A Highland Jacobite War Song. BT WALTER SCOTT. There is mist od the mountain, and night on the vale, Bui more dark is the sleep of the sons of the Gael. A stranger commanded—it sunk on the land, It has frozen each heart, and benuroh'd every band! The dirk and the target lie sordid with dust, Tbc bloodless claymore is but reddeo'd with rust; On the iiillor the glen if a gun should appear, It is only to war with the heath-cock or deer. The deed? of our sires if «ur bards should rehearse, J.rt a blush or a blow be the meed of their terse! lie mute every string, and be hush'd every (one, That shall bid us remember the fame that is flown. But the dark hours of night and of slumber are past. The morn on our mountains is dawning at last ; Glenaladale's peaks are illumed with the rays. And the streams of Gienftnnan leap bright in the blaze. O high-minded Moray !—the exiled—the dear! In the blush «f the dawning ihe Standard up- rear ! Wide, wide on the winds of ihe north let it fly. Like the sun's latest flash when the tempest i» nigh J Ye sons of the strong, when that dawning shall break, Need the harp of the aged remind you to wake ? That daw n never beam'd ou your forefather's e3 e. But it roused each high chieftain to vanquish or die. I O sprung from the Kings who in Way kept stale. Proud chiefs of Clan Ranald, Glengary, and Steal ! Combine like three streams from ©ne mountain of snow, J And resistless in union rush down on the foe ! | Truesoo of Sir Evan, undaunted Lochiel, Place thy targe on thy shoLider and burnish thy steel ! Rough Kepporh,give breath to thy bugle's bold swell. Till far Coryarrick resound to (he knell ! Stern son of Lord Kenneth, high chief of Kintail, Lei tLc i«ag tu tfty »e&iitteft! &oui»J wJKi iu nc eale ! Way the race of Clan Gillean, the fearless and fi cr. Remember G'enlivat, Harlatv,and Dundee! Let lie clan of grey frugal, whose offspring lias given Such heroes 10 earth,and such martyrs to heaven, Unite with the race of renown'd Rorri More, Tolannch the long galley, and sircich to the oar! How Mac-Shimei will joj when their chief shall display The yew-crested bonnet o'er tresses of grey ! How the race of wrong'd Alpine aud murder'd Glencoe Shall shout for revenge when they pour on the foe! Ye sons of brown Dermid, who slew the wild hoar, Resumetbepurefaithofthegre.nt Callam-Mote! Mac-Neil of the Islands, and Moy of the Lake, For honour, for freedom, for vengeance awake ! Awake on your hills, on your islands awake. Brave sons of the mountain, the frith, and the lake) 'Tis the bugle—but not for the chase is the call; 'Tis the pibroch's &titill summons—but not to the ball. 'Tis the summons of heroes for conquest or death, When the banners are blazing on mountain and healh ; They call to (he dirk, the claymore, and the targe. To the march and the muster, the line aud the charge. Be the brand of each Chieftaip like Fin's iu bis ire! Way the blood through his veins flow like cur¬ rents of tire ! Burst the base foreign yoke as your sires did of yore, Or die like \our sires, and endure it no more ! that the defendant would do neither— that frequentlj when a Iked permiflion, he would tell them or wave his hand for them to pafs—that when they came up with him, and in the aft of paffing, he would reto his horfes in before them, and again let bis horfes walk or go on a flow trot— this was often repeated—and the Plaintiff was thu9 hindered in the moft malicious and vexatious manner for rifing three miles. The defendant endeavored to palliate* by attempting to (how the vicioufnefs of his horfes. The jury retired, and in a fnort time returned a verdift for the plaintiff of thirty dollars and costs offuit. From a late Cork paper* Insanity. The prevalence of the melancholy vifi- tation to which the human lot is expofed, gives, at the.prefent juncture, a more than ordinary value to every publication which treat6 of its caufes, or points out a reafon- able courfe towards palliation or remedy. It is a faft, and one which is calculated to humble human pride to the very dufl, that there are more infane patients at prcfent, than ever were known to exift before at'the fame time—and this fad faft, while it derogate* from the noblefl of our pretentions, is calculated to imprefs with an awful fear, and to caufe even the wife and the flrong to tremble for themfclves, in the diftribution of this moll difmal of all fufferings. The following curious table of the caufes of infanity, as they occured in the County and City of Cork Lunatick Afylum commencing the full of January, 1798, and ending the 30th of June, [818, is from a work recently published by Dr. Halloran. There were infane patients, caufed by Terroxir of H» %*#&■\\, Jealousy, : ; r : Pride, : : i : 2 Grkf* : : : : : Epilepsy, ; ; : : Lo$8 of properh/, JC'Trsx in drinking. Disappointment, " : Liits VenerOf • • Consumption, : : Ii'hinioa the Head, Hereititartj) ; ; ; /V.y//, : ; : ; : Unknown raust.