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Kingston Chronicle, July 14, 1820, p. 4

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H . . _ la the year 1814 i Mia 1816 I 1617 1818 14*19 Tons rr.TiTio* T5F THE LONDON SHIP OWNERS. *lo the Hon. the Ctuninunsof ihe UmtedKiugdom of (Jrtat Bwiain and lieland, iu parliament a^moled. The humble petition of the undersigned ship- owner* <>f Luudou. Slic*eih, that the attention of your petitioner.- fc.i- been aumi'ted to a petition winch ha* been lately presented to your lioouurabk* House by ceriani iiieieliauu irf ibis city, praying for a revi- ftiuD of nil! commercial a J slew established by the extant* resinctUeand rcfeuue laws. That the^aid petitioners declaring the prajei of tl.eir.-vaid petition 10 be "against e\o»y ics rfct- ivt! regulation oi trade not eflseiftia) to the reve- nuetand agauibtatl duties merely protecthp-froni ti»i ei£u compel 111011,"% our petitioner.- can not Cou* teiupl&te will s 1 anxiety tlu- possible admUsion of a principle tthiclt recognize* the advantage ol me re-eouo alone a-the guide in framing our commercial code, overlooking the claims to pio- uctioc Miich your petitioners humbly coouehe t ;o>e numerous elates 01" the community to pos¬ sess wuo>e capitals have been embarked in trades, which, being co:uidcre<J of Importance to the ^e- CttrUyauiI greatness of the country, have been protected and have liour^bed uudtr Hie eliding ,v'»wa,aiiu must-still depend for thelrprwferit) *JU0n>U pel .::ur.enc€. That, atidefetuuding one of tl.e chief object which tliO s.nd petitioners geek to obtain, is are- laiatiou o;: the navigation laws, your petitioners j would earnestly tft*{ilore )our liuuouiable Lou>e : i ;:ii-e e:e. ii 3 Miction au aiieiation in our n»a- iil*ne eyrie, ttud 10 weigh well the consequences oi'a departure trow thai oolicv under winch our connacrc.al marine lit.? attained to unexampled js;u*perity, a.id our aav^ to unrivalled po»ver. Ycttf petitioners cn;reat uf your uon. Isoukc to bear in mind that tboesperi£UCC of more than two centuries uaivhown the advantage vl adhering w a system, which by crDCOurugiug .-hipping and navigation, bas so greatly contributed i« die strength uud genera! prosperity oi the empire | aad tltfj begtostaicco your bin. hou*e their firm coavkuoti riiattlua \v^iu cannot be departed from m any mateYtal ccapeei wUhoai a loss of trade iu British Jiif ■tinpr'u*.riiiMiu*t!ieiiicrea* ol roreign trade winch might be thereby obtained and the consequent sacrmee of British naviga¬ tion, and all the important interests depea- den; ;UeuOn. T.iai jour petitioners, however, would have forborne 10 approach your ho 11. house with litis exprea»iou of ihcir a::iict\,in the co.itideuce that the.) may salely rely on the wisdom of the legis¬ lature iop;o:cct from the risk of unadvised expe¬ riment iutorfsto so \a*t and so truly national as those of Uritibli shipping, had tbey only,a» in the ca-eof the piopo-ed alteration of the navigation la* *tbeen menaced with direct »ti<tck ; but your iJlHUUiuuev-hst tyr*'iihb<-rv<*'l ftvm ii i»^i4ii(»s«Bi|yhi to procure an alteration of ihe existing duties on umber in favour ot foreign commerce, cannot re¬ frain fromdecUi mg i»> your honourable hotted re- ►jiecifuliy, bm ur.hesu"atii)gl\, th«)r'belief that kufchauieaVvTe would be trangbt, bvvoud uiij o- ther change in our eidstuig bybiem that could be devised, with conbequenve*disastrous lo the lou¬ tish slnp-ownei. This danger, the greater as is obvious, they fee* tbeiasehcs peculiarly called upon to point cut. '.foat alxjuibgb the primary motive of tfrejegis- tature, 111 tbe-onco.uraging the importation of tun* be 1 from the ti>:i;uu colonies, might not the inter- i/U of navi^ation^yet it has pioved to be admi¬ rably ralc'ilate'd i»ir that object, a» will appear hy Ptft follow nig statement of the pros;ie>si\e in¬ crease of the toi.uage employed in thai trade, viz —The cumber ot ships cleared out from Oreal Britain to Hie Bt'ituli Kortli Aonciuau colonic* vras— Sbips bid till 772 1009 lay 7 1525 That tbis new chanuel of employment opened most opportunely for the relief of Uiitish ship¬ ping, at a period of unprecedented oppression— tbe effect of iiansition from war to peace having been more severely felt by your petitioners than by any other cla.