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Kingston Chronicle, September 22, 1820, p. 4

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£NS mm From Blachvood's Magazine- THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS. 1. Pome, join me, British landsmen, dragoons and grenadiers, While I sing the tars of England, and the battle of Algiers. I have 3een your sabre6 flashing, and heard the din of blows ; I have rr.ark'd the ed^e of bayonets that swept away your foes; But here the sword was idle, asleep the cut¬ lass lay, The mighty cannon roarM alone, and sailors won the day, 'Ttvas in the morning early, the north wind bore us down, And spread the British crescent's arms a* round tile Moorish town, Then wav'd on every war ship throughout the beading line. Before tin- face ofinlidtds.the cross of Christ dtTiftGj Our van of floating batteries the noble Pellew led* " | And bravely dropped his anchor a breast of | the Aloiehead. *; Now yield lliee, prince of pirates and terror of the sea, Give up thy plundered treasures and set the captives ffte. The sulphur cloud of vengeance is gathering onth-fde, Ar.dths bolt ofinjured nations will blast thee in thy priue.M 4. The city rose above us as white as mountain btjOW, And grim the rampart wave below; Beneath tite yaw iilrtg embrasures for action cleat* cl \\e lay, And thrice five hundred canucn were pointed at the bay. 5. The summer sun was westering as the work of death begun; It sunk In cloud and darkness before the fray was done. Then ye heard the crash of bulwarks that % unblcd from their height, And saw the rockets streaming red athwart the vault of night, And bl izing harks dismasted came wildly And, midst the pause of thunder, ye heard the heathen cry. (*. {i Now hoi I th^c, gallant admiral, I bow to rriHE Subfcriber htg% leave to remind -*• thofe who arc in his debt, that the Ilar- veil is approaching, and that confequcnily it 18 an objcA of peculiar intereft with him to colled His out-stanctms MONIES If they will pivethc mattera liulcconfider- ation, they will find their intcreft9 are identi¬ fied with his,for rcafon'will point out to them, that the quicker they liquidate his demands, the quicker the money uill return into (heir own pockets, with additional profit. Money hoarded in a Chest is of no benefit to the World, it con¬ fers no good upon any one, not even on its proprietor ; whereas if it bequickly circulated, it infpires life and vigor in its continued round, and increafes the property of all who are lucky enough to . t1^ Finger if as it flies ! The Subfcriber trufts that he need fay no more to induce his uiftomers To flock in with (heir money, and fhould there be any among them who aie through unavoidable misfor- girdie hung, o'er the God's decree; .1 yield the virgin city, the empress of the sea: •Renounce my plundered treasures, and set the captive free." « Now shout my lads" guoth brave Pellew, "now shout for victory." 1 FOR SALE. Oil TOLET , ON long Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, In Brockville, the lower part of which is well adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out-houses, ?nd in the rear a very ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high ftate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. Brock villet 29/^,1820. 27 BRICK FOR SALE THIS Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of Ju*y. any quantity of Brick, of 3 very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. King ton, June, 16, 1820. 27 LAND AGENCY. THE fublcribtr. for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time pad CCjiasionally a£td as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing religncd the fituation he held in the aobvr mcntfvintO'UbSre, anu'noi Uciftg en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now ttansaft Land bufinefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Tori, itth May> 1S20. "* 20 tunes, unable to pay, they have only to ftep forward and convince him of it,and he will freely give them a full difcharge from his claims, and more beer to help them on a- gain in the World, tru fling they will be drore fortunate in future. With every kind wifh to his cuftcmers, and the (trongeft defire to promote by his humble endeavours their profpertty and happiness, (which he can only do by get¬ ting punctually paid), he has the honour to remain, Their grateful and obedient'-'ervant, THOMAS DAI-TON. Kingfton Brewery* Aug, ad« 1820. 