% : Difficult Parturition, Miles. Funnies. : *>1 47 "20 5S5 1 9 : (S 8» .► •1 : S3 S4 ; 51 S3 ; 1UJ 57 r 10 37 ' 12 1 6 0 lii 2 41 s;: • (5 7 S04 s-in a si . Isle of Tanti. THE following valuable lands, on the Ifle of Tanti, for fale—From Lot No- 35, incluiive, round the fouth fhore, to \&t letter C, except letter B. 82,83, 84, and 85, and all from Mr. Stuart's to the Town Plot. The fecond conceflion, where not granted—the pre¬ ference to be given to rhofe who poffefst and have paid for their lots, if fettled for as above mentioned. Mr, Stuart's No's 23, 24, 25, 26 and rear half of No. 27. Lots No. 35, 36, 37, 38, and down to 85, inclufive. Letter A, referved. Lots fold, No. 1, 2, 3, to No. 22 in Front. The above lots will br fold on moderate terms. The foil is rem;trkcbly fertile and fitted for all the purpofe* of agriculture. The fuuation of the Ifland will flunv it is particularly adapted to pafturage. It abounds with fi(h & wood of almoft every kind, a confiderablc proportion of which is oak. For further information, application to be made to the underlined, at Bath — and for undifputed titles to the Hon. Sir John Johnfon, in Lower Canada. |>. FARLEY". December 28, 1819. 53*** THE fubferiber fed" it his duty, from the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public ftgamft any impo- fition on the part of Mf- Solomon Johns, by his offering to fell &ny part of half an acre lot, with buildings J hereon, in the vil¬ lage of Erneft Town, bounded on the eaft by the Farmer's Store, 0ttd on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John t)avy, as any title to the kid property held by him, was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond thlt was in my own name for the purchafe fli^de of it in 1806, when Johns was at low wanes, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at fhe time of the examination ofJus tranlaCtioiib,n 1812—had no fliadow of a claim. PETER. GRANT; The perfM who is Hated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns. was acquainted with my juft pretcnfion t\ the full inftance, but any thing to anfVCr the purpofe. P. G. 48 K. DAVISON, HAS opened a Shop in rear street, Kingston, where he intends carry¬ ing on the businefs of Hatmaking whole- fale and retail. Gentlemen's Hato, bed quality ; Ladies' Bonnets, any colour or fhade wanting ; Gentlemen's Summer Hats, Grey or Green under if required. Children's Hats, of every quality. Felt hats oi the best quality, Worn hats cleaned, coloured, lined and bound. Hats covered lined and bound, Oil cases for hats. Stockings and other woollen goods dycd: Silks dyed to any (hade wanting. Kingston, Dec. 29, 1819. ____53 GOVERNMENT CONTRACT FOR FLOUR. NOTICE is hereby given, that propo¬ sals will be received at this office until the 1st of Februery, 1820, at noon, from such persons as may be willing to contract for the supply of Three Thou¬ sand Barrels of fine Flour, lor the u;e of His Majesty's Troops, deliverable at the posts of Kingston, Fort George, ant! York, between the 1st of May and 15th July, 1820, freight free, and under the usual guarantee that the same shall keep sound and sweet for the period of twelve months after delivery. The conditions of the Contract and form of tender may be known on applica¬ tion at this oilice, or at the Commissariat Offices at York, Fort George, and Fort Wellington ; and no proposal zzill be no¬ ticed, unless made in the terms prescri¬ bed, nor unless the party and his sure¬ ties, or an agent on their behalf, attend at the opening the tenders, v, hicli must be scaled, and indorsed " Tenders for the supply of Flour." j:n win pixs'coiww, Devfrj* Gonftj. Gen* Commissariat Office, Kingston, U- C. nth December. 