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Kingston Chronicle, January 7, 1820, p. 1

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INGSTON U'^^ VOL II.] RONICLE. FRIDAY, (afternoon) JANUARY 7, JS20. [So. i B a n k Noti c e. A Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of U.G. will beholden at the faid Dank on Tuefday the 8th Feb. next at i 2 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of taking into co;,fideratfon the expediency and propriety of altering <?< amending fome of the articles of AfTocia'tion. 13v nrdcrof the Pire&om. & BARTLETj CahYr. Bank of l-pper-Carada, / December 22, 1819. V ^2 Executive Council Office, York) \yihNovember, 1819. WHEREAS tiie prefent LEASE of the Ferry from the Town of Evtt«j*itcHi to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day rrf J-me next—NOTICE ;•* hereby given* by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Llen&'itsifii Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealvd Propofals fur a new Ltafe to be given to tl;<~ Iw'^hefl bidder will be received yt this Office until the 10th of June* r8*0. OS JOHN SMALL, c. e. c LA^I J) &~McDON KLL, Opposite f'ic .1/'trfct'fy iCtttg Street. SSPBCTFliLLir inform their \; friends and the public, that tliry have received part of theiI fall Goods, AMONG WHICH ARC, Ladies Pelisse Cloths,most fashionable colors ; Wc&f of England soperSii*» Blue and Black Oth : Grey, Blue, Black, Brown,Olive, ami DrabCloths, nndCas- st meres :, Rr<!, White, Green, Blue, and Yellow Flannel*^ ItoseBSafikcl?; Wore- ted Shirts and Drawers ; Majxeflli's Quilts nv,<\ Counterpanes, Ctlitifas Furni¬ ture \v 1111 li:ii:-;T, Fiir^o and Binding 10 natch ; Scarlet and Ulue Moreen : Scar- I. *. Waterloo, B'wn; Salmeu, Sn^e Drab, V*\\\ 11, and 1 each colored Cas: imeie Shawls : Merino and Canton (rape Shawl*; Si I ix Shaw Is and Iiandkcri'!i:of< : Flog, l>:u:daun:i<, Safin*-. Silks. Lon^ Lawn, J:u'kowoUe, and Mull ]\5u-Iin ; Corded Carobr?c& 0;>ck Muslin I3r.^es: j>ookM*.^iili';,iinunir<,«:Cambrie>;I,tno<: Thre.nl Lace & Footiii^iCalieoc^Check:; StripeColtiiir: lied & Blue Derry's; Sfri- ped Caroline Ginghams. Vcstfttgs, Bomba- zcens and Bf-mbazettc?, Tartan Plaid, * Turkey Stripe, Br own Holland, Irish Linens. CoJim Shirting, White C©l*on, Diaper and Diaper Tabic Cloihs, Green and Blue Table Covers, Dimity Furni¬ ture ; Hearth Rugs, Brasilia Bugs; Scotch Shirting, Black Silk Veil-, Best Treble Gilt Coat Buttons fcc. &e. Rib- bons, Tapes,Threads,Cotton BalN,Sow¬ ing Silk and Twist, Lady's White and Black Silk Stockings, Slate colored and. Black Worsted Hose, Boys & Girls, do. do. Men's Lamb's Wool half IIo^c* do. "Worked do. Ladies' sl.i'e colored Mack and white Silk Gloves, Men's lined Bea¬ rer and Kid do. Men's lined Beaver and Buck Skin Gloves. ALSO* A great variety of other articles, ion numerous to mention. The whole com¬ prises a eomnh to a^ortment ef Dry Good?, which they will sell very low for CVh. Kingsln^ Xov. UK&, IS\0. 47 Notice. TfHE fnbfcriber has just received a quantity of Double and Single Slaves, ofvanou* fixes and of ui-w and elegant pattern?, which he offers for falcatMuntre* cf price and charges for calh He has alio received, in adcKlioa to bts former fapply, feveral t ns of Iron as- English and sorted yizf'H llaap and Round dtilQ, KcU Rods. ChindstoncSj Anvils and Vices, Dnnbicaud Single Snccf. [ran ; [Vyacc and hos Chctins : IVwimzd Cut jSails fetishes;) Smiths*Bdlotcs* tlo$&& ll'arc, ALEXANDER HOPE, Lulc Farrier in the 2d (Queen's) Light Dragoons, EGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Kingfton, and jca vicinity, that he has rented the fliop of Mr. James Meagh¬ er, near the Market Place, where he in- tends carrying on the lilacksmithing Business, In alt its various branches ; And he flatters himfelf, from the long ex¬ perience he has had in the above line, to rrive fatisfadlion to all who may pleafe to favour him with their cutlom, and on as reafonable terms as at any other fhop in the place. Kingston) %dDec* 1819. 