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Kingston Chronicle, July 7, 1820, p. 4

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B WiWk WOPDSWORTK- IVrilicn in sight of Wallace's Tetter,, at Cora Linn. Lord of the Vale ! astounding flood ! Th* daliesl leaf in this tfirck wood, Q**akes—conscjmis of thy power ; T;;e ccivrs reply with hollow moan; And vibra<«^ to its CetHraJ stone. Yon Ume-ceAehtrd Lowec ! An i yetfeow fair the rural serve ? For thou," Oh CI ><1 ■; baa ever beta Beiipficent and strong.; Piea-ed in rfrfre*hing (tews lositvp Tue iiu:c rrombiu-g :owersffaatpce^ Thy sUeiv.ii»g recks amooff. Hence all \* ho love iheir conniry.Iove To loo^ on thee—fclighl '<> rove Where tlKy thy voire ran bear; And lolhr patriot warrior's >hadef Lord of the Vale ! to lieroes laid lu dust, that voice h dear ! • . Along thv banks, at dead of n:^hf, Sue [>.s vi-ibiv llie Wallace vviglit; Or >tand% in wai IVke rest, *\Ioff, bi'M'utli the moon's pale bram, A champion worths of the><xeatn. Ion gtoy lower's living trc>t. But clouds and envious darkness !nde$ - A form Oi»t doubtfully descried : Their transient mission o'er. * Osav to what blind regions tlee These shapes of awful phantasy ? To what untrodden shore. Less than divine command they spurn ; But this we from ihe mountains learn, And this the \ alleys show. That never wiii ihey deign iQhold Conmurron wiiere the heart ib-COlu Toiiimmn weal and wee. • < The man of abject s<w1 in vain Shall walk the Marrubonian Plain j Or thrill ihe shadowy g;loom, Thai still invents ihe^uardsan yass Vs hr-e stood sublime LeoniJas, lievoted to the tomb. N<;r ilrpm ;ha* it cap r.ngM avail For such toglicte with out or sail Beiuii h lite piny wood, WherelTcll uncedrew, bj Uri?s Lake, His .iMiccful shafts— prepared 10 slake Their tiiiist in Tvvaui's blood 1 ] pence for every twenty-four sheares of wheat, (provincially a threavc, hence the agreement is called thrcaving,) each sheaf measuring thirty-six inches in girth. This is described as the most advantage¬ ous mc.de of cutting down the crop, for all parties. Under this system, whole families, men, women, and their grown up children, obtain employment. They bring their provisions with them, remain (lie whole day in the field, the old teach the young to cut down, every one does something, and they arc paid according to what they perform. Much is done With alacrity and spirit, and a great quantify of corn is cut down in a day, equally to the advantage of the reapers, and of the farmer. In order to train up reapers', it is a good practice, to put four or five of the most awkward or indolent, on a separate ridge, and to pay them in proportion to three good ones on a ridge of the same size ; but when they understand their business, the fewe? on a ridge tlte better, ier the mere there are, the less work will be done* The lazy, and tUc talkative, endeavour to save themselves, and to keep the others idk\ and it is difficult to a>i*ertaiu, on whom tie blame ought to be laid. It is a most essential object, to cnt the on very low, to pre vet it both ihe waste of grain, and the loss of si raw, the almost unavoidable consequences of high cut¬ ting. The additional quantity of grain gathered into the bains, will pat the ex- pense, and the increased quantity of nun k is mostly clear profit; because the mowing, or bagging the haura or stub¬ bles, imperfectly supplies the place of close catting the crop. C /fitting corn when wet, ought to be cautiously avoided, a-, uiun put up in a close sheaf, it cannot get dry. In bad very innocently observed, that of ail the words which terminated in buss, she pre- fcred a re-buss. Lit. Cab. a FOR SALE, - A FARM in the front Concession of XJl the Town-hip of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockville, con- tainiug 1 SO acres, afcout 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on tae premises, built of square timber and boarded outside, a frame barn, &e. Tiis firm is well wor¬ thy the attention of my person desirous of a pleasant Count?"' residence, and will be sold on liberal te'ms, and possesion givenimm -diately. For furtherpartuu- lars appiy to A. & W.MORRIS &Co. Brockvilie, Ifih N<nj, 1890. 