FOREIGN XEIV& LONDON, Dec. 18. In the Houfe of Commons, lall night, in anfwerto a queftion by Mr. Tierncy, it ^vas [rated by Lord Caftlercagh, that it was believed the urgent bufinefs would be got thro* by the 30th inft. and that Parlia- ment would then probably adjourn to about the 10th Feb. The following is an cxtraft of a private letter received this morning from Man- chefter. Manchester, Dec. 16. M Lad night Mr. Nadin and feveral of his affirtants were fent to Bury, for the purpofe of apprehendingecrtain individuals who formed the Radical Committee there. ile was accompanied by a troop of Lan¬ cers. Tt was ab^ut eight o'clock P. M. when Mr. Nadin arrived at Bury, and he proceeded direftly to the Union Room, and feized eight of the Committee, in the midft of their deliberations. Two others were taken at their rcfidences, and the whole (ten) were lodged in New Bailey about midnight.—This moi ning they underwent a private examination, and were committed for a mifdemcanor, and not having bail in readinefs, were forwarded to Lancaller Caiile about one o'clock this afternoon. The names of the perL»os committed arc, James Brookes, Richard $ooth, George Hall, Edward -Holt, Lawrence Brookes, James Griffiths Robf. Ho wart h, John Grccnhalgh, Benjamin Fell, and William Grcenhalgh." We have received this morning New- Y rk papers to the 18th ult. They cx- prcls the liveliefl indignation at the pirati¬ cal feizures of American property by Lord Cochrane in the Sooth Seas. They refer more particulary to the capture and confiscation of 142,000 dollars, bciryj the proreeds of the cargo of the brig Mace¬ donian. The American accounts of this tranfa&ioQ, >f cotfe&i certainly eflablifii againfl Lord Cochrane, a cafe of lawlefa plunder. From Hamburgh we learn that the Elbe has been frozen as far as Altona, fince the 8th inft. fo that pcrfon3 have crofTed in fledges. In confequence of the interruption to navigation, above forty (hips bound to Hamburgh, aie delaine 1 at Cuxhaven. Letters from Hamburgh, dated the 7 th inft ftate that a moil intenfe froft had ftt in the day before in confequence of which the navigation \va« completely fhnt up ; and letters from Bremen, dated 10th inft. alfo flate that there had not been any arrivals there for fome days, owing to the river being clofed up by ice. Liverpool.—The public will rejoice to hear that bufinefs is once more pretty brilk at this port. This aftivity may, attributed to the arrival of timber (hips from the American colonies. The docks are filling with ves- fels, and the quays again afTume a bufy appearance. Chester Chronicle. LONDON, Dec 19 Lord John Ruflcl his obtained leave to bi ing; in a bill to transfer the right of fending Members to Parliament from the dorrupt borough of Grampound to the populous town of Leeds. Wc think we are fomewftat premature in caflJTng for any congratulations on a meafure which, if it trifles one Houfe, will not in confequence nafsthe other—but flill as the fir ft dawning of reform, we are inclined to think well of it. By this procefe, however, reform is dealt out with fuch a (paring hand, that centuries muft elapse before any cial cffe£ can arife from it.—The fate of Grampound will be a beacon to warn the electors at fimilar piares—not from talcing bribes, bm to be more careful in taking them. The Houfe here feems to aft on the Spartan principle of puni(hing,not the cringe of theft, but limply its detection, leaving the inducement to the crime where it was* The meafure is however iood, as far cs it goes ; but, confined as U its oper¬ ation, we fancy it will be too bitter a portion for the fqueamifh llomachs of our Ultras* London News. Stations are fixed upon, and telegraphs are tobe crefted^'ithout Iofs of time to form a communication between Manches¬ ter and the metropolis. LONDON, Dn. 21. It has been infilled, in both Houfes of Parliament, that no neceffity exifts for ex¬ tending the Seditious Meetings i rcvention B 11 to Ireland, which is perfectly tranquil, and likely to continue fo. Let the fol¬ lowing intelligence, received this morning from that country be an anfvver to the premature confidence of thofe who can believe that Ireland would be quiet if England were ftrongly agitated. STATE OF IRELAND. 