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Kingston Chronicle, November 24, 1820, p. 3

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bad hnly tnt^>lin*dbiiRt«Si r« netr <*• fRculfu^ in ^ endeavoring in e-e;?;«r Iicim tlt#i*c It - had ahead» eiico»nlered: Ir-binn-d. ilrni, wnile ,u Pari*, a prniInuni rain«\ nJFfuitljMtfiMHl h\ Kroiise. and null Htm, lli'.tl It Won Id 1/• ncit"-sai*y fur liiui III change ln> name, became it would •>** d»ut£crmn lot Iimti »o (Miu' !'» KtfH,iUd III !ii>n\\|i. •• ;>,,| fi< f.II y»i thai any mnniU ii.nl mkci; place} ttt* told inr some tumult. Mime diMnd'T/' " On Uoal mci'ii.ii ilia he hUj lli.H luinni: had tu&eil Jtlfte*3 lie told <u- im.iiu,.; eUc." fie.Dg fui- uur prosed upon lb)* point, be h;u1 remnrd in tlie hiVCTiaMe f\;t<(l:n»: i*f w,;(, -i-r<% whCIt dritcii it.foa corner by vtattio*, M 1 have repeat¬ ed wiiai ilia* gci»tfi*um-.i ■ *>ivl me/' Mc (ifr. lirnitp!:a:aj vuah\ tun ilen$ w;;.*n Sacchi r.ngiii haw ima^ilii'd; bar Ii ■ ia-i -m thai t •...:, a- Lm?>'J?i«t>l£ ih.it any KCuUeunin, kin/viu • »«• <:,.- ?:hi. a ::, o.'.ilii ai Ifcai pvvinii jia\e i;ivn \\;tn Uu- *.:■.» i-.-i .»a. a> ».:.ii .:;»> ai;t.i viKMti'l, .•>* I'miim . i'.-VT* m: • l!f:i :'•. ■ il'a I. lie 1MU ai.'ufd, .::a tltfiSf lc.I* al.tt* :!l.i ll.. f- el litis j/OUtl VMUi ! = •;• |lHC0 ll tu*.-»N v. ii ; .i t" WU3% at r .0 prefer I n;«* r-r-^r, c^M' ;.';!•. !;t«;.. ,i im i'.uailltaiii Ir-,«\ on Vir arrival of v.j:ih--,-. a_\ia-i the Qm u , 'j * y-i'ii:; I.ark til FctmAer ' of the tfjci»ity ta the Queen, ...d to take into coufideration the j'rmstigation now pending in the Houfe of Lords, Now, Sir, my anxiety for the interefls of good morals in general, and cfpeciallv for thofe of my own parifh,a part of which isalmoft ftjre to be drawn within the vor¬ tex of this public Meeting ; and the fear thatfuch meetings may be multiplied, and other honourable men be tempted to pie fide over them ;—ail thefe motives con- ftratn mc, with much pain to my own feel¬ ings, thus to addrcfb you. I wifh, then, to take the liberty of ask¬ ing what benrfit you conceive likely to be conferred on individuals or on th^ State, on thecaufe <>f legitimate freedom or of foi:nd mevais by the convention of fuch an aflcmbli ? Confoler the plain circumftances of the ca&i The. Q^i-«'n f- not, indeed, proved to be cui'ty or adultery, but Pne is folcmn. a*i t ..ca:i.;r: by :i:. v.:.„ - in -vwr., , i,--; -u ! *? changed by the Miuifctcrs ottheOown, ifooi si ,h *ltioti ifi n:. iV*ii« b<ul U,. r. v.a;\.ir,i\ J a bo'Jy of men acquit*•■: even by their ene- *mhi..,.|i -.!. li v.......•:., i.y *u<n o*;-,-"«iiM::.a:, ; ml& vj prrj-irv or criielty, and by n Com- m^;^v ■.»;-■:• **T ^ <"•'- ****« ! mhtseof Been, comprehending l* their victcrt «rf irumi- mm-. .■.,-. ...i r...',..,-.-.;'. .fo»irK I frK^oers^rtdiiridwi* poJiticaiSy oppofed to li'nv »r:v--i! ■■;.fxfi- .;. . ;..:.■:•. tv.\ u >■!,; ;;: o.fi thnfe rolniftcfSi With cri'^Ci of [a-rnoft « U.TXTr.vuAM, Sept. SO. JfisKinz.—YcstrnlavoboutSoVlock JiS Majesty arrived at (he Swan inn, in tniscity, on his way fQ Brighton. 'Jhe royal standard had been previously hoist¬ ed on our venerable tower, and the mag¬ nificent brewery of Messrs. Humphry, at Westgate. A lart;o concourse of people, lacludin^ tin; mo»*t ruspeetable gentle- rnen of the city, «ere assemWed (o greet 'heir sovereign. The balcony hi I rout of the inn and the windows of the adja¬ cent houses, were crowded witbelegant- ly dressed female*, who by the waving of handkerchiefs, added much to the ef¬ fect produced bv this gratifying display of loyalty, liis Majesty appeared in .Ictl -•'\ U :.\',l i;i*.. 1 i>l • '; ..;-'*( I|l¥ r :; iW, >• ;.--i -••.. |, l.i Uti n»*«-l 1,1 Mallii *a-i>i, i'ki iir rtati! ;.«.: ...»m .i i'miat! '. o.iM up- * • i ■:' U! i •*-' i i =.i .. 11 •*-'.- ii" In: " ;:• :y.' V'Mi-l to aii 'i.-iv tWi!»'t.i >:i im- »..-,ia ;„<•»•* .•"' l!i C5rM*|tfRO$. OiM *i; ":-•■• mi.': .a >•, a • ,,i;* -»■ nSu.r.i : i &* !■..:!•.. -. -.1 , ii aai.l ka-.*'.'*'., 4.U >'.'.-v >*i<-'i-. ■ •• ' • < . ".-.la nait.' ■ •■• wi tfi^uwsrtjfanJ «».ira i.w. hwi it? uli it lititi^ih **wu tu laaxe »■*• '•;"• i .»:!:..... Jo ii. i>i,i C.'K'ir l».;a.-lnjj ■ tu.aL ii vvrv l.i.. t-, titai aav ui#- nii\ii--:if nji'/ii' ii|ifW .' •;.;. !.