would, by an increafe of capital and exIen IJ n 01 credit, augment his revenue and fupptft his government j but he peters to ii.l his tvihoy by forced avanias ft**« grfevi us rxa&inns, annihilat¬ ing induilry arid (iJOiiii; all the bounties of nature in tbcif birih. A wrtl depofit is always kept nr.cii:ph>jc 1« a;;.! tiled as xhc exigency of the titcri m*y i equine ■; when this is fati-ft'-d, the rvpemhtuic u replaced i rid & neat to the 'marvellous and bends beneath Che power At superstition ; hence it is that he is greatly alarmed at thunder and earthquakes,at which times probably re¬ morse finds an opportunity of applying her vindictive lash. Hi sunt qui nvpidani et ad omnia falgura pal- lent, lie believes in charms, and Hunks lhal chemical combinations of matter rntsthl be discovered, which would cure all cUr- eases, and prolong life fo an indefinite extent, often this makes him Ibis dupe of cunning and desi^uin" men. In the year 1813, as he was inspect- hip some repairs in tl.e grc'at serai of the Castrou, a large block uf Mono fell from ! a scallold upon hi-* shouldrrsj and laid i liini prostrate on Che ground. Everyone present thought he was killed, and a ^.*« octal alarm was spread : but All, tW seriously hurt, ordered a ftfir'G to he* e- (juipped in>f.tuf!v, up til which !.e m.iun- letl and rocJfl round the city, \*ii!i a sin¬ gle Aihauiau attendant, without disc»- veriiig the least mark ol pain, though he had received a wound which tcuiiued him several weeks to his bed. After his recovery, he tivkJ .Monsici:r PoiKjucville (hat he acted thus-to assure hispeople of his safety, nndtodepritc his enemiis of the pba-ure of thinking he was likelv fo die. The consul re- piifri? that every man had his enemies, but he could not think thofe of his hi^h- ne<s went so far as to de-ire his death. •• \VIiut ?M said Ali, Ci there is not a mi¬ nute oFtJjj day in -ahich they do not of¬ fer up pravrrs fo heaven for my destine- (ion ; how can it be olherwist ? fur for¬ ty years I hare been dui :^ every tiling bad to every bttdy: in this period I have cj<.:-cd 30,(K)0 persons 16 b: Itung and put to death in various ways; and tJicy know lhal if I live lunger I »hall do more: would you iiave them not hate uie then : Ihcirhatrcd, lio-^ever, will not a live I my health,*1—and uiK»'i llii> !;e burot iutw !iis u«uaj S*vrdituie lauuh. As Ali U now more tii.Mi seventy year- •";»/, and |»isfi«rnia*ij years pasi hi *n flie prey ol a mortal disease, l\\M di>vn- lutii o cannot in.: far distaet, \\\\\\ tha reins ol miurr must dij;* hum that nun hand whieh li:s^ long hi 111 ihCHI With SO j luin a ^rasp. On fhii event his tUvr >o!:s will probabh be competitors for his Ell roue- How fur oualr* ^'° duties nu Timber from the North df '**uiopc be reduced so as tocompensate f'u' difference of freight. Suppose a middle l)0rl—for instance Me- m^J, Where Pine e«*ts about Gd. per font, the Load, Jj\ 5 Freight, 0 IS Charges in Li!»don, 0 ;; i->uty reduced from £3 4 11 to I 4 Equalizing th@ price of e by addiiiunal c-»nli ibutiuns. rcpuiuory cf this lla'imaiy wealth, to the amount, as 1 was ii.funnel, of more than two millions (leiliu'r- fca Uifiy tower in rhc garden of UU fcnclfa \t l\ j*eki»i; but lie puff fhs jevvel.s a lo o! inuiai.ie valiiv, i with numcuMA iltnc. of