'From the Dublin Evening Post, of Dec. 18. " That fome indications of a troubled fpirit have been manifefted in the Weft of Ireland, we have had occafion already to ftate. That they have been exaggerated, we do believe; but, it would not be dealing fairly with the public if we pre¬ tended that rumours, which have reached U3, were all gotten up by the interefted and Ultra-Loyal. "The County of Rofcommon is the principal fcene of this agitation By ac¬ counts which we have this day received from that p3rt of the country, it appears that many ftrangers have within the laft fix months, come into Rofcommon ; fome of whom, from their accent, appear to be Englishmen. They are well drcfied and well mounted, and go about at night at the head of the mti\e infurgents. When they come to 3 houfe to fwer.r the inmates, t-ttr llrangers generally eriut and adminiller the oaths while the native remain at a Jhort diftancc outfidc. Efforts haw been made to fwear the poor of Mayo, particu¬ larly thofe on the borders of Rofcommon, but we are happy to ftate, they have proved altogether ineffV&ual. The Magiftrates of this county, aided by the Clergy, Pro- teftant and Catholic, have hitherto prefer- ved Mayo from the contagion. We have been irformed, that fome pikes were feized on Thurfday night, at Paifley* »fl the (hop of a cutler. Wc underftand the cutler's name is Heudeifon, and he is in cuftody. Glafgozu Courier. Manchester, Dec. 2t—Yelltrday, Mon¬ day Nathan Broadhurll was fent off to Lancaftcr, on a charge of High Trcafon, committed at Burnley, on the 16th Nov. under the name of Walker, in company with John Knight. It will be in the recolledioR of our readers, that a pcrfon of the name of Walker was taken up a; the fame time with Knight, and was difcharged for want of being properly identified. This miftake it now appears, arofe in confequence of the name Broad¬ hurll had afTuuied. LONDON, Bee. 23. 11 The Funds continue to advance. The ftatements of the Chancellor of the Exche¬ quer laft night, in the Houfe cf Commons, are fo clear and fat'sfa&ory, that they have created agrcat fenfation in the city. The 3 per cent Confols, which yefterday left off at 671 opened this morning at 68, with every appearance of a further and confiderable advance." The proceedings in the Houfe of Com¬ mons laft night, refpeeling the Financial State of the Counlry, were highly impor¬ tant. We can do little elfe, however, than recommend to the attention of our rcidcrs the ftatements made by the Right Hon. Chancellor of the Exchequer. It may be definable, however, to mention that up to laft Saturday the revenue re¬ ceived amounted to within £150*000 of the preceding year, which was a very pros perous one ; and that fince the clofe of the lad quarter, the loth of O&ober, both the CuftoTts and Excife had greatly improved. It is alfo moll gratifying to learn from fuch high authority, that the transfer of cap'tal from this country to France, in confequence of the alarm ex¬ cited by the Radical commotions, is by no means large, nor likely to be permanently invefted. Of the .£5,000,000 to be paid to the Bank by the 5th of April, .£1,200 oco has been difcharged, and the liquida¬ tion of the remainder is provided for. Upon the whole, a most cheering; pi&ure was drawn of our internal fituation in refpeft to Revenue. The ge leral pros¬ perity, he ably (bowed from a comparative statement of the consumption of excilable commodities (the comforts of life,) was not aflefted by the local disttefies, and the profpefts of the country were not darkened by any cloud which ftiould excite ferious apprehenfion. Courier. LONDON, Dee. 24. Letters have been received from Cadiz, of the 1st lOSt. Two expeditions wee oHere-1 by the Spanilh government to be put immediately in preparation. The one i* to carry cut 5000 troops for Gcnral Morillo, and the other, it was fiiid, wa de tined for Butnos Ayres, anu Would take from io to 15.00c men. As 'hue was not a fuffirient number of transports tfOgagtt] ( t.