I fry total W to m Am jo wUicl, j BolfiL.f'ftoprisoners toe manifested tin. |1„Mtu.1o> «M.ftr.tMttMi*»d, liify fptnt of piety and penitence. We ho. m 'sf Ivcl thank ul for the >rr..at eh m^re f which bad taken ph.-o. Tneu on! our country was engaged in thepioys w ■ 11.— now liiey Wf*re as*Kfed hv evrv eeUntri throughout fho civilizi d world ; fb^y bad followed our glorious example ni.d ho¬ noured us in so doiiirr. T\)0 f.Ki..l|Sjl>n of our contjuo^, too, he miiht he allowed to say, bad been condmive cf happy ellocts ; for whereTer Britain b*id ex-. ft< tided her protecting arm she bad inva¬ riably increased the happiness of (be pan- pie. After the admirable R. p it tbey had just heard rend, it would be lumrcts'. sary tor him to quote instances in support of this position, and therefore he should not detain them longer than merely to observe U.at their exertions had been crowned wit!: ibe tno*t conspicuous suc¬ cess. For >.< ity, as he before remarked, every power isi ££*vope wa«tri(hef against them or indiuerenUotheir surees-. Tnc v had persevered in iheir exerih-r.s, and now every povvet w?.:> ujtfe tliem. They malefactor a itis sincere ; and that thesame'Saviour who extended pardon to the upon the cross, will wash away their guilt and receive them to glory. • Quebec, mkjtdyyimo. THE LUMBER TRADE. The public meetings which have been nefid in this City, shew the lively interest which Hie intelligence of the proposed altetatron oi the Duties on Lumber in England has excited among those who are immediately connected with the trad ot this country. The interests of the Merchants, to which they have been so laudably alive on the present occasion, are, in this in¬ stance 9 ■t had planted the- tree wi"..-c branches now over-had- >wed a$x»* etereVy country in the vereU : and toe Report vra-, an cx- cellent commentary crt theirLyb:mr*\ ])•« should move, tfceretWe., that the He;; be received. (Great applause.) The Bishop of Salisbury baling tended the motion, it was tamed uts^n- itnouslj. The Karl of Harrowbr rcrc. to saove. that thv rhants of the meeting he ■ iren to their Xohlc President, Bw L rdohip was ircmed with tang continued an- clause*and when it had subsided, be ob¬ served, that if the motion be had to make required any argument of his to support it, he shooiii scarcely have time to maLe use ef it ;. public 1 a-loejs of :m urgent nainre requiring lu.s presence ri.-.ev. line. It was Ms sati-faction, however* to know* that it w-«sa reifVwUu in w.&ic:h tvei_\ per- sna jire&eal, or who had tho .sli-hie t know letttS cf iis oHoefc, would iri^tautj v and Sfanceretj" concur ; and if h!-- yehv could b-i her^l thruo-h ail the ie-ion:; of the iaaii'jlik..'- ww?;}, the general etifirnr- renue tif *&aiak$ai& w«naiti be eanally sin- rare. En speaking ot the business of the dsy,, fess Lord-uip sV.d, he felt deeply giw&ftil that erne purine had bete, found upon WrMtSs'jIt as>,;bfi a^ree—no( a point ©ti w&Beh.^3 uti;! feeder, to J;Hui b and a^jf^fe tl:is*k."-rb.!, but a point which was th? ceiDttse &l gravity, on w btch at» tlie mcrAo. rtrfit^eiit.s c-f the «ro:std i.uivt rest. IV? £*oidsb:p then prs»nonnced a fd*;h euJ'^inun on tha character of the Noble Pr^i<-eat,.deciar:n'j: tbxtLe had at Kiev d nwre true ^lory cud renown by the situ- aticu he held in that Society, and by ti»? CTfrtiens he hadna.de i.* It- b..-hr.lf, than tie ^T.rca.