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Kingston Chronicle, June 30, 1820, p. 3

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light; two Hick men, afraid of he-in- loft behind, concealed themselves in one of the frigates. Mnrried men were permit¬ ted to fake their wive*. Some criminals married before their departure. It is said that thousands of criminals have; petitioned the king of lllC tWo Sici¬ lies for permission to be sent to Brazil. From the N. Y. E. Post, Jt/nc 21. JLut&st from Spain.— By the arrival last r.voniug of the bn/J American., capt. Hi Hard 9 fivrn Marseilles and Tarragona, we have received Barcelona papers to the Gill of May, from which wc have made the following translations. 1.»mio:i.o.n.i1 May 5. It appears that our revolution has made ♦ a:'enemies of k«0«'ledsc lose the little judgment that remained to (hern. A proof "fit is thott Che censorship of the city of uccrees, \wuch the general Cortes, as well as extraordinary as ordinary,during their sessions, directed to the regency of the kingdom in favor of trie inhabitants of the provinces beyond sea; but being desirous to avoid every doubt, and to express more fully my will relative to a matter that deserves my greatest care, and justly called the'attention of the Cortes, which is to dispense a decided favor and protection to the Indians throughout Ultra-marine Spain, I have considered it highly expedient to order the most scrupulous fulfilment ami exe¬ cution of the decree made by the said general and extraordinary Cortes on the 9th November, 1812, abolishing the di¬ visions. purtitionsordisfributions/V^/?'- titnientuS]) of Indians, or any ether per¬ sonal service, which under tho.^e or any other names may have been introduced, Jircmcn, has prohibited flic insertion in together with 0 very thing also expressed the newspapers of the Gorm.ai transla- I i» the >;ame decree. This you are to fion of the declaration of Spain, The stocks of lumber dial hf over from last year are disapp-^ari;:^ fast, and prices are on the advance. king of understand and communicate to whom in whieh he stale* Sits having agreed to swear to thoron-iiiution ; thov are only permitted to copy .ho. original in the Spanish language. Can there be any thing more ridiculous? [f »!J the it v.vjy concern dtr its most punctual fulfilment. Palace, 2*2(1 of April, J820- us The following is a brief fummary of the events which touk place ac Buenos Avrcfl censors do like those of Bremen, in a lit- j down to the 9th of April, being the lateil tie while our lan^uact: 11 il] bocome ei i- ' ii.tclligencerecvivcd a: Montevideo prcvio rr-rsal, which U it hnx hitherto been that j to the dej r.iture of the Virginia, of bareness and humiliation, will heuCe- (orih be flie Ia;i£ii:i:ji» of liberty, arid will become interesting to ail men. May ft. Kitract of ;i letter from Motril,— tm The r p;w>.itiou that is said to exist on the part of the fiiar> will be in your put of thy country, for here they are very rational and pfdilic : they are lo¬ ver-, of or.:* r and admin- the wisdom of the new sy*tem of .coy* vuwu ivf.7' The letter w»s diluted to Villadoiid ; but JimoM^us few clerical p<T*ous Iijvl- hi¬ therto given causo of iMtnplaltii. April *£(>, Spanish productions are now mi riling in nuitiy places the honour - of pn>MM in¬ flow ; thai »s to saw tht'v now tin ih in*- t\<t\ in siippo-ie.g that we are people ca¬ pable of reason. The same war t!::i( a icw weak persons carried 0*1 here a^aire. all the useful doctrines that were pro- m'jlgaied to tlie world in (he writing ol a great oanilu*!' of wi^e men ; tlie «nir^ f/uMteiou^atu] ctuuul I-•;!