18iy. £2 THE BRIDE. fVhril I gAT> <>n ll>. K, . . .. fiol.Ic, oi.tl oi»Hi al Ulii light, And then 011 the vast spreading azure above, I feel. 1 acknowledge wiib grateful delight. That each object gives pleasure with those whom we love. When we wander with one, toall othrr? preferr'd, Ah! is it not sweet to an end to each call. To Match ev'ry look, every thought, every word, And try to return, and anticipate all ? For \tcll I remrmb'T ihe de'olafe day, When I \\ ander'd alone, St thought myself free, The hills and thevalr» were a> brilliant as gay, But those hills and those vales had no sweet¬ ness for roe ! Fair, fair was the prospect, and cloudless! he sky, .And clear and unruffled ihe face of ihe main,' I3utn«ne whom I cherish'dand valued were by, And F gaz'd DDdcJighted again, and again. Bui noiv my heart glows at th'inspiruig sight, M> gaze and m) thought; are directed above: And I feel and acknon ledge with grateful delight That each object gives pleasure with thu>e whom we love ! The importance of correal Punctuation. A curious and very ingenious expedi¬ ent was lately reforted to, at a trial at Dublin, to fave a pnToner charged with robbery. The principal thing that ap¬ peared in evidence againft him, was a con- feflion alledged to have been made by him at the police office, and taken down in writing by a police officer. The docu¬ ment purporting to contain this felf crim¬ ination, acknowledgement was produced by the officer, and the following pafiage was read from it : " Magnan faid he never robbed but twice faid it was Crawford." This, it will be obferved, had no mark of the writer's having any notice of punc¬ tuation, but the meaning he attached to it will be evident from the following mode of printing it. "Magnan faid he never robbed but twice—Said it was Crawford" Mr. O'Gorman, the counfel for the prifoner, begged to look at the paper- He perufed it, aud rather aftonifhed the peace officer,by afTciling, that, fo far from its proving the man's guilt, it clcaily eftablifhes nis innocence* '" This faid the Varnei) gentleman, io tl.e fair and obvious reading of the fentence : " Magnan faid he never robbed— " But twice faid it was Crawford." The roan was of courfe acquitted. Forwarding & Commission BUSINESS. T The following law cafe is copied from the Poughkeepfie Obferver. The Editors, in introducing it to their readera, obferve that, « not a week paflet, but we hear of fome outrage or aggrefTion on the public highway in this county n This pra£ice of vexatious hindrance is felt by travellers generally throughout our (late. A fevv fuch examples, as the one rtated below, will make thefe men know their duty. Mr. Plummcr prefcuted the fine to the County Tieafurer for the ufe of the poor. iV. T. paper. Law Intelligence. William Plummcr vg. Abner Darting___ This was a ipeeial aQion on the cafe. The Plaintiff declared for a malicious and vex¬ atious hindrance on the public highway, to his damage of fifty dollars. Plea, the general ifluc. The caufe came on to be tried before Daniel Hebard, Efq. one of the jufticei of the peace in and for the county of Dutchefs, on the 18th day of December, 1819. The Plaintiff proved that he, in company with three others, was returning from fervrag on the Court Martial of the 20th Brigade----------that they overtook the Defendant and h;e father in a two borfe wagon, going very flowV—that as it was toward* evening, and they had about 1 ji rr.ilt- to ride, they rcquellcd the defendant to drive falter, or permit [hem to pafs— DALTON. and nil other par- produce 0-NBW STORE THE fubferiber refpeftfully beg* leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has now open, and for fale, at his (lore, which he has fitted up in the houfe belonging to Mr. McDonald, on the north corner of the Old Market Place—a general tflbrtmentof DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, From the advantageous terms on which the fubferiber haspurchafed his (lock of Goods, he is enabled to fell them at very low prices for Caflu WILLIAM N. B. Barley kinds of country chased. £3- 100 Barrels of Salt for sale. King Hon, Dec. 14, 1S19. ?2w8 0 BE WLD, and immediate pos- seflion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conccffiun of the Town- fhip of Elmalcy, viz. 19, ro, 22, 24, 29, 30, molt eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern [boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifiing expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and oilier advantages are fuch ;is to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, E-q. Penh Settlement, John Kir by, Efq. ICiugftO' ,/<>r the fubferiber, inVVooJ- houle, Loud HE subscribersl)Cg leave to inform their frieuds and the public, that they have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the <!;j,Ttuf which is the trans¬ portation oi i'r.Mluce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription fiom Montreal to any part of Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent In «!»'; Lukes Ontario and Erie. The busluess will be conducted by W. IILBitui-L, art Ogdensburgh, and under the linn of IV. L. WHITING Sf Co. at Prescotf. To prevent delay, all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay of Qiriute, Wrtl be forwarded from Prrs- cott by the Steam Baal Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business; and, pledging their united exertions togire satisfaction, will be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, W. JIUBUELL. Prcscott.ldth Mvt/,18 19. <i:\ ]UNGSTON~TANNER V. T\ UNDERBILL & Co. Rcfpeft- • fully beg leave to inform the Shoe-Makers, Saddles and Ieatherfellers in general, that they h^'e now fde&ed from their extenfive aff'rtment of different defcrfptions of Leatlei, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one Thou- fand fides of Upper -eather, from one to Twenty Thoufand Us. ©flight and ftrong fole Leather, and «P« h'uidred and fifty fides of Harncfs do together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins ;nd a number of Horfe hides, Dog and Shee' Skins, too numerous to infert, and which -an be delivered on the fhorteft no'ice and lewell terms for Ca(h. T. U. flatters hifitlf that thofe who are inclined to favur them with their Orders, will find the ihove articles by far fupenor to any yet ofered for Sale, having already been proved, *nd acknowledged by the bell judges in thr* Province. King (Ion, November 5, 18 in. 45 New (ioods. T H O M AS ASKE W, AS juft recei'^d his Winter afTort- ment of fafhiofable Dry Goods, opened for fale at Mrs. Pinkie's houfe, and at the lowcil poffilAe fa- for Cafh—a- mongfl which arc 3, .84 and 4 p«nt Blankets, 9, 10 and ll-*Hose do. Superfine Cloths & Cassimeres. Pelisse Cloths, Hosiery, Haberdashery, &c. Kingston, tab No". 1819. 43 GEORGE SCqUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engi- neer Department, EGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced bufinefs next door below Mr. Geofge Douglafs's, Store Street; where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafonable terms, and on the thorteft notice. The following rate$ of charges arc fubmitted- Horse Shoeing % all round 6/8 — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April $th, 1819. 15 ON Monday night the 18th inft. the Store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 Dollars or upwards in cafh carried away : alfo a few large cotton Shawls, one remarkable Fo¬ reign red Scarf, upwards of four yards in length, one end of which richly ornamen¬ ted with gold thread, the other end plain. Whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber. For SAMUEL AYKROYD. Donald Murchison. Kingston, icjth 03. 1819. 43 r\f\f\ BUSHELS BARLEY^ U J 33 SIDES SOLE LEATH¬ ER, for sale by the fubferiber, very low for cafh BflQWil* al W*i JuUfl &Ual»ge"a Auction Room. WILLIAM BAYARD SMYTH. 2 1 st Dec. 1819. 53 NOTICE. Dooks of Subscription for the will be opened at the Dire&or's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 2M\\ Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, unti] further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 3; TO BE SOLD, Q(\ ACORDS of FIRE WOOD.lying -^^^on the bank of Mr. Daly's Farm, a little beyond Collin^' Bay, convenient for conveyance by water to iCingfton. Not Icffl than 50 Cords will be fold to a pur- chafer ; price cs. ->tr Cord. A. WILSON. Kingston, 5#S 08. iB%0* 41 Valuable Lands for Sale in the Tozi- nship of Hamilton. IT OTS Nj. 6 and 12 in the 3d Cor.- ,11 A cefiion, corits:wlng^oo acres. Ditto ditto : 1 and 15 in the 4th Cor> ctdion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, ia the 6th ConcelTion# ' containing 2CO acre6. The above Land* are all lying in the Towufhip of Hamilton, Newcaftlc Dillrifi, and wiK be fold on the mo it liberal terma* For further information, enquire of Eli* Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubfetiber in Kingfton. Thomas S, Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required may be obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon. trea), Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie. — Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agenf. Kingfton, 3d Nov 1818. 