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Kingston Chronicle, September 15, 1820, p. 4

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FOR SALE. OR TOLET , I ON Ion* Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, in Brockville, the lower part of which is well adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public-House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out-houses, and in the rear a *ery ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high (tate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. Brockville, zgth9 1820. _________27 BRICK FOR SALE. THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July- any quantity of Brick, of a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. A'ing--ton9 Juney 16, 1820- 27 LAND AGENCY. THE fublcriher, for many years the Junior clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of ibis Province, and who has for forr.e time pall occasionally afted is a Land Agent, hav¬ ing reli^ncd th? GtuatiuD he held in the above mentioned Office, and not bring en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now trar.saft Land bufinef* generally. ANDREW MERCER. • To$% nth May, 1820. 2C FOIt SALE, T a very low price for Cash r*A —the soutli or trout halt'of Lot Xo. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. A Contract will be given for Ploughing fifty acres oi ground, and also for cutting Bushes, and clearing a quantity ofLand. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, Aug. 9th 1820 32tt Public Entertainment. THE fubferiber refpeftfully informs his friends and the Public, that he has rented thehoufe lately occupied by Mr- Frederick Bu(h, where he now keeps a House of Public Entertainment, Sign of the Traveller's Rest ! * i And hopes, by ftrift attention to the comfort* and convenience of his cuftomers, to merit a fharc of public patronage. * EDWARD DUNN. O GOOD YARD and STABLING. Kingfton, Aug 17th, 1820. 33tf - ; notice! ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part net (hip of Richard Robison ana David Secord, aie requcfted to make im¬ mediate payment to tne fnrviving paitner, David Secord. and thofe to whom the faid CcpT.rtnerfltip may be indebted, aie le quefled to fend in iheit accounts for ad yuftmenr. and payment. ErfflgfitrS, 27th May, 1819. 26tf XE/r GOODS. T.lE Subfcribcrs Tefpc&fnlly inform their fr/er.d-t aiid the public that they fcave received of the luft importations a wel' fclcfled aflottment of BUY GOO JDS adapted to the fcafon. Likewife a quantity of Strong Jamaica Spirks CqgpifC Brandy, Hollands Gin, Wine*?, T.ras. S lgars, ^lolafle?, &C« and a number of othci articles tedi.-us to men- won in an adveftifement, which they will fell Cheap for Caih. WALTER McCUNIFFE, & Co. • Kingfton, Auguft 2d, 1820. 31 tf fTIIIE Subfcriber bega leave to remind ■ thofe who are in hifl debt, that the liar veil is approaching, and that confequently it is an objeft of peculiar intercft with him to colled Hi* 0ut-standmg MONIES. If they will give the mattera littleconfnler- ation, they will find then interefts are identi¬ fied with hi?,forreafon will point out to them, that the quicker they liquidate ht3 demands, the quicker the monry will return into their own pockets, with additional profit, Money hoarded in a Chest is of no benefit to the World, it con¬ fers no good upon any one, not even on its proprietor; whereas it it be quickly circulated, it infpires life and vigor in its continued round, and increafes the property of all who are lucky enough to £^t Finger it as it flies! The Subfcriber trufts that he need fay no more to induce his cuftomers To flock in with their money, and fhould there be any among them who are through unavoidable misfor¬ tune?, unable to pay, they have only to ftep forward 2nd convince him of it,and he will freely give them a full difcharge from his claim*, and more beer to help them on a- rraln in the World, truiling they will be more fortunate in future. With every kind wifh to his cuftomers, and the Ehongcft defire to promote by his humble endeavours their profperity and happiness, (which he can only do by get¬ ting punctually paid), he has the honour to remain, Their grateful and obedient Servant, THOMAS DA [.TON. Kingfton Brewery, Aug. 3 J. 1820. 