-s vi;\ with \i Inch v ere prOTcnM (h- uo; fc« ofIHifFendorf,, Montesquieu Fi!;jn.';:e: s, Becc.wia, C'bfi* dIJlar* Unmr, Loc'v\ I •>:>.', :\uO in sfifirt of ail » ho did not write thro tog* Buenos Ayrescon htttcd to be agitated by the iarnntr <!eraei.:s of faction. An attempt was made by general Alvear, in the latter end of March to ufuro the com¬ mand of the troop*, difplace the govern* ment, and fubditute another mote favor¬ able to his views ; but hi.s defigns proving ineffectual, he Ci d to the quarters of general Carrera, who commtoded a corps of the federal army,and on being demand¬ ed from the latter *oogt*t refuge with g..e neral Ramirez, governor of the province ofEuire Roio. It was oiiicidliy announced, thai an election would be held en tl:e 2Cth of April, for roemb< r$ to repiefciit the count rv in the federal concrrefe. * r * An iuveftigatioi) of the condiiet of the preceding admfnilli&UusHt, developed aa inter tiling correspondence with th ■ lie .ch 'government on the fubject of a propr.f.i , (ilic retiilN of which will be QUEBEC, June 20. ^ H. M. 8. The Newcaftle, Captain Fandiawe, from Fl.ih'fax, haviug on board His Excellency the Earl of Dalboufie, Governor General of Bn'tifh North Amer¬ ica, the Countefs ol Dalhoufie, and their refpeftive fuites, arrived in this harbour on Sunday atone o'clock. His Excellency landed foon after under the ufual falutes from the frigate and the frarrifon, and was received by His Excel¬ lency Sir Peregrine Maitland, the principal civil and military authorities, and a great concourfe of the inhabitants, on Patterfon's Wharf, wheic the guard of honour was ftationcd- Ilia Excellency accompanied by his general and perforal Staff, proceeded on horfeback to the C.HlIc, where he was alfo received with ths tffual honours due to hi. elevated tank. The following wtrc the principal pas- fciigers on board the frigate .— Earl & Counted Dalhoufie, & two fons. Col. Darling, Military Secretary and familv. Captain Hay, Lord S- Kcr, M:. Temple. > Aides-de-Camp His Excellency the Governor In Chief took the oaths jf Office in Council yrflcrdiiy, at two o'clock, on which oc- calion a Roval falite was fired. ot no¬ vels, are now carried 0:1 ar.tl e\],;b(i;-(! by other natujus uho ptohibit our p&iicws and above all our constitution. l"rns-ia and Portugal, arc di-tinmii^hcd by the severity of the measures which they have • * adopted for that purpose. The Da 11 Mi government ha^SuJsniitied to the formality of rcquliing the royal authority for the [inblicutioM <*f prriodl- cal works ; they cannot trait of political matter?, nor publish news nrfhaul its special permission. In lieigiuu, many editors of Gazettes, and in parttruijr those of the Obstrver of Lou vain, have been imprisoned : it appears thai from the Buttle to the Pyrenees there i.> a !n>* hi k'&Suc agaitlSt the JHUinalis/^, and that the governments are inheriting the doctrines which Spain has just abandon¬ , ROVAL DECBIvS. The decrees wliieh the general and extraordinary, as well a^ the ordinal \ Cortes, sent all the public oih.r:*, for the ooe-d government arid ;HltnmtMH«M;t of the provinces bc>'-nd *-cn, are re-i^- tab'i<!ied aed in full forcr, hi the end that their iuhabitar.is rnay heuceforfl: en- joy the advantages and benefits ihat will result !";;Mtt thosewea.surc?, which accord ill everv respect with tlio earnest do>i that animates me to pi arid £ for (hou< T tse.d measures for its ft;hilmenJ«.; At the i';i- lace the ISth Apr:!. JK20. BAHCvr.f»v'i, JIn\ 0. Tl;e Mii'g has issued the foilowh^g de¬ cree.