-s of commercial capi'laitate, from the circumstance, in a great degree, ol 9UUsailof the largest kind of Merchant vessel*, employed ixi the service of Government during tut war. Lav¬ ing beeo throw u at ouce upon the market, upcO tbe 4"e>sa,t;ioo ^ftUe trauhportservit". That jo r,he jeaf 1819 the vi hole number of Bri- tHn Miips that cleared out of the porta of Gseat Britain, including their repeated voyage?, a- mouuted to 19,371, of the burden of 2j&*Ji&t% rrgibter toas, and navigated by 137.703 men. Ol i.'.isiiuzuber, i,525%blpa, ol the burde.. * 1 -U0,L3i register tons, a;.d tiavigated by 17,1)31 men, cjea^iyteutfor the ports of Hiitish North Ameri¬ ca \z\most wholly for tbe purpose of biiugiii^; lirjiuc tixuher), b'^ng one 7ib part of the entire »-a^fyi&g trade of tbvirouurry. That the ,*vh«#le of this Hade is jieculiarly and preeoila^aUj^ British, tbe prime cost of the tim¬ ber i.' •'• - ^oid for in BrttisJi manufactures, and the freight being paid ;w lirntoh .-tiips ; so tliai xhe entire suui expended for the article in Great Bri¬ tain goes through British chann< Is, and eouiri- butes moieor leJi to the beuefii of native im.- resU,VkL tbe maiuiej.aiitr of the national reveyue. Tbat, ifsofji alteration bemadeas would throw c»Mr p^iifcUtore witbh open to the timber of the '.. "■■' < and Norwa>,ilo^ Nitercouise, to important to tile country g*-iu-;„!',_»,• and of stun viral mie- t*'$t .UAto:«}'i'vi^a,MiDt;"% «»-^aW b.-aiiuiU.la.ted, or reduced alwgeiiier to in>ig<Mncauce. Toat f^orn the length and jji£cuTty,oftbevoy- age,the \arfer J>art of the value of Umber nuport- cd IwtKer trota North America,con>i>:s o(freigh 1. Xaaitbe mei;ecirctimsl.tivcebif the proximuy of the norijie^n ports of Lurnne.b;. 1 cabling -hi|»- to repeat their voyages frequently 111 the course of the*year,would alone u'Uuce the pumber of Bdii-b vee^elg-em ployed in tbe carry ir.g ciadeol limber to one third of their present amount., That ibis would be tbe eJlect without taking into consideration the influence of foreign com- yetiuou; tnil experience has already shown the difficulty of ?ucce sU\lty contending with theships of tbe^ortn of Lurojxe iu bringing the timber ol ftboiewnurifes; partly from the low rateofibeir O3t-fitano modeof navigaiior. ; partly fruia the juatoral predileciiou of the foreignei s lutorrsted iu this trade fcr employing tlieir own ves.-ci». That, combining both the abo\c-men:ioned considerations, na*.n«'ly, the shortness of the voy¬ age, and ih'j comp 'i lon-of foreigners, your peti¬ tioners do not feai «4*.*«'n?radjcnnii in stating their belief, tbi.,Tor every foreign ship which should be thus employed, three British ships of equal iize wnuiu be left unemployed, and your petitio¬ ners have good gronnd for'believing that ship¬ owners of the fiiortbpf Europe (at present in a State of much difficulty) are not the parties look¬ ing with the leaM anxiety to the decision which the lii'itish Government may form upon tin* iiaj30r*ant question. /Thawyour petiuoners would submit to your honourable home, whetbei,fortbe sacrifice of in¬ terest* so momentous, any advantage, they will no* aay e.quivaleut, but approacinug to equiva lent, be held out. It is contended that the foreign timber tim* adttrifed would enlarge the demand for British manufactures; the fact, on the eomrary, howe- ^er„it, that lhegro\w: = j2: importers of Norwe¬ gian and Baltic umber take but a small propor¬ tion of its price, in articles of Briti-h production ; ovcry cargo imported would come in diminution of theqiiauiitics taken from our own colonie.