31-10 Notice. THE Subfcriber begs leave to inform hicsfu'ends and the public that he ha* received a very eKtcnUvc and well klccttd afTortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. &.C. all of which lie Las imported direct from Birmingham, Sheffield and other pnanufac- tilting towns in England—which he offers for iale at much reduced prices for cafh or fhort credit ; amongft which are English and Swedes iron, Hoop and Rod Iron, ass'd, Nails, Steel, Tin Plat*, Window Glass, Spikes, Sheet Iron, double at.d single. Putty, Paint, Lius'.-cd Oil, Plough-Share Moulds, Anvils, Vices, Trace and Log Chums, Wagon and Cart Boxes, Grindstones, Erying-Pans, Spades, and Shovels, Hollow- Warc, of all descriptions ; With a good afTortment of fhelf goods, in the Hard ware line rdone. JOHN WAT KINS. Cy Flour and Salt for Sale* Kingfton, July 17th 1820. 31 tf Government Contract ■ No/ice. OTA RIAL BUSINESS at __ tended to with punctuality aud dispatch, bv t!te Subscriber. P. R HALL. Notary Public Kingfton, iat Auguft, ,1820. 3 1 tf NOTICE is heit by given, that ten¬ ders will be received at this Office untill the 151!) of September next, at noun, for the ffppiy of the undermentioned quantities of Forage at this port, viz. 1,500 Baskets of Oats, 50 Tons <if Hay, 15,000 Pounds of Straw, in Bundles ( f twelve pounds each. No tender will be noticed nnUfs made in the pielcribed form, which, together with the conditions of the contra£i and other particulars, rpny be teen on applica tion. The parties nuking pTopofdla, or others duly authorized on their behalf, mull attend at the time of opening the tenders, and Sufficient fecurity will be required for the due fulfilment of the agreement to be entered into. Commiflaiiat Offi:e» King ft op, 15th) Auguft, 1820. S Ed. PINE COFFIN, Dept. Com. General. 33vv5 *^— *■ r- Doctor Morton, FROM Dublin,inform*the inhabitants of Kingfton and its vicinity that he intends to commence the practice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery, in this part of the country.— His recom- ir*i\idaiory certificates, from eminent practitioners in Dublin and Edinburgh, 39 well as from Head* of the Colleges in thofe Cities, will b« rtuwn on application to him 2t his appart'neuts in the houfe of Mrs. Thihodo. Kingfton, 8ih A'»£- rSzo. 331? For Sale or to Let, TWO fiory framed Houfe, and a large and cofhmodious (tone Store, fituate on the Waiter1 edge m the centre of the Village of Prefect, on exceedingly ad- vantageou:. terms to (he purchafcr or lessee. Enquire at the QfFke of CKr. A. HAGERMANL Kingfton. 26th February, iSio. 9 JOHN MARTIV, (C^ OEGSteaw toinform bis friend THE Subfcrihera have received a confi^nment of A met lean Cotton - confifung of B'each'd and un-bleachM Shirtings and Sheetings, Bed Ticking and Stripes, which will be ibid at very low prices. THOs. S. WHITAKER, & Co. Kingfton, Aug. 4*^, 1820. 3itf One Hundred Dollars Reward. 'TOLEN, about four wecka a^o, * from a room in Mr. Warden's Inn, 3 Trunk three f*et long, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn (kin. Whoev¬ er will deliver the laid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give infurnation to the Editors, fufficient to difcovcr and convift •he thief, (hall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROfcLETTE. Kiijgftou, 71b June, 1820. 23tf liLANKS, LV.r the Courts of Request, an I various other kinds, for sate at " " 0/r NOTICE. ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purcbaGng certain Notes of hand given by the fulfcibcr r<> Jamesi He ne fy, bejring date the 29th January, 1820 — one for twenty five pound*, paya'.lethe Tf)|anuarv tft?!—OOC for ^12 ro P^y^ abie lit januaiy, 1822 - one for X'J2 to payable ill January 1823—one for £12 105. payable tft January 1824—and one for£12 to payable 1 ft January 1825— the four laft beating jntertll — aj. the Lid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faiel James iienefy to the fubfcr3beTa and fur wliieh he can give no legal title. JDSKPH SHEARMAN. Bellville, 26th May, 1820. 22- Valuable Lands fur s&ie in the Township of Hamilton ~[F" OTS Ko. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- Jl A cefTion, containing 400 acres. tTitto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceftion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto io, in the 6th Concclfion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcaftle DiflriA and will be fold on the moll liberal t^rms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingflon, May 28, IS IQ. 22tf ON SALE. "IT ANDED from tfee Alexander from 11 A London, 20 pipes of lupeiior Spanifh red Port Wine, of the very firit quality; lOO cafics of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; 100 cafics of Naile, 6d. to 28d-—Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scyths, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine, Eaft India Suga, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJn.HART. Montreal.2ift June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the Recollet Church. 26m3 «& And the public generally, tl;at lie has opened a Hou5c ol Public Enter- tainmt Ut DCflf Fort lLjnrVj UUde-I the "go of the RICILMONo HOTEL; Where he hopes, b\ a strict atleiidon to [Lose who ma) Iar< ur hin» with a call, tt> merit a share of public patronage, tie will always have on hand ill kii.ds of Liquors of the be&f quality. Kingston> l&th January^ lS'20. A. IJ. Good StaWuigfrti! Horses. 2if FOR SALE, fa FARM in (ho fro it Concession of xi. 'he ToKA»b*p i»f Au^u^ta, ii.rce and a half milts b» ! w Ur< rkvKle, con¬ taining irzU aeros, j;t>. t 7.^ ol \% hah i- jud^'r improvenictif. There i-> a larur hvostorj house on the pTemisvs, belli of s{j'jare timber and b«iarded outride, a framt ham. &c. Thb tkf& i> weli wor» thy tho aMrtition ot an\ person desTrou> of a pleasant Cnuntr} ^j*Idc:u'i*,and will be sold on liberal terms, and possesion glvesi i :»iiied; :tc!y. For fu.thurpartlcii '«:irs appl) to a ft uv viOUHls ».0« Brckv.Hc, t: ft M,Jt/ us_.j *±\u St. ANDREW'S CHURCH. ■ THE Committee respectfully request thai iha Subscribers will pay into the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Alesr. Pringte) their resfM*^lty^.s«hscnptlot»3.— The Committee would likewise call upon ;licse. individual who have not \et sub^ -rribod to give their support to <he un- derjaking, they deem It buperiloous :o enlarae ott the atlvanf'i^rs ivhirh are likely to arise from an establishment such (is the one contemplated, becau.se they must be evideul to ercry ©3 e. To those, however, who are Presbytcriaus, and particularly 10 {hose educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church ol Seujhtud, the Committee beg respect¬ fully to addrefs tberofelves and to solicit their support, not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford, but by the influence whicbthey may possess with their friends of other pvrsuaKlons, hub^Ctiption papers u re If ft with the Treasurer, Mr. Prijigle, and with \\w Secretary, Dr. Mar-hall, al.-o at Poiiil FreJi'iiek, with Mr. Hubert Graham, bam5 Merchant. A. MARSHALL, Sect etarv. WtkJkfa 18-° 30 *A llEWABD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds \ 1C7*1LL be paid by the subscriber, to v Y any perfon wlio fliall discover and give fuch information as will convid the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft. Hole from Gcorjre Ridout, Et>q. at Walker's Hotel ; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bink Bilk of live dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direction of the Directors of t!ie Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, igtb Nov. 1819. 47 Notice* To Let, 1 TOE SUBSCRIBERS baring entered into Co-partnership under the firm of Fair and Rch<ell, propose on l\ie da) next to <*p.en thai shop now oc¬ cupied by V.r. Trtndizr, opposite the Murket-Pluce.v>t\eiv the) will keep con- stantl) on Laud a geueral assortment of Spirits, Wines) A GRIST sud l AW MILL, [q x2A.t!ic 'i'^wnfhip of Carr.dcn, on the Napanee Riv^r. —For further paiticuhrs, apply to JOHN 6IB&ARS on the jrc- m: iee< Kinn-fton, SeptembertQ :?20. -2ctf $fitl*ttbiic Notice. laXHEREAS, lar^e quantities of . 