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Kingston Chronicle, August 18, 1820, p. 4

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FOR SALE, OR TO LET, ON long Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, in Brockville, the lower part of which 1*6 well adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished) and adapted for a Public-House. Ap¬ pertaining to It is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out-houses, and in the rear a very ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high Kate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. BrocivilUf igih, T820. _____27 BRICK FOR SALE! THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July% any quantity of Brick, of a veiv good duality. SMITH bARTLET. King ton, June, 16,1820. 27 ~~ NOTICE. AN Assignment bearing date at Mon¬ treal, Lower Canada, in Auguit, 1317, having been granted by Messrs, Robert Armour, and George Davics, late of Montreal, Merchants and Copartners, under the tirm of Robert Armour and Davics to and in favour of the undersign¬ ed, and the late Richard Pattinson de¬ ceased, of all their Estates real and per¬ sonal, moveable and immoveable as well belonging to them individually S3 such Copartners, also all and every their right?, claims and pretentions as well in the Es¬ tate of Robert Armour and Davies, a& in the Estates ot Henderson, Armour, and Co. heretofore carrying on trade at the City of Montreal, and William Mender- eon and Co. heretofore o( the City of Oubec, in truft for the benefit of the Cre- i%K§ef the* ihe laid Robert Afnmvi and George Davies, who become parlies cr accede to the said assignment. All persons indebted to the said late firms of Iiobcrt Armour and Davics, Henderson, Armour and Co., and William Henderson and Co. or to cither of the parties who composed them, are hereby required to make immediate parymrnt of their respec¬ tive debts to either of the undefigned Trustees, or to their Attorney duly au ihorised, and funhcr notice is hereby gi¬ ven that in default of immediate payment, le^al recourse will be had to obtain the NOTICE. A LL pcrfons indebted to the iatc Co- jj\. partnerfhip of Richard Robison ana David Secord, are requeued to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom thefaid Copaitnerfhip may be indebted, are le- qucfted to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment, Kingfton, 27th May, iRr<). 2otf }} ii 'osg 1 *pr flttSny *oo^j2nrg *H;«3 joJ dc^qo [pj [Jim Xaqi qo|T(A\ Muntu^jjijpApe uc ui uo:j -U30J oj snoip.Tj sapaic J3tiu> jo Jaqtunu e pUB "D?J *S3jjB[OJY 'sueSng CSS3£ Sau;^ <u!0 sPue!l°H '^pBwg OEjuSii ) 'sjuidg BOIBUJuf SlIO.Us; JO XjJlUKtlb B 3J'A\^!'J •uojeaj 3i[j oi pDidapu SdO 0 B A UCI' jo lu^uniojje p.^p^j [|3A\ e suonuuodujj jje[ 3ij; jo pdAta^J 3Aeq &3Xfi iBqj oijqnd 3i(j pue spuduj joqi ~*r saooo JJ3[M BANK CALL. THE Stockholders of the Bank of Upper Canada. are hereby required to pay an inftalment <{fix per cent, or fix dollars on each (haw, on or before the nthof Auguft nev Any flock holder failing to make the !,id payment will for¬ feit his {bare** agree,ble to the 2 lit arti¬ cle of affbeiation of the Bank—which io as follows :—If ther* fliall be a failure in payment of any part of the film or (hares fubl'cribed by any p< fon or perfon«, co¬ partnership, body poiJc or corporate, the party fo failing in paying the firtt inftal- ment often per ccntvm fuccetding the de- pofit of eight per Qrntuin herein before required to be made,.hull refpeCtivcly for¬ feit the fald depofit to and for the ufe of the faid Company, sad the ftcck flsall he fold at public falc i.r the behoof of the company—and in cife nf any delay or failure in the paymo.t of the fub&gfitcnt inflaiments, after th> th ft and iecoiid in¬ flaiments, any Stockholder (0 ncgleSing 1 TO LCT, COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near J\_ Dotlor Keating*-, two stories high, with seven looms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yar 1 and stable; lsoa very good Spring near the house.