— The expression^ of sorrow of fi(eS;;n:i- iards who had l-rl:» n relume in i'*i;;;iCo for having adhered t'» thr lutiti&Ux'- :.<>- \orument, and the privations with which 'Sc/ri, june 22, 1820. On Toefdfly afternoon, about 5 o'clock, we experienced an uncommonly violent t:n ;"der ftn m, which Jailed nearly an hour with fcaijely any remilTion, the rain pounng dowi in torrents; we do not ueolieel havinij ecu an equal quantity fall in the fame ip:ce of uerie. Tl?e hail (lones were rctnaiiably large ar'd broke a great number ot window.-* but fortunately rire w.'nd modericcd a li'.tle when the laijrell icll, or Jcjr.elv aoy fflafi could have v. ithnood thc'RU as we f..w a great num bcrahout the U.u ofn pigeon's cjjij, ar.u have he;'i tanu*Q)ct] that liiil large* wtrc puUlifhed on Monday,) made by the latter, meafttiYtL The gale Lommenccd rrom the to u»r:n a monarchical froveinmcnt in the provaircBof the R*o d.- h PJ^ia. r. K' directed by the ;.r'i«cecf Lucu, a defcen- Jjui of the liourbond Lord Cochra e captured s>Md to,;h p.--;. fciiioa wfValdivm wn the .uh 1 ,-bru.ey, with the lot's of two killed and eleven wounded. IIr had previuuily been off Guayaquil in qu'U of the Spanifli frigate Prueba, but fhe eluded luspttrfolt by land¬ ing Ik r (runj7 and afcending the river. Hi* lordihip communicated with Bolivar, who was in (Viito, .:c the liead of 8co men. the principal part of whom had joined him on his march from New Grenada. General Stantaiuler, v/ith the advanced guardo' ti»e patriot Brm.r1, oc- cu| ied Gucnca, diftaat about 50 rr.ilcs from Guayaquil. Fmmlk* Sp"y-i.:' JltfjtCi—By 1L0 .Vi'ii.-i of thr: bris tji-ii. lir-nw... imm Po "■ Cavr-ikj. wr huve accounts from that plasj to the u\;>i of May. Ti:e ercpi'dition from Jljarfin ! '• hao f*f feetr-d a landing at Hio d- 'a iluch... ,^ .- >; possession of the ptai e. T;-.c rcy I:-is w- rt hi strong force, and were daily n.. icifa ^.-: ranks oi' th;* patriots. A eoir-nirac.v hati b»'i*n di.eove •» tl at Vu- •1 North, but ih.incv every few mintrteS, and hk%»' tiffiti&ljr y&ettt fro:>: evc-y Otlw pomt or" the ccnp^l*. Judging tiom what we have witnofled, wc fear the *'amr.;:r ba-c been v\iy greet ; one new frame riouft uasb!"Wi dev\n and fevvral t)lher-» unioofed, and a numhei ol Ireea overliiriicd , bwl vec have rr:it.»n to believe that the t\!icn'.e v; 4ence el the iloim was not general, as it was eo.nparalively trrflmg a httle Tov n. to the welt ward oi the Gaz&tte. iM+**n* WiK$$i0i,-.M\:m& ■ * r * • » * **-** • * ■ hlSdSTOS. h.'.\r. ::0, 1820. 9 9 ■ • - ■ • 4 * ■ • 4 * . * ■ I i--:ii-i:i, and the mayor nftliutphtt'O irnd b*!t 'Ml. If ui'ixi^'tted withJj.it.t-reo3«s. wi'o-.- !■ ohjfttt was it! irsa iSaen ,-r ".*. Mttrilh ami nl <u.< arm", and a!iih»-oV S, .ir, ;--i-, Six p;'.r- '--«»!,; hud al-Kidy h'-ca stiol, and .* .)"(lpw(;r u' odji*rs >ve*;ld ^u»:i share thp 'jnrne faie. (i/n. Mprillo was at \"t':H'-u::a. Willi 0 sfrmg rniiitarv foreo- The patrinis were Our ?s'rw -York psp/nsupply usthi&^v^f! ■st'UIi no 1 U;« "u.lel. *i*nei* of any moment Ve.ii i'.iirop-. ihaii I. < been rdiemiv fdven. !!:• Ev^V'lh'n«r\ -i- i'e'.erriue Jlarthtnd, L« i> Si-rah M^U'hi d- awl Stitfe, r.mveri h'Ti- -ei Sit.ml.iv . -lw ayd ' n.barked on •iond v i.i ti.a Sttambbat Frontenac for 3fur-i- . Tii- Election of.