-lvJittg thofe taken lip U\ England and France) to carry the whole of thefe forces, the comrwflioners had received orders to have feveral more On the lame terms as the othen were charter ed¬ it is with much pleafure wc hy before our readers the following extract of a private letter from Liverpool received this morning. " I have before noticed the gratifying reac'ior. which ha? taken plac? in the com¬ mercial interests ; and every day's ai rival from the principal ports confirms it In Liverpool there is a* much bufinefs doing in the Customs'department as evtr was known, taking it on a general average, with every likelihood wfa eouinuanee of it ; but fuch a commercial influx cannot be ?xp€&t;d 33 that which took place last year, win n trade mad:? one of the most unnatural efforts ever recoMtrlcd ; and which, probably, will never again occur. 11 It lias been aflertcd that American veflels frequently leave Liverpool, f;--me of them without a fitt&le bale on board of manufaftured goods. But this, \[ true, must refer to fome of the vtflcls peculiarly appropriated to tlie conveyance of paflen- gers ; at pre fent, the tz£t U that the demand for fhipi i-i fo increased, that feveral Briiilh vefleb have actually been chartered for the United States. The ar¬ rivals within the last Few dnys, are from Canada, the Brazils, the United States and the Ea(=t Indies ; and on the whole, there is every profpc£t of a revival of trade, and with it, of courfe, a detnaud for our manu¬ factures " The bill for abrogating the right of traverfe in cafes of miidemcarur, received last night the roya a£eni. It has already received the general approbation of Parlia¬ ment and of the country The Newspaper Stamp Duties Bill was read a first time last night in the Houle of Lords. The fecoud reading is fixed for Monday. A very cor.fiderable fenfation has been produced by the appearance of Mr. Heath- field's pamphlet, propofing to pay oft" one half the National Debt by an afieflmentof 15 per cent, on the capital of all property, a meafure which would permit the repeal of twenty millions of tuxes. The pam phlct has been freely circulated, at the author's expence, among members of Parliament and other public pcrfons : and hence it ha? been fllppoffd to be a kheme of the Government. Wc believe, how¬ ever, Minister« have nothing to do with the prnj'.d.—Yet, every one ft"'Is that lite propofed meafure ij (0 vv;fCj fo rcccffarV) and would be fo tSfcQM^ that the con- fideration of it c^c;lca the mo.t lively interest. It wot;U| n\fac t|ic pon*r by lightening the load 0f taxation ; it would deprive ieditioos domagORi,e3 Gf p0wer; and it would restqfi. general tranquility, by depriving vice am] idlenefs of pretences, while it would enah|e virtuous industry to obtain ample and c>nfol;Uory reward. LONDON, Dec. 25. The Seditious a„d Bhifphemous Lil>el« Bill paHtd the Hoafe of Commons last night ; and was reimncj to the Houfe of Lords, .vhere the amendments made in it are to Iw taken into confideration on Mon¬ day. The Commas, having finifiied the ncceffary bllfiiicfc, have adjourned to Thurfday next, i0 allow time to the Lords to go ihronjjrh the remaining stages of the Newspaper Stamp Uutiea Bill ; and on Friday both Houfes will adjourn to the 15th of February. A Petition was prefented to the Houfe of Commons, from a number of refpec- table Merchants of the City of London, praying for an inquiry into the e(Tc& of the existing commercial reeiri&io'is and inconvenience's, and the prefent state of trade. The Petition fuggests fome remedies, chiefly with refpeft to the regu¬ lations of the China trade, and to the refumption of Ca(h Pa yments by the Bank, which, in the opinion of the Petitioners might be greatly facilated by allowing the option of making thefe payments in filver as well as gold. A (hort, but interesting difcuffion took place, in the courfe of which Lord Ca&tle- rcagh most forcibly and distinctly stated, that no deviation was intended to be made in the plan adopted la>t feffion for the gradual refumption of Cafh Payments, " KvCry principle of praftical wild im," he ' bferved, a and of legill:t:ve poHcy, called op »n them to adliere to it. He knew of nothing ifiat could prove more injurious to the interests of commerce than even a doubt (hat the late declfionof parliament was no* final. " Tliis day the 'Iigh Conrt of Justiciary met to proceed to*hc trial of George Kin- loch, Elq. of Kiuoch, accufed of {edition. But he having fathd to appear, fentenc-J of fugation was