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Kingston Chronicle, May 12, 1820, p. 4

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AGRICULTURAL. To the Editors of the Kingston Chro¬ nicle. Gentlemen, The enclosed address was composed with an intention of having been submit- ted to thi Members of the Agricultural Society, for their adoption at the general meeting advertised for February last, snd postponed to the 27th of April ; but not having been submitted I will be much obliged to you to give it publicity, thro' the medium of your useful paper, and oblige your obedient servant, B. WHITNEY, gentlemen; At this, the first Annual meeting of the Midland District Agricultural Socie¬ ty, your Committee would trespass a few minutes upon your patience, detailing to jrou (thus far) the result of your lauda- f>ie endeavours to promote this Institu¬ tion ; io laying before you the present 5tate of our funds; in su:;q;estingfor your consideration some improvements in our system, and in stating generally the re¬ sult of our enquiries, and our general views upon the subject of Rural Econo¬ my* We would premise, Gentlemen, by offering nn apology for the non fulfilment of one of the articles of our original as¬ sociation, to v:it a Cattle show, which should have been held about this time, the rigour of the soa«nn at which this ex¬ hibition should have taken place, the few articles appertaining to Agriculture that could have h-?n rv.-»i;crM «n C¥Hnp*t*tt*ti*9 together with a view of economising our funds, are amongst the most prominent reasons we have to offer for the deferring to some future period this proposed com¬ petition for the premiums to have been offered by the Society. The state of our funds, including the whole amount of subscriptions collected, together with the amount already ex¬ pended, and the balance remaining in the hands of the Treasurer, will be laid before you. Your Committee, in their great zeal for the promotion of objects connected with this Society, and sanguine in its ultimate success, may be induced to suggest for your consideration the propriety of mul¬ tiplying to some extent the articles in fu¬ ture to be brought in competition at our Annual, or Semiannual Shews, and to re¬ commend premiums being offered for the production, and improvement of various articles, in proportion to their relative consequence to the community which we hope to benefit by our raited exertions ; and possibly your Committee, in their great zeal, may suggest a greater expen¬ diture than the state of their funds at the next ensuing show may justify ; but they ar? at the same time confident that a ge¬ neral concurrence throughout the Dis¬ trict in what pertains not only to the public good, but to the special and par- ticularintere.ts of every individual is on¬ ly required to realize a sum fully ample for all the objects in view. Your Committee, Gentlemen, would for a moment calt your attention to the * firm I benefits resulting to a community from an improved state of Agricultur¬ al Economy, comprising at once all that appertain* to the cultivation of the earth, is confessedly the source from which is derived the subsidence of the whole civilized world ; although Savage Nations it is true do obtain a subsistence independent of this great Science, yet this subsistence is not only limited, but extremely precarious and uncertain, at¬ tended with great bodily fatigue, and to¬ tally incompatible with the requirements of a civilized life. The cultivation of the earth has in all ages of the world been considered as the most innocent and the most rational employment of man ; the man of Science has in all ages found in Agriculture an ample held for the dis¬ play of his talents ; the Conqueror, the. Statesman, the Poet, and the Philoso¬ pher, have occasionally made it thrir re¬ sort, and have ever found its study and practice to have conferred a mild seren¬ ity and a peace of mind which would have been conferred bv no other vocation nor empleyment,—the experience of mo¬ dern days, aided by the few years of ge¬ neral peace, and the oawearied research¬ es of men of science throughout Europe and America, together with the general concurrence of men of all conditions; and shove all the universal establish¬ ment of Agricultural Societies, have shown but a few years since how very imperfectly was this wonderful science understood, even in the country from which we proudly hail our origin, and whose example we follow in the estab¬ lishment of this infant society, the coun¬ try which for the last Century has proud¬ ly walked foremost in the ranks of every useful improvement ; even this enilght- ened Country has within a very few years p?st, and since the institution of Agri¬ cultural Societies, improved upon their system of Rural Economy beyond all computation, and the field for improve* TOrf»nt is ••till open and touch yet remain¬ ing to he done. Amount the errors crept into tlrt system of cultivation in our own couu'rv. your Oommitlrt', from their di- ligoiit. 