31-10 Notice. THE Subfcriber be^s leave to inform his fi lends and the public that he has received a very oitenlive and well Itiectcd alTortmcnt of iiAtiDWAUK, CLTLEI1Y, &c. &c. all of which lie has imported direct from Birmingham, Sheffield and other manufac¬ turing towns in England—which he offers for tale at much reduced prices for cad) or Ihort credit ; amongfl which are English and Swedes Iron, Hoop and Rod iron, uss'd, Nails, Steel, Tin Plate, Window Glass, Spikes, Sheet Iron, double and single. Putty, Paint, Linseed Oil, Plough-Share Moulds, Anvils, Vices, Trace and Log Chains, Wagon and Cart Boxes, Grindstones, Frying-Pans, Spades, and Shovels, Hollow- Ware, of all descriptions ; with a good affurtment of (helf goods, in the Hardware line alone. JOHN W ATKINS. tfj* Flout and Salt for Sale. Kingfton, July 17th 1820. 3 itf Doctor Morton, FROM D«t-,lin,informstlieinhabitints of Kingfton 2nd its vicinity that he intends to ct>;nmcnce tnc pu&k* of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery, I *n this part of i\e country.—His recom¬ mendatory certificate*, from eminent pra&irioners in Dublin and Edinburgh, as well as from Heads of th". Colleges in thofe Citie?, w.l] be /hewn on application to him at his appartments in the houfc of Mrs. Thibodo. Kingfton, 8tl, Aug. 1820. JJtf For £ale or to Let, At TWO fifcry framed Houfe, and a WjL large and commodious lione Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of I'refcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous term:. to the purchafer or lessee. Enquire zt the Office of CH*. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 2<hh February, 1819. 9 iSKgfi 73 1*.GS leave to inform his friends ■QSasljJ and the pahlk pen era 11 y% that he has ppened = House of Public Kntcr- laiinrant near lore tietwy, under the rign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to (hose who may favour him With a tail, to merit a share of public patronage, lie will always haw on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston, 1 Ith January 1820. >J. ti. (Jood Stabling Pm Horses. 2tf NEW GOODS. TilE SuhfcribeFS itlfefi tally Inform „ their friends and the pihlic t!.:.r they have received of the Lift liOpcrlMlona a well fdetfled affurtment ol ID MY €r€)OJDS adapted to the feafon. Likewife a quantity of Smmg Jamaica Spirits, (^ogniac Brandy, Hollands Gin, Wines, Teat, Sugars, MolaiTes, Src. r«nd a number of other articles tedious to rrai'- tion in an advertiiVment, which they will fell Chcan for Cafh. WALTER MeCUNIFFE, S<Co. Kingfton, Augult 20, iSzo. 11 if Si, ANDREW'S CHURCH. 3l Notice. OTARIAL BUSINESS at¬ tended to with punctuality aud dispatch, by the Subscriber, P. P. HALL. Notary Public .y Kingfton, rst Auguft, iS^o. 31 tf TlHE Subfcribcrs have received a Gonfignment ^f A me tic an Cotton f 13 UlE ('<•* i:n;(it'f re-poctfuUj request JL (hat the Subscribers will pay i»to the hands of the Tna^urer, Mr. Alexr. Pringtef their re^pactive subscriptions.— 1 he CominiMee would likewise call «pftti those intUviduals who have not yet bub- st-ribtd t" sive their support to tho un- drrtnl.in:T, ti.ry deem it superfluous to enlarge oh 1 he advantages ifhieh arc \\\r\) lo arise from an establishment such asth<:ono contemplated, because they must bt evident to every one. To those, however, >v ho are Fresbl terians, and particularly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church cf Scotland, (he * "onimiltcc beg respect¬ fully to addiefs themfelvea and to solicit their support, not only by subscribing vrhat they can themselves afford, hut by theiufiueucc which they may possess with tliiir frie-'idi of other persuasions. SabiCiiptinri papcrb are left uitli the Treasurer^ JVlr* Piingle, imd with the r.jiictary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick, with Mr. Hubert Graham, ham3 Merchant. A. MARSHALL, Secretary, IliliJnhj, IS20 "30 FOR SALE, T a very low price for Cash _ —the soulli or front half of kit" No. 12, in liie first conces¬ sion of Lougliborongh.