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Kingston Chronicle, October 27, 1820, p. 4

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BRICK FOR SALE. THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of Ju'y, any quantity of Brick, nf a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. Kingston, June, 16, 1820. ___27 — LAND AGENCY." A^ THE fublcriber. for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time pad occasionally a&cd as a Land Agent, hav- | ing refined the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now Uansad Land bufinefs jrenerally. ANDREW MERCER. Tori-, \\th May* 1820* 20 ~FOk~ SALE, * Ta very low price tor Cash -^_ —the soulli of front haifo Lot No. 12, in die first conces¬ sion of Loogbbofougli.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Oftce. Dec. 7, 1819.__________50 A Contract will be given for Ploughing fifty acres of ground, and also for cutting- Bushes, and clearing- a quantity of Land. R. WHITNEY. Kingston, ' NOTICE. ALL p«rfom indebted to the late Co- partneifhip of Richard Robhon ana David Secord% aie reqnefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Sr-cord. and thofe to whom the faid Cnpaitnerfhip may be indebted, are ie- queued to feml in their accounts for ad- jnflment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, \ 819. zfitf FOR SALE, A FARM in the front Concession of the Township of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brorkville, con- forcing 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on the premises, built of square timber and boarded outside, a frame barn, &c. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residence,and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For furtherparticu lars apply to A. & W\ MORRIS &Co. Brclcvilie. \9th Mm 1820 2ltf No tic e THE real and peifonal Eftaft of the late John Mclutnfh of Thurlow, having been legally affigncd ovei to me hy the parties interefted ; I do hereby requeftj thdt all thofe indebted to the faid Eftate, either by Bond, Note of Hand or Book Accounts, will make pay¬ ments on or before the Ift O&obtr next. Catth or Produce, will be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. BeliMlle, July 19th, 1820. 30 Aug. 9th 1820 8£tf 'WTJTHTSIiEASJFofin McBean hasswom V v that he is the owner of the whole of Let No. 19, Cast of the Rock in Ma- ryshurgh. [ hereby gj?e notice that the said 0:1th is false, and that persons who wi*h to be better informed of the parlic- \ liars of the sanv% mr»y be satisfied by ap¬ plying to Archihald McDonald, lwj. or Dnuiel Wright, Esff. who both live in the same Townships, and are perfectly ac- luainted Willi the circumstances. AARON CONNOR. Kingston* IQthJtthf, [820. SOfljr St, ANqrEJV'SXXiURCH TnFj C'mmittee respectfoft) request that il\e Subscribers will pay into the hands cflhe -freamrcr, Mr. Alexr. Pntigle, th.jr re<:pectivesubscriptions.— TheComm:f(eo wouii| likewise call upon those indiv;(iuals who ^Te MOt yet sub¬ scribed to a*ve their support to the un- dertal.ing, (hey deem it superfluous to enlarge on t],'e advantages which are likely to ar;s-e from Bft establishment such as the one contemplated, became they must be eviflent to every one. To those, however, v!lo j,rc iVesbjterians, and particularly t0 those educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church of Scotland, the Committee beg respect¬ fully to ad.iref3 t&emfelvea and to fioliHt their suppQrt, not onlv by subscribing what they <.an tbemseUes afford, but by the influence which they iinv possess with their friend 0f other persua ions. Subscription papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Cringle, ftrtd i%ith the Secretary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick. ujt|, JJr. Robert Graham, ham, Merchant.! A. MARSHALL, Secretary. *L7thJullh 13:0 30 ~ t"o leT A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near JTa- Doctor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston) 4/A Junet 1819. 