pmmoding or displacing any other spec¬ tators. At half-past scvon n detachment of die First or (Ircnndier Guards were march* (1 into the middle nf the ai*de. and took IftlT stand on each side of the railed •i), through which the general procrs- •i,»n was to pass. At eight o'clock their iTIWS and standards were reversed, and very second man was supplied with a ,;r«e wax taper, lighted. A whole hour u»w elapsed, which was not marked by •ny incident except the sound of the so- mn firing of the minute-guns. At nine •Ylnck, & mournful flourish of trumpets, ••ut faintly hoard in the aisles, announced rhaf (he procession had begun to move, Hid every eye was immediately fixed in rixious expectation towards the spot by vhich it »a< to enter. In a few minutes in* van entered tin* aisle, consisting of lie Poof Kmuhts followed hv tlie Pages; ind then by slow d»grc"% the whole ho¬ ly movnd forward in the order described m the ceremonial, [t is impossible to onccive a more striking, a more deeply mpresMve spectacle, than that which now >resonted itself. All that is distinguish¬ ed in rank or station, judges, general.1^ )i>hop% prirv-eouneillnrs, p»»ers, were Keen in siient march accompanying to 'he tomb the corpseo!"a mighty monarch, o lately the fountain of honours, but iow a mere memento of the fragility of all earthly giandrur. In addition to the *olome,ity induced by this general re* 'h'Cfion, every heart seemed to feel per- •.onallv a particular gtirf at the |os«; of .i friend and father. The united fori e »f these idea< produced together such .! 'cp and reverential sorrow, that we are iprsnad-d tint few persons could have ilues^ed thru scone without becoming noro reasoniju* and serious, if not wiser uid better beings : it wet* a spectacle to '#surb even t; heedless rambling impulse r>w to think/* Amon£ the distinguished persons of >ppo»itinn who had come to pav their i nfl*£6 to the memory of their vcnera- ble S t*er<ugn9 were the Duke of Bed¬ ford, Earl Grey, the Karl of Lamb rdale: and it was gratifying to see that those who differed in all points of politics, a- £$reed in one thing—that all the respect nlficenf ceremony which any British sub¬ ject now living ever witnessed in this country ; a ceremony, not merely adorn¬ ed with all those appendages of gran- dour which belong as matter of course to nil royal funerals, but rendered sublime by the voluntary and heartfelt homage of countless thousands ol affectionate sub¬ jects, who had thronged to the last ob¬ sequies of their King, not from the idle curiosity ol seeing a grand exhibition, but to shed a last tear over the grave of a father and friend. met Misunderstanding between the EO/ng and Mi¬ nisters. LONDON, lVb. 17. Vte alluded yesterday to the various ra.nvitm which were prevalent with respect to His Male*- ty's Ministers, upon a subject of hijth and <IHi- cate importance. The motives which tlien in¬ duced u< to abstain from rntrfliig into the ques- tion are now at an end. and OUT reader* will na- rurally expect thai v.r should fidGl our promise of ret anting to it this day. It is known (baton Saturday last, an Orde in Coiinci' wasissticd tor ;he aJlrniimn of [It Church Service,in wInch the special Prayerfii the Princess was Omitted—the order du'ecllni thai our riinich Service RtlOOld m future uiTeru] prayers solely for His Maj^ty and the Koja family. It wa- Iminediaielv taken for grantet thai ibis was not tin- only >iep meant to betake! wiih respect to the Personage In question—ilia ailOllier and a more decisive *trp innst follow i — that the subject of divorce was in<rnntlv to In agitated—that the attention of Ministers hac been directed to ii w Etfioul delay—that aca*-e hat been stlhtnitted to the Law Officers ol tlie Crown and that ti.ey, taking into iliesrconsideration tin question of Law alone, thought that, in paint o. Letter addressed oH ilis MqJMty to the most Nobler and Iii£h'> **& *MH Ue* loir. City of Ca(iiz-> «**« * teus re¬ ceived on the 27/"* Tlie fresh public les-tintomes of attach* n and fidelity to rv»y ,lo>"'■ P«*n»i which h ve just been evinc**"0 ni? n3' l,,e inhabil- nnts of my good city i>fCadiZ|tevc excited in tny paternal heart f-,c necessity of mani¬ festing lo them how jfiUidi I am satisfied with their loyal scutiiv.ei.