'iquiri'*-, u d their persona! ob- serv; '!"• ,feel confident in stating thai an a'" ■ pt hj the I.um i I compass tc^ niucl tf" ■ tl i ; !• portion :.i the c>uan- ticlds is «ot among the smallest; your I Committee feci confident that the same labour applied in summer-fallowing, pul¬ verizing, and manuring fewer acres, ap¬ plying a greater portion of the cleared lauds to the purposes of grazing, would b^ much more productive. Great loss¬ es, vour Committee are confident, are sustained from the slovenly manner in which grazing lands are seeded down, or rather in many instances from not seed¬ ing them at all, and still greater losbe* are sustained from the pernicious prac¬ tice of the feeding of Meadow grounds during the months of Spring and Au¬ tumn, The necessity of a general improve¬ ment in all the implements of husban¬ dry will readily suggest itself to every farmer. The importation of the best. kinds of seed of every description, and even their exchange from one part of the Province to another is strongly recom¬ mended, as also the importation of the best breed of Cattle, Horses. Sheep, &c. The system of manuring in this coun¬ try is but imperfectly understood and ve¬ ry little practised ; even the barn ma¬ nure is often allowed to be wasted on the spot or to be washed away by the heavy rains ; this is a subject to which the attention of the farmer is solicited, and your Committee are of opinion that in a Country so abounding in the richest of limestone, the burning of lime for the purposes of manure in many cases, (and particularly in the vicinity of good mar¬ kets, would be found highly lucrative; this too might be performed during the winter months, when little else could be done. The Country in many places u- bounds in a deep alluvial >oil, composed of decayed vegetable matter, a portion ol which, by being removed to the Up¬ lands and mixed with barn manure and lime would be found highly useful. The practice of saving and manufac¬ turing the ashes in clearing of new land** practiced only by a few should be prac¬ ticed bv all ; in many instances where care and economy has been used the ash- es alone havebeen found a sufficient com¬ pensation for the clearing cf the Land ; the nett proceeds of the first crop often pays a second time for the labor and ex- ponco of clearing, giving the Woodsman oft times a greater thrift than the old es¬ tablished farmer. The fences your Committee have ob¬ served with regret, particularly upon some of the oldest farms, to have been in a miserable state of dilapidation. The want of good fences, besides the time and labour spent in watching the fields, often occasion the loss of whole crops—in the more cultivated parts of the country, where wood for fencing is getting scarce, the experiment of planting Hedges is strongly recommended. Your Committee before taking their leave, would recommend in future, when premiums are to be offered for the best samples of different kinds of grain, that the quantity produced per acre should also betaken into consideration, and al¬ so that premiums should be extended to the cultivation of the best kitchen gar¬ den, to the best acre or half acre of dif¬ ferent kinds of vegetables, sucl> as Po¬ tatoes, Turnips, Cabbages, Rista Baga9 Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, &c. ami also for the best reported and well authenti¬ cated method of feeding and fattening Cattle, Sheep, llo^s. &c. fourCbmnmtee beg leave also, once more to advert to the great and signal be¬ nefits derived (particularly in Great Bri¬ tain and the United States of America) from institutions of this nature, and to express a hope that this infant institu¬ tion, (commenced under such happy aus¬ pices) may not be allowed to languish or decline for tlie want of the individual and united support of all classes and conditions of people in this District ; and ue also indulge a pleasing hope that ere long our example maybe followed fhro"- out every section