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Kingston Chronicle, March 31, 1820, p. 4

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p'j •vfA^^-r?\*w*fo«>*.;*. c^,.v^.,*? KINGSTON TANNERY. Tf UNDERHILL & Co. Rcfpctt- a fully beg leave to inform the Sh.->e-Maker9, Saddlers and leather fellers in general, that they have now fele&ed from their extenfive aflbrtment of different descriptions of Leather, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one Thou- fand fides of Upper Leather, from one to Twenty Thoufand lbs. of light and ftrong f"le Leather, and one hundred and fifty fides of tiarnefs do. together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins and a number of Horfe hides, Dog and Sheep Skin9, too numerous to infert, and which can be delivered on tl»e fhorteft no'ice and lowed terms for Cafli. T. U. flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their Orders, will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for Sale, having already been proved, and acknowledged by the bed judges in this Province. Kingfton, N -vember 5, 1819. 45 FEKNS&Co. O ESPECTFULLY beg leave to in- Jt\j form the inhabitants of Kingflon and its vicinity, that they have taken the Store formerly occupied by D. Mc'Don ! ell at the corner of Store & King Street, and intend carrying on the Booi & Si)oc Trade, in all its branches, and hope by affiduity qnd a strift attention, to merit a fhare of the public's favor. Having made arrangements with one of the first manufactories in England, will •hvay-s enable them to keep a regular fup- p'y of Ladies, fancy Boots and Shoes, and materials of every defcription in the above line. Will always have for sale all kinds of LEATHER, manufactured by Underhill Sc Co Kingston Tannery. Kingston, Jan. loth, 1820. 3m3 Isle ofTanti. rHE following valuable lands, on the Ifle of Tanti. for fale—From Lot No- 35, inclufive, round the fouth fhore, to lot letter C, except letter B. 82.83, 84. and 85, and all from Mr. Stuart's to the Town Plot. The fecond ^.mceffi ^n, where not granted—the pre¬ sence to be given to thofe who poflefs, and havepa|d for their Iota, if fettled for as above mentioned, Mr Stuart's No's 23, 24, 25, 26 and ear half of No. 27. Lots No 35, 36, 37, 38, and down to 85, inclufive Letter A,referved. Lots fold, No. 1, z. 3. to No 22 in Front. The above lots will be fold on modeiate terms. The foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture. The filiation of the IfLnd will fhow it is particularly adapted to pafturage. It abounds with fi(h & wood of almoll every kind, a confiderable proportion of which h oak. For further information, application to he made to the underflgned, at Bath — and for undifputed titles to the Hon. Sir John Johnfon, in Lower Canada. jj. FARLEY. December 28, 18:9. 53tf IHE fubferiber feels it his duty, from the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public againit any impo- fition on the part of Mr Sol' mon Johns, by his offering t'» fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon, in the vi!- age of Kracft Town, bounded on the eafl &ft\xi farmer's Store, and'on tfie well 6y the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, as any title to the faid property held by him. was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns wa> at low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his ttanfaftions in 1812 - had no fliadow of a claim. PETER GRANT, Theoerfnn who is dated to hold a Bond P>ra Deed for half the above propeity from Johns, was acquainted with my jufl pretention in the fud in (lance, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P. G. _____________________________48 Forwarding- & Commission BUSINESS- THE subscribers be£ leave to inform their friends and (he public, that tney have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the object df which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription from Montreal to any part oi Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Eric. The business will be conducted by W. Hubbell, at Oj^densbur-ih. and under the firm of IV. L. IV1UTING Sr Co. at Prescott. To prevent delay, all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the [Sat of Quince, will h^ forwarded from Prr>- COtt by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united exei tious to give satisfaction, will be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, W. HUBBELL. > Prescott, 10th May AS 1<L________23 ~FO RESALE, T a \ cry low price for CbrIi —the south or front Imlfal D)T No. 12, in the frsi ruuecs gtmi of L'Kiu'.bon,;)•;!