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Kingston Chronicle, July 14, 1820, p. 1

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KIN CHRONICLE. VOL. II] FRIDAY, (JtFTERxooN) JULY 14, 1820. fNo. 28 THE FHONTENAC Steam VeiTcl will ftart frorh Kingfton for York and Niagara on the lft, i tth, and 21 ft day's cf each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kindlon on the 5th, 15th, and ajth day's of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation wiil admit of. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. i<) THE fubfcriber having rented that commodious Stone Houfe, the pro¬ perty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofes keeping a houfe of Public Entertainment, (Sign 0) the Black Horse) for the accommodation of Stiangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call livery attention will be paid to the comfort and conveni¬ ence of cuftomers, and the fmailcft favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, 5th May, 1820. 19 T7TLET, Cm a\ STONE iiOUSE, upon the SSkljfaL Hill above the Aldhodift Cha¬ pel, a flory and a half high, with Kitchen and Cellar under, with tv/*» fifths of an a- cre, well cnclofed ; at prefent occupied by Mr. Underhill — Pofieffioa will be giv- cii on the rft of May lunt. Fur terms apply to M?jnr Corbett, or William Mitchell, Efq. Kingfton. Kingfton, 3d April, 1S20. i4?f. F. B. SPILSBUHT, 1 SuRGEOX, 11. 2V g ' ^Late Surgeon of II.M.S. Prince 8e4 gent, on Lake Ontario, $ Intends practising iu the various^ branches of his Profession^ at his res-9 Videuce, next door to John McLean.$ ?Esq. Sheriff. $ Kingston, Oct. 6ih, 1319. 411 •*&r+&-\*r -^* K^<£r*>?-j<>?*&r*jK-K*-<<n0C-*Cfr*Qcr*X- THE fubfcriber begs leave refpeftful¬ ly to infefrm his friends and the pub¬ lic in goner a!, that he has eftablilhed a PAINT SHOP a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept tonftantly all kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufh. Likewife all kinds of House, Sign, IVaggon, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the fhortcft notice, together with raw and boihd Oil, which will be dispo- fed of as cheap as can be procured In this town, for Caftl only. THEODORE BROCKET!. N- B. Two good workmen as journey¬ men Painters, will find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fubfcriber. Kingston, 6th April, 1820- 14*/ THE fubferibers being duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the lait Will and TV&*<»*,«.*»» e\$rhp l-iff* T nwrens* H*rrh*\*r. Efquire, Merchant, requell all perlona in¬ debted to his tftate to make immediate payment, aud thofe having demands again It the faid cllate to bring them forward with¬ out deby. JOHN KIR IVY, GEO. H. MAliKLAND. Kingfton, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 Notice. THE Land Board, for the Midland District for the enfuing fix months, will meet On Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon,, for the ptfrpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcriptioii of perfons, vii. Emigrants, and others comiag to the Province and bringing due Certi*ficatt9 of being Britifh born fubjcAs. All able fcttlers that have rcfidedin the Dillrift previous to the late war, and pro duce Certificates of having done their duty in its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance cf the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; eftabliftied by an order in Countil of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Eroi- grants no fees. On Grants of too acres, £12 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inftaWntss, viz. ^ The firft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt cf the Fiat for the patent. No petition can he entertained Uulefa accompanied by a written character, or a fattsfafttny reafon fhewn for fuch not being produced. by order of the Board JAMES N/CKAL/.S, Junr. CLrL Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B. Tw> prevent difappoiiitorrents to perfons applying for lands : it is neceflary to ftate that the Board has no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Plank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch muft make • application to York. HJ'^O /?E SOLD, and immediate pos- J£ seffi >n given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6ch Conccfilon of the Town- (hip df Elttiftley, Vis, 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, moll eligibly situated on the North 6t'de of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary j the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Etq. Penh Settlement, John Kirby Efq. Kingston, or the fubfcriber, in Wucri- houfe, London Diltii't ROBERT N1CHOL. Novetntsr i3, i8h> 4';tf ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant Taylor^ H.