-' 31 i*ail»ertorepresrnt the io—r. »); i."' :;: :o'\ \\\ [in* Prorhicial J>arlii- Hit-Ua CO'lUl'ieeccd •»•-«<* Hit to lH'I'te o:; Mon- d.»* I.i *'.*.: i'-:i oeloelc. After the readin:.' ojtite '■■ :;.-;,«or »• li. Murklandand C. A. J la .• -r. ..-. KsjStr^**, w.-.e nominated l*v iheir p«vj aeilve ?*i;pp6rtws, n*i whieh ijxtfz* g»?r;llen ■•:• s'- [ red forward on the hustings, and addn->r d thb e!eci«.r?. A noil wa*: then e ! i;: por*e^;n;i of Jj;?» kingdom ofSuntHF«; hut two Siranishdi- . ' ^j'iiiiis were ;:dv:i;;ei,:j; ;•' ;»;,.*! ih.-ni. hat animates me to piov;d« f,>r ilu^o \ A:l wa-. tr;"u|iiil at O.v.nm and ir.-'ictlo- >rortilC0S w! alcver i::ay t« rid to |>nt*!notf* I :n—theia«p:'a troops Itml fviijsis^ioo- inta-sta*!* and to take the „m-ar ! '^v^^'f" ;: --'f ^'i'l1^ -= ;i^» :,»•-'«>; . . • »!cv.ttsturet:ir^i'd Ironi 2>urtt» r>v:utrl wjwuS measures tor its ft;ln!n«r»(. At the U- Adui»r*#. fit*- -tfflttiift amivrHlXMc-siutdliM Achagir*!5- TIw patriot ^Ktiu.r»li*- »llv';:".i i witc at Sun I'Vi'ia.id". M irillo li-is <• ;;>ild;<!M«;t !::> Ii»-;,u-fj5rartftrd at Vjiitncia, pjjiI Sfnroli^s wit!i Uh uivition, was at (J.tlaburo.— A*. 1". K:\ 1 demand'd, wijie'i wa^kHptopeu until Tue-- d:-.y Hi tivo orloci . w'.rn >3r. Ha^finan wn* declared duly idveli d—the asfijJlows: For Mr. rd'.uld.v.jd, ete- brfwg 11-0 U Ho I ',.>». i thev were threatened bv a elran :c ol e:r- comstanees, moved my eompa>slon to permit them by mj lio}al decree *-f tho '23d of tliis munih to enter I he S;);rni-h territory. But it beiu^ propvr tc recon¬ cile as much as possible* llie**c sentiments of nry gt»«erosfty and beui.iccr.co wifti the decree of the Cones on thi> subject, I have ju^t ordered, that the Spaniards who are or mar h»ive been refugees in France, for Jvavrug adhered to the intru¬ sive ijovernmen:, \\ horn I have permitted hv mv i-aid decree to enter the S;:::!ii-h territory, may establish themselves for flu* present in one of the. provinces of Alava, Biscay, Ciuipuzcon, ar:d CastMcs as far as Burgos^ from win nco they are OCf t-» re'novi- until the Cortes he. a>se:7!- bled and ^hall determine what tlwsy may deemju'-t; and in thr* mean time the extraordinary decree of the 21st Septem¬ ber, lbi'i. shall remain in full fores ^ind vigour. Spaniards of this description who may have already parsed or may attempt to pass the limits prescribed to them in this decree, shall be obliged to depart immediately, inasmuch as it i>not cAflipHetrf for them to remain at present in any other provinces of the Sparusdi Wonnfcby than tho^e designated. Thi> y«)U are to e;;chT.-.tanth an;J communi¬ cate to whom if may concern for its most ptmrtual fuliUmcnt. Pai;:ce 4J6'(li ^f April, 1820. MAT>RTH, April 23. By rny decree ofth^ 1 ifh in>t, J Mio'l proper to rc-oiat-Yit-h m full force al! tiic It is report'*! that n *■ n s f of T:>nzress vtiilbc held at V' r^ailhs on the *j5(h eurn*i:t, *'f a b".v contnI'uti:il fricndHof two ilbiNti ions (haiuhis. M v, hieli her Ma;e h wi!;l be pn*seut lis person.—.Star. " Everything liberal, with respect t^ tlie rank and establishment o! the illUP- trious female (the Qaern) i Itlfr'ii ded i*. be conceded t<> her ; imhI even in th- GTRltl ef her follou iir^ the ath\$Q ,1 < >il counsel! -r?, in every proceeding which this condiK't nv»y ilemuud, the utmost moderation will be observed by ministers. in the .