-,^ would divert capital and (he powers of capital froji the. iu4ittfeit«*:»iT of a o.iuj; cimtltry, all •whose want., find iubits are formed U|H>U,JJ)e use of articles rxelu^ively B.i.ish, to alienN whose contraption ofsuui produce is com]'ata- t.vely paniui am innii^. That your^eitii*#utrs.would further submit to ynur bouooiable house, *heiher ihe trfi^lM of tbe timber, imported CoUld be mou bcut:teii;lly 171,o/5 160,37-3 l94f9Sti Men 6,707 9,701 8,824 10,350 15.1IH 350,5^7 I 17,631 bestowed tor this country tban at present f Cf it- present lftrg< amount, Jil,4tJO,000. almost the whole is cou.sumed in an out-tit, of whicu every article has employed British artuans, and paid ueavy duties to the British Lxchequer; the lar¬ ger portion of the residue pays the wages of Bi iush seamen; for but a \ety small pari goes to form the rate of interest upon the depreciated capital oi the shipowner. That your petitioners also'jcg to state, that this trade has peculiar advantages as a nursery For nardy seamen, from the nature both of the cli¬ mate and the voyage ? Lite ships employed in it taking an nuu.-ual number oi' apprentices, who, in a few years, become sailors ol (he most valua¬ ble description. That, in conclusion, your petitioners earnestly impl-ne of your houoaiable house to redect what would be the consequence of throw ingout of em¬ ployment almost the whole of the seamen now employed in the North American timber tiade ; for your petitioners declare, that they have not where to look for a substitute if this branch of the carrying trade be taken from them, labouring as they are, under serious difficulties in meeting the rival shi|»s,of .surrounding states. That your petitioners, therefore, entreat your honourable hou-v, ttiiU before miy step be taken in a matter 3*1 deeply interesting to them (and a> the} b-heve, to important to the community at lu»'sr«".! o<" any pled^< of alteration be given,they may be ;.< ru -tied t> prove at the bn.i of your ho¬ nourable house the allegatiors contained mi this their humble petition, which they entertain^ perfect COtlfidettfe they rau do to the entire con¬ viction of your honourable hou>e. And your petitioners,its in duly bound, will c\'cr pray. Lumhi.t 31r-yt lb, I8S0. LETTERS rcmciningin the Post Of¬ fice at Kingston, on the bth July^ 18*20 Judicial Wit. In the cafe of Baldwin v. Trinity Col- kge, Doblin, la the Court of Commuo Pleas, ia that city, on Tuclday,_Lord Norbnry, in giving judgment, obtcrved, that it was quite infiifiicicnt ior the demandant, in a writ of right] to lay M he claimed by defccnt/J That, coiuiaued his Lordfhip, with his accultomed humour, would be a fhrewd anfwer for a fweep who had got into your houfe by coming down the clumnty. « Pray, Sir, how did you get foto my houfc ?'* M I got in by Jifcent" Facilis dtfunfus avertih and this would be an eafy and a /weeping way of getting in." Lord Norbury recently vzfiteJ the ne\v Pofr-CHice. Dublin, atid complimented tome 01 the inmates upon the Uyle of thctr apa-tn.cnti. He was told that the (ituation would be comfortable enough were it not for the noile of a4* certain description of females," who made the mod hideous up¬ roar all ni^ht ! To which his Lordfliip replied, M This ii not at all to be wondered <H, nor prevented, as they ate only waiting for the males ." Discovery of the Masonic Sign. At an inn, in a town in the Weft of England, fcveral people were fitting round the fire in a large kitchen, through which there was a pafLge to other apartments of the houfe, and among the company there was a travelling woman and a tailor. — In this Inn, there was a Lodge of Free and Accepted Mafons held, and it being lod^e night, fcveral of the mem¬ bers paired through the kitchen in their way to the lodge apartments ; thin introduced observations on the prin¬ ciples of mafoury, and the occult fir^ns by which mafons cutfld be known to each other. The woman fdid there was not fo much myftery as people imagined, for that file could (how any body the mafon's fign : " What," (aid the tailor, * that of the Free and Accepted i" *c Yes," file replied; *• and i will hold you a half-crown bowl of punch, to be confirmed by any of the members whom you plcafe to nominate." 