KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. II.] FRIDAY, (afternoon) APRIL 7, 1820. [No. 14 NEW GOODS. THE fubfcrlbcr refpe&fully informs the public that he has received a well fele&ed affortroent of Drv Goods, adapted to the feafon—Likewifea quanti- GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap for Cafh. WALTER McCUNlFFE. Kington, id December, 18(9. 49 mo TiemT THE fubferiber has now, and will con¬ tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup- ply of Rich flavored Ale. The prefent price is one /hilling per gal- I0U, for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of extra ttrong bodied Ale are refpeft- fully informed that as foon as poffible he will provide a flock that will satisfy the moft faflidious critic- He thinks it will not be amifs to remind the Farmers (who are the mafs of the peo¬ ple) that if they wifh their grain to com¬ mand Cafh, they muft abfolutely make malt Liquor their common beverage, and thus fupport the Canadian Brewers inftead of the Weft Indian Diftillers. It is of feri- ous confequcnee, both, to themfcKes and to the whole country, that they fhould im¬ mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a refolu tion. Orders fent to the Brewery, or left with Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartltt, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery* Oct. 26, I 8 I 9. V *?. C-.-vnn <tfl ill nlrtWtft fo: ti.l/t, ~ A per buftui. 44 *. ALEXANDER ASHEE, Merchant Taylor* MAS received from Montreal a mofl choice and excellent afTortment of the bell Weft of England fuperfine Cloths and Cassiiueres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. As her informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe -loths, &c. at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the (horteft notice, and on the lowed terms for Cafh. or /hort approved credit. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. jj|f 11REE FAKMS FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for tfu en firing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle 1 Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket . Farm, (fo called.)—A contrail alfo will be given for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, i6tb June, 1819. zytf I F. B. SPIL8HURY, I f Sl/flGEOX, R. iV. i i Late Surgeon of //. jl. S\ Prince Re-:* I g*#A on L'tke Ontario^ <; I Intends practising in the various*1 "branches of his Profession, at his res-4' ^illence* next door to Jnhu McLean,-? *E>q. Sheriff. * I Kingx/ort, Ot t. Cfh, f«*0. -J I ' NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late Oo- partueiihip of Richard Robison ami Da-'j'rd Secord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Sccord, and thufc to whom the faid Copmnerfhip may be indebted, aie ie- que'.led to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment. Kinglton, 27th May, 1819. j6tf FZRSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adj:>inincr the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as Doffible- JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. 16 KiflHE fubferibers being duly nomina- IL ted Executors to the laft Will and *i Vftament of the lace Lazurence Hcrchmer, E.fquire, Merchant, requeft all perfons in- <J ebted to his ettate to make immediate p ayment, and thofe having demands againft t"it faid eftate to biinti them forward with- cut delay, JOHN KIR3Y, GEO. H. MARKLAND, Kingflon, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 A good Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfe and Premifes, in the Town of Kingfton, at prefent oc- enpiedby the fubferiber. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jmi- i Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 For Sale or to Let, AS TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a <tfl£. hirgennd commodious (lone Siore, GOVERNMENT TRANS¬ PORT. ANY perfoa or perfons defiroua of con¬ tracting for tranfporting fuch Na¬ val Stores as may be required, during the navigation of this year, will fend in feal- ed tenders to this Office on the ist of May next, at \z o'clock at noon, ftating the rate per cwt. as follows: Articles under 10 Cwt, to 20 above to Two Efficient furetics will be required. The parties who tender, or an Agent in their behalf, muft attend at the time of opening thepropofals. EDwd. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper* Naval Yard, Kingflon,> 31ft March, 1820 13 Landjbr Sale^ Near the Town of KINGSTON. ACRES in the Township of Pitts¬ burgh, being Lot number Nine, in the fecond Con¬ ceflion, on the Public Road, leading to Montreal, and not more than nine miles from Kingfton. ALSO, OAA Acres in the fame Townfhfp, be ^^^ ing L*t number thirty two, in the tenth conceflion, near the Iron Works. For information, apply at the Chroni¬ cle or Herald Office. Kingfton, 27th March, 1820. '3«'4 Yorkshire CLi) FFlS & CAsSl- MERES Cy BALE> cf th* ib->ve, affiled quail- ""* ties and colors, arc opened for fnle at ihefubfcriber's Store, either wholefale or retail, at very reduced prices forenfh, be :nga coufignment from the manufacturer. ALSO, Pocket Bible1*, Teftaments and Prayer Books of the Englifn Liturgy, neatly- bound in red, purple, blue, black and yel¬ low Morocco, fuperbly gilt, with Itraps, at 59. per volume. THOMAS ASKEW. Kingfton, March 28. 1S20- 13 LATELY arrived from Ireland, and wants employment as Gardener, or Gatdener and Land Steward, a fmart ac¬ tive young man, that has been regularly bred to both departments, enderftands the pruning and cultivation of vinee, and all other fruit trees, fo as to produce abun¬ dant crops, fuperior in flze and flavour to thofe managed in the common way. Al¬ fo the cultivation of culinary vegetables— can keep accounts, and has good charac¬ ters that can be vouched for in this coun- try. Any commands addrefiVd to G. M. I. at the office of thin p?per, frail b? du¬ ly attended to.— Alarch 30. xy{ Hardware, <%'€. /' i^FIE fi.bfcribcr has received in addi- _I_ tion to his former ilock, and < fFers for fale on reafonabte terms, the following artie'es—vizt. A further affbrtment of round, flat and fquarc Ircn, Xh«*.-u M<v'. Fi-e* and Chifcls afTorted ; Iron, Brafs, and Wood Caltors ; Iron and Brafs infide and outfide Door Latches ; Cheft Locks and ilin^es ; Cur- iy and Mane Combs; Uorfe Brufhes ; Squares and Compafles ; Bed Screws— Spades, Shovels Frying Pans, Garden & field floes. Rakes. Spirits Turpentine, Red and Black Paint, Linfeed Oil, tat red & white Rope, Uambro Lines, Scin and Sewing Twine, Sail Needles, Pump Tacks, Sec &c. ROBt. STANTON. Kingflon. 21ft March, 1820. J2W3 to let; ,^4j^/#^\N the firft of May next, fox one ^JUiiV^J/ or more years, a ^tone Houfe with 17 acres of Land, 6 of which U in¬ tended for a meadow, and the remainder for pallnre and garden, on the front, near Mr. Dalton'a Brewery, and oppofite Mr. Kilerbeck's Brick Houfe. For particu¬ lars apply to Smith & Buttcrworth. Kingfton, March 21, 1820. I2tf NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con¬ ceflion of Fredevickfburgh, or lot No. 27, in the i*t conceflion of Richmond,from the Heirs or Aflignees of Divis Hcfs, as the Subfcriber holds anindifputabletitleto the fame. GILBERT HAiUS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 Valuable Landa for Sale in the Township of Hamilton. W OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- 11 A ceflion, containing 4°° acres- Ditto ditto 11 and «5 'n l^e 4th Con¬ ceflion, containing 45^ acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceflien, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcaftlc l)iftri<ft, and will be fold on the moft liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819- 22tf FOR SALE, " AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Villn^e of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the | rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession ot Klizahcthtown, U. C. containing two hmdrcd acres, former¬ ly the property oi Reuben Sherwood* Esquire* but now belonging to JohnShu- ter, Iv^uire, of London. '1'here is a ve¬ ry good dwelling Ikjso, uith a barn and other out houses on the premises. Also^ Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the we-t half of Lot number one, in the eighth cence.-sion of the sanu* Township. Ako% Lot number fifteen, in the first conce^inn and number fifteen in the second concesion, ol the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in tile District of Johns¬ town. These Farm will be disposed of on terms peculiarly asv and advantage¬ ous topurchasers.— Applv to DAXIKL JONES, Jun. Broikiille, l$th .httwant. 1819. 