23 1REWARD OF ~ Window Glass. Notice. ^nafTHEREAS John Sparrow, late v v of BeUvillc, Merchant, has as- finned all his real eflate, Notes and Bordc debts to the Subfcriberi [u truft for :he benefit of his crtditors—Notice is hereby given that ihole Notes and Accounts which rema:n unfcttltd after the firlt day of Februaiy next will be put into the hands of an Attorney for colletlion. H C THOMSON. Kingfton, Sept. 28, i$20. 4OW6 For Sale. Hpufe and Lot in the town of Kingft-m, with nablea & other Convenient out Houfes. For par ticulars apply to 8AMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, Oft. 5th, 1820. 4otf PERSONS having Booki belonging to the Kingston Libraiy are requi ft ed to fend them to the fubfcriber, at his houfe, adj- ininr the Town of Kingfton, and with a* little drlay as ooffible- JOHN FERGUSON. T2th April, 1819. 24 ALL perfons are hereby cautioned 3- :gain't pgrchafing certain Notes of hud jjiven by the fubfaiher to James He nefy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820 — one for twenty five p y\\n^ payableiir ill January 182 t — one for £\ z 10. pay¬ able r(l January, 1822- one for H\2 \o payable ill January 1823—one for.£12 los payable ift January 1824—and one for £\2 10 payable ill January 1825— the four la!l bearin.; intereft—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid Jj-^cs ficnefy to the fuMVriber, • DOCTOU MURRAY, HAVING studied the dillerrnt branches «!* meillilue and taken out the necessary Tickets and ccrUilmie for each in the Colleges of Dublin, with a diploma from that of St. Andrew's, Scotland, now stops at Mrs. Thibfdc's, kind trusts by his unresulting attention to his patients to meet with a liberal de- ^rr.1 of patronage from the inhabitants of this town and Its vicinity. N. D. Genuine medicines to his pa¬ tients on moderate terms, £3r Attendance and advice to the Poor, gratis. Kingstwi, 15th Sept. 18'20. 3 7tf NEfV GOODS. TilE Subfcribers rcfpeftfully inform their friends and the public that they have received of the Jaft importations a well fele&ed affortment of If GO OIZS adapte<l to the leafon. I.ikevvife a quantity of Strong Jamaica Spirits, Cogrtiac Brandy, Midlands Gin, Wine*, Teas Sugars, Molaffes, Sec. and a number of other articles tedious to men¬ tion in an advenilement, which they will fell Cheap for Cafh. WALTER McCUNIFFE, & Co. Kingfton, Auguft 2d, 1S20. 31 tf THE Subfcribers have received a confignment of American Cotton and for which he can give nr ]e<->a! title. JOS'.Pi SHEARVIAN; Bcllville, 26th May, 1820. 22- Vatimble Lands for sal<- in the Toisqship of Hamilton. T]T OTS No. 6 and 12 inthe3d Con- JjLA ceffion. containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- cefiion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10 in the 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in the Town/hip of Hamilton, Newcaftle Diftrid, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For Further information, inquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton- Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 2S, 181 q. 22tf - ^3 confining of Bleach'd and un-bleach'd Shirtings and Shcetingp, Bed Ticking and Stripes, which wi.l be fold at very low THOs. S. WHITAKER,^- Co. Kingfton, Aug. 4th, 1820. jnf One Hundred Dollars Reward. CJTOLEN, about four weeks agn, >0/ from a room in Mr. Worden's Inn, a Trunk thtee feet long, and two feet •.vide, covered with a fawn flcin Whoev¬ er wi 1 deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors. Cufficieut to difcovcr and convict the thkf, fhall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETlE. Kingfton, 7th Juno, 1S20. 23tf For Sale or to Let, At TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a 1/J.L larne and commodious ftone Store, fitoata on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of rVefcot, 00 exceedingly ad- JantageonBterme to the purchafcr or lessee. Xnquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. « Kingfton. 