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Kingston Chronicle, August 11, 1820, p. 3

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being iorrjC informality in- the petition, it was Withdrawn to be amended. A petition was presented fruij the Lord of the Manor of East ham, in EffcX, claim¬ ing to acl as Caterer and Armourer to the King, and to have all the fees and profits belonging to that service. Mr. Mitchell, of the Vote-Office, claim- ed to act as Chief Constable of the Verge of Parliament, and to have the fees annex¬ ed to that office. A petition was presented upon the part of the B.ironefs de Knthven, claiming that a Substitute fhould carry a gilt spur before his Majesty. The last petition wr.a fr.im a clergyman, the Lord of the Manot of Buckingham, in Norfolk, who difputed th- Butlkrihm to his Majesty with the Duke of Norfolk. uiit ffrould Lc paid out of the rates on th had. . London, June 17. I- is wHh much pleasure we announce u\e entire suppression „f ev.ry unpleas¬ ant symptom connected *ith the refrain ««ry conductor the battalion oftheguards which Parts, Juke t;. On Saturday evening various regiments of infaotiy and cavalry, and corps of artil¬ lery were drawn up in the neighbourhood of the theatres. The a-Temblrd crowd ut¬ tered crie? of— /& CharUr for ever] but the military did not charge, nor was pub¬ lic order fcnGbly dSfiurfeed. The evening of Friday was moll deo!o'-able.— [Constitution^ of Mo;::L:y~] it is not ascertained how the D ike de Reg^io was wounded, dur'fig the tumult of Friday evening He ha* been twice bled. T&e King and Princes fend to make xnq'Jities aftet his heakh- The Crazttts ds Frunc: ftstes—"We le^rn from Gre::cb!e. u^dcr date the j:h icilan | that io.r.e JtforJcn wee camnvit- ted there during the i»«rht of the 2d init. —flu individual named L^maireth^ been taken into eultedy, on v/hofc peil-n were fjunJ thirty copies cf a i"editiou3 pamphlet cr:ti:'ied ,J Thin-*: as they are™ French Fundst *}w:* I c*/»— Fi* e per Ce;.ts. 74/. 6&*— Gaak Stock, 1542/'. At a late hour !»3 niijl*t the following com:riur.:c2;u>:i wu« received .— Calais, junc ty& I 1 o'clock- P. ftf. A telegraph diumch ".vas received here fhil evening at elg .t o'clock, informing na that the famous law concerning the Elec¬ tions has pafteithc chambers— 15 2 for it — eje, aga;:.!t it—57 in favour of the miuif- ters. ris. Ali vva= (juiet this moruin^ in Pa- 4iManday night, 10 o'clock—Nurr.e rous ptrlo-t* have .\;.;a".u ;:7vn;t>l den the BouIe»atdst in the ueighbooihnod tit the fortes St. Wartin, and u. Denis, but no tumult &33 been mar.ifcllcd, nor have any L'ditiou* crira been heaid. Detachments of the National Guaid, of the Itoyal Guird and of the troops of the line ate there1 drawn up. At the moment we writethele Iine3, all is trarquil."—journal de Paris "The fame hour — Similar p.ccau'.isns have been taken on this as o:; former days to preferve the public peace. Troop- of infantry and cavalry are potted or. the 3ou- Ievaids, from Chateau d'Em to the F.u- bourg Poiflbnr.iere, and on the place Vcadcmt and the place des Victoirea. London, June 15, P. M. Lad night Sir James Mackintosh moved for a new writ for Dublin, in room of the late Right Hon. 11. Grattan. The eloquent piaiiet of the deceafec? were echoed by Lord Caftlcrcagh, Mr. Wiiberf >rce, and aflentcd to by all fidea of the ifoufe. Sir James concluded his fpeech on the fubjed, with the following lines : — ** Nc>r to th<? lombs where all tbc mighty res;. Since their foundation come a nobler gneit; Kore*er wasto :in* bowers of bli& convcy\i A fa.rer sjvirii or more VPcIcouiC bbade" On this cccafion, .Mr. Becher (member from Mallow) faid he ftculd not burs rifen, but for thepuipufe of pr'jfe.iir'g a document, which hat- bee:: comi:;u:.i'ta:ed to him, at the dying ci:ortation cf Mr* Grattan to his Catholic cotirsrymen ; and which he a&sd leave to read in his pb.ee.