-r--' He who loves you as a father, and who la also your King, will always bo happy in causing Ins satisfaelion to be made, known \t> yoXh (Signed) " FERDINAND. " Madrid.^. >>l Jan- l«ft " To my death b< loved <itv of Cadiz..* - ___ From OieJavJWil "'•* Debate. MADRID, Feb. .-*•—The Conner from Cadi/ who arrived (0*day, brought DO re¬ markable news. T!k head quarters of the Royal Arrnv, iirdcr ""* orders of General Frftjre, weieslill a' Apiox. This Anny consists nf lo,ot)Orne »■ Thomas SWhitaken ICIngfton, May 28^1819- 22ii " FOR SALE, AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Ikockviile, be- in- the rear half of M >*o- one^ W»W« rear half of Lot num^r two, 111 the sc cond concession of Elizabethto^n, U. C. containing two hundred acres former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnShu- ter, Esquire, of London. There is a vo- Mi.u.u.s? J-FHllinii house, with a barn and Law.such a process couldr.ol he unstained.—The rnrnoiir proceeded ;o-tatr,(hai ail ti»e Members^ La Islade Leon.and ipiietly Wafl lorllie Koy- offheCabii et coincided inoniuioii nitli the Law *al Arn:y, which approaches very slowly.— Officers,and thisrrnaoimoiis judgment u;i^ *uh* continuci issuing n:'w proclurau- mitled to ihc au5;n:t Per-or.a^* whom it fo im- t;c*n>.Thi"VamousMelehor has just been arrest- i' 1 ■ • h "j>/4i*'*/l.i'»'..- ':.•(.■! * ;*: -1. hh# •v»i **• to hestnu', should he paid to him who had so lotlU ad(»rned and beautified the kingly ©dice with mild wisdom and 1111- deviating worth. As the pTOGes*.jon slowly moved alone, the several Dukes •vho had beett appointed to bear t!ie pall, vere observed, consisting of the Dukes »f Wellington, Becclcogh, Newcastle, Dorset, Northumberland, and At hoi. The canopy over the coffin wa^bortte by Marquisses, among nhom were the Mar- quisses of Stafford, Buckingham, and Cholmondeley, Almost immediately be¬ fore the coffin, a most imposing effect was produced by the array of national banners, carried by different noblemen. The Union Banner was carried bv Lord Grenville, Sf. George's Banner by Lord Howard of Effingham, the grand Royal Banner by Lord Hill, the Banner of Scotland by Lord Clinton, the Innner of Ireland by Lord H<*adfort, and the Ban- ucrs of Hanover and Brunswick by two noblemen, whose persons could not be distinguished. As soon as the coffin ap¬ peared round the corner of the aisle, the singers of the different choirs, who were followed by the dean of \\ ind-^r, struck ip the solemn Service, of Ci I know tint nj Redeemer liveih." This beaotifu] anthem |ast«%d till the corpse was carried into the chapel and placed on the tres¬ tles, {mmediatelv after the coliin fol- ■ lowed the Duke of York as chief mour¬ ner ; next him went the Duke of Cla¬ rence, the Dirk** of Sussex, die Duke of fZ1. r>f /"fW* '-.r o..*l Piimi^v I ••'•ti'.ld Till line man I) aspect of Hie latter, itnbued as it is nith seriousness and uOerin^. mid? a % rent impression oti the specta¬ tors. A.S soon as J he procession wa- eoeipli'tdv arranged in the chapel, the Dean of Windsor, assisted on this occa¬ sion by the Arch-bishcp of Cat^.ietburv, commetu'ed (he s- rvico. T«v* T^alnt1; were then ch*»wt*fd by j>erhnjvs the fu!!- esf ch-Mrevc! urard : it con-i-trd of the principal rbicr* of the Chapel Iloyal, of St. J.-mesaud Sf, Gc«f^s Cliapel ; Mr. Knyvett presided at the Oruan. Messrs. VaiiirJmn, W. Ktnwtt, J. B. Sale, and Marsh a fl, sang with a solemn sweetness that divested tlie mint! of all sublunary thoughts and filled it with pious mu¬ sings. AHer K'-tif's nntiiem of t; Hear my prrneiy* the choir perfor ned thai sublime piece, t: J heard a voire from Heaven.