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Kingston Chronicle, November 17, 1820, p. 3

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I Ifcetcsfigeof an improper icprouh.-- I hey are women ol exalted minds an. gretit talonl* ion, and yet my friends on the other «fib hatd not ventured to call them. Why :lrc ihcy mt |)r(J(l,ir<.(] » Why have not we. as «*cl] as )oor Lord¬ ships, the h.iiu-fitof nil fhv frsfimonythat OURM to bt; produced on rlw other hide ? That is a prupoKiilon tilurh any Jud-e Sitting in the Old liailcy on the ("rial ofa felon would insist on. Surely, thew, ev¬ ery one employed by, ©very r»neei*iuicct- ed with, this illustiiuus Lady, a.d ,Vvry cTr;itureiM:;»aord jtlxmi Ikt person, ouiil.'t to be called on (he oth.-r side. J aai (toil now >pe:ikin/r i„ a cJ%j| Hrtfmi - j nn, lu;, herein the rase ofa tninl-rwan,..,,.—J am i.ot lure defemlh-tg llu» hi^hrM crimes k.oovvn tothe !av»s, which ni.!) dJJcr from tlieciimo h*ro cliar^ril in a ^pbilcal d'StinClion J OUT [ ;i;:> !i;:Jl., ,-,»y L H'tis, upon a Bill ofi'iiim Bud IVm'iw*;, ft J.U-Ji your Lordships are not bound !■> |>,h . : ir could not hut !>.- for inn •..* «i* *• yen*1 ' or fi< nay," to u chaC «.i (iiji '3 . =.-.j-v-n. but here you ure not hfitnui i;> i ,; •> ;],;. Bill. Gracious God i Ml Lords. i!:.:>. is this in a case wJlfch ihu pio^Jvutn* •.■> to be allowed to bring iVm amd half ,. t'use, and then say, rhcri fcrfl ntiirruit- ttOSHriS that he will n. t call .: l" True if is, they are respectable, rlu > aic unim¬ peachable, (heir reputations are unques¬ tionable, yet I will not cull iheni, ] lr*ivc Them for yOU. They aivnoi my v\ii»t-*s- es, but yours, and do you r«itl fiiem.— They do not belong to i>ii,m U;irili'iis and, therefore, 1 will oof tali »!ani; bit, "»vhen vou call them, ( shall sec \\ has thev W}'.*1 What course, in the name of jus¬ tice, is that ? For shame i For 'diauie ! That, in this, the highest Temple ol Jus¬ tice in this country, such a coursoisto be suffered, and that great nriociple should be violated, which dec! urs, every one shall be considered innocent untily>/-c>rt<i guilty—My Lords? my L;ud\, ii' you would preserve (he luce of impartiality, if you would maiuuin Ihciymhol of jus¬ tice, ifyou do not mean elcnaliy to con¬ demn yourselves, I (all upon you imme¬ diately to dismiss the cue fur the rea¬ sons which 2 havt' already asal^-iivd, ami not to require rue toyty another v, oidon [It was now one o'clock. Mr. BrougK- aai, being in the biaie of cxhaullion, rc- qaeftcd pcrrnifllon uf their Lordihips to ictirc for a few minutes, which was imme¬ diately granted.J Atfixteen minutes to two o'clock, Mr. Bmugham, accompanied by the red of her Majetty's counsel, took then places at the bar. Mr. Brougham after apologizing for the delay which lie haJ caufed, proceeded in his fpecch. iK The oe:;t point to which 1 fhall draw your Lordfhip's attention is, the evidence laid before you in :h*: cburfc of thefe proceedings. I intend now, my Lords, to allude more particularly to the evidence of the fir tt witnela, who will be long recollected both in t!u"i country and abroad. The favourite exprcfiion of thr.t witnefs will be handed clown to poilerivy much in the fame manner in which the ladings and fliort adages of the ancfeist Sages have reached our days ; thole Sages whofe names indeed are \v% but whole memories ft 111 exfft, fiom the celebrity of their ientences. The wutlcfs to whom I allude had dittiuguiihed himlelf by a pecu¬ liar fort of exprcITion wh'ch appeared to compute the practical rcfult of all the ex¬ perience and wifdom of the art which he appears to have been ftudying. As long and so often as thofe word*, ** I do not remember," Brail be kiiOWfl and repeated in. the Eaglifll language, fo long ai>d lo often will the image of Majocchi forth¬ with arife before the imagination, without »v*»tt fh* r-tt-Tr* .!