— The document 13 to &fi following purport :— u 1 wilhed to go to the IJoule o' Com¬ mons to teftify with my la!l bratb mj opinions on the q;uftioG e.f GslhcE^ Emarrcipaitor. ; but J cauncc. The hand of death is en me. 1 am Bwt nttaid cl death jbat 1 ScZt for my ftnutUy iv 'he objeft which I have fo long cheri&ed •heuidnotbe accompli'hed- I wifh the Catholics to he relieved from the oppres¬ sion under which they have fo long been laboring, becaufe I have always coniidercd them to be loyal men, woitl.y tobe place I upon a footing with the other members of the ccmmuniiy, and to be allowed to worfhip God according to their own j ronfeiencee. I wiffli the qireftion to be ' lettlcd, becaufe I belitvc it to be e!Ten. tial to the permanent tranquility and hap- pinefsofthe country, which are in fa& identified with it. The catholics have behaved well under many trials. I mo!* earneftly deprecate any coaliimn on their part with tiie advocates vt Univerfal Suf¬ frage and Annual P«uliam<nr. Weie the friends of thole doflrincs to ht fuccefsful in their objeft, nothing would enfue but thefubvevfion of the Coufiitution, and the eRablifliment of the wildcit Democracy. There is one thing more. The Cath¬ olics muft cautiouily avoid becoming parties to any diffeutions that nr#ay utr-for- tunately prevail in the Royal Family." wmea we spoke of yesterday. Themis. guided men an? already deeply penitent and have come forward to implore inter¬ cession iu (heir behalf with the command¬ er in chief, and promise by their future conduct to evince their loyalty to the king. The 011!) overt act *va*committed by one man, who refused to obey orders. lie will be tried by a court martial. The other wiog of the battalion, were march¬ ed off for Portsmouth thismotnitig in pcr- i.°ct order. Atftmpts woie made by (he rabble to avail themselves of this occur¬ rence for their own base purposes. Last 'night, between 0 and 10, a mob collected round the hon>e guards, shouting and huzzaing *; Long live the queen*' They tried every thingjto excite the guards to mutiny, but without elfoct. Towards evening also, many persons assembled round the gates of the king's n.cvs, uhich were closed, As it grew dark, 'he crowd increased very much, and became so noi- ?y and riotous, that the police interfered «iid several hroken heads were given and r. c-ived. Tr.oor three of toe mob were eventually secured and nail ctf to Bow- sircet, but this only increased t:;o turbu¬ lence of the others, and about 11 o'clock it was though I uocfcssar^ 10 call out a de- tachment of ihe life guards. No seri.^us disturbance, however, took place—Ma- Uy idlti rumours were current this moril- try, that other regiment* of tioops have manifested symptoms oi disobedience, bit fchpy are ivll 1 '.'.- uithout foundation* It v.ill be seen rtt*h general satisfac- tion, wq are sure, that his majesty's go¬ vernment has at lengtii yielded to t!ie prtsssin« solicitations uhicn have been addresseil to it, and consented to afford relief to t.ie embajrasimeut wnkn exist in diesr.Lith of Ireland, in consequence oi'the numcroui bank failure**which have ocv urred there. Tu chancellor of the e.\ehei[iierlast niglit l:iid upon thetablea Variety oi papers aitddo. Qmentsconiv^ct- ed with (lie bu.»jeet, and propnsrd a rcso- hjtiou t'ia» 4Sum 1 01 i'X»i*edi;i ,_-£.