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Kingston Chronicle, February 11, 1820, p. 1

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KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. It] FRIDAY, (jFTERsuox) FEBKUAKY II. 1820. [So. 6. CANADA, The Last Hope ENGLAND, Bern* an attempt to shew the vast Agri¬ cultural, Com mental^ and Political importance of the magnificent countries bearing the general name of Canada. Bv Charles FOTBCRisitL, Inquire. THE object of this little work is prin¬ cipally to point out the superior ad¬ vantages held forth by this country to all classes of Emigrants, (from whence soever they may come) Irom the poor man to the capitalist;—and, to afford that kicd of information which is known to be so much wanted in Europe ;■—and especially, in Cheat Britain :—to which the possession and improvement of these Provinces is of the last importance. As the work will be published in Lon¬ don, the author wUhes to ascertain, as nearly as possible, what number of cop¬ ies will be wanted in this country, in or¬ der that the necessary instructions may be sent to the publisher: — be has, there¬ fore, appointed the undermentioned gen¬ tlemen, agents, to receive the names and address of those who may wish for cop¬ ies in all parts of the two Provinces—and it is requested that such a* may be desir¬ ous of subscribing, will be kind enough to signify the same as early as possible. AGENTS. At Quebec, J. Xeilson, Esq ; Three Rivers, Edward Sills, Esq ; William Henry, Geo. Graves, Esq : Montreal, Messrs. Nickless & McDoiiell ; Hull, V. Wright & Sons; Cornwall, George Jarvis, Esq ; Prescott, Alpheus Jones, Esq ; Brockville, Henry Jones, E?q ; Perth, B. Delisle, B.q ; Kingston, H. C. Thomson, Esq ; Barh, James lianken, Esq; Belviile, S. McNabb, Esq: Co- hourg, J. G. Bethono. Esq ; Port Hope, M.F. Whitehead, Esq: York. R. C. 5!u>iuc. t&Srtg. anil xvJt^ii, *jm die Ol. i'ltz- Gibbon ; Newmarket, P. Robinson, Esq ; Dundas, R. Cockerel, Esq ; West Flamboro', T.G.Simons, Esq ; Ancas- ter, M. Crooks, Esq ; Niagara, John Crooks, Esq; Queenston, Thos.McCor- mick, Esq ; Fort Erie, Wm. Stanton, Esq ; Port Talbot, A. N.Burwell, Esq; Amherstburgb, John Hall, Esq; Sand¬ wich, Wm. Hands, Esq. $gr It is not expected that the price of the book will exceed lUs.—an advance of 2s. 6d. Halifax Currency, will be re¬ quired from each subscriber at the time of putting down his name and address, in order that the subscription may be considered certain. 4w 4 A NEPTMNE OF STAGES. rjlHE subscribers ha- JL vingprovided them- ^ selves with good Stage Sleighs, teams, ant! careful drivers, pro¬ pose forming a line of MAIL STAGES between Kingston and York, winch will commence running on Monday the 17th instant, and will leave Kingston and York every Monday and Thursdayat I2oYlork and arrive at the same places every Wed¬ nesday and Saturday evening. STAGE FA HE will be 4-\d per mUG$ and 1-1 lbs. Baggage allowed for each passenger. Books will be kept at the house of Dan- :i^l 'torotvn, opposfre *f!iie HA']&£t p.ace, Kingston, and at Jo or dan's Inn, York, for entering the names of the passengers, who will at the same time pay the st;<ge fare, as no seat will be considered en^a- ged until the fare be paid. The i)iivers will be furnished with a Way Bill, on which thi names of such passengers as may be taken into the sta^e on the route will be euti'red, and (he fare paid to the subscribers1 .'."eats at the different btage houses. D. BROWN, Wm. McMillan. Kingston, 12t/t Jan. 1820. *2tf JOHN MAHTIN, B~" EGS leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Foil Henry, under the sigu of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to 4hose who may favour him with a call, to merit a share of public patronage, lie will always have on hand all kinds of L*ti|uors of the best quality. Kingston, \4th January, 1320. N. B. Good Stablingfor Horses. 2t1 For Sale, NEW GOODS. THE fubferiber refpeftfully informs the public that he has received a well feleded aflTortment of Dry Goods, adapted to the feafon—Likewifea quanti¬ ty of GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap for Cafii. WALTER McCUNIFFE. Kingfton, ill December, 1819. 