•..— For par ticulars, apply ul &is OlEco. Dec. 7, 18L-). 50 i BOXRDAND EDUCATION. MRS. NEW AL!L embrace* this op¬ portunity ofac^ua;nl;„KjICJVfr;ends and the public, that fa has removed her School from Cornwall to Brockville, and ihe aflures her friend?, tjjat fne fna)] con ftantly endeavor to mcjrjt the pationageof the public by an affidu.ous attention to the literary improvements «of the young Ladies committed to her care.. and by a (crapulous regard to theirmora! principles and health. The fituation in Brockville in refpea to health, pofTcfTes ftJpe.Jor advantages ; it has the benefit of a p.„re and unconfined air, which gives to the r.eceflary esercife an innocent recreation of the pupils during the intervals of lludy. Cards may be had of the terms by ma¬ king enquiry at Mrs toewall'8. Brockville, Feb. 19/.$, 1820. 8w6 pointfhg IYifpeftors of Flour, PoF and I SERVANTS WANTED. A MAN and WOMAN, who under- fland the management of the indoor work of a Gentleman's Houfe. The mod unqueltionable recommendation wiil be re¬ quired.—Information to be had at this Of¬ fice. 15th March, 1820. II WANTS a situation as GARDEN* ER> a man who has served in- this country and Ireland, and underltands Farming, if required. He is well recom¬ mended from the Gentlemen he has served, and ha6 no objection to go to the country. Any Gentleman wanting such a person mayapply to the Printer. March 1. 9 T TOM KINS is grateful for the very (B liberal encouragement given him by the inhabitants of Kingston, fmce the com- £>car| ;\jhe»,—and alfo the Bill relative to mencement of the Book-binding Bufinefs, confiscated property. carried on under the firm of T. Tomkins Mr. Robinson moved that the 5th rule & Co. and begs to inform them, that he 0f thc Houfe be difpenled with, as far as has Removed to a houfe near thc Market, related to the Bill for granting a fupply where he himfelf intends earring on the to His Excellency for the year 1821. above bufinefs in all its various branches. Mr. Niched obje&ed io give a fupply Kingston, March 9, 1820 iowa in advance It might prevent their com ^ qi j ing together again. He did not oppofe Ml Of* foClt€) the principle of a fupply— he would fup- A HOUSE, opposite .Mr. D. Brown's Port "—buC \° Advance a fupply when Inn, together with a Lease of the they.were Ioudl7 ca*Hfog for retrenchment, ground on which it is fituated. For fur- and, * expectation^- of papC,s ^ich WM,i^ ther particulate apply to the fubferiber, on the premises. JOHN EVANS. Kingston* Feb. 28, 1820. 9// 1.1AMILIES may Le fupplicd with WOOD, delivered in their yards at 1 of per Cord. Orders dire&cd to Mr. Samuel McCrca, and left at Moore's Cof¬ fee Houfe, will be duly attended to. ■Kingston, 4th Feb. 1820. c; FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of JtKO CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to 8 fert in length.—Apply to Mr-John Dawson, Tailor. vvfLUAM yi:iu:x. Kingston, July 17, 1819. 30 A REWARD OF Two Hundred ami Fi/h/ Pounds \TKTlhl* be paid by thc subscriber, to T V any perfon who fhall discover and give fuch information as will convict the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel ; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bill* of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By diredion of the Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, igt/j Nov. 1819._________47 ~ NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned againfl pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- ceffion of Fredeuckfburoh, or lot No. 27, in the i?t conceflion of Ilichmond^rotr. the litirs or Aflignees of Davis Hcfs, as the Subfcribcr holds an indiTputnhle title tc the fame. GILBERT HAUIS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818* 3 joiin mahtiv, I'iGS leave to in form his friends and thc public a* rallj. thai he has opened