^00,0t30 ihiiuld be giaiited, to Le applied^ under the control ami i^5pi'*i^.ouu*» of <v.ti- fnissiouers, iu such manner as may best tend to obviate the effects now felt from the stoppage of Irisii uanks. delicacy, kept the- particulars of (he sub- scriptioo secret, aW^ tney extended this delicacy, we are iyot *$ sure, with equal fitness, to the projgr^s of the work. But the number of de$guers wid sculptors to be employed on a labour of this magni¬ tude precludes t^tal secrecy, and the shield of Wellington, as it approaches its finishing, has fourr^ "fcs way into conver¬ sation. The resp*:ctable manufacturers to whom the comr."'ssion was given, with a spirit worthy of (he occasion, set about it ^ ith a disregard of every thing but the production of the fi»<?st work that has ever appeared in >ts style. The designs aie by St#thard, 0^ celebrated painter ; and some of our leading sculptors, to whom it has been necessarily shown for their advice in it-> progress, have been lavi.h of their admiration of its beauty, its cxpressiveue:>$ ';'««! its splendor. The centre of the shicl'l U filled with the e- questrian figures "f the duke, and the peninsular general* in «Sto relievo of liv¬ ing and vigorous excellence. Two pil¬ lars, palm trees, v'-ith groups of the dif¬ ferent orders of tr#f>|>sserving in hiscam- paigtts, are to be placed aside the shield. The whole is p:obably three hundred weight of .silver 3 it is fo be guilt, and will form at once one of the noblest tro¬ phies to the lirit&h huo. and out of the most brilliant tributes lo the attain the present ag$. Wr must hope that when it •shall be completed, the public maybe indulged with an opportunity of seeing it. It would tn;ike the finest possible centre for au exhibition of what has been, or rather can be done in the sculpture of the precious metals iu England. Au ac¬ curate detail ought, however, to be pub¬ lished, and we should suppose that, with sketches of the n lievos, it would make a volume of singular interest to Ihe artist and amateur. Prom the Illinois Gazette. « What's the news/' faid a Quidnunc to Paddy M'Shanc, " Of our foreign relations—and what about Spain ?" ' Our foreign relations P cried Pat, with a tear, 'Och! their hanging them up by the dozen my dear V Anecdote. The fat Stephen Kemble was one day mentioning in company fomething he had done, for which he was likely to be hauled over the COali—*> Then," faid Ralph Wewitzer, ■* all the fat would be in the fi;e." Lord Norbury, when delivering a charge one day in court, in Ireland, found him- fdf interrupted by a voice from the out- fide of the court : (it was an Ass braying) " What noffe is that ?" faid his Lordfhip. One of the bar (counfellor Parfons) got up, and in a Iilping voice faid, M My Lord, it is only the echo ln mmttu ♦ # • 4 %«•*•«#*•** »* . # * KINGSTON, AoGVin 11, 1820. ■ * • «•**•» * ♦ « * Extract of a letter from Conftantino- ple ;— •*An affjir has juil occurred heie which ha? can fed a gnat deal ot noiie. Two Albanians on horfe back, rode briskly up to the door of th Grand >ti^nwr*s Cham¬ berlain, Pafhow Bey and on the chamber¬ lain's* looking out at the window to know what they wanted, they both bred their piit..-Is at him 'The bails whizzed pall the iicy's head, fortunately without touch¬ ing him. The aiTallius immediately tam¬ pered off at full gallop ^by the toad to Adrianople. A Well mounted party was in a few miuOtes, in purfuit of them, and at a village about fixty miles off, ihcy came up with one oi the fugitives, whom they seized and brought back to Confirm- tinople; the other tficfted his eicape. The Albanian at full rciufed to lay a word in explanation of the extraordinary and dailng adveuiure in which he had been ea- gaged. but on being put to the rack, lie confeffed, what wa* believed to be the cafe, that ho and his companion had been hired by the famous Ali Pacha to murder Pa¬ fhow Bey-" »:■■■>* EMIGRATION, Thpslnp H^n Lomond, llatlay, master, for Q'.ebt-c, v,asclea*ed out 0:1 the 31st lift, ar.d has just sailed from hence. She has on board no less than 218 pasiei^ers, from various si'^es of the khujdoo*, in- i-ladiugthis co*inrj -;■- tke tam*tj 0/ Ayr, Lanark; Duntt^rton,ytirRng, Perth and AntY'le. 1'romtne Lattei shire alone there are -15 ind.vidur.ls, and fefitti those of "it erling a net Perth 5J. By ;:ir t!ie His Excellency tr.e Lieutenant Gover- j nor lias been plea fed, at the recommen¬ dation of the Medical Board, to grant Licences to Hinwn Weeks, Gentleman, of the Midland Diftuft, r.nd Samuel Throckmorton, G/emlemnn, of the Lon¬ don DulriCfc, toptradice Phyfic, Surgery, and Midwifery, in this Province. Yoik, Julyb'th-, 1 3 jo. . From Begg** JPint&r Evening Tales, Vol. II. *Tilc .