•/ thut individual bcinp; pronounced. This pcrlon, my Lords, U a witness of importance ; he was the Brit pcrfon called ; he was the lail witnefs e.v- amined. His evidence goes ncariy the whole length oi the cafe ; In* dcpolcs to all the ffc£b ; he, ii» fad, depofes to every thing, or nearly every thinj., faid to have- taken place up to hu dihi.uTal, or r^Uicr bis retiring from the fcivice of iier linyal Highness. Afur which tetiiii-g, he was refufed to be taken back. This toi-k place about the period whert tins clui-c- was firft not up. MRyicchi iind Dcmout were fcparate and apart from the otlrer witiVefTes in this ; they refeniblcd each ©- ther, as they both went thmo^h llie w\mU ilatement ; they were i:i f?-S the wltnuFva for the Bill, '1 he Otbcn wtitf merely co.>- firmaiory evidence. These two an: at lc,»:i willing witr.effcs ; partly l"a»m gsutituue for favours received, pailly iu expiration for favcuis to come, fcbry wuuld excr'. themielves zealoufly for their employer*. This is n v view ufthe h3aj rmpnrtuncfe or thefe witi'clTa. I mull b«W iutreat your LordfhlpV attention, while 1 enter a little more into the detail of the ewjcr.ee nlcif. I have often heard it laid, that the orcat prevailing feature 111 Mnjocciii^ evidence fjgnified little, becaule- evtvy man was ta¬ ble to err. ••., Men's memories may difier, as their honedies. This I do not d.iy. But I fh*ll fliew pm- Lordmi[»s that ti'ls man podefTes a memory that i*j totally Ml- confident with honedy of any cWriptiwn that can enter bto my iim,;ination. liut why fhould I talk of ima^iuativyi ; I have only to lefer to the evidence ot M'.j^cchi hinifrlf, to (hew th::t there ntve-r w:u «m.)-c palpable perjmy and falle fwcarm^, than is d in his memorable anfwer it **» I (hall not . Off detain your Lordihips l)y poiuliftg «»ut cafes where fu^h an aufwer wcuid i"t only l< innocent, but meritorious—cic* *.• *w '■ fuch an anfwer would imtvidy w«M ■it. J- r but fuppurt li.c tciln»i..ij s-\ J \^>-.-- neither (hall I adduce .].», ... * the reverse would be i!k :-&— an anfwci would be dcfl.«n£livc to and a demolition of a witness's teftimony. I (hall content myfclf with taking the cafe of Majocchi*s anfwers as they (land before me. At once, then, to give your Lord- fhips proof pofitive of Majocchi's perjury —to fnew you his mode of forgetting ivhea it ftiited hw convenience, I come at once to the manner of his convenience, I cowrie at once to the manner of his [Wearing to the pnfition of Bergami's bed-room with rcfpr& to that of the Princess. This was a fc-reat objecj. It waa evident that from the opening of my learned friend, the At- tornry.General, that lie wfflied to efta- hlifli the contignity of thofe two bed- :* »'j'iis an^. ;!;at a communication exided between tlietn. From the nature of the L-.idence given, as well as from circum- rtances which took place before the trial, it was evident that rVinj >cchi was enncera- •] in this plan, lie came forward prepar¬ ed to prove the relative Gtua'ton <^f thefe b*&*00tB9t as he knew that thereon would r;il the founrJaUoO of the c!iaf#4e c*f adulte r us ri.tercourfe. For this pu'poieytco, he yi* ready to piove, t!iac the apartments of there;! of her Majfdv's fuite were fli t on: &nJ a;;3rt. AcJcrdltlgly the firtt .vitr.efs cai'ed, the witnefs who was to £0 o-'c- the whole charge:, was better prepared: bn'.Lte meat was to have more the appearance of truth, more length of detail, ir. -e accu* racy ; and he was alio prepared >gainft any atle.rpt at deticlion, by ccav«uic^t»y fo.