7 b^f-- Copper coin have been lately introduce'! into the town of Kingfton, by fetgral individuals, who have endea¬ voured to force the fame on the public, and ftill continue lo to do. We the underlined, feeling defirous W put a flop lothisimpolition, havect;nietoa hcfolutton to receive no c;her cepj -r coin th in the fame alrecrly deicn: ed in hand bills, agreeable to a meeting held at Robert Walker's liotel, (>n the 14th inflant, \iz. the (e den 'f.ii'.^te I. tit cul Br'ulih copp?rs9 American Ctntst and Buff penny tokens, ac¬ cording to the deicripuon in faid hand bills ; and a* i: appe&rathat fnme perfons who may be intercfted in having this un- j-ift tiufuc c ntfnued, h *ve agreed to keep all fuch g^ o d copper Cain out of circulation* as may come into their poffl*ffion, with » view to inforce and continue the c rculation of the b\i ; — S\ t therefore to defeat fuch an unfairtranfaftion have thought proper to petition the Frelldenr and i>ire£lors of the Buik *'f Uppei-Canada, to iffue Bunk Noies, oi the following defeription ; three pence, hx pence, trine pence and one fhilling to tlic amou- t of two bundled pounds, for the pnrpufe v( :w±\l change* until fuch time as yvod copper coin can be obtained for tl.ar purpolc. rijcrcfire, Wc the Ui dei fibred think it our duty, 10 {jivt thii public notice, to Fartnert 3nd all others, 10 he on t.ieir guard again ft impoiuion. TWe arc aware tnaftairner& get "a vtry low price for their produce which they bring to markets and therefore trull tiny will not iuffer themfelves to be further impofrd upon, by thofe wlio have been in the habit of purchasing bafe cojipercoin, at fix pence per p und weight, by the cafk, and forcii g it on them at feven times its value. AND GROCERIES, of the be<t qoali'y, which the) intend to sell on the most reasonable tern.S to those who ma) be disposed to favour tliein v* ith their custom. JOHN FAIR, Wm. RUSSELL. Kingston, llth August, 18*20. 32u6 GOVKRNTMRNT CONTRACT FOR FIRE WO OD. TKTTOTlCEll hereby given that Ten- JLx dcrs will be received at this Office Ofitsl the 9th October next, at doom, from suth persons .is may be desirous oi eontraetJufi (bi the tupplj <,f the iroder- nientioncd q ;uu.tif, of Firewood, for the use or flu- JVoops in Garrison a( Samuel Aykrojd, I\'. LV-iric, litMijairir. Oicolt, Roberi Tuihert, Abraiiain Truav, II. L. Si. Germaiu Samuel Swan, A. Richmond, Peter Mat, Robert I'jchani.on, Edwd. Urquliart., N. Palnirr, Fair »v Russell, Henry I'ialvpr. Jo-i-pli Mardock, Mm. B. Smith, Nicliola- .Morin, SlPphrn Wood, Vim. Evans Robert Uo\dt L. Monon, Tliomas Smith, Jerry Whiehcad, Join; Gil way, Samuel Merrill, Walter MeCttrtiffe, PaLtick Quin, Henry Ca^sadcy, Joim Mair, W. Taclwebury, Michael C:*l<% Arch. McDunell, Woi. B Lamb, Charles Aykroy^ Jacob Nailor, John Ju!:nhton# John VTatkin5| Robert S-anion, Christopher F. Collins^ A. 1. Feins, Thomas Turpin, J. C. .Morrill, Roh't Walker, Jni.ii BuUerworth. Kingston, August23d, IS^JO. 34w6 Notice. npHErcalancperfpn.il Eftate cf the JL late Joha -iiclntofh of Thurlow. having been le^a.y affigncd ovei to me by the parties imereftcd ; f do hereby rcqueft, that si! thofe indebted to the faia Eflate, e::f.tr by Bond, Note of Bland or Book Accounts, will make pay¬ ments on or before the l!l October next. Cattle or Produce, v.ill be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1820. 30 TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Dodor Kcating'8, two stories high, with 6even rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston > uth jfunc% \ 8 t y. 23 BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS [ For sale at this OJliee. Valuable Lands. forTsale N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward. & Townfhip of Ameliafburgh. Lot 23, in the front ConcefHon, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eaitward of Nicholfon's Ifland. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con- ceflion of faid Townfhip j the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All perfons a* cautioned a. gainft cutting or deftroying the timber en the above lands* as they will certainly fubjeft ihemfelvc« to a ltgal prcfecution if dcte&eda Kingfton, Match 7, 1820. iotf k*i..;;sloi &u& U> ft ,t'::det»cies \h. 400 Do, ai Point Henry, 230 Do. at Point ircderick. The deliycries to commence as soon as the &r< uiul a«lnaibi of sleighing, and to be finally completed by thn (20th Man h, 1821- The wood to be of sound and merchantable quality, consisting ol black or yellow Birch, Maple* or white Beech; at.d to be of the following dimensions* viz. (hettiel; to be cut full four fee* lon^? and the Cord to be ei ht feet long by four feet four inches in height. 