*• av;-r Hii^ft.iiilf proytifliiC d>-« I'"?' • •! i i >»irt i.: n!i-iwll ■ -»\.i-:i.i covsmii, in i\u '••*•-. n! »'»• a .'..'*, mIi-« Uuil birt-u ^harpi'iia -*•*; « *i»e sjitc . \\ :'.i-.vj;i > VVauid *iif) ;)•■:'.-• v.. t:».'i v.i :. 'i. :.., .mIj :jr,',iia a 4*i. i- ncf WuV*fav£lli;.'<-l^ i .1.- - - *. -m ,. -aji-a.f, :l:e Mladc* of *-h 1 oh taiyat ."* ra. •■. «, Sfif \j ift n vi.uiwi ruii the ri-k *>i" ira-na^ !j--r i HHtafi-i. :-.in ;..- DSOSij 1'ie l.li;al uU.'.li.l'.liU it 'it \Wf rf\, I>> i'." "^ ! kofl^oin lire im-miai il-vriniai liy SanJii a> ' t-Ual m VVfrtCl hf lin.! cji'i '>^.*i"t! too l^rir>C<C!e>tt-Ul hftf Ciiumivnaiij: --..■;. mv ntsdxti*} of tai ?iavwc ms-: tiv ."rri"1!- '. \t 1 ;:j:in> (i.-^ua'.-; for 11 :t co>J.I •••rr.itiale km'H Ui^i uiUJtu.,1 l:arl:eii".' occe, it would In* iif>tfmr£ Irt ul.ai *-:.••.'.:! ii:i sworn he ha-l been rn 'he c^arMat i.aint 01 i imi _ a.i"L*ij and ara:i:. ii\*i.Mr. ii;-- tfU.imi.irtj.rjU^ . ;.» their tttrdsftry*, vMieci-'r IaH Wirj i-a 1 .:"• «NT:iii'--i aMp-.Miaiin" o! jnwii iMh.'y : \v,Vfili.*r. i:i;lf>i til'.* paiti'S wr-a -nhit'l^ msaiic, sura cimdact ciuM V nveomVU'jJ fir. J!r v;j. i:o« ja^ii>t; DOtUlii^'C 1.: j .vie: I unpw -r*..'.<\ .a the ihiiig, a; a ;r:;f -....fa me c o».a:-* v\ - i'.«- ^ : g p& and'<k*tefl able nature: And thi-.ch.Kce if foppiirud by the tritiitiouy of an itn* Tcnfe h :'y of witnese-, as yet ur.co'ivitt- ed—arzdi accordfog to the perfnafian of t:vji-:ji;d- c.f rtSlei^s:.^ ar.d in)p?rtb] indf- viciiials, not likeiy to be conviiled—of perjury. What, then, I repeat the question* h the fJO^d likely io refn't from fich a met :- iiitx i 1$ it your o!>ie@ t" Vindicate t!:e }?urcn ? iSnrclv no re;:fonable n*.::n will be 1 . i !• 3 .V 1 Tiling at ta • rate Hi i.j. •• m- .« 11 *ivct buCh n.'e-i-■ 1- ;..■*■ !*n f .t 111 i!ia, jkiii isi" !***•>, TvtUl Oiv'ir iot.*»U riiuo'i! ;• ■:»***-- ithmi «;ii:";. wlnii fir* jvir<fc3 wero bruti l.i»i a-i-'i', ami «•! cvar*> < V'.tiun:! aa\ ;w,-.fr fw'- .ra t. Ji.aa-. To uvfi- • auivtlria dtt!lCcil;_i iVauM i**»' ».ro liu* CTtd^-ifiv rf p'-iilyiopJur^, wlitf li-itJ win:- ^d a.n ^x|.'ii- , I'll •»' "" •■' it-* *"i*« nive AtrtgHMYr «Im i: ...hi c .: ,a:n-; |i,,j| »»ij.ii \. a.i rUru S-o-ii •»:;•• aj »i 111hou'ti .**,• ji.ovi.i ivImvi C:ffii ait l.i'ci; !* »'ari.as \ \* il»i jM-i-'. .mil «|n h,^ Unci.? \\liai tl ae Ml*, h.) li. \\f.| liia. ill. |illl>dst CtiuUI '■"»i he r.i '.•.! wilhori. -ir^lifi./ ll«- flilOI ia ECl ^ t.:i* -j*.'"' - .;;hi.i i'i.- ia^n!, j at still mure, U.hC if li.->'">i:;.i ;*M-vf tnat SaCCU" v.as iait the courier nbu hi*ih mq liiat joioia . r He did not.?4j itiat 11 wii> iiei.iv-ar'. n<rinui «- pro'-e fhi>; oil U.e fimtiary. h** tl*rii"eJ i!ia. h ■ -was called uponfoilo^i, VMi> liailiwu ih= ■;. >tu side fstal>iis:.Ln1 clieir ca-e ; 1^' il c;^i-o:l iv**"va; i- would not ati'jn) iHem a-.teirifnt rvidenre, w a , haJ thev |S4»1 re•<:: :ed 10 ia»; «.■ *nil if a'tcuuaia ^ upon her Mpje»ty! He ta^Kin fi.irva;ed ... .; Lordships iu re.*nea>l»er—i-f it wa< ^ cardinal uuint, that oiigiil nei m be '. >fg«*t;en—;;.».t a.. acccscr wa* not relieved lu'e^ privdtiiriog uliicif <•: evidence,becausi jr-md uissfc««.rd weietu oenm.ai ea ihc w*3e ot ticcaceu^d'. i«e nail .;uii-;::t m .-.ill upon if- acen*edic> ptodree tao*e wime. '-. (or ii nastac bnsiiu>«»^ it;*' aoi.^fr ti» f-.aMun eneU b> all tee evidence i.r coultj pm-Uice. lutii ua* there uiiv oiher per*wi in the rrorLpg" -' ** Non mi ricerd**," wtl< ihe answer of Sueeii. adopting J-e ia-i; Ris;j of the ertlebiuved Maj :c- cbij and tW^tjiw U».l iv«» no! jnii to hiaj i>^ Fiiipia-v, aer uu- ii a >W!«tfUu ii:i^'.i lia\r i - touted itts iaenn»*v. li «:i' a iin;-; ho ew -Id 1 w have forgotten: if am-l haw- r-a.tf \U? i>!.v:m tl00» «bptitcr tftrtre »<a* ati\ • i*jr pencil pu- MCttU while ihr »; :• e« uad ii;:* ^ naaio-:::i*. « f * tiie tnoie fancied oi hev inttoc*.ncc becaufe you, with a levv genlltl^cfl who can r?ul itad write, artd a ^o^cneiii er if both fes< eswho flu ink From all inch arl-*t«matk:«l didindiions, ilimk propv; to mutt it m lpeecr.es, or in Jh^ui.i u. x\ i'-.!u:;"»e;t■»»- green Il tlie ol,|*a to *7/./;*;w tit fi-.i-sc 'J' Fwr into a (ltd ;;;? favour.ah.e Ij for M*yatf ? But fur. v, Njr. y u kn.j'.v r(.o mr.oh o( t!i€ Iii^Ii *phU .•! y'Mir couttttytneu in Rjc- nc a!, anil uf that 0«'thI<S Hmift lii ;>a :.'.■;: !.-..