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec. 7, 1819. 50 A Contract will be giv.en for _/^_ Ploughing fifty acres of ground, and also for cutting pushes, and clearing a quantity of Land. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, Aug. 9th 1820 82tf Public Entertainment. THE fubferiber refpe&fully informs his friends and the Public, that he has rented thehonfe lately occupied by Mr- Frederick Bufh, where he now keeps a House of Public Entertainment, Sign of •the Traveller's Rest ! And hopes, by ftiift attention to the comforts and convenience of his customers, to merit a (hare of public patronage. EDWARD DUNN <tf GOOD YARD and STABLING. Kingfton, Aug. 17th, 1820. 33tf ~ notTck ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part nerfiiip of Richard Robison ana David Secord) are requeued to make im¬ mediate payment to the furvivfng partner, X)avid St jord, and thole to whom the faid Coparincrfhip may be indebted, aie le- qucilcd to fend in their accounts for ad- ;ullm#'r.t and payment. Kingfton, 271b May, 1819. zOt{ NOTICE. ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainil purchaCog certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James He ne fy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820 — one for twenty five pound*, payaVethe id January 1821—one for.£12 10, pay¬ able lit January, 1822 —one lot £\2 10 payable i(t January 1823—one for £it 10s. payable ill January 1824—and one for £12 10 payable ill January 1825— the four lad bearing intereft—as the f;iid iNClts were given iv" u i'ot urii.na iuM ty the laid James llenefy to the fubferiber. and for which he can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bcllville, 26th May, 1820. 22- Vafliable Lands for sale m the Township of Hamilton. IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- 11 -i ceffion, containing 400 acres. \ Ditto ditto IE and [5 in the 4th Con- ccffion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceflion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhipof Hamilton, NewcafllL* Diltrift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf ON SALK. TT ANDED from the Alexander from 11 A Loudon, 20 pipes of fupcrior Spanifli red Port Wine, of the very firft quality ; 100 caflts of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; 100 cafks of Nails, 6d. to 28d.—Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scyths, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Winej Eaft India Suga, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJn.HART. Montreal.2lft June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the R^collet Church. 26.113 TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Do£tor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Collar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, 4.'/; June, 1819. 23 BLANK ~ DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Office. FOR SALE, A FARM in the fro:;t Concession of j_\. tSit- Township <if Augusta, three and a half miles bel^w liiockvHIe, cun- t.iiniiig 15'.) ncrft^ about 75 of which ih /ndcr ituprovrnieui. There is a large i wo story house on the premises, built of .•jti'ir/* if'nli t Hid Ixinrdrd *ml=nlcf c frame harn, &e- This farm is ivell wor¬ thy the aM.M.tiCi of an} person desirous ofapka^antL mtry •- Jence9and will be sold o\\ K!> . .-^rm^, and possession confiding of Bleached and un bleach'd Shirtings and Sheet'ng?, Bed Ticki.ig and Stripes, which will he fold st very low pneea. THOs. S. WHITAKER, & Co. Kingfton, Aug. 4th, 1820. 3 itf 0;»e Hundred Dollars Reward. ivcii i.utnctl furtbc lars apply Ui A Brckvilit. : parucu ('n. . . . r ;- *HErc 3 :id I 1U» .t.1,1 -.- Eft. : -'it the M .uilow. haviii - —r .1 to me by :;.