a House ol 1 ublic Enter* taiiunrni near Fort Ilenrv> under thfi RICHMOND HOTEL; Where lie hopes, by a stricl allenfion to those uho may favour liim with a call, to merit a share of public patronage. lie will always have on hand all kinds Liquors of the best quality. Kingston-> 14/A Janitorjh 1820. N. B. Good Shiblingfor IJ arses. Notice. T for for (lie (lie ! *rtfi« Of 2t( A Valuable Lands for h'ak in the Township of llamtlUm. LOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- ceflion. containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceflion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10. in the 6th Concefiion, containing 2CO acres. The above Lauds arc all lying in the Townfliip of Hamilton, Newcaftli Ditlrid. and will be fold on the moft liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in King (ton. Thomas S Whitakcr. Kingfton. May 28, i8ig- 22tf FORSALK, " AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half cf Lot number Uro, in the se¬ cond concession of Kluabethtown, U. C, containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnShu- ter, Esquire, of London. There i*> a ve- iy good dwelling liouy, ivith a barn and other out houses on the prerfllfies. Also. Lot number nineteen, in the ninth cou- cessioru and the west half of Lot number one, ill the eighth concession of the same IWiibhip. Also, Lot number fifteen, in rhe first conces-icn, and number fifteen Ml the second concession, ol thc Town¬ ship of Yongc, in Ihe District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of Mi terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchaser*.—Appi) to DAXiKL JOXRS, Jun. Vrock:iW\ \ 6th Jnnuarp. \ 8 J 0. 4 ' Is L ASKS. " p«r- the Co arts of Uctjucst, ami varibU* ulki r kinds, for sale €tl ?/iiv Office It c I * Ltd N /#y *- C C • N a fmall Ie%ther purfe on the new road between, Abbot's Houfe and this Town, two No,tes of Hand given by- Henry D llartinj fn favour of Nathaniel W. Dopkins or bearer, and dated ar Wcftern on the 1 4th inft one Note is for 55 dollars payable on the fni't of May next—the other for 27 dollars payable one year from the dat<.—Thcfe Notes are left at the Chronicle Office, where the owner may get them, on pioving propeity, pay¬ ing the expenfe of this Advertifement, and allowing the fubferiber a reafonable compenfation for his trouble. SAMUKL CARTER. Kingflon, February 25th, 1820. 8 TO HE &OLJ)9 and immediate pos- sefiion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conceffion of thc Town- fhipof Elm.-.ley, viz. 19. 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, mo!l eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirnble purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Esq. Peith Settlement. John Kiiby Efq Kings-ton, or the fubferiber, in Wood- houfe, London Diftrid ROBERT N1CHOL. November 18, 1819. ^.ytf NOTICE ~--------- IS hereby given, that William Taylor, heir at law and administrator of the late Allan Taylor, hath affigned all the real and peifonal estate of the late Allan Taylor deceafed, unto John Kirby,. Alex¬ ander O. I etric and Thomas Parker, in tru^t for the benefit of creditors. All perfons having any claims against the late Allan Taylor, Taylor & Parker,or Thom- u taken are iRjHei&l^18 prefeni the fame for adjustment and payment, and thofe perfons indebted to either the late Allan Taylor, Taylor and Parker, or Thomas Parker, are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees ; who a»e fully authorifed to give difchaiges for the fame. John Kir by, A. O. Peirie, Thomas Parker. Kingston, Alio us7 28, 1819. ' 36tf n 0 ncR AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James Ratten iff Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants,as well as those belong¬ ing to James Rankrn individually, for the benefit of creditor Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the raid firm, or gainst the said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay t^eir respective accounts to Chr. A. HagjRMan, Etq of Kings- ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber'next. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, tsi Seft*mber9 1819. 