4 A tlEM AM) OF TlQQ Hundred mid Fij'tii P<anvh 'WT ' LL be paid by the subscriber, to j j any perfon who fhall discover and give fuch information as will conviift the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, Hole from Georpc Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel ; a Parc<l» containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoofa.d pounds. By .'ireSion of the Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Kington, 19/i Nov. 1819. gent. 47 A1 TO LET, COMMODIOUS HOUSE, nesr Doctor Keating's, two stones high, with Btven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under :he whole, a good yard and stable ; also a icry good Spring near the house.— Tur fu ^her particulars apply to J.\ME> ROBINS. Kingston, $th June* 18 1 9. 23 ► > -:i* .: . ^*"J'. ., "Jl.^j -'**> JKKSTTv^-- JOHN MARTl\, BEGS leave to in form his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Fort Henry, under the \HH-onw his securir/.' He was sign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to S3 ftmate on the w-itfrS edge h\ the centre of j tl-o^e who mn) iovour him with a call, U i iJrercot, on exceed;!:rjx s*a» truer Villas u vjjUageoiis term-^ to the purchaser or le&see. Hffjuirc at ihe Ofiiceof Crk. A. HAGERMAN. fton? 26th F^bruETy, lb* 19. 9 •iLiug merit a slwre of [Mihlic paeronn^e. will hIwpa* have on hind ;:!i kinds Li«;*ior 01* Wi" hi v. qtiwlify. hingsiott) I4lh January* lS'20. N. ii. Good Stauioig for Horses. 11.: Parliament of Vppcr-Canada. HOUSE OK ASSrMHLY. Tuesday. 7th \iarch. Mr. Jones moved the House to %-j into a Conutittee of the whole on the contin¬ gencies of the House. On reading over the different items. Mr. Nichol objected to the charge 6 £12 : 3 : 4 for 100 copies of a Pamph¬ let, not larger than an Albany Almanac and it was accordingly reduced to £^0 dre«s, which was received, and sent Up to His Excellency. Mr. D<irand ninved that the District of Gore Gaol and G.urt House Bill b* read a third time—Ordered.— And in the course of the day it wtis read a third tinn and carried to the Upoer House. Mr. Baldwin n-,t|uainted tlie House that the Legislative Council required n conference on the I'eiiMon Bill, **w& on the motion of .Mr. Robinson a Commit¬ tee was appointed \o attend the Uppei IIoumj. The Catholic 0 :pel Bill was read the second time, ousted through a Commit¬ tee, and ordered *.-> be en .ironed and read the third time this day. It was af¬ terwards read a ttird time and carried by a Committee to the Upper House. Mr. Van Kou^haett moved that the House resolve itnei** into a Committee oi the whole on the petition of Mr. Fergu¬ son. He stated tl«at this person had a lar^e family, wh'nij depended upon the humanity of the inhabitants of the town of Niagara for sujport. He had been prosecuted by the order of the House, and been impusou>Jsixor seven mouths. He thought it the Cuty of the House to interfere, and mov.-d that an humble ad¬ dress be presented to His Excellency the Lieutenant Cover ior to remit the re¬ mainder of the sentence of the Court #f Minn's Bench. Mr. Sweazy hop>J the Hoiise would interfere for the vnfortunate man who must lie. in gaol foi life unless something were done for him. It was impossible for him to .get out \f prison, as he could not pay fho line, *or would any person far from advocating the conduct of this unhappy person, but the sit,at;on of his family, and the punishme;:* iie hnd already suf¬ fered, would, he ho.>rf|9 inducetheHouse to support *lie ^dd* M ■. Nic' 'I obvtrvr(] that the Peti¬ tioner prost»ct:(e(j upon an address of the II<"j<t\ and i*,at \v. \^-X(\ |-,rcu oU\\- 2{J j tv jf another atiOL;oaS libel, for which he on.:;.1!' to be punished. He consider¬ ed no punishment too weighty for a man who had entered into the affairs of pri¬ vate families for the purpose of destroy¬ ing their happiness. Such men were the worst of all reptiles, and ought to be discountenanced in every country. He thought an application to the Court of King's Bench by affidavit would be the proper mode in the present instance, in¬ stead of an application to the House.— The punishment was not more than he deserved, allhough it might make Jurors be in future more cautious in finding a manguilty. Mr. Jones did not think it proper to interfere with the Executive--it would be establishing a precedent which they ought not to allow, and he should there¬ fore oppose the address. Mr. Van Koughnett said he was pro¬ secuted in consequence of an address el the House, and they ought to interfere in it. Mr. Robinson supported the motion, which he believed, from the humanity of the Governor, would be attended to.