23 A FARM I:Oit"sALE ; ~ ADJOINING Hay Lay, in the Town, fhip of Frederickbburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceflion, containing ico acres* and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log hmifc and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wafnburn, Efquire, Kingfton, P. VAN KOUGHNET. : Cornwall, Dec. 7, i8(S 30 For Sale, THAT valuable Farm, known by Lot No. 8 in the firft Conceflion of' Frederickfburgh, on the bay of Quintie, upon highly advantageous terms to the* purchafer. There is a large two ftory Houfe upon it that m:iy be converted intc a comfortab'e refidence, at a trifling ex- - penfe.—There are alfo various outhoufes attached to it, with a well of excellent* water—An indifput able title will be given, and the terms made known at Mr. D.» llagerman's office in Bath, or on applica-. tion to the proprietor, JOSEPH BERGON. Frederickfburgh, 8th OA* 1819. 42 ----------------------------- FOR « A LE, C..4i 1 Not ice 1 Ui 1 > Oilhk\. ROBERT NICHOL. Kove-ilcr id} 1819. 4". -ft Anchors $ Cables. WILLIAM SUDDEN, WrILL receive ^y the earlieft fpring veiTels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an iffortment of Patent proved iliain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well wortby the attention of thofe enga- Efcd \w ihe L;:In^ and Kiver navigation. Quebec, ill April, i8:q. I4rf THE late partnership of Robert Gra¬ ham 8c Co. having dissolved itself this day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. the business in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above firm, will please pay theiraccounts with¬ out delay,and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 21st Sept, 1818. For Sale at this Office, A FEW copies of a SERMON, preached at Quebec, on the 10th of September, after the death cf 11 is Grace the Dukk of Richmond, by the Reverend G. J. Mountain, A. B. Bishop's Official iu Lower Canada, and Rector of Quebec. 41 NOTICE. THE Board for Militia Pen¬ sions, will meet on the lajl Monday in February, and continue fo to do, the fame day in each Month, until the bufinefs of this VjliriS, as regards the fame is fni/l)ed. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingfton, Feb. \ft, 1819.__________6 A good Bargain ! FO R Sale, the Houfe and Prcmifcs, in the Town of Kingdon, at prcfent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jun, Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 For Sale or to Let, /fl TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a d/jL large and commodious ftone Store, fuuate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prcfcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchafer or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 26th Fcbiuary, 1.619. 9 A QUANTITY of RED CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to fi feet ift length.—Apply to Mr. Juhv Day/son, Tailor. WILLIAM YEREX. j Kingston, ji<!j; 17. 1810. ________$9 - ~ To LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near. Doctor Keating's, two stories hig!^. with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable"; also a very good Spring near the house.--* For further oarticulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, Atb June, 1819. 25 Tl.KMS OF THF KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings* Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or Hie 1*: of Janu- arv. im— PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (Cf IX lines and under 2s. Cd. fint in* O) sertion. and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and unncr, 3s. Ad. first insertion, end lOd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, Ad. per line for the\first insertion1 and Id. per line for evert/ subsequent insertion* Advertisements tcithout written direc¬ tions arc inserted till forbid, andchcrged accordingly. Orders for discontin'ti:!? Adverlis&* ments to be in wilting, and delivered lit WEDNESDAY SOON at the latest. No Atberiisemznts rewived offer TEN o^Clock on the dan of pvbfira'huu JTenrv Cowan. 1^ ■:. Qttebe*\ Edward Sill-- !*q. 3M*w liken Jttttlf»S Wiliiair:>, 1" *.'. ffitn '/•.*' Messrs. J. & J. Dcnlop, L.m-.jr Paul CJiav-lVd, F>q. Aa-.ititi. Alphens Jo; < \ L. 1. Prescci Henry Jones, V-n. Brockviii N. B. Tomm.Lt. i.e. Perth. H. Whitinawh, K-?. Rienmord J. K. Hartfl •!!, !>q. Basing. I!. VVebiter, - o. Car.z?.v<ixt, J. Rar.ker. 3I.-J. Sdth. AHan .McPl.r-.-iii, r>f. tfcpG7 K T!orr.a>}>ar\iT1 :..<q. Bt'dvi'd?. Joseph A. K- eler, BftiJ. Ctaviahti James Cm Bctftune, liSQ, Ha-.i'ior. William All*.». r-Mi. Turk. IJaniel Ross, K.-q. i'ittorta. John Crook.-. KRfi. Niagara. T. McCormiefc, Kjq. Queen ton* Johu Wilson, Esq. Amhemtbur^h. .* . KINGSTON, U. V.... • PRWTI.D I'M'. MTE J'!»ITORS.