fmnilute audi mtnliis «-f all kith] . Whteli lie has pilln-.n-d ' not only f.om indi^uiu.li Imt from chiea i and towns taken by arTmJt or received under bis proL ction. On (i.ie oecaficw he diliiiSuu-d many tboufand pounds weight uf brats kettles, |-"t-, and fuch implement- to the F.vuh etvgiuvcrg at Joannin.i for the puipuft i.f a cannon foundery which lk<}' had eilsbliflicd by his orders. To no art due* fc? r,-vc snore of his fuc- cef« than to that of btibciy, and his gold has often penetrated into thofe places which were proof againfl l;i3 ai ms ; neither does his inordinate avarice reprcfe, but rather promotes thid fyfteni, for I»c Icaicely ever fails to recover the b.ibe^fooncr or ..... _^v Vi L_ Mvm m Jmmiuj„, later with inter Jt, wh:!:l l!ic lire or hber- ! Umther* Jc Co. states the emplov menL ol ty of the traitor ia faenueed to Ins skilful j Uiithh dipping in the Timber 1'rade to hypocrify ; yet with the power of aihnn- rt * - ' ing the moft winning manners and cloth¬ ing hia (lern countenance in complacent finite* he contrives to draw frefii vi£lims From (he Quebec Gazette of the \r,H> y ! November) 1820. !'.Jr. Nkjls-o.v, Asa specimen of t lie cm:- uvr gixeu before the Select Committee en the tiou&c of Lords, relative to tile Timber Trudt. permit me to lav before you Hie fo J lowing evtraels in sub&tauee by Mr.Tooke, a ilus&ia Merchant, and Si'r. Stc^uit, u Canadian Merchant. Mr. Tooke of the House of Thornton, ma ob into his fatal fnarcs, diiedts their villany to bis own advantage* and perfuading each deluded votary that his fortune will be more profperous than t!;at of ©ihers, over. whelms at la.'i both a.lvcrfaries and adhe¬ rents in a common iuin- He once gave a in a bouyourrfi'c te kill another who was -noxious to him : the bloody deed wis perpetrated, but the adallin found in the pocket of his vid'tim a I'nnilar bouyouidee for bis own dellrncliun. He carried h to the vizir, and ex pre!'-. J fotne Bgns of as. toniihment; wrjten .Mi, laughing, replied, 4< H^j- rYT.infe, if I h hi n<»t given him this, he never would have put himfelf in your way, and yon would Iiave had no chance of crT£lui£ ymr pu-p.ife." In fad, the tyrant ivifhed to get rid of both or either of them. Wjth regard to lh.n demesfu- hah!;; of Ali Paslm, his a!i< utiuo to h.i-i-i- », aiul the distiihution «r U\. lime, an a:;).:n.:t the mo*t c\ir:!'»:din:-: v. S-» j'-aloii.* i-liy of power, that L- nr !y culls upon (In: scniecs of his lYiiuUtei t, bill ftan acts all affairs of 501 oMiintMtl him.iif. Jte rises Tcrv early in (hi noruin^ and lakes a cu|) uf eollee "itli his j itie: lie t :i. n^'ves audi Voce to his vjtrhujfi <»liice;>» leceives Russia to be equal as to the lettjjtfi ol voyage, to that carried on to the British North Auieiiean Colonies, because the sh'ipi thai go for Deals from Archiinsel and Onega, can perform but one v 'juge io Hie season, and the ships for Tinilicr and Deals from the Russian ports in the Daldc, can hardly make more tliau two voyages in the ;ea:so». Now as to Ame¬ rica, though ships can make bat one voy¬ age from Quebec ; tin.re are some of the tower pons from which tiiey can make two voyages, so liiat i should ecrfainiy put the cutployinent of iliiti^ii ships in ! t!ie importation of Timber and DealsiVofli iius>ia on a level witli thosi! iVum British JSoith AuKiiea. -Mr. 