^ The whole object, a< wv oi^ervei tir-t iterance, v.ill bo to Uphold the HOve? relijn authority and ro«je>iy o1 'he throne in its ju^t rii;!;^ and di'jjiiUic?, t-» prevewt as much aspo^Udeall i'nseeorou^uiseub- b'ion?aiid render all painful evidence uii^- necessary to support tin* process u hit i» may be instituted, unle>s indeed a forrHjj defiance, from supposed want Ot pro*- f, may make the production of it Uievita- blc— Ministerial pepw. On tire 3d of August thr vh.irk of another eardiqualce was experienced in India, la Jav^, on ihedlltof March, it rariied ^° heavitj f.^vl hours that many hills in th* territory of ]).ar- fforgo hnrM uith the vcijeht of wttttfr with irlileli ibev wrw ^aiwrnied, On itie 89*-li « severe farihqnakr was felt. Tire -b*>ek. thrice repeat¬ ed, was >o violent as in <da-h rt»r Sabres hanging an n> walls of die tmrmek* tq&dnH eacii uther, as if pernotu were fight ins ullh dirm. ?!."-.ri;y in fayofr of .Mr. IT. Til- Of te-^. ': : ! v* :k uh-f-n-t- \U •-*/■ was coudiicTfcd *»ii 1. -tb isided ivitti ti:*r grc:ii- • ■-: tihrn-nfity—and without axeiihjg ;»nv feel- '.■i.-; of tiMimority • !.er belwci*-0 :!:t: car.di- rln't orth»ir fncudr. Mi: il ijr'riKn i i-. bis address to the rfee- :.ii . ei*.--.; ,yt..(i .!•■. i i;dability,andiwthank- jRCti'.wrW f']' ll.»: In :•!!!:• confi-rri'd on him. e.::; c'ldc -iy nini i aliVeted.—Mr. Blarfc- laiid'HO] :ii.'- aji*-i i v/a>- m;:::!y and di;.';r»i- iii-«i. I, was an nm ..itcJ appeal to the uel- h . . .id rnidi*r«t*iiid^g^ of his audiuiice, <un\ tltoi ^'i In- did not pw*e thf : jw*r«-ssfol cau- d-d.ire, he exhihiU*' talents highly eredtta- i.hr to iuiii^idf ;md a tho.se v. Uo supported l.i.u— tulcocsv.liicb .ve hope one day to see uppri ci:e<-1. and e. ;^d inLo action for the s»*rv:ee of hhj conn:.' t—Jn ret.uj'iiii)^ tlianks t;> hi i Irhuuls at thr 'lose of ihe jitill. be e\- pr:.■■.";-d l:ii.i<**!fiti a ;tyle of ease aiid grace- I'uha's.^ which was n^ to have been expected from ».*>' pK<on tiiaecustomed to public «firaku.-_., and by Uu !if»era!ity oi" his sen'i- ;::; ..e: towards Ids opponents oerervodly guioed ih"? esteem icdajmla^c of all who }:e.ir-l l.i;.:. tcm Of husbandry In 0M Cultrvatron Of all green crops, excepting pr^ss.—iMucb praise i«: certainly due to Captain Fraser and Mr. Cleiry, f*."rthe skill and industry displayed in the management of their Delhi estate, (for ibis wc understand is the name given to tin- place where theae gentlemen reside.) We wish them success with all our heart, for they certainly deserve it : and wc hope they will be the means of introducing: into the country such improvements in husbandry as ere long will {rive additional strength and vigour lu the whole agricultural interest. Prices Current in the Kmg9tcn Market. His Lordship, the Bishop of Quebec accompa¬ nied l»v his ( ha|»lain. I)r. Mountain, airived lure IftSl evenine* We Understand His Lord¬ ship will proceed in the steam boat Fromrunc io-inorroTv, to visit the upper part* of liis*!iocese. *Iis Honor the Adoiinistrntor has been pleased to appoint V. F* Hall, Hsuuire, of the town of Kingston, a Notary Public for tlic Province of Upper Canada. COMMUNICATION. On Saturday the 24th inQant, three Companies of the 2d Battalion of the Len¬ ox and Addington Militia, commanded by Captains John CarfcaJlan, George Carfcallan, and Lt. John Defoe, afTem- blcd at the Napane Mills for the pur.pofe of excrcifing. or what U commonly termed half