2\o tender will ue p-c.cived for a less J quantity than one hundred Cords, nor unless made in thp prescribed form, which, together with the further condi¬ tions and particulars, may be Luouu or. application at this OlRce. Sufficient security will also be requi¬ red for the due fulfilment ol the Contracts: entered into ; and the parties making proposals, as well as those offering to be¬ come security for them, or Agents on their behalf duly authorised, will be re¬ quired lo adend at the time of opening the Tenders, which must be scaled, and endorsed, " Tender for Firewood?' EDWd.HNKCOITIX, Dcp'y. Com. Geo. Commissariat Office^ Kingston* SOlh August^ 1820. 35 Post Office, f-ingstQa* 25//; dug 1820. It being: in contemplation with the Deputy Poft Matter Geneial to eli&bldhtf new line of J clt Offices fiom Bath through the County of Prince Edward to Cramahe, I hereby give notice that J will continue to reccue prep ifals for the conveyance of a mai! once a week by that route, until die ill O&ober next JOHN M vCAULAY, P.M. ~ Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late OLIVER THIBODO, rie- ceatcd. are requclled t> pay ihc fame with¬ out delay, and thofe to whom the Eflate ib indebted, will piefent their accounts duty authenticated for adjuftment, to Henry W, Wi'kiufon, one of the Executors, to faid Elljte. Kingfton, Auguft 30th 1820. 35tf WI1 ERISAS John MeDean hassworn that he h the owner of tl»e whole of Lot No. in. IV"s» of the Rock in Ma- rysbargh. 1 hci^by give uotiee that the said oath isfalse^ and that persons who vyish to be better informed of the partic¬ ulars of the same r may be satisfied by ap. plying to Archibald McDonald, Esq* or Daniel Wright, f&ty who both live in the Kamc Township, and are perfectly ac- (luainted wifh th" cirrumstimces. AARON CONNOR. Kingston* i[V;' Mr* IR«0, %9tln T NOTICE. WE Board for Militia Pen¬ sions, Will meet on the lafi Monday in February, and continue fo to do, the fame day in each Month, until the buftnefs oj this D'lflriB) as regards the fame is Jmifhed, JOHN FKUGUSON. Kingfton, Feb. \fit 1819. 6 TITvMS «>F Tut- KINGSTON CUHOSICLE T«ent\ shilling \ cr annum; ifient by Mai"1 rwen:y foui sbit1ia:g< Sut>scrip4innstolre paid iiKuivauee to the IsCOiJirly, or the 1st uf Janu¬ ary. notice. LETTERS of Adminiftration having been granted to me on the Eftate of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquirc, it is requefted that all who have claims againft that Eftate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as pofiible. JAMES RANKEN, Admin\J}vQtor* Bath, 281b funcj 1820. v z6i£ PRICE OF JlillliTJiEVENTS. yiJS lines and and;r 2*. Cr/. first in* senioiu and 74./. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and untfern 3.y. 4d. first insertion, and K)d. each subsequent insertion : above ten linesy4d. per line for iheju si insertion* and ! J. per Una for evc/jj subsvyueiit insertion* Advertisem. nU without written tfircf* fions arc inserted till forbid* and charged actor din phi. Orders for discontinuing Advert:rt;r ments to be in writing, and delivered lu WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN 0 Clock vn tie day of publication* AGKNTS. Hrnr\ Cowan, E q. Quebec. Edward Sills, F*q. Three Hioers* James William:-, INq. Montreal. Mp&scs, J. S: .). I) mlfljn, Lancaster* Paul Gla^ford, Ksq. Hn/ilifa. Alplien> Jones, K?q. Pxscott. Henry Jones, l^sq. UrockvWe. N. H. Tdmmas, Ksq Psrth. ll% Whhinarsli, Esq. Richmond. J. K. 1 fan well, I.-q. R&stwth 1L Webster, Esq, Gananoquc. .1. RunUen, Esq. Bath. Allan MrPher.-on, h>q. Nrpanre. Thomas Parker, Esq. Belk-itle. Joseph A. Keelcr, Enq Cramahe. James (J. Betbune, Eaq. thmiWon. John D. Smith, Esq, Port Hope. William Allan, Esq. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. John Crooks, E:-q. Niagara* T. McCormiek, Esq. Qucensten, John Wilson, Esq Jmhcmtburgh. ■ KINGSTON, U. C.

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