\3 received frorh Montreal a mod choice and excellent aflbrtment o the befl Weft of England fuperfine (lotlis and Cassimeres, with , nmmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A* Asher informs his friends and the public -hat he is now working up thefe Cloths &c. at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the Ihorteft notice, and on the loweft terms f-" Cafh. or fhort approved credit. • Kinjfton, Sept. 10, 1819. 37tf m ro LET, A ND immediate p-fllflion given, the ljjl llou'e and premises belonging to the subscriber. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, $th May, \?>io. iStf. JOHN KINCA1D, EGS leave to inform his friend.; and the public generally, that he has o- pened a Houfe of Public Entertainment near W. F. Pcafe's Wharf; in the Village of Btockville, under the Srgn of the Brockvi/le Hotel; Whwe he hopc«. hy a Arid atteotion to thnfe wiio may favour him with a call, to mei.'t a fh:ue of the public patronage. He will always have on hand ail kinds of Liquor, oflhebefl qnah'ty. BrocL'JIU, June. 18:0. 22w8 N. li. Good Stabling1 fur Hor¬ ses. BANK CALL. pr^pE Stockholders of the Bank of 1 Upper Canada, are hereby required to pay an inftalmcnt of fix per cent, or fix dolfar&on each fharc, on or before the 1 ith cf Auguit next. Any ftockholder failingtiJ n;she the faid payment will foi- ftit hi- fhares, agreeable to she 2 1 ft arti¬ cle of iflbciation of the Ba;.k—which is as foll-.WN t—if there fhall be a failure in payment of any pare of the fiim or fihares fabferfeed by any perfon or perfons, co- pattneflup, body politic or corporate, the party o failing iu paying the tirft inftal merit flf ten Per CCOtom fuccttdlDg the de- pnfit oi eight per centum Herein befotc reqnircd to be made, (hall relpcdively for¬ feit t\$ laid depefit to and tor the ufe of the fa*J Compai^y, and the (lock fhall be f.dd st public fa.e for the behoof of the company—and in cafe of any delay or failure W the payment of the uibfequent inftaiments. after the firft and fecoud in- ftalments, any Stockh Jd^T fo neglecting to pay the amount of his inftalment, (hall for the fi/(l ten days of fuch r>egle£L for¬ feit to the tile and benefit of the remain- fug Roefcholders five per centum upon the whole -mount of his ftuck previously paid in—and tor the icJond and third teif days lur each period, an equal fum of five per cuiturn, making c?^Ltici a i6iif*itnc wi" fifteen per centum for thirty days, and if at the expiration ot iixty days after fuch inftalment (hall have becom? due, it fhall be unpaid, then the vhole amount of Hock, together wiih the vhole amount paid on the fame, (ha!! be fo felted to the ufe and benefit of the remaning ftockKolucns as aforefaid, and the Ibck to be at the difpo fa! of the dire&ora, for the benefit of the faid company. S. BARTLET.Cafhier. Kingfton, June % 1820 _ 24 NOTICE. ALLperfor.s indebted either byNofe or Book AcCQUUt, to the eftate of the late Richard Robion, Efq. deceafed, are requeftcd to pay th- fame without delay ; arid thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti cated foradjuftmen:, to Allan MacLean, Efquire, one of the Executors to faid es¬ tate* Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Townlhip of Ameliaftmrgh. Lot 23, in the front Conceffion, oi Lake Ontario, lying to the ealtward of Nicholfon's Ifland. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con- ceffion of laid Townftrip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All per'.ons are cautioned a. gain ft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly fubjett themfelves to a legal profecution if detected. Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf NOTICE. AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James Ranlen fcf Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong¬ ing to James Ranked individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm^ or against the said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective accounts to Chr. A. Hagerman, Esq. of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber next. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, I ft September, 1819. 36 A Kingfton, June 5, 1820. 2M{ ■ SURGEON BOYD, fT A V1NG heard a report that he does afjL not attend Patients in the I ountry, begs leave to cmniadift it, and to afTure the public thst he will be at all timer wil ling to attend his friends in vhe Country, at u«*jU ip ir r.h-- T.-v/n, or moderate terms. Kingdom, Tune 12, 1820. t&tf A HOUSE, aspected to have been stolen. Perfon calling himfclf John Ree*, or ^k. Reefe, apparently 45 or 50 years of ?