- to helJevc i ,r.t they will yieJd that to tenor which Iti'V Jelly ta a:0;:.-.-.U, ho- uour, .>r li 11 n'.itv. mostexeHlent health and spirits,and af- terp'uiainiii^aboat Jive minutes depart¬ ed amiu the animaling cheers of the mill- titude, From the London ">V//. Chron. Oct. 4. Accounts from Madrid of the rothult. stnte, that the Sp;.»i (h Bilhops who had aunmed a part of Ac power of the Inqui- fititfn3 i„ prohibiting the circulation of certain works, ha.- been forbidden by a decree from, excrciftng any fuch fun&ions. A " National i^mer" was held at the Croivr, and f\nch>r Tavern, in London, on the 2<i of Q3. 4t to cdebratethe Tri- u rph cf Ctwl L&erty in Spain, .Vaples* Sfcflf and:For:agiV Sir Robers Willbn ::« thech.Jr. The names of 122 Stewards are publiined ; arm>ng them are the Duke of Leict!!ei, Sir F. lUirdet, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Deuman, M. V. &c. A new cortfpiracy in the Ionian Iilinds agajgit t!ie Etw\i& has been detected. •; had in truth. Baron Or&ptedi; in his c; parity as Kauoveri^n Sliuister at Rome, ha probably ord'-rs to inuuire into liie imurioi l< your 01 bjrCl to c«t rid of thepr.-xetti Ministers ? li"t wh.) will not preter v/lial i\ called the tyranny vA RlinflUrs, ibtia i% nfinen nf fenfe and honour, to the w&?l\ of f'nTiuion it i. I he natural lenj-ney ul mch Hurvtinpr* f> place u* ? , Is your defign to vrjOfy fhspcfiticalfiftr" ty nu'tfh ivbithyou ad ? Cut I. w different a line have melt of the leader* of tha: bo¬ dy put filed in Palliarticnt ! Have tlity lub'lituted tl;m:our for rc<ifi:)iit,> — trt:*fed the adtrtiittd fan i1 rarities of riicQQcen v.-ich hex cOOTier as a iiflhi cller.ee—or called on rlreir own wives and daughters, or on the vMves a d daughters of others, t 1 tmrnt et futh t. c praifcs * f a wdrnan who may within a month htprovsdto bare violated ail t!i? common dcceneie%of Ifc ? Fina lv, is vonr o'oleifk what I would !ea?.t f:fped it to be, %ht ttttlng yvurscif permanently as Representative for tbe county of Middlesex ? A leat fo won an.! fo prCr Uived wulild be neither an hattouv nor a eoaafortto tin winner. But, Sir, \iyon cannot ii.flrnS U3 as to ihv advantages of fuch meeting-, you wi \ y =haps, allow are :o f'?eak as 10 their mischUf> Ffim .-'* Host on Ccntincl. iXTP.n:r of a letter " j. ?•;/•.-; (V.\ ." —The true motives of mc State Prulecu:ion, is not known a- brond. It i:; mo\J political th?.n personal. I he . /.*».; Cf/iiscr: has great p^wer, teve- wile* a.id patronage, independent of the King. Thi-. and other circumstances, make her an inva!u;.jie rallying" point of Opposit'- ;. Ti.cy know if fhe is rot de- ini*t«T< mufl (fcortly be un* this p.llo ; tora'ted. i!ip rr* fj:rs.d The nv'i(:.te'"S fen nv and having dead majorities in both Hoefes of ParUaraent, it U esfy to caicolate that the hill will paid them both. The King T O 1 • 1" :ys he docs not eaira draw whether the divorce elanfe U \.ui^] or not ; as he is rcioiv-.-J never tilive with her. 't l'(i3TOMj i'-OV. I ^ SUICIDE BY A-N EWlMCROR'i Henry ?,of !I irti, (Chriilophe) com¬ mitted fu iei Je a5>otft to d<iy9 Ufore the uiling of the BimM£ta% \vho<< arrival from Gonaives w*,H be i rtmd under the B.ltt- rr.ore (hipping h»3. He had been ftri- l;tn with a para /tic affecftion in July. Tiie nimy took afvantage of h!a incapacity toadl, and revoitcd—Srfi at 5/. Ma*is, where they killed the Governor. 1 ive regiments at tkt C ^pe? were then oidered by ChriRtophe £•) march agamft the infar- gents. When : icmhled, they refnfed, ;:nd turned their srai$ ^?aii»lt him. Thcfe atctlic ]^3c!!:;/ fa;t9 as yet communicated. r.cfuaily jeopardize the (ranqutiiQi of lii3 country, or, in order to promote lus cause knowinglT utter downright ftbhooda and traduce the character of the dead. In proof, however, thai Mr. Hroughatn may grossly, though perhaps ignorantly, mistak- nutters, we have before us the private correspon¬ dence between Mr. Hownam, Ihe Queen's Secretary, and Baron Ompterin, the Hano- vnnn Minister at ihe Court of Rome. Mr. Brougham, it may he recollected, in Ihc first stages of the investigation of her Wajesty's conduct, accU3ed the Haron of having basely endeavored, by means of a false key, to pick Ihe lock nf her private desk and examine ber papers— He further asserted, that the Quoin's Si crctary, fired by this insult to his