i tfie accompIiHimcni of their wi/hca foyour ha'ftening to fraterni.e, to unite in confer ence with them a** equal fuhjeds, on thofe remedies which the ncccffitics of the country require, and of your own particu¬ larly ; thefecurity of your pu foils is gua¬ ranteed by the laws <f national honour, and which f acred code the country his fw^rn in the face of the universe rc'igi- ouily to obferve. Reunite, therefore with the fathers of the country, conciliate wife predilections of the people, contribute to the fafety of the (lace, fix for ever the happy dtiKuies of the two worlds, and entitle yourfelvet above all, to that im¬ mortal crown which is conferred by the blefiings of a grateful pofterity ! What benefits, what felicity will not this much- defued union produce ! Commerce, agri¬ culture, induftry, fcfet.ee, and art will flourifli with unprecedented brilliancy in this happy country, and univerfal undis¬ turbed tranquility, the ptecious ofF:>pring of mutual concord. Juftice and policy alike prefcribed this conduct; and a Conftitutional Government common to all, in which nothing unjult or arbitearycan exift, will elevate us to the higheft pitch of profperity tn which maw h capable of at¬ taining.—But if thofe falutary connfels given from the recedes of my heart, and if that true and friendly hand which your dear country holds out to you ; this which has produced fo many of your fathers, and which has the authority to prefcribe, be not attended to, you will have to fearall thofe evils which thehorror of acitflv.-ar produce,all ihofc evils accrue to a (Late, deftitute of its natural and legiti¬ mate Government, and which refult from the infiduous fedu&ions of ambuious men who promote the horrors of anarchy, with a view of wrtfting into their hands the tceptre of government ; thofe unprincipled defpoiiers, unknown adventurers ; thofe foreign intruders, who ft-ck earneftly for -vocations to fow the germs of difcord and confufmn ; who endeavour but to divide, and divide but to dominate ; in fine, all the horrors, and convulsions which ftates fuffcr in the mod violent crifis, produced by the effervefcence of confii&iog political principles andpaffions, will await you ! — And then you will feel all thofe terrible ef- f*&s tobe exrv&ed from national fudi\r. nation and julily offended Government; a government moll ftrong and powerful when fupported by the people, and direct¬ ed according to the principles which ac tuate them. Oh ! may fuch a moment of jnconfiderate obftinacy never arrive ! — Never ; for the poignant ctief which it mud create could, but for a fhort interval, be bora by your tender and indulgent fa¬ ther. "FERDINAND." The most splendid preparation:- continue to be made for the Coronation, and the open¬ ing of Parliament. In the Cruun the fiiurst- deUys are togire place to tougHxia of the Host, Thistle and Shximrochi nfvir&i'i £f>ld. The King's command has hewi olBewilv announced in the Gazette that his Majesty's birth-day shall be observed slid kept on the i4Ch of April, instead of on the 1 :tli August- L':ntkn puptr. From the Philadelphia Freeman's Journal. The King-of Spain run oft'. Captain Churchhill, of the fchooncr Monroe, of Portland, arrived here yefter- day morning, in 13 days from St. Barthol¬ omews, was boarded by a Span fib floop of war, of 20 guns, under the Cortes flag, 25 days from Cxdiz, who informed him that the King of Spain had run oil* to France. Captain Price, of the ship gciipsa, from Cainpcachy informs, that 1*0 the arrival of rhe. news of the adoption of the. Constitution by the Turtos at jM;-drid, the inhabitants of ^ainpeaehy took the Arch JJiviop from his bed".