.--•'<*> the description ordered by your Commit¬ tee, have been recerred^in geodTTmdi- tioti, tbtlte amount of £80 11 5: the necessary charges for freight, insurance, &e. having been, deducted from the ori¬ ginal sum remitted. At the last annual meeting «<f vour society, there were re¬ maining in the. D^pobitory, 127 Bibles and 249 Testaments, very considerably more than half of which were Gaelic, French and German. For these, appli¬ cations occur bat seldom,and indeed,ob- jecisto whom they could be adranrage- uubiy or profitably di-tributcd, are now, perhaps scarcely kno-"n within the cir¬ cle of your society's influence. It may, therefore, be a matter of consideration how X'-*Y ar- to be disposed of. From (he small number of Knglish Bi¬ bles and Testaments on hand at that time, it was thought advisable to be caution* in (heir distribution, until our oilers for an additional suppl) j-houldbeexecuted; knowing that accidents might occur by which our *;X^. tations might h.ivc been disappointed, and vour society left with¬ out a book on, hand to supply tlie wants of the truly ueceisitous. Your Commit¬ tee felt tMs the more strongly, as the or¬ der wes not forwarded until about the firstofJune: and serious doubt* were entertained whether it would reach the Society in England in time for the re¬ turns to be made in the Course of the season. The punctual and kind atten¬ tion of that society, howc\er,.has remo¬ ved our fears. This .circumstance has givrn rise to remarks and insinuations which have come to the knowledge of your committee, prejudicial to the cha¬ racter of your society. They are only mentioned, however, lo shew to your so¬ ciety their origin, and to those who gave publicity to them, the danger of drawing ungenerous inferences from conduct, when the motives and inducements to it are unknown, or perhaps too hastily or iu.,'hantab1v considered. Previous to the receipt cf the last im¬ portation, there were issued from the Depository 143 Bibles and Testaments. This number, under all circumstances, is far hum being small. We are in the centre as it were of four other societies, "whose exertions and influence, ire hope, may be co-extensive with our own, and from the most remote of which we are not more than forty miles distant. Two of these, the Prince Edward and Gan- anoque, are intimately connected with your society, and receive from us their supply of hooks, as they make requisi¬ tions, and we have the means to com¬ ply with them. There is another Auxi¬ liary Society established at Kingston, and one at BclUille. Under these cir¬ cumstances, therefore, in addition to the well known fact that, in this portion of the District, there are but few families who have not the means of supplying themselves with the holy and blessed word of God, and, indeed, \\ ho arc not supplied, your Committee cannot but again repeat their opinion that the dis¬ tribution has been as larjre, perhaps, as was desirable or necessary. Vour Com¬ mittee at the same time are far from be¬ ing desirous that this statement should operate as an inducement to your society lo diminish ycur exertions in its support: on the contrary, ?.n addition to its, funds and an increase of zeal and intercut in the route, are not only desirable, but will be necessary. The population of the country i< rapidly increawi* : emi- graticrt from the mother couutiy is daily adding to it, and many who will be com- [ngip amoi.:-! us, mil be foutifi (in¬ titule of that Holy Book whick it is our province to supply. Ferhaps such are | n.nv amongst us, and too great a diligence cannot ieob^e-ved ;u seeking them out. VcurComraitli e cannot refrain from men¬ tioning the case of the poor Irishmen, ma¬ ny at whrm have already emigrated to this country, anil many moie of whom may be expected* Your Committee arc not unacquainted with flie religious tur¬ pitude of some of the lower orders ol these people. Bound in the shackles of an overbcaiing superstition, imposed up¬ on thexn by Ihje unhappy policy of their Priesthood, the radiant beamsof the ever blessed dispel have never shone upon them, its bright pages have never been opened to their view, and the most en¬ tertaining, the most instructive history in the world, is only known to them b\ the partial recital of its purport. It must then be a delightful task to seek ou! Horn time to time, such objects of your benevolence, and we may with con¬ fidence look for the happiest results.