Mistress, challenged the Baron, who refused to Hght though pursued from place to place, nntil hetras w tne end disgracefully :*kick- »<] out" of the Austrian territory by order of rhe government This story, thus boldly told, no doubt gained universal belief .until the production of tlie correspondence be¬ tween Lieut. Hownnm, Baron Ompteda and others, detnonetrated hn* little foundation ca- . bad juire into I he injurious lepnrhthen in extensive circulation respect- i»g her Majesty, but it cannot without proof, be credited, that in the execution of any such order*;, he could bave committed so mean an ael as tlrt of picking a lock. All his let¬ ters shew a most scrupulous sense of honor on bra pilH.and the greatest anxiety to meet his antagonist in Swiueriand—While it is also strewn, thatin consequence of the Queen herself having disclosed the uiiittt-r to the Governor of Milarij the pitended duel was pre¬ vented. It further appears,that Baron Omp- teda afterwards narked Manhcim, i:: (Jerma- ny, as a place of meeting, and that he re- p ih—d thiiln.T with Ins second at the time appointed and waited two days without see- ing I?r. Hownam, or receiving any explana¬ tion of the cause of his absence. This cor- respondence, which dears away the calum¬ nies heaped on the Baron, is entitled to com* plele COnDdence, as it is produced by Count Minister, the Hannverian Minister at London, and embraces letters from other living men of rank and honour. A communication to Count Jtfunster from Cardinal Gonsalvi. the Pope's Prime Minister, announcing Ihe sud¬ den death of Baron Ompteda, uneipi.vocally displays the high reputation the deceased lino enjoyed, ar:d the love and esteem which lie bad secured among his acquaintances, by his many amiable qualities and virtrtP-s, The sentiments of foreigners respecting the suite of our gracious i^ueen may ho gue^ed at on perusing ihe Governor of Milan's letter, dat¬ ed in May, I ".17, to Baron Ompteda, which says u that the obscure dtaraders by whom Uludamr1 the Princess of Wales has the mis- fcrtnne to be turroundi-d. carry their auda¬ city sofarastof.il the public paper* with the grossest Ddshood&v 1. In tfteSrfl place, you are enc-vra- Mn^^r,^:--.!^ i.i t.„ ... „ ,;;;«-,, a?e. U . lh<^ t0 ;n|ultymjr SoVCrc^n M8 perso that from iha; momeHl In? U-^ -hould ae h^!H>e- tiraily araJrdl—r!i:u he »!ie.;iti iu-vim-<-.c!) win- perji to any per?-.>a :—nt.i' h ' hn-:!ii ie.-\ei dir.ti:? of ccutiiint" it to i!«? n-i;ivug ar »•'.' tue cM»e. nuiUtKOC aed >jiej-t !i.-..e ::- V..HM He l.aJ crujo\cd a ?oU fniere-1 .i-e vt.-i ner, botli tnue iinvlabmad; &S& tCk* UPS : u Jn-pc r-d m ui liei, it no •-U»"':-1*- .".*<•=.• *.<e; t«. ' e\Jrenn; e '.:-.u\ .. u:.-. ].....*T, •.! t ... 11 . . - # ,., u ,i. ..,. , ■ :t , |t-.:e.\n ::i rr^inns I ■»> t-.nre ..;il i -;n;< i« Wire*: rfie one-ooM »a« ; ••' o» !o,e uii»nltcr |it*?»utl 1 ■ '",? [•iborne* of perjured witneists. 2. In the next place, ynu are bring -Vo contempt the highest Court of Judi- ' eature in the land. 3. You are, by giving light nan:cs to rfrofs oITcncca, lapping the ve:y foundation of morals. 4. Yon ?.re, \\i\h the tnaxtm in voir mouth, tint H -"very man is to be efttcm- retoc«| to w mm oe,. ,.; Pi^ dm mw ^ ;nnocer<t tjil be is proved to be guiltv," • :-e.e-v.ht:::'?-..;; t 1.-.,. :e» .,;-- i tof<! .1 :. j treating all Ae-wirm&esaganft thcQ.nee;i j.. .Y^'/'-mJ in-,%' •;.'- ■ .re-.:«;i- • k\sv- ;•. ) e.u ' a> perjurrd lv.rs ;hnn,;h as yrt ur.coiiv^- tri uU:> » »'.;.' U ■' : : • • a«? Kjft« ;• Jlh* ' e^ 0f falshood ; ?:>J the 33buffers of ihe i;;o'an> en-.-, :,. - * ... ^ult* iruj :;:.••'-?*:.•>-•. j SftUttgh t&UT honour an;, he.rriantry have never vet beer, called into qaefUon. j. You are holding out to the females it the country, a? 8 mc'J, an individual We find (fays the New York Mercan¬ tile Advertiier) 1; our file of papeu by the Adoniv, Cap€. Dov;d<.!|, from Ant- werp, li:u:fiU parers (;f t!*f 3d of Oft. three days later than our previous dates through Lne Lo. ion pap r-.. Under ihe head ol Naples Septa 1 2: r 11 it is announ¬ ced, a? intclligeftce by tclcgraphi fliat ntdi S:ci!y bad sui -niticd to the Cftnxtituthnai Gcvcr/W'.n?." This date, it will be ob- l'erve!. U the fame as that of the letter re¬ ceived at London, which mentioned the tot3l defeat of the Palcrrnitans, by the Roval troops under Col. Co!ta< who it was fai.l entered Palermo on the 5th, With the esc priori of this article, the pa- p$f8 &3Hl$k \18 pillitinl BfWfi Vit'11113 dates are to the 2 1 'li but the extracts re¬ late only to local afi .i'-'s. .VT. :.