-'e-*'conqueror could ever hope tOJrecerre,—He concluded by moving tin: thanks of the meeting to- the ilight fioii- ouroble Lord Tei^nmouth. , Lord Ash do an. seconded the mctien in i short speech, and it was earned with j fr.ae*«>- «► agplau «.. The £&-&]£ ChkLCBaaOi having returned Dt. Adaci Qairteri-cn came forward, a < iteasded h j tw o 3 o 'ao 5 cte n, n a ti v e b c f C©B«M7T>ov an tie Islacd &i Ceylon. Lis sai*l, that though he had frequendy at- tewJcd Eae^tiEiws, «rf this kind, be never beftwe wratJOireti to 2<4dUes* them, as, np- efa^ieiy occasioa-, "*hi6 h,e had to say •was Enmcji ftSfSttftr ^jef-red^ed by o'!:er:-. TJie K^*«f*8en«31 GentLeotau- then gave a n*o«£ io3)PEC»tla9! account of the mode in which the two- gn;r?o»t$- mho stc:d near hirsa were ceaverted to Chil.tiatuty.— Tfeev «ere 'tew. he salfi, com piet.lv free feBB Che iiiSee&ce ullv in unison with the interests o! the whole P10uo.ee of Lower Canada, and indevd of every other British Colo¬ ny in North A.r.rrica,. throughout the whole of which, there probably will not be one dissentient voice on the measure which tncy have adopted. The question re-pectiug the alteration of the duties on lumber is simply tbis:__ under Hie existing duties, the lumber of i>t? North American Colonies is barely able ro maintain a competition in the LJrifNh markets: with the lumber from the Baltic. The trade is followed bv British Capitalists and British Ship Owner?,' in the absence of other employment, it is engaged iu h\ the Colonists, because, In j theon-cuce of demand a!)road f-.r Agri¬ cultural i iodu.e. our fanners, and pai- ticuij.lv the new Settlers, have no other means pj prncaring the necessary supply of Britivh Manufactures and West and r«.ti>t India Produce- Everv one knows that the Trade is not profitable ; but it is better than none* The influx of ves¬ sel* «$d strangers v. hi, h it brings to oar poits, ami the d:!■'■•■ inx and shipping of the lumber, afford woik for our labour¬ ers and mechanics, and a home market for the produce -d'our farms, an;] conse¬ quently a trade to our Importers and Shop-keepers for the supply ol' these dif¬ ferent classes of people, who, olher»vise? would be unable topurchase. The lum¬ ber trade, bad as it i<, is at present the riiici stimulus to iudu^iy amonjj us. rile proposed' alteration <f the duties, 0;, enabling the ftaltic Timber to etvtvr into Ir. e rom petit inn with the lumber of (he Xorth American Coionieis, would, in the opinion of the he-'t inlornied y, • ; le on f'.ds subject, destroy the trade alh,- •,reth. r. Habit, and perhaps, S'.»me supe¬ riority in the article itself, induce people in Great Britain to prefer the Baltic timber, and the very low price nf la-hour, owing to a •! ;ie of society iu the coun¬ tries on ti. : Lialtie which we cannot en¬ vy, together with 'he shortness ofth ' di — :•, ice, «ive the Baltic trader advantages »; hicn we cannot obtain. It i-- very trn-^ that the re"tncti?c duty Oil the Baitic Timber, and tue couse- qucnt advantage given to that of the Co- h.)iii;:S, is contrary to the principle ofth ■ lieedum oftiade, against the correctness atidgeneral advantage of which we art bv no means, so far as the Colonics are particularry concerned, disposed to con¬ tend. If after enacting volumes of sta¬ tutes, spending huudreds of miHions of money, sh ddincj riv.-s-s of blond, iu v ip- port of contrary r>« liciplrs, Dr. Sa.Ui ' work were to become the text-book of ijri'ish c0mmerri.1l legislation, we lie u|d not ci.rnplain. We should join in. the requiem of ait exrhiMve compai 1 -s, ex- elusive privilege*, national an;' colonial monopolies, and, standing 0:1 the ground of our own industry and the natural ca¬ pacities of our country, we should trade wheresoever and with whomsoever we might find it to our advantage; our lum¬ ber trade, & every other trade built upon principles contrary to those c." tiie Doe- tor, might decr.y and perish ; a murmur. nor even a si^h s-hould not escape us. h \ on'iy s^aliibtaptif^tctittppLuaticu of his nj^E^an'ik thi* m&$ the tut s.i^p