*y A! the conclusion of the ser¬ vice, and previous lo the last collect and blc^ing, the funeral anthem, composed by Hatidcl for Qieen Caroline, was sung by the full band. One portion, in which the voices of the boys alone were em¬ ployed, was a masterpiece of delicious enchanting harmony. When tins an them was finished, the Dean read the prayer which accompanies the lowering of the body into (he gmve ; and it i? impossible to describe the thrill¬ ing awe of every bosom as the throwing of tlie dust resounded fr*:m the royal cof¬ fin : this awi? was still further heighten¬ ed to therein the chapel, from whose eyes the coffin had slowly and gradually disappeared, without hands, and as if it had been mysteriously withdrawn by some supernatural power. Sir Isaac Heard than read the titles of his late Ma¬ jesty, but in a voice le-s firm than usua'. This tremuiousness was, however, the eftVet of ;j*irf rather Mlati c.( w-^r. ff\u* j Rfirvico being concluded, Mr. i\n\ voit, ; mediately and deeply concerned, Bttl the ru¬ mour added, that ilii* had by nn niMii* Tii^t Ifer api»'-n')atioii of lUr.t ilhi-rno-is itwl.vidi!.,], tha; differed >o materially tic»i l!rt« a:;- vit'P offered lq himviis (.> »:iaJve ii iuij'us^ibh* foi hi>advisers to remaimn f:fa>-\ if fl ^ pcr-eveied in th'"ir decision, and If the illustrious Individ al should rc-olveiiot (w depart from til* own v*<m nf the subject. In the pttifw* of M»e <!.!>. I.••*»•- wei\if uas -aid, that the di*l:rnltie> »»l any n- preenii*nt un-e fdiuid 10 be ins'inriable—n;a Minister* iia-l in cousequeoce tendered their t- f-ignation, which had been aceepird—and iliat the Maiqiiis of Well* slev had he"n sent for in frame a new administration. '»Vr have thu-con¬ fined ourselves strictly to tie rumours of tftc day* Courier. Liverpool, Feb. 19.—The SpanUli insurrection, according to the most re¬ cent att<l best authorised accounts, still continues (0 lau.uiMi. 0.111 iai t'n->ie, who commands the llojal troops, has n- moved from Seville, and laurn up his position close to the h-ad quarters of the insurgents, of which, it is said, they are expected to obtain possession in the course of the present month. The lea¬ der of the mutinous soldiers has address¬ ed a proclamation to the arm) and peo¬ ple, iu which he complains very Jiefl) of the tyranny nnd ignorance of th^ re;Tal councils, and the absurdity of acriUHi g more armies in useless crusades against the South American colonies ; but un¬ fortunately, he proposes no specific ob¬ ject in his insurrectionary movements, and holds out no propped of any reform which he propose* to accomplish. This singular procidure, which £**"* *n t!;e whole rebellion theappt arar.eeof a mere tnilitary mutiny, is said to have tli^^nsted t'-.e cooutry, and detached many of !d< partizans from the revolutionary banncr>. ASSASSINATION OF TU!-: DUiCi; DR BKRltT. Paris* Feb. '2 1.—The inhabitant of this metropolis have b< on borrer- r'rtic** by an atrotivfts a^a* in^tiou, [ ■•;>■ tin¬ ted last ni^h^a' 10 ^Vicck, o;i tlw j) r- son of His Royal li:>,hnc - the I) ele de Ceni. The Prince attended the IXich- ess to her carriage iti qoitthig Ihe Opera House, she was cli ady seated, v inn a person passing quickly by Hi* Royal Highness, encircled him with !iiv left ;i:m, and thrust a poinard, four itches and a l«tW long, in his rii;ht breat L.p to the lult. On feeling tli« wound h«" uttered a cry attd fell «5Cn>f*less into tlie arms of his servants. TheDuchew hcrfidf sprung out of the carriage itiid irrw t'te diti»^«»r from the Duke's breast, ttho-« only ex¬ clamation was, <"- Je me man's." The Duke was conveyed into one of the sa- loot)* ol the OpPts, and the ncar< vt Sur¬ geon sent for. The Duchr>s n-'vcrtjiiit- ted the courh of her husband. The Duke of Orleans, v. ho was at the Op- ra. arrived imnu diatelv, accomra:i':ed bv fhe Duchess and Mademoiselle. M I a-quier came shortly afterwards, bring* it'i; with him in his carriage, M. Dpjuiy- tretii The Suigeon bled the Pfinte three times,and washed the wound vvitll warm lotion-. The internal h^morrha^e cd is. brought here.