* midnight, and compelled him to ring The illf.itnh beill until break of day, whe.ua pejicral rejoicing took place, and the Consti¬ tution was procfaiined, . Ih'fsphit. Gaz. From Bu:ckzoi-d\s Magazine for March- ixrmt from tke LTii;:cK -hepim-iid. Eltrke^ March 3, tK'iO. De,\A ClIRISTOI'IIKR, I enclose vou a very curious letter from a eou>i:i genuam of my own to his son, xuio still remains in this cvuiifry. It has given me so much a:.;n<emcut flt::t I thmu'hf it might bo acceptable to you for publication in the Magazine. If you think proper to give it a aonrer, do not alter the orthography, or the writcj'ssiu* gulflf mode of grcitrraar. in any other wny than by pointing it. What he says with regard to the riches and freedom of America must he taken \\'\i\\ reserve, it being well known here that he is dissatis- fied, but that he wauls the son, to whom he is wiling, and others of his family, to join uim. This indeed is apparent from the tenor of the letter. The uliter was a high:/ respected shepherd of rhis country, and as suc¬ cessful as moct men in the same degree of life ; but for a number of years by¬ gone he talked and n-^d about America till he prow perfectly unhappy ; and, at last, when approaching his Sixtieth yeas', actually set offto seek a temporary home find a grave in the new world ; but some of his sons had formed attachments at home, and refused to accompany him. He was always a singular and highly amusing character, cherishing every an¬ tiquated and exploded idea in science. religion, and politics. lie never v.as at any school, and what scraps of educa¬ tion he had attained had all b.°cn picked up by himself. Isothing excited his in- oignation more lh««fi S-ie iheorv of the earth w|ie£liii£ round on it-; ax hi, ami journeying jvund the sun : he hid many Strong logical arguments against it, a;. J bailed then r.ll ftifh sciipture. SWunt ke first began to hear tell of I/« rtli Ame- I.clio.u rfto tiiat Fife was not it ; and! that he saw it from the Castle Hill of Kdinburgh ; I remember, and always u'ill,a night that I had with him about seventeen yeais ago-—Ho and one Wal¬ ter Bryden, better known by the appel¬ lation of Cow Wat, Thomas Hog*?, the celebrated flying Ettiick tailor, and my. xHf, were all drinking in a little change- house one evening. After the whiskey had fnirly begun U> operate, Laidlaw and Cow Wat went to loggerheads about Hell, aboul which their tenets of belief totally differed. The dispute was cavil¬ ed on with such acrimony on both sides, that Wat had several times heaved his ■ great cudgi I, and threatened to knock his opponent down. I.aidlav., perceiv¬ ing that the tailor and I were convulsed with laughter, joined us for some time with all his heart ; but all at once he be¬ gan (o look grave, and the tear stood hi his rye. t; Aye, ye may laugh P" said he, i% great fjomerals ! It's weel kend that yeJre just tuae that In ugh at every thing that's good. Ye hae mair need fo |)r<iy for the poor auld heretick than laugh at him, when ye see that heN on the braid way that leads to destruction. Pn* really sorry for tllfe poor anld scoun¬ drel after a', aud troth f think we sude join an' prny for him. For my part I sal lend my mite." With that he laid off his old douched hat, and kneeled down on the floor, leaning forward on a chair, where hepiayed a long prayer for Cow Wat, as he familiarly called him, when reprefenting his forlorn cafe to his Maker. I do not know what I would gN-e now to have a copy of that prayer, for 1 never heard any thing like it. It wasfo cutting, that bcfoie the end Wat rofe up foan-Jng with rage, heaved his ftick, and cr:<.d, r* I tell ye, gie owtr, Jjrnie Laidlaw, I winna be prayed for in that pate." If there were different places and degrees of punffhmtnt, he fald, &s the auld hoary reprobate maintained—that was to fay, three or four hells, then he prayed that poor Cow Wat might be pre¬ ferred to the caficft ?