t^'.sard> • principles, that we phould think ourselves et.titied to com plain. We should com¬ plain1 oflt, as taking from t!:e Colonies arc yet come to th}> Pnss: tnat cither tiie Statesmen of England or the People of England are ready to abandon " Ship-, Commerce and Co!on'es >*' lnat »n a ,n°- mrnt of internal fh'lhculty the stedfast policy of two cenfer'csi which has raised England to a pitch of gre-.Kness farabove the means of her hr)me population, is a 11 ^t once, to be ahat'doned. It is ratl»#r to be expected of lu-r that She will be preparing tor ncw combats. Is there no ambition joined (0 immense power in the north ; no spirit <;' revenge, no Machia- vellan politics at !>n,,S "° common ia' e jealousy and even p»'tensio:i!> to maritime rivalry in Ameiic» • England, even in the midstof her dilUc'n^"-s, is too power¬ ful not to be hated; to° ^r»eat not to ex¬ cite envy and even cupidity. Her secu¬ rity is in Her Strength, and that mainly consists in her Nat.VS which is dependent on M Ships, Connr.e'rce and Colonies." the revenue, and all duties merely protective, from foreign competition, has been met by a petition from the Ship owners, inserted on our last page, which btrikin<rjy displays the injury that an unreserved accession "to the Wishes of the Merchants would occasion, not only to the shipping, but to many otherim- pnrtant national interests, and in particular to 1 be North American timber trade. The va¬ lue of this trade, in a national point of view, i»indeed so ably exposed, that we would hope DO alteration detrimental to it, on the duties imposed on European timber will be made by Parliament Robert Nichol, ^sq. we underftand, has signified his indention not to become a Candidate for a seat ,n tne House of Assembly, at the t!«SUI'n£ Election for the County of Norfolk.—C> ^rgus. Richard Beasley. Esq. is a Candidate for the County of Middlesex, in the Dis¬ trict of London, in opposition to Mahlon Bur well, Esq.—\b. TorJc, July, 6th, At a meeting- of the Directors of the Loyal sad Patriotic Society, convened by Pu\hc Notice, held at the Church in Yoik, 27th June, 1820. Dr. Stracrian communicated to the Meeting certain Iet-.-i"S from the managing Committee (if M-mtreal, and from the Committee of Suhseubers to the funds of the Loyal and Pat'iotic Society in Lon¬ don. In consequence cf which the Reso¬ lution ad >pted on the 6th of November la^t, at a meeting of the Director* of the Loyal and Patriutic Society, as to the dis¬ posal of a sum of C400O, then recently received, has beea rescinded, m so much as authorised a division of the money and appropriation ofittio any dill i'net purposes, and, iu conformity .0 the will of the Sub- — senbers of that sum in London, communi¬ cated to the Loyal and Patriotic Society by the manavin;- Committee of the Sub senbers at Montieal—and that the whole sum shouid be applied to a Provincial Ho.sQirai.—Gu-zc!'i. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Q ibec accompanied by Dr. Mountain ar¬ rived here on Monday, by the Steam Boat, On a t';ur through the part of his Diocese. His Lordlh:p proceeded on Fucsduy for Amhcrstburgb, by hud.—lb. on n1 180 176 172 Tuesday ELECTIONS. Mr. "Wilmot iiis Keen retnrned for the Countyjof Durham, :'u^ Messrs. Rogers and Ruttan for Worilmmberland, in the District of New Castle. After a sharp contest of six days, Reuben White, Esquire, has succeeded in the County of Hastings, by a majority of twenty five voles. 