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Kingston Chronicle, November 3, 1820, p. 4

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BRICK FOR SALE. p|-^HE Subscriber will have ready for I sale early in the month of July, any quantity of Brick, of a very Rood quality. SMITH BARTLET. Kingston, June, 16, l$2Q. 27 LAND AGENCY. THE fubferiber. for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time pad occasionally acted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing religned the foliation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now transaft Land bnfmefs generally. J ANDREW MERCER. TV/, \\th May9 1820. 20 ~FOR SALE, AT a very low price for Cash —the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec, 7, 1819. 50 A Contract will be given for Ploughing fifty acres of ground, and also for cutting Bushes, and clearing- a quantity of Land. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, Aug. 9th L8S0 32tf NOTICE. ~ ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- partneifhip of Richard Rohison ana David Secord, ate reqoefted to make im- Wvedratt payment to tt.t iurrWivg pauntr, David Sfcord, and thofc to whom thefaid Copartnership may be indebted, aie le- quefted to fend in their accounts for ad¬ justment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf Notice. WHEREAS John Sparrow, late of BeJMlle, Merchant, has as- fi^ned all his ieal eflate, Notes and Book debt0 to the Sublciibc, in truft for the benefit of his creditor?—Notice is hereby given that thole Notes and Accounts which remain uofettled after the firft day of February rext wil* be put into the hands of an Attorney for co'leftion. HC. THOMSON. Kingfton, Sept. 28, 10*20. 40**6 FOR SALE, A FARM in the front Concession of (he Towusbip of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockville, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on the premises, built of square timber and boarded outside, a frame barn, &C. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residence,and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For furtherparticu lars apply to A. & W. MORRIS & Co. Brchvitte^ \9/h May 1S20 21tf Notice. THE real and perfonal Eftate of the late John Mclntofli of Thurlow, having been legally affigned over to me by the parties interested ; I do hereby reqaeft, that all thofe indebted to the faid Eftate, either by Bond* Note of Hand or Book Accounts, will make pay- mentRon or before the 1ft O&ober next. Cattle or Produce, will be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1820. 3° WHEREAS John MeBeanhassworn that he is the owner of the whole of Lot No. 19, East of the Rock ill Ma- rysbqrgh. I hereby give notice that (he said oath is false, and that persons who wish to be better informed of (he partic¬ ulars cf the same, may be satisfied by ap¬ plying to Archibald McDonald, Esq. or Daniel Wright, Esq. who both live in the same Township, and are perfectly ac¬ quainted with the circumstances. AARON CONNOR. Kingston, 19/A .//////, 18c20. 29*1 JV St. ANDR'wjrs CHURCH \ THE Commit*^ re<pectfull> request that the Su,ubscribt-rs will pay into the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Alexr. Pringle, their reslspectivesubscriptions.— The Committee wff0U[J likewise call upon those individuals g *|10 have not yet M&- scribed to give tltfieirsupport to the un¬ dertaking, they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise frofcro an establishment such as the one contemplated, because they dust be evident (to every one. To those, however, who i»Bn. Presbyterians, and particularly to t|IOie educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church of Scotland, the < Committee beg respect¬ fully to addrefs \ themfeivea and to solicit their support, 11 not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford, but by theinlluence whi.jchthey may possess with their friends of other persuasions* Subscription | papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Fringle, and with the Secretary, Dr. ^Marshall, nls« at Point Frederick, withh Mr. Robert Graham, ham, Merchant.j | A. MARSHALL, Secretary. 17thJuhh £8999 30 ZT5E:WARD OF Two Ilundn<a and Fifty Paundt ¥^TILL be j.paid by the subscriber, to ▼ ¥ any perfifon who (hall discover and give fuch iulormna:ion as will couviQ the perlon or pcrfonns who, on or about the 29th or 30th . of June laft, Hole from #enrge Ridout, Esq, at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Billa of five dollars cacch. to the amount of two thoufand pounds*. By direction of the Direftors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAiS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, igth: Xov. tSlo. 47 THE FRONTENAC Steam Veflel will ftart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the ill, 1 ith, and 21 ft day's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kingfton on the 5 th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. 