—(^^nstilntioniid, Feb.14. taiWMni' ^^^^^m^f**** ^B^^Mti^^^^M From the Conncflicut Mirror. Cu \Veduchi y the 1 it rnft the Mis- fouri Bil , eoirta ins the Icflion prohibi¬ ting (Idvcry. paffed cne Houfc of Re;.re fen- tativcs .Ayes 91—Nay3 8z, and was fent to the Senate On Hiuriday the 2d init. the beuatc U»ok up ihe bill, and amended it by ftn'ki:ir; *-ut t.!ic rclhicling ledion, and in ItsU of ir, .addtd one prohibiting Ilivery it. the Tcrn-i.oricrs of the United btatcb north of 36 Jcg. 30 min. north latitude—Ayes 27, N.<cs 15 On the fame day the Heulc received the bill from Ayea yo> Nays 87. £j' Our readers will here obferve, that tiv bill a-i i: paired both houlcs leaves the yheit fe&ion of the United States belov the 36th dcj/. of 1101 th latitude open 4> Quvery—north of tnia lint ihc eo di cU if the climate would have prevented with..111 the aid cf Cungrcls. From the N. T. Duly Adv of March 7. Sia V:V We haw, ycllcrd;e, the mortification of publimtng the rciuu,)t the winter'sd&b(tte9 in the tJOute of ivpicientativcs of the United States, nu tie fuoj«fi of ret)lifting flavcry in tiic new ttatc of MifTouri—a rduit, v.-e hcfltate iut to uy, a- unex- pedvd, acta & uupaiftable, tothe people in tlaa puit 01 tin. couury, as any tbdt has cvvr b.rn expitieiici in the courfc of our political hdlory —i'v this decihon,Slavery, that abomination iu the fgt»t of GOD, i.'.al fuui reproach l.aCbiillian nation, is taliened Up .« Lhl> l.nd, and Will probably n-vcr b«. extcrn.inai'd, uileis in blood.— For tlit nuie leltilh atdritieation of thole who art too iudoltiir to labour, but who prcier [pending tut- uves iu the indulgen¬ ces ol Vvculth and h-xury, in the exercile o' lordly tljmtuatu>a, m& the gratificettona of Cicfp tis tyram.y 0Vcr abject bondimen, the national leijifl.uin-c have lauftii'fled a mcalurc wtich wi lUmp indelible and pc'pctiKil Ctlg.a.c Up0n our national elur- aCter. In vain fliai,' VVc, hereafter, appeal to out Conitfftuti^ our laws, and our Qioral tind reluious Tireicnhous, <w e\ ideiU'C n 1 better ground than we have done during this conttoverfy ?—1'he debate will be much (liortcr than this has been — the reftridion will be laughed to fcorn—and State after State will be formed in thofe immenfe regions beyond the Mifliflippi, which will very foon, not only control the Free Stares in all political qucftions, but, if they find it expedient, will be able, and who can doubt they will be willing, to take off the prefent reftricTlion upon the Afiican Slave Ttadc, and open to this cotintry all its guilt, and all its horrors. That fuchwillbc the refult, if the Old Slave States mall not be able 10 breed flaves faft enough to lupply this new infatia- blt market, we have not a doubt. The freedom of our country has been facr'tficcd in the houfe of its friends. General Kofciufko, by his will, placed in the hands of Mr JefFcrfon, a fum ex ceeding 20.000 Dollars, to belaid out in the pui chafe of young female flaves who were to be educated and emancipated. The laws of Virginia have prevented the will of Kofciuiko being carried into effect. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. The rommittee of foreign relations in the House of Representatives of tlie United Stales, made a report on Tliursriay, in relation to our difference* witti Spain, accompanied by, f* a bill lo anthorise the President of the United States to take possession of East and West Florida, and establi-h r\ temporary £0\rrnroeni therein.")— The comriiiriee reronimended the tUjinitivty and not contingent occupa ion of Florida. ShieheCt Friday March 1 7/A, 1820. Ilis Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, and fuite arrived in town on Tuefday evening laft, from Upper Canada. Thin morning His Excellency Sir Pere¬ grine Maitland was fworn in Adminiftrator of the Government of the Province. NIAGARA, March lf>. The sentence of i\ir. Bartemus Ferguson, lias hei'u remitted by fii^ Ex^Gllency the Lii-ui. Governor, in into* iu coosequouce of an Address of the House of Assembly, and b<; has this day been discharged from" Gaol. Argus. making an alarming pragre^ cupping was applied, which made His Royal Highness suiter so much, that he ex claim¬ ed ; *•" M. DnptnUren. Epargnez moi— Je sens ma positron—Jc nc vroispas (jtte ccla serve a ritsn" M. do Ca/es was seated \'\ one corner of the chamber, in iudesertbable grief.