21tf n Con- NOTICE. 4LL perforis arc lereby cautioned a- gainfl purchafirg certain Notes of hand given by the fuiicriber to James He- nefy, bearing date thezgth January, 1820. —one for twenty-five pound*, payable the 1 (t January 1821 — oie for £12 to, pay¬ able 1 ft January, 1822—one for JPi 2 10 payable id January :32?—one for £\*2 103. payable, lii January 1224—and one (or £12 10 payable .l January 1825— the four lalt bearing*htereft<—as the laid Not.-s were given for 1 lot of land fold by the faid James lieneb to the fubfcr:'ber, and for which he cm give no legal title. JOSKP.I SHEAR.viAN. Bellville, 2Gih May„i820. 22 Valuable Lands for sale in ihe Township of Hamilton. 7J" OTvS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- IJLJ ceiTion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th cefiion, containing 450 acre?. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conccfilon, containing 200 acres. The above Lands arc all jvincj in the « *' i ownfhip of Hamilton, Newcaflle i)illrf6i, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire ofElias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingdom Thomas S- Wliitaker. K.'ngfton, May 28, 1819. 2 2tf "~FOft SALE, T a very low price for Cash —the soaiji m front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Lougbborou/rh, ticulars^ apply at t! s A HORSE, Sii^pected to have been stolen. A £erl-n Cal!,"'," himfdUoQn Rees,or ^JLkcr.Q, apparently 4;'or 50 yean of age, dark complexion, fiat nofe, and rather For par- Office. Do 'C 11 ISI9. 50 /i 1/ichoi % Cables. /.•>.. . barve>t'5, or when com is damp, ihe sheaves ought (»> he set tij» ;iri^te, loosely tied it**ar theear-end«i of f!»e straw, and spread out circulnr'y on their huits^ or end?', to give then) n '.in*, fctandin^. The sheaves ovfiht to be of a moderate 7kl WILLIAM BU0DEN, [Ll. -ecefve by the ear lie tl fpnng V V vcHcIs, and keep coaftantly on hand at Oueh«c uu -ffwrtment of .1 lis O! *v->.- *r-* ■ AGPacULTIJUAL. ODE OF Ac. 711 CULTURE) by tYdfn Ihe C Sir John Sinclair, Hart. • • REAPING, Ttis the opinion of experienced hus¬ bandmen, that wheat should be cut down some days before it is fully or dead ripe The grain hardens well in the sheaf ;— the sample is better,—and there is noth- ing lost in measure, by this mode of ma¬ nagement. The harvest thus begins ear¬ lier, and "its labours'are more equally distributed. " ■ Barley ought likewise to be cut before It is too ripe, otherwise the stiUw becomes brittle, and that occasions much loss, by the heads"breaking off. Though oats are reckoned a hardy grain, yet the more early varieties, being liable to damage from high winds, or from exposure to much wet, ought to be Sitze, not exceeding nine inenes in diam¬ eter, or thirty inches in rin iimierei.eo. In wet seasons, from six to eight inches in cliaffreicT \< quite enough, and instead of binding with two lengths nt' the com made into a rope, one m suflieicnt; nor ought the knee to beapj!:»d, v. hen the "■heaf is bound, as tlie air is fherehy to¬ tally excluded. The binrfet^s arm will compress the sheaf a-, much as, if ought to be, provided the size be sucli as is here iceommend ;d. ■ - It is calculated, that seven reapt?rs will cnt down forty-eight KngHsh acres in four weeivs. Tlife expense of cutting, binding, and putting into shocks, varies fiom twelve shillings, tosixtcen shillings and eight-pence per English acre. Ta¬ king every expense into consideration, if the reaping process -can be duly execu¬ ted, for fifteen shillings per foigfisharrt*, the farmerhasno reason to be dissalisfi- h in manv cases, twelve shil- -Patent proved ^hain Cables all szc?, ANCHOlia (lo. Well worthy the att^tiori of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and !