-^.-'.'_■* £&t$g*tt4J8Si*ttbtt « * * • * « - • - • V ■ ¥ • 9 . 'i;»V Trt nCplli".'! t*. .•.'••! 1 " 1 e. r.Oi^f.'f 1:.- ^::- '• ■ •■- • ? KINGSTON* Kvrixxnn -M, 18C0- ■ ■ ■ a 4 * v-roiL-::^.'--'..:-': .•'.-. ..-v:!..-;- .* i ■. , ff wKolfe- purity yeacRuft at lenft eafiertflin li^i ?•*/• s\oa •;> •".;':• !» n;>- m o. :i. ■ ■ ■ . &**-■ .Vre queftion, and ^hon yor. probably woold Rot fuil.ra wife, motlier, f:ficr, £:ii,j; ih"-t iLc i". *.-ie. • ;. i ! .-oUt iifiiv '• •••* t-'e l..-srl Grry her.- ,,:.. -,-n-et! 0&*ef- ..-. *.:.o or \)rr 10c :re eherifhmg ir. t!ie mind of no-,ro,:',.ui," I *»*?!«*** :"%;!>:- b':»'( :'. - .:•'.-' Mi a;l^..i if, :.'. j &■ a;-nv;;; ;-nrj thf I* ::!.- ■' Uetf H itW »."; •ot:.",'i' ' ?:.c p.ojioude toe fptrit of|lradicalism!:> — lu'.aveacn-.ecin.-ios'. t^iu..it»W« . r ; jt r.{ vvhich the fivit elements are a r-i.'n nf at;mute, .i .;• .• *w fi'iSrior.l 1 •>■ lite ••»;•. Ut'vm j.-tii'-iLiv not h;;\- "ittiw1 ••■/.id.-^i din-. ; uui i\u JUiru C;. ■ :-- ..' 1 .•■'. ;! .;: i: v.o»^.! r.^ ».T.|io.- Il,:*' for C»W'JJ • ' «'■•..■ Mil.- ie, the :.: .:| frws rt«Te 'i»;\i'i-jt \* • 'i.n. ut ) sfifM . i.-.f. . i ;• ;St:r.?-'Ju i« lai.cii !•• ' ■ ■ -to tit- [ii ...^ .«.., ;;j ..... JvJi'ii iil« lo-fr*. ".<•»". -- A-Minn Ik"! ;.t i n*.!f.'.;-.. ^irc- /.* l.:.;:'u\J in t.ur next J ctv o-tthc'iii'l, L'r. fddffj'jcd (fo j'.ii.i'j- Tfo tag Ltii.'y ihc-u^b .'/■' //v/i, ;•: o C Whitlrcad, £"7- **. ^-J-o/" Aitdduse^ <j;r,_.\s a lVi..eho!der of the ($icat county which yoti ic|.'ufent,—as an indi vidua] foi who-e .- tc and ssfullancc in tne county yoo have roo:- than onCc berti pl.a- ied 10 cxpi -"■ ^ delirr— and as the Minis¬ ter of a |>an- , border 1 Bij on that on winch 5 Vi4>(1,; jia,v „...,. , RJe&Dn ;" bcrtpture, ar.d a contempt of titc :;-.«<. ft *H en iheiufiitutionsofyonr coontry, and 01 which the refoltSi nukfe averted by a tfter- ciful Providence, mt;Ll be anarchy, aihe- ism, ano univcrlal ru:n. Yco, Sir, will not, 1 think, be ttngme- rou. c«i Unjuft eno;!;-'e to fay, in reply to all Mii., that i am 4< a Clergyman, and have nothing to do wi'.h fu&je£ti of this nature.M Oilier*, however, may urge tliis objection.. 'i'.i them, there/ere, I would fay, that this i3 not a n.ere qocflion of politics but of morals, of decency, and religion—a qve«- iiou involving, fa my jadgoenta the moral purity of all our families, and partfhcs, and counties. This brief letter is but a prac- ticv.l comment or. She doftrines I am com¬ manded, on the hi.aheft authority, to teach from Sunday to Sunday—li Fear God"— " boncnr the King"—1- unckameft* let it \ be once named among yoo'-1* Thnu-hthccuitinM.itioiiofAir.bVou^lir.inV long .-pr- li (if course occupies the. greater pail uf fids paper, wc bave nevertheless re¬ served a plaee forthv Reverend Rector of Karruiv*s kilter to il-e Mpr.ib.vr for iMtdillfi- sex, a let, -r aeerde r!al!y mM with tu ;* file of Kunhsh ne\VHpa)ierfl, nuli^iu^Iy sent ns by a geuftesnnn of thisgarrr on, and which is just¬ ly characterised as "a manly, dtjjnJjiod, and u.iansw.-r.ihii' appoaj." The tvorthy iicetor probes to the bottom the rnotiySs of those persona, who are now railing so ioudly a- gJiinst the King, the Ministry, and the HoQse of Peers, though by this open expttsssioa of bis sentiment? he lias expt^ed himself to ail the coarse ;.bu$.? of the Radical press. It 13 singular to" observe bow utany per¬ sons fasten an Mr. Brougham's speech, and taking his assertions for absolute proof* al¬ ready RtfijttH the queen of all guilt, and even think her iunoei nee established by the evi¬ dence produced a-'.unst lujr. We would bumfily recouimeud to such persons, not |nS3 than to those who rush into the opposite exiremr, 10 suspend their judgment;—for while due respset should he nudered lo the legal maxim so often alluded ii> by her MUijes- tv feb*Tmrtizans.that " every personshould KftCOiisidercd inuoeivit until proved to be gnij- you m proUhiy at tlM t.-.omrm StiffiAing not be once named among you. Ite ^^ifalccof^uihtbulette.