-ne. "We coudha cxpeft nac better a place," he faid, u for fie a man, and indeed we would be afharr.ed to aflc it. But, on the ither ru-nd," continued he, " if it be true that the oojeCt oi our petition cheated James Cun¬ ningham an' Sandy o* Bowerhoue, out o' from two to three bunder pounds of lamb- filler, why, we can hardly <:fk fie a fitna- tion for him ; an' if ic be fa'thertrue, that he left his ain wife, Nanny Stothart, and took up wi* another, (whom he named name and fur-name,) rea!Iy we have hard¬ ly the face to aflc any mitigation for him atal." The tailor and I, and another one, I have forgot who it was, but I think it was probably A die 6* Aberlol!:, were obliged to hold Wat by main force upon hw chair till the prayer was fmifhed. Such are fomc of the traits of character peculiar to the writer of theenclofjdcutinus epifi'e.— Your's, ever, jAMjSS HOGG- York, U. C. September 9, 1S19. Dear Robert—1 write youth:*, to let you know that we are Mill alive, which is agreatmeicy. We Lame here on the 25th of April ;but. as there was no Land ready muered, we weic obledgcd io take a Houfcfor this Summer, and -n acare of a Garden ; we had to Stay in it untill we get the Crop of the Garden. When we arc forgoing to our Land, we have got Each of us one too acctB ; aud Andrew* is a little of from us j Walter and me has zoo acers in one Lott, as v/c had to Draw it all by Ballot in Two Hundred acres; Andrew and George Bcil, from Efl:da!e, is in one Lott. We arc Moflly all Scotts men, and has got a Townfln'p to be all together, or what is Called, a parifh in Scotland. They give 60,000 Acevs for one Towndup. There is a Great meny peoply Settling hear. Government bought a large Trail of Cuntry from the Indians Laft year. Thw End of ic was only about 12 Mills of york, and very go »d Land, So that people was all for on it, it j Being So rear the Capital of the province; but we were Two Long of getting our Hi ant, that the Land was ail taken up Near the Town, So that we will be 30 Mills from yovk ; but the Land is good, for Walter and Andrew has been on it. Andrew has a line ftrccm of water runs through the middle of his Lott ; but I am afraid that Wat and me will be Scarce of Water, unlcfs wc dig a Well.------Wc have eighteen MouDthti to do our fettling ucuties in, where we have to Clear hve acers Each, and put up a Houfe, and then we get our Deed for Ever to ourfelvesand hirs. Robert, I will not advife you to Come hear, as 1 am afraid that you will not Like this place ; fo you may nke your oun will when you did not Come along with us. I do not Expeft Ever to See you hear ; I am very glad to hear that you have got a place fur you and your wife. May the good will of him that Dwelt in the Eufii reft on you and hit ; and may you be a bltfling to one another. K I had thought that you ould have deferted us, I fhould not have corned hear ; it was my ame to get you all near me mnde me Come to America j but nana thoughts are vanity, for 1 have Scattered you far wider, but I Cannot help it now. Them that I have hear is far more Contented than I am ; indeed 1 can do very Little for the Snport of a family, for the work here ;:£ very heavy ; it ta not a place for old men Lik me, alfho it ia a fine Cuntry, and produces plenty Robert, rf ibis Comes about Tow weeks when he got better ; then Andrew took it, and he has had it this mouoth, but h now getting Better— but very weak ; they have wrought all this Summer with people in the Town for Six Shillings a-day.* b'Jt did not get ther viftules, they have made a good dale of money ; but we have to pay dear fur the Ifoufc ; but wc have a good Garden that we Can Live upon, aud has Sold a great dale out of it a icoDiflbn of Cowcombrcs, and therty Bulhels of potatoes. We had peas to foot High, asd Beans 12 foot- Some Hundreds afrer .me. It has been a very warm Summer bear, and there is a line Crop of Every tind of grain, and Hundreds of people Coming from the old Cuntry to eat of it ; wt get the fined of the wheat hear ; Twelve Stone of it is 27 Shillings, and we are Expecting it will be at to in a month ; we :00k fifteen