-getlfne; what he did not w;fh to ac¬ knowledge. V> hen this witnefs was aft d, ** \\ here d.'d the hrincefs tleep :" The ready anfwer was, " near the bed-room oi BefgamiV* Were the apartntenbt ntm o: remote From each other? -'ihi* \\.is lo pood a point, fo defirftbte a thing co be proved, that the queltion was reicitedly put, an I always with the fame iueec-.— Not fo, h"wcvcr, \hen I examined the witnefs. To my le*ne:l friend, (the \i- torney-General) lie was re:dy to fay, " The rooms of thv Qaeen and lier^au.i were near each othcj ; [ornctlme«lhedoan were here, fometimes there ; there wan at one tinie a wall and at another time a cw- dor between the apartment%." &11 (hi* vra< exadly and minutely remembered and i-v!i»ed. The Attorney General had <,t- ta<licd mptc importance to the pvoxuh\«) uf 'he chambers at Naples than e'.ftwheie. When t!ie witnefs was afked were the chamberH of the Queen and 1'ergami near or apau from the other rooms at Naples, Costa haul enteral FJiF^rino, on the Mh at Jlie liCJfd of (he army. The battle fc said to havj t^l;on place about Ifl nnles from Paler¬ mo, and (lie news to have been received by telegraph, and is generally credited." A London paper of Octobur atd, says, that sp- yeraloiher letters liav<? b«eo received, which lurnish the same intelligence. The Emperor of Attarria has addressed a no!d u iiie (Jermau ('oint.:, rtispecting the affairs ->f N.»j.l.*s. We r.^iet iwir Kmita ivill not admit of its insertion at length. The Eoapwor snys:— aTi,o late events in the kingdom of .\a- |nes hvve proved more clearly and imprc3- .siyely *han any otlier preeedrug oecurrences 01 this kind, that even iii a n ^ liar and w«'ll govern*;] Stat«», among a tjuiet, temperate P'-nph- s!itkii>d with their governinent, the p'Msrnnuis h.fluenee 6f re\elutionary s*-r?s mny eu;se tlie mo^ violent (Onvnlsiona and asftdr.*n revoltitio»i. For it is clearly de- iuo;^t"tted, (hat the intrigues ofthfl l%rfoh ik:-i ;ilir^, without any **\teiinl impulfte— v.';t..;».; i(>y i-ven [il-iusihle p»e*'*rt, CHUStid tii. -•'• •«:di:;.j i^ miaemeiita whidi induced .1* .. :-'.v* 'dR' Ivit-igwf IVaples, in a muifieul '•>* G-u ^rr-iissmftnt lo laj down the ;. .vern- Wnt :> dissolve all the existing authority, and t< proclaim a Constitutjun absoltitefy •"'•-s' to iiis en ii;iry, and :is yet untried, ' '• ihi' eo'vrtiy \vhieLi gaveitbu'di: in other wotds, finarchy is law. ^ 4'i-* .vJ:o. *y *'r,t- Euip*Tor is convinced It'.-it ;„*, '.'.'jev.je.a. *i event "ill have made the r^ ; r-^. y u.inresvion ooall the German u te;H:..-v--.. by a memorable exaiu- i n- k;itf d.i.:-.;<!..;:■-» ,t i\ to eontemplate with Gontttftpti/iita i .{.'. rerentu the o|»crations of >ecr! t^soeititions & of conspiracies kulking 1 I1} /••' dark, and bow wisely the German Pri jv>- Jjitre acted in opposing vigilance and Vigotii /-. t!:e Jirst syuiatoms of those dart* gB?Mja art n pt«.*J •"-" ni (,iir:y w4tnssscs had arnv?d in fn- vor oi the Oueeii. Th^ir reeoption in IStisc- hmu *,i, qaituthe reverse of :imse wnolaud- the anfwer was tnn(l»ted. wtpwt»M It Willi however, be recolle&id, that the au- fwer of the witnefs was ■*[oiilani" which means ,4 diftant." This I remarked A the time, The witncls on this occafiofi meant that the apartment? were dilLmt, or he mepnt nothing.