1 Ue opposing candidates were John Ferguson and Thomas Coleman, Esquires. Not less than seven Candidates have aspi¬ red to the honour of representing the Coun¬ ty of Prince Edward, viz. James Cotter, Ja¬ cob German, James Wilson, Paul Peterson, James IToung, Ebenezer Washburn, and A. McDonell, Esquires. On AVeduesday at noon, the poll for four candidates stood as follows :— Mr. Cotter, Mr. German, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Wilson, Mr, McDonell withdrew evening. The election for the County of Grenville, in the District of Johnstown, was opened on Monday last at ten o'clock, and closed the same day at four in tiie afternoon, when H. Walker,Esq. the Returning Officer,declared Jonas Jones, Esquire, and W. F. Gates, Esq. duly elected : the oilier candidates, Messrs. G.Adams, J. L. Read, and ZibaM. Phillips, having declined a further contest. The Poll for the County of Leeds stood as follows at the latest accounts. Monday. Tuesday. L. P. Sherwood, Esq. 191 2tf2 Charles Jones, Esq. 171 £58 Mr. John Kilhorn, 179 £50 Shipping arrived at Quebec this season on 30th June, 315. Settlers, u^GO. We learn that on "Wednesday evening, the 5th instant, in the short absence of tiie Clerk, the Store of Messrs. A. Mcpherson Jk-Co. at the Nnpahee Mills, was entered by some vil- liaus through a window, the shutter of which they contrived to force open ; and after ta- kiog some property, and a small sum of mo¬ ney iu theTUI,they effected their escape. We understand that a reward of £50 is offered by the Firm to the person who will give such in¬ formation as may lead to the diseovery of the offenders, and it is to be hoped that they will be detected and brought to justice. • •« • V •5*1. that grots su.- ftaa^km -!^ *hkh lh?p ^^re educated, an-ii 'fad wvX, he &«fewd£. gj:.tcrtaiti a biu- tf*dsBsfet«i an? cf the Lruth* of t!><> Chri!<"..in llvligx«3. 5,ach %€re Ih e \re.:- offc fft«Ks55»:i«BS-feF<iirc3iattn£tt)< U - ^f Scii^tsf^ A ftrsfos-Ution aeci-'Jett- tai^T- :c;i: vsfo* :..e ;«...-:.: Imi:. Very early on Suiday morning la ft, a large house, nearly f nthed, building for Maj Loring, was discovered to be on fue. The flames had made such progress, when observed, that it was inpoflibleto preserve any part of it. Vvon. var'ous circ^miian- ce-^, there is t >n great easou to appiehcnd that it was the wori of an iucendiary. The only motive for inch an alrociuus act that we have heard ^signed, if correct, (hews, such unpiinL"jled depravity, that wc fear, unless timeli checked, this is on- ly the commencemeni of a regular system. We are very happy Ui learn that His Ex¬ cellency the Lieu. Governor has issued a Proclamation dicriej^ a reward of .fico f.ir the discvAjiy of the principal offender or olienders.—ib. COHOtCNICATION. A Methodist Camp Meeting was ftetii lh the Town hip of Hallowell, in this District, which commenced on Friday the 7th inst. and ended on the Monday following. The weather proving favourable, the concourseof people wasgie.it; rtwasjuc - d there were 3,000 persons present, nevertnelessthe great- estoraer and decorum wasobsened.—The different discourses from the stand were eer- i.i.'y excellent, and admirably calculated, from the variou objects embraced, to excite Lie attention of the audience; particularly that which related, to the establishment of Sunday Schools, and the duty of parent and children.—It is sincerely hoped, that much goodir • • result from this meeting, and that the fruits thereof may be. seen after many A SPECTATOR. r 1 k: Li.'-j..ti . :> . th-eirc'CTwX>:s-:-^*-. Ts':v->% of the tribe td" 6s;>jftH-Cif.a iss ttLevsff ran ccuntry^ they weie tsinack hj t:-: c:rc r:-!.Aece of (3»ESSt%S feSLfftll^ £-eIictv'i (•'..-i.e.-men fo prcaarSs the G#\jS, Their c e. r i o • i • y v.-.. -• g3ta«feai3y aaraikesBeJ :. they enr.i eiv -d sn an£eni etcjire to «i.»ittU3t part of thi worf«! whewb Atv-aS^lA ha. v.- arj oppor*f- tuflitv ftf see«aa; ChrL-^nify proie.