11 Why/' fa;d he, *• a woman was never admitted, and how is it pofiible you could procure it ?" " No matter for that," added (he, tt I will readily forfeit the wager if I do not ellablifii the fad." The company urged the unfortunate tailor to accept the challenge, which he at laft agreed to, and the bet was depofited. The woman got up and took hold of the tailor by the collar, faying, ** Come, follow me," which he did, trembling alive, fearing he was to undergo fome part of the dileipline iu the making a mafon, of which he had hcaid a mod dreadful report. She led him into the (Ireet, and pointing to the fign of the Lion and Lamb•, a {Iced him whose lign it was ? lie atifweied, *■• It is Mr. LoderV (the name of the inn keeper.) *■ Is he a Free .Mafon f"—'• Yes." " Then" faid the woman, " I have fliown you the fign of a Free and Accepted Mafon." The laugh was fo much againft poor Snip, for having been taken in$ that it was with fome difficulty he could be prevailed on to partake of the punch. BRICK FOR SALE. Mrt. Abbot. Samuel Anslev, Alexander Anderson, James Angus, John Alley, John Armstrong, Kobert Aiken, V. Thomas Bowes, NVilliaui b■!..>. II. Mr. Barnard, John Hell, John Bate*, William Benson, { Joseph I &ker, James Baker, James Brady, Jvlin Builiioon, Andrew Blair, Matthew Bailey, John Blake, Luke Baireit, Patrick Black, Joseph iiir-ell.ft Daniel Baker, ^ Henry Braider, John But!vie\, John Butler, George Bectwitb Mary Bo>ell>, Samuel Bieathou* Patrick black, i! Mr. fiowden, Margaret Bell, David BurnMdft Daniel Buckley, VYiMian) Brow u, Adam Broun, 1'hilip Brown, Stephen l>« Bnon-*' Francois \. Be;; ttld> Tiiumas i'nee, THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July* any quantity of Brick, of a very pood quality. SMITH BARTJLET. Kingston* June% 16,1820. 27 ON SALE. L— IT ANDED from the Alexander from II A London, 20 pipes of Jupetior Spaniih red Port Wine, of the very firft quality ; xoo caflcs of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; 100 cailcs of Nails, 6d. to 28d.—Fry Pans, bad Irons, patent Scyths, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine, Lati India Suga, and fcveral other articles—all of winch will be BENJk.HART. Montreal.21ft June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the Recollet Church, 26mj VWTHEREAS toy wife Permclw, has ▼ T eloped fiom my bed and board, without any jull or lawful provueation, therefore I foiLid zuy pei^oti or persons agaisil harhouriyg or truftmg her on my account, a$ I will not pay ;uiy tubts of her contracting* Thomas Moiicr, Xk tin am Moore, 3 McDonald & McGiHis, Malcolm vSc A. McCuaig Charles .Niarehese, Fat. Mulloy, James McDonald, \k iliiam Mowuf, Fnilu) Mi Ran, '1 nomas McQueen, .Mary McDonald, John McDonald, Aviguatin Moi i.-aecte, W .....m lUcKee, tli K. Miller, Philip blurry. Friend .Murdock, James Mo Far lane, Duncan McKenzie, Ridiard Martin, iViarg.net Mountain, John Macgmre, Trevao Mo/gao, Jolin Mai Bran, Angus MacvJ-iaig, William Vliciaael, i*airicK McKecbe-j Stephen 2sobie, Jac«*b Naylur, iSauca\ ^Savior, Mm. Nome, Janice Nowlan, John O'liara, Edward O Connor, Peter O'Donnel, Robert OWeile, I'laiuois Piouxy Zerah Puor, Thomas Pvke. J. t>. Beiauger, llilase] Harret, y*u.ticy D- Burns, Fraueis Bus^eli, ! Jo>eph Cleusent, Samuel Croak, Will lain Clongb, Jamec toilu's, James Cut i*ori, r.dward Cuuiae, John Corry, Hclly Corbi:!, Azael Cook, P. Conkhn, Soaaiiuati Cone, Mn, uco. Crnwto7^6 CaUtoru-e Coouii 1 A. Cock-, John Cierken, \S 1Uiai;i tioan, Lcsms t r.kuier, Lucy Culej A.v.vr. Carskadeo. Ma» gai % 1 Courier, i'.'")' . 