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Kingston Chronicle, August 18, 1820, p. 1

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KINGSTON CHRONICLE. T1IIC FRONTENAC l,_i Sieam Vefffcl will ftan fr°m Kingftoa for York and Niagara on the i(i, i rih, and 21 It day's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kfriftfi'M on the 5cli, 15'th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punflu-tluy as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit cf. Kingfton, May rzilt, 1820. 19 THE fubferiber having rented that commodious Stone Hoirfc, the pro¬ perty of Peter Giant, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofes kecpfnga houje cf Public Eni( rtainmntt, (Sign of ike Black Horse) for the accommodation of Strangers, and Others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call. Every attention will be paid to the comfoit and c\ nveni- encc of cullomcTs, and the fmallclt favour gratiluily acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, 5U1 May, 1S20. 19 F. B. SPiLSHURY, | ¥ Late Surgeon of I!. M.S. Prince Rc-:> I gwtft "" £«fc Ontario, $ Intends praetiMir' in the various-; v brandies of tits Prafcsstow, ;i( his res-; yideiiiT, next door lo John McLean,y '• L\q. Slieiilf. v 1 Kington, <kt. Of it, 1819. 41 ;- Notice. Notice, For Sale, T for for the the T T-TF. f.iSfWr fc*~ I-? ly to inform his ftjcttds and rhe pub* lie in general, that he has cllablifhed a paint mm* a few rods fouth of .Mrs. Patrick's Tav ci nf where will be kept tonftantly all kind-. of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brulh. Likewife al! kinds of Jlottse, Sign, i}'ai>;i>Guy Weigh, and Oniamnilal Pamtmgt done at the fhortelt notice, together with raw and boiled Oil, which will be dispo¬ ned of as cheap as can be procured in tlti& town, for Cafh only. THEODOilE BROCKETT. N. B. Two go^d workmen as journey- . men Painters, will find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fubferiber. Kingston, 6th April> 1820- 14// THE fubferibers being duly nomina ted Executors to the lalt Will and Teltament of the late Lawrence Herchmer, Efquire, Merchant, tcquell all perfons in¬ debted to hrs cftate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands cigaiuft the faid eliate to bring them forward with ME Land Board, Midland District enfuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 1 2 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcriptton of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britifh born fubjc6ts. All able fcttlcrs that have refided in the Diftridl previous to the late war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty ii: its defence. Thv terms of the grams are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Month* from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees; ellabiifhed by an crderiu Council of Kith December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Giants of 100 3crcs, £il Sterling. O.i Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inilahrur.tss, viz. The firft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the feeond on Certificate filled of ietiicn.ent ; th*j third on the leccipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petti ion can he entertained nnlefs accompanied by a written character, or a I..t».i\fa£t'uy reafon fhewn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Board. JslM£S NICKALLS, Junr. Clerk. Khgflon, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N- B. T*> prevent disappointments to perfons applying for lands : it is necellary t« ftattf that the Board ha? no povret to ;;rant Lands to the Children of U. E. Lry*H*ts; MUkb nn vctva fe»ved m 1I10 Flank companies duri-.g the war ; Naval •r Military claimants, all fuch mult make application to York- fjflO HE SOLD, and immediatepos- J£. selliou given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conccflion of tne Town- fhrpof Elmnlcy, viz, 19. 