«s<»d 1 • . .1 To Clot fliers. For sa'c, a quantity of MtESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. jSvgusi 19, 1S19, 34 a Liicrca \\ 1 For sale at this Office, an-d pracdiseu m lae ggvokfegsi: purity, ann |n oftwcwarifiSKg acqe-ixtitcd v.v Llh it trctfci. The- m&zl Tofe^ nf thir.fe--. and r^sclo- m Ci(Mis fceic-x tlu3-^- z.^reifd to, the ivlec?tiiy broke- ©p. liase^festioess v»a: ;;o: conclu¬ ded itiiSi BLsar &%<& e'ef'tck. [ . . Umax* Mnv 15. I BriiishStatesmen will see in lira qn On Taefday laft, about one o'clock, P. hi. the dwelling hoiifc of Mr. Alexander Bryfon, was obferved to be on fire, and, notwithnanding, every exertion was made to extirtouifii the flan.es, the wind being very high, the tire c< r tinued to rage, and I communicated tiie fire to Mr. Dobic's blackfmith's (hop, \ hic'n was alfo con- luuied—\vre uude;i;-^:d the moft part ot their property was i--^d.—Much credit is due to the military and inhabitants tor their exertions, in p:-venting the fire from doing any fm thcr d-mure —N':a. Cleaner, Mnn'tree!. July 8. We understand his Ps».v}leaL« > d.e <;oycrn- or in c! •! is ctpi••.•:< a h?** in rht c -- of >!^r:v -,M„ w«*i. ( ir.sithl ro be his inlen- >: 111 tn pi-aid . mie j--1' «"'!' •■> -;; i!r'-'r ?l ;•., ■.!»', a.idhe rill prwhahiy proC ed .0 vUit 'the .Uuiutry i'< ts |v«!U ■±..,Jy.—-Jx.n!d. DIED, On the 7th instant, at the Riv€ rTharaes in the township of Camden, Upper Ca¬ nada, much lamented by his friends, WHUaiiL Baker) a ship builder, aged 55 years ; one of the first settlers under governor Simcoe in the township of Chat¬ ham, lie was a native of New York, where his relations now reside, and it is hoped, for their information, that his death will be inserted in all the papers in this Province. • • • »* In this township, on Monday morning last, after an illness of nearly three years, Mr. John Knapp, aged SI—a striking example of tue comforts to be derived from the holy religion of oUr Lord and Saviour Jesus Oh rist,—( Comrn unicctied.) LETTERS remaining in the Post Of- aii ,.:. t)U in Jblfc xi^c. o have at the A FEW -copies oi a bLiL.IO^ Laehint Ga*&~-We are happy t preached at Quebec, on the l%\ ;t Jn fJ:ir powcr u, anno|mCe tjh of September, after the death of II fita rough operation ^ of this work have been Grace the Dckf. of Riciimoxd, by tl CCftrmYctcd •, and tint they have been con- W'e cannot suppose, however, th.ii | de.ua v. ith :;!i the plenty of which they . ^ Rffpsrl^oC C:.- £.?.:?aL of ti v/P.'i.i.a'i * < j : 1 • . il li ti,oz^'c:z c:.r:y mere crnij '.cr.f, una a vBwam ^rw:va.rl*"cf the actual aia !val oi ft€r5r*«g9&£ at Doires. It iva.-i FtvPtl in cKi'dMi rre ta.*t French p">\ ts <\'..i fl- eansfis *»< c" i ■■■• ^. i--*v ;*-d -i • ■'<<, -1 ■• ' -r % <;r '•"■' ■-['- '• a-t '"itoii which is new brought before litem, . a mere riuestionof d few thousand pounds more or ies« of rcveauv^ a question be¬ tween fb*1 vera :■-, r_nu t'Ousumcr?? of tim- :/-!•. beiv..'•'•:! a -e1 [•!■- from British sub> V.'« t:u-t ::.at ihe) ivill t>'v U •; it ;.• ■■■ :..::;t. a- a e<p vtton were sus'-f,7- bie. Courts! J. Somfe-'ttevt S.^li-s a:-: t*> Lr- j'dded «e _ • 01 ciii'iir'. 11 ;«■ l . i V,"i 4vi b° the V • Kh>.r q*m«- n,*- •*<•-';-•- (\ai-i ip i taw, * '■- ■ '-0 m ->-dth Arf.ertcan J ' ' {le.ioniei itrn ■ ■•ipei e^'.j. ■■; c •;>e-'.> » <. 1 • • kii ^Veijrr.ia.ster Ai^oey.. pcstJ«>cs io SBstUurEona of the ktuiihis tJ ih The Lrrke ef VorL, £i.v ti**t»rj*.e ^;'*yior. md the Survcycr Gcz2i 1'.■■.'.{< .\-:.- l:,ei" ca Fri^af, rerpecttn*' -hcji- IlicU an/J fl'jtt'j • —n Mait rere**-: J i.. s -:.rnln:", wcinsr ii,i- I , '! • '■:-, 'd, LMe >-. .y : atio! :; adiaivia^c i lh\ !• ( ..■;- : HAii'm J -riv^s fro:., these j < 0.7;.: •- .' n : • •-• t'-e quantity of j .;.',; ti iff e- : ;.. -J L "I. ! IraJj, the'H.M- : i. :■ cf s ;n a •' ..'