^tVovT.iM- ,j ' }'}' ■* *" bttrf written by Aedic o'Abcrlollc to a great perfonage, dated ALcrloik, May 27, 1806.* To George the Thirds London. c< Dear Sir—I ^nt thirty miles on foot yestei^day to pay your taxrp, and, after all, the bodies would not take them, laying, thnt I w?.s \oo late, and that they mull now be recoveied, with e&pences, by regular courfe of law- 1 thought if your majefty was like niC| money would never come wrong to you. although it were a few days too late ; U* 1 euclofed you £zj in notes, and ha!f-a guinea, which is the amount of what they charge me for laft year, and four pcoce half penny over. You muft fend mc a receipt when the coach comes backj elfe they will not believe that 1 have paid you. m D treft to the cure of Andrew Wilfon, butcher, in Hawiek. •' 1 am, dear iSir, Your moll humble fervant, "To the King. it i\ S—This way of taxing the farmers will never do ; you will fee the uplhot." It has been reported all over that coun¬ try, that this letter reached its dedication, and that a receipt was returned In the due courfe of poll ; but the truth is (and, for the joke's lake, it is a great pity i: fhonld have been fo) that the Angularity of the r^ddrefs caufed Some friends to open the letter, and return it, with the money, to the owner, but not before they had taken a copy ot it, from which the above is exadly tranferibed. * Should the reader imagine iliat in»s carious rpisllt* u a rrn rr .••m ige r»f my b\hi, I tail «3- &are huw. fm*ji i:!"i.,i:iMn1 authority, tliaJ boili j'.rdie a(.> 1..- letter nre'.r.thfiil traoscripts froai •*rsate"t EsrrrtiQXtton ol the tt'hoi© are res- peetaMe a^ricuHnraltstSj and iiosie^ed of consider-kh'e property ; in pioof cf which »e have to slate, on good authori¬ ty* that the Ben Lomond carries out a sum in specie little Short ot £30*000 be¬ longing to person? on hoard. \\ e have already expressed on? opinion, that this is not the bwrt of emigration which we ..hould desire t*1 see extended : these are u.-.rthe peruHrt «hose eteeoM might be ikai.ed a reiit:f to the country ; they are in fact, iheveiy sinews of a country's strength; anil by emigration, even 10 our colonies, (heir valuable labours are com- paiatiTely lo?t to their native land for Ycth'ive we '! > quarrel with them Our United States papers, together with a file of lateEngUsh papers, kindly bent us by the Editors of the New fork Spectator, have furnished us with a mass of European news, so highly interesting, that for the gratification of our readers we have this week given a sup plement. The attention of the British pub¬ lic is wholly engrossed by the return of the Queen, her reception at Loudon, and the proceedings in Parliament relative to her conduct during hersixyearsresidence abroad. From the postponement of the spirited debate hi the House of Commons, and the sense of the injurious consequences likely to arise from a;i investigation (whether she tie innocent or notlof Her Majesty's conduct, expressed both bj Ministers and the Queen's friends, it is to be hoped that the discussions so much to be deprecated will be avoided. We think it a fair conjecture that by mutual concessions, aeorNpruink-e will ultimately be effected, and that probably the King" will tacitly admit the innocence of his consort by relinquishing the pro&CCUttOp oi any charges against her, and by