'I'or'ke considers the \)f0CC^j}}S Jul) oil (miner as amongst ihe most ob- uoxlous to tile ilussian GoT.-rniia'nt,tlKit taking if oil'would soften tin* principle and euuee a disposition on [fa pari of the iSntiih (.■oieriimenl of beiu^ no lo:i- ger anxious to uphold lint sVmcJO ol pn-tcctive duties to die e\elusioit of the producliuus ol other countries. A!r. Uobeit .Stewart states that (here are unity purposes lor which the Ameri¬ can Titobet is preferred, and which con¬ stitute a lar-e feature in tin* Consump¬ tion, boea use it is cleaner, that i* fiee from knots and larger,—(See (rjzette 01 13th N*«vtmbcf us tj e^cirptiojW and petitions and decides cau-es, prt noe.uccs purposes*) jnd^^cuf, fp(i!es t!ie r*Miejms of hisar- QneSrion,—Iflhe duties on the im- iny,navy, and r: VCUUP. ii!'. noon : lit then portatic-n of limber from the North ol dines open vet}' Tribal fare, a few plain Kur pe v.cre SO far reduced OS to e.akc di4iC5,and a vnv& iafe ponton of ttitw*. ■ tl.em exact!* compensate the diSVrerce I w I After dir.ucr he slifpafr ra;; hi*: 1 or two, j of irei^ht b'twe;'n the voyage from Ca- and then smoke- !.=-■ kcui»a vhJUt hr is j nada and tiie voyage from r!je baltie, occupied in *■!...;!.;• r»r«*i;.;^iUftns till "..% \vcu!d then the Canada timber continue or sever. oYIerk at n:..'.f. Of pven rn'-h , to be prelerred for the.-e purposes which later: lie afterwisvi* takes his :,.j.(k. Olid retires to his tercru .\ot>ne kuu m: bcforeiiaud where he hiteuds to caiea-t the business ol the diiV : s«»;r.et';i.:es 1 e f:\cs upon the Serai of LUarltfca, ^ume- fimes that of iii- Casirue, and i+fttni he jeitrci to the $i\-dens of ih • iviusk. or to some one of r!ie nunurne.s tenCnu'iitS which he pos?e-S(S both witiuii and with¬ out the city. Wherever he may be, ^ large quaulity of Alouaiau troops arc generally seen K'al'vrcd eboutj, i"« their unite capotes, wailing ior his e\it. This extraordinary attculi-:". to busines is pro- dutiive &f great incoin'onsftiscctohissul** jecl&, fPThiypile ofall his quickness in decision, and tfa htpof^ihilhy^t appeal, a vast nccun;ui:::*.nn necessarily UsVfHl place, esp ri'ilij di ri fg IU fretp.oni au- sence from ii ,- iaai«hu>1« ■- llv- -J. » vou !ia>u described ? I :■ il'j sr Jle is l\.*i by no ne.au- -?'k» li^ion. 1!:- i'i-i the \ ear. ;:« ll- . . \ : '- I* 1 1 .'I i •hi i ; 1j ■ / : »u An. wcr.— The preference would coir* tinue if they were both brought i-nto the market va tiie same cxpenee. Question.—Wfsen you speak of the ex pence, do \ca include the prime cost of the article r Answer- — I nvau that if llw tvto ar¬ ticles were Unreel ior mfa in tais coun- (ry at t!ie same price, the con*e tier would aive the American Timber too prcfereue;- for those purpose.-. If Iherebe ai-y misapprehension pflhla view of the ruct-tion, the many inlelH- jjent Gi'ittienicU lta>in^ Canada for laig- land. and who are so well lersed in the Timber Trade, will have oppnrfuni'ir* of removi'i-the un!avonrab!e impre^ion. An inf'Mvece som^-thin^ like the fol- Un\U^ has l)-,.eu '.ini^i: from these ;:n- B&M "ft. T:..s:.i:» O'Uins" reuu.t to rhe Hoard . fUM IJftli .Vl.'.