36 Notice, THE late partnership of Robert Gra¬ ham $f Go. l»aving dissolved itself this day by the death of R-oderick Mac* kay Esq. the bussiuess in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above tirm, will please p*y their accounts with¬ out delay,and lho*B who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick! 21st Sept, 1818. ' TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSR, near Doftor Keafing'fl, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar 111 der the whole, a good yard and stable ; al-oa very good Srr'ng near the house.— Fur further particulars aPP!y to JAME-^ ROBINS. Kingston, .\tk Jt*™> 1819. 23 HE Land Board, Midland District eniuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingflon, at the hour of 1 2 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcription of perfons, viz. Emigrant?, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britifh born fubjccls. All able fcttlcrs that have refided in the Diftridi previous to the late war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty in its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen "Months from the date of the location, and ^the payment of the following fees; *eftablifhed by an order in Council of 14th n December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres V> Indigent Emi- tgrants no fees. w On Grants of 100 acres, £\z Sterling. P On Grants of 200 do. 30 wPayable in three equal inilalmtntss, viz. Xi The firft on the receipt of the Location a ticket.:.ihe faefinH iw(^ltfira*j*f*H*<& ffl Ifcttlcmcnt ; the third on the receipt of the F Fiat for thc patent. No petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written chara&er, or a fatisfadtory rcafon fiitwn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. ClcrL Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 i N. B. T<3> prevent difappointments to perfons applying for lands : it isneceiTary to ftate that the Board ha- no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch muft make application to York. ^ NOTICE 1% hereby given, that I, William Tay¬ lor, as heir at law and administrator to the estate cf the late Allan Taylor, de¬ ceafed, have this day afligned all thr real and perfonal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest in the concern of Taylor & Parser, and Thomas Parker, unto John Kirby, Alexander Oliphant Pe- trie and Thomas Parker, as trubtees, for the benefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator of the estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston, August 28,1819. 36tf Kingston Branch of the Mon- treal Bank. ANY fum required m=»y be obtained at the Office for good Bill?, on Mon. treat, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alto will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d Nov 1818. 23 Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Townfhip of Ameliafburgh. Lot 23, in the front Conceffion, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eaftward of Nicholfon'9 Ifland. ,__. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con¬ ceflion of faid Townfhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All perfons are cautioned a. gainft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly fubjeft themfelves to a legal profecution if detected. Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf Notice. TfjlOR Sale, feveral Acre and two iT Acrelots on the Main Street, being an extenfion of Store-Street, application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the Subfcriber, who will give information to perfons defiring to pur¬ chafe. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1820. 10 tf notice! Books of Subscription for the *i«ftft tf <§&fttt$ftfb will be opened at the Director's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 31 To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 For Sale at this Office, A FEW copies of a SERMON, preached at Quebec, on the 1*21 i. of September, after the death of Hi- Grace the Duke or Richmond, by tin* Reverend G. J. Mountain, A. L$ Bishop'* Official in Lower Cauada, and Rector ot Quebec. 