19 Notice. ms : and a /hare of ALL perfons indebted to the Eftateof thelate OLIVER THIBODO, de- ceafed, are requefted to pay the fame with¬ out delay, and thofe to whom the Eftate i« indebted, will prefent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuftment, to Henry W. Wilkiufon, one of the Executors, tp faid Eftate. Kingfton, Augaft 30th 1820. 35tf To Let A DOCTOR MURRAY, HAVING studied the different branches of medicine and taken out the necessary Tickets and certificate for each in the Colleges cf Dublin, with a diploma from that of St. Andrew's, Scotland, now stops at Mrs. Thibodo*?, and trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to meet with a liberal de¬ cree of patronage from the inhabitant* of this town and its vicinity. N- f>- Genuine medicines to his pa¬ tients on modeiate terms. (^Attendance and advice to the Poor, gratis. Kingston, 15th Sept. 1820. 37*1 Just published, and for Sale at tkk Office, S. B All ROWS 300 Question-on liie .New Tes- nmont. GRIST and SAW-MILL, in the Townfhip of Camden, on the Napanee River.- For further particulars, apply to JOHN GIBBARD on the pre¬ mises Kingfton, September 1 ft 1820. 35tf Wanted Immediately* SIX or EIGHT Good AXEMEN, Who will undertake to Clear Land by the Acre. For particulars apply at this Office. Kingfton, Oct. 20, 1820. 42tf nl> fice. A For Sale. Ho»?fe and Lot in the town of Kingfton, with nobles & other convenient out Hcufcs. For par. tlculars apply to SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, Oft. 5th, 1820. ^.otf PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poflible* JOHN FERGUSON, tjtth April, 18!$. ±+ NOTICE. ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gaiuft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to Jame^ He nefy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820 — one for twenty five pounds payable the xftJanuary 1821—one for £12 io» pay¬ able tft January, 1822—one for ^12 10 payaWe ift January 1823—one for £12 10s. payable ift January 1824—and one for £\t 10 payable ift January 1825— the four laft bearing intereft—as the faid Note's were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James llenefy to the fubferiber, andfyr which he can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bellville, 26th May, 1820. 22- Valuable Lands for sale in the Township of Hamilton. TT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- Jl.J ceffion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditfo 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceflion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Concefllon, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Ncwcaltle Diftrift, and will be fold on the raoft liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Eiias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S. Whitaker. kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf NEfV GOODS. THE Subfcribers refpedfully inform their friends and the public that they have received of the ialt importations a we'1 fitted afiortment of JDMT GOOUfS adapted to the feafon. Likewife a quantity of Strong Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Hollands Gin, Wines, Teas, Sugars, Molaffcs, &c. and a number of other articles tedious to men- tion in anadvertifcineut, which they will fell Cheap for Calh. WALTER McCUNIFFE, & Co. Kingfton, Auguft 2d, 1820. 31 tf rp//£ Board for Milttia Pek- -*- sions, will west on the laji Monday in February% and fintinm fo to do, the fame day in each Moiib* until the buftnefs of this Di/lr;3y as regards the fame is Jini/hed. J(M(N FERGUSON. Kingfton, Feb. >/?■ '819. 6 Wanted and ■inicli wished for, A Medical OettlcTOfl of liberal edu cation an4 wJoubted Loyalty, to prac¬ tice in the ViPagc of Bath. A petfon of the above drfcript#n wall receive the moft liberal fupport, anJ encouragement Bath> Sept. Z$fo* »82b. 39 j STOVES. T. HE Subfcribera have received confiding of Bleach'd and un-bleach'd Shirtings and Sheetings, Bed Ticking and Stripes, which will be fold at very low prices. THOs. S. WHITAKER, & Co. Kingfton, Aug. 4th, 1820. 3itf THE Subfcrit^r has juft received a quantity of U,,uhleand Si-igle Stove*, of quite new and handfome patterns, which he offers for lale af the Montreal price and chargoe, for cadi. JOHN WATKINS. Kingfton, Sept. 2^ 1820. S3tf WANTED, For the Public Service, 4 Strong Draught HORSES, Warranted sound in all respects, and about six years of age. Persons having; Animals of the above description to dispose of are invited to bring them to the Office of the Royal Engineer Department at Kingston on any Thursday between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Kingston, 14th Sept. 189.0. 