^ 18^0> t«»5Ct ■s iIpmi hH- r llrf priee of) g Quelle Pine, \ ** l0 It is submitted to those conversant with the Timber Trad-* to examine how far this view of the Question is correct, to « hum it certain I) is known that the Lum¬ ber exported from these Colonies will not bear a corresponding duty oji impor- tafhn info Great Britain of a tenth part uf the above rt-dection. A LUMBERMAN. mm$mmmnw KINGSTON. Dlci-mblr l, 1S20. • ■ • • • *•!•■•• Owing to the Unefrtaloty of our intercourse wim Sachet's HatfMtrrftt the prr^eivt Si'Osuu Wi are without on; usual files ni'Arwsrapers, and conseqiiuutiy wilhout any additiouai A- merican or tlnroptMii intcltijieu <■«% Well iw copied filrtiui the PI liadclphin Na¬ tional (sivAotlv. a seiocliijU iVoni u late l>ook of travels in Albania, di-juctiuij ilie character o! I he celebrated All V ic::a. m Jo:mni:ia. This sin^niar man ap^'-.-.s to unite in himself the mo;* e-:[;aonL.i in iju'dhies.andiu rcse.nhle in nartieii! tr point' soma heroes of re.»nv7i i" m lustory.— iTo tin ta! res tor business, and clew unwearied a;: -ieaiiou uf Ih* Greal i-V;-- dcrick of PniMia. I • udm (he enifUnessa,and sl.ill in iiiin.-iv. of PliiJip of KLtccdnn, toge- tiiv/ will: lilt- Ui*4'K*ui and rcinorsidesa disre¬ gard of iiumau 'if'- " hit-h m ;:-ked |:be career oi'tJiP !i\U*. of I bit He!.-nu—w|n> i.\ r i.ie siii.eti.ne lie sm; a-x-s !l„ :o all in pi-rfluV and cr.i-hy. Th- i«< i ftrritUM* relative to th«- ;.r«.;r(,sof :!i*-/..!•• wUhh ;liis I'.iehn \< «-«SH«S a^iinrt hi*iM& >b.^.i-;he Turkish Sultan, uw lather « onfu-edand cnntradJCto- ry. Ii rhi" report of TheUnfcetlon ol uiiuor two of h- poms ."* • liiulnneii, \U.- Ikty uf Ali Will speedily he dei led. find a furcr refuge or more flcady protec¬ tion than in the sailors and soldiers of this country." " If I do not feci, perhaps I ought to feel more gratitude than icfcnt- meat towards my enemies for the tifage which they have endeavoured to heap up¬ on me, when I confider that thofe wrongs arc likely, under the direction of a fuper- intendiog Trovidencc, to assist the nation in f& recovery of its constitutional rights and liberties. * * * * Anarchy is the greatcft of all evils ; but anarchy is ufually the climax of bad government. * * * * It would afford me the fweetcll fati^faiBion to be in any degree instrumental in rekindling the dying Jire of national liberty. 11 Perhaps I ought to tiiumph in the indignities I have experienced, and to re¬ joice in the wrongs I have [offered, as thofc wrongs and indignities have been the means which Providence has employed for excit¬ ing fuch a fpirit in the nation, as must tend to lecure the rights of the People and to enlarge the practical benefits uf the Constitu¬ tion . w The fympathy which my afflictions have excited has produced a degree of clofe and cordial union in the fentiments of the nation, which augurs the most glorious re¬ sults." **The great fault of the statesmen of our own country has been that they have not kept pace with the increafed knowledge and improved fentiments of the age- They are all children, while the nation has grown np to manhood. They are (till in the leading-lirings of puerile maxims, while the people have learned to walk erect in the light of netu truths and of better prin- cif-les." The. answer to the Birmingham address di*J lays something like a vindictive spirit, and ■ "..tains the following hitter allusions to th GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. Surveyor General's Office. Torh) Nov.