49 JVOTICE. THE fublcriber has now, and will con¬ tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup- ply of Rich flavored Ale. The prefent price is one (hilling per gal¬ lon, for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of exlra (trong booied .Uenre refpeft- fully informed that as f >on as poffible he will provide a ftock that will satisfy the mod faftidious critic. He thinks it will not be arr.ifs to remind the Farmers (who are the mafs of the peo pic) that if they wifh their grain to com¬ mand Cafh, they muir abf •'uTrlymake malt Liquor their common beverage, a^d 'bus fupport the Canadian Brewers inrleid of the Weft Indian D:ftii!er*. It It oi fa* ous confcqucnce, both to thtn.Mves and to the whole country, that they fliould im¬ mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a u-folu tion. Orders fent to the Brewery, or Jcft wall Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartlct, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Oct. 26, 1819. N B. Grains at all times for fale, 7-!d per bufhtl. 44 ALEXANDRAS! I Kit, Merchant MAS r^^lvM from Mn^rrr'A a mo ft choice and excellent alfbrtment of the belt Well of England fuperfine Cloths and C'tssirr.crr:;, with Trimmings, and every tiling com¬ plete. A. As her informs hi* friends and the public that he is now working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the fhorteft notice, and on th 'owell terms for Cafh, or fhort approved ci« 'it. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. 37 if I1REE FARMS FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for tht en fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Lie Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contract alf > will ! be given for cutting ioco Cord* of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, 16tb June, 1 % 19. 2 5 tf I R a SFILSBURY, f I Surgeon. R. N | ■Late Surgeon of IL M.S. Prince H<?*| $ %*nt) on Lake Ontario, a Intends practising in the variousC' 'branches of his Prof:- -ion, at his ivs.* Jdence, next door to John MiLean,v jE^i.Shrriif. ^ ' Kings/on, Oct. 61 h, IS 19. 41 '• T THAT valuable Farm, known by Lot No. 8 in the firft Conceflion of Frcderickfburgh, on the bay of Quiutie, upon highly advantageous term8 to the purchafer. There ia a large two ftory Houfe upon it that may be converted into a comfortable rdidence, at a trifling ex- penfe.—There are alfo various outhoufes attached to it, with a well of excellent water—An inJifputalle titl? will be given, and the terms made known at Mr. D. Hagerman's office in Bath, or on applica¬ tion to thef proprietor, JOSEPH BERGOtf. T aj/lor. Executive Council OJfice, Tori, 25/A August, 18 19. iHE Order in Council of the 18th instant, respec¬ ting Locations subject to Settling Duties being revised, it is order¬ ed by His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, that all Locations of Land subject to Settlement Duty made prior to this date, be rescinded, and the Land otherwise disposed of, if Certificate of the Settlement Du¬ ty being performed be not lodg¬ ed with the Surveyor General within the time limited in the Ticket of Location, and the Pa¬ tent sued out within Three Months thereafter : and that all Locations subject to Settlement Duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded, and the Land oth¬ erwise disposed of, if Certificate of Settlement Duty being per¬ formed be not lodged with the S;:rve«;or General within Eigh¬ teen Months of the date of the Order for such Location, and the P.ventsued out within Three Months thercafrer JOHN SMALL, c. e.g. NOTUe IS hereby given, that WHliam Taylor, heir at law and ad^i,,; t,a(or 0f rht. late Allan Taylor, tarfe attuned all tlu- real and peifooal e.