— Freed from the restraints imposed upon them in their own country, here, as ac¬ countable beings, they may read and de¬ cide for themselves. Here also we may find emigrants at times, of various de¬ scriptions, destitute of pecuniary means and unable perhaps, to support a large and dependent family—the donation of a lUhlc inight prove a comfort, a blessing to them- * Your Committee have much pleasure alfo in noticine a desire to establish Sun¬ day School-* throughout the country.— Such p&laUlifhments cannot be too fa¬ vourably countenanced, ajid it may be proper for this society to furnish such schools with books as their necessities may require. In addition, your commit- t •- might notice a thousand inducements fnra-Sttadj p rMwranec in support of *Jte sncii ■ - I)Ot they cannot think it ne- ; co*. us — lh y must occui lo every ro¬ il etini mind. Soon after th« ^jrgan:73ttnn of the Cxnstno'jii'j A'i\tli.!i v ijiblo S m-iet v, llic • — 1( i, < I : * 17 w;-. i i;-r..i;t' I [o f.hv, ant! :>»es i I I'-.-:.i.o uts were rvlumial u fhttl locietj to thra.i.nunt o\ £l J I i 10 a.td)our tfOfUCjill ;<• cannot omit on thb occasion to recommend this society to your further,notice and protection. In July last we received from the Pa¬ rent Society 480 copies of St. John's Gospel iti the Mohawk languago, accom¬ panied by a request that this society would distribute them to such of the In¬ dians, in our vicinity, as could road. In compliance with this request, fifty copies were entrusted to the Rev. Official Stu¬ art, Missionary to those Indian-, to dis¬ tribute as he might judge proper and ne¬ cessary, lie has stated that although some slight objections were made to the correctness of the translation, owing perhaps to defects in the education o£ those who made them, the donation was gratefully received, and the most fa¬ vourable results are anticipated from the distribution. A greater number cannot be issued at this time to any advantage, and it is therefore for your society to consider how the roinaunrtg numbers may be disponed of, in a way best to meet the generous wishes of those by whom they have been entrusted to us. Information on thLs subject may be obtain* d. perhaps, on application to societies in the upper part of the Province. The funds of your society are low, but the books now ou hand, it is presumed, will supply every want until collections of the annual subscriptions are effected, and applied to a further purchase. It may be proper to take into consideration whether it would not be profitable to ex¬ tend the power of your committee in ma¬ king donation^ of Bibles and Testaments, and how objects of their gratuity maybe more readily discovered. I our Committee arc not aware of any thing further as particularly necessary to mention, although thev cannot forbear noticing at this time, the unanimity w hioh seems to pervade every class of Chris¬ tians in this happv Province, towards the support of the grand object of Bible So- •'j"'!^. TjwM'e w,,c - timp wh°n disu¬ nion was not unknown, but that time your committee fondly indulge a belief has passed away, and the causes of that disunion, if it may be properly called one no longer exist. The societies now known in this Province act under one general, universal principle : under that principle which lirst gave rise to the Bri¬ tish and Foreign Bible Soon ty, and which has guided it through all the tiood of opposition, through all the darkness of prejudice and superstition, and placed it at last, pre-eminent, the admiration of the world ! The change in some of our societies in this Province may be traced to the exertions and influence of His Ex¬ cellency Sir Peregrine Maitland. Soon after his arrival in the country, his ob- servations led him to draw inferences unfavourable to the connection of the Bi¬ ble and Common Praver Book in one general society. He discerned that a proportion of those whom he had been appointed to govern thought the Prayer Book an unnecessary appendage to Bi¬ ble Societies, and that others again, thought it at; objectionable one. They were consequently disunited, and the funds are distinct. The Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in a communication to us, allude to this circumstance, and remark that *c a letter from I lis Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor to the President of (he r soei* t\. induced them to rejoice in the pre-prct that under sueh a Governor, the iut* nM ofihe Bible Society will be promoted, and that Christians of different denomi¬ nations will harmoniously unite in pro- oiof-dg /ho knowledge of scriptural tiutli by the distribution of the Divine \Youl.M * With such support, and iM-i\t-v the countenance au3 protection of Him to whom we must always look for the con¬ summation of our wishes, your society cannot fail to prosper and be eminently useful, if but common zeal and industry be exerted on their own part.