*'*, 1820, NOTfCE is hereby given, that Healed proposals will he received of '.his Ollice, on or before the 24th day of Jan¬ uary, 1821, to be opened on that day. for the Survey of the undermentioned Townships in the Midland District: The Townships of Sheffield, IJl.NXHINIinuKE, and BEDFORD, containing about 60,000acres each ; and for the residue or northerly part of the Township of IIu.vgerfokd, containing about 40,000 acres* The Surreys to be paid for in Land ; by a percentage on the Land Surveyed —and fo be performed after the manner and on the Terms and Conditions ex¬ pressed in the Notices from this Ollice, bearing date the 14th December, 181S, and the 8th of February, 1819. T&jOft itlDOUT, Survey07- General. V. .• Itavn no i.(*: c-.tie * to enter Into any <•<•-.!t«--.ej;-y wAhll-i* Kii'uor of the L'pper " 1: •! 1 (•••r.'.id. < i-i we rnuuotpns-owr his I 1 'l irb.4»;"/uUoUS m -.!«'lK*f. 'Tl.t: ...uiilnO naude tu ..jr. \V;:lsh aj pears rather rlitin^e- lliluii-;, »iii< e \\e h?:vi; \,' \'§T CSpn^SJieu aoy »i- jiiiiuii derogatory lo |h -t g^utlemiui'sill-era- ry eli..iM.'li-r ; aodiiile* writer of tin- obser¬ vations hi <|'ii'^;..u had /iw n the pilhy ivttrps wliieii --raced our column:* last winter the sii.;i:!»--; itu.iilioii he would 110! h't.e tailed Jo pi-:cei\i' tiiai linir-h the author widely diLT.-reduiih Mr- VfJi U on political "Mdyeels, i.e did mnple uwLiee i«» his tuleuts and »c- ijnne.nt.nts. Vvc Infh'cd fei lio he^lation in declr.ei;-;, th::t in our • linUtl.un, ;t;:tl ,-;o :; r iii* Oltr Uia.w le.l^: 1';;,'m!> 3h'. W;■:.•>!» U Lldl luferiu;* n* a literary m m to ;.ny on this cent- tinent, u:-A we are by n«» means di5j»OSfd, like the Editor (»i'tlie fjenitd. i" dfcjUitia he- le-i- Kiiig— i he fpirit of malignity is never a fpirit of repofe- It is the ferpent gnawing the heart ; and if there be at this moment one who, more than another, is an objeft of pity for the fufpicions to which he is a yiftim, or for the inquietude to which he ih a prey —for the ianumerable vexations which he ia hourly, nay momentarily, feel¬ ing—for the coulcioufncfs of malice that geance that lias miffed its aim,— fuch an objedt of pity is, perhaps, to be feen at the head of my adverfaries. The moralist of after-times, when he wants examples of a- bortive malice or unfuecefsful treachery to give effect to his leflons or to breathe a living energy on his page, will not long be at a loft; to know liom what part of our hitlory to extract an imprelTivc proof, that cunning, malevolence, and perfidy, excite nothing but fcotn, and are produc live of nothing but mifcry." In Tin- ivply t*» the Coventry address there is a tmivlt at lh»' Holy Alliance.— taste and style."* \Vr aica!\\:.yj glad to ^ When God g: ve the power of thou-ht shelter m^\u% when we can, nu^r e^ib- , evidently defigncd it to be free lished iiutlwrities. and therefore annex t;ae ; _ » / t 7 _ s*mliments of thel"diuiinri;h Keviewers rein-| ryranny may fetter the legs or handcuh live, to the " character: -'ic blyle'" of .Ur. i'ini* the arm&, but it cannot impofe chains on lips. But;:!! tiii'SOo]:i:i'nns, Ainericanaiue!! iAC interior operations of tl.e mind It ;tsTru:sai!tntie,are,uic-uu-s.Vtsm.v^■ fe.