-tate :if ,|,t. jatc Allan Tu>k>t deceafed, wnto jufcp K,Vby, Alex ander O. i etrie and V|,omrt3 pa,ker, in tru* for the benefit t.f cull};norh. All pcrion; liaviwg auy clui^s ^.j,,^ t||C ]atc Allan Taylor, Taylor ■ r>. ?. ^ tv , „ as, Pa»kcr. are £e<Ji»v r1 to prefent the fame for adi'-'Simert .. ' «--yment.2nd thofc perfons ind-btcd .' ..'rr.er the late Allan Taylor. T>r'°' W»*J I;.nk.cr, or I homa* larktr, art requited to ni^ke immediate payment to the above tru.,ic*es ; who a»e fully autho 'led togive difcharges for the lame. John Kirby, A. (). i'e'rie, Thomas Parker. 36tf Executive Council Offi. Thrig 1 lib November "^TTHEREAS the prcfe %ber% 1819. nt LEASE Kingston* August 28, 18 I 9. f* — — NOTIC X- i ^^ ..^.vilvir^h: StlsOft. 1819. -i: ALL perfons indebted to the late Co¬ partnership of Richard Kobison and DavidSecord* ate requeued 10 make im¬ mediate payment tc the furviving partner, David Sccord, and thoft to whom tht faid Copartncrfhip may be indebted, aie ie- queited to fend in their accounts foi ad- juftment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf PERSONS having Books belonging "to the Kingston Library gw requell ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at \\U houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible- JOHN FERGUSON I2th April. 1819. 16 fi^HE fubferibers being duly nomina JL ted Executors to the lalt Will and Teftament of the late Lawrence Hercbmcr* Efquire, Merchant, vequclt all perfons in¬ debted to his cftate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againft the faid cftate to bring them forward with¬ out delay. JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingfton, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 «:ood Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfe and Premifcs, in the Town of Kingfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jun. Kingston, May 5th 1819. '9 _ For Sale or toilet, At TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a Q/jJL large and commodious ftone Store, lunate or. the waters edge in the centre of the Village of' Prefect* on exceedingly ad- \antageous terms to Li**; nurchaUr or leasee. Enrrutre at the Office of CHr. A. HAOEUMAN. Kip;i'u:i sSth February, 1319. 6 NOTiCB. A N asM^nnieiit having been made to J \ (he ►ub^riber of all the Lands, 0 »od?. ;-ni' debt®, bclor^ring to the late li- t of 'lames Rat, fan iy Co. of Ernest T \n, Vf,rrharitc, uti wtii a- those belong- ii , fanes Knnktn indiviiiually, for the H-1.'fi if creditor*i Notice is hereby givrp »■? al1 persons having claims against the ■.■!.! fv •, or against the saiJ James Rankcii. 1 ^resent them forthwith, duly anihcnucve ! ; and such as stand indebted arc- «'f ir^J t«; » iy their respective accounts to Ch*'. . H^gsrman, E^q of Kings¬ ton, '-r. or bcfo'C the fir^t day of Decem¬ ber next. JOHN KIRBY. Kin;sten. I st September, 1819. 36 ~~~ FOR SALl£ A *":i\Y valuable FAKM, s.ifuated J^JL njiii Hi- Village of Lirockville. be- iiiiT 1 He ivarhalfol Lot No. one, and the rear feaifoi Loi number two, in the ?e- co\u\ concession r\ lr.!i/abethto^ n, U. C. coalmining two hundrrd aer* s, I'ormc r- lv the property ftf R. •jh.i' Sherwood, Ksqiure, but no»\ beion^in- n»JohnShu- ter, l*>qt»:r.-. ofl-onriou. 'i'hore is a ve¬ ry good i'vvcilin^ In-uM*, uitli a barn and otlirtr out houses juj the '.reini^es. sllsO) Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the wot half of Lot number owCi in the ciji'li eon cession of Hie same Township. Ahoy Lot numbi-r fifteen, in the first concession, and number lifteen in (he second ce* t -ion, 01 the Town- of the Ferfy from the Town of Kingfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealed Propofals for a new Ltafe to be given to the higheft bidder will be received at this Office until the 10th of June, 1820. 