yearly training, and notwithftanding this is a feafon of the year which call* for all the labour and attention of the Farmers, the ranks were better filled than on any former occafim of a fimilar nature Seve¬ ral young men who had, • fmce the lad training, attained the age required by law for enrollment, came forward and joined the Companies; and feveral of the oldeft U. E. Loyalifts in the neighbourhood, who from old age and infirmity feldom go beyond the boundaries of their rcfpe*ftive fsrms, were prefent, and feemed to feel a fecret joy at feting their ions and grand ions advance to enroll themlelvcs, eager as it were to fliew their attachment to a Conflitution, for which their fathers had not u\\\y fought and bled) but facrificed their 3II. The Companies went through tire manual and platoon cxercife with a degree offtcadinefa and alacrity which would have done credit to a veteran corp9. Thid being the firft time at which thefe companies were aflVmbled lince his prcicnt Majedy was publicly proclaimed fn this D'ilrict, they, alter having gone through their evolutions, weie formed intoline, and (ai iht j ' espumoffil ifiwtd at ifen vde jinie^. and -.very one "cried out * God lave King George the Fourth,' as loud as he could bawl/' A SPECTATOR. Napane Mills, 241b June, 1820. MARRIED, Ai Batli, on TuwaJay the 27th June, by the IT« v. .1. ri'/U-hlon/Mr. John Storms to Miss Elizabeth Mogtai hoth ofEruestTotvo. BIRTIL On the Sotli Jtint, the Ladyof Lieutenant Coloh'I 31cG.-.: ^ok, of the #"etb Regime.it, of a So 1. DIED, Of Ttclntria, iti this village, on Monday eiliilS last, .Mr. F. W. McNalr, about 25 vvflrsofage- He was originally from Aber rleen, in Scotland, but for several years paot !i;u5 rcprded in the Islaud of Jamaica, and was Ijtely fn»:n Bermuda, where he stated he has rt brother now living. He was on his way to \ i-il another brother in Canada, who resides near Druinoiondville.in the Lower Province, wbom be stUitfd to he a half pay Lieuteu- •ud.--r-ir. .McWair's vi-it hi rcu"is ptU'ely hi- erdental: he wa* sttadced by the dii^ease or" tvbieh be died on hi- p;i<5aV*: up the river, and ;:i*riverj beretoo mucli iodisposed to pro¬ ceed further. He expired on the sixth day after his arrival. Bis friends may obtain fur- the; information relating; to him, by referring to Doctor John H. RteeljOftljis village, or to 3Ir. Nathan Lewis. Ice-perof 1 he Pavilion. Printers in Canada and in iVew-York. would probably oblige (he friends of the de¬ ceased, by i.i\in^the above an insertion. ■ ' ill . - /l ' |1 ' «... '.ii|»'-. 'I :" . I:- Midland District Asricidtural Society, held at lire Court House, n th*. Townof Kingston, on Wednesday the ei si June, ij was !■:.'. RtsolveJi That a Cattle Show be hrfd at the Napanee Mills, on Thursday the 19th day of October next, and that tho following Premiuuii be offered, viz : 1 iro Articles, per. hnra. £ K 'M'l'bi, Bread, leaf Bref, III. Bacon, Butler. * f 4 * • Parley, iiifib. Beei>, Cider, bid. Cheese, lb. Cabbages, .* ad Carrels, boih. Ducks, pair Rjq»s, (l"2. Fouls, pair Hour, bid. 17 do. CUl. B Geese, eacii Hay, ion 2 10 Lard, lb. Mution, Oats, bush. IVas, » ♦ ♦ * 4 Potatoes, ■ * 9 • 1 Parsnips, ■ • * - - Perk, Am. bb\, 3 .... Can. • » * » 3 10 Si raw, bun. Turkey, each Turtiipa, 1mi-.Ii. Tallow, lb. Veal, Venison, * * * • * \v»od. cord 10 d- i 'Jo cb I fti'ina'W* P B 6 9 3 ?i I g 10 1 6 5 13 6 j * Dollars. - 20 - 10 - 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 R 4 4 ! Thr numb qURBEC, June. 12. jfir of %e-s*ds rllrtt arrived iro Pi'-ttiH 1HJI*, up to in th«- lUth J-une inclusive, amounted to zL2S, and .he register i*mu;*Selo Reporled ihi" ve-?f fr«mi sen to Use On T!