—Thai these requisites may not be wanting, bur thai they may increase with a long continued duration of your society, is the earnest hope of your Committee. The following resolutions were then unanimously passed : Resolved, That the Secretary's report is approved of. and that it be received. Resolved^ That the respectiveaccounts of the Treasurer and Depositary be re¬ ceived and passed. Resolved^ Thai the Treasurer be di¬ rected to pay to James Ranken, Estj. the sum" of £b : 2 : 5, for monies advanced by him in various ways, for the use ol the Society. Resolved, That the Secretary be di¬ rected to enquire in what way the re¬ maining Ga:lic, French and German Bi¬ bles and Testaments, may tie most ad¬ vantageously disposed of, and that the Depositary, Treasurer and Secretary be authorised to dispose of them according¬ ly, and report the manner of their dis¬ posal to this Society at its next annual meeting. - Resolved^ That on application by the Committee of any Sunday School, within the District, the Depositary, Treasurer, Secretary and two members of (he Com¬ mittee of this Society be authorised to make them such advances of Bibles and Testaments, as the circumstances of the case may warrant or require. Resolved^ That in order to effect the mure general distribution of the books of tin Society, certain members of the com¬ mittee in particular parts tff the township of Earnest Town and the adjoining tow n- diip-, be appointed to ael as Deposita¬ ry, and I hat the following <?.■ nMomcn he requested lo accept of those '.ituaii- VI \\ rjfi -.. Cir.<r.Ki, V.'\. Erne*! Town : Y\r. tin \ - Shmm.v . <|;i. .Mr. r.u;;.: k Sv.iim, Juu. do. John i.\ns^xtlKS% Ksq. Camden : Mr. D\iuuN m-MiAM, Frcdcrick^ur Rev. Mr. MlcDovAU) do. Andufav Ki(M>ulu,Y3 Ksq. Richmond ; Ali \r. Fi^hkr. Ksq. Adolphustown. Resolved,, That the Secretary be di¬ rected to wi.jt,> t0 the respective Mission¬ aries among the Mohawk Indians, for the purpose of gaining such information as may lead to the more effectual distri¬ bution of tlhe Mohawk version of the Gospel of St. John, remaining in the hands of the Depositary. Resolved^ That the former part of the third article of this Constitution be a- mended, and that henceforth, the sub¬ scription of —ven shillings and six pence annually, will constitute a member of thi- society. Resolved, that the office of one of the Secretaries be henceforth discontinued. The meeting then proceeded to the nomination of otficcrs for the ensuing year, when Wat»JoiJVSTON,Fsq. was chosen Pros. Mr, D. DtMiA>i, Vice-President, S. JIawmv. Ksq. do. Isaac Fk\>i:r. Ksq. do. B. Fairou ' n, Ksq. do. k Depositary* D. IIaci km \\". K>q. Treasurer. Kov. J. SrotGi!Tox, Secretary. The thanks of the Meeting were then voted to Ben). Fairfield, E-q. forhisable support in the Chair, and the discharge of his duty as Depositary,—to Robert Williams, Kq. for. his attention to his office as Treasurer, from the vommenoe- ment of the In.-itution : and to Daniel II a germ an and James Rauken, Ksq-rsufor the punctual discharge of their duties as Secretaries. The Meeting also voicd its thanks to Mr. Dunham, foi the zca! manifested by that gentleman, for the prosperity of this S<»cie»v\ over moi'mo. fir<t in tifution. t'<>K!:iGX iSElViS. .».••«•,#*, * * ^ General Gilley, who took the Duke of Angoulcme prifoncr, and who had been condemned to death, had arrived at Paris from America, and applied for a rcvifal of the kntence againft him. The London Globe of January 29, fays —" We underlhnd that the Lords of the Tieafury have given dfre&ions to allow mechanics, artificers, See. to emigrate from Great Britain to any country a:id in any ihip. The general conversion in the fafh- mnable circles in England, was an approach¬ ing matrimonial alliance between a great perfonage, nearly allied to one of the mofl illuflrious Uoufes in Kurope, and the daughter of an ancient Scotch Duke. On the 29th of January, confiderable fenfation was created in Wefiminfter Hall by the arrival of a pod chaifc and four with a courier. The court immediately broke up, and the Chancellor's carriage was or¬ dered immediately, and on its coming up he drove off mltantly. Died in January, at Grant's Braes, near Haddington, th'e venerable mother of the Scotllfe Bard, Robert Burns, in her 88th