49 JOHN SMALL, c. k. c. LAM B & McBONELJU Opposite the Market, King Street. T> ESFECTFCJLLY inform their jL\j friends and (he public, (hat they have received part of their fall Goods, amono WHICH AUE, Ladies Pelisse Cloths, most fashionable colors ; West of England superfine Blue and Black Cloth ; Grey, Blue, Black. Brown, Olive, and Drab Cloths, and Cas- simeres ; Red, White, Green, Blue, and Yellow Flannels; Rose Blankets ; Wors¬ ted Shirts and Drawers ; Marseilles Quilts and Counterpane*, Chintz Furni- *ure with lining, Fringe and Binding to [ match ; Scarlet and Blue Moreen ; Scar¬ let, Waterloo, Blur1, Salmon. Suge Drab, Fawn, and Peach colored Cassimete Shawls ; Merino and Canton Crape Shawls ; SilkShawlsaud Handkerchiefs; Flag, Bandannas, Satins, Silks, Long Lawn, Jackonclte, and Mull Muslin; Corded Cambric & Book Muslin Dresses; BookMusliiiTrjtnoiiDgs;Cambrics;IiGnos; Thread Lace*: Fo< *'• :r'CaIicoes;(iiecks; Stripe Cotton; Red & o.ueDeny's; Stri¬ ped Cambric Ginghams, Vesting*,Bomba- /eens and Bombazettes, Tartan Plaid, Turkey Stripe, Brown Holland, Irish Linens, Cotton Shirting, White Cotton, Diaper and Diaper Table Cloths, Green and Blue Table Covers, Dimity Furni¬ ture ; Hearth Bugs, Brussella Hugs: Scotch Shirting, Black Sttk V^uils, Best Treble Gill Coat Buttons, &c* &c Rib- >r,n<~ '(*■■/• ••■ 'Pi. "*ttwhf %Ui$4At* tRitll, *t.»»- iut; Silk and Twist, Lady's White and Black Silk Stockings, Slate colored and Black Worsted Hose, Boys & Girls, do. do. Men's Lamb'rf Wool half Hose, do. \V*oi>ud do. Ladies' slate colored black and whiff Silk Gloves, Men's lined Bea¬ ver and Kid do. Men's lined Beaver and Buck Skin Gloves. J LSO, A great variety of other articles, too ntuneious to mention. The whole com¬ prises a complete assortment of Dry Goods, which they will sell very low for Cash. Kingston, Nov. ISM, 1819. 47 as- A ship of xonge, iu he District of Johus- town. Tin- .:• Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers. —Apply to DA.\i EL JONES, Jun. Brovkville, IbthJunaan/, 1819. 4 NOTICE I* hereby given, that I, William Tay¬ lor, a* heir at law and administrator to the estate of thr latc Allan 'Taylor, de- ceafed, have this day afiigned all the real and perfonal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest fo the concern of Taylor 8c Pancer. ancJ Thomas Parker, unto John Kirby, Alexander Oliphant Pe- trie and Thomas Parker, as trustees, for the benefit of the *reditors. William Taylor, Administrate 0f the estate of the late Allan Taylor, Kingston^ August 28, 1819. 36tf N()TICeT ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing Lot £j0- 22, in the 7th con- ceffion of Fredericfefburgt^or lot No. 27, III the 1 ft conceflion 0f Richmond,from the Heirs or AfTignee, 0f Jjav;s g^ as ti)C Subfcriber holds an Jndifputable title to the fame. QlLBERT HAltlS. Sidney, 4th 0% 1S48, 3 Notice. THE fubferiber has just received a quantity of Double and Single Stoves, of various fizes and of new and elegant patterns, which he offers for faleat Montre¬ al price and charges for cafh. He has alfo received, in addition to his former fupply, feveral tons of English and Swedes Iror sorted sizes ; Hoop and Round ditto, Nail Rods, Grindstones, Anvils and Vices, Double and Single Sheet Iron ; Trace and Log Chains > IVro't and Cut Nails (allsizes;) Smiths' Bellows, Hollow Ware, (of all descriptions ;) Cut, Pit, and Mill Saws, Currier s and Lintseed Oil ; Wagon and Cart Boxes ; Iron and Brass Wire ; A good aflbrtment of Saddlery, Stamped, and Cast Brafs Cabinet Furniture, with an exterifive aflbrtment of Shelf Goods confuting of most articles in the Hard Ware line—too numerous to mention. JOHN WATKINS. N. B. Flour for fale. Kingston, November 16th, 1819. 47tf A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds Tl^TILL be paid by the subscriber, to ▼ ▼ any perfon who fhall discover and give luch information as will convift the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, dole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By dire&ion of the Dire&ors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, 19/A Nov. 1819._________47 ILBERT PURDY & Wm. PYE, of Ernest Town, inform theirfriends and the public, that they have commenced THE WEAVING BUSINESS, In its various branches.—Prices. 