pronunced against him ; he was declared an outlaw, his moveable goods and gear rare escheat to his Majes¬ ty, and his bail bond forfeited. The Lord Justice Clerk, in thanking the Jury for their, and in difchar^ing them from th«ir duly, faid, as on the former day, that ^e was ferry they had been pur to fo nrac'n trouble, fiuce the trial bad not taken place. But the pub lie profecutor had do'.e his duty in at¬ tempting to bring tiiis perlon to ju-tice, and he trusted would c juiinue to ufe the powers with which he \vr,» invested to bring him, or any ethers who might be guilty of the like crime, belore the proper tribunals of the country. 11 Mi-i ionj^ip, in aadressihg the Soliellor- fii'neral. *6i$i rt»:it be Mi certain the King's Advoca'c iv.»iild noljpt relax in ms **rniPtt>ours to firSflj; :fiisre."n:i r»'j sik- . •:" u-lthin liis (Vlajcb- i\'< dtimifiitfnH. !n trie meanUmo ;lw* t>enifnco or*xhi' Ccnrt \\o\\U\ br earned \nio elTeci witii Ihe un»i»-t »*: iir. Tfte Solicitor Oeneral in reply, assured <ik Lord-Alp tnac the law would it- rufore'd aemn : liii' i 11.1;•. 1 rUinI i-ith a« taucll c4'v -rit> a- n^fdust tin meanest of ln3 Majc^iy's to the laft of Oitober. Bonaparte was in good health, and in fafe keeping. His French phvlician and Catholic prielt had arrived there in an Englifii brig, and join ed his houfehold. The guard duty per¬ formed by the fcjuadron which furronnds the ifiand was extremely harrafiing to the crews of the rliips» and had occafioned much ficknefs among them. Provifiona were extremely fcarce, and confequcntly dear there. The price of a goofe was a guinea, and fowls a dollar and a half a piece. Mr. Stokoe, the medical attendant on Bona¬ parte, had been tried by a Court Martial, and convicltd on ten charges of mifecn- dudt, and fentenced to be difrnified the King's fervice. He had held communi¬ cations with Bonaparte otherwife than in his protLfiianal capacity, aud fpoke of Bo- napa'te as 4< Naj-oleon," and ** the Pa¬ tient," and not as M General Bonaparte.,, — He fummoned Count Bertrand and Gen¬ eral Montholon, as witnefTes in his favor, but they rcfufed to obey the futnmons. From theN. I". Spirtator, Feb. 7. Tiie Dutch armed ship Dolpllinarrived at Cnr- racoa on ihe 23d of December, fn l^^s than iimi days from Margarita, and ini'ormed (hat aljoui Ij'.'O men had arrived (here from Ireland, and encamped at l'ampatar. It htis expected thai they would soon proceed on an expedition to the Maine, as preparations were making for thai purpo e. There were four privateers l\in<»at Juan (ireigo. Admiral Iirion was in the I*!aiui, and the report lately received from St. Thomas of his having been degraded in rank by Airmen- d«, and ordered to Angostcra turns out to Lave heen unfounded,—The stare of affairs in Marya- 1 itra sff-rr.ed to be very miserable, the Island en- jo\ed-carcelv any trade, and at the time the Dolphin sailed an pmbargo existed in all the ports, tthich was strictly enforced* The i\ hole of the kingdom of St. Fe, with the exception of Carthayena, Mompox, and St. .Mar¬ tha, was in the possession of the troops cf Bolh- var. It is said, that Cftiznda had been defeated in Popa\an, by the inhabitants, anrl the govern¬ or taken prisoner, tofrciher with about •»()(> men. An'ioquia and Choro. have acceded to the inde¬ pendence, "thegovernor of the latter province having been the first to call out vita lapatria /" Latest EagUah ?fews.—By die Pa-ket Ship'Al- bion, ( nptain Williams, wmcb arrived yester¬ day in 35 difcy* from Liverpool, wc have received from our r.oijdm Correspondent, copious files of London papers from the 1st to the 30th Decern- li**r inclusive, find r, regular file of Llosd'saml Shipping L'si* to the 29jIi. The Shipping and commercial Intelligence will be found under their appropriate heads. Of political extracts, wr have mom fur very few. Additional selec¬ tions will lie given hereafter. The British Parliament, which according to our advices was to have adjourued on the 25tli of Drcembe*-, was still in seosicn on the 50ih. The Traveller, of that clay, says—"to-morrow the House of (*i>inmons "ill again meet to receive notice of what hai passed in the Upper House since Friday. It Kexpected that a Commission will afterwards sit for giving