— The assassin was hiterrogati d in the pre¬ sence of M. de Cazes, and declared, boldly declared thaf he hod medilat* d tbe murder ever since 1S14> and (hat he had quitted Meutz for Calais in the in¬ tention of assassinating th**- King on his rentrec, but that lie arrived too [ate; that he had at length resolved on the ex¬ termination of the Duke dc Berri, as the youngest of the family, know ing that na¬ ture would soon dispense him from the necessity of abridging the days of the King. This monster was eiHployed in the saddlery of the king. M.Jacquinot do Pampclune exan inrd him : a second dagger was found on his perHoti. MatJenKnfccWe u<\\ in] twice, nor would ;he* Dm liess d'Oileans leave tin* In (I- pl.t.u»d a sc.lemn volunfary, and th**' pr.- | >H\v <»l the IVincu till the Kii*g ordcrtd Cession re! wned near]) in the same Older ; her away. The i>uIso de Bern die*! at G o'clock, in winch tt i'iitip Thus en-..d the most aufu! and maS- \ i„ thcain^oi his Aiajt-ty 2 a \:--y*w^*#vmim*&m&^ that we are a fret,juH atid humane nation. Cm conduit give the Ue to our profclEong and our acts proclaim us to he political h) p 'crues ; and, however much we at¬ tempt toevatie the imputation, other people and other nations will let off praftiee againft prr-felTion, and by a regular deduc¬ tion wiil affix to our ff£eUECli«Ofl tlie true and lcgimaieinlcriptMU. Witn a commanding majority in both Ho1.:).- ot Co&crtf*! me Free States have, through thru- tctJiefc'itativcs, become in- vo.'vtO 10 the ic.ponfil>tlity juliiy d^e for this t-ital mcafure. Lit the cwifideraiion , Jink derp into every w'rul ; and It! the names oj th-fc nvho have placed the cour.'ry in its prefent predicament never he forgotten- Iu a political point of view, this fubjeoi is one of the high eft moment. The 1'tee States are iow, bv their own coufent, placed under they* ke of bondage. The Slave States will henceforth maintain the perpetual alcendancy in the national councils, and the Free States, with num¬ bers enough to afTcrt and fupport all their rights and privileges, have voluntarily fur- rendered them. The pietended com- piomife is a mere farce, without even folcmnity or obligation. No with fenfe enough to keep out of the (ire, could be deceived by it. And yet, by the bullying and bravado of Slave-holder*, fiee men have given their afTent to it as if it were of fome value. Nay, men who had up to the laft moment voted again!! flattery, during that moment changed fides, gave up their opinions and their confei ences, oc let their fclsto their own as well as their country's disgrace. Of what avail will bethU nick-nan->cd compromife, when the next territory au^lies to be admitted as a Itate into the Uniom ? Tv'ill not the con- d 'tulion, which now proved fo eflieactoos in favpn f opprefBon, be found equally fo then ? \ 'an we rcalonably ex¬ pect, that with this precedent Pgaim! us, and the addition ol (|,c reorcientaUvts of I one or rnyie Slavu; Slates, to lUnJ out &&*&tolmwrw A mass ofinterestinc intelligence from Eu¬ rope as late as tlie V.ith February lias reach¬ ed "S which our limits prevent its from giv- iiip;m detail.—The obsequies of our late be¬ loved Monarch were performed with Im¬ pressive Rolemtdfy on the 16th. His Majes- 1 r (ieoi:re the Fourth was proclaimed in due lonu iu dillerent parts of tlie. United King¬ dom. Kis Majesty was seriously iudisno- <Hai1 in the comtriencoment of February, out h^.dso far recorered as to he able to attend to uuW'.r l-'.^JMe,,-.—The misunderstanding with Iti' Ministry on a very delicate subjext, is said lo have been adjusted. We hope Ilis Majesly will sacrifice his nun opinions on the occasion, for the sake of preserving the public tranquility and ^curing the undivided aflrrtion.i of his subjects.