.ci. it forms an • - .-v BM^^mMw^ • • * ■ KlNGS'iON^foLr lL 1S20. • ■ • • = ■■ - .■■••■• • • 1 • forma'don chilli plares the fe*$ of tin «..e oiffcrtc;na(.:? men t- , ««td ex^ctiiive of Mai.' 1 •..{ i •>, that tu^ -ei. f .-lire of tb ;? ' n J Bv the S.e.'.-•'. . cm" - ihe ncviont.: .i..' tue ;>vti;^ 1 ••d. the Ciuestion 1 ■ wa^s Sti'J. '•/ ' *■*■- ' 1 ,.•■ 're. it wcji'i •• - . well (:.<• , [j s;..:; croen at orrcc I 1'11 in ••■ .1 i iiisu'd r« ; - '. neo, Ifj ' fiabsr j-J - ' 1 •v lent 5tMr- •' ! ofc<] t .* r ' but Jv^nci: i^as a (!. (:<n:LU '"* 1 * ^;< vi -;^., a ::l ^ive 5 •> • »> • !!« • I r • ■ • r if * • 1 1 ! .:;•"' r> -» i w • • V * ' 1 — I 1. 11 — I ... to I o ■ s.'i" • 1 •! ' ""1 : • rU' I ■>] •. ..: ' '. their uJr-'X •'-" '-: • ll" . :.po* national i>:ir')o-e e.;"ul:V h,c lc,:" ;.> t!;e rm ! 1 »! .. ■ >. rjie-r rountrv an : ■■- • C. me«. A I.e.-- anv, : »illi"f-w York has brought Lo id m ^-i i to (:« uth, and Liverpool to Li- i el Ma". •;*• :■ -i rot"Jsofth< Queen's intention to re- [.. toFi ;•• "iv pr'iduulty gaining credit Wv i--i hit' -to 0 v tiftd the truth of these r nni>: --. b:rS the^n- -/. • declaration of Mr. Brouftli* uor.eoi N .* Majesty's legal advi- -r.-.: r.~\ (it i :\' .• -rounds to question ;1. * !' t. . . , •i■: ., - . . ty* Vis been enforced - . • ., ;; lP( i : ,-Vi ct^rrfsoiii, and the c -// . -: fetd rs'of tiie rabble, lately r •_. a ako said that Sir Trance: I t . =.">(n,i imied to three years taed a Pne of jl'5;<;;:). These meats wilt, .t is to be pr^ssiimcd. . .<-ve ■'•<■;, a.:d alleist teach such (.;; -. .: I'uh ;,-.. 1 .,,;} ,.1 in then- en- • le ,v, . . . hri '• t-11 e . •irnt into cou- len'iut. -.d ejfcirc ilisaileciion anion:; the 'PIjo pf.!!tioi of tl.p. London Merchants, hud, hv '•T.. r.ari.-;--. before Parliament, in ■ ia ' le\ i'-er;"-r . »!ie r-.-rev at_v of remu- e:r;rl rotrictiou& ??n ti*adc nut essential to George F. Allen, . . ut) Acker. Joint And*' "n, John Blrle.s ithan Brhcoc, I)anc.i- Bell, Cant. John black, Nicholas Bogart, Abral a .1 Burker, John B<?1», Joseph Borlev, Lvmao T. EuVrclt, — Henry E*^.' '1, Jacob Croak. Isaac C-ole, James Cumnmis, f ; ;.ckC..<vf.,n Benjaiain I)::-'.;. Abraham Dew f: " Peter Daley. D.e. t Edgai jotiti b'alick, Joseph Poise. Clin •.■v'cv t'ralick, Darius t '.-k, David li. Frink, James Ferguhon. William Gannon 2, John (fordineer, John Gordon, Andrew Cieorge, \Jr<. Margaret Hume, Philip Hartrran, 2 Philip Hatch, Jacob II at man, George Hose, An^Qj Kennedy, Joshua Keller, John Lndd, 3 Samuel Lewis, Bernard Lewis, John Lake, William Millard, John OdcTaggart, Thomas McBride, Duncan McGregor, nlr. McL'amniODc Lewis Monck, George McGttirc, Robert McMullan, James McKim, Donald McPhee, 2 Hutchinson N1ch0lc.cn, William Prime, John Robinson, Porter Rice, Matthew Saul, Mr. Scott, Bay Quanty, John Smith, Parker Smith, J«o. Joseph Thompson, Ch^ter Tapper, Wra, Van Koughoett, A rent \ an Dyck, Margaret Van D)tk, James Wilson, 2 Buckley Waters, Francis Warner, Stephen \oung, Jacob Yonker, Ldv\ard lluikp, JAMES BANKEN, Post Master. "FOR SALE, Oil TO LET, ON lonp- Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, in Brockville, the lower part of which is well adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out houses, and in the rear a \ery ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high Itate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. BrQckvlUhz&h, i8m 27 G. H. HART, Book-Binder, and Stationer, RESPECTFULLY informs the h> habitants of Kingfton, and it's Vici- nity, that he has commenced the above business, next door to Mr. Moore's Cof¬ fee-House in Store Street. N. B. Account-Books ruled to any pattern. ' Kingston, nth July, 1820. 