acers of meadow Hay to mow md win from one Mr. Macgill ; we had three Dollars the acre, and we made it in tlree weeks ; and he has given us as much lea Hay for nothing as will winter oui Cov, only we had it to mow and win. He 1% a very rich man, and has befriended mc more than all the farmers in Eft her Etfick or yearrow ould have Dim. The mrney here with Mer¬ chants and people of tread, is as plenty as Ever I Saw it am Town in Scotland. There is a market :ear Every day for beef and mutton, aM people Comes in from the Cuntry with Butter and Cheafe, and Eggs, and potatwa, onions, and Car¬ rots, melons and Ski.ifhins,and pumpkins, —with many things u.known in Scotland. The people hear Speaks very good Euglifh ; there h roary of our Scots words thst they Cannot undrrfland what we are faying ; and they Li-e far moie ^depen¬ dant than King Geo-ge ; for if they have been any time hear, aid got a few acers of there farm Cleared, t;cy have all pler.ty to Live upon ; and wf.at they have to Sell, they get always money for it, for bringing i> to york. There U a road goes Straight North fiomyo-k intn the Cuntry for fifty mills ; and the farm Houfes almoll ^11 Two Story High; Some of them will have as good as 12 Cows, an J f0urOr Hvellorces; they are Growing *ery ricth, for they pay no taxes, but Juii£ pe,fia tnfcll, and ptda ia thdt p%9 cr' v.,, ffjj^ tonfc We Like this place far better than the States ; we have got Sermon three times Every Saboth ; they are die Baptiils that we hear; there is no Prc4>etaren minirter :n tni* Town as yet, but there is a Large Englifh Chapel, and a Mechodell Chapel. Now, Robert, if thy comes to you, write to us how yon ar; all, end all the News that yon Can rhtrk of; aud if you think that William will Come hear or not, we have got a» much Laid as will Serve us all ; but neither you rur him will Like America at the firft, a- Every thing is New hear, and people has Every thing to Learn.—There h not rrany Carts hear, they ail waggons with four wheels. 1 have feen three yoke of xen in one wag¬ gon, and they plow with oxen; many of there plew^'-shas but ;:ie Stilt, and no Colter ; The vrages is tot So good hear ss formerly on fo many people Coming from Briton andlrlanrl. Tell John Rid¬ del that i have as much Hickcry on my farm ?.b will be Gfhing wsnds to thoufands, and many of them a HindfeJ foot High, and they are for no Lwfeio nsbutto Burn ; but it is the beft fire wool in the world. I (ball Say no more, but w:di, that the god of Jacob may be yourgoi, and may he be youi ^idc, for Ever, and Ever, is the Sin- I cere prayer of your Loving Father, till Death, Jamts Laidlaw. Pay your Letters to the Sea, or they will not Come :o us. • * •Himcst Jamcf bos fanjoitefifoinforni bis friends yfuui-'.'X fhy ->i.\ ifuittnp A fax" \\3.~ Vfw- Vork, ir.Llif;i».(,rH:<*"lin-t uroitrv.—1.. K. C. We have been informed, from an au¬ thentic foince, that Robert Gourlay, Es¬ quire, conte^P^tcs laying before the Im¬ perial Pari ;trnent, all the proceedings in his extraordil,ary ca*e ,n this Province; the legality ^ conRitutionality of which, it is faid, at* doubted by the iirfl authori¬ ties in Engird. Nfagam Jirgus i$ Sf>c3ator. Mad C-jw-—c>* tile rattle which we re¬ cently iiirur^ued as Imving heen bitten]by a mailUo^, oi.v had diedroaringly mad, aud 1'iur have he.,|51h°t hj Mr. Uaiuia their own¬ er.—Vtina/t£M *'vttrii;tL Point Frederick. On theiranival, thetroops of the* garrison will be relieved from the per fnriuanre uf Dock Yard duty, which more properly belongs to the Corps of Marinas, m a branch of the Naval service.—Several War¬ rant Officers are also on the wav out for the Lake. Service- Commissioner l$arrie retur¬ ned from his visit to Isle AuxNoix on Fri¬ day the Uth instant. Ifis Honour the Administrator has sum¬ moned a new Parliament, and directed the issue of writs to hear teste 011 the l£th inst. and to ht- returnable on the iith July.