allowing her the income and rights of a iSritisfa Queen, provided Her Majesty on her part will consent to quit England, and select u place of residence somewhere on die con¬ tinent. This, with perhaps some modifica¬ tions, appears to us to be the only way by which tile country can be relieved from the painful embarrassments that would attend a ty of public murals, the tranquility oftbc na- lion,or the honour and dignity of the Crown; for the firm character of the Kinjr, -ind his rooted aversion to Lis consort, fui bid all hope of a reconciliation ueiween them. Our ven¬ eration for the hiphollice he-Id by His Majes¬ ty, a.id our recollection ol the hrii^ht exam¬ ple of domestic happiness and correct moral conduct exhibited by his revered parents, serve to increase our regrets on this occasion. was celebrated with great ceremony by the inhabitants of that loyal city. Salutes were nrrni from the Shipping in the Harbour, fire works were displayed, and two balloons were H off. \\ e regret that we have no: room for trie insertion of particulars. Mr. Macvicar being detained in this place longer than he expected intends io preach on Sabbath the 13th instant. He be^x leave al¬ so, to inform the public that Mr. Creen is to preach here on the two Ia=t Sabbaths of this month.—Communicated. A regular communication by Mail has just been established between the Rivers Ottawa and Saint Lawrence, via Hull, Richmond, and Perth. Quebec, Ut JlusruiL—Shipping arrived this season 414—sutlers us? j. ERROR CORRECTED. In the list of Members returned to serve in the present Parliament, given iu our last number, for u John Cameron,Esquire," read JUtxandtr McMartin% Esq." + v- + -t- i <± *■>*♦ -i +;c* MARRIED, At Fdinhur«:h,on the 20th April, by the Rev. Richard Shannon, John Giusom Lock- u-irt, Esq. Advocate, to Sophia Char¬ lotte, eldest daughter of Sir Walter Scott, oi Abbouford, Baronet At St. Andrew's Church, Liverpool, on the 28thMay, Mr, Erasmus Fowke, of Port Hope, Upper Canada, to Jliss Mary AVil- so.v,ofthe former place. On the (>th instant, at Sydney, by Jacob W. Meyers, Esq. Mr. IIf.nk.y Jones, to Miss \Viiite, daughter of RcuoenY\ h:te,Esquire, In this town, on the Uthinst. 3Ir. William Fisher, to Miss Margaret Cochrane. A mutinous spirit is said to have manifest¬ ed iiaelf among the soldiers of the 1st Battal¬ ion of FootGuitrds, while on duty at London, -—uu lUipcriectavi ountufwhiefa will he lound in another cohmnt. It appuatS that these troops soon recovered from their delusion, :;nd *'*|'iessed the utmost contrition for their misconduct The reports that the spirit of insubordination has spread itself among oth¬ er regiments are without doubt unfounded. The South of Ireland is involved in the greatest distress by reason of the failure of eleven Banksin that part of the Isiand. The immense sum of JJl,I0t),000 isstatedtohave been suddenly withdrawn from circulation in consequence oftliese failures. Parliumeuta- rj* relief was applied for, and was about to be «rt 'V Tauted. Manufacturing Distress. In the IIouTe of Comn;on3, on the fame- day. Mr. Maxwell prelected a petition from the mechanics of Paisley, complain ing of the diftrefe, and praying fc relief. He laid that it would become (lit H< u^e of CommoiH t.i avoid the hnpotation pi being indifferent to fitch c-iilre-s. lie thouffht it advisable lhat fome capital (hoftld be advanced by the govetfinae-fil to fitch as would fettle in Canada and thai ever. for their deiUhn ; in many instances, we have nodouhl, it will be found, on inquiry, to have been forced upon them by prudence and neces-it) . It must have been to them 0 serin*!