*. us'■! •• - ; i- hereby r"- J ed to the tail Eflwlt, '. vi iv liot.i, v-:ote of Hand or Ho k ccouu1;;, will make pay¬ ments f>n or bff «e tlie lit Odober next. Cattle or Fro&ce, 9 ' be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. Beliviile, Jnfj 191b, 1820. o Valuable Lands. FOR SALE IN the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Town/hip of Araelfafburgh. l^ot Z3, in the front Cjnceffion, on Lake Ontario, lying to the cafrward of Nicholfun's IflanJ. Lots 22, and ?4, In the frrord Con- ceflion of faid Tflwnfliip ; tlie whole con¬ taining fix hundred aces Tor particular* inquire at the Office of the felng«la« CtiriH^jei ol 0? (hc Horl. JAMES BABY, vork. N. B. Al! pcriun? a;* cautioned a. gain.1 cutting or deftr0ytug the timber on the above lands, a« ^ey will certainly fubjea themfelves to a kgal profecution if detefted. Kingflon, March 7, 1820. iotf WU EltlCAS Juhn McBeatl hasswoi n that he is tlu- owner of the whole of Lot No. 19. East 0f the Rock in Ma- rj5hur£h. ] hereby give notice that (he said oath is false, and that persons who wish to be better informed of the partic¬ ulars of the same, may be satisfied by ap¬ plying to Archibald McDonald, Esq. or Daniel Wright, Esq. who both live in (he same Township, and are perfectly ac¬ quainted with the circumstances. AARON CONNOR. Kingston, WthJuIji, 1S20. SU/Ia* Notice. FOR Sale, feveral Acre and two Acrelots on the Main Street, being an exttnfion of Store-Street, application for price and conditions of payment 10 be made to the Subfcriber, who will give information to perfons definng to pur- chafe. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1S20. 1 o tf DOCTOR MURRAY, ~~ HAVING Btrf4icd the different branches of medicine and taken out the necessary Tickets and certificate for each in the ColKgesof Dublin, vuth a diploma from tli*t off^St. Andrew's Scotland, now stop* at Mrs. Thibodo's, and trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to m£e* With a liberal de¬ gree of patronage frnm tlj« inhabitants of this town and its vicinity. N. B. Genuine medicines to his pa¬ tients 011 moderate tprms. frVAucudancearud advice to the P gratis. Kingston* IStkSW1* ^®80. oor, 37^f TOLEN, about four weeks ago, Jrom a room in Mr. Worccn's Inn, a Trunk three ftet long, and two feet •vide, covered with a fawn fldn. Whoev¬ er wi 1 deliver the fafd Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, fuffieienl to difcover and convjii the thief, fiiall receive the ubove reward- Kingfton, 71I1 June, 1820. ^3tf NOTICE A T a meeting held pursuant to public -1 Ju notice, at iv!oore\s CotlVr House on Saturday the 2d of September inst. It was unanimou>!) llesolved, that uoCop- - r« ?hall be hereafter received or paid i« : 1 y the sobhcribers except which by tatutc are the only legal tender, name¬ ly ihe i; eld British Coppers," and also t*iai the ?ame be published in the news papers of this toau. J REWARD OF T~xo Hundred and Fiffj/ Pounds WflL** be paid by tlie subscriber, to V v any pcrf.n who (hall discover and give fuch information as will convift the period or perfons who, on or about the 2yth or 30th of June laft, ftole from. George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Billa of l\\c dollars each, to the amount of two thou fund pounds. By direction cf the Diicflors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, Mjt/j Nov. 1819. 47 l^otlCt. P. SYetsel, John Straflge, J. 1 hi 1 Bf-uwat, ;'. \ IMcI^Hodj J runes Votnijr, Jehu "Vliwire, Win. Donaldson, R.ToU>ert, tl. MclMnell, S. *>. Tjv well, James Hair, John Wilson, Thomas Smith, P, Le- Fehue, Wm. Williomg, David Morrisoiij John Darley, David Smith, William Carrell, J. Davidson, John Toy, ,'frihn W/Ferguson, H. G. Bertbrong, Win. Chesuut, J. B. H;;bi)ienu, John Jenkins, Thoma< Jenkins, Alexander As her, J oh. j Harkes, James Atkinson, William Atkinson. Robert Selhirs, James Klekalls, William Puwell, Enos RelaW| John Blake, Samuel Beyden, Junes Delay, John L. Vounsr, ILM-Gough, Tcter Nowh.n, John Scantlebury. WUhaiD Ronnie," William Hayes, Orange Hayes, Henry Cassadv, Sylvester Holflun, Samuel Ittooers, JnmesC. Bird, Wjlliara White. hingrimi Septemher 2rf, 1S20. 