^Mpbu, clergy are the contlitute^-naro an or _T f,l . rW UWite. howew. :clu^n:iv, tno,aU>J in the country : and now, tf ever, — I take the H-Urtjr., howcv^. rtluaatilly* of addrefitng It Ui .ou. 1 have ieen wuhii o-ixtwc of r^rej and i indignation a pU-.ud p..:i d *-m- b»W3? ",: the walls in rlrt nrijjJihrtwl «hA a www a- cing that you '.»•• 10 t;(\c tb« cl*< m a* r Meeting on P:>'ihii«i >*»»i f$rs«si tntou ' •■ > to colled and cin < j th. :cvj.i !••' ^cc <> n- J pathy, and ap|»r< '••* ■ » ': •' ' ,v/i ",;"l" thev are called upon to *4 (land tfl ihe breach." and endeavour to * -lay the ,h,c.)tf" of poUttai anarchy and ^orul pulluti ' '• I am, Sir, Voitt ubt-dient ftirvaizt* ]. \V. C0»U«OHAtl- ty, ft -ought nottobefm^ottrp, that "evj- d?nire on oath i^ sdso to be considered ;•> true until proved to be (\*h*y or fairly shewn to be liable to just suspicion." \ \ery man is midoiibtedly at l^ierty to form his *»v.u eon- jeetures ou l!>is hrui, and, wliile we ad¬ mit all the mueuuity uf SSf, I'r'ei^hani'a r-:.!..ri.-s on ihr nature of tin* e\id.uee, we will .nun,,-.-.!, tlu : rii om e-^ov:;'r»n, thai evidence s-'Miis ncrt :<j be tnauerially invali- dsaed. Aii;vlv'ieate,sa?sertion,5-v.,'hen plead- ii!jr for his e!'.*M:r. are not entitled to implicit bt ll"f, r'-r tr.- t'.-y thus recelvinj in ordin;*.- ry cn?"« uatK j .:■;■ 'itfd i.y proof—nud if rhi- i iii bui - .■ "tl ni b v!i cases, it cntjtJi' pn r . • ••* Jul v ' \fh* in t--*' (recent extraor- /iii..: i i». M-- ITi ,j j^Kun^/anvressUmoi 1 r« i iiiw ".'i a*l* •" f ;.•'.»•- his e!"n-nt is *x- I : . ni'tj ..: t!ie U ..if 10:1 nf b« fjiee.ch— hut ne puum°- P" u.t-'i* r^'Utts tl at. '*\ fnlill The statesn>w-likcspeech of the Governor of '.", >y *\ ork|On ujeeling tlie other branches i. (In- Legislature,;»( A(h in\. i» curiratned En the Auierieau |iaper*t, and we regret that t:iln:r niMtler, more important lo ourselves, j reventsourgivingtta place in our columns. An expression used In usla-t week in noticing the tertci of Cotwisellor Phillips, seems toliave proved a stumbling lilnrk in the nay of the Editor uf Oic Upper Canada li'-r;ilci. An impertinent per-i.ii. ill our Hcrepuiiicc, means one i4 who en- o-ii.. - ;;iid iiurritoscs where be bas no ri^hl 01 e.ll." We woiil.l a-k. wlmtsliould entitle Mr IViinpsrohiierpase between the King and Um ( .:v;..ii at auv noie, more particelarlv while the 1 tlitr i* ntidt:t/, >inf; a-o'emu trial b-foiv the first tribunal cf the nation, or wbai e«>oct object cuil.i ! r ; m ; ■» e to blm-ell liy ilneioft.t'i.m-1> ine.!!lii.e .. a matter wherein theanlnf the Covitselhir's i.-.: v.i- was uncaUedfar,o-id the authoriiyof ihe imtn-A<*f e;.n!e. PliiHips Could avail nothing.— 'j ei- letter may, indeed, in tbeestlroationofTOme, a«.\l pariicularl\ «•! the Itadicai tribe in Ertflailtl, he considered aprot>for"*raanty trankuessand in- depeodence,11 but we are ret tain that we are join¬ ed in opinion with & vast majority at out Fellow subjectsJnUrtukiiig,tluti it is moulting to tbeKing as well a- ili-fsnoerfid to tlie Parllanieiit, and ihatit betni>snrong rnniksof ^•anity, presuoip lion,andfelfcooccii in tin* writer. Mr. P might have indulged tilmsclf in writing and publishing as many anonymous letters a* lie chose in tlie .Veu papers u> the way nf admoaltions to bU Sov»-eei?n,r.iiii of panegyrics on the Queen, and ;;ll |hla to- ill M- Own " I hai aliens!ir >|yle" b'lt beshrcttd haveliad the iaode5t> mremember tl*ai i\u .: ,u ftfCiiartajLFhi-iiipstwith all his taleau, om neeer a*vq«ire the cvIvbrity of the fictitious J'.ini--.a;i'i he should h;;vc had more diacretion and reaper: inr himself than to have followed the ex:»'i:i-K of the notorious and impudent Cobbett. Mr. & in publicly sdd'e.singa letter to his So- \,-: - : iri.-'i the n*-;.um of a Newspaper, rrT| , fof^til his t am platf a^ Hi, il i rtalual sahjectof theGuveremeot, and thejastrespect duo totbe illustrious Head rifthalGovemmenl- Wishiuit making any additional observations nn Mr. 1:'- styleand manner, which the C-ditor !.] the Herald *ays i*so**polatedafldimpressive" wcrontenl r»tlvei with copying the following remark fi o-o the National Gazeite, by one of the liis! literary <-■! arceters I t" ;i.e United States. "ThU letlri t3 a tissue nf rhapsodical phra.es, bumba^tic raetajibors, and distorted senttmeni, calculated tu corrupt the literary taste of this country, in the same manner as the evidence on the trial of th** Queen, is fitted toI taint Otti mo¬ ral*. So much mawfeibb common place, and *Miarlr>trv of nnia.