the Ro)al A-sent, and (hat both IIou>es of Parliamont will then ad¬ journ to the middle of February nexi. On the 29ibi ilu House of Lords passed, with¬ out amendment, llie bill layiAg a Stamp Duly upon *mall pamphlets. The object of the bill, a* Mated bv the l*'ai! of Liverpool, is ** to check ihe circulation ol blasphemous and seditious li- An Edinburgh pap r of the 25th of December, an. — mces with regret the death of the Rev. nenrgc Bill, Principal of St. Mary's College. St. Andrew?; and adds—" litis gentleman was lore one of the ehief ornaments of Ihe church of Scotland, and wa- distinguished for his manly and impressive eloquence, both in Che pulpit and the general assembly." Letters from St. Peter>bur», of the SOth of No¬ vember, meniion, thai the Emperor Alexander, apprehensive that the morals of his people would be injured by their reading the account of Car¬ lisle's trial, had given directions to ihe Police to prevent ihe in'ioduetion of all English news¬ papers containing it. The Paris Journal-ou Wortday and Tt»e«i!aJ I i^-i have arrived (his morning. On 'I"" fo"» f day, a Itoval Project was brought down to the ("iiamb'T ot I.V-puties auUiOi'isiOg a provisional crrdll of six-twrlfian i»r th.» i;;\<*>. 10 be collected Hum tMc a-6Cs iiuMi-oflsi'i. and placed ai the di-po-al of Ihe Mit.»ter of Kii.nftee, for ih»' service of ih^ pii-«ing year>. T«o o.her Royal Prnj'-ci*, lOiidlane: n( (he precediac. were aiV.wauU commui.ica!. d b\ Uaron Capelle. fhe Chamber ordered them 10 be ivgi&teredi aud adjourned. Thr ne.t public sitting was not aur.oune* tl, prince de Metternieh has addressed a letter i» the ComaiTitce f»r ?he ••reciton of a Maiue 10 .he meiiihn Of M. de M*Je:U*rbeF,stating, thai lie has been honoured 4lth thecomBiand>of the I'Imperor his oittMer, >0 r-nut tbem ihe >»im of f.000 franc- on !»>*■ pan of his I>iaje&tya in furtherance of ilieir laudable objects. The Journnl de- debat* remarlr*:—"It i< Coundently -a-d, nai Count Decazes has just been creased a Duke." Savarv, Duke de Ro\igo, surrendered him¬ self prisoner mi th* 19ih in-t. Io irv lie question of 'Ue sentence of death par conttimacc, passed "pouhmin 1815. He i* confined in LWbhave. liis trial will route 00 before the Second Coun¬ cil of War forth with Mr. Hobhnufe, a .r.emher of the Britifh Commons, had been arretted on a wairant from the Speaker, and committed to New¬ gate, for a libel on the Houfe of Com mons. He protcfted agatnft the illegality of the proceeding. A meeting of the e- Ic&nrtfof Middlefcx has a!fo protcfted a- gainII: it. Sir Francis Burdett has become hi^ furety for permiffiou to refide in the keeoer's houfe. LONDON, Dec. 25 Cobbett has attempted a reconciliation with Sir Francis Burdett ; but the Bar¬ onet has repelled the overture with indig¬ nation. He has retaken his lefidence at B;tley from whence he continues to write for his " Weekly Political Register," which is now one of the two penny publications of the d;iy. On his arrival in London to attend a meeting, he was arretted for an old debt, bu* found ball. We have receiv¬ ed a ropy oj his Register of December 24, nvbieh is entirely Jilled with articles rejpeflin himfclf- Lord SidrJiouth has addrefled a circular to feveral of the Lord Lieutenants, re- qnefting theffl to put the aft againft un- lawful irainit'gs, into ri^id execution. P ■ RIS, D<c. 22. The Emf'^ror of Kuflia has fubferibed 2000 franci for the flattie to the memo¬ ry of M. <!e Malefherbes the intrepid de¬ fender of the martyr Louis XVI, O^7 BONAPARTE. The laft accounts from St. Helena arc T 6 From ilu A". K Adcrriiser, Feb. ff. Liverpool, 31st December. Ashe.-.