^ivcr navigation. FOR SALE. 4 QUANTITY of RED CEDAR « PICKETS, from 7 to S feet in length.—Apply to Mr. Jojin Dawsox, a;; or. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, July 17, 1819. 3:) ■jOERSONS having Books belonging JE to the Kingston Library are requell- ed m fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as oofiible* JOHN FERGUSON. ' T2th April, 18 19. i$ Watches and cLotm Repaired in the best maimer., by S. O. TA£E\VJELL, rujpicions above mentioned. n« wasre- cog-.r.f.d, and fappofed to have Or-len a horfefrom Benoni Polly, of Ycunge, in l8i4,and felling him to a Mr, Yeiks, of Hollo well $ he has beta taken on Mr. Polly's complaint, and committed to ths bells for further examination. The Horfe is heavy and we!! made, col¬ our rathew Kght bay, dark man^ and tail, a little white on the left hind foot, a lar^;e white fpot (I think an artificial one) on bis forehead, snd faid to be 5 or 6 years old. I purchsfed the Horfe from him before he was taken into cullody, for £kz \0, and fnall endeavour to keep V:m for the rightful own-r ; any further defeription or rnforraatiun will be given by writleg to the fubferiber. H. SPAPFQRD. BroekviUe, June r.7th, 1^20. £? senola Mcdimno* • 'ft/j i>ovzmber 1st Established in M »«/i 18MJ By Wixiti-.vn Vv'fLLcnrtrj; StsiGif, M R. C. S, L, iyc. v;.-. ^IJ'^FTE f'^eend cotrrft; fn the above e?- JJL tab!if!imcnt will commence the mil: Monday in September. The Leebvt} during the finl month will be Fa::r, to the public.— The private courfe will commence; 'he firfr of October, and continue till rhe m/»nih of May.' Thecour'e wiu conUitMle Lecrnre on r ■\r*w*i Quebec, ill April. 1819. 1 ■ ti¬ lt 1 A REWARD OF r-n 0 i d s i wo Hundred a*d Fifty Pounds \NJr'll*t* fce paid fey the subscriber, tc J f ?.ny perfen \vi'> iha'd dinner anc give fuch information as will convi^i the perfon or pcrfons w1o, on or about the 29th or 33th of Jane laft. flole from George Ridour, Esc^at Walker*"*. Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two AwotflmT-, rii- •"...! -,., i^iholo^y, Surge¬ ry a.'d the Practice of I hyfic. -:->;•:», ^oftm MirkH Place, Kingston J j Lefture* fdtirhigthe Public Courfe) ^n J§JtiO noft re'fpeafuljy informs the | Mondays, Wedr:cfday« and Fudays, at lis o'clock in the ev.ei.n-Tg;. P. 3. Dr. S, v-i;l take a few Medical j Gentlemen to rt^de with liimfelf—Asev- I ery arrangement fhall be made to render the Courfe of ccn&deranle advantage, thofe Gentlemen r. "io parpofe hVdying, in the eftabjiOiment are rtquefted to give early in¬ formation. Inhabitants of Ilmgston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bunnei-3. and hope?, by paying fine* re¬ tention to bufinefs, to give the ntrnoft fat- ^4 ioufand pounds. By direaion of ».';e Directors of Montreal Bank. THOMAS PARKLAND, 7 the Kingston, 19/i W<&t j 819. A? cnt. 47 • » cut as boon as they are nearly ripe, in order to lessen the ri.^k^ to Which thev are exposed.* - • Beans should he cut down as sohfi" n<- the eye has attained a deep colour, and if the weather he dry, instantly made up Into sheaves. The straw will thus be ol AiQpftefifi'axfj »ffi«f ihe grain of superior quality. So much for the culture of the crops before thev are cut down. The instm- nients by which this operation is effected are Bfsrt to b^ considered. Various nb\ns have been devised for 1 cutting down crops of grain ; as reaping by a 4ick!e, or reaping hock ; mowing by a scythe, and bogg-jifgt the plan of cutting down corn by rMehinery, though • it has made some progress, has not yet been brought beyond the line of occa¬ sional experiment. ' J^ Heaping by the Si-jkL\ or Reapirig Hook. .For districts in which a sufficient num¬ ber of hands can be procured, reap ing by the sickle, or the reaping hook, are ex¬ cellent modes of cutting down the crop, if sutlicleut attention be paid to low Cut¬ ting- With careful reapers, there is ve- - ry little waste ;—the heads of \\\v-. corn are all put in regular order ; pt.