2JW4 npHE subscriber begs leave to inform JL his friends and the public, that he has just received a choice assortment of DRY GOODS ; among which are the following* West of England superfine and com¬ mon Cloths, Cassimeres, Flannels, Bom* bazettes, Bnmbazeens, Irish Poplins, Ginghams, Stripe Cotton, Cotton Shirt- ing, India Cotton, Irish Linen, Turkey Stripe, Checks, Chintz Furniture, Cali¬ coes, Long Lawn Cambrics, Muslins, Corduroy, Fustians, Nankeens, 8-4 Di¬ apers, Canton Crape Dresses, Canton Crape Shawls and Scarfs, Spittlefield Silk Bandannas, India do. Silk Romars, Black Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves. Ribbons, Thread Laces, Bobbinnett, Tapes, Bobbins, Thread, Buttons, &e. &c. ALSO, A very handsome selection cf Millinery, CONSISTING OF Fancy Dress Caps aud Turbans, Morn¬ ing Walking Dresses, Muslin Robes, Embroidered India Book and Leno Dresses, Frills, and half Handkerchiefs, best Stays ;—which he will sell very low, at his Store, opposite the Kingston Me¬ dicinal Laboratory,. King-Street. ARCHIBALD McDONELL. Kingston, July 14, 1820. 28tf Government Employment, Kingston, U. C. at THE Contractors for Building a Store Houfe, in His Majesty's Naval Yard at this place having failed to perform the Contract. Notice is hereby given that MASONS, STONE-CUTTERS, andQUARRY- iViIV»T, aic ietjuirctrWcumpilte uh Jlu'g* ing, and that they will be employed, and paid by the Officers of this Yard. Only the bell of work men need make application- EDWARD LAWS, Naval Store-keeper. Navy Tar J, 'jib July, 1820. 28tf A Consignment LP LINSEED OIL, for Sale at the Store of Esselstyn and Ainsworth. Cape Vi n cent, July, 6th 18 2 o. 28 O ADVERTISEMENT. THE Subscriber has juft received from LONDON, ten pair beft FRENCH MILL STONES, 4 feet diameter, and 300 beft picked FRENCH BURRS, to make Mill Stones. Also 48 Puncheons fine flavoured old Janiaca Spirits; with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, NAILS, &c. &c. which will be SOLD on reasonable terms, at his Store, No. 67 St. Paul Street Montreal. JUDAH JOSEPH. Montreal, lOth July, 1820. 2SW4 NOTICE. AN Assignment bearing date at Mon¬ treal, Lower Canada, in Auguft, 1817, having been granted by Messrs. Robert Armour, and George Davies, late of Montreal, Merchants and Copartners, under the firm of Robert Armour and Davies to and in favour of the undersign¬ ed, and the late Richard Pattinson de- teased, of all their Estates real and per¬ sonal, moveable and unmoveable as well belonging to them individually as such Copartners, also all and every their rights, claims and pretentions as well in the Es¬ tate of Robert Armour and Davies, as in the Estates of Henderson, Armour, and Co. heretofore carrying on trade at the City of Montreal, and William Hender¬ son and Co. heretofore of the City of Qubec, in truft for the benefit of the Cre¬ ditors of them the said Robert Aimour and George Davies. who become parties or accede to the said assignment. All persons indebted to the taid late firms of Rebcrt Armour and Davies, Henderson, Armour and Co., and William Henderson and Co. or to cither of the parties who composed them, are hereby required W make immediate paryment of their respec¬ tive debts to either of the- underfigned Trustees, or to their Attorney duly au¬ thorised, and further notice is hereby gr* ven that in default of immediate payment* legal recourse will be had to obtain the same. FRED. W. ERMAT1NGER, G. MOFFATT. Surviving Trustees to the Estate of Robert Armour 28 w6 and Davies, »• • • ■ The Ice in tjie Neva broke on the 17th of April. The navigation had been closed fcix months. Some alterations have been made in the new Russian Tariff, which is to aid the national manufaduiee.