26th February, 1819. O Notice. NOTARIAL BUSINESS at¬ tended to with punctuality and dispatch, by the Subscriber* P. P. IlALr, Notary Public Kingfton, tat Auguft, iR20. jUf ; WANTED, For tiip Public Service, 4 Strang Draught HORSES, Warranted An urn! in all respects, and about six years of agfc. Persons haviug Animals of the above description rr> dispone of are invited to bring ti&m to the Office of the Royal Engineer Department at Kingston on any Thursday between die hours of ll and 2 o'clock. Kingston* llth Sept. 1820. 37 ■^-------------------------------- ___________________^______________________________________ FOR. SALE AT THIS OFFICE, A few copies in hoards, of a collection of mi Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles, Uin'vtrfally admired and allowed to be the bell ever publiined in Scotland. Tin1 work is approved and recommend¬ ed by t!it Highland Society of Scotland, and harmonized to the Piano-Forte, Harp, Organ, or Violiiicdlo, The names in Cx\c and Englifh.—E- dited by Captain Simon Frafcr, and pub- lilhcd hy McfTr^, Duncan, Steveofon, and Co. Edinburgh. Khirston. &/fL 15//O i8^z), 37//" T bo Hundred and Fifty rmnds ^\TILL be paid hy the 'ub°criber, to V V any perlon who liiaii discover and fcjive fnch in Tot mat ion as will eorvvrfl the perfon or perfons who, on nr about the 29th or 30th of jun^ latt Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Wa ker\ Hotel; a Parce', containing Montreal U-nlc B?l!s o\ five dollars eaeti, to the amount of two thoufand pouuds. By circdlion r,f the Diredors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, THE fubscribers have on hand a con, signment of WINDOW GLASS- of 7 1-2 by 8 1-2, 9 by 9. 8 by io, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, for fale at very low prices for cafh or fhort approved credit. THOS. S. WHITAKER &Co. May, 17. so To be Let, For any term of years that may be agreed upon, THAT large Inn at Port Hope called the Wellington, with the Garden and other premises, as possessed at pre¬ sent by Messrs. Woodsworth and Mur¬ ray, to which entry may he had at the first of January next. •The proprietors are disposed to give every encourage¬ ment tea person of capital end rtspecta- bilify. For further particulars apply to the proprietors at Port Hope. Port Hope. 6th Oct. 1820. 41 tf I AM under the disagreeable necessity of warning all persons Rgainsi trust¬ ing my wife, Mary (JIupp, on my account, as 1 will not pay any debts of her con¬ tracting after this date, she hiving leit my bed and board without my consent, in a clandestine manner GlLBKilT D. CLAIT. Adolpltus TorcftszSth Srpt. 18*20. 41 NOTICE. ALLperfons indebted either byNote or B;ok Account, to the eflate of the late Richard R« bifon, Efq. deceafed, are i requefted to p*v the fame without delay ; and thofe to whom the ellate is indebted will prelent their accounts duly authenti cated for adjuftment, to Allan Mac Lean, tate. Kingfton, June 5, 1820. i6tf £25 REWARD. WHEREAS the Subscriber on the NIGHT of the 6th inst while on his way from the carrying place, htad of the Bay of Quinte, to the Rivet Trcot, was aflaulted by Two Wen^ and ROB¬ BED cf his Pocket Book, ^containing pa¬ per money to the amount of Three Hundred AND SEVEN VY THREE DOLLARS, And sundry \<) TES of J J [ND, Agreeable to thefollowingdescriptions ; The above reward will be given to any person nrlio n»*y make Tech difcovery of the Robbers as will lead to thur convic¬ tion. Notes ofllaml as follov/s, One Koto sigred Wj p ^ payable !■> the siih^criber, \Jne ditto, signed li&tsa Tinker payable to me sub^ciiu.uv--------------------S^ One ditto signed John Tills payable to the subscriber,-----------------------iioi O.edilto signed E. Wheeler, payable to the subscriber.-------------------------S^'> Three ditto siRned Ezra Qbboi'tie, payable l,. ^ 1* . Tinker, ••Ll to t!u?sulNcn.i.