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, moll eligibly situaicd on the Wortfe tide of the Rtdeau Lake, which forma their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. Thev abound in excellent Timber, whichfrom its being contiguous to water communication may he rafted to Montreal at a trifling expencc. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the L um¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Emj. Perth Settlement. John Kiihy Efq- Kington, orthefnblcriber, in Wood- houfe, London Di'.liict ROBERT N1CH0L. Novm'ir:t- iS, 1S19 47 tf out delay. JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. To Clothiers. Kingflon, alb Nov. 1819. &4 NOTICE. Books of Subscription for t!ic will be opened at the Dir^'ftor's Stoom m the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Awjjuft next, and kept ;>oen each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until fortber notice* Kingfton, 27th Jul;, 1810. iA)r sale, a quantity of Tho. S. Wliilakcr & Co. August 19, 1319, 34 For sate al tlih Ojjtcc, 31 A FEW cop'ws *»f a Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. SKSIMOX. preached at Qm-bec, on the L2lh Sepl u»l;'*r« after tin: death cf lli^ (Jracc thft DcKr.of Uicnv.o\n, by tin.* IL-verrnd G.J. Mouula.n. A . Ii IVishop's OfUcift! in Lowci Canada, and Hector of y>ieb^c- -21 A NY fum required m^y he obtained at jTaL the OSw for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Diils of Exchange on Lon don, or for Specie.—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, lixty,, and niuctv days. THOMAS MALIKLAND. Kingfton, jd Nov tSiS. Age:;t. ^5 PERSONS having Bowks belonging to the Mi'-gston Library are remied* ed to fend them :o the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poiSble* JOHX FERGUSON. T2th A piiu I&1Q \C K0T1CR ALLperfoflfl indebted either by Note or Book Account, to the cftate of the late Richard Robilon, Efq. deceafed, aie requefted to pay the fame without delay ; and thofe to whom the eft ate is indebted will pretent their accounts duly amhrnti cated for adjuftmeiK, to Allan Mac Lean. Efquire, one cf the Exeuctom to faid es¬ tate. 4 A XT a th ALL perfons Indebted to the Estate r of the late Henry Fovier, of King¬ ston, Tailor, deceafed, either by Note or Book account, are requested to fettle the fame without delay. Application to be made to the Subfcribo, who is duly appointed the administratrix to the faid Estate. ANN FOWLER, Who offers for Sale, the remaining otoek on hand, confining of Inpeifinc Cloths, CalTimeres, Vestiugs and Trim- ffiingssf all kinds. Thcfe goods havin been felcftcd with great care, are won the attention ofthofe wanting to purchafe, and to dofe tin* concern will be fold very low f>r cash. Kingston? July ?cth, 1820. ?*5^4 IVATCHESand CLOCKS Rcpa.rrd in the host manner^ by S. O. TAZEWELL, [Norfhside afthe Market Place, Kingston,] WHO moil refpedtfully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufineU, and hopes, by paying (trict at¬ tention -o bufine'fs, to give the utmoft fat- isfaclii^to all thofe who may pleafe to favour l,Jm wi:h their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfeftly acquainted with the parent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex bcapenunts, Repeater, &c &c. Ivingston, Slay 13th, 1820. zctf \%7 UiCiUiASJahu MeBean hassworn ▼ * iharhois the owner of the whole of Lot .;,,. 19, Kast of the Rack it» M*- 17-hurgii, 1 hereby Rive notice that the itu.it] Ofttjj isfrtlfe, and that prisons vi ho uu-n t- i;e b-ucr informed of the partic¬ ulars 01 (jg£ sntnt*, riiti v Ik* Satlslied by ap- pUinj tf» ftreliifrald Rlci>«i»irf., Lmj. ot Dat.iei Wri-ht, F^-l- tth«both live in the Kline 7Wrj*hip, w& :»«*c perfectly ac¬ quainted iritii tht tirrurn*i:u»<'es. A.vKOXCONXOR. Ki^-.tcn, mh i*tjF* iaaa mix A SMALL colleftion of books juft -** received from New-York, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meara's Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfo Greek Lexicons and grammars, Lempriere'g claffical Diftion- ary, and a variety of other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compafs of the molt approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. l9 Me die in Established in Montreal, November 1st. 1819, P>v William Wili.cooks Sleigh, ^^ M /?. a S. L. ,V. 8fc t I iHE fecoud courfe in the above es- JL tablifhment will commence the firft Monday In September. The Ledtures during the firft monih will be free to the public.