— or further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS, Kingston, 4//; June, s8iy. 23 rr A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fijtu Pounds """TLL be paid by the subscriber, to For Sale or to Let, /ft TWO ftory framrd Houfe, and a fSZ-JL large and commodious flooe Store, fittiate on the waters edge in th? centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purch.;ftr or lessee. Enquire at the Ofiice of CHh. a. hagf.rman. King Hon, 26th February, 1819. 9 any pcriou who fhall discover and givefurh information as will convifl the pcrlon or pcrfons who, 611 or about the 29th or 301!. nf June [aft, Hole from George1 Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of hve dollars each, to the amount of two thou fund pounds- By direction of the Director* of the Montreal Bank, THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston^ IQiJb Vnv. 1819. 4'/ A I« same* * 28 w6 FRED. W. ERMAT1NGER, G. MOFKATT\ Surviving Trustees to the Estate of Robert ArmQitr ana \D aviet* Government Employment, at Kingston, (J. C. THE Contractors for Building a Store Houfe, tn Hi? Majesty's Naval Yard at this place having failed to perform the Conn aft. Notice is hereby given that MASONS, STOXE-CUTTERS, and QUARRY- MEN, are required to complete the Build¬ ing, and that th^y will be employed, and paid by the Officers of this \ ard. Only the beft of work men need make applicatioa- EDWARD LAWS. Naval Store-keeper. Navy Tar J, 7/A July, 1820. 28tf land auENCY ff^HI- fublcribtr. for many years the ,|. Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fomc time paft occasionally afted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing reiigned the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now tranaaft Laud bufmefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Torky nth May, 1820. 20 FOR SALE, AT a very low price For Cash —the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Lougliboron»h.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec. 7, I SID. 50 ■ STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM the pafture of the Subfcriber on the morning of the 4th inft. a bright bay horfe, with white hind feet, and a ftar on his foiehead, a fwi«ch tail having fomeof the hair nibbed offoneach fide of it. Jits is of a middle fize—good carriage, and in trj;cellent condition fot fervice, was feven yea*$ old laft faring. A reward of x Ten Dollars 1 Will be given for the delivery of fctid Horfe to the owner al his farm, on the front road, one and a half miles from Kingfton. And all reasonable charges paid. Wm ABBOTT. Kiogflon, Auguft icth, 1820. 32tf A Contract will be given for Ploughing fifty acres of ground, and al*o for cutting- Bushes, and clearing a quantity of Land. B. WHITNEY. Kinffsfon, An/r. 9th 1820 32ti '"B^IIE Subfcriber bcs[S leave to remind -*■ thofe who are in his debt, that the liar- veil is approaching, and that confequently it is an objeft of peculiar interelt with him to colkdl His; out-standiu- MONIES- If they will give the matter a littleconfider- ation, they will find theirmterefts aie identi- fied witMiis,fctrreafon-will point ont to them, that the quicker they lupii.lnte his demands, the quicker the money will return into their own pockets, with additit-n.il profitr Money boarded in a Chest is of no benefit to the World, it eou- feffi no good upon any one, not even on its proprietor ; whereas it it be quickly circulated, it infpires life and vigor in its continued round, and increale3 the property of all who are lucky enough to (^ Finger it as it flics ! \ The Subfcriber trufts that he need fay no more to induce his cultomers To Hock in with their money, and fhould there be any among them who are through unavoidable misfor¬ tunes, unable to pay, they have oidy to ftcp forward and convince him of it,and he will freely give them a full difchar^e from his claims; and more beer to help them on n- pain in the World, trading they will be rrore fortunate in future. With every kind wilh to his cuftomers, and the Itrongelt defirc to promote by his humble endeavours their prosperity and happiness, (which he can only do by get¬ ting punctually paid), he has the honour to remain, Their grateful and obedient Servant, THOMAS DAf-TON. Kingfton Brewery, Aug. 3d. 1820. 