-i- ma r<fft j ^ freedom of intelkaual tliers, e iie.i \vei.:-iicdiuth-'i»'ua:iee wnli l!iO;>c . . ,. . - Of the va^l- CdStor of tee ?*era]d. AVepro- 3g*ncy through the medium ol the prefs; less 1 .1 ,o he veiled in philviegy in :-.ny e-.- t but, in the prefeut condition of man. no t;-u>;\!. ' <r, "decree, suiil shall tiurefore ineie- . rellraint of this kind can well be cffica- l\ remark th a with due der.renee o our \cim9t And my heart vibrates with joy l.iends er;li.-e.l acun.-u, we conceive oer . T n n. .1 -.r if • .u rati, com ah- nM.11,.1 i!i c,-,rh „f ;h • inst,,.- wh.en " «*^ ihat_tyranny .tfelf IS on the h our via :;•«! point of expiring in almclt every part ot the European world- The Holy Alli¬ ance, though made for the purpofe, can havdly keep it alive. Its extinction is de¬ creed : and fome member of the felfilh faction may have leifc.re to write its epi¬ taph." timate a an * \ 111 mailers <•! sei;;in:o:il. are a!\\:.v: Y ees hebus rptot^d,ar;^ that i-otli our old ;\ .u our ne;cde!i.:i".ii/.;r:, as Delias fueetlousiy t< rui- ed tlieni, nu\y, ho intnul in a certain uid bou» :\elrj»ed Johnaoi/'s dictionary. in ceiel:!Mou. ne yMVLl re::ii:)d the Editor of liieiie<'ahl thatwc Inve seldom, if ever, been a1 tijetrotible oJimtvcing his many f*dse sie» sraud that so far from seeking causes of di:ferc::ce, we have always studiously avoid¬ ed litem- We lay no claim whatever to In- tu&hitfty : hut :is we ure liable, like all others, to error, we le-'i\e the opinions we promulgate tii stand or fallaceordi.i^ !o their i.itriusiu ie.e- ri':. If at any Snie tiiey be either directly or nhlkprely atlaeltcd, we shall always he le-Jy tothtend them to the utmost Of our poo/ahinn, ;,e.J sh-^V" ,,,J wibC hfe deterred f;nn. nerfimniiislhU duty to ourselves by the iauuirndos of the alitor lu.nsell, or Un-Mnari aiUision&of Ins cu:'G^Pol/rIt'nls' we make only thWprovbo. fhatwben, in future, the (JMxiloisian hwaiiiW i» be captious, our no¬ tice oriiis remarks ?hall he it; a ratio corres¬ ponding with their *awt*au™ importaacf. Bilraci from the SithWo* of the Edinburgh ifcriV'tW^^5 Kl A>it i- 2 nu- ii 1 ,11 ali. l'uillips that eveiy >rutracr mm luiife ll** »« V]V;:.a;:i—li.at point and uHithnl* it.um twcvcra|iiKaV in ihe word*, (Miusfil iiiiuo inns »*xi 1 111 tat? I'H'tt.MU;: , we are i.iu^a-ii 10-draifi mhIi llw' afor*i.-fctieo*ofi- this" ;.,..; - il:af-" ihe .K.e" auU " tHeuUu r — wUh iiFttHus and bUUenrt*1—*'* VOM|; P«J*«twd 1o.KrI<ttibwoii» ivhiidy Foreign to ih«r rc;il mwtmng bv Mieft«rJr« commonly caHed*lip-i;|op, aud ot Htiieh Mifc. XhtlaP^P *«»hi ferlghi an ex- tuniitismisil-aoiiMs ot «'rr JiMjrilaMi iluvu hei uiio-thr»liaJrt-«tid hi H> *»4 wrjf genciaHv, utlli tiie l-^uie vfyfuv* noxsensv'. ' cVc. ^c. Ai1 Irenes, we iil»scrve. continue still to he'pr-s'e ned iu msM uanihew Uihar Majes- ty, who aiiswers tiinn m Use usual sijic.— It is dUUttdt ainid the variety of conflicting statements in the Knglfeb newspapers, to uomeatlhe irutk on thia subject, or toab- ce 11 I pm uui less sioufly xanintain the reverse, and «y lhal many uf the Barouches are fill¬ ed wi:.li clnunber-maida and cooks, tricked In the absence, there- o.n ior t,i<' uei'r*>mu« f.KV, of ;..; positive uuornuuioa u 11 the suh- Ul * r;l 1 11! 