41 VALUABLE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE At Auction. THE Ground upon which the Bar. racks, <ic. are situated In the Town of Kingston, will be sold at Auftion, 2> \l o'clock on the :st oi" IMrty next, in Lots of one fifth of an acre, and under, I The Plan, (hewing the f-vcral Lots may be seen at the Royal Engineer's Of. fice in Kingston, until thc day of sale. Tonus of Payment. 6 One fourth of the purchase money will be required upon the delivery ofihe Deeds- the remainder, in three payments, of uine months each, with interest. J. B. PAYNE. Kingfton, Feb. 26, 1820. \z Kxecuiive Council Office, '■ Torh, \ qth November, i8ro. WHEREAS the prcfent LEASE of the Ferry from the Town ol Kingfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealed Propofals for a new Ltafc to be given to the Iiigheft bidder will be roc*nw<Ji»t !tii '"lflii\-v iiittiitiui 'i"o(h iA June, 1820. 49 ___ JOHN SMALL, c.E.c. Henri/ Fowler, merchant tailor. //~1 RATEFUL to his Friends andibc \JX~ public for their former patronage and fupport, begs refpeflfnlly to inform them, he has returned to Kingston from Montreal, with a complete and handfome afTortment of goods, comprifing, the bu,t West of England fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caflimeres, Florentine's, Silk and fancy Vestings ;md every article neceffary in his line, which he offers low forcaftr, or to make up to order, at the store aljoimog Captain Anderfon's and till lately occu. pied by Mr. John Watkins. Kingston, 29th Jan. 1820. 5 Anchors $f Cables. WILLIAM I3UDDEN, WILL receive by the earlicd fpring vefTcls, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an aflbrtment of Patent proved Chain Cables ol all sizes, ANCHORS do. I Well worthy the attention of thofe eng*] ^ed in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ift April, i8rQ. itff ON Monday night the 18th inft. the j Store of the subscriber was brokef open and to the amount of 75 Dollars ofi upwards in cafh carried away : alfo a few large cotton Shawls, one remarkable Fo-. reign red Scarf, upwards of four yards iV| length, one end of which richly ornamen* ted with gold thread, the other end plainJ Whoever may give fuch information a9 will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber. For SAMUEL AYKROYD. Donald Murchison. i Kingston, 1 gt& 03. 1819. 4J NOTICE. THE Board for Militia Pbk-| o«<bu\o, will „ua n« 1//* tuji Mfmllnk in February, and continue fo to do, the fame day in each Month, until the luftnift oj this Diftrifl, as regards the fame is Jinj/bi JOHN FERGUSON. Kingflon, Feb. \Jl, 1819. BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS I For sale at this Offiee, TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. s Twenty shillings per nnr.um; if sent by Mail twco'.y tour shillings. Su!;r?ripIions to bt^ paid in advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. X lines and under 2s. Gd. first in* eriion^ and l\d* each subsequent insertion : 10 tines and wirier^ 3s. 4d.\ first insert ion, and 10r/. each subsequent \ insertion : above ten lines. Ad. per line for thefirst insertion, and Id. per tint for every subsequent ia^rlion. Advertisements vfflfa'it written three? tiansare iaserted till forbid, andchargei according!'!. Orders far Mumontihai;tg Advertise*] meats to be in R riflHg, ar,-l delivered hy WED2JESDJ r \00 S at the latest. No Advertisement- r* reived after TEN o>Ctcd; on the don <>/publication AGENTS; ■ Henry Cowan, Esq. Qutb0-*' M Edwiiri Sills, Esq. Three Bkm James V> illiam*, Ivshi. Monltrtih Messrs. J. & J. Punlop, famta* Paul Gl^sftirU, Esq. ^/a/ito. Alpbeus Jones, Esq. F»... •<;. Henry Jnne?. i-sq. liro< >.-.!'. N.S.Tommus, V.h\. /';.'.'. II. Whi'hi:i;-!.. Esq. ffieitf< >;■' J. K. Harm HI, -wi. Baslurtf* E. \Vi*bsici. ! q. G.tnsnog'Jt. J. R.-iuK"'!!. r.-.|. Bath. Allan fck'Phci j.-^. Lrq. TtafenUm Thomas Parker, E4 BttMBe. Joseph A. Ikceler. Esq. Cfaianhr, James C. Bethui e, Ksq. Ilun-i'ler. John D. Smith, K>q. Pcrtil>pr- William Allan, E&q. York. Haniel Rosa, Lsq. liltaria. John Crook>, E?q. Nwgnra. T. McConnjefc, Bsq; Queenston* John Wil.nn. |\q. Amhentbufgh. - • a I KINGSTON, U. C. riti\n-:u roit rnh tumors. j^^-!S2SS^2S:^iS^25 T^y^L^ A1. —-^ ^. : /-'^.■';,' -- --*--:Vr*r-^rV3^v'X'/ 'U_-\:*r ,Jtf.*F Vi"»*2- .f>y •* '- Vi-.-v -* • -»f.

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