* matter, to hud the hard won bsmhojjs ef ether times melting away under the change of cir- cmtetances, which peace, following a war of such delation, brought wtli if, and from which no rHiel pvescnted itself, either in an improved Male r.f commerce, or such a diminution ol hie war rents as to accord with Ihe existing rates of a^ri- cultural produce-—G rcenucu Advertiser. . Ti;e SHiEi.u or uiluncton. Five or six years since the Cierehants and bankers Set cm t\ 1 1;: su'b•■ liption for s piece: of plate to be p:i>ci'.edto lire Dnkfl of Wellington- The form was th- ciri-d to be that of a-hiel.l, relieved with ftcnljrfores emhleoiaiic of hispi-i-.c >al victories. The conuniitcc with suitable Sporting Anecdote. When the picfent Marquis of B. came to the title, he was very anxious to pre¬ ferve the game upon his eftates, and defircd that none of his tenants fhonld keep fport- ing dogs. One cf them, who had a fa¬ vorite of that defcription, being unwilling to part with him, attempted to retain him by a mctornorphofeof reappearance Some time afterwards a gentleman feeing this a- r.imal following a mar. (hiving a team, en¬ quired to whom it belonged ? ** To far¬ mer * * * " faid the fellow. Of what breed is he?" "Why, Sur, he was a greyhound, but Mealier cut his ears and rail off, and made a rnaftilf on urn.'* In our supplementa! sheet will be found some details of proceedings ill Faris in the begin¬ ning of June, not very honourable either to the character of the Parisian populace, or the members of ihe Legislative Chambers. The famous pj'ojet respecting elections was passed into alaw on the XSth June, 152for it, 1*5 against i>, leaving a majority of 57 in favour of the Ministry. The volatile temperament of Frenchmen seems to render them unlit for the gravity and patience required in the in¬ vestigation of important national concerns; and it will, we apprehend, be long ere they will be able so to .subdue their natural vivaci¬ ty as to equal in their Chambers the sober dbilUvmUton u \rJu i&amte nf iKjgFkuul^Md America. The Crown of the Kingol France inilHt asstiredly sit somewhat uneasy on his brow, and his throne seems to totter on its foundatioil. He has been accused of lutvbg acted injudiciously in bestowing honours on the .vliiHvntsoflbe ex-eniperor,—and so far as riigards the ri'gicides the charge appears well foiuided. But hi promoting the worthy officers of the Imperial regime tu posts of confidence he lias certainly acted wisely— and 'hesupport his police receives from the soldiery at the present moment justifies this line of conduct. The cry raised by the op- position against the employment of gens- dnrraesinstead of the national guard, by the police, shews that the soldiery are firm in their allegiance to the government, and that consequently there i-: no danger of iny imme¬ diate revolution. The r.umfcer of troops quartered near Paris, however, is a proof not only of the excitement which prevails in that m< tropolis, but of the care and vigilance cf ihe Government. St Mary Foundry. THE Subscribers, Proprietors of the SAINT MARY FOUNDRY, foot of the Quebec Suburbs^ have to announce, that they have lately made a confidcrabie reduction in the prices of their CAST¬ INGS ; and having now a CUPOLA in operation at their works, they arc enabled to execute the orders of Country ccrrcf- pondents on the fhortest notice. From the general improvement made at their works, they are confident that the different goods of their manufacture, will be found equal in quality and appearance, to fimilar arti¬ cles from the mother countty. Castings in Brass, Boring and Turning1, Patent Screws of a* ny size.fit for Clothier's or To¬ bacco Presses, steam-fc/ri^iue Machinery, all kinds of Mill Work,, and Blacksmith's work generally, will be executed with difpatch, and finifhed in the bed ftyle. They have conftantly on hand, a com* plete aflbrtment of Stoves, single and double; Dutch Ovens, Dog Irons, Curt and Wagon Boxes, Pipes for spout?, and sets of Weights, on an im¬ proved construction, &c. &c. Orders left at the IVOR KS, or at their OFFICE, in St Paul Street, will meet mith prompt attention ALLISON, TURNER & Con A Question and Answer. A parifhoner enquired of his Pastor the meaning of this line in Scripture—" he was cloth"d with curses, as with a garment." 