5 quar¬ ters wide lod. per yard : a yard wide 8d. per yard ; all double work is. per yard— It is recommended not to scour the yarn. Jan. 26- 4 BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, For tale at this Office. Government Contract Tor Fresh Bef NOTICE is hereby given to all per- fons who may be willing to fupply FRESH BEEF for the ufe of the Gar. rifon and Rbyal Naval eflablilhment at Kingfton, that propofals to contraft for the fame will be received at this Office oa the days, and for the refpeftive periods un¬ dermentioned, viz. On or before the loth of March next, at noon, for the period of three months, commencing on the 25th of that months and On 01 before the 31 ft of May next, at noon, fot the period of twelve months, commencing on the 25th of June follow¬ ing. The conditions of contract, form of ten¬ der, and other particulars, may be known on application at this Office, or at the Commiflariat Office at Fort George ; and no tender nvill be noticed unlefs made in the form prefcribed* nor unlefs the party and his furetiest or an agent on their bebfilf attend at the time of opening the tenders,, which mull be fealed, and endorfed M Tender for the fupply of Frefh Beef." EDWd. PINE COFFIN, Dcp'y. Com. Genl. Commiffariat Office, Kingston, 29/0 January, 1830. 5 One Hundred Dollars Reward. WHEREAS a Mail made up at this Office, and addrefltd to Hamil¬ ton, in the iJiiiriA ot New Caftle, on the 23d December laft, and a Mail made up 3t the Pod Office of Hamilton, and ad- dretfed to this Office on the 1 itli ultimo, containing Drafts, Bank Notes, &c. arc miffing, and are fuppofed to have been ftol- eu from the Letter Bag by fome perfon or perfons yet unknown ; The foregoing reward will be given by the fubferiber for fueh information as may be fufficicnt to detect, and ennvift the partita couccrned'ut the commxtfibn or this daring robbery. JOHN MACAULAY. Post Office, Kingston, $d February, 1820. N. B. The following are the numbers of five Bills, each ten dollars, of the Tank of Upper Canada, fuppofed to be loft, No. 3965. 766, 3035, 3512, 2648. —----------------- j Henri/ Fowler\ MERCHANT TAILOR. sf~i RATEFUL to his Friends and the ^VJT public for their former patronage and fupport, begs refpeftfully to inform them, he has returned to Kingston from Montreal, with a complete and K-nifome aflbrtment of goods, comprifim li». best West of England fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, Florentine's, Silk and fancy Veatiugs and every article neceflary in his line, which he offers low for cafh, or to make up to order, at the store adjoining Captain Anderfort's and till lately occu¬ pied by Mr. John Watkins. Kingston, 29th Jan. 1820. 5 ~^NOTICE. THE Public are cautioned against receiving or purchafmg a Bill of Ex¬ change on England, drawn by J- Williams fB.] Lt. R. N. for £$s> Sterling, payable fo 2nd1 mdofferf 6y jarffes' G: Bethune, Efq—Alfo, William BofwelPs draft in my favour, on John Kiiby, Efq. Kingston, for ^50 Currency, both of which were inclofed to me in a letter from Hamilton on the nth inst and are mis- fing. 'The £150 in BAls of this Bank, adver- tifed in last Friday's Chronicle, fuppofed to be lost, have been received. S. BARTLET, CaffjUr. Bank of Upper Canada, Kingston, January 24, 1820. 4 POST-OFFICE, Kingston, $th January, 1820. PROPOSA LS will be received at this Office until the 15th day of Febru¬ ary, from any perfon or perfons willing to contrad for the conveyance of the Mails between Kingfton and York during tht year commencing on the 6th day of April next. The names of two good and fubftan- tial perfons, as fureties for the due perform¬ ance of the contract, are expeded to be ir.ferted in the tender. BIBLE SOCIETY. |___ THE annual Meeting of The Mid¬ land District Auxiliary Bible Society, will take place in the Episco¬ pal Church at Bath, on Wednesday the sixteenth day of February next. DANIEL HAGERMAN* Secretary* 13/ft Jan. 1820.______________2 A FARM FOR SALE , ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town, ftiip of Fredcricksburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceffion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Waftiburn, Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET, Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818. t©

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