in the Province. The benefits to be derived from institutions of this nature are by no means confined to tho increase of the means of subsist¬ ence, and the accumulation of wealth in a country ; but by excit ng a spirit of industry the prevalence of moral turpi¬ tude is diminished, and the commission of crimes becomes in proportion less fre¬ quent. As idleness is the nursery of vice, so industry is the strongest antidote Day Sf Martin. THE subscriber. Agent io Messrs. DAY & MAR¬ TIN, begs lea v i0 inform the Merchants of Upper Canaila,tlia1 he expects earls in May, by the Eterrtta and Bhipsie, from 'Lon¬ don, One Hundred Casks of gen¬ uine Japan Blacking8, which will be s«.|d for cash only. Also for Sale, 100 Acres of Lund in lhe Town¬ ship of Portland, county of Fron- tcnac. BENJAMIN HART. Montreal, Mth Ufarck, 1820. I4r^i8 THE fubf.-iiber begs leave rcTptdtful¬ ly to inform ru» ft lends and the pub¬ lic in general, that se has eftabliflied a PA 1ST SiJOP a few rods foulh of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be k.-pt constantly all kinds of PAINTS prepared ready for the brufn. Likewiie all kinds of House, Sign, tVaggon, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the fhortefl notice, together with raw and boil :d OP. which will be dispo- led of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh only. THEGDOilE BROCKETT. N B. Two go»d workmen as journey¬ men Painters, will find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fufaferiber, Kingston. 6th Afpfii\ 1820- 14/y f~W~]H\L fublcriber feels it his duty, from JL the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the pnMic agafnft any impo- hU«u^| the part of Mr SoLmon Johns, by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot. with buildings thereon, in the vi! lage of Erncft Town, bounded on the cad by the Farmer's Store, and on the well by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, fsaoy title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrend*r of a bond that was in my own name ft-the purchnfe made of it in i8c6, when J',hns wa-* at low wa^ts, and as can be mad-appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfadions in 1812— had no (hadow of a claim PETER GRANT. The perfon who is ftated to hold a Bond for a Deed fur half the above propeity from Johns, was acquainted with my juu pretenfnn in the firll iullance, but any thing to anfwer the purpole. P, G. __________________________4^__ Forwarding & Com mission BUSINESS. HE subscribers beg teare to inform friends and the public, that (hev have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; thr: object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down tho St. Law* I rence, r.'sd of Merchandise of every de- SCriptHW from Montreal to any pari of Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent : the Lakes Ontario and Erie. The [ittSine&SMilJ be conducted by VV. IIubb! .!'-. at Ogdcnsburgh. and under the fin? of /J'. L. IVIUTISG % Co. at Prcsco.:. to prevent delay * all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, 01 a 113 partnfrlie iiay ol Quiulo, will be forwarded from lVes- eott by the Steam B*-it Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united (\vrntious(o^ire satisfaction, it ill be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, \Y. flUBBELL. Prescott,<10flt JtfaftlS 19. ALEXANDER A3HER, Merc hunt Taylor, IOTAS received from Montreal a mod lOi. choice and excellent afTortment of the bell Well of England fupcrfine Cloths and Cassinterrs, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. As HSR informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe cloths, &c. at his old fland, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the (horteft notice, and on the lowed terms forCafh, or fhort approved credit. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. 371f TO HE SOLD, and immediate pos¬ sesion given, the following Lots of I Land, in the 6th Conceflion of the Town- fhip of Elmslcy, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30- mod eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. Thev abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Esq. Perth Settlement, John Kirby, Efq. Kingston, or the fubferiber, in Wood- houfe, London DidiicA ROBERT N1CHOL. November 18, 1819. 47tf TO LET^ A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Do&or Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— r fin » her pai ticulai a apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, ^tb June, 1819. 