-iw'iii," ought lo surfeit the i;re'*ifif-t uppciite fi» :lie meretricious style of writing, Mr. Phillip, loses no opportunity of appearing on ihe public einre^wiih liis tinsel and hells nud his rant uf pat has.' " We are tempted lo quote a few passages of •he letter as Rpectmc«s of ibe mock heroic in pro.»e.M ** II**r ov.n parental house (tlie court cf Brans- wick ') wan purity itself, and youu might have bound Republicans lo RoyaltyS it would have been little less than treason to have doubted \uu; and oh ! she was right to bru?b away ihe patnltd vermin that infest a ronrt teko teould hcvt withered up Iter ffQutkful hedrt with the wild er¬ rors of your ripe minority f1 " She was banished from her husband's Society and abandoned to the pollution of every slander¬ ous sycophant who choose to crawl over the ru- ,„'•_1»* Was it light to fltng the ^ludow of a hus- band'sfrOwn upon "the unsullied snnfl) of her re¬ putation ?"-uTheda} beam fell not on a happier creature—erroffon caught new colours frotn her pretence: j') sounded us timbrel as she parsed and the (lower, of birth.oi beauty and of chivalry bowed down before her,"—" LordElleaborough a man who dandled accusations from bis cradle, •*lf ihe reader should seek for what Dr. Parr barrels Salt, was driven on (he GeoeBsee bar- vessel ami cargo totally lo>r. f Tne Schooner Swallow, Cap. Pond, in ballast. on shore ,n BraddockS Bay(-ve»,.| b.lgrd and will he lo*it. * The Schooner Minerva, Cap. HnguniiK ihrcir overboard ISO bids, salt, and afterward* Struck 00 Oswego bar in atteinptn.g to make that bar- Dour,and we are informed lincfl receiving the following communication, thai ihe got oil' with tile lost of her cargo, in all about 400 bbU. salt The Schooner fVolotl, Capt. Stolen, nide out fhe gale, and kept ihe lake with the toes of 10 obis. fJour, washed from her deck, with her boat and galley -rove. The water which covered her, formed such a bond as alone secured the remain¬ der of her deck load. The Schooner Ontario, Capi. Hugunin, left Geiieme riVcron Saiurda> afternoon, in compa¬ ny wiih the Wolcou, uith a heavy deck load, and we have yel no reports fr0oi her. The ScJtoonert Morning Star. Julia, ar.djava* frnrn Sackctl s HArbor, bound to Niagara, -ailed on Saturday previous to ihe storm, and we feel anxious for their safqty. The ereu of the Trminpb was (aken from the wreck, by a boat from the Steam Boat Ontario, which lay ?.t the mouth of Geuessee river, and as yet we hate heard of no lives losf. We shall doubtless hear more of the eii'ecu of this dteadfui storm. The Schooner Levantia, with a car?o of about 300 bblr. of salt, was lost at Little Sodus.aod the Schooner Phattbc&t the four mile Creek, ia baU last,a t>w days before the gale. ' In addition to all these disasters, we have fur¬ ther intelligence of ihc loss of several other ves¬ sels during the Storm Of the 12ih instant. The schooners called the Kingston Packet, and the York packet (late the Cornel) aredri\eu on the beach at Niagara, and the latter very mm h inju¬ red, if not rendered wholly irreparable.—Theold schooner Wellington is'toiaily wrecked near Stony Creek, and three American vessels (per- haps those alluded lo in the Sackefs Harbour Gazette) are said to be on shore at the Head oi the Lake. Tbc Schooner Catherine, in ballast, belonging to Mr Lyons, of Presque isle, went on the rocks near Pultney villc, during the night of the 11 tli, and is completely wrecked. Our fears for the safety of the Commodore Owen are unhappily realized* That schooner passed the Ducks about se\en o clock at night, with verv little canvass on. and before da> break struck the gtound near Oak Orchaid, on the American side, about 40 miles below Niagara. The Cap- ■lain immediately let go his Anchors, but finding, his Cabin fast filling with water, and seeing the futility of at tempting to avcthe vessel, he dipped his cables and got as near the shot e as possible, for the purpose of preserving the lives of the crew and passengers,as wella> ihe cargo. Tbealoroi was >o violent that no landing could be elTected until Monday afn rnoon. The interim was ipent by the people on board, thirteen in number, iu a state of much anxiety and stifTeriug. They were exposed to e\cry si.rf which broke o\er the ves¬ sel, and one or tno persons had their extremities touched by the frost. At the last accounts ihe crew and passengers had got safely on shore, and weieemployed in landing the goods, all of which are damaged, and the greater part will be total¬ ly ruined, as iheie is no shelter near at hand.