year. From Liverpool, \gth Feb. 1S20. "There is a very limited demand for A flies, the prices of which are declining, without a profpea of amendment. Mon¬ treal Pots now fell at 3*s. N. York 39 a 403. Bofton 41s ; Pearls 40 a 423 ; perl cwt. Fiour in bond 32 a 34s. per barrel, and not much demand for it." London. Ftluaiy 1. Thcintnuion of he I n'nce Regent to pay off his debts, oduccd him to caufc insurance upon hi; i;fc at ihe different offices. There is reafen to believe, in confluence of thfe precaution, all his debts will be entirely paid. The bill to deprive the Piincefs of Wales, in cafe of tl c death of George 111, of her title of Qu^cn not having been propofed in Parliament, fhe i* now in fafl Queen of [he United Kingdom* Her income an Princcfs of Wales, was =£■30,000 per annum ; a^ Queen, fhe has no fixed re"cuuc. It j. pomble, however, fhe may not be crowned ; her coronation will depend upon the will of ihe King.— The coronation of the wife of Henry VII. which did not take place until two years after their marriage, has furnifhrd in this refpeft, a precedent which may be follow¬ ed. It is faid that the prefent King will inherit all the private property of his late father,including the fplendid libraiy at Buckingham Houle. . LONDON. February 8 We regret to find by the Irifh papers received this morning, that the dflluiban- ces in the county of Gal way ilill contin¬ ue. \Vc 11 tilt, however,the energy of the Vice IvegnJ Goveinment, aided by the zeal and vigor of ihe local -Nla^iftrates, will be fuHL-icnt to prevent this unquiet fpirJt from bur fling forth into any fcrious a»5ls of dif.dTiCtion. The following ex¬ tract of a letter, dated Weflport, county of Mavo. January/Hi is written hmvever, in the language ot it'tmg apprchenfn?n : " I am lorry to t< 1 you that the (late of the country i$ ve/y bad. The county of Mavo itfelf, h as vet, Qttttt ; but we are furrounded on every tide by dilaffec- tion and difhvyaUy. It U faid EnglihS a- Rents are in the neighbourhood, and that it is they who have excited all the diftur* bance. i dur.'t know if this be true ; but lam afraid bad times are coming." Ireland, in part, us6 in a Rate of revolt* In the county of Gal-ray, 500 tiband men had been procuring arms in the neighbour¬ hood of Clonfcrt. On information of this circumllance being communicated to the Biflir.p, he defended the church by armed men, entered it, and rung the bells until day-light- 360 regular troops had been to the afllftance of the Bifhop, who were patrolling the roads in the vicinity. The city of Cork had been in part in¬ undated from the melting of the (now on the mountains, whuh have fwelled the ihearns, until they overrun their banks. Hammon's marfli, Clark's marfh, Hano¬ ver Itreet, Nile ftrtct, Craft ftreet, &c- were inundated, and the poor inhabitants fnffcred much from lofs of furniture, &c &c. Monfttur h Prcfidenu «The King has confided to me the aflbding duty of announcing Co Z Chamber of Deputies, the execrable at tempt which terminated the days of hi! Royal Highneft the Due de Berri, thil morning at fix o'clock. The inundations i« the Netherlands had caufed the moll dreadful difafiere. Ac¬ counts from manyoi ihe Northern Provin¬ ces mention the lofs nf many lives- The village of Perlmgen had wholly dif^ppcar ed, except two houles. In the Bcluwe, feventy-two villages were under water, and houfes and all their inhabitants had been fwept off—AlbUffervvard exhibited a ter- nffic fcene. The dyke near Lanyerak gave way, and torrents of water rufhed in to the plains. Noting wtt heard but crieaofdiftrcfs—Iin men were faved by being taken from bny-lofts, where the w«- ter had reached above the,ir ktiees. Many cattle had peiihhcd. The Royal family W exerted them- felvcs perfwnatly in liftalf 1 f their people. The King ncc'i»mp«';*cd !.••; the Prince of Orange and lrrcdefic^i W«« ti^vclling from place to place Jo rchVve the dtftrcfu¬ rs of the poor ; the King had given iccy ccoilorirta for thisj-^pofe. From the London Ga%ettey February it. At the Court at Carlton houfe, the 12th day of February, 1820, Prefent. The Kin«ys Most Excellent Majesty, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor, Lord President% IsOrd Privy Seal* l)ukc uj . tllt/igtoit, Lord Stewart, Alar quifs of Winchester, Earl Bathurst, Earl of Liverpool, Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Casthreagh, Viscount Melville, Viscount Sidmouth, I^trd Charles Bcntinci, Mr. Weihjley Pole, Mr* Canning, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer9 