-I the crop placed in a position favourable to threshing, either by the flail, or by ma¬ chinery. * _ J The sickles are (tigged on the edge •with teeth ; but* res pin--hooks are ground sharp and smooth. The former is pre¬ ferred, as the latter requires to be ;'.o of¬ ten sharpened, as to occasion some waste of time. Bfcsides, the teethed sickle ha« the advantage of keeping the corn beUei together, than the smooth one ; and in careless hands, some of the heads are cut ed, though in many cases, twe lings are sufficient. cl. Mozefitg by the Scyfhc, ' This Instrument isfrequently in^de use of for cutting cats and barley ; and in some districts of Kent, it is even used for wheat. It is either plain, o.r furnished with-a bow. or cradle, to assist in'laying ihe heads more regularly in one direc¬ tion. The late celebrated George Cul- ley maintained that this was (he comple¬ ted mode of cutting down the baih > nop; that when properly uiuwu, it could be rieatl) t'l^d up in sheaves, and could be threshed without difficulty, by a ma¬ chine. Whenever Ihe crop, however, i-- much lodged,01 int gutar'3 biokt u ut.k n, or interwoven by squalls of wind, or heavy rains, the scythe cannot act with efficacy, or even with safety. The use of the scythe, therefore, is only admissi¬ ble, when the corn stands upright, or with a regular inclination, or nearly so. in one direction. A comparison has been made, between the expense of reaping by the sickle, or cutting down by the scythe, lly the sickle, it would cost about twelve shil- lij;s per English acre, lor barley, and si:.teen si,'ilitigs for wheat. £jy the scyth.e?it will be cut down at least two shillings cheaper, and with from two to lour additional inches of straw, the ma¬ nure from which, will be uorth from five to seven shillings to the farmer. toleu m Strajed, SROM Mr, AWander MoD-ne'i's, itt*ar Kinglbn, en the sight of the ipeek in th- - a 26'h M&y lail, a lioa bfown Horfe, four years old, about flfWn band^ high, rarher low fo condition, cut cail and has a white e off eye. Whoever will bring the f .-1 Horfe to Mr. Alexander McDon- ell's atortfaid, or %ht inforrr;a;it>n where he may be found, fha i (if lioleu) receive a reward of Twenty Dollars, (oti convic* tiou of the ( Sender or ( ffcuiiers) and if ftrayed, fhall be rea;-jn^bJy regarded for their trouble. ALEXANDER McDONELL. tviu^lon^ [uue; 1 It^ I S..2 0., I \f& ihfaclion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London,'is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapem. .its, Repeaters. &c. See, Kingston, May 1.3th, 1820. 2otf For Sale, A SMALL cdleaion bfooeksjna x"3l received from New-Ymk, QttiQhgft which are Peter's Letters to his TCinsfolk, Anatomical Theatre,7 18, St. Paul Street, j *7une 7 2j 1820. 2 6wro O'Meara's Sp^clator,- Memoirs of N, ': a no I eon—tfie K ■• r at 1 L Lf'CtK. p. no Lexicons a'-an^mars, LempnVre-9 elafScal DieTtion- aiy, and a variety of other School Books. Alio an excellent Surveyor's Compafs of the mod approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY, Eingfi<n, May 221b, 1820. 19 octm r 107/rl lOTA-S removed to the houfe formerly JiilL occupied by ihe late DoeTtor Kea¬ ting. May 16, '.820. ilihtyntan Society. "^"RjSii Emigrants who wifh to have A. their Children placed at fchool in Ring- don, may apply to any of rhe members of the Society, or to the IVefidenr, John Fergufon, Elq -—Further particulars will be made known to them by their apply¬ ing to Mr. YV. MeCunilTe, Treaturer. KingftoOj June 161 1820. 