— The Captain, who is one of the nrj-i altentivcaod Cautious on ihe Lake, cannot account for th* .rAfl*iercirt v'"..i ; vif* on toot bim*t»|{ the whole night, and almost conllnually looking at the compass, and directing the helmsman to ?leer the vessel towards York. We attributes the error iu his course to a circumstance com¬ monly believed by the seamen on the Lake, viz thai a comply will not traverse when exposed to a snow storm. Whether this opinion be found¬ ed in fart, andean he maintained on philosophi¬ cal grounds* we profess not to decide, but it ap* pca^ to u> 10 be more reasonable to attribute the mMojitmc to Ihe faulty con-truciion. of the in¬ strument Itself rather than to any effect which lb.- snow could bate on the action of the needle. Thus have twelve er thirteen MSSeSs been wrecked on the share >d this l*a!.e within a very- few week*—forming altogether an aggregate of ln?s unprecedented «u any former year. em u&mmo&tym^mm^t&2&mm MARRIED, O.i S itarday the l^tli inst. oy the Rev. G- O. Stuart Mr. W... B LAMB, Merchant, to Mi- TURPIN, dau-hter of Mr. Thomas Turpin, Merchant ; all ofthisplace. ^ ■ - -»ooooo ,->a>c>o<x rH^IH-; Bret Kingston Assem- JJ_ bly will be held at Hart's HOTEL, on Wednesday Evening, the 29th inftant.—Tickets to be drawn at half pa^t seven o'clock- Managers Jar the Season^ Thomas Markland, John Gumming, Peter Smith, John Ktrby, Hon. George H. Marl&land. Thos. R. Cartwright, Secretary. ICm ?4-ili i8j0* Esquires. AT a MEETING of the Stewards, & Leaders of the British Wesley an Me- thodlst Missionary Society, held in the Bay of Quihty, on the 16th Nov. 1820]; after minutely confidcring the step taken by the Britifli Miffiionry Committee in their late dedfion to withdraw the Miflionary from this place ; and fuppofing this unplcafant circumftance to have originated from a number of falfhoods cnllefled by the A- merican Elders and Preachers in this Pro¬ vince, and by their Delegate laid before the Britifli Committee ; duty impels us to remonftrate agninft the decifion,for which a Petition willfhortlybe fubmhted toihe public for signatures for the continuation of a Brit- ifh Miflionary here, 3nd we feel Httle doubt of its being figned by every lover of truth. As Britifli fubjects, with our biethren, we are refolved to fupport a Britifli MiniUry; and affure our friends, and as well the ene¬ mies of truth, we will not be governed by foreigners. We wifh to have for our fpiritual guide, a man whofe political te¬ nets, as well as moral and religious con¬ duct, comports with the word of God. By order. DAVID LO'CKWOOD, ScSry. For Safe, at this Office, THE Right Reverend the Lord Bi- {hop's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocefc—delivered in the year 1820. Nov. 24, 1820. .* * catfc %a luminous galaxy of imagery' he will tind it ii« tlie following sentence cf Mr. Phillip? :v •l A kinil of siicrrtTicnnJt *.hipfold—a packed and a-»nncd cargo of human affidavits had been eonr.xi'cil. n .eemi, from l»alv to VVeftminster ; thtrey-thrce ihimsandsponridsofthe people's mo- nej paid tlie pedlar who selected the aiiiclcs; and vrlth ibis Infected freight, which should have per¬ formed quarantine before it vomited its moral pp>..ieiice amoinr us, the Queen of Kugland is sOil^Ul 10 be attainted/1 Tiie following more particular account of the- i.i, rtink* on Like Ontario is taken from the i •: , »< wi>.)«ii Gazette Office of Ordnamce, Kingston, U. C 24/A Nov. 1820. ANY perfons willing to fupply the Ordnance Office at Point Hcniy with Fifty Cords of Fire Wood, to confift of Beech, Maple, ot Hickory, and to be delivered when elcigh commences, are requefted to feud in sealed Tenders, ad- dreffed to M The Rcfpcftivc Officers of H. M. Ocdnance" by Monday the 18th of December next, at twelve oarlock. 47 \..'i>V,. -. hr*.*W%.*a* ■ •MjpeCttWe-W^ill J 'Xiic ■; f.tfd«fl 'i^w'pA, Cap. Davis, with 133 KINGSTON. V C. PRINTED FOB THE XJUTORS. 1545

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