23 F NEW GOODS. THE f..bfi.riber rcfpcftfully informs the public that he has received a well fcleited afTortment of Dry Goods, adapted to the fcafon—Likewifea quanti¬ ty of GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap forCafh. WALTER McCUNIFFE. Kingfton, ill December, 1S19. 4Q NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore exifting between the Subscribers, under the firm of McDonald Sc Aykroyd, is this day diflblved by mutual confent—all perfons having demands againu the faid firm, arc requcfted to prefent them for adjuftmentto Peter McDonald, and all perfons indtbted- theieto, are requetled to make immediate payment of the amount of their refpeftive accounts to the faid Peter McDonald who is duly authorized to receive the hmt} and giant discharges. - '*• peter McDonald, charles aykroyd. Kingfton, *\pril 20th, \i*zo. 16 N- B, The bufioefs will be continued as ufual by Peter McDonald. Executive Council Office^ Tori, I'jth November, 1819. or Valuable Lands for Sale in the Tozvnship of Hamilton. LOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- cefiion. containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th Con¬ ceflion, containing 450 acre3. J>itto ditto io, in the 6th Conceflion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcaftlc DiftriA. and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq Hamilton, or the fubferiber id Kingfton. Thomas S Whitaker. WHEREAS the prefent LEAS? of the Ferry ftom the Towu ol Kingfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel* lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coud* cil, That fealed Propofals fcr a new Leafc to be given to the higheft bidder will be received at this Office until the joth of June. 1820. 49 JOHN SMALL, c.£.c. | - Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 2tf THF. sit their 2:5 against it. So prone is the human mind to error that great excitements are often necessa¬ ry to induce men to pursue the paths that most obviously lead to their happi¬ ness. For example, a man who labours for another by the day, by the mouth, or by the year, his labour may be toilsome to him, and (he wheels ol time may seem to move sluggishly on. Let this man !;.■- come a husbandman instead of a servant., proprietor of the soil he cultivates, aud with a prospect of approaching indepen¬ dence, his labour becomes less burden¬ some, and time hangs less heavily upon his hands ; add to the inducement of or¬ dinary gain the prospect of honour in ev¬ ery year excelling fits neighbours in the excellence of his lie-Ids, his herds, aud his tlocks ; and add to lids a double pe¬ cuniary compensation in being rewarded for applying his labour to the greatest advantage, and the same toil which was once a stumbling block in the path of hh happiness is at once converted into the most rational and pleasant amusement ; 1101 does the hand of tune au) longer press on him as a burden. - - ■ • BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and zariou< oilier kinds, for sale JOHN MARTIN, *■'*] 13'^^ leave toinformhis friends 'MSidJj and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Fort Henry, under the sigu of tho RICHMOND MOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favou'" him with a call, to merit a share of puh'ie patronage. lie will always have on hand ill kinds of Liquors of the best ||Wllty« Kington) 14th Ja<uanj< ?8l20. N. B. Good Stabl us for Horses. 2ff THE fubferibers ^eing duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Teilament of the late Lawrence Hcrckmer, Efq a ire, Merchant, tequcfl all perfons in¬ debted to his tftnte IP make immediate payment, and thofe ha^'i-ig demands again ft the faid ellate to bring them forward with¬ out delay. JOHN KIR BY. GEO. Ii. MARKLAND. Kingfton, 9th Nov iSty. 46 NOTICE IS hereby given, that William Taylor, heir at law and administiator of the late Allan Taylor, hath afllgned all the real and peifonal estate of the late Allan Tayloi deceafed, unto John Kirby, Alex¬ ander O. 1 etrie and Thomaa Parker, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All perfons having any claims against the late Allan Taylor, Taylor & Parker,or Thom¬ as Parker, are requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment, and thofc perfons indebted to either the late Allan Taylor, Taylor and Parker, or Tho;na9 1 arkcr, are requested to make immediate payment to the above trusteed ; who are Wll5 Vtt&gi&Attb gfcft 'h'ficli'arges 'for the fame. John Kirby, A. O. Petrie, Thomas Parker. Kingston, August 8&, 1819. %&%i d REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds \\TILL be paid by the subscriber, to ▼ ▼ any perfon who (hall discover and give fuch information as will convift the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft. Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direction of the Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston* \gtb Nov. 1819. 47 SERVANTS WANTED" A MAN and WOMAN, who under- (land the management of the indoor work of a Gentleman's Uoufc. The mod unqueftionable recommrndatiou will be re¬ quired.— I nformation to be had at this Of¬ fice. 15th March, 1820. Anchors Sf Cables.\ WILLIAM JBUDDEN, WILL receive by the earlieft fpring velTels, and keep conftautljr on hand at Quebec, an afTortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe en ged in the Lake and River navigation Quebec, ift April, 181Q. 14 To Clot/iters. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. * Tho. S. Whita&er & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 For Sale at 1 his Office, A FEW copies cf a "SERMON, preached at Quebec, on the 12(1 of September, after the death cf His Grace the Dike or Richmond, by/he Reverend G. J. Mountain, A. 13. Dishop's OiTicial in Lower Canada, aud Hector of Quebec. 41 A good Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Ho-fc and Prcmifes, in the Town of Kirgfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiker For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jun. • Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 For Sale «r to Let, /ft TWO Irory fnmed Houfc, and a 9/aSL large and commodious Hone Store, (Itoate on the water's oige in the centre of tlu Village of Prefect on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to th* purchafcror leasee. Enquire at the Office >f CHr. a. hagerman. *-^ NO iTCE. rwiHE Beard for Militia Pe» -*- SIONSi 'V7/ "•' f,cp t\'t foffJlfflda* 1 tn (at tajt diionda* in February, and continue fo io do, the fa day in each Month, until the bufinifi Qf this Di/lrla, a: regards the feme is Jinjfad. JOHN FKRGUSON. Kingfon, Feb. \ftx 1819. <j PERSONS havr-g Books belong to tlie Kingston Library are requcft. ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at hk houfe,_adjoining the Town of Kiagftoi ' and with as little delay as poCible- JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. TERMS or the *! KINGSTON CHRONICLE. 11 For Sale, 6 A HOUSE,opposite Mr. D. Brown's Inn, together with a Lease or the ground on which it is fituated. For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubferiber, on the premises. » JOHN EVANS. Kingston9 Feb. 28, *820. 9//* TO LE1\ THE lloufe lately occupied by Mr Edmund P<.nley, fituated near Mr. Hugh Earl's. For particulars apply at this Office. Kingfton, 15th March, 1S20. n FOR SALE, Tuentv sliillinjrs per annum; ifrrntby twenty four shillings. Subscription; to be paid in advance to the 1st-of July, or the btofJanu- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENT (Cf IX lines and under <1$. Grf. first in- KjM se?*tion, and 7]d. each subsequent insertion : ]0 lines and under^ 3s. 4//. first insertion, and ]Qd. etch subsequent insertion : ahove ten Unca^Ad. per line for the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent inst 1 lion. Advcrtisem ///? icitliout written direc¬ tions are Inserted till forbid, undchargtd accordingly. Orders far discontinuing Adzerlht- merits to he in writing, and delivered h WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN 0'Clock on the day of publication. AGENTS Henry Couan, E*q. Queb?c. Edward Sills, fv-q. Three Riven, James Williams, K:.q. Mmttrcai Messrs. .F. & J, Dtmlop, Lancaster, Paul Cla->ford. Esq. ValiMa, Alphcus Jones, I.-q. Prsscott. Henry Junes, I'.sq. tircckvUle. N. B. Ton*mas, Esq. Peril\ H. Whiimarsli, F^q. Richmond* J. K. Hart well, Jw|. Bastard* E. Webster, Esq. (iuuitni;<juc. 3m Ranken, Esq. Bath. A T a very low price for Cash —the south or froyt half of ljot No. 12, in (lie H "' conces¬ sion of Looghboroug pur-' tic-iik..-* apply at tin. ,, Dec 7 »Slo Allan McPher <>". E«q. Napance. Thomas Parker, Ivq. Bettvilte. Joseph A. Krcler, I. q. Cramuhe. Jain™ 13. Beituuie, 1'sq. Hamilton. John D. Siniili. ISq. Port Hope. William Allan, E>q. York. Daniel ltn*t, M-q. t'ittoria. Jo1 n ClOOkA, V-i\, Niagara. T. McCormick. ! ^o Quccnstin$ .lo'i 11 W I in» •'■<» ihrcyf'urgh. I ^ .--•vrv V,<X

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