1 t'airiik, Abraha.ii t onMin& Marfant C lark, Joltu CaJery, Cliaile: i.'atv^on, John Diviiie, Mr, Driadeil, W. \\. Davis, Til imas Du..ty, Kubert Douglass, Patrick Duyle, TllOUiab Diaper, Ueoige DeaK, lieluiii L>ii|ieioU.« t John J-vuu.-, Riehard LHerbefckj Edward l idlar.5 Jiiuici i'u?ier» \%iUtutn iord2 Dauiel toide, John lraaet, Tnomai 1' ueuian,2 J on 11 l*\>i best Jtdward Kuich, Charles 1 omu, Pat. Flm», lieorge Picldhoui-e, M. Flailer, Peier tiiutit,S B. Glenn on, M'm. <Jibb?, Sr Granger, Wm. Granger, John liiani, '2 Jabe/ liurliani, CieOrgC llohnan, hamnel Hill, 2 Mary Muritan, < liiuii'a Masi*i4.*onj 1. Huntly, barab tlagerty, «siai wiiu liuwe, raiiuj ii.:le, t.lizaLeii. il.M ^W^nan, 111 ram 11. \laru&&h vfon.i Dui n», ■tames Uu**ey, \i ill lain ilait, t at liar in e UauiilUon, Jcitu'o Jaek>uu, '■£'• brnjaintn Jaine%i oo'.m Juaiiaion, Ira Junes, Mr. luiIlaSi John A. I'.. Jones 1 \\ ilhaio Jolilisou l.iuddeuv Ken i.ii>'«> Jame> Kehoe, xl Jonathan King, 'in out a? l>;i) burn, lleniau Lakiiib, Charles Laveidure, John Leaky, Samuel Lock wood, David Loue, (iahiiel Lelebvre, Franeoia Lionais, Alex. Livingston, charWs Perry or \\ ithain ■leflersun, Charles Perry, Wilhaui Pie, Geo. Pedlar or Holtnes, AiejL. O. i'euie, xl Robert Paaer-01., Micajali i'urdy, Dou^iur> Pu-iiiisS, Daiiiei Pickett, Jaiu.' Pat i era on 1 Gilbert Pui^n, Pat, Quiu, :\\ii. vVilJium Roboiiion, Jau*ea Husscl, Juii. Uober: C. Ri*ss, A>avi Pocrt.vii.ii, Matthew C. Kowe, Jonn Ryder, J allies clv&iij Ai gus Itoulau, UeorgC KaNn-iord, Gco:ge Rutnettutd, ..iai_> Kon.-o;», baunuel Heist, Jo?« on Ua:iton,or J oil 1. iiaj wood, Vi iliiam Kuii.eiturJ, lliouKb Keade,^ Xlionta KiAon, S>loiiuM) Ko.ve, ■John Hurler, Jarsi acoit, James bncrilT, Juief>h Suiai Germain, iviaiv Ai.ue Swau, J vim StiUieiseU, iUattlievi anurpi Ltuat'U: -S^ooner, Dtuoii SulliVonyS )i. L. silica, Joun bCuli, - Jauica sh.i.v, Johu biOitu, juu. 3 lii ; an 5oi.*vr, 'inouia^ 3ig-\\orih, M ...,;.in buns, J. Hunter biiuaon, A\ ill;am MTiall, Toddy bniitn, Aieju. bcnoncr, Thomas acovt, M;jigaiet South, betnj hearte, Cnariea Spexice, Nancy Sampson^ AooiL'w Stark, JullCoLOii buniti, bauiuel Swan, AOiuUam Truax, Geoige Tyas, J JuieaTouuiau, bautuel 1'- 'laUor, % CnailoUe Tail.n, 11, Thistfe, JauteA i«>od, Jonn Vroonian, x>a.jici \ ui.--l_v. •, UilUert \ unditiar, J out] \ in<.eni, Jane N^ rigat, L. >;. \\ Uvkui*, i>eitj;tuiui \>v>ods, Join. i. Walker,^ Liei 1. VVisLatit, John Vi iibuu, J on 11 J. \\ ood, JoMjih Walker, liu-u VViUis, AicmUald \\ ItttOfl, Praoci.- WiImjii, 1}ai.i«I ViadCtoea, Samuel Wood, LiasCUs Winuin, Adam Wmlau, Joseph Walli>, Mr. Williams, James W U»un, A\ iliiam W iUon, Mill,am Woodhall, V iliiuin luureXi Daniel \oun;;, George \ou:ij;, FOR SALE. A FARM iy the front Concession of the Township of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockville, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a hr^e two story house on the premises, built of square timber and boarded out-idc, a frame baru. &e. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residcticCjatid will be sold on liberal terms, t:r;d pos<es-!o:i t?i?en immediately. For furtherparts'-u- lars apply to A, Sc \V. MORRIS & Co. BrocJcville, 19th May, 1820. aitf NOTICE. ALL pcrfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James Hc- ncfy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820. —one for twenty.five pound*, payable the zft January 1821 — one for £\ z 10, pay¬ able lit January, tBzz—one for £t* 10 payable tit January 1823— one for £'\2 iOd. payable lit January 1824—and one for£t2 10 payable rft January 1825 — the four latt bearing interefr—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James Ifenefy to the fubferiber, and for which he can give no legal title. JOSKPii SHEARMAN. Bellville, 2:6ih May, 1820. 