26V4 20 off and lost, in using the shar ANECDOTE. A clergyman, preaching a sermon on some particu.ar patriarch, was extremely high in his panegyric, and spoke of him as far excelling every saint in the calendar, lie took a view oi the Cileftial hierarchy, but in vain, he could not assign to his saint a place w01 thy so man) viitues as he pos¬ sessed 5 every sentence ended thus: "Where can we place this great pat riareh?" One of the congregation, tiied at lad with ihe repetition, exclaimed, "As I am going away, you may put him in my pew." Record. jQne Hundred Dollars Reward. (jEJIOLENi about ^our weeks ago, fc3 from a ro-.rn in Mr. Worden's Inn, a Trunk three feet longf, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn fcin Whoev¬ er wi 1 deliver t*,e faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office., or give information to the Editor*, fufrxciejit to difcover aiid convift the thief, mall receive -the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Kingfton, fih June, 1820. 2jtf Land to he cleared. A NV person willing to undertake t<» jCJL perfbrhl the settiement duties on a tract of ex client Land in the District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Laud in" payment for his labour, will have an «r-ppn;lu::i>) orRiakinga «?ood bargain on appiyingat the olBce of this paper* Kingston^ 27/A April, 1820. i? Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Tovv'nship of Ameliamur^Jj.. Lot 23, in the front Conceflicn, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eattward of Niehoifon's Ifland. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con- ceffion of faid Townftlip ; the whole con¬ taining {ix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the OlBce of the Kinglton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All perfons are cautioned a. painft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly fubjedl themfelves to a ltgal profecutfon if deteftedi Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf NOTICE. ETTERSol Adminiftration having jj been granted lo me on rhe Eflaie of the late Roderick Mackny, Ffquire, ft is requefled that all who ijave claims attain ft that Eftate will p-efent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to ii will pay the amount due, with as little delay as po U ble. JAMES RANKEN, Adm:n]flraior. Bath, 28th Tune, 1820. s6tf Notice. fT^OR Sale, feveral Acre and two Acre lots on the Main Street, beinw NOTICE. gOBERT 1URNBULL, from 4.' MinJu'm, on the fouthcrd border of fifctf tod).'x. I .■? /1 hi www 'Vu a p&tdS Cuboe'vtr.- din^ iii foii.e part of Upper Canada, is re¬ queued to lend his addrefs to the Office of the Kinf-lion Chronicle, for the infor- matjon of a relative, who feels intereftcd in his welfare, and is defnous of correfpon- ding with him. 26 T.I.RMS of -rur KINGSTON CHRONICLE* Twenty shillings per .'iiifiuin; if pen! hyMjtft tucnt\ loui■-liillinir-. Kub-cri|>/ion^ to-btf raid inactvancc u> tUc 1st of 3w\\, or tiic \*i of Jam:- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. '^y IX linen and titular %s, Sd.j;nfiti-- Stirf/on, and 7\<I. each subsequent insertion: JO lines-and uiriter:i 3s* 4d» first inscTiiiMi rwdlOd. each svb-cqunif. insertion • cOovc fru litres^ 4iL per line an exttnfion of Store-Street, application \ for thtitfirst insertivn., ami Id. per line for price and conditions of payment to be for eoe'rv sw.'/o. •:..;.•/ /KKCffiiW. I re a png- hook, when it enters among the 1 rop, before the reaper has gathered the corn 'With his hand. Heaping by the sickle is performed, sometimes by the day, at other times by ^t.hp acre, and sometimes by the harvest ^rv.;rrr; but the fail est mode is, by the v.or\ thst is '*5cut<-d, With t/,at view, an a^rrs.mpr.1 has b-vn made, to give fn * An exj. "*» " ■>',! ftl J.utner, Mr. .ii«!iu -u-.