—Parliament was to be immediately dissolved.—A merchant vessel, ii \< said, Kad beenemptoyedal Mnr- «ille-. t'i brinj$ flie Princess of Wales; to Kn^he-d.— The wretch who assassinated the Duke d" Rerri was stated to have been in¬ stigated to the e0111 mission of this horrid deed by polite'd motives; other accounts sav jealousy. The atrocin»w crime ofassaa- siiii'tio'i seems to become daily more prnva- lent in Hnrope.—The rigorous execution of tin-lev has had .1 salutary effect i-i suppres¬ sing disalB Ction, and checlving the career of the [Indicatd in Great Britain. The aecfum'ts I'voni Spain^tp rery contm- dictorj". One report says the Km? had lost lii^ fife in an ftttaclc made upon the In^ur- icenta wift his Guards—another says he has I disappeared.—That a spirit oflnsubordma- tioa prfsvaib amoug a part ofthe troops, and i;; some sections of the Kingdom, appears pretty certain, nnd the extent of th*' Kind's I, rs'may !>e judged from Ins very eo teii.a- tnry letter to " his deafly beloved city of Ca¬ diz*.*1 This city remained faithful to t':e ?1oya] cause on the Slat of January, and the revolted troop-; cout?tnted, at the same dat inactive at the Islaile Leon. MJERtEJ), At Niagara, on the Oth ixwt. by the Rev. Mr. Cuius, Mr. John Brown, pix»prietor of the Niagara Mansion House IfotH, to jMiss Mary Dowlinp.—On Saturday, the llthiosL by tfie Rev. Mr. Addison, Rnhcrt I. Kerr, Ksq.of the Grand River, to i^iiss' iMary W. Douglass, of Fori Uric. On Sunday^the Bfith in|ttanf, hv the Jicv. John*, ofWilliamslowu. Mr. James Ounlop, Merchant, to Mis-* Catharine Ee- thnne, both of Lancaster, L. f'. At Predcricksburgh, on Sunday evening Inst, by the Rev. John Stoughton,Mr. Miles Shorey to Miss Flizabeth Briscoe. iiiRTii. At Cornwall, on the morning ofthe 4th hint, the lady of P. Van Koughnett Esq. of a daughter. - 1 T!"4 C'.-y.-'- n,ofwIiat has been termed the Missouri HUe.*t*ton, u the res'.tll ol' the winter*.; J-"a!'," i.i the Cougresw ofthe United States, affords a striking proof ofthe controtiling in- iluence ofthe slare-holdina States over those in which slavery is prohibited. This result must be a source of regret lo every friend to humanity, as it exhibits a melancholy in¬ stance ofihi' triumph of sordid interest over jtssl p incij»Je. The admission;nf the Missou¬ ri territory into the Union without restrict¬ ing slavery, is indeed a satire upon true lib¬ erty and equal rights, and fixes au eternal dia- mtCO 011 the whole repubKe. Henceforth let " ■' Americans affect to deprecate slave¬ ry as a national evil entailed upon them by the eupidity of (ireat IJritain. They luive themselves taken infinite pains to extend the into regions where it was in their pow¬ er to prevent ii, and their duty to exclude )•. Even <me of their orators in his gealto cfiVct his object, has presumed with a during sophistry to bring forward tht» sacred oracles in Us justification, and assert that " Christ HIMSELF CAVE A SAKCTIO.N TO Sl>AVKnV.5> GOVERNMENT TRANS- PORT. ANY perfon orperfons defirous of con¬ tracting for tranfrortiiijr fuch Na¬ val Stores 35 maybe required, during the navigation ofthtfl year, will fend in feal- ed tenders to this Office on the 1st of May next, at 12 o'clock at noon, Hating the rate per cwt. as follows : Articles under 10 Cwt. to 20 above 20 Two ftifficient fureties will be required. The parties who tender, or an Agent in their behalf, muft attend at the time of opening thepropofals. EDwd. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. Naval Yard, KingftonJ 31ft March, 1820. ) 13 Land for Sale, Near the Town of KINGSTON ■ ACRES in the Town/hip of Pitts¬ burgh, being Lot number Nine, in the fecond Cen- ctflion, on the Public Road, leading to Montreal, and not more than nine miles from Kingfton. ^ ALSO, C)f\C\ Acres in the fame Townfhfp, be tm0 ing Let number thirty two, in the tenth conceflion, near the Iron Works. i?