— The private courfe will commence the firft of Odtober, and continue till the month of May, The courfe will conllitute Lectures on Anatomy, Phyfiulogy, Pathology, Surge¬ ry and the Prafticeof I hyfic. Lectures (during the Public Courfe) on .Mondays, Wednefdays and Fridays, at fix o'clock in the evening. P. S. Dr. S. will take a few Medical Gentlemen to rcfide with bimfelf — As ev¬ ery airangemeut (hall be made to render the Courfe of considerable advantage, thofe Gentlemen who purpofe Undying in the e(tablifhment are rcqutfted to give early in¬ formation. Anatomical Theatre, 18, St ical Theatre, 7 Paul Street J June 22, 1820. 26 wro NO?*G& AN assignment living been made to the subscribe^ of all the Lands, Goods, end debts belonging to the late firm cf James Ran&M & £**• of Ernest Town, Merchants, *> well as those belong¬ ing to James Ranked individually, for the benefit of creditor^- Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm, or a ainst the said James Ranken. to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and ^ch as stand indebted are (le-ired to pay th'*»r respcfttve accounts to Chr. A. Hac£«man, E-q of Kings¬ ton, on or before tht first day of Decem¬ ber ;ie;;t. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, UtSeptmber^ 18 19. 36 Kingfton, June 5, 18/0. 24 tf Window Gfass. THE fubscrihers have on hand a con, signmeut of WIN0OW GLASS- of 7 1-2 by 8 1 2, 9 by 9- S by to, toby 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, lor fale a: very low prices for cofiiorfliort approved eredit. THOS- S. WH1TAKK11 & Co. May '7._____________20, " ALEXANDliit ASI-IKK, Merchant Taylor. \S received ■' m Mcntrcal a mod choice ?m 5 excellent afTortment 0 the beit Wjit of England fuperfme CtotMs and Cusstmi re*, with Tiimmings, and t\ety thing com- plete. A. AsHER informs UU hktute Mil the public that he is now woikiug up thefe . laths, &c. at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully recei.-ed, and executed on the fhorteft notice, and on the lo.veft • erms for Cafli. or (hort anptoved credit. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1S19. LUi A superior and general collection of DRY GOODS, IS now offered to the public and Inhabi¬ tants cf Kingfton, imported by the Sub- fcriher thi3 1'iuing, ptupoiely for this mar¬ ket, and a«e particu'i^ly *eil adapted fot the ufe of private families, his fancy goods being of the richcil and molt fafhionable, and plain goods all of very fuperfme texture. The Subscriber has taken the Lower Rooms of a #Y*«/ Houfe in the Market place>, on the li vit ha:.dsi<L> near the Main Guard House, f .r the difpolal of his goods, and as his Itay will be only for a few days, he moil ean.eiiiy lolieits the favor of an ear¬ ly vifit- In ills afTurtment are a few extra fine itvaw Bonnet?, very fafhionable and rich, full trimmed Dreflcs, made in Loudon as pattern*; a gojd aflbrtment of the belt made MILLINERY, A LI- perfons aie hereby cautioned a- gatnfl purchafing a N.rtc oi Hand, given by the fubferiber to Amos Ansley, Senior, fumetime in the autumn of 1818, f• r 1*49 1 2b. 6d. and payable the enfu- nig aitiumn, as it was given for land, for which he has given me no title, and will not be paid until he does. STEPHEN MILES, Kingfton, 3 id July. iSzo. 32**3 Sti Mari/ Foundry. THE Subscribers, Proprietors of the SAINT MARY FOUNDRY, foot oft^c {Quebec Suburbs, have to announce, th a th\'y have lately made a confiderable reduction in the prices of their CAST¬ INGS ; and having now a CUPOLA in operation at their works, they are enabled to execute the orders of Country corref- pondents on the lliortest notice. From the general improvement