4< It fignifiea (replied the Divine) that the individual had get a hab.t cf swearing?€ VARIETY OF PIES. Swift in puffing through the county of Caven%Bopped at an hofpftablc houfe Tl e bountiful lady of the maiulon, rejoiced to have fuch a guclt, with t^trnefs and flip pancy a-!* nirr., what ut w.,l have for din¬ ner I U ill you have an a^plepte, fit ? Will you have a goolebcrry j,,C| {',, ? \\7H\ you have a cherry pie, fir? Will you have a ennant pie, hr ? \\ ill v,o have a plumb pic, fir: Will you have ., pjgcop pie, fir ? —Anv pfej madam, h*x\ a magpie* faid Swift. In an article on Emigration in our piper oi" the £«th nit. WO took occABlop to allude t« 1I10 assertion made in the British Parlumeut, that tin- Colonial Govemmurts of North America had sent home urgent remonstran¬ ces ygmnst the encouragement of emigration on an extended scale to this country. Our observation was foi nded on the speech attrib¬ uted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is made to say, in the House of Com¬ mons, on the SHth" April, that "the British Provinces of America are also overloaded ivith emigration! thai the strongest remonstrances hmbeen made on the suhjtct by the Govern¬ ment of Canada." We are, however, happy 10 he assured, by the Editor of the Upper Canada Gazette, that u no communication compkmiilg of the redundant En i^rttion" from the mother country to diis Province, u fars been made to His Majesty's Uovem- meut in England by that of Upper Canada,^ that M on rfce contrary it has been ibe invari¬ able noliryhere :o promote emigration, and it was evidently with this view that the poor¬ er c1:'.gs**s of Emigrants have lately leen re¬ lieved fr'- n any demand for the Deed on grants of 30 Acres of Land." In Mor.trr il tbednv appointed for thecor- Dnation of His Majesty George the Fourth ay A few BARK MILLS for fale on an improved plan. Montreal 29th July, 1820. 32 w6 ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafing a Note of Hand, given by tbc fubferiber to Amos Ansley* Senior, fomctime in the autumn of 1818, for £m 128. 6d. and payable the eriftt* ing autumn, a9 it was given for land, for which he haa given me no title, and will not be paid until be doe*. STEPHEN MILES, Kingfton, 31ft July, 1820. $*+'$ Contract will be given tor ____Ploughing fifty acres 01 ground, and also for cutting Bushes, and clearing a puantity of Land. B.WHITNEY. Kingston, Aug. 9th 1820 32tf STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM the pafture of the Subfcriber on the morning of the 4th inft. a bright bay horfe, with white hind feet„ and a ftar on hi3 forehead, a fwitch tail having fome of the hair rubbed off on each fide of it. lie is of a middle fize—good carriage, and in excellent condition for fervice, was feven years old laft fpring. A reward of Ten Dollars Will be given for the delivery of faid Horfe to the owner at his farm, on the front ioad, one and a half miles fiom Kingfton. Wm ABBOTT. ICingflon, Auguft toth, 1820. 32tf Notice. THE SUBSCRIBERS having entered into Co-partnership under the firm of Fair and Russell, propose 00 Tuesday next to open that shop now oc¬ cupied by Mr. Trjnoer, opposite the Market-Place.where they will keep con¬ stantly on hand a general assortment of Spirits, Wines^ GROCERIES, of the best quality, which they intend to sell on the most reasonable terms to those who may be disposed to favour them with their cubtom. JOHN FAIR, Wm. RUSSELL, Kingston, Uth August, iSiO. 32arJ

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