3G DOCTOR ARMSTRONG, EDUCATED af Dartmoulh Cellege, JClLiteratj) and Medical, having re- ceived different Diplomas from that Se¬ minary and rn'»f r^etrt^*;*rr1 J*W^W f*- practice Physic,Surgery, and Midwifery in this Province—all of which may be seen on application, nfter an extensive practice for nearly four years, now offers his ?er*iccs in the various branches of his Profession, to the Inhabitants of Kingston, and it's Vicinity, and assures those, who may honour him with their confidence, that every attention will be paid, which may contribute to the com¬ fort and welfare of his Patients. lie has taken lodgings with Mr. N. Palmer, Druggist, on the west side of the Market-Square, where every call wi|| meet with prompt attention, and favour gratefully acknowledged. Kingston, September 14th 18SQ. e\cry 32*/ WANTED, For the Public Service, 4 Strong Draught HORSES, Warranted sound in all respects, and about six years of age. Persons having Animals of the above description to dispose of are invitee? to bring them to the Office of the Royal Engineer Department at Kingston on any Thursday between tha hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Kingston, Uth Sept. 1820. 37 FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE, A few copies in boards, of a collection of Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles, Quiverfally admired and allowed to be the bed ever publifhed in Scotland. The work is approved and recommend¬ ed by the Highland Society of Scotland, and harmonized to the Piano-Forte, Harp, Organ, or Violinccllo. The names iu Gselcc and Englirti.—E- dited by Captain Simon Frafer, and pub¬ lished by Mcffr8, Duncan, Stcvenfor), ant? Co. Edinburgh." Kingston^ Sept. \$th 182Q, 37/^ THE SUBSCRIBERS having entered into Co-partnership under the firm of Faiu and Russell, propose on Tuesday next to open that shop now oc¬ cupied b> Mr. Tri.nder, opposite the Market-V!uce,w here they will keep con- stantly on hand a general assortment of Spirits, TVineS) Ayu GROCERIES, of the best qualify, which the) intend lo sell on the raost reasonable terms to those who may be disposed to favour them with their custom. JOHN FAIR, Wm. RUSSELL. Kingston, 11//* August, 1820. 32tf 6 NOTICE. nnilE Board for Militia Pen- -*■ s ions, will meet on the lajl Monday in February, and continue fo to do, the fame day in each Month, until the hufmefs of this Di/iritlf as regards the fame is Jinifhedm JOHN FERGUSON. Kingflotit Fvb. \Jl% 18 19. 6 NOTICE, LETTERS of Acminiflration having been granted torreon the Eftace of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it it reqiieAed that all who have claims againft that Eftnrf* im'11 -r,-r;.~» .u - -,. . ,... , and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as poffible. JAMES RANKEN, Admir.ijlrator. Bath, 28th June, 1R20. 2Ctf TERMS op the KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shilling per anniun; if sent by Mail twenty finir shilling. Subscriptions to Be paid in advance to the 1^. o/July, 01 the 1st of J ami- PRICE OF AdTeP.TJSKMENTS. IX lines and under fe. fid. first vi- seriion, uk'I 7hl. each subsequent insertion: 10 lines and vnuer, 3s. 4d. first Insertion, and tOrf, each subsequent insertion : above ten lines* 4d. per line forlhejiru tescetton* mid \d. per Una for event subscqmKt insertion. Jdverihcntt 'tis zcHhaut written dire?* thus art inserted till forbid,and.ekurgal (tccordi.-iz'j. Orders for dhcftntiiniing Advertise¬ ments to he in uririPL.. and delivered bli WEDjSESDJ } • NOON at the latest ^ Na Advertisements received alter TEN o'Uodccn the dtiy of jiublhtah% ag?;.\ts. Henry Cowan, Esq. Qmcom Edward StHs. !:sq. Tftrce Rivers, Jajni-s VVilJiaiDft, Emi, Montreal Messrs J. «g J. Dnnlnp, Lancaster. Panl Gla^ftrd, Esq. Matilda. Alpbew J01 is. Esq. Pmtott, Uenry .Tor., - E«q. Uroekvill^ N. B.Temma*, i,sq. r-n>. II. Whiiraaish, )'-ij. ItiihinomL .'. K. Hartnell, E*q. Bastard. E. Webster, Kstj. Gananoque. J. Raalirp, Esq. Bath. Allan McPheraon, "Esq. Kapanet* ThaflUfc Parker, Esq. Bcllville. Joseph A. K'vier, Esq. Cramahc Jontei 'I. Beihuae, i;,q. Hamilton. John D. Smith, Rsq. Port //ope William Allan, Bkj, l'ork. Daniel rtoss, V.■■«. VUlnrie, John Crooks, Esq, Niagara. T. McCormiek, \.,q, Quecmton. John Wibon, Esq. Amherstbur*ft, • KINGSTON, ir. c. printed von mij mmom.

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