—The receipt of the writs for this town and obunly is a.vpected by to-morrow's post. "v\e i.-nrii ibat the elections will take place on the 3rd. Julv. I Wears informed that on Sunday night las! some persona broke into Mr.R/IiCav- eus*s shop at BellvUIfi, and dclibRrately1 pick¬ ed out the most choree "rood-, to the value of ££00, aud then made off. In the morning every precaution was taken to arrest rhfc vil¬ lains. Couriers were disp itched to different mrts of the Htiy nf Qamte,*;ind most of the inhabitants turned out la search dieafljoin- injr uoods. wherein tin. v found nearly all the s?.»!eu proper^ S4 ereied [n hollow trees wid inclosed in shirts which had been fttved up to answer the jiurpose of bags Of wrappers1. The proclaiming of the King in :he Dis¬ trict of New Castle tookplace on Monday the S9th May. About 400 people assembled for the purpose at Hamilton Court House, and at 1^ o'clock the procession was formed in the followi':;;. order:— Two Truinpe'ers on white Horses. Pond of .Musicians. Escort, consistiujtof three CotnpaniesbfKor- thumherlaud Militia. Herald. O o Ili..;h SheriK n o CA *-* P V. fo'ntleinen of the Royal Navy H. P. Lodge of Free Masons with all the insignia of the order. Judge of the District Court. Cteqey. Magistrates. Inhalu'iaiits generally. The proclamation was Then read, under a salute from theEscort, and repeated cheering from thfc whole line of procession. The procession then moved to Cobourg, where the prochuuation was again read, with * * » * • 1 * « the same, applause from the people. After which the High Sheriffdisraissed theproces- sionin a very appropriate Speech. At 1 o'clock about BO Gentlemen (consist¬ ing of Magistrates, Officers of Militia, and < i> nl 1 y t cfiI duW|l to .10 e\cr»ilent <i).ne,rt:r Cobourg Ilou'ie, aud the Free Masons at the Hamilton Hotel—Many Loyal aadPatriotic toasts were drunk, froui which we select the following. George the 4th.i tune, GodsavethtKing^ > joined by the company Queen Caroline) in full chorus. Thi; inemorV of George theSd.—Silcnct* The Huke of York aud the Army.—Duktl vf i 01 !;\* March. The Duke of Clarence and the Navy.— Heart* of Oak. Sir Peregrine Mailland and the Province Of Upper Canada.—British Grenadiers. Lady Sarah Maitland aud the Canadian fair.— Green p-raw (he Rnslus oy Our absent friends, the Gentlemen of the JVivjjt who did us the houor to walk wfth us —but not to dine with us. The day ended with songs and convi\iali- ly. to the very great satisfaction of every per¬ son present. COP S.Wr. THE KING. BANK CALL. THE Stockholders of the Bank of Upper Canada, are hereby required to pay an inftalmcnt of fix per cent, or fix dollar* on each (hare, on or before the nth of Auguft next. Any ftockholder failing to make the faid payment will for¬ feit hid (hares, agreeable to the 2 1 ft arti¬ cle of affociation of the Bank—which is as follows ;—If there (hall be a failure in payment of any part of the fum or (hares fubfetibed by any perfon or perfons, co- partnerfhip, body politic or corporate, the party fo failing in paying the firll iofta!- rnent of ten per centum fucceeding the de- pofit of eight per centum herein before reqnired to be made, (hall refpedively for¬ feit the faid depofit to and for the ufe of the faid Company, and the (lock (hall be fold at public fale for the behoof of the company—and in cafe of any delay or failure in the payment of the fubfequent inftalments, after the firll and fecund in- (lalments, any Stockholder fo neglecting to pay the amount of his inftalment, (hall for the firll ten days of fuch negleft, for¬ feit to the ufe and benefit of the remain- ing (lockholders five per centum upon the whole amount of his ftock previoufly paid in—and for the fecond and third ten days for eadh period* an equal fum of five per centum, making togethei a forfeiture of fifteen per centum for thirty days, and if at the expiration of fixty days after fuch inftalmcnt (hall have become due, it (hall be unpaid, then the whole amount of (tock, together with the whole amoint paid on» the fame, (hall be forfeited to the uie and benefit of the remaining ftockholders as aforefbid, and the Hock to be at the difpo- fal of the dire&ors, for the benefit of the faid company. S. BARTLET,Ca(hier. Kingfton, June 7, 1820. 