3T-io Notice. OTARIALHUSINESS at¬ tended tt> with punctuality and dispatch, by the Subscriber, P. R MALI.. JS otan/ Public Kingfton, tst Augutt, 1S2C. 3 1 tf No l ice. THE Subfcriber begs leave to inform hid iiicnJo ftili] the pnbllt Ltiai tie titit' received a very cxtenllvc and well fclected afforttaent of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. &c. all of which he has imported direct from Birmingham, Sheffield and other manufac¬ turing towns in England—which he offers for ia!e at much reduced prices for cafh or (hort credit ; amongft which arc English and Swedes Iron, Hoop and Rod Iron, ass'd, Nails, Steel, Tin Plate, Window Glass, Spikes, Sheet iron, double and single. Putty, Paint, Linseed Oil, Plough-Share Moulds, Anvils, Vices, Trace and Log Chains, Wagon and Cart Ijoxcs, Grindstones, Frying-Pans, Spades, and Shovels, llollow- VVare, of all descriptions ; with a good affortment of flicif goods, in the Hardware line alone. JOHN WATK1NS. tainr.ictU to pay the amount u. Ins roilalment, fliali i ,;,ril (,f 7|._. for the f;ut ren days ».f focll neslcct- f^r- fcit to the life and Unefit cf the rtfit&ui* ing ftockholders tivepcr ccnturn upon the whole amount of hi: (tocfc previoufiy p^Id in—and for the fecotd and third tett days for each pei iod, an *qual furn of five per centum, making tog-zhci a forfeiture of fifteen per centum i-r thin v days, and if at the expiration of ijxty days after fuch iin'lalmeiii fhall have become due, it (lull JOHN MARTIN, ft::> ' "JJ> EOS leave to inform his friends "'ei_._g3 and iUc. public: gmcnilly, that fie has ot>enci! a Mouse of Public ttnfer- iw*x: Fort Uq-qtYa under the IUCHMONO HOTEL; When i«e hopes hy a strict aftentutu fo thoso who ma-v favour bun v\l\M -i ird.ll) rrt iiH-ii* a5-hurc of public pa.rona^e. He wMI iilv.;. vs !iavc on hand ^!! kinds of i/ij'it-iN o' the fcrvf qualify. N. IJ, Coed Shiblii- !Vr Ilors.^. 2if iORSE, Ije unpaid, then the wfeole amount of ftock, together with the wSiole amount paid on the fame, (hall be forfeited to the ufe and benefit of the reroaafog flocklioldcis as aforefaid, and the fto^k to he at the difpO- fal of the diredtors, f^r ti.e benefit of the laid oompanv. * P. BA:lTLET,Cann'er. Kingfton, June 7 i820. $4 "neif goods' Suspected tti !iavebeen slolen. A Perfor. calling hiuf.lf John Rces, or J-jLRcefe, apparently 45 or ro years oj age, dark complexitiii^ i\nt m>te, and rather a downcaii lt-ok. arrived here ofl Sunday !all with a very fine Hoife, which be o ffcr- eJ t*>r falc f» very low t.i.t it ctfcilcd the fuipi'cious above rnenttou'-d. He w.i^rc- c^gni/.-.-d, and ft.ppofed to have llolen a hurfe fiom Ucnoni roily, of Youn^-j, in 1814,and felling h:;n to 11 Sir, Ye<k-, (»; FOH SAU-i A I'ATIM in the frttiit Concession of -£?&. the *j\'u:.,!;ip of Augusta, tiiree and a half miU- ucS^nf Brockvillu, cou- laiuhrg I5Q acres, abvut 73 uf which b under irnprovcmen;, I l.vrc u a l*rgr two story house on the premise*, built of square timber and boarded outaklr, ii Hoilowell ; he l)aa btfcfl taken mi Mr. Polly's complaint, and cofnaihted to th* cells for further eKJinir.ation. The Hone isheuw and well mr.ee, col- our rather light hayj dark mane and tail, a little white on the left hind foot, a large white !put (I think an artificial one) ou his forehead, und faid to be 5 or 6 year* old. I purchafed the ITorfe from hi n before he was taken into cuflody, for Jj\z 10, and fi-*all endeavour to keep him Fur the rightful rwncr ; ui'v furtiur dclcriptlon C5* Flour and Salt for Sale. Kingfton, July 17th 1820, 3 1 tf a BLANKS, For tlie Courts of Request, and various other lands, for sale at this OJJicc. Stray Horses. ROK12 into the enclofure of the Sub¬ fcriber, on or about the 26th inltant, A LARGE BROWN HORSE, with a white fpot on his forehead, and a BAY HORSE of a middle fize, with a fear on one of his fore-legs, apparently from a burn,—The horfes are both without (hoes. The owner is requeftcd to prove proper¬ ty, pay charges and take them away. JOHN C. CLARK. Erneft Town, 31st July, 1820. 