-. 1;. staler, thai a'i! .'•■• s of g'itin o*</ 1 f> be cut "whenever l!ie ^tr.'Hf rrataediaie! t -'ow the r;»', §a so dry. t-»stt on twu^rt j: u. ».n : ».-c c.;i h«*cs- Wilmington, (Del ) June, 14. Original Anecdote.—A fact.—A man in one of our cities was in the habit of niak- :ng(/:rce zeroons of spurious, Indigo out of one of those genuine, by adding other and cheaper subitauces. Having once | ui- chahtd a zerooh for tht^ put pose in a neignuourtng city, and paid l«>r and re¬ ceived it, he discovered, much to bis com¬ fort, no doubt, that it was a pared of his om n mahufactuie ! jijctie.'i; for 1- • • Iii*" friili .:;. 1 >l improve, I thP clrC:»t:i'f'»il i;f i't j A1 - \u t • .. " \- ■'<" ;•' '! fiI matters not \w^\'\a4 s'thVk 11 ih i< ;itvn. i- very hour r^R- Irit*.^a1rf ^- .'• m,cm, :.' « ^ ".'-................"; "»" *'"•■ ,VV.B7",w V""' pflifiing tbi^u^r, n 4S aue^.-d fiih :.-:. llit lli'B> °" reading the charade a lady A Rebuts—A char'.de late'y appeared in the Eveninjj Poll ol Mew Y<,:k, the«o ludoO &f which v.\T» B^OMOEit, ;.••■» error or r..;st4.k.c,and Buss,a ki^sor nihtrc fri>m JOHN MARTIN, ^s?A ir% KGS leave to inform his friend? **&=^ .a. $ and the public ^< nerally, that he has opened a Ilousfi of Public Enteiv tainmmt near Fort ilcnry, under the sign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hope*, by a strict attention to those who nay favour him with a call, fo merit a share of public patronage. He win always hare on hand all kinds of Liquor* Of the Uehi qualify. Kingston, 1 Uh January^ 1820. N. I>. Good Stal)Hi £<Vr Horses. 2(1 made to the Subscriber, who will give information to perfonb defiring to pur- chafe. JOSEPH MUEDOCK. Kingfton, March S, I#20, 10 tf s. idverthen^ tils xiilioui written direr- NOTIui- to 1 'j 13 I,\NU AGENCY, FfnilE fublcriber, for many years the Jt;nior t ierk ifl the Office of the Honourable I.-Kecuiive Council of this Fiovin.e, and w-ho has for fome time pall occasion a!'v n£Ud as a Land Agent, ha v. ing refigncd th' fit 2lion he held fn the above mentiuntd Oihcc, and net being en* gaged in :uiy orber employ-rent, will tow ttansad Laud h^-^^ IV'-neraily. ANDREW M£RC£K. York 1 lib May $ 1820. 20 i N assignment having been made \V the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging- to the la:c firm of James Retaken &f Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong¬ ing to James Ranken individually* for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm, or against the said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective accounts to Chr. A. Haversian, Esq. of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber next. JOHN K1R3Y. Kingston, 1st Sept ember % 1819. 36 BLANKS, • Por the Courts of Request, J 7 and various other kinds, for sale . at iii is Office, I /.'. :isarc i" rrt.d till foibid. nnddutrged according /,. Order0 fnr diseontiHiring Ad'ser'iser merits (0 be in ivrvtinij, and delivered by H'EDJS ESDA V NOON tit the Int.ri." No Advertisements receivi d after TV. V o'Clock on the day of pul/tfculion. a'gbnts. James vYIIiiuwi*, I.-q. blunt rent, Me^fK S. 'V ,1. Daniop, lumcadcr jPaul G!a^l'or»l. Esq. MutMir. Alpheus'Joucs, Esq. Prcs'cML Henry Jones. T.sq. Brockmtle. N. B."To.nmas. E^l- Perth, tf. '.Vhifme.rsh. Tcq. ftfchtatttitL .1. K. HarTwell, l'.-q- Btuiard* T. WttbSter, I'-q. Oujunivqut-. .\. Rank* n. Y.-.V.. Bath. Allan MeWverMHi-, Esq. tfitpnnee. Ttiomas Parker, T.?q. Bellville., Joseph A. KeeTcv, Rsq, Cratnahe. James G. !U*rhuce4 Esq. Ilar.-.i'tcn jd.'iu I). Smith, E>q. Port IIupc. William Allan. Esq. York* Daniel Re" Esq, ViUorfa John Cronk: . Esq. Siagartt, T. McGom»ick, Esq. Queemton. John Wi! • n, I'sq. dvhersiburzh. KINGSTON, V C. rajNTi:!) FOB THE flUTOftft

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