*r.------------- One dtuoyigued Martin Shuterley, pay- bale to Ti umnn Kimpton.----------J>3 One dittongned t alvin Raw^oii, payanw to Oaleb \onnc.--------------------811 50 OnedirorfKued Thomas Ward, pajaofe to James U rah am. — One ditto signed Martin Rnsii, payable to the subscriber.------------------------$& One.ditto sisni'd Barton Philips, payable to William Calkito* i'^r amount of £5 less endorsed £1------------------------"" *^ OuttdiUoMgned Josiaii Proctor, payable to the ?uhHcribeiv £•5 L» Kingston, 19/A NoP. ifiic). Agent. 47 Just published, and for Sale at this Office, S. BARROWS 500 Questions on the New Tes¬ tament. NO i ICE. tjnff£ Board for Militia -* sions, toill fte-t on the la It I Pen- lajl Monday in Ftbruary, and continue /• to do. the fame day in etch Month, until the luftnefs of this D'lftrict, as regards the fame U jinifhed. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingfim* Feb. \fl, 1819. 6 *3 anted and much wished for, A?vledical Gcnrle.r.an of liberal edu¬ cation and undoubted Loyalty, to prac¬ tice hi the Village of Bath. A perfon of the above difcription will receive the moll liberal fupport, and encouragement. Bath, Sept. 25th. 1820. 39 STOVES. THE Subferubcr has juft received a quantity of Uoubleand Single Stoves, of quite new and fHHJdfgtfig |Mlt6HIij vfaicb he offers for iale at the Montreal price and chtrgci, for cafh. JOHN WATKINS. King (Ion, Sept. 2 zd 1820. 83tf Just Received. An elegant affortment of Hanging's, Pap THEODORE BROCKET. Kingfton, September id, 1820. &$&* ON SALE. LANDED from the Ship, Alexander, from London, 20 pipes of luperior Spnnifh red Port Wine, of the very Brfl qality ; too caflcs of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; IOO ca&s of Nails, 6d. io zSd—Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scythes, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine, Eail India Sugar, and feveral other articles—-all of which will be fold at reduced rates-. BENJ*. HART. Montreal. 2 id June, I020 New Store, Recoils Street, near the Recollct Cjiurch. 26m3 Covernmoitt Sale. n Wednesday the IstNovem- __ 'bcr next, \fHi be sold by Public Auction, iu His Majesty's Naval yard, abo\»t tive hundred pairs of Knitted Worsted Sale to comniciucat 10 o'clock N RAD1GER, Chief Clerk. Naval Store Keepers) 40 Office. 5th (M- IH^0.< ^ BLA>KS} For the Court* of Request, sale at Iftla Office. arm various other kinds, jb\ <,i THE PROiNTENAC ■i^s^r^ %-r-'i*?:~:, *^~&g&^ Steam VefTel will dart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the ifl, nth, and 2ill day's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kingfton on the 5th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punftinlity as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. ■g K.irtgft«va»May 12th, 1820. Notice. *9 ALL perfons indebted to the Eftateof thclatc OLIVER THIBODO, de- ceafed. are requelled to pay the fame with¬ out delay, and thofe to whom the Ellate id indebted, will prefent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuftrr.ent, to Henry W. Wilkinfon, one of the Executors, to faid Eftate Kingfton, Auguft 30th 1820. jctf To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PKESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 To Let, A GRIST and SAW-MILL, in the Townfhip of Catnden, on the Napanee River.--For further particulars, apply to JOHN 6IBBA.RO on the pre¬ mises. Kinpftnn. September ift 1820. ^ytf Government House, ) October 4th 1820. \ Intelligence having been received of the deceafe of Her Royal Highnef* theDuch- efs of York, it is expected that all perfons will evince their crief f^r this melancholy event, by appearine in decent mourning according to tlieir ability. GEORGE HILLIER, A D C. JAMES PICKERING, who emigrat¬ ed from Ireland in Aug. r8t8, and is now fuppofed to be living In the Province of Upper Canada, is defired to come him- felf, or fendhis addrefs to Mr. Dalton'a brewery, in the vicinity of Kingfton, which h at prefent the refidence of his aged father. JOHN PICKERING. Kingfton, Oct. 19, 1820. 