>r- .aty5rnmtr.ii.^ appi| atlftb-Uaruni' cle or Herald Office. Kingfton, 27th March, 1820. 13^4. Yorkshire CLO I I IS & CAbSi- MERES. C) BALES of the above, afforted quali- "** ties and colors, are opened for fale at the fubferiber'a Store, either wholefaleor retail, at very reduced prices for cafh, be¬ ing a confignment from the manufa&urer. slLSO, Pocket Bible, Tellaments and Prayer w Books of the Englifli Liturgy, neatly bound in red, purple, blue, black and yel¬ low Morocco, fupcrbly gilt, with (traps, at 5s. per volume. THOMAS ASKEW. Kingfton, March 28^ 1S20. 13 LATELY arrived from Ireland, and wants employment as Gardener, or Ga.dentfr and Land Steward, a fmart ac¬ tive young man, that has been regularly bred to both departments, underftands the pruning and cultivation of vine?, and ail other fruit trees, fo as to produce abun¬ dant crops, fupcrior in fize and flavour tn thole managed In the common way. Al fo the cultivation of culinary vegetables— can keep accounts, and has good charac¬ ters that can be vouched for h\ this coun try. Any commands addreftcd to G. M. I. at the office of thin paper, fhall be du¬ ly attended to.— March 30. 13tf TO LET\ [F^ npIIE Iloufe lately occupied by ^—I A Mr. Edmund Pcnley, tituated near Mr. Hugh Earl's. For particulars apply at this Office. Kingfton, 15th March, 1820. II VJV* It We arc happy to understand that Lady PaHah Maii i.ami was safely deliverwlof a daughter on the 2jthinstant,"at the Chateau at Quebec. ---------- Destruction by Fire. Tuefday, 28th March, in the abfence of John Lloyd, Jun. about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, his wife went out about for¬ ty rods for water, when a fire broke out in thehonfe, (fuppofed to have been (ccre- ted in a draw bed) and before fhe or any other perfon was able to reach the houle again, the devouring flames burft from the windows and doors; the wind being vio¬ lent from theweftward, and the bam ftan- ciug to the eaitward, it inftantly caught fire alfo, nnd both buildings wereconfum- ed, together with all the furniture, cloath- ing and provifions in the houfe, and the hay and grain in the barn, with a ficigh and harnefs for two borfes. Gananoque, 29th March, 1820. The Rpicedxutn^ by J1 vkms Iltnr.r*vi- . is. is not w thout merit, but the subject is h lofty one, and should only be touched by he hand of a Master. Grand river Ferry, March \stt 1820. About three weeks agoT Capt. Matthew's, Lieut. M<»ir and a Lady, br.-aklaftcd at my houle, after they were gore we rnifa cd fome Books, aud learning from perfom who afterward* met them, that they were feen reading books on the Road, we fufpc&ed (not knowing who they were) that they had taken them, and unfortunate¬ ly faid fo ; which havii g been reported to Capt. Matthews and Litut. Motr, ihey have this day returned to my Houfe for a explanation, which I have given fati^fae- ton'ly to them as follows: That the Books in quellion, were taken the fame morning, by way of joke, by a young Lady tn thiv neighborhood, wbofe name from motive of delicacy, is not mentioned, and who has. fince returned them. I make this explanation publicly, in juRJce to the feelings of thufe gentlem- D and I thank them for their ready accept ance of my apology. (Signed) JESSE HOLLY. The above lie port having been circu lated with mod unfeeling and unbecoming induftry, Captain Matthews and Lieut Moir, rcqueft the favor of the Editors o' newspapers in this Province, to infert the above in their refptitive papers. The Bifhop of Durham, now 91 years of age, attended the full meeting of the Houfe of Lords for the purpofe of taking the oath to George IV. Ijis Grao walked up to the table with a bold firm ftcp, and after taking the oaths, he wrote his name in a good hand without tpe&acta. A perfon named Jane Webb, attended divine fervice at Lavington, Wilt?, attire. precilvly in the fame luit of ivon,"ning for the lute Kiog, whichlhe wore for King G«orge 11 60 years ago. ! - .'iju^-».-.-;