22 * WILLIAM iiUDDEN, W^1LL receive by the earlieft fpring T? vefTels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an afTortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. ^Qeebec, 2it April, i8iq. i4tf A REWARD OF~ Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds VVT'ILL be paid by the subscriber, t^ f V any perfon whu fhall discover and give fuch information as will convid the perfon or pcrfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, ttole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker'b Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By diredion of the Dircftors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARYLAND, K'tngstcn, \yh Nov. I 8 19. Agent. 47 Stolen or Strayed, FROM Mr; Alexander McDonell's, near Khigftoo, on the night of the 26th May laft, a ftout brown Horfe, four years old, about fifteen hands high, rather low in condition, cut rail, and has a white fpeck in the off eye. Whoever will bring the faid Horfe to Mr. Alexander McDon¬ ell's aforelaid, or give information where he may be found, fhall (if flolen) receive a reward of Twenty Dolla.s, (on convic¬ tion of the offender or offenders) and if ft rayed, flia!l be reafonnbly rewarded for their trouble, ALEXANDER McDONELL. Kingtlon, June rft, 1820. zzii One Hundred Dollars Reward. TOLEN, about four weeks ago, from a room in Mr. Worden's Inn, a Trunk three feet long, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn fkin. Whoev¬ er will deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, fufficient to difcovcr and convid the thief, (ball receive the above reward GABRIEL ROLLKTTE. Kfngflon, 71I1 June, 1820. 2^lf Valuable Lands fcr sale in ihe Tjxnstep of "HamSfaL IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- -II—J ceflion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 1: and 15 in the 4th Con. ceffion, containing 450 acies. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Towninbof IIuuukon.Newcallle "Uitlrid, and will be fold on the moft liberal terms! For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Elq. Hamilton, or the fubferibrr in Kingtlon. Thomas S. Whitaken Kingfton, May 28, i8iQ. zzif . fojTsal'e, Ari' a very low price for Casii —the south or front half of Lot No. V.i, in tlie first conces¬ sion of Lou^Iibovou^h.—Forpar* ticnlnrs. apjyly at ibis Office. Dec 1, ;S1(J.__________50_ POE SALE, A QITANTlTr of 11KD CCDAR -r*- PICKETS, fioin 7 to S feet in length,—Ap|ily to Mr. Jous Dawson, liiilor. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingxfo,:, juIij 17, 1819. 30 FERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeu¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at hia houfe, adjoining the ToiVn of Kingfton> and With as little dfclay as pofGble* JOHN FERGUSON. ,12th April, 1819. it WATCHES ami CLOCKS Repaired in the br$t manner, bu & O. TAZEWELL, [North Ml* of the Market Place, Kin-ston,] WHO moft refpeclfully informs the laA*iWtea&b^ Vuni&Mcw. iiiiL-'tc* vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying llrift at¬ tention lo lufinefs, to give the utmoft fat- ibfadion to 'ai! thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many yeais experience in London, is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex ticaperatnts, Repeaters, &c- 8:c. Kingston, May 13th, 1820. 20tf For Sale, A SMALL collcAion of books jull -£\. received from New-Yotk, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meara'o Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spedator,—alfo Greek Lexicons and grammars, Lempricre's clafGcal DiSion- aiy, and a variety of other School Books. Alfo an c-xciHtl.t Surveyor's Compjfs of the moll approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingft m, May 12th, 1820. 19 Doctor Boyd) HAS removed to t]ic hcufe formerly occupied by the late Do&or Kea¬ ting. May 16, :82c so Notice. F R Sale, feveral Acre and two .ere lots on the Main Street, being an exttnfion of Store-Street, application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the Subfcriber, who will give information to petfons defiring to pur- chafe. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1820. 10 tf TI1R.MS of TUB KINGSTON CHRONICLE. JOHN MACAULA1, P. M. 2~tf GEORGE THOMSON. F'l \HE fubferiber t2kcs this opportunity JL to inform Medical I'raditioneis and Apothecaries, that he has imported from Great Britain a geueral aifortmetit of DRUGS, which he is felling wholcfalc at very reafonable prices. Jle has alfo received a few fets of Apo- thecarie&> Scales and Weights ; Fettles and Mortars ; Graduated Mealures ; Lancets in Cafes ; lioufe and Diltillers Thermo¬ meters ; Barometers and Ihcrmometers attached ; A few doxeu Bottles of real Cheltenham Salts, Soda Powders, and Es- flcuce of Spruce, A. MARSHALL, Member of theColK'geotSurgeons,London. N. B Briiifh Patent Medicines, and Perfumeries of ctifO defcription imported this fcafon. Kiugtton, July 4th l82°- 27W4 For Sale or to Let, XI TWO Itor/ framed Houfe, and a (£/jL large and c^nini°dious ltone Store, filuatti on the water ^ edge in the centte of ! the Village of Prefect, on exceedingly ad- vuiua;;cous terms w the purchaftr or lessee. Lt.qtiue at ilic of^cc °f CHr* A- HAGERMAN. Knigaon, 26th fcfeuary, 1819. 9 •XT date that very important question. It will necessarily enjbrace the doctrines so temperately urged in the city petition, presented by Mr. Baring, and ascertain hou fat our present system rf prohibito¬ ry and protecting duties operates injuri¬ ously upon our foreign tiade, a> v.ell as tbe degree of relaxation in (hat system which may safely ha adopted. " We cannot, however ate the attempt which seems to be nia-K am 4 Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four iliiilit.^. Sub^eripfions to be paid in advance to the lit af July, or the 1st of Janu- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (O/X lines and under 2s. 6d. first in* Au) sertion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and under, 3s. Ad. first insertion, and \Qd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line """but deprcci- for the first insertion, undid, per line Lb *« k„ ,>,^ tfor event subsequent insertion. \ ^ king) of exciting a sort of angry ri valship JOHN MARTIN, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Fort Henry, under the sign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those w ho may favour him with a call, to merit a share of public patronage. He will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston, 14th January, 1820. N. Ii. Good Stabling for Horses. 2tf LAND AGENCY. THE fublcriber, for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Piovince, and who has for fome time part occasionally aftcd as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing religned the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now tiansadt Land buhnefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Tori, \ub May, jfieo, 20 Advertisements without written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid,audcharged accordingly. Ordtrs for discontinuing Advertise- ments /• be in writing, and delivered by WEDNESDAY NOON ot the latest. * No Advertisements rereived after TEN oClock on ihe day of publication ag::nt$. Henry Cowan, E.-q. Quebec. Edward Sill*, Esq. Three Riv*rf* James VUHiuma, E*q. BfontrenL Me?>rs. J. efc *'. Punlcp, Lttnasste--. Paul Gla^tdrJ, Esq. Matilda. Alphcus Jones, Esq. Prescvi: Ilffiry I rneSj Esq. BrockvilU. N. B.TommOS, Esq. Perth. If. Wbitmarsli, U&q. Richmond. J. K, Han well, Esq. Dastard. E. Webster, Esq. Gananoquc. J. Ranker, Esq. Bath. Allan Mcplvsrson, E»q* Napanee. Tltocia^i'^rrtrr, Esq. HelhUU. Joseph A. Kct'Ier, E-q. Cramahr. Jxun^sC Beihupe, Ean. Ifamittoz. John D. Smith, Esq. Port Kupe. William Allan, Eh\. York. Daniel K4j^s,F.«q. Vtttoria, John Crooks, E;-q. Niagara. T. McCom' k, Esq. Queenston, Johu Wilson, Esq. Ajnhfirstbwgh* KINGSTON. V. C. PBiNTBn i-on ri ' rjuToas.

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