/*:-uay th- .*i LrslvnL the eieeticn was m hi for a iner; .-••,-:o represeu: the town ! r.:* i • -I, -i;d John JtfiYcriy Robiur.on, Esq- the Auwrwey 6eai*r:J \,-;;s reinrned. An e- lic'or proposed f>\..,-c. Itiduul, Esq. ;:.-: a cwrdMlte, bnt M. JUdoilt no( appetrinu. ;*od iio one toitfing f'urward to second the pr.>,.uy •:. - lr. AobIi..on was elected without oppo^iliof). We IrM-Tv P<*c*iyed from the fiwtn <i Captah.'J raserand ' -.Cieirv, inH dditnand, (OlKecli on ihe hull ►ay of ihe 76th Regitu- entj some ears of v^eal md pods oCpessve The e.-ir:ofv;bent s^ very line and largi'j nr.d ibv (.ease ebou: ])air grown in choiiod. Wn h&v* si en the li <\ of wheat i'nuu vi'u.-Ai t\ii- >]<Ci-\nr-n-' is>oui pos^es^on were uitceu, av;d e.e. would [ti is! -!nwhether t!i^re lift any thlxig fupi'rior to j.-,n xjpjser Canada-^tt consists ofn bout ti it; _(lUl. acres, ail equully pe.nl; Ihoears rto • ,\\ :iUl\ heavj% the ?tolks strjnj mil Htawrtmg ^fectly strcuffht, andif a j-ud-■■:..c*et »siiyb« !• iniofi 'from the pressiit appear-inee of the coj^it v.'.ll Bprposs In quaulil v ;(*id CjMj h*\ - .lV tl.in^: t!;;;t has been produc'* d on- uiequa, $*&?& nf gi'ountl in the p r. n.ee. Theerui 0f pease also lock'slk -r-'dinrly well, and I -oniises arn'ar'v and a- bun.l nt iitir\«tit. A fr.w aeresf»f the pease For the best Bull,..... .-----.---- Cd best Bull,..... ---------- Iji'.-I Mil;:h Cow, - - - ---------<!d best do. - - - - ---------best K'un, - - - . ---------2d bfst do. ----- --------- best 6 Ewes from one flock, ~~-------£,] best do. do. do. .---------best Boar, ----- ----------2d best do...... ---------best Breeding Sow, - - --------- 2d best do. do. - - .--------- best yearling heifer or steer, ---------id be^t do. do. do. 2d, JiesolvetL Thatthe following Premiums be ptfcred for the rear 1821, viz. For the best f»e*!d of Wheat, Barley, or Peas, as to quantity and quality, not less than 2 acres,.....- For the 2d besl do. - - - - - ------ best Acre of Potatoes, - ------ 2d best do...... best £ acre of Cabbage, Turnips, Ruta Ba^a, Beets, Carrots, or Parsnips, - - ad host do. - - - - bi■-! PlottghinjtofAOl less than $ of an acre, - - - 2d best do. - - - - - 3d beat do...... H- C- THOMSON, Secretary. Kingston, JvruZ\. I8S0< 20 10 10 5 10 0 10 3 a June mehisiv*?, a.*lS vessels.TH7.tf to*e*. --1- have bwwi ?owi ni JrHI.by way ofexperi- rivahtii l*lfi up ;*J ih 1 :l Jab", HI ' *-: '3 TOM •■ nd it i^ p" 1Jlblet:^r Uio proprietors and ?;>v':i to..s. w ' fM * **. ki« ,. jri ^ -'i; u that sys- ON SALE. LANDED from the Alexander, from London, 20 pipes of fuperior Spanifh red Port Wine, of the very firft quality ; 100 cafks of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; IOO cafks of Nails, 6d. to aSd.—Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scyths, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine, Eaft India Sugar, and feveral other articles-—all of which will be fold at reduced rates. BENJn. hart, Montreal. t\fl June, 1S20. New Store, Recollet Street, near the Reeoltet Church. Z$m$ A HORSE, Suspected to have been stolen. A Perfor. calling himfclf John Ree% or -j\. Retfe, apparently 45 or 50 year* of age, dark complexion, flat nofe, and rather a downcaft look, arrived here on Sunday lad with a very fine Hotfe, which he offer¬ ed for fale fo very low. that it excited the fufpicions above mentioned. He was re* cognized, and fuppofed to have (lolen a horfe from Benoni Polly, of Ybunge ia 1S14, and felling him to a Mr. Yeik-, of Hollowell ; he has been taken on Mr. Polly's complaint, and committed to the cells for further examination. The Horfe is heavy and well made, col¬ our rather. light bay, dark mane and tail, a little white on the left hind foot, a large white fpot (1 think an artificial one) on his forehead, and faid to be 5 or 6 rears old. I purchafed the Horfe from him before he was taken into cuftody, for JJ12 10, and (hall endeavour to keep him for the rightful owner ; any further delcription or .iufirrn.Miorr-\niV Jt gmirtfy OTtttng 10 the fubferibcr. H. SPAFFORD. Brockville, June 27th, 1820. Schola Medicino. Established in Montreal November 1st, 1819, By WfiiiAM Wrr.urocKs Sleigh, M R. C\ S. L. Sy-c. fife. THE fecond courfe in the above es- tablirhment will commence the firft Monday in September. Tire Lectures during the firft month will be free to the public — The private courfe will commence the firft: of October, and continue till the month of May. The courfe will confiitutc Leftures on Anatomy, Phyfi dogy. Pathology, Surge¬ ry and the Prafticeof I hyfic. Left ares (during the Public Courfe) on Mondays, Wcdnefdays and Fridays, at fix o'clock in the evening. P. Si Dr. S. will take a few Medical Gentlemen to refide with himfclf—As ev¬ ery arrangement fhall be made to render the Courfe of coniidciable advantage, thofe Gentlemen who purpofe ftudyiag in the eilablifhment arc requeued to giv* early in¬ formation. Anatomical Theatre, 18, St Paul Street June 22, 1820. 26wto Hibernian Society. their Children placed at fchool in King- (ton, may apply to any of the members of the Society, or to the Prefident, J hn Fergufon, Efq—Further particulars will be made known to them by their apply¬ ing to Mr. W. McCunifFe, Treafurer. Kinglton, June 16, 1S20. 26W4 ~~ N OT ICE! LETTERS of Adminiflration having been granted to me on the Eftace of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is requefted that all who have claims againft that Eftate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay aa poflible. JAMES RANKEN, Adrniniflrator\ Bath, 28th June, 1820.________26tf NOTICE- ROBERT TURNBULL, from Mindiim, on the fouthern border of Scotland, who is now luppofed to be refi- ding in fomepart of Upper Canada, is re- quefled to lend his addrefs to the Office of the Kinglton Chronicle, for the infor¬ mation of a relative, who feels interefted III his welfare, and is defirous of correfpon* ding with him. __________ ^6 BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Offiee. 1 M. Volney died a few days since, at Paris, of an inflammation of his howels. He was conscious of the danger of his situnthm, and met his fate, savs the Morning t-hroniele, u with a truly ptiilosophical courage." This eulogy is easily understood. Philosophical death beds are the triumphs of atheism ; and the character of Volney s writings does not justify us in assuming an exception in his case. ThePrussian Army has expressed p. desire that the mortal remains of Field Marshal Prince Ulucher should, after the custom of theRomauf, be interred under a mount of earth. This also was the wish oi the deecas* eil The liing has given his conseoU

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