—There has been a e«>"d demand for Canadaa*he«, and pars have advanced to 38s pearl .39-. r»:l. to 4th. : little doing in United St.ue- a>h<*s buJ prices fuilv maintained. Boston pot* 42s.; fe« New-YnrK< in marUet ; pearU4U to 41s. : stock on hand lessihan it was la>l year, h ■iofi 4500 b?rre)sa consisting of 1000 U States, 35M Canada j of pearls 1700 Canada, 800 United Sia^es Longitudei &Cf—I-a Baronne De Paris Rois- row\ ray, has arrived in England from Paris, charged irifh a commission 10 present to the Admiralty Board a theory of ihe compass, ivhich gives the lonjjitnde and latitode of the globe, for the discovery of which the whole world has so lone looked. The husband of this lady has sub- mined his theory to the Academy at Paris. Jlic wife'* mission to London was to preveut delay, as well a- to have a trust-worthy agent. W. Beeehcr, RstJ, who lately married Miss O'Neiil, has made a settlement of XI00O per annum, Mr. B. refused to take a shilling of his wife's fortune, who has therefore settled on her mother and father £500 a year; her brother Robert ,£300a year ; her second brother J;200 a j ear ; and on ber sister £3000 The newspaper Stamp Only Bill has had a *eeoud reading in the House of Lords. Lor.l Donoughmore observed that ministers had wound up their measures of indiscriminate co¬ ercion to an appropriate conclusion by this at¬ tack on the liberty of the press. An English paper stares (hat it bad been as¬ certained that the bones brought to England were not Tom Paiue's bones, but those of a poor negro! A J'OUng man has lately been liberated after a confinement in chains of fifteen \ears in a eel- lar, by hi* own parents. The family's name is Surr, of IJlack Dank. To" father's excuse for ihe cruelties exercised towards his child, was, that bi- son was lunatic. A preat part of the lime the unfortunate child had not heen cleaned. The King of England's landed property in Ihe City of Chester, has been sold for 2?,5i6ponndsi General Baron Von Mark, who was disgraced after the surrender of Uim.ha? been restored bi the l.mperor to all his former honors and digtri- lics. A dreadful eruption of Mount Vesuvius com¬ menced during a severe tempol on ihc 26tbof NovcmbiT last. Admiral Kikkerf, Governor General of the Island of Curracoa, died about the 1st of Janua¬ ry, aged 97, The government of f'urracoa de¬ volves fur ihe present on Doctor Peirui Bar- nardus Van Stackenborg. By a letter received at Norfolk, it is stated, that the first Teller of the /iranch pfthe United States* Bank,at Jiichmond, has decamped with twenty thousand dot- tars of the funds. Information is also received in town, that the Farmer's Bank of Virginia at Lynchburg, has been robbed by an under clerk of about three thousand eight hun¬ dred dollars.—Beacon. Kentucky Legislature.—A bill has been introduced into the legislature of Kentucky, u subjecting the Presidents, Directors and Clerics of the United States* Bank and every civil officer who shall serve a process of any description in fa- vor nf the bank, to impr!so«Tncnt in the Penitentiary !M Extract of a letter dated Savannah^ January 14- c< Carpenters and bricklayers will get' two and a half dollars per day unlil Ju. Iy. Bricks, lime and boards must eon- 11 It.OB to pay a goe-d freight. Many me. chanics are wanted to work up tliu old bricks immediate!*.—Cotton is coming jn fast and declining ; it is 15 cents and will soon be tower- Wc have now a great rain/' SUtton piratt's condemned*—We ha?e Been a letter from N»*w Orleans, dated W January, which Mates that on the 30th of Pecem-brr, Judge Hall, of the United Stales District Court, pronounced sentence of d« wth on Ihe sixteen pirates taken at Batiatitrta some time since, by Capf. Loomi<. 'J'o prrvont any attempt to rescue them from the hands of justice) the n^il'tary turned out to guard them. They are to !>c hanged on the 27fli of next May, unless pardoned by tiie Pre- sidenf. After tiie jfldge had finished pronouncing senW>\fC upon the harden¬ ed wretches, several of them cried out, in open court, a Murder, by G—d ;w and in no respect did they appear to be in the least attested.—The letter adds, there is a patrol kept up by the citizens every night, fo prevent any conspiracy, which, it is feared, maybe formed, to effect their escape. From the Baltimore Morning Chronicle- Spontaneous combustion*—At my mills there was an iron kettle, used for hold¬ ing ashes—it had remained with ashes in from the 6th mo. to the 9th mo. at which time (lax seed oil was by accident spilled Jwq the ashc* ; \}\ about \U howu tfci ashes were fr. nd to ue on • re, and uisfa- iuj; to hare it lully ascertained, whether it was the oil which occasioned Ihe ash¬ es to take fire, 1 filled a kettle with cold dry ashes, in which 1 poured a pint of llax seed oil, aud in (24 hours 1 examin¬ ed it, and found thata* far as the oil bad