42 One ditto M^ned George Shnpson,payable to the subscriber.-------------*------ Ws- Together with fondly Notes and ac* counts which cannot be particulanfed. Of the paper money, fix were ten do!- lar bills of the Montreal Bank. The others were altogether of the bank ofL- C. one cfwhich was ten dollars, and the Other* of" fmdler denominations. There ww *Mk wMictMtwA hu 'lift Vokftek ^tflfc,%. Licence to Peddle granted to the fub¬ feriber on or about the 24th day of May last. PHILIP WHELPLET. 1 Bellvllie, 9th Oftcbcr, 1820. 491! NOTICE ' THE Friends and fupporters of Sun¬ day School*, in the vicinity, are re* fpeftfully informed, that a variety of fmall Books and ufeful Tra&s are left in the care of Mr. P. Wetfel, fome for sale at a moderate price, and fome for charita¬ ble diftribution. To every Sunday School that has been in operation five months* a dollar's worth of Looks and Tratta will be given gratis. That a Sunday School Union Society may foon be eftablifhed in each of the Province* of Canada, that all Sunday Schools may be fupplied with good Books at reduced pi res is the fincere defire and fervent prayer of the public's humble fervant, T OSGOOD. Kingfton, Oft. 17, 1820. zw THE fubferibers. duly appointed Ex¬ ecutors to the laft Wiil and Teftament of the late William Mitchell, Efq. of Kingfton, hereby requeft all pe^-ns who are indebted fcn the eftate either by Bond Mortgage, Note or Book account, to come forward and fettle the fime without delay ; and all thofe to whom the faid eftate is indebted, to prefent their claims for adjuftment- at the Office of the late William Mitche:). ALLAN M'PHKRSON, JAMES? U KAILS, Jim. Kingfton, Oftrbcr 17, 1820. 42'f N- B. The buGnefa heretofore car. tied on by the late William MitcheU, Efq. will be continued by Thomas R. Cart- wright, and Neil J. McLean, under the firm of Thomas R. Cartwright & Co. Notice. THE fubferibers having taken, for a term of year*., the Store and premises belonging to the late Wm. Mitchell, Efq. in Kingfton, intend to carry on the bufi- nefs, as heretofore, of Fctwarding and General Merchants. Thtv have on hand aj feleft affortment of GOODS, which they offer for fale on liberal terms : and hope by their attention to merit a (hare of that extenfive patronage which their predecefT/r enjoyed. The buliuels will in future be conduc¬ ted under the Finn of Thomas R. Cart- wright & Co. THOMAS ft. CARTWRIGHT, NEIL J. McLEAN. Kingston, October 17,1820. 42tf TERMS OK THE KINGSTON CIIROKICLK. Wanted Immediately, SIX or RIGHT Good AXEMEN, Who will undertake to Clear Land by the Acre. For particular* apply at this Office. Kingfton, Oct. 20, 1820- 42tf j, Night School. MAXWELL, Teacher of the 9 Grammar School, Grave Street, refpectfull) informs the inhabitants of Kingfton, that he will give inflmotions in the following branches : -Writing, Arith¬ metic, bookkeeping, Geography, Geo¬ metry, Plain Trigonometry and Algebra. Kingfton, Oct. 19, i<N,o. A2tf Twenty shitliiYgs per annum; if sent by :»r.ii? twenty lour tlnUii.j;>. SuWiip-ionsto be paid in advance to tile l>i oi.luly, or the tstofJaau- PRICE OF Jl)VERTISEMMNT& (Of IX fines and umhr *2s. 6d. first in* tSjj scttioiu and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : \0 lines and ttnaer, 3tf. 4J. first ifist rtion^ and \Qd. each subsequent insertion ; atmvc ten lines, id. per line for the first i .'sertion, and Id. per tine for every subsequent insertion. Advertiscmnts without written direc* ions are inserted till forbid ^ and charged accorui /"///. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* meats to he in writing, ami delivered hi/ IVEDNESDA V NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN o*Clack <>n the day of publication. KINGSTON, U. C. 1'j:inti;u por tiiis i-iutors. •

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