1 lhal (j '« c I'u TUu.surr wj hi • v. '.. -:'d- 'j, *c J. ■• • iM ' **»*«* u».; , Vt »•.» iwa*u*ii m#«v«.«-.....— -•- ------ ( i,-ct. we iuAv venture an opinion ihat, Wlme W&frtty life uuuursuch foul suspicions, u would be more consistent with the modes- tv. fle!-e:u-v. am! wSct sense of dtoormn For which tl;cV;n::-!i ivainle character is so enu- neatiy dUtiaguisl^d, to await the result 01 the triil, and to reserve this public expres¬ ses ei'i'u- humn^o due to her exalted rank, unit! tin* :-.';:: ua/wl.ieh would re def her u:nvor;hv o( it, U reiitOVvcL BllOttrd the in- v,--i atioil happi:, i.rminate in tavor ot her M.|-m\, they ii..jVh and urig&t tobnlottd a*ui w-rni in their .•on;;raLilat!nu«. W e se¬ lect a few passage* From s<"lir wi her Ai.ijes- 1 r. lai- ivplW* which must, we should una- .. u-, r,ii-!i«r hfttae Siuui aid her cause with f : '1 t:02! per.-iiii-- I'u (;,i 1*1'::-- ^nlor^she says— « I a-n fully Coovittced that nifu.ted ! ni-atwefj ordepiUfel rank can no where besides Thk Kingston Co.mpassIOSATE So.'iktv, which has been established about ;-.\ u year, wi:lia\e recently had die satisfaction In peree'o c the formation of two other eha- ritahle IxHtitutionsin this place, The Him:*- m \\ S.uiKrv. ami Tun Fkmax.f. Bk.nkvo- u j!*s Sorirrr. These S,vv;,■,,.--, Akfi^di entirely separates and independent of each ither. may be considered asonc united body 11 their operations, providing food and shel¬ ter for the starving and houseless, administer¬ ing comfort encouragement and assistance to the desponding, sick, and broken spirited Stranger, \Ve are. happy lo understand that a regular correspondence will he kept up between the officers of the respective as- soeiatitins, and that while each exercises its own discretion in extending relief to the ob¬ jects W inch present Uiemselvcs for charity ,auy aft ii.;»t at nnpo-'.lion on the part of the ap¬ plicants will hy iliis' pnuh-nt arrangement be .. once discovered and prevented. Last evening; ii:e Anniversary of Saint An¬ drew's hirih was observed at Moore's Coin P House by a large party of Caledonians, who met to pay due honours to the Patron of their native lend. Tile dinner, at which Mr. Cum- miog, assisted by Mr. Marshall, presided, was as excellent in quality, .is abundant in varic- tv : and did great credit t" the exertions of the Host. In the course of the evening seve¬ ral good songs wen* suns;, and the party did nut separate on til a late hour. The fnilowing were among the toasts drunk on the occasion. Saint Andrew and the Lando'Cakes. The King. The Queen. The Duke of Turk and the Army The Wooden "Walls of old England, The Heroes of Waterloo. Sir Peregrine Maitland, and the land we live in. Tie- Earl orPalhonsie and the Province of Lower Canada. Sir Jamrs Kempt and the Province of Nova Scotia. The memory of our late Vice President, ami departed friend, Win. Mitchell. Esq* The memory oflhe gallant Sir 1 aacHrock, and those brave men who giorinusly fell in drir nUn* us from the assaults of our repub¬ lican foes. The Sons ofold Gael, shoulder to shoulder. Our adopted Country, Upper Canada, may its sml lie as sanvd in the eyes of all true St o- sieen as tin' land of their Fathers. The fair lasses of t-pper Canada. BIRTH, On Sunday, the 36Ul instant, the Lady of Doctor tjeddei, of a d:u^Utcr. NOTICE. TMR