penetrated, the ashes were in a state of combustion, and on applying some sha¬ vings and chips of wood, it immediately caused them to blaze. From an apprehension that many buil¬ dings have been consumed by fires from the foregoing cause, I have heen induced to give publicity to thn fact. JOSEPH ATKINSON. Ellicoti's letapscn Mills, 1 mo. 22d, 18c20. aK*qg£ta<8J&tvftt«li KINGSTON, Fi:nniAnY 18, 1820. Our Boston and IVeiv York papers supply us with London news to the :3lsi December, from which we havcselecled (he most impor¬ tant articles. Violent gales of wind hnd pre* vailed during that month on the British coast, and many vessels had in consequence cither sustained great dauut^e, or suffered total shipwreck. The Imperial Farllnmnvl uas proceeding with great unanimity aiwi desjwifen in passing bills for more ei'e-ti"':'ll_v pi..-sei\ in^; thenence of 1 he Kingdom, <ri! lor suppitissing diose immoral and blasphemous writings wbicfc have of late heen so industriously propagated, ■vtuA ^iVirtUi .v . '.V.-.-.. !y 'mm1 .f *,»] EOSQjki ting the principles of I lit: lower orders of So. ciety. These hilts, it must bis eonles^ed, are Strong measures, but though sortie may affect to consider them ;s proofs of the rapid strides making bv the genius of despotism, they do not in reality con/Tdrlothe Gotonucent grea¬ ter powers than are required 10 crush Ihe ef¬ forts of rerolntioniziDg anddeHicnl dcwia- gogues, in whose proceedings nloue thene^ cessityof these restrictions ou ;!:e liberty of Englishmen has originated. The energr and vigilance of the Cto\e;,nni;nT assures us that the Radicals will 30011 he put down, and rendered objects of contempt- but the evil done by^ the diffusion ot* the poison contaiod in iheirirreligious puhl:c;uions will not, we fear, be so speedily eradicated. The state of the finances appears to be en¬ couraging, and commerce was reviving gene¬ rally in the country. The arrival of the Ca¬ nada lumber ships feems lo hr.VC created a reater bustle at Liverpool than could have ieen anticipated, and this circumstance at least shews that the trade is not utterly unin- portant. It will be recollect f»d that in March last, in consequence of a Grant having been made bv direction of His K\ee'!rncy the Lieutenant Governor, of certain Lots of Ground in this town, in trust to Thomas Marklaud, Allan McLean, Enquires, and ihe Rev. tieorge 0- kill Stuart, " lor the purpose of erecting an Hospital thereon, and for the support of said Hospital," shares oflli: in each, was opei-id/m order to riJsi a fund for erecting th^rirn^snry BuHdinirs. This, sub- scriptioh was np'-i.'-iTei.-.)!. i;n;:h;y to a plan previously adopt-cft ■' :| m^etius &t IVIaeis- Irates, andinb;«tHlaVif- tfthh \ *:>U held at Bath on rlu*23i!i P»;*»r«ary, 1813, In April last not cpiite la.'fof \' »■ reqaHHfi number of Shares was stil-«ei'i!« ti n«r. Since then the project *eems. 10 hrn 1 !>••' n ahnndnuod; m suppose from '!:•• ■ ml 1 - iiieans tor'iriTil into effect. FVirifv 1 ■• y'.'l^e from the rc- porlofthe Co; 1, uIm-•'* of"; •' Kingston Com¬ passionate Sorirtv, i-: de .*•' t!ic !• et general annual ineetinz of th?. »wn.bers in.Taimnn', as well as from ovhrv sources, the Incew- nienceansing from iu»- v .r,:* r.f -»ri Hospital as an asylum for the .:«-sti:.-i- siek. has not only been felt by the A.-- w* ^f that Society, but has been noticed hyotts : $* who hau hsd the mortification to wrr.pa3 injects bnn^e down with penunr at £ ?;, ivhwf *& tress occasional e!eenm»v nun* aid nnghf Par' tiallv alleviate, and Sttrvt? • • prolong aiaistfa- hie existence, but cv no; ••;!'.rct:ia!ly rwtoff to the enjoyment of hou!;h and vigour. « the want of funds has hitherto retarded in^ erection of an HosimUiI in Kingston. 1*JJ poverty and <!is. ;»se may Hud a shelter m relief,the conditional oilVr of £1000 by w Patriotic Society, which may bo *MKJ! lished in this and the preceding numberOiW Chronicle, ought completely rn remove uw obstacle. The inhabitants of this lhsinn cannot, we think,consistently with all cncuiv stances, allow tlic propo>Crt bounty ol »' Patriotic Society to pass by them willtj'" makinganeffort to 111.-rit it. We hope "V the mn«t pnpnhMis town in ihc Provu;"" irw not neglect an offer ivbicll it is certainly m u 1