24 BANK of UPPEK CANADA. Notice to Stock-Holders. A DIVIDEND of four per cent on amount of capital paid ia, will bc paid on the 26th in ft. and until that time the Transfer Book at the Bank will be clofed. S. BARTLET,Ca(hier. Kindlon, Tune ill, 1820. 2x s ^WOTtiftiL ac J^^ncawr .ty* .it« own minutes) and naming the Counfel to conduA the fame, againft a luperior, who is in no fhape amenable to that houfe. Such proceedings are as abfurd, contra- dicloryand futile, as they arc difgraceful. •A Had a humble memorial to the Throne been prefented, in (lead of this offered infult, relative to the fpeculative opinion alluded to—-however erroneous it »* N. B. The Editors have to apologize to the Inhabitants of the District of iNew Castle fot having omitted, last week, the insertion uf the foregoing communication. ('/' The Rev. Mr. Fletcher willmearh at the National School House in this Town, ori Sunday next the lClhinSt* and the following Sunday : Service to comiricdceat 11 o'clock in the forenoon,and 1 in the afternoon. MAR litED, At Quebec, on Saturday tli^ 27th ult. by ic Ilev. Dr. Mountain, the Rev. Richard 1 A carriage, with sails, has recently been exhibited in the Garden Marbent, at Paris ; the model having been previ¬ ously submitted to the inspection of the King, by Mesdames Deringaod Zettel- ly. It is said that this machine can tra¬ vel at the rate of twelve leagues an hour without horses, and upon ice sixteen leagues. Among its admirers, the pro¬ prietors announce the Persian Ambassa¬ dor, who must consider it a line inven¬ tion for caravans traversing the deserts- Perhaps, like the dandy-horses, it will not last beyond the period of its exhibi¬ tion. Poi'K, of Upper Canada, to Miss AxiCK ivEnfT.HN, ol the former place. At Bath, on Tuesday the Uth May, by the Rev. John Stou«chton; Ml"- Euja Swit7.hr, to Mi<; Catmi-uint. NkvJ-LL.------On Tues¬ day, «'.l!i June, My. P£T£fl Assei.sti.nk. to Miss K\k Smdik.------Ou Sunday the 11th <Ui«!. AV: ..',',.v.t:> ALt:;.^i; d|>J3iSF MAvVf^vtll SaRkasi.n,—all of FrnestTown. VIED, A tttvr days since, at Ameliasburgh, Mrs. Rr.oDiCK. La*elyaiAmherstburghj Mr. HENki-T».\- vr.sri.HTjii.teActnur Pur-er of His Majesty's Ship Niagara, on Lake Ontario. | At Niagara, on Friday the 12th instant, Alkxa-NDBR Camkuon," Es'j. Barrister at Law, after a lou^ and tedious illness. It is said that, during the last eight years, not a single individual has been attacked by the small pox in the states of Denmark, all the inhabitants having been vaccinated by order of the king. From this fact it is evident that the &mall-pox7 which has committed greater havoc than plagues and wars, might be banished from the face of the earth. Vaccination itself would then become useless. \f \\v? V t—' PUBLIC NOTICE ^m&imm&tmtU # * • « to you, a^I expecA it will, you may take it over to Wolf hope, and Let William See i . as I have o nt one to him with the man that brings them to Scotland. Wc have had our health nndling well Since we .'ame hear, until --'x weeks ago, th^c Wat rica; about '20 y&n a^ \- .uld ?ro! j vvav ukr* with- the agve j he had it only KLXGSTON.JuxE lfi, 1820. Wc have T»cen favoured witha file Of Eng¬ lish pipers, Jatrd to (he end of April, but Aud nothing mai->'ial in them which has not been re-iiuhlishec! in the New York papers. The Speeh of the. King, on meeting his first Parliair'-ut, given last week, displays gie.it ability moderation, and sympathy for the present 1 Stresses of his people, and may be considortfJa favourable