Mr. Bathurst, Mr. Robinfon. Whereas in the A& of Uniformity, which eftablifhes the Liturgy of the Chuich of England, provifion is made for fuch alteration* in the Prayers for the Royal Family a- from time to time fhall become neccfiaiy, and be directed by lawful autho¬ rity ; his Majefty was pleafed this day, in Council, to declare his Royal will and plcafure, that in the Prayer for the Royal Family in the Morning and Evening Service, the words" Their Royal High- nefses George Prince of Wales, the Princefs of Wales, and," be omitted. That the fame omiflion take place in that part of the Litany or General Sup¬ plication in which the fame words recur. That in the title to the Form of Prayer to be ufed on the day of his Majefly's Ac- cedion to the Crown, the words'" Upon the twenty-fifth day of October" be [truck out, a^d the words " Upon the twenty- ninth day of January* be infated. That in the Prayer found in this fervice for the King and Royal Family, the Prince of Wales, the Princefs of Wales, and," be omitted. And his Majefty doth ftn'ftly charge and command, that no edition of the Common Prayer be from henceforth printed, but with this amendment ; and that, in the mean time, till copies of fuch edition may be had, all Parfons, Vicars, and Curates, within this realm, do (foT pre¬ venting of mi flakes. J with the pen, correct and amend all fuch Prayers :n thir Church Books, according to the aforegoing direc¬ tion ; and for the better notice hereof, that this Order be forthwith printed and publilhed, and feat to the feveral pariflies ; and that the Right Rev. the Bifhops do take care that obedience be paid to the famt accoidinoly.- JAMES BULLER. The London Packet of February 10, states dial it was reported tlio day previous that, on the death of hi* la'e Majesty, an intimation nras transmitted to the Queen embracing the.4e al- termttlvtt—tliat she niigbl choose a residence wherever she pleased abroad, wijh the st>le of Queen—and sh* he allowed $0,000 per annum and afi izatcloattcnd herc«ninands%oo eoudinuu thai riie remained abroad, and toughf no further eftahlinlimrivi:—Or a regular public renewal of ihe delicate investigation, embracing transac- liOJHabroad, if she returned to England. The Duchess of York was siek at Oatlands She is attended by Sir Henry Hal ford. " The aflaffin, apprehended at the moment in which his crime was confum- mated, is under the hands of juftice. The King relies fufficiently on the devouement of the Chamber of Deputies, to be fully convinced that it will participate, as well as entire France, in his profound grief, and in thofe lentiments which opprefs the heart of his Majefty. (Signed) <• The Count De Gazes/* The Mjoifidr of War afTured the Chamber that government had adopted every mean* in us power to trace the. crime to its fource, and to prevent its confequm. I CC8. An ordonnance was foon after an¬ nounced, conflicting the Chamber of Peers, a Court of Juftice to examine into the crime. It was then moved, that the Peeis proceed in a body totHe pretence of his Majelly to carry to the foot of the throne their profound gtiefat the lofs fus- tamed. This was agreed to ; and when arrived at the Thuilleries, the Chancellor addreffed his Majefty in the moll confoliog I manner, The King replied:— -J " 1 receive, with much feeling, the et- preflion of the fentiments of the Chamber of Peers. I rejoice to fee that it 11 difpofed to concur in the meafures which circumftances render fo nectftary,'. and which I fhall fhortly propofe." When the Chamber of Deputies afTem-1 bled a great number of them had on badges of mourning. As foon as the order of the day was read, M- Claufel de CouiTergues, with much agitation, moved that an impeachment pafsaginll AI. Decai.es, Mimftcr of the Inteiior. as an accomplice in the afTaffina- lion ut the L)i.i dt DCril- f^Orfliti murmurs enfued, and the Prefident pro* nounced the member out of order.] f The melTage from the King announcing the affaffination of the Duke of Berri was then read. An addrefs to the King was- immediately adopted, to which his Majefty replied ;— " I am deeply affe&ed by the fhare which the Chamber of Deputies takes in my jult affliction. I fee with pleafure that it is difpofed to concur in the accom¬ plishment of my views in this momentous circumftance. The chamber cannot doubt that feeling as a man, and a&ing as a King, I {hall adopt every neceffary meafure to preferve the State from dangers, of whick lam but too forcibly forvvarned by the crime of thi» day. . I PARIS, Feb. 15." ThefoPowrng are additional