<rc,daffe complexion, flat note, and raiher a downcaft lo^k. arrived here on bunday laft with a very fine Hoife, which he offer ed for fale fo very low, that it excited the fufpicions above mentioned. He was re cognized, artd fuppofed to have ftolen a horte from Beuoni Polly, of Younge, in 1814, and fcllmg htm to a Mr. Yerks, of Hollowcll ; he has been taken on Mr. Polly's complaint, and committed to the cells for further examination. The Horfc is heavy and well made, col¬ our rather light bay, dark mane and tail, aliule white on the left hind foot, a large white Ipot (I think an artificial one) en his forehead* and faid to be 5 or 6 years old. I purchafed the ilorfe from him before he was taken into cuftody, for ^Pi2 10, and fhall endeavour to keep him for the rightful owner ; any further delcription or information will be give?, by writing to the fubfcriber. H. SPAFFORD. Brockville, June 27th, 1820. Sc/tola Medicino* Established in Montreal^ November 1st, 1819, By "William Willcocks Sleigh, M R. C. S. L. *>-c. fije. For A Superior constructed plea¬ sure Wu^iii/d stout.brown \rovac, excellent Grit Huddle or .harness, Enquire at this Oilice. IS NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the ^cmfi of &jm&mt will be opened at the Direftor's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until iurther notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1S19. 3* Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. A NY fum required may be obtained at JTOl. the Office for got.d Bills, «nn Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bills oi Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie. — Notes aifo v/ill be discounted at thirty, f:;tv, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Kingfton,3c Nov 181S* ^2 To Clot hi en. For ba'e, <x quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Wbitafcer & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 JRw sale at this Office, A FEW copies of a SfcllMON, pTPached at Quebec, on the 1 ^!*h of September, afr'r ih« death of lii^ Grace the Di'«t ok Richmond, by the Reverend G. J.Mountairr, A. 15 liishop'a Official iu Lower Canada, and Rector of Quebec. 4\ BANK NOTICE yjf General Meeting of the Stockhc!J- (S/lL ers of the Bank of Upper \ a:.a da, will be held at the Cank on Monday the 17th of July next, at 12 o'clock, for the purpofe of altering and amending feme of the articles of aflbciation. S. BARTLET, Cafhier. Kingfton, June 6, 1820. 24 NOTICE. 4 LL prrft»ns indebted to the late Co- *1 a_ partnerfnip of Richard Rohison ana Davhl Seco'dy arc reqnciled to make im¬ mediate p^mentco the furviving partner. David SeO *d, and thofe to whom the faid Copa»tnerll p may be indebted, ate re¬ qnciled to :'end in their accounts for ad- jullment ai ; payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf Window Glass. THE fubbcribers have on hand a con, si^nment of WINDOW GLASS- ol 7 1-2 by 8 1-2, 9 by y 8 by 10, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, for fale at very low prices for caTu or fhort approved credit. TrlOS. S. WHiTAKER iCo. May 17. " 20, TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near MjL Dorflor Keating's, two stories high, with seven looms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the vhole, a good yard and stable ; <iUoa very -0od Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Ifmgsi: s. yb June, 1819. 23 ~ " NOTICE^ nnSE Board for Militia Pen- -*• sios:. nvi/t meet on the lajl Monday in February t anj continue fo to do% the fame day tn cu . J\Jontht until the bujinefs of this Dtjlrl?-. as regards the fame is fnijl)cd. JOHN FKRGUSON. Ki'jjfon. peb. XJI% ^19. 6 THE fecond courfe in the above es¬ tablishment will commence the firft Monday in September. The LectureH during the firft month will be free to the public.—The private courfe will commence the firft of O&ober, and continue till the month of May. 1 he courfe will conftitute Lefturcs on Anatomy, Phyiiology, Pathology, Surge- ry and the Praftice of 1 hyfic. Le&urcs (during the Public Courfe) on Mondays, Wcdnefdays and Fridays, at fix o'clock in the evening. P. S. Dr. S. will take a few Medical Gentlemen to refide with himfelf—As ev¬ ery arrangement (hall be made to render the Courfe of couliderable advantage, thofe Gentlemen who purpofe ftudying in the eftablifhment are requ^fted to give early in¬ formation. Anatomical Theatre, "f 18, St. Paul Street j June 22, 1820. 2<3wio ii NOTICE. OBEfrT TUilNBULL, orr. Mi n. .m, on the fouthern border of BLANK DEI:1)S and ME^iORIALS For sale at this Office, Scotland, v.)i0 {3 now fuppofed to be reli- dinjji in fott&part of Upper Canada, is re- quefted to fevi$ \fa addiefs to the Office of the KiO^ilon Chronicle, for the infor¬ mation ot a relative, who feels interefted in his weli^.Cj a:;(j 1S defirous of correfpon- dlng wUhh:m- 26 Hibernian Society. IRISH Emigrants who wifti to have their Children placed at fchool in King¬ fton, may apply to any of the members of the Society, or to the Prefident, John Fergufon, Efq.—Further particulars will be made known to them by their apply¬ ing to Mr. \\ ■ McCuniffc, Treafurcr. Kingfton, June 16, 1820. 