5 11f TIHJE Subfcribers have received a confignment of A met ican Cotton cpnfiftiiig of Bleacli'd and nn-bltacli'-j Shirting! and Sheetings, Bed Ticking Rfld Stiipes, which will be fold at very law prices. THOs. S. WHITAKER, & Co. Kingfton, Aug. /jlli, i»2C. 31 tf frame ham, &c This ia.;n is well *i*r- " ;^n^tfon w:!1 ^ given by writing to the Euhlcficer, rYlHh sobscrsheibegs leave to inform A his friends a.d thr- public, that he bft&just received ii choice a^ortmeot of D!iV COODS ; \mms *&& are the followiugi Wevt of Kr.^lanl superfine and com¬ mon Cb'lhs, CossinereSj Klaun-ds, Uonv^ Ijiizettcs, Bou:b::v -cn^, Iri-h Poplins, CftughamK, StrjpeCotton, Cotton Shirt¬ ing, linii.-i Cotton. Irbh l/»ne»g Torkc^v Si rijip, Check?, Ctintz Furwilure, Call- coos, hong Ltiwii Cflmbricf, Musiirifc; Corduroy, Fustians, Nankeens, b-i Di- apors, Canton Crape Dre$M£q Cuiilon Crape Shmvls and Scarfs, Sphtft*fi*?ld Silk (Jnufbuunis, ladwi do. Silk tlomala, Black Siik Randl^rchiofSjCf'lIonShitvvU and llaudkrrclitefSj Uosierv, Gloves, Uibbons, Tiii-aJ La.'ep, Bobbiunelf, Tapes, Bobbins, 3%hread3 Buttons^ tec. v\:c. ALSO, A very handsome selection of Millinery, coN^isTivr: 01? Fancy Dress Capsaud Turbans, Morn iilg Walking Drosses, Muslin R^ibos, Ernbroidt-red India Donk and Leno Dressc«, Frills, and half llaudkorchi-fs, best St:i)s; — which he will sell ver) low, at his Si ore, opposite the Kingston .Me¬ dicinal Laboratory Kins-Stroet. ARCirtBALD MeDO.tKLL. Kingston, July \ 1, !S2(). *8tf ON sale! i>Fa pleasant Country residence, and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For fuithcrparticu ;ai'S apply tO A. & W. MORRIS & Co. Brckville, UUh May i^20 'iltf Oue Hundred Dollars Reward. STOLEN, about four weeks $got A,_!5 from a room in Mr. Wordcn's Inn, :* Trunk three feet long-, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn ikin Whoev¬ er v/i'l deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, finTici'cnt t:> dileover and COnviQ the ibicf, fiiall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Kjngfton, 71ri June, 1820. 22tf Anchor* $ c J Cables. t WILLIAM ttUDDEN, S^Tl'LL -ec;i!ve by the earlietl fprusg V V vifkl.-?, and keep u lu'bntly hand at Q«ebcc> an yfc.itmcu: of Patent proved Chain Cables nil sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and Iviver navigation. on Of Quebec, lit April, 1S1Q. L4tf Notice. IT A'MDED from the Alexander from JLd London, 2® l::pes of fuperior Spanfih red Port Wine, 0f lrie very firft quality ; I CO cafks of Da\ and Martin's real Japan Bl-icking ; too ca|k5 of Nails, 6J. to 28d —Fry Pans, Sad Ir&nSj parent Hcvth9, Carpeting, but¬ tled l'ort Wine, Eaft India Suga, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJa.HART. Mcfitreal.2ift June, 1S20 New Store, Recollec Street, near near the Rccollct Church. 26013 Valuable Lands for sale m the Township of Hamilton. Diito ditto 10, in the 6th Concefilon, containing 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in the Town/hip of Hamilton, NcwcaRle Diftrift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, i8ig. 22tf NOTICE. T5IIE re;d and pei fonal Eftate of the lcte John Mclutofli of Thurlow, by the parties interelted ; I do hereby requeft, that all thofe indebted to the faiJ Eflate, either by Bond, Now of [land or Book Accounts will make pay¬ ments on or before the lil OSober next. Cattle or Produce, will be taken in pay. ment. PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1S20. 30 3*\ AM)ii£lV%S CHURC1L THE Committee rcipoelfully rctjuost that the Subscribers will pay into the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Alcxr. Pringlt", (heir respectivrsnbseiip(ions.— The Committee «ou!d likewise call upon those individuals who have not vet sub- scribed to give their support to the un¬ dertaking, they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise from an establishment such TT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- -ii-J ceffion. containing 400 acres. Hit to ditto ii and 15 in the 4th Con- as the one contemplated, because they ctffion, containing 490 acies. ' must be evident to every one. To those, ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- . gwinft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James He ne fy, bearing date the 29th January, 1 820 — one for twenty five pounds, payable the lit January (821—one for £iz io, pay¬ able ill January, 1822— one for Jgt2 to payable lit January 1823—one for £\z 10s. payable id January 1824—and one for £\t 10 payable ift January 1R25— the foui laft bearing tntereft—as the laid Notes wt're given for a lot of land fold by the faid James Hcnefy to the fubferiber, and for • hicli he can give no legal title. JOSKPli SHEAR.JAN. I}e!lvill«-,26th May, 1820. 23- however, who are Presbyterians, and particularly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church of Scotland, the Committee beg respect¬ fully to addrefs themfclvea and to solicit (heir support, not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford, but by theiufluence which they may possess with their friends of other persuasions. Subsaiplion papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Pringle, and with the Secretary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick, with Mr. Kobert Graham, ham, Merchant. A. MARSHALL, Secretary. 27th July, 1820 '30 NOTICE. BLANK DEI-OS and MEMORIALS r'or sale at this Offiec. ANY Perfon willing to contract for tha delivery of SIXTEEN TONS of good TIMO TH YSs CL 0 VER HA Y, Will send their propofals to Lieut. and Adjutant Samson. 70/i Reg.—The one half of the Hay to be delivered before the 1st December, next, and the other half do- ring the enfuing winter at King Aon, Forts Henry, Md Frederick, as may be re¬ quired. J Kingfton, July 25th 1820. 29tf. Lands* H. STAFFORD. Brockviile, Jure 27th, 1820. 2 5tf. Valuable FOK. SALE N the Midktid District, County of Prince Edward, & Toivufliip of AnTeliafburgh. Lot Jj, in the front ConcefnoD, en Lake Ontario, 1» lug to the eaft ward of Nicluflfgii'a tflund. Lots 22, and ^4, in the Laond Con* cefiion cf ia:J Towufliip ; the whole con¬ taining lis hundred acre j. For particulars inqr* e at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Kon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All pcrfons are cautioned a. gain!) catting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they v..'.] certainly fubjtft themfelves loa Kgal profteutloo if dtftefted. Kingllon, March 7, rSzo. NOTICE. THE Board fir Militia Pi K- sioss* will meet on the lajl Monday in February, and continue fa to doy ttie fame Jay in each Monti:, v;n! tre bufmefs of this Diftrffii as regard* the fame is Jini/fcd. JOHN Fi-RGUSON. Kin^foriy Feb. \fl> iSl<> 6 NOT1CK. 1> OBERT TURNBULL. from \j Mindum, cu tlu fouthern border of Scotland, who i^ now fuppofed to he reli- ding fu toircpait o\ U'p| cr Lu..*u..; ffi rc- qUefled to lend hio adt!rer< to the Office of the Kiugtton Chronicle, for the infor¬ mation of a relative, v/ho feels interefted in his welfare, and is defircus of correfpon- Z& 10 ti ding with him. MONTREAL. For ALMANACKS 1820, For Sale ui this Olfice KINGSTON GIJMNICLE. T\vei:fy FbiU»ns:s \>cr ;> .run: rffenl bv Sfail 1 uirsty (our ftiH'.lii:^. s b>i*rip(iour to h« |i:iid in advance i<> the U oi*.iul>, ur tl.c Ih of J aitu- PRICE OF 4DVEn.TlSSMMm% (Cry/A" fixes and under 2s. ud- fnt in* KJf scrtioiu and 7\d. each subsequent insertion .* 10 tines and tauter^ '^. 4d. first insertion, and UUL each subsequent insertion : above fen tines. Ad. per line for the fir*! insertion, and 1/i. per tine for every subsequent irtwfliQM* Adverli$e):i nts without wrtScn dwe** Horn are inserted till forbid* and charged accordingly. Orders Jar discontinuing Advertise* wents to be in writing;, and delivered by WEDNESB. ii'XiOON at tie latest. No Advertisements received after TEX cTt'li ck on the day of publication AG i; NTS. Henry Cowan, }><j. Quebec* Edward gill*. Eta. Three stivers. Jamca Wiiliaim, l8sq. Montreal. Messrs, J, & J. DtinJop, Lancaster. Paul GIa«t»furd, l.sq. Matilda. Atpbeos Junr.j, Esq. l^esc&tt. Hi t\ty Jone>, LNq. ItrockvHte. S. B. Tommas. Esq. Perth. II. Wliiiin.ir*.li, Y.<q, Rtehmimd. J. K. Hart well, I.m|. Bastard. !'.. Webster, Ksq. Gananotptc. J. Rankcn. Esq. Bath. Allan McPhci^on, Iisq. Napance. Thomas Parker, Esq. BetluUt*. Joseph A. Keclrr, i'^\. Gramuhe. Jarncs C». Hefliune, Ksq. Ilamiltdn. Johu D. Smith, Ii q. Port Hope. William Allan, K>o. York. Daniel ROUP, Knq. rittoritt. John CrooKs. I>i|. Niag&ta* T, McCormivk, I>q. Qwxnst*** John Wilvon, I sq. ..t'n'icrsthur^h. KINGSTON, U.C. printed roR. rmi mmon*.

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