Subfcribers return their grateful and unfeigned thanks to their friends and the public, for the liberal patronage they have received while in bufinefs io this place, and mull inform them that they have jua received from Montreal a frefh fupply of GOODS, in addition to their former Stock, which they will difpofe of very low for cafh, fhort approved credit, or in exchange for good Merchantable WHEAT, as they arc now wanting 2,000 Bushels, To be delivered to A. MacPherfon, Efq. IVapane Mills, a Sample of which they will requite to be delivered to them at their Store in the Village of Bath, one week previous to the delivery of any at the Na- pane Mills, as Wheat that has Rye. Chefs, Cockle, or Smut in it, cannot be received. GEORGE HAM & Co. Bath, 27th Nov. 1820. 48 £^~ ProvideJor Winter comfort. 5* ESPECTFULLY informs the pub- R\j lie, he purpofes to have ready foi infptdton on TUESDAY next, a fupply of falhionable fuitable for the approaching fealon, felcdt- ed by himfelf in the Montreal, and Que- btc Markets, and on very reafonablc term» for Calh only, at his STOKE, adjoining Captain Anderfon's Koufe. KingBon, id Dec. 1820. 48tf 'stolen, rESTERDAY, from the Store of Mefari. T. R. Cartwright & Co. a Gold Watch, With four Gold SEALS, and a KEY.— A 1 eward of FIFTEEN POUNDS Will be given to any jierfon who will fur- nidi information sufficient to convict the offender. THOMAS R. CARTWRIGHT. Kingston, 1st December> 1820. 4S To Brewers. WANTS a fltuation as Manager or Affiftant in a Brewery, a young Man from England, who has a thorough knowledge of the bufinefs in the following branches :—the making of Porter, Ale, & Beer Malts—alfo, the Brewingof Porter, Ale, and Bcei—likewife, the Bottling. Any application, addrefsed R. S. thro1 the medium cf this Olficc, will ue Uuiy at¬ tended to. Kingfton, Dec, f, 1820-_______3VV48 Government Contract. PERSONS willing to Contract for fupplying His Majefty's Naval Yard* at Point Frederick, with Seven Hundred Cords of " FIRE WOOD" (cut from found hard Timber,) will fend to the Dock Yard Gates, on the 30th inftant, Sealed Tenders, endorfed " Tenders for Fire Wood." — ALSO— Perfonsdcfirousof furnihhing His Ma¬ jesty's Naval Yard, with Teams of Horfes and Oxen for ihe en filing year will fend to the Dock Yard Gates, on the 30th inst- sealed Tendeia, endorsed " Tenders for Team Work." The Tenders for the above Contracts to be opened on Saturday the 30th inftant, . at one o'clock. 4$ N. KADIGKR, Chief Clerk. Naval Storekeeper's Office, > 1st December, 1820. Government Houfe* 1 6th March, 18 20. J HIS Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor is plcaled to direct that no Location requiring Settlement Du:y fhall by Confirmed by Patent, without a Cer. tificate from the Land Board of the Diftricl in which fuch Location may be fituate, that the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Order in Council has bona fide been performed within the time fpecified by the Location Ticket. JOHN SMALL, Cli. E. C \ Quebec, Nov: 20th 1820 Upwards of a dozen veflelt failed for Great Britain laft night and this morning, with a fair wind. Very few now remain and it is expected they will all get off. The number of veltcls from fea entered this year, is 575- Tonnage, 146,2+4. Settle ra, 11,239. Gazette.