26W4 NOTICE^ 1 and BLANKS, For £he Courts of Request, V&f&m* other k:iids, for Bali I at this Oj/lcc. LETTERS of Adminiftrati* having been granted to me on the Eftace of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is requefted that all who have claims againll that Eltate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as poffible* JAMES RANKEN, Administrator. Bath, 28th Juac, 18a*. a6tf Fon tue Kj.vocro.v ci/Ro.v/cxr. LETTER 13. To ROBERT WALSH, Esq. Sir, Your eighth section denounces the Quarterly Review,and declaims tnostve* hemently against its implacabte enmity —its. false logic—its unworthy proceed* iugs—its inveciives and misrepresenta¬ tions—with much more in the same strain, calculated for the most ignorant and barbarous pttit of your population, for you cannot expect to be believed by those who are in the habit of reading that excellent Journal. To prove your different allegations, you makenumerous quotatiooB withyour usual fairness, consisting of detached sentences, or «f remarks produced by the book under review,- aud make the Journalists responsible for every thing disagreeable said by Janson, Ashe, Par¬ kinson, Fearon,&C, youmarshal! in reg¬ ular order the illiberal and unjust re¬ marks of the Journalists, and unhappily forget that they are more than supported by native writers. Americans areaccused of intoxication, or a prediction for ardent spirits. But here the Reviewers are not so severe as Dr. Belknap, in his history of N*W Hampshire, or the common account of the morning drams of the Southern States, or the fact that there are nearly as mauy licensed taverns ii New Yorkasin Lon¬ don, although the latter has tea times the population. The ferocity attributed to )©ur countrymen, in their quarrels, is more than justified by the events of eve¬ ry day—the most ferocious duels are continually taking place. A gentleman was shot a few week^ ago in the mosi public street of New York, and such is the excellence of your law that the cul¬ prit has not been punished. As to the diabolical praclice of gouging it is from your own aulhors that accounts of Rare taken, vide Mbrse, &c. As to the state of jurisprudence in Co¬ lumbia, strangers who have any thing to L0 vau i.;.rby «\u*tA tape»»ciictraatK tu\a J rueasiire of justice which is given them. Indeed every person who is desirous of rescuing the United States from disgrace is eager to have oome general bankrupt law. Critaes committed in one State are not always punishable in another. Pu¬ nishment by confinement has totally fail¬ ed, more perhaps from the way in whica it is conducted than from inherent defi¬ ciency, as solitary confinement, with a certainty that there will be no remission of the sentence, u ould operate most pow¬ erfully in the prevention of crimes. But it is notorious that party and election purposes relieve the vilest criminals, and that by herding them together in the same wards they are not only hardened in guilt, but become more expert in their villainies. You complain of the Reviewers for accusing many of your countrymen for the savageness of their manners, but what say your ow n authors of the Squat¬ ters aud Backwoodsmen. You ought to have thanked them for allowing such half or tny civilization. The Reviewers estimate the number of the Slaves at more than the truth, but their reasoning depends not on this, and is quite unanswerable. Many sentences which you have picked out from particu¬ lar Numbers of the Review appear harsh H-»<vmko-54*1?mtt>d from the context bv which they are illustrated and supported. You give a long essay on Mr. Fulton's merits, aud endeavour to identify with him his respectable Biographer in the censures, but the artifice is too gross.— The Reviewers remark, and most justly, that Mr. Fulton was not the inventor but the improver of Steam Boats ; and they mention with horror, and what houest man but the admirer of General Jack¬ son will speak otherwise, of his subma¬ rine explosion, which he offered foi some millions, either to France or England. What you advance in his defence makes the thitg much worse, and not ouly con¬ firms the savage rapacity of the Artist, but proves the calculating baseness %i his heart. After beating round and round you are forced to absent to the award of the Reviuwers, that he was only an improver. You next complain that Hoadlriy stole from Godfrey the first conception of his famous Quadrant, and yet, after much idle vituperation, you are forced to ac¬ quiesce in Doctor Button's opinion, that both invented it about the same time. You now proceed to pick out from the Reviews for 1816 aud 1818, many sen* tences stating the distresses amoug the lower orders of the people in England, and more especially the misery to be found during times of scarcity io such a large city as London ; but this is ir¬ relevant, or if it gratify your enmity to Great Britain it may be equalled every winter iu New York and other towns of the United States, for greater wretchnd- uess cannot be well conceived thau is suffered by the poor inhabitants of those towns during a cold an" protracted win* ter. There now lies before me a report pre¬ sented to the Female Missionary Society for the Poor of the city of New York #nd its vicinity for 1817, which states that the Committee appointed to supply the wants of the poor estimated thai there *«• fift««a thou&od entirely destitu^

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