— He thought it right for the House to in¬ terfere, as His Excellency might feel a delicacy, however well di>postd, in re¬ mitting the sentence without their oon- cuneuce. He would be the last gentle¬ man iu that House that would advocate the conduct of the prisoner, but he trust¬ ed that Gentlemen would agree witk him when they heard of the situation of his family that the punishment he had al¬ ready endured was sufficient for the crime he had committed. Indeed, in his opinion, the finding a man guilty of a li¬ bel was itself a severe punishment. On u division, the motion was carried. In the course of the day the address went through the u-ual forms, and a commit- u e * .. ■ ._ ( ..;.'.ca: to carry It up tu His Excellency. His Excellency, in answer to the ad¬ dress of the House relative to the situa¬ tion of Mr. Ferguson, promised to remit the remainder of his punishment. Mr. Nichol moved that the report on public accounts be received. He was sorry that the shortness of the session prevented the Revenue Committee from making a more detailed report.—Carried. His Excellency, in reply to the ad¬ dress of the House on the situation of Pensioners, said he would be happy to meet their wishes, but was afraid there were no fui>ds for the purpose. Mr. Nichol said the Bill he wasaboot to bring in was intended to quiet the minds of the people. A considerable portion of his constituents were Metho¬ dists, who were not allowed by the law to be married by their own Clergymen, and the object of the Bill was to remove that disability, lie (Mr. N.) was not a Methodist himself, b it he thought that all descriptions of persons should be al¬ lowed the privilege he was now seeking (0 obtain lor that particular class. Mr. Jones and Mr. Durand severally supported I he Bill, and bore testimony to • he exemplary character of the Metho- distsintheir part of the country.— Read the first time, and ordered to be read the second time—and the 5th rule of the House to be dispensed with. The House resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take it iuto consideration. The Bill was adopted, reported and received, and ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time fill* day. It was read the third time, and Messrs. Nichol and Du- rand were appointed a Committee to car¬ ry it to the Upper House. Mr. Baldwin, in the name of the Le¬ gislative Council, requested a confer- i uce on the Bill for Inland Navigation, and a committee was appointed to wait on them. Mr. Jones, looking at Mr. Nichol, said that the Bill as it stood, was the most injudicious9 wicked9 oppressive^ and wjust Irillhe had ever heard of.—(laugh- The Committee returned and stated that there was an error in the preamble, w liieh required amendment, and the Speaker was requested to see the Speak¬ er of the Upper House respecting it. The Pension Bill was read the third time, and carried by a Committee to the Upper House. Mr. Robinson brought in a bill to re¬ gulate the Inland Navigation, and, the 5th rule of the House having been dis¬ pensed with, it was read the first and se¬ cond times, passed through a committee, was read the third time, passed, and sent to the Honourable the Legislative Council. The Bill for the confirmation of Mar- ria^ed was read the second time, went through a Committee. It was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time this day. Mr. Fraser objected to a Bill giving power to three Magistrates, upon the oath of one person, to deprive the sub¬ ject of his liberty, and would not sanc¬ tion it unless it extended to the subject the benefit of a trial by a Jury of his country. He therefore moved that the Bill be recommitted. Mr. Nichol congratulated the House upon the change which had taken place in the sentiments of the Honourable Member. He who had advocated the justice of imprisonment by one Magis¬ trate now refused to give the same pow- er to three. The flash of light thrown on his mind ought to be hailed with ac¬ clamation. Mr. Fraser was thankful for the com¬ pliment paid him by the Honourable Gentleman. He did make a distinction between a man disturbing the peace of the country by seditious proceedings, and a religious character who was la¬ bouring for the good of souls, and not for their destruction, and who might, through ignorauce of theUw, commit an error. The Bill was read the third time, and on the motion of Mr. Duraid, a commit* r tee was appointed to tak£ it to the Up¬ per House. Mr. Van Koughnett moved the order of the day on the killing of Deer. The Bill was read the fir-t and second time, went through a Committee, was engross¬ ed and read the third time, passed, and sent to the Upper House. Mr. Fraser,on the H« use going into Committee, opposed the Bill, which could only operate against white people, who might be in want of sustenance, and not against the Indians, who could be restrained neither by that nor any 0- ther Bill. The Physic and Surgery Bill was read the first and second time. The House ■ went into Committee, and upon the mo¬ tion of Mr. Burwell that the Committee do now rise and ask leave to sit again this day three months, it a carried by a majority of one. The Bill was conse¬ quently lost. The Bill lor the remunerntion of John Beekie, Esquire, Clerk to ihe Commis¬ sioners, was read the first and second time, went through a Committee, was engrossed and read the third time, and passed, & a committee appointed to car- 1 V i* up Iu 1 ho Jlououtablc the lj<gi>}4*> tive Council. At one quarter past six o'clock the House attended at the bar of the Upper House, when His Excellenoy, seated on the.Throne, gave the Royal assent to sundry Bills, delivered his Speech, and prorogued the Parliament to the 16th April next. ics. ANNUAL RKPORT OF THp j Midland District Auxiliary Bible Society. The Annual Meeting of the Midland District Auxiliary Bible Society was held in St. John'.s Church, Hath, on Monday, twenty first February, 1820. Pkesekt, BENJAMIN FAIRFIELD, Esq. Pice-President. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Esq. Treasurer D. HAGERMAN,* P „ c . J. RANKEN. \ &VS. Secretar, and oitlf Members of the Committee, with other Members of the Society. B. FAIRFIELD, Esq. to the Chair. The Secretary then read the following REPORT. Your Committee, before entering into a detail of the state of your society, can¬ not but express their regret, on loking back to the period of its formation, to find (hat three years have now elapsed. and that but one report oi' its proceeding- •Hf?-■Kr-.»f\e*i»r-<r!*>^r -At fheiTerror! *f irq establishment, although Bible Societies might have been heard of by almostevery class of Christians iu the Province, thete had yet been no practical experience of their great advantages, and the people were unacquainted with the many bless¬ ings that must necessarily accrue from a proper managemeut of them. It was a new thing in this country, and like all other public institutions, it was proper aud necessary that an explanation of it> object, and the effect anticipated should be made as public as circumstances would admit. As this is effected, your com¬ mittee have reason to believe that the in¬ habitants of this township, and of the District generally, will always be found ready to join iu a measure that has for its object a more general distribution of the Holy Scriptures. Your Committee, also, are aware that, without frequent excitements, public feeling will soon re¬ lapse into indifference even on this all- important subject; and allhough indi¬ vidual interest may be exerted without abatement, yet, it is necessary for its due and proper support thdt the commu¬ nity at large should be zealous in the cause. It is therefore desirable that re¬ ports of the actual proceedings of the so¬ ciety should be made public from time to time 5 and your committee have no hesi¬ tation in believing that what has been already accomplished, will be a proof of its usefulness, and a happy presage of future results, as well as the means of bringing over to its support those whose doubts or indifference may hare deterred them from joining in the measures as heartily as could have been desired. The proceedings of your society of the year preceding the last, hate been alrea¬ dy reported, and it is therefore unneces¬ sary to revert to theni on this occasion. This report will consequently be coufi- ' ned to the period of your last annual meeting. ^ \ Since that time the sura of £75 cur¬ rency has been remitted to the Parent Society, and Bibles and Testament?, of |^V-iMW^f^^*»^«Si. V V.V .<**>&-*-. Sfetf *4 >* -L V*-