particulars of th^ execrable assassination which has filled all France with horror. The Duke had just put his Duchess into her coach, and said, "adieu?1 was returning lo his boa to see the close of the play, he was struck by the assassin* and imme¬ diately exclaimed, '* <) ! Caroline, lam dying r We was borne, bleeding into the theatre. Se¬ veral surgeons immediately attended; and the blond not flow in it 1'iOin iuei-ions made in the arm and les, cipping wan added, when the Prince, in a^oiV>, said ** You make me suffer martyrdom 1 I know it is useless, I must die* Immediately after, the Falher of the Duke (Mensiznrj and all the Royal Family repaired to the opera,and a; four the Kinjr arrived.— T!if Duches*bad fallen it * a ?«oon in which she continued lour hour-. He was removed (0 tlie Louvre ; and a* mx o'clock, after receiving the sacrament, he expired in tl.eannsof iheKinfj in the 49d year of his age, Leforc he expired he expressed a ui-h to see his infant danghteo who nas brought to him in her cradle, when- having kis=cd her. he pronour:e«u tht>e remark-j able v.o d<. %% Pmr infnnt.—l whh that yout milf™ '*ne |,,,1,re wj'de Ins v.ill. A voubgj man having sucke'l hh wound, the Prince opco-1 hlg hi- e>e>, sai.l to bbn, " What are you doing ?'i Mi/ icound is per/nip* paisnnQUi" The King nev-^ er left the D'»kr> touch. On perceiving the' Kins, he exclaimed, " Sircy pardon f>r the ma% mhO has Stabbed me. Pardon for tht man. It it doubtless some one uhom I have nnintenlionalm off ended r " My son," rcplh-d th.c KjCg, "you will, I hope, survive the rrui-.l deed. Wcv.illhere- after consider it. The event is important,! and deserves to he maturely considered." « The assassin was pursued by Count Me-[ n-ars, and a eras d'arme, and was iinrncdi-1 ately taken. His nnme i^ Picrn JoscphLcu-i vd, a journfeytnan saddler, He is about 30 years of age: was one of those who went and returned with Bonaparte; from Elba, and lias since been employed in the King's hunt- inf establishment. On being examined the following were his replies :— Q. What induced you to commit this crime ?— A. Mybpimt'ns. mv sentirneuis. q. Whal an! thi'V ?—A. 1 thin!; theBour- boJia ate tyrants, and the uiOit cruel enemies oi France. , , . 6- In that s'mpflbi&m-ttlfy tli*Iyon,atta™ the DukedeBi luit.IiiwrtlV.rtincc- totlx^ rcsta A. Because h«--.v,. - the 5-oungest Pmceof the Royal Family rmdueeroedtolwdestinei to perpetuate the r.-ee hostile tc Fnrce. t^. Do von repent your act.—X Nc. (J. Had you any instigator, anyaccm plice.—A. :\oi:e. : Marttial Soclt, thfc Doke a'Abafera, and numerous other officers were prefint at the fcene* and expreiTed the mod a- SirJEvEAS Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Bart. Captain uf Clan C'l.atran. who died on the^ht nit. at Mo\hail,in the 69th year of his age, ivas a jr«'titleman <»f the giValCSI worth. During the lau* distressing period, he icave up to a great proportion of his tenants a full third or their rents, for three Miecessive years, and enabled farther, Mich of thera a* had particularly suffered from the severity of the seasons, to re-stock their farms with sheep and cattle. His funeral was attended hv upvwid- of furry carriages of all descriptions, and a large concourse of cmn- mon people, both on font a id hor>eL'ack.—S;x of ihe family >er\aiit-. in deep mourning, a. d Hiree pipers, playing the Clan'* Lament, &c. jirrrertrd the heaV^e and six hoTSCS, i\hieh v»a^ fv/Uowed by ihe f;nhil\ Chariot and (bur, em]>lv, ard three mourning eaniages. Containing the rnosc Infmediatr connrcHon^of thr deceased. Cahdoninn Mercury, Feb, 12. rief at the event* gomzing g The Kino clofed the Duke's eyelils, faying " I Inure performed a laft duty to my fon iu and uttering a lad adieu. The Duchefs of Berri, with her fiflcr, the I uchcfd dWngouleme, then retiredto St. Cloud ; where they found the hoitfe- hold were in tears. ES2& From franco- Chamber of Pears-x Fti+uL The Chamber bai ..: !>^ en ccmvnk"}, tucl refident iramct iate-y rtad the tollow I tug letter : — uarrr: imxj&p. Yefterday, (the 14th inft.) an individual, among ft a group -on the Place Caioufel, uttered many leditions exprrffi.>ns, and dated to exlu'hit a ferocious joy, at the j deed which has plunged France in mour¬ ning, The perlons around him, whom fentiments of grief had induced to repair to the vicinity of the Louvre, took lhim into cuftodv, and clcorted him to the police- Office*—Journal des Dcbats. JLateJ'nm t&v continent of Furcpc. I rw Torkf March 21. By the; \\ 41 it c^n.ng oi the hip . . m