— Here was a drkimft and pcfuive fweanng to the recollection of a particular fj£l- There is an end then to this innocent forgcttulnefs, of which we have heard fo much. When I asked this witnefa a quellion relative to the iituation of the other rooms, he faid he did not know ; he did not recollect ; though he must have known, he mutt haverrcollc&ed the circumstance at the time, aa in his ex¬ amination in ehihf he faid they were distant and apart. The witnefs then must have perjured himfelf in one cafe or the other -t I '-are not which. It was as palpable and open perjury as IFa man were to fwear r> day that he faw 3 particular pcrfon at a particular time and phiee, and t.* fwear to morrow that lie never faw fuch a pcrfon at [ all. So your Lordihips will fni.l, ifyou go through the whole of this pe:fun's evi¬ dence, realons fi>r coming to the fame con elusion m every inftaxice. There is one fpecimen which I flial! quote to (how that this witnefs, does not want memory when it luits his purpofe. When he was under examination of my Learned Friend, and therefore not afraid of aufwering, he was a^ked— The Lord Chancellor afked to what fid at luvcr, and who canto over in behalf of the f"i .-.v-i. T.;- fijjst Tudi." Pompany'a Croiser tHH, UHi h u tori',, and v-i-rniy-fcroi of the crew pcishrd. Pom, •&&•- London, Oct. -1. 1 ,j-t^rday morning the vounios Oi;:'M coloi: | Ol-veria. and leu or eleven other por«ii>n*, arrived .;t l^ovcr, from liou- logn^ to -jive evidence in favour of the queri,. It is said count Cei'-'anii, bro¬ ther «.f fh:» liiuon. is ainou^ them. At'eouuta from fyaiti slate that Russia has i»pp liuted an ambassador to that A L'i.'erfrom 0;,or(o of the 13th elt. slate- i)i:,i ;hc troopi and province under i J'i.it AramaHthr fold J«vfUttc! i':e ;\.r. Otit¬ ic came and lhal l*» had lb il< Coaiict'llor l'hiil'p> hn* oddres-rd a long letter to the l*i»»4i v%hi.h \- publiih- eii, complaining,of his treatment of the queen, and vmdtvatU*g her characbci and cundm t. At the meefiii4 o> the SSth nt Free- maiou'i) If.ill, Mr. iUibhou.sc vnis i.-ji;. d it* the chair. Ii u.»> re.olve I—^i at mv- ni-ter. Iiuve WiVntoidy and tth Led I) en- trapped (heir stiffcrcA$ti i"i» II di*-potic per titration of the ijureu, in wUieU tiie laxvs and couMiiu'h'u w^re viidatedv and tl.nt the said miuiMcrs iUm rve impeai h- (nent, &e-—Aide rim* u V^uod cao^ratw- laled (he meeting (i.i in.- evidence lhat was to be produci d, v,hich he >aid he could asseil, would tujjic mil His than- upon till* The Queen had »oi iiiiiir.r.fed n»\v de- • to attend in ?! e house of lords dtt- ftig to Boyer, and it was generally believed that the Piefident would " fubjugate the territory of his old enemy without diffi¬ culty-** From the Niagara Patriot of Oct. 24. The schr. Franklin, captain Hayt, of Erie, of 90 tons, owned by Mr. Peter S. V. Hamot, of Krie, with a cargo of be¬ tween three and four thoufand dollars worth of merchandife, belonging to Mr. IJamot, and 300 bbl« of fait, beh-nging to Mr. Bracket, of Salina, failed from Erie and arrived at Grand River—the capt. went on fhorc, but returned to his veiled when the gale came on. The fchooner now lies lunk in about 5 fathom water, fome dis¬ tance from the hhore, with the tops cf her masts just above water, 10 miles below Grand Jliver. The crew are lost—con¬ sisting of capt. Hayt, and a Mr. Nortan, pilot, and two others, all of Erie, Pa. It is thought but little of the c3rgo can be faved. The fchr. Zephyr, Napier mailer, from Alhtabula to Sandusky, with a quantity of goods and fait, was driven on fliorc near the Pennsylvania and Ohio line, with the lols of every foul on board—amounting to 10 or !2 perfons, the crew and paflcngers. The body ofa female was found upon the fhorc of one of the iflands. which was the only dlfcoVery that had been then made of the remains of thofe unfortunate perfons, who had thus fuddenly been whelmed in the abyfs of destruction. Hats, bonnets, &c. had floated a (ho re. Another fmall craft is faid to be led, but we have no particulars. The fchooner Klizabeth, of U. C. is re¬ ported to be loll, witji moft of her crew, but the report is not confirmed. The Lake Erie Steam Boat had fortu¬ nately juft arrived at Detroit, and made fait to the wharf, as the florin commen¬ ced. Attt^ftw<gEBs«mM: t KINGSTON. NorEstssji 17. 1320. ■ » * 4 » # » * • f • • » * • c/cr 1 • * 'i^i ring the progress oi her deb i'.vc. 'i'he Italian:witur>BC59 in favor «f the Queen, were Ci-ustai lly arriving, liy iio- zens. half dozens, in pairs, and singly. ii appears,b) the lanirua^eol the l!lm- peror Alexander, in his .speech at the opening of the Polish dirt, on the 13th of September, that the recent change* in Spiiin, Xapie* and Porfogalj are viewed at St. Pctensburgh, with no fiiendly eye. The progress of the revolution i> ascribed <o the t; spirit o'i evil*1 in one part of i'hi- rnpp, and the heaping of crimes a.«u loh- Vulsious on each other. It appears certain, says a Paris paper of the 2yd, that tU.: bankers of this city liave Quired wiVrV |rt<«»e */-r Mm'.u.ma k^ ne-o.:;atea loin f<M the Spanish -overn- pa<;e of the Minutes the Learned GomwI I ■****- U IS s:ml ^ J*.6™?^*1! alluded > ... ...... .Mr. Brougham faid page 47. The Earl of Liverpool faid, when the Learned Counsel quoted any part of the .Minutes of Evidence, he had better men¬ tion the page* [_To be continueJ. J London*, Oct. 2. Accounts from Rio Janeiro to Au%. i. lead to the belief tint tin* ttrafcUs are by no means in a settled state, tuiuthat it i* not improbable the n-vo!u:to:t iti Portli- al ttitl extend ilsidfacfoss the Atlantic. 11 evincei don't remember.*' '1 he letters from Buhifl3 «kv. ate writton under au appiehen«ioti oftheoccurri nee t^f ;ome impurlitni event, and il is even Mispi < ti d chat ttie projected revolu¬ tion in l'ortu^nl was known in the Bra- ■fills as early a$ Juno hist* Corfu, S%*pt. (2. On Moudnyt Preresu was surrender¬ ed to Iht: liiaud seiftnof by Ve!i l'arha. Mvonlsunof AW l'atha, who went on board the Turkish Admiral's ship and gave himself up. It is said both he and bh \0uu4ebt brother, Meemet pacha have nren scot prisoners to Con*tantinople. 1'cishie I5< ;, is also Said to have entered .In,inn al the head of ri.CK)') men, and that AI i Pacha had retired into a fortress uiih only 500 men. The news of bis d.-aih or capture is daily expected. The house ol Loids assembled nn *hi S I.—Apologias were made for li.c nou- a(tendance of several pe*rs. Amou^ tlio-,e ub-ent, were lord Sheffield, the I concluded, and that one of the p.incipa -inning houses is the firm of Ardoin, flu hart Si Co. The first audieoc« of the French peers for the trial of the coi^piyators, was to take place the lOt* of October. The earl and eottAteSS of Spencer, on tlie happy intoliigci'Ce afrhiug of th-.-ir son, falsely rep^itfd to have been killed in a duel, had four fine ovu slaughtered and distributed to Ike poor round their seat ;*.? Alth^rpir. lrinceTaUeyrand and M. Liine^ had returtitd to Paris. The Austrian troops in upper Italy ha?e been ordered nto eautonmeuts. M. dc PitzgcraW^ the minister from Ki»j|ai.iK witha i.viiere>us ^aite, arrived at Stockholm on tlK 12th Sept. The exchnnge oJ Frr-nch and Rnglish couriers, says a Brussels account, are extremely frequent connected, no doubt, with the important correspondence be¬ tween the couiis 0. Loinlon and Vienna. "IVi !.n\p siiice our last received from Sacked Harbour our regular United Stati's' I^|.:;-s—u..il also a i'iJe of Loudon papers, ohi!|iiijrly frnvarded us bv Lhe Editors of the Xev.-V.Th Spectator. The remarkably bhrirt pa&aa^es lately made across the Atlan¬ tic having brought us as Lite En!;Iish dates ;..-> we can exturet lor some limes to roroe, we elt* not think that we can Ucttcr BUjpIoj ,nur eoiuifi .** than by giving Mr*Broi»ghaars ; f^ch,though its length will necessarily ex- cl '• •>Jh:-y articles pi mtcuest. Counsellor i i.Mliji , the *rre::; £riah arator, has addressed ;. letter to the JChig, on the suhject of the prt»»^ediag3 agaiusthor Majesty, Queen Ca- : .....e—which, though it contains a few strik¬ ing ;. 1'■>:.;:--, al aiiuds with l»i» peculiar faults ota r*dundancj of epithet, and Incongruity »1 .... igery. There appears to he something ••'■•;, n. ; y nil** d to impertinence m thUlet- '•.. ti i "" -»* !.* in wi:n h ?.rr Phillipft offers .'.;■. . ^;is Sovereign, \* not exactly calm- ! tt< (I !o retider it at ptaWe, though it may :« ; ve m I Li II U" i ppfatlSt of ll.fc part) h'ij- . e to "i 1 ■: . try, which id perhaps the real ejd i:. view. The city ni Paris has been illuminated.atri 5rrcaJ jiij ; i b*en manifested 011 die birth • - u;. Diu h«;sa of Barriva sooj >vho bears the title of Dec Ac Bordeaux. Tlie most perfect harraonj continues to exist between the hi^h allied powers o: Eu- rotie—to um: great maappointtneut of those v. fici had ealculan *l on their disunion. The J-inperor of Russia, in his speech to the Diet ni I'olandjaswellas the Austrian government] in it5 circular to the German courts, express¬ es stsnthnents of a.i extraordinary nature— and their ajipp-hm ions of the dangers which threaten the uld Continental Go>ewi- ineutS .»:- very evident. Much clamour has In en r.ii.L 1 against Alexander lately—though we thifik without just grounds, because it does not Up] ear reasonable to expect that the despotic itiaster of so many millions of slaves should be in the fonmost ranks of liber-ilismj or that he should not feel some nntura1 ;tli "mat the pro --s ol op)oioi ? fan- "erous iu his power and Lo tih trouquiiity ol his empire. If it he true, that 100,'.00 men are eiiii odiedou the frontiers of Persia, there arc eertainly some grounds to suspect him v f ambitious views i.i that quarter- Thecon- ijuest of Persia, could it be effected without involving hha in a war with England, and perhaps some other European powers, would undoubtedly facilitate his approach to our Indian possessions. The project, however, once s;iiel to he entertained by Bonaparte, of marching an army over tlrs mountains which intervene between Caucasus and India, and which report now says Alexander medi¬ tates, is chimerical, and if attempted would prove abortive.—Wcro it even to succeed,the result need not be feared, for exclusive of the European troops in the country, the native regiments in British pay are numerous, well disciplined, brave, and well affected—and would not dread an encounter even with the redoubted bayonets of the Russian?, exhaust- ad as they would be by a long and painful march. JJesiles the Hindoos would feel tbatto join the latter would he merely to change mas¬ ters—and we conceive they have sufficient discrimination .«. choose between (he nhld- iess of an English and the severity ef a Rus- noticed in another column, we learn from a source entitled lo credit, that during the Eas¬ terly gale and snow storm on Saturday ni»ht last, three vessels ivere stranded on the Amu- ncan side of this Lake. , Th** schooner Mi- nerval laden with salt, was driven on shore near Oswego, and the cargo wholly lost.- I he schooners Triumph and Swallow, from Jacket s Harbour, went ashore near the tie- nassee river, but wc are not informed of ihe extent of damage tbev have severally sus famed—fortunately the crews cut all safe lo laud Apprehensions are entertained for the safety of the scho-mer Owen, which sailed from this port for York on Saturday, and which must consequently have been exposed to all the violence uf trTe gale, as well as lo the difficulty of distinguishing the coast during a heavy fail of snow. ° We lament to record the loss of Captain Patterson, master andowner of thesehoom-r Mayflower, a man ofa quiet, honest, and in- dustrious character. Capt. Patterson sailed from this port on Monday, the mh instant. and the next evening anchored oQ' Coboure ini>rder to land some goods. A gale in ihe mean while sprung up from the Southeast. accompanied by a heavy swell, the cable parted in weighing anchor, and in the darkness and confnsion of the night, while workingoffthe shore, the Captain unhappily fell overboard and was drowned. His eldest son, a fine kd, had to sustain the agony of seeing his father (all into the water, and of hearing his piercing trie*, without the f.ossi- bility of affording him succour. Tiie weather during some time past has been very unpleasant—about fi\e inches of snow fell on Sunday—ahd what is ver) unu¬ sual at so early a period, the Bay of Quintv, as far down as Beflville, was on Monday co- vered with n thin sheet of ice. Yesterday Col. Ottley, arrived here from England via Sacket'a Haroour. He aisumes the command of the 70th Regiment. • xxx. • i* - - < ■ -. .-.>-.,. - <x>oc ■ Birth.—At Hamilton, Novr. the liih—The Lady •»! Captain i. B, Suihbury, It, N. of a Daughter. MARRIED, On Sunday the Uth kkstant, Mr. Kartless Wimtb, to Maroaret Waudle. On i.e.* -sine t'ay, in the Evening, Mr, Tonn MitchCxl to Mrs* Catharine War**, b> llic Kev.fi. O, Stuart. - , DIED, In London, on the Ckh September, of :l h^erins decline, Mr. AVilhain Forsyth, iu the 2a!d year of his age, eldest son of the h.te Ju^i-pli Forsyth, Esq. of tins town. It is a circumstance somewhat renjar!:able that the premature ifetdl a" lias pn&uninhg /-.um; gentleman ooenrred on the same day -^ thai of Lis lair friend, ourmuvL? regretted citizen, William Mitchell, Esq. * • •■' ' G KNTLEMKN who reside ■ at York, Upper Canada, or at any place between Yoik and King- Hon, can be fupplisd with the Spectator on. application to John Macaulay, Esquire, Poft Mailer, Kingfton. John Crooks, Efquire, Poft Mailer at Niagara, U. C and William G. Hepburn, Ksquire, of Quecnston, are also Agents for the Spcftatcr. ~Eo^'7\ ~ r.TWEEN John Darley's Ikk. and the Ferry-House, A gold Cbaiiij 2 seals, and a brass Key; the fmaUcft qf the Seals is in the form of a Mower pot, with the glass cracked, the other has- a glafs bottom. Any perfon fiodirtg the fame, and leaving them at the Herald Office, (hall receive a reward of ONE GUINEA. . 47tf Kingston, Nov. 17th 182c. ~ BY AUCTION, WILL be Sold on Friday ift Dec. eiifumg at the Amateur Theatre, all the Scenery, Dresses, &c. belong-in thereto. JOHN STRANGE, A. & B. •N. T\ t? I r^oneft^d by the Manar/ers that all claims againft the faid I'heatre be prefented to Mr. Strange, on or before the ^cth inR. as no demands thereafter will be attended to. Kingllon, 16th Nov. 1820.__________ "BURNS'S ale, ft Just received, and for SALE, by the Subscriber, WM. B;VYARD SMYTH. 47tf s Kingfton, :6th Nov. 1820. _ * - . - . lit sian governuieuC ' iMirvp ui Bsvtienr, the eari of Chiche.st<r, avttl dike tit Kfiwxastle ; imth CJamUier, Uanreiil rttid KtTlvboro, rs u«l answer (>.' ii.- ta.t ( •/ ,,,.- . |.u iutieR! '-.<e htm »»pl«s * ', ..I ., -. i■ . : -. ■ - »mih • * "•'■; - ' .■'> ' ;- v-"- ■• ,7;,^. \ y ,.-> % »*,,, avrfa»hd,r.ig From St. Doming. — By the ar.ivnl of the fchooner tVeynaiich« Capiaiu Mafon, from Port-au-Piince we learn lhat Chris- tophe, the Emperor, iicd on the 5th of Ju¬ ly Uft. TrW intcllirence ef his death had not been officially ainounced 5 it was laid that it was kept frtm the public with a view of placing his L,n on the throne. A revolt having taken place among the troop?, the death of he Empercr was madr^ known. The trnopi at St. Marks, con- fitting of 6000 men. feiit a deputation to Pot; au-P;incc, annumcing the Emperor^ death, atiking protcxion of Prefident Boy¬ er, who, aih-niihed »• the iatelligencc, lent one of his A:ds to ascertain whether It was corteS. The officer returned with a con- S BistMW efihe fafi. and Boyer iomedi- srelv i?r»- o«, <.: dc ;ercd St. Mat!:? at the b'>< af»8,coc i'c Exertions were ma- The death of Christophe will probably ' prove the dowufal of the black Empire %>f llayti. as Boyer. the President of the Mulatto republic, will no doubt avail himself of the opportunities presented by the dissentions among Christophers late subjects, to bring them under subjection to his authority. The- island of Cape Breton, by the order nf His Majesty, has been annexed to the go- veiuinent of ?Jova Scotia. The British Packet Lurd Sidmouth. bring¬ ing the September Mail, arrived at N. Jfork on etui :>d of November. UNCLAIMED GOODS, (HritfERE have been left in the Store- JL Houfe of the Subfcriber, at sundry times, the following articles, which have not been claimed by any perfon, viz ; A parcel of Saws, One bale of .Merchandize, Two barrels Salt, Three do. Flour, The owners of which, are reqnefted to tak; them away. SMITH BARTLET. Kingfton, 16th Nov. 1820. 47w3 ISulice to Stock holders. ^Bank of Upper Canada. The Legislature of the State of New-York, was convened or. the 7th instant, at Albany. The influenza, which is now prevalent in some parts of the neighboring Stales, has been equally so at I his place—almost one half the population of the town have been allln ?- ltd with it, though they arc now generally on the recovery. 1 - : < ■ «,-.,,»-»! V.itU K| e • Wo do not resolltcta season so boisterous as the pi.-' ni cr one So which so many dis- ire&ing icculcntshi veoccur^dpnthetakes. In addii:o.: '.o tt ship - jl; jn Lake Erie, Nov. 15/^, 1820 TIIE Board of Directors have declared a dividend of Three per Cent, for Six Months, on the Capital paid in, which will be paid on the firft day of December next.; until which time the transfer book at the Bank will be clofed. S. BAKTLET, Cflj&rr. — -^ —- ■- THE SALE of Lots in the Township of TYENDINAGA, will be continued at the Court- House, at twelve o'clock, on Tuesday the 5th Dec. next. Kingston, Nov. 17th 1820- N. B. The purchasers at the late falca, arc requcfted to pay their refpettive ad¬ vances without delay. 47 ■ 1 .!■:- ■■ ■■■■-

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