presage of his fu¬ ture nign. 111^ Majesty, on every occasion wh"!i he hn^tppeared in public since his tic* cession toth*Throne, has been greeted with the loud and hearty acclamations of the peo¬ ple. Some extracts from the proceedings ofthe new farliament are inserted above. The abridged statement of the trials of the Calo Street conspirators, taken from the co¬ lumns of the' ably conducted paper the New- York Commercial Advertiser, will show that, after a ftill ;< :,1 patient investigation, the guilt of :he«e unr.H'py men has been clearly es- tablirhed. TOe fact is indefd manifest from the sentime. rs which they themselves utter- ed, as Thistkwood, even atthc awful moment when a tern*)e sentence w.sabout to he \>v^- nouuceduptJ hiuu did not lefraln from at¬ tempting to justify the atrocir/usc.nme of as- Sfitssuiation, 'jr from applauding the conduct of Brutus. We undetttr.ud that three hundred Royal Marines an xpeetcd from England this sea- sou to besMiiu-ed at Jijt Naval Yard, on Sup:rintaidi'nt*s Office, Perth, XOth April\ 1S2C. /^LL perfons v.ho figned the petition Q/jL relative to the Public School Houfe at Per:h, as well as all other perfons, in fbh f.ttlerr.er.t, who fubferibed towards the building of the faid School Houfe, are hereby requeued to call at this Office, for the pnrpofe of being repaid the amount of their fubfcription8. 1 By order. W. FITT. By order of His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland. BANK NOTICE. /ft General Meeting of the Stockhold- «/_// era of the Bank of Upper Cana¬ da, will be held at the Bank on Monday the 17th of July next, at 12 o'cUck, for the purpofe of altering and amending fome of the articles of aflbciation. S. BARTLET, Cafhier. Kingfton, June 6, 1820. 24 NOTICE ALLperfons indebted either by Note or Book Account, to the eftate of the late Richard Robifon, Efq. deceafed, arc requeftcd to pay the fame without delay ; and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti¬ cated for adjultment, to Allai. MacLean. Efquire, one of the Executors to faid es¬ tate. Kingfton, June 5, il2#. z$tf out at his own expense new expeditions of discovery. One is destined to cross from Asia to America upon the ice, to the not th of the country of the Tischukts- chians ; the other is ordered to ascend one of the rivers, which have their mouths on the North-West Coast, or Russian America, and to penetrate by the un¬ known region which lies between the Frozen Cape aud the River Mackenzie^ Remarkable ejfell of Lightning.—About twenty years ago, during a violent thunder ilorm, the lightning (truck a pane of glafs in a houfe door, fo that the miflrefs of the houfe, who was in the hall behind the door, was caft federal pace3 backwards, and thrown on the floor. She however received no injury, nor was the pane of glafa broken. The ele&ric fluid had, however, left upon it a beautiful painting (if I may fo exprefs it,) refembling, on the whole a head, which was formed of numerous fmaller heads- From that time, this pane of glafs was never wet with dew, and never froze, though ihe other panes were affected by the weather as ufual. Great care was taken of this remarkable pane, till fome days fince it was broken by careleflhefs : when it ap¬ peared the lightning had fplit it, tnaking two panes out of one, and leaving in the middle the traces of the ele&ric ftuid. Before it was broken, no one could fee that there was a divifion. The parts which are not much broken, were colleftcd as carefully as pofGble.—-Lit. Gaz. Despatch of Business. On Monday laft a young lady attended the county court of Cheftcrfield, for the purpofe of choofing a guardian. The guardian was chotcn, and confented forth*. with to his own union with his fai. ward. A licence was immediately ifTucd, and the happ} pair became *nan and wite before they left the fpot. Fair ladies ! go ye aud do likewifc.—Pctcrj!/ur°h IntcHhger.etr. •