37 For Sale or to Let, At TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a (t/jL large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchafer or lessee, Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. hagerman. Kingfton, 26th February, 1819. 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ Notice. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, A few copies in boards, of a collection cf Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles, Univerfally admired and allowed to be the beft ever publiftied in Scotland. The work is approved and recommend¬ ed by the Highland Society of Scotland, and harmonized to the Piano-Forte, Harp, Organ, or Violincello. The names in Gaslec and Englifh.—E- dited by Captain Simon Frafer, and pub- lifhed by MefTrs, Duncan, Stevenfon, and Co. Edinburgh. >Kingstony Sept. 15/A 1820. 37//" Just Received. An elcgaut a{Tyrtment of Paper Hanging's, THEODORE BROCKET. Kingfton, September ift, 1820. 35tf. To he Let," For any term 0f years that may be agreed upon, f "Jill AT large Inn at Port Hope called X the Wellington, with the Garden and other premise,as possessed at pre¬ sent by Messrs, \Voodsworth and Mur- ray, to which entry may be had at the tirst of January next. The proprietors are disposed to give every encourage¬ ment to a person of capital and respecta¬ bility. For further particulars apply to the proprietors at Port Hope. Part Hope, 6/h Oct. lR^o. 4ltf NOTICE. Night School. MAXWELL, Teacher of the » Grammar School, Grave Street, refpcctfullj informs the inhabitants of Kingfton, that he will give inftructions in the following branches : —Writing, Arith¬ metic, ISook kreping, Geography, Geo¬ metry, P!a;n Trigonometry and Algebra, Kingfton, Oct. 19, 1S20. 42tf J?25 REWARD. WHEREAS the Subscriber on the MGHTofthe 6th inst while on his way from the carrying p'ace, head of the Ray of Quintc, to the River Trent, was afTaulted by 7w Men, and ROB- BED of his Pocket Boo/:., containing pa¬ per money to the amount of Three Hundred AND SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS, And sundry NO TES of HAND, Agreeable to thefollowingdeecriptions ; The above reward will be given to any person who m«.y make fuch difcovery of the Robbers as will laad to their convic¬ tion. Notes of Hand as follows, OiJfe Htt! signed by E. 8c F. Tinker, payable lo the subscriber, >------g75 One ditto, signed Elisha Tinker payable to the subscriber.---------------------$63 One ditto signed John Tills payable to the subscriber.------------------------#102 One ditto signed E. Wheeler, payable to the subscriber. —--------- Notice- THE fubtcribers having taken, for a term of years, the Store and premie* belonging to the late Wm. Mitchell, Efq. in Kingfton, intend to carry on the buft¬ nefs, as heretofore, of Forwarding and General Merchants. Thev have on hand aj fcleA afTortment of GOODS, which they offer for fale on liberal ter hope by their attention to merit a____ ^ that exte'iiive patronage which their predereflor enjoyed. The buftnefs will in future be conduc¬ ted under the Fiim of Thomao K. C\-.r.. wright & Co* THOMAS R. CARTWEIOKT NEIL J. McLEAN. Kingston, October 17, 1820. 4 ni MONTREAL ACADEMY. Wm. Hi an, A. B-MaAer. IN this institution, conduced according to the mobt approved modern {yscems, the education of young Gcniic'mcn 'j3 completed in about l.alf the time ulually required ; and except in c*creme cafcj without the aid of corporal puniihment, hitherto fo unjustly couiiJered as indis- penfible. To this only can be afcribed the unparalleled patronage received by this Institution—which by enabling the principal to proceed on a liberal and enlarged scale, secures to the public advantages not to be met with in the esiab'ifliments of thia Country, which are generally fpeakfng, of only an ephemeral existence. The premium are perhaps the best calculated of any in the Country fora large eitablifliment. 1 he houfe is very Spacious and comfortable, the pleafure ground and garden extcnftvfi and wcil enclotd. The coflrfc of Studies comprife, the Greek, Latin, French afid En .lifii Ian, guagea ; Logic, Mathcn»atick<? Histoiy, Prrot-rVr C!>r«nf1rtfim Wilting, Arifh* I metkk, Boo)c keeping &c. Mulic, Dancing and Drawing, are alfo taught st hours that do not interfere with the regular clafles. TERMS. Hoard r, Tu.rinn, per Annum 40 Day StihoianAvkaicum CIhs} a DaySrliolnrswliolearnWrif-7 .fi iitj;- and AHtbMfiffc ?<c \ MorH^.al, October 4th, 1820. N. B. I r formation may be had by reference to Smith Barrlet, Efq. iung- flton, or to Mr Thonas Daltoo of the Kingston Brewery, each of whom has a fon at the Montreal Academy. 43*n3 X. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window Glass. NOTARIAL BUSINESS at¬ tended to with punctuality and dispatch, by the Subscriber. P.F.HALL. fcotury Public Kingfton, 1$ Auguft, 182c*. ^uf THE fubscribcts have on hand a con, signrnent of WINDOW GLASS- of 7 12 by 8 1-2, 9 by 9 3 by 10, loby 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, fur fnle at very low prices for cafh or fhort anproved credit, THOS. S. WHITAKELl &Co. May, »£ 20 ALLperfons indebted either by Note or Book Account, to the eftate of the late Richard Robifon, Efq. deceafed, are requefted to pay the fame without delay ; and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti¬ cated^ adjuftment, to Allan MacLean, Efquire, one of the Executors to faid es¬ tate. Kingfton, June 5, 1820. i6tf To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 JAMES PICKERING, who emigraN ed from Ireland in Aug. 1818, and is now fuppofed to be living in the Province of Upper Canada, is def-red to come him* lelf, or fend his addrefs to Mr. Dalton's brewery, in the vicinity of Kingfton, which is at prefent the refidence of his aged father. JOHN' PICKERING. ioti Three ditto signed Ezra Osborne, payable to the subscriber.----------------------£27 One ditto signed Martin Bhuterley, pay- bale, to Truman Kimpton.----------$3 One ditto signed Calviu Itawson, payable to Caleb Norton.---------------------$11 50 One ditto signed Thomas Ward, payable to James Graham.-------------------£0 One ditto signed Martin Rush, payable to the subscriber.------------------------#4 One ditto signed Burton Philips, payable William Calkins, fur amount of £5" less to endorsed £'^ £S One ditto signed Josiah Proctor, payable to the subscriber.---------------------£3 9 One ditto signed George Simpson, payable to the subscriber.--------------------- 10s. Together with fundry Notes and ac¬ counts which cannot be particularifcd. Of the paper money, fix were ten dol¬ lar bills of the Montreal Bank. The others were altogether of the Bank of U. C. one of which was ten dollars, and the others of fmaller denominations. There was alfo contained in the Pocket Book, a Licence to Peddle granted to the fub¬ feriber on or about the 24th day of May last. rHILIPWHELPLEY. Bellville, 9th October, 1820. 42tf THE fubferiberfi, duly appointed Ex¬ ecutors to the laft Will and Teftament of the late William Mitchell, Efq. of Kingfton, hereby requcft all persons who are indebted to the eftate. either by Bond Mortgage, Note or Book account, to come forward and fettle the fame without delay; and all thofe to whom the faid eftate is indebted, to prefent their claims, for adjuftment, at the Office of the late William Mitchell ALLAN MTHER80N, JAMES XICKALLS, Jun. Kingfton, Odober 17, 1820. 42ff N. B. The bufincls heretofore car¬ ried on by thelate William Mitchell, Efq. will be continued by Thomas R. Cart- wright, and Neil J. McLean, under the firm of Thomas R. Cartwright & Co. NOTICE. THE Land °,oard, for the Midland District for the erfuirrg fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, for th^ pu oore of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, ft -\m the tinder- mentioned defcription of persons, viz. Emigrants, and other-, comi.-n- to the Province and bringing due Certificate* of beirfg Bri'flhborn fubje&&. AH ab.e fettkri that have refided in the Diftrift previous to the lav war, ind pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty in itd defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date of th** ■ ^cation, and the payment of the following f^es; eftablifhed by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of ioo acres, £\2 Sterling. On Grants of 200 i*>. 30 Payable in three equal inlla^mtntss, viz. The firft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Ceitificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written charadter, or a fatisfaftoiy reafon (hewn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. Clerk. Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N- B. To prevent difappointment9 tc perfons applying for lands ; it is necefTary to ftate that the Board has no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch muft make application to York. TERMS of TiiF KINGSTON CIIHOXICLE. Kingfton, Oct. 19, 1820, 42 BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other hinds for sale at this Ojicc. Twenty shillings per annum; ifsentbv Mali twenty tour bhitliugs. Su&seriu'iom to t„. j,^ in ad vaiue 10 the 1st Oi July, or the IstofJauu- pAice of advertisements. C^f/A' fines and under 'Is. dd. first in- K3 sertion^ and 7\d. each subsequent. insertion; 10 lines and under* 3s. 4d. first insertion, and \0d. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4iL per line for the first insertion^ and Id. per line- for even/ subsequent insertion. Advertisements without- written dircc- ions are inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. * Orders for discontinuing Advertise* ments to be in writing, and delivered hu WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest No Advertisements received after TEN o'Clock on the day of publication. KINGSTON, V. a PEINTEplFOli TUB EDITORS.

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