49 NEW GOODS. THE fubl'eriber refpeftfully informs the public that he has leceived a well fele&ed afTortrr.ent of Dry Goods, adapted to the feafon—Lite-wife a quanti- GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap for Cafh. WALTER McCUNlFFE. Kfngfton, 1 (I December, 1819. 49 JV© TICK. ~~ THE fnbfcriber has now, and will con¬ tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup- ply of mch flavored Ale. The present price is one (hflling per gal on. for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of extra llrong bodied Ale are refpedt- fully informed that as foon as poffible he will provide a (lock that will satisfy the molt faftidious critic. He tliinks it will not be amifs to remind th- Fanners (who r re the mafs of the peo¬ ple) that if they wilh their grain to com¬ mand Cafh, they rnuil abfblute'ymake malt LIquot their common beverage, and ihus fuppoi't the Canadian Brevrcia faiVead of the Weft Indian Dilh'Uers, It is of fci- ous confequence, both to themfrlves and to the whole country, that thv-y fhould im mediately adopt [u praifewonhy a refolu- tion. Orders fent to tlie Brewerv, or left with Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartlet, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Oct. 26, 1819, N. B. Grains at all times for fale, 7 Id per buQiek as ALEXANDER ASilER, Merchant Taylor. MAS received from Montreal a moil choice and excellent aflurtment of the bell Well of England fupcrfme I ttitks and Cdssimi res, with Trimmings- and every tiling com¬ plete. A* Asffs informs his friends and th< public that lie is now working :ip there * roths, Sic. at his oid iland, where orders will be thankfully received, arid executed on the (hnrteft notice, and on the lowefi terms foi Cafh, or fliort approved crerfit. Kingfton, Sept. to, 18*9. 371! tiREK FAKMS gpR SALE 3 ' or if nrt fold to be rented for tha en f.iing year, viz. one *t the Prcfque Lie Harbor, ore at Waterloo, and the Picket Tunr., jYocaiiYd.j — A con trad alio will be given for cutting 1000 CYrdsof Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston^ iC'o jane, \^\q. z^tf c ut, F;lt mid Mill >V<i.•.•••. Currier's and Lhilst cd Oil ,- Waga&and Curt Boxes ; frotiaitd Brass Hi re ; A p-j^dafuircmclrt r^f Sadd'gry, Stamped, and Ca^t Brn-fi CVu^nrt Furniture, with an exte;)Wve aiio'.Mnmt of Siiclf Goods eopfistinn <.f nu>t U1 tides in the Hfcrd Sunamx, /?. .V. ; hale Surgeon of II. M. H. trfon Re- j Re«/3 on Ltrkv Ontario*) > Intend-; practising hi the varinusi : branches of his Profev-*Hi, ;>t hi« fcs-, Jideoer'. next door (o John .MiLeau,; ?Esq. Sliciili'. Kfagttoitt On. ditu isif>. 41 ■• I i V I - >s- GOVERNMENT SALE, At II. M Naval Yard, Kingston, On 1st Fcby. 1819. Junk, Old rope, old twine and net9, old and damaged hammocks, Leaf Tobacco, Damaged Clothir.g. ED. LAWS, N. S. Naval Yard* Kings!or., > ', 1810. \ 13//; December, 51 K. DAVISON, BML TMJLKMM HAS opened a Sr.op in rear street, Kingston, wher> he intends carry¬ ing on the busiuefs of Hatmaking whol'e- fale and retail. Gentlemen's Hats, