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Kingston Chronicle, October 20, 1820, p. 3

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* that we hare fot Tnpd an opinion. Wc have endeavoured I tr> keep our minds five from bias, and O^tell to conviction as to any thing in favour of the accused7 and shall do so to tin? «mmT It is no offence, however, agnitif-t fh« principle to say, notwithstanding l;he nvinteuvres of fac¬ tion, Merer so detestably devised as of late, thnt enough lias been put into evi¬ dence, howcv :t it may be disposed of fi¬ nally, however neutralized, however re¬ butted, fully to justify Ministers in the steps they have take;:- We could, with confidence, put it to th? Jieurt and con¬ science of every inau, not infected so much with th * vi^leuct; and malevolence of p »rty, as to be incapable "I every lib- oral and honourable sentimenr; wlie(Jicr3 with such charges against her, FUt Ma- j$*fy could be suffered to claim 'he dig¬ nities, and rank, and honours and iuliii- •^nce of Queen Consort, without solemn !?^;s!aiire invei-ti^ation. li any doubt can remain, if Ufca In thi?, whether they acted widely in advising an ueeommodu- tion at ftlj, tfcoti&h the conditions were the nonrj'siJ. uvot f the Queen in Eng¬ land. Their motive was and could be no Other than a regatd to »he pntics con¬ cerned, and lo public mnrais. This was honorable to th-ro, whether the jridg- nirtnt 'hey forced were ri r'hic*i not ; and if a (fiv&ut&nj* disclosure has h.:eti made, we now know to whom the obligations oft!:? country aro ttnr—!> HWt puty who regarded tlieca.se as one w hich could not hut produce Injury, lixul llin-t vVa • or. niday n>ut, hnd .1 Jong consulfalioo with tle&trs. Denmanand Wilde, (he result of which wan bigliljr satisfactory! These learned gentle* men left ln-r MajcsUy utn late hour, having re¬ ceived explanations and instructions whlcfl con- liniied iheir conlideuee ui die Mrongcst manner, a« to flu* ultimate result of the proceedings now in progress. On Saturday morning, in conformity with her usual habit, her Majesty ro?e at an early hour. She breakfasted with Aldrrmau Wood, & was ex¬ tremely cheerful. Athircssoai e hourly pouring in lljion her from all parts of the country,as wen tti inknmation tending to throw light tipou the prevent Investigation* On ihe step of itlttdwOT, as her Majesty left the house. M'veral ladies were assembled, wbopressed to touch her clothes, and were perceived to shed tear* of >yinpatfiy and atfection. All the way to the Jlouae of Lords i!ie same lively scene was preBCtrted, and the .:;n*w denior.itrations of „';d- lliiration were evinced. Saturday morning a gentleman of the hjjhesi respectability was in waiting in St. Jaiuo's Sq-.inrr, from an early hoi r, to give Alderman tt oodlhe strt'iiiiest testiciui.'V. on the subject of M.ij»iec.fi*» ical character. >~ew li£hts£ioo air said to have'Veil thrown on i!ie cfUiJuci of t\W ( up fain and Mate of the polacrp, whose evidence au» calculated to maie amomeiuary impuvsun. Ail nie private Iriruds of ln*r.\iaie>tv ttlllertafn no lUmhz of establishing her innocence, in despite oi I all thai ha>been urged roher|Hejudi*u\ Ifland, amounting to between 4 and 5000 (about 3000 of them in Palermo) were impnfWd by the citizens, and Hill remained in pnfouo, when he left that place. .,. - „ Sl* JOWN, N. B. September 26. lire in Nova Scon*.—.since our last we have received corroborating; accounts el an extensive a..:l calamitous tire, which has spread its ravages for nearly 100mile,io extent over the ino,t ler- lilepnip.irtionofthe North and Western parts oi Muva"Scotia, from th? neighborhood of Yar¬ mouth to the coun/yof Anoapolis. The fire con- tioued burning fertile apace et three days, and j'icli wusita intensity tkut the very potatoes were burnt in the earth ;ho*,e>, bains", fences, lields ofgrain, stock of all kinds, whole villages and selllementS, Oil a prey 10 the devouringt-icmerif, and not a vestige ot vegetation or herbage re- mains:—»c%ei»l lives aie Jo,t. The bpwe of Country raid 1» he lair! waste, wv have travelled, and ti»e greatest .-pace between the extremes wiiliout a house, ;- between Varmouili anil Salmon IHver, 17 raiies—ihe Miiiemeut at Moiiiagail alone Contain? several tnou.iaiid souls. in nombet,b«ftce«pp*Jrfl the great liberality of this contribution, wblcfa it certainly r.oi less cre¬ ditable to the donors a»men and foldlery, thai the object of it is worthy of theui ai t hrisTiau-. Wc also Ulldcrsiaud that 1.early ,££(> have been »ub5Cribed for the yawe^ purpose by tin- Masons recently employed in building the new .Naval Store in the t)"uek Yard. 0- O'ongh for thorn. Wp aro net speakrug of that iar^c class who httvv b.-cu tuc.ar- <V* nt advocates of ihe Q lean frwm gfrite- rous foeliii^ thni.^h accoinpaoie . with no tittle simplicity ; wc advert to tljooc who have been cvldeivtlj' etiiifl^ed in an underplot, the principal m >vcis ol a ycene painted to excite tymyatliy and reelin-;, only that it n.ight be U-sisd as a 6crc:n, bcii'Od vrbich mono cociMtly U> organizet'lniult and vp-read di%aur.\:tion. Nothing can p>s-il>{y prevent the com- T!ic London Courier of tlie 2d of Scn^n- hcrstates thai the Queen that dav m^ed liirough the Strand in to carriage, aceom- Hsmied by Lady Ann GtnmUiutj and a ireiv UMinaw, There worealn:;r liftvrajr.:.-.lru"n-. mil as many Uiyri w ho sltJutrd mw mid iijctij What a laiuentahle rallui^oiK Wo -peak ofvv!i;.t wesau,and ff&sbuuUftil an n:ilrnttii!\v«:w. ero say thai wi« 1 ave noi s«»ni 1'imeli bettftf ats-nd-d. '.\hencvcr I.cIiks CXiuiitttid hiniveir.'> • 1*1 pi &e triumph of Aiinistors ovl-c the ba>.c wigge.-tioas nf parly, which repreacit ih'Mii us lending thetnscives to vh^uc ru- n\ m-t* and equivocal j.-atou u>* in onicr to blof t!i^ rh-iract.T of her .M'j.j^tyJ)ut th$ proofs of 1 con-o i\;jy to ^t up this evidcocf : a *u_'£"Stion, (^o destructive lh tii.- s.i.rit of party in ssitiio minds lo <^- ^r«v fii«i'« l!'v.vor>ltl« ) which has Ik"i 1) even intiinated, and in too grossest or tho (a:!-piecc of faction. Openly charged. If a conspiracy actoa My existed, it would rt^t follow, as a 'bin4 of course, that i\li- .nstors iv^n? i'-i autli(.r>, or oven priry t-» ;t. The, mo a havo l>ccn its dip.-, but thpv txn siarerly be uumtdeJvd as vo d-?<fit'»tt> of inl<-!!i«encc as not to haw tlftfcliid it- K irl Grov, not a very cool in- » ••itltov,has d.ino them joslice on this pit'uit, and hy (hi^ has shewn, that party Sp • it, strong a> it i;- has not yetdof-hoy- ed a!'- fairness and fill candour. But as yet, certainly, 110 proofs of conspiracy have appeared. There are no indica¬ tions of concert. The pilot of the vessel, in which several of the rcenes are laid, and the captain had recently arrived be¬ fore their examination, and appear to have hat] n^ c^rp.munuaiion with these*- rants of her Majesty, after the terminr.- tion of the voyage. A.* yet, not a symp- tota of conspiracy lias appeared ; and tltOattempt to implicau- Ihe Administra¬ tion in this foul cliargi- has found no sup¬ port in any thing wuicu has yet Irr.nspi- rcd. On the evi-hncc tt&lf, all the cornrx)cat v:c feci ourfctvea at libtttty to make is, that the firll witnefs, Theodore, has had to (land the brunt of a crofs-examfnation, | w'uieh, though it evidently perplexed and confounded him, does not appear io as to have in the lealt fh.iken the important The Times of ihe 2d of ^epirjiiber, speak¬ ing 0ffh« cioss-oxaniiuatio.Mif.Uadan:: I>:i iinjnt,says—" Oh! Mada !i«J3ui»ont, Coun- Itsss Cohinibier, you hav^fycidcdi*i s.ii.rj your employers* The cause is ejiJed." It is stated9 in a circular paragraph, sent lo all the papers, thai her Majeiy was perfectly aware Theodore .Mi-jocci vvas lo ha\e k-cn one of Ihe vvituesses a^aiiui her. This seems sin^uSnr, wlii n \*e roilect (»u the cottsteraation $h« ex¬ pressed at hearing his name called, usuJ liudiii^ him actucliy in hi-r pre-t.iuv- We catiiiot he If* btrtieviii£ ^!ie was ui ken quilt: by surprise ; and tliat the last man >lu- expected to see in the Lands t :' h^t «/- uimms was i; her faithfhJ lUvuvJic Sht- \ jocci.'1 Tl.is min iras a great fcrotuit,- with Ifergatni, and tho*v tth« have jciui fc" The .Menwir of the Queen/'wil! prob¬ ably recollect that 1* was Maicnci who. posted in the anti-room of her .Vl'ijestVs li a chamber, at denoa, by tJ.e liflppv -i^aalof firing a pistol, gave notice lo !ii-» royal mUlressuf thca'jyproacJirtf some oe:-.'j i> who 'c penetrated su far as to her bed chatnber#M Qn«-Bj:c, Oct. 12. Ihe Agrlcultuial Lxhibitiou for this Diftritl was held on Tticfday lall,on Mr. Anderfoa'a Farm, n?ar Dorchefter Uiidgc. The numbct of Cattle on the ground was confiderable, although not io great as might have been expected. Nineteen Canadian and three Engliili Ploughs flart- ed. The ground was too heavy for the latter, which were only drawn by two [lories each : only one of them made good work. The Canadian Plocghs, Tome with two oxen and a horfc, other?, with two oxen and two luifea, d'd their work with eair, and foins of it was certainly of very h;;.c;ior quality to t;:e nfuc.i ilile of ploughiag m the country. The Vegeta¬ bles exhibited were excellent, and would have done credit to any country. A fam- ple of Famtvfes Apples fiom the garden of Mr. Da UoucHERVJLLE, Cutate of CIta !e4).»urg, was univcually acknowled¬ ged to be cqttal ti> the belt of the fame ccieriplion \ti fruit raifed in Montreal ; a ta^t whieh goes lar lo COIilitni the opinion of nnny intelligent periori* at Montreal, t;iat apples of a qiialky tjuai to thofc of th;t place may, uiuier proper manage- meet be raifed htfftr, »0 the natneroub iitu- atmru favourable lew orchards. In Excellcncv^ieliailol Dalhousif, Go*, in Ciikf, aceempamed by ^o\. Kea- d\\ Civil Scc'ry. a: J Col. Harvi y, .vdjt. Oenl honored the meeting wuh hi* pre- fence- Ilia ExcefcJeucy proceeded with the Committee, to view the different de- Icriptions ( \ lave ^* oi k. Air leu. tural JjO\nr\v, Sept. 2. Sit ggu—Ti'e str '^f,\v whieji .Svify isahnut lo eu*.ioieiiee wild iViples lor iti illdcpend- ftjee imparls a gout III:crust io the iii.Mh- geuco from ;ij\t part ofJhSurojj**, 'J'jh* latent advicos from Palermo are dated Angttsl ./,at wlneli time the invitation of the. Palennkans to the rest of the Inland to nnku for the at- t.iiniaeut ofindep.'.ndence, had hi en clrcula t'*d thrO'tibout bicil.y, and the answers of the diHereiiL cific ■ :ifid districts had been trans¬ mitted to the provisional Junta ;tl Palermo. With the e vContiOll of Messina and Trapani, thore appealed no hesitation, in any quarter, i:i ae.cedm;; tr» the wi-oh of the I'alnrrnitaus. The ffcitpolitatigarrisooa were hnniodiaicly tli<an»)odt and pwvfeional Rtlth'U'ities :»:»- poi iied. EvunatMessina, th-vi -1 the}>rn- pos.il was promptly rejected, liiv o-v • \v„3 rather bnlieved to he tiie'nnTicice o\' person-; holding o.'licial situations there, "ivno v,v ■ »•/» under the immediftte control «f ,xaj>les, Cl-l-m the jrer-eral wish of thn people. t\o '!oiil)t was e. itertainod at Palermo ilwtt 11.e :i ipenrance of a military force under tlitfwv.lid ni'>T"j-in;n\-hieh had been ^ctuallj i:p|toi..t- cd tor Ujatpurpose, hy furu'w i'u\%Un excuse toilm people of that dtv tWr a surrender, would produce an imm ■di.'iteactjuic^ccjitciu llnir views.— The {good w .11 Of Trapani to the Kraeral cause was more doubtful, and a de¬ termination had consequently been a-toptnd to reduce the place by force ; a division oi the troops had already marched for thai detiti- r-x . 1 iiatioii, and irs surrender'>vas hourly expect- parta of his tcllimony. I acre is great 1 ,(i ^hc deputes sent from Paiern";.. to Me >- ftupidity about the man, which will be J «in^f xuilOlf^ ivhoui \vtT Prince tytinihiU interpreted diH^rertly. With fume it will weaken bfa evidence.; with others it will flren^thcnit, as rendering it Ud pVo- b.iblc tint he cot:-d have invented fo cm- riefled and ci»xumll:mtial a ibiry. It is of importance too, that it was admitted that he was a favontt while in he: ttvjes- Einplcmencs and veg tables culiefihrd for the exhibition. Tin Ploughing Match feemed pa-licularly to attract Mis hxccl- lency's aticntion, and he "'y* vciy atten¬ tive i:i examinitic tk& peifortnanee and quality of the ivoilc i-x tlu varioufly .011- (tiudted ploughs wlo-h wisreengaged in the competition. AffeT the cilten.ru esc perls had reported th> ( ciccilion, tiis Lx- ccliency condeicended tn deliv-ei the whole of the Pie niu.i**» and Giatifications to the fuceefsful c impttilors, and did not leave the ground till the be.fmcU of the day \\js completed. We ur.derlland that His Excellency made a conation of Twenty Pounds, to be ui«tibcted by the Committee in gratifications to uniuccefs- ful competitors. The fuccefs which attended His Excel¬ lency's Patronage of Agriculture in Nova Scotia, the reauiucfa which he has (hewn in promoting the view* of the Agricultu¬ ral Society here, ami the dillmguiihcd honor which he has done to che Agricul¬ ture of the Province on the prclcQt occa- lion, have lufpared its friends wilh new hopes. They flatter themlelve>, e.nde: His Kxcel eney's enlightened patronage, w;th an increale of zeal, and ultimately, a ftili developemcnt or the agricultural re- fources of the country. r- ■ . i' :s* :,. - ■H $&9&^^foWfaU ##»♦*- ty's fervi-*c ; til the iMar-pu-i (JrcgOrio, had been arrow¬ ed, and were io he. detained till in&tmelloifs eonceruiu,^ li.en; coiild be received frotn Sm\» • ties. Tha number of Neapolitan iroopa m de prisoners tit Palermo j^said, in the e aceo 1 i.s m .ur.OJiut to U00O- It hitd been proposed to e\eha.e;e tltcin for an eiuial uumbe'1 of t>i^i- Kans resident i:i Naples. KlNGSfON. October '20, 1S20. s • * * V « * * * adrcumlhncc which pioba- b!y occafioiicu her recitation when he lull appeared at ihe hav The ttftimony of the maflcT and pilot of the veifel fully confirm tte tdlimony of this man as t> | ........^ the tranfaaions on hoard the veffel, ^^ I £MU&^iwwiHlw«et which cannot have Accounts from Joannina (htc, that All Pacha had another interview with the Eitglifi G nrernor of the Iflands ; ihe lat¬ ter declauvl tti l.:in that I'.e had not to exnetft auv aid of mediation from the a o even go beyond, i; ; and hero it may oe obferved, that tl.e ftrength of tin cafe will lie greatly in t;iis corroboration of tcilimony hy the wltnt fifes among themfc!ve> What would have little weight, when left to the folitary tedimony of fome of the witnefTes, who a*c to i>e received vi'h caution, may acquire commanding evi dence, when a rtumber of eircufliriiHiccs are cor.Snncd by many, where no colii- iion can be ma'e to appear. Such ?.o- pears to lis to be the afpeel of the c.ife, in its pMen: Rage. It may affume other and new vfewa ; and it is faiisfaciory to obferve th"t, ftom the difpaffiouate con- c1;^^ft of the lloufe (?f Lord?, the moil fm- :ial iuveili'/ation mult Like place.— ^*,t, in as HIT as the proceedings hate gone, it has not uiiltSrd that high tone sfFumrd either by the Que en or by her art?%na. The moll liiliculous attempts ave bet'n ma-ie, by thofe perfons who (a fooliflily committed themfclve** at the full to the abfolute innocence of bet Majetly, to difcreJit the evidence as far as it has gone, Wc hope they have better grounds in referve for *' triumph M and we Ihall be a-? fatioficd as any, if they are made vifxblc by the future proceedings- As yet, the cafe lies wholly aaainil ;hem ; and the rnoft fifting ciofi-examinat^on has done nothing, hitherto to (hike the nittin and mol\ important p?rts of the tcii;moiiy. any connexion with the rebellious fubjc&t of the Grand Svignor, as it is at peace with the Porie- The Calabrefe h?«vc tranfmitted an Ad- drefs to General 1 epe, offering to match 20,000 mm, if neceffary, agair.tl the enemies of Naples. The expenfes of the eflabiifliment at St. Helena is to be diminifhed. Sir Hud- fon Lowe, and all the land forces are to be recalled, the ifland k Future to be rtarnToued hv marines, and the command of the Uation to be en:rufted to an ad¬ miral. j.at B«ti 1 From t'r Bojhn Bvt&s Oainie. We v.-re laft evening, by the p..!itc a«ia of M/. Toplill', favcreJ wifli a file of Palermo papers to the ijth Auguft, which were received by the Cyprtfs, Capt Dixon, from Pa'ermo, which vcrfcl came up from quarantine this afternoon. Caat. Dixon, ftat.es, tha: every thin- was in a very unfetlled ftate at Palermo, at the laft dates. Deputations had been rent to different parts of the fflaod, for the inhabitants ti» ;o*n—and a«o to Naples to ackaottfcdffe tiwir independence— that the tnat latter depi.tation had not reti-rned the citJMcPS were determined upon their indene.dcr.ee and had mc-nte ! CocKac.es Her Maicst^.oa KttSUiSg UnsrieirfaM h ;:■« i w;t.h ti.is ii'.nto—•' independence o. p.e-nli" on cfom. We alfo Rates, that WW cmrdned »f $& Nerp-ditnn troops " " ' in we ;:',;. i foot kilkJ en t^c 17A r-:)') •Ve this wctgk lay before our leaders haoli-.Ii riali-N to the *>tl S,|».imi:'v r. Tlie article of lead¬ ing i:ircri»-( 10us ;u iobjecisof Great Britain, h ihe trial nf live Qwecn, asul for tliis reason no ronthiue ir> devote io it= dotall> ll*v fjrculor por- iion vT oat colum.is. V\o co#i!.l indeed have wijlied :o keeji our paprr firce Sioin rii?rri|jiion- *•! gro-w aiitt dt-^usiuijc, and so revoliiu^ loevcr^v reeling •>• ilelteacy, purity and uwjirk'Sy, Bui ulion i( ;• ct*r*hlen'd ihai it i& tUu trial i:f the Qu*"Mi or I.i^lnud, Mlurhin its (vmw may iavolve ruu>h-"3' rur.MH|neiiL-e>; it i^ nftlUrsU that i.\rr\ i.iin-a siil'jfct .-iioul i vti-h to Know Oil v.liai evidence tlto tiluxrious lier^un^cp t> to ItP cou- demaed or ac<]isiif<*tl. \\r tlu'rcFbie think it tnir <i 1:1 v So give ;•- r.ilr :onl iuipuriial ait ab¬ stract ui 1I141 c>tdei:tc a? our sources oi1 Ltifi)rmn- liou will Mipp'y. Ir i?. said Her MajeMy is about contracting for an cpuite in i»e tWcM of Seuart, uear l1ari>j perliai s intending it a* a retreat in ca-.e of her dcgradairv»a. Tltfe Indeed i> an eveiit which IK'i Majesty aop^ar* io regard a-: prol/alile not onl\ froiii da triioiii! (f{ lu-r letter to the Kiji^, hut fiom tlit' funeral kira«n ot the replies the lias in;i'U- fo the lliinurnus addc^ei pre-eiited her. Hicai^ii lUir Majestv ia>uiuatei that she does nut ?\{M!Cf fro'ii inc eons(iii.tii>ii of the !M- bunal !•> uh.ch 4\* t. to bo j»d^«-d, thai she will have nn impartial fria!,no unprejudiced per- snu eau have me >lij(hie»t doubly thai iiie Kill of l'am:»and L'enaltlesuUl nut pass until the nio<^t convincing evidence or her guift be produced. Tni> 15 ma-iifest e\efl From thrveiy speechescf the Ministry themselves And tjnm the fact that lier Majesty is at liberty to draw money to ai> Unlimited amount fi*r the purpose at p?*JCurtug wit.'.Casesfrom Italy. |f then-ions the wkness- es who have already given lesiimonjf against her, be bribed and pt-fjured, Her Majesty is amply furnished with fhc means ot expo^ng ihe >op])o>e(l corruption of which she do vehemently complains. His Excellency Sii tv.ep:ae Maitl.mJ and Suite arrived in »o»;. -.,Hn \ur\ in i!<e Sur.m- houi Frontedac last iMnii^. Hi* 1 -xelk-uey iu»|tccted the- 7oi-h ^gimeat Utu mitraiae. Yc^terdaj the Treasure of the Prpcbyierta'-i Chureh ( «im'..i tee, u ceived by the hanil- ot* Scr^eani Cumming il,e buul 0t ic 1 6, beh»g the am<miu oi a -ot Liiptioil raised amount thu nun comfti'^ionuj officers nnd privttte> of tfte Royal ArtHletfy quartered at tins place. This corps is «miui-'-;,| of deCaetnuenU Af tire fourth **d it'1* ^V.pajites of the oih& Oih Battalion?, aad do u-., auogeibe; exceed sixtj We learn !hat during .lie dreadful pale of the 11 th iiim. the schooner A*p, from Niagara, laden Wilh stave*, was driven ashoir and wrecked in Mexico Bay, near O^t-go, and thai of eleven persons on board, twoonl^ mi eeeded in reaching the bhore. Two t>r three American vessels WCte oJftOHtratidedal thevaineiiuie, but wiihoui the loss of any lues, -------- Extract from a Id r.-t dated Cobourg, the l$& instant. A dreadful accident happened en th* Rire Lake yesterday. Lieut. Jenkins ami Mr. Houston, ofthfc Royal tfavy, ant! Ihe latter {jeiiUnaKiiA three son?, togetherwith anEm- yjrant named Collier, wwe crossing that l*ake during thebaic in a small bval rather overloaded. It unfortunately overset neatly a mile IVum the shore. Mr..feakins and Col¬ lier vvera drowned. Mr. Houston and his Uiree sons urn- rescued from the same fate ivitli H llicutty by some people who went to IhcirassistiUJce from Uurdslcv's, now called Saxes Town. fir. Jenkins was a sin- le man. but Collier has left a wife and five children. to Caleb Norton, -Jill 5* One ditto-«fen»'d Thomas Ward, payaMe to .lames Crab-am.-----------------~ £,, One ditto signed Martin Hush, imvaMrto Ihe ftuhsenher.-------------------------*4 OnedUto skoed Barton Philips, payahl o William Calkins, for amount of £.> Its I e less K* VnW»l Birth*—At her Grate's House, in Upper firosvenor Street, London, the Duchess or Richmond, of a son. Tg iHE fuhfetiber, being legally appoint- JL eJ Adminfstrator to the Estate of the late John Symington, Esq. of Niaga¬ ra, requests all ihcfe to whom the faid Es¬ tate is indented to prefent their accounts for adjustment, either to himself, at Kings¬ ton, or to Thomas McCormick, Esq. at Niagara ; and all thofe who arc in any way indebted to the faid estate are in like man¬ ner requested to pay the accounts due by them to either of the above mentioned par¬ ties, with as little delay as poffible. CLAUDE BROWN. Kingston, I \lh 0(7. l8?0. 42tf Government Bale. WILL be fold at Auction, to the higheft bidder, on Monday% the fi::th day of November next, at twelve o'clock, at the Coutt Houfe in this town, feveral lots of Land in the MO¬ HAWK TRACT, nowcalUd TYEN- DIVAGA. Six ptr cent, or one year's intered on the purchafe money to be paid in advance; the principal to be fecuied on the Land, ifiOjeet i.u iCi;uiiu puymet.t otr ifrtercH* with the rieltl of redemption z\ the con¬ venience cf the purchafer. Tlie purchafvrs will have a piioriry of claim to l-.-afe the Ciown and Cle:gy Re ferves acijoiniDg to their feveral purchases ; and where two or more have ?n equal claimf the fight will be afcertained by ballot. JOHN MACAULAY, Kingfton, Oct. 20th, :?2o. Agent* Oueditti^i^ued Josiah Prortor. payable to Ihe subscriber.---------------------£8 i*' One ditto signed George Simpson, payable to flic subscriber.— ------■------ |0s. Together with fundry Notes and ac¬ counts which cannot be particularifed. Of the paper money, fix were ten dol¬ lar bills of the Montreal Bank. The others were altogether of the Bank of U. C. one of which was ten dollars, and the others of fmaller denominations. There was alfo contained h\ the I oekct Book, a Licence to Peddle granted to the fnb- fcriberon or about the 24th day of May last. , PHILIP WHELPLEY. Bellviile, 9th October, 1820. 42tf NOTICE. THE Friends and fupporters of Sun* day Schoola, in the vicinity, are re fpe&fully informed, that a variety of fmall Books and ufeftil Traffca are left in the ca;e of Mr. P. Wtifcl, fome for sale at a moderate price, and lome lor charita¬ ble diftribution. To every Sunday School that has betn ia operation five month*, a .dollar's worth of books and Traits will be given giati*. . That a Sunday School Union Society nay foon be cftablilhed in caeh of the Provinces of Canada, that all Sunday Schools may be fupplied with good Books at reduced prices is the Gncere defire and fervent prayer of the public's linmble fervant, T. OSGOOtA Kingfton, Oft. 17, 1S20. zw \\ anted Immedivitely,, SIX or MIGHT Good AXEMEN, Who will undertake to Clear Land bv the Acre* For particular* apply at this Office. Kindlon, Oct. 2©, 1820. 42tf Nij?ht School. "IT MAXWELL, Teacher of the Qj3 ^ Grammar School, Grave Street, reipcctfullv informs the inhabitants of Kingfton, tliat he will give inflections in the following blanches ;—Writing, Arith¬ metic, Pook keeping, Geography, geo¬ metry, Plain Trigcromelry and Algebra. Kingfton, Oct. 19. 1820. 42tf AMES PICKERING, vvhoemigrat- ed from Ireland in Aug. 1818, and is now fuppofed to be living in the Province of Upper Canada, is defned to come him- le!f, or ftnd his addrefs tc Mr. Dalton's which is at prefent the refidence of his ?.ged father. JOHN PICKERING. Kinjrflon. Oct. IO- 1^20. 42 Government Hou^e, October 4th 1820. Intelligence having been received of the deceafe ot Her Royal Highnefs theDuch- cfsof York, it is expected that all perfons will evince their grief for this melancholy event, by appearing in decent mourning according to their ability. GEORGE HILLIE&, £25 REWARD. TSnjTHEREAS the Subscriber on the V y NIGHT of the 6th inst. while on his way from the carrying place, head of the Bay of Quirle, to the River Trent, was aflaulted by Two Meh% and ROB¬ BED of his Pocket Bjo£9 containing pa¬ per money to the amount of Three Hundred AND SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS, And sundry NO TES of HAND, Agreeable to thefollowingdescriptions ; The above reward will be given to any person who may make luch difcovery of the Rubbers as will lead to their convic¬ tion. , Notes of Hand as follows. One Note signed by E. k F Tinker, \ iaj ible to Uie sunsejwer, One ditto, sisned Elishu THE fubferibers, duly appointed Ex- ecutors to the lafl Will and Teftaracnt of the late William Mitchell, Efq- of Kingfton, hereby tequeft all persons who are indebted to the ettate either by Bond Mortgage, Note or Book account, to come forward and fettle the fjMe without delay 5 and all thofe. to whom the (aid f (late is indebted, to prefent their claims, for adjuftment, at the Office of the late William Mitchell. ALLAN MTHER80N, JAMES NICKALLS, Jun. Kingfton, OAober 17. 1820 42:f N. B. The hufindil heretofore ear¬ ned on by the late William Mitchell, '"lq, will be continued by Thomaa R. Cart- wright, and Neil J. McLean, under the firm of Thomas R. Cartwright & Co. ^—-\ ____^_______________________________________________________ Notice. THE iubferibers having taken, for a term of years, the Store and premises belonging to the late Wm. Mitchell, Lfq. in Kingfton, intend to carry on the bufi- nefs, aa heretofore, of Forwarding and General Merchants. They have on hand a fe!e& aflbrtroeiit .of GOODS, which they offer for lale on liberal terms : and hope by their attention to merit a (hare of that exte .five patio, age wnicu their picdcccfior enjoyed. The bufinefs will in future be conducr ted under the Firm of Thomas R. Cart* wright & Co. THOMAS R. CARTWRIGHT, NEIL J. McLEAN. Kingston, October 17, 1820. 42tf A LAM 0/ Litters remaining in the Post Office at jJcUvitle, this ith day of Oct. lt*^Ov J. It. Armsiro. :•, i<•.,: Acxttf, Joiiu hil.oU, Charlc? O. Dill, Vallentine i;ymr,J->Oo buck, t'ornohu. Benson, Austin Da^et, Jacou bow* er>% Isaac Beaion, Nath*LBrariM"inhe, Willi..ra Klullock, Israel Uuv\i'ruian, Jo^eub Brc>ley, JaintM tiovce, Leinau buinuni, Jacob Pouter, Joiiathau jBanchnr, Fraiicis Ci.arbonneau, Ma- cam Garapble, VVii-oo Longer, Mr. * a loiil", DuiICau Cameron 3( John Cpru&s, tieorge Cole¬ man, BenjamlU Cole, Jutin Cole, Jamea niir- ^, James Cbadsey, Itfsepb Chou\ licij. tiapp, Babtibt Clement, LILjan Carlej, Abraham Chase, Joshua Chrjfdalc, Morns Colcy, Jnmc; Camnbell, Josei»ll Dm1 . , ffeJV«Moi U^Hiiiiin^,, J. N. Docl^aieadcr, Nicholas Davis, Michael Dufoe, Beniamlu Oawaoo, W« H. Dauu-ts«>iiv Pierre DeiMe, J0I111 Kvcritl 2* l^aac fcatoo« John Emmons, I.vnib 1'ialuk, Widow I- Prtfc- aer, John rredcrick, John li>k^, William Firmna 2, Thomas I luiinigan 2, George I o>ier, Hezeki^'i Fogason, Henry Fianklin^ Uenmaii Grass^ Charle* George, John Goeomas&i Corne^ lius Grecnlicf. Stephen Oold&mith, Sieohea Urifhn, Beajaokin Cierou, Jonn Grrou, Solomon Hazletnn, Hezckiah Hoard. Daniel HauKlOhOO, Michael Iteison, Mitchell Herring, i'lullip Height, tlizabeth Hu^cU. Marrliall Howe 2 Joseph Holoswonh, Norman Harvey, Mr. ilnif- man, Aicou Ha^nVtn, Orion llaocfy, John Holme*. I'ajrick Jones, Cyril James, Jamcjr Jewell, Kcv.Kob.Jaffers, baac Johnson. 1'aul Jones, John Johnson, lloph Kennedir, David kmphi. David lveM\, Itobori Kidr.: , ^ylvesiov Kellogg.% Abraham Lswion, Umior A. I.aii*;, 2, Asa Laytoao, FertHuaad Lfgg, Sifphen Law¬ rence, Ad Jrcw l.o<T'>. Henry Late,David Los?eep Salmi. 11 Ltukl.n, 2, w iliiaio Low, E«nL H. Wca- rhMn. AteJtander .M'Keita, Mr. Manns, Owen Mac Mnhiiii V, >..m. V.Ta^an, Frs- ann J«Hin M'Canni'H, Hugh M'Lo.i 9, Sitvener M'l.eua, Henr\ K*Om:ald. Maitua* .Mai>ht Heory Ata>- hee, PrAOCis Macguire, M'Gillisand M'Dunrll, lid ward Marsh. Pour MTa^art, VTitltam W Millard, Air. M'Caulay .". Mrs. Jaue Maion, Bardc 1 Sdfiian,0\ven M'uiath, AlUesM'Uuber* son, Doiieal M'!.*an, Andrew Mason, Owen M (itaili2,Codluf Michael, John W. Meyres, A!c«, W DouncU. Isq. John M'tiraih, Suntou Mitea- cll, i5arnabas >uaol>ou, KichatU Nugcut, roU-r Nail, I'hilo.Nolile, Homer Page, Trastus Ft.liini BarCOD PhllHjW, Joseph Puil^rd 2, Cornehus Palmer, StcbolasPacerson, Amlivw Peowick, Truman Prtadle*, Jacob Phillips 2, Rirhaid Rite\,Abbe: Kobbins, Silas Keyaolds, Vi nata Richardson," Tobias RjcLuiau 4, Pelt-r Ftoad, John Ryckman, Thoroa Read,Stepht«j Rehho, Rob. Scott, Jobu iM Stewarr, fc'Jiei Sproi.i. Hul- lip Suyder4| Peter *aiUon, Andrew Stickle^ Mrs. Jane S*hh, Dav, J Sibley, Rob. S»enii'yfc Jolin Smith, ilohn Smcrt, John Sheriffs, J. £. Sleeper2. David Scailet, Matihew Siuccr, baDj^ $7b a Tinker payable -------$63 I io 1 he sttbscrun r.-------- tjufc Jitio signed Jofao Tills payable to tlie subscriber.--------■---------------510C2 Onetliltu sigm-il C /"heeler, payable to the subscriber.---------—--------------j>So" Three tiitiu signed Ezra Osborne, payable to hesub&cribtir.----------------------5-7 One ditto signed Martin Shuterley, p»y- bale to Truman [Cimpton.----------S^ Ow 4iUo digued C alvi« ^uwsouj payable Solme>, Anthony Terrill. John Trrmpt. John Tom?on, John ibwlirr,Si^iiU^n fotuk-i . .Ion- tiilon Tai:. John Take ?,.famc$Thorny, Peter Vrooman, Gar. Vn. lluuion. L«car Va:iallan Jame, Vanov John VatattM, J- A • ■• V«»- keuborgb, Jos. -Wheel- . KM Wellborn « Reuben Way IS, J*m« Wam^ley, Dan.el \\lntuev, Owen* W.- •-, l^arl \\ arreu, Adaa Wiekler, Levi Wymati, Jamea W.Uou, John Wilh s Jame* W-.k> Jo,euti Whipple, LaVe WalU> I aa*" l"' • ' *r- J ,u,! * cx' >

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