made at their works, they are confident that the different goods of their manufacture, will be found equal in quality and appeal an. e, to firuilar arti¬ cles from the mothercountty. Castings in Brasa, lJoring and Turning, Patent Screws of a- ny size.Iil tor Clothier's or To¬ bacco Presses, Steam -Engine Machinory, all kinds of Mill work, and B;acksinitli's work generally, will be executed wiihd!fpateh*andfin?nied in the bell ilyle. Thc-y have eonrtantly on hand, a com¬ plete aiTortment of Stoves, single and double; Dutch Ovens, Dog Irons, Cart and Wagon Boxes, Pi pes for spouts, and sets of Weights, OH an im¬ proved construction, &c. &c. Orders left at the WORKS, or at their OFFICE, in St Paul Street* will meet with prompt attention. ALLISON, TURNER & Co, Flounces Infant's DrcfTes, &c. &c. Thread Lace* and Edgings; French Cam¬ brics, Artificial Wreaths, Flowers, and Coronet? ; Thread lace drels Caps, Veils, and Shawls Ike. a few new patterns uf full Chintz Furniture Prints, and rich filk Fringes to match; Marseilles Quilts, and Counterpanes, Sheetings; Haberdashery, and Ladies Boots ;md Shoes very fuperior, ALSO, Gentlernens Drei^ Coats and Pantaloons, Sunouts, Boots and Drefs Shoes, of the best London nuke, with many other articles at one regular and low price. HENRY A. TR1NDER. Kingston, July 20th, 182©. »$» NOTICE ^ * Notice. FOR BMM, A QUANTITV of: KF.l) Cl-OAR **• PICKETS, fn,-j 7 to S k.-t i« length.—Apply to r.iv. Jo«:n i).\\: >o.Vj Tailor. Kingston wi /.liam vi:;;F.:v. W^OR Sale, ftveral Acre and two IT \crelotsonthe Main Street, being an rxunfiO" of StoieSfcet. appUcatJOO for price- ;a J conditions tS [•ayrnmt to be rr.a.ic to die Sublcriber, w! o will Rive information to peifon. dating u> p"r- thuk' JOSEPH MUHDOCK. Kingfton. March 8, l8»0, •' -f LETTERS or Admlniftration having been granted to me on the Eilace of the iare Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is requeued that all who have claims againlt that Ellate vn'll fcrefent the lame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount dy^, with aa little delay as calible. J^MES RANKEN, Adndnjfiratof* Bath, iSC> Itt^e. iSzo* a6if fX> A few BARK MILLS for fale on an improved plan. Montreal 29th July, 1820. 32 w<5 Notice. - THE SUBSCRIBERS having entered into Co-partnership under the firm of Fair and Resell, propose on Tuesday next to open that shop now oc¬ cupied by Mr. Trindkr, opposite the Markct-Place^vrhere they will keep con¬ stantly 011 hand a general assortment of Spirits, Wines, GROCERIES, of the best quality, which they intend to sell on the most reasonable terms to those ulio may be disposed to favour them with their custom. JOHN FAIR, Wm. RUSSELL. Kingston, llth August, 1820. 32tr6 Just published., and for Sule at this Olficc, S. BARROWS 500 Questions on the New Tes¬ tament. From the Nczo York Commercial Ad* vcrsticr^ of August 5th. THE QUEEN. • London, June 20. The negocinfion bet*feu his Maje*ty*s Ministers and the Queen, as we stated in yesterday's paper, has failed. The cor- respondence, by the Ring's command, was laid upon the table of both Houses, and ordered to be printed. They are, in all, ten papers. The two first are genuine copies of the letter of the Earl of Liverpool, dated the 10th in,taut, and lier Majesty's answer, the substance of which was stared, but nut accurately, in the papers ten days ago. H, r Majesty was not called on to renounce the style and title of Queen. The next was a let¬ ter from Lord Liverpool, to say, that though they hud not received an answer to the proposal of the 15th April, made to Mr. Brougham, they were still ready to receive any proposition that her Ma- jestymi^htbtijraciousl) pleaded to make. To this her Majesty answers, that this proposition of the 15th of April had nev¬ er reached her hatid till now ; but the desire which she had to yield to the wish¬ es of the two Houses of Parliament, would dispose her to receive, with the most serious attention, any proposal that his Majesty's Ministers might now make to her, consistent with her honor and dig¬ nity. That it was important to her Ma¬ jesty, that her name should be restored to the Liturgy, as the withdrawing of it contrary to the Statute, had the appear¬ ance of tending to some Parliamentary or legal proceedings against her, and that must be removed as au equivalent resort* ed to as the means of removing that im¬ pression. That a suitable Royal resi¬ dence should be provided for hei, sueh as hvr apartments in Kensington Palace, which she had never given up. and inat tm a 5Jk wotfi'd' 6e prepared to receive further proposals.—To this Lord Liver- pool replied, that the withdrawing of her Majesty's name from the Liturgy had 00 vic-tt to any Parliamentary or le»ul pro. ceeding, but was grounded on the prece¬ dent that the Queen of Kin- George I, was not included in the Liturgy ; and that, as to a Royal residence, there was* none a( this time unoccupied, her Majes¬ ty's former apartments in Kensington Palace being in the possession of brr R. II. the Duchess of Kent ; but his Majes¬ ty's Ministers had directious to supply her with the means of such accommoda¬ tions as her Majesty might be pleased to eh use for herself. To this the Queen re¬ plied, that the omissiou of the name from the Liturgy of the Queen of King George L was only while she continued abroad, and that the restoration of her Majesty's name was indispensable to her honor. A. proposal was then offered of a mediation, which was agreed to ; and the next pa¬ pers are the Protocols of the meetings at the house of Lord Castlereagh, in >t. James square. At these conferences it was stated, on the part of her Majesty, that the unfortunate circumstances in which she was placed, heranxious desire for the public tranquility, would make her give up w ith reluctance her wish to remain in this country ; but in taking up her refidence abroad, inflrucuona mutt be given to his Majesty's Aiiniftcrs to re¬ ceive and prefent her at every Court which Ihc mjgnt viiu, as t^uccn or the Uuited Kingdom. As to her name being reftored to the Liturgy, fhe again demanded it 23 a fine qua non. It was anfwered, that it was the invariable etiquette that foreign Courts would not receive any perfon who ' had not been prefented to the Court of their own Sovereign. But if her Majesty would condefcend to fix her refidence ei¬ ther at the Court of Milan, or another in Italy, his Majefty would inftru£t hi*'Mi¬ ni Iters at fuch Court to fhew her the dire attentions as Queen of England, but hia Majefty could not take upon himfclf to fay that his recommendation would be effefted as to her being received as Queen. It is alfo faid that when her Majcrty had fixed on the place of her future refidence, a fuit- able provifion (and we unoerftand the foca ftated was £$o*ooo a year) would be fet¬ tled on her for life. The natural and dig¬ nified reply to this was—that money ought not to be mentioned, for nothing wa» fo diftant from her thoughts. It wj« not fur money that (he contended, and it muft not be alluded to again. Finally fhe conld not accept of a conditional recom¬ mendation to be received at the Court where (he might take np her refidence, and the mull infill on the ftipulations which had been required. Here the negociatioo broke off. We beg leave to (late, that this is a very imperfett sketch of thefe important docu¬ ments, the digeftion of which occupied much time, fi cc the minute of each con- ference was not made final till after the third perufal. This day we ftnll procure a correct copy of the papers*hich will ap¬ pear to-morrow. In the mean time it fecms obvious that no very great difficulty re¬ mains to be overcome. Her tajefty hav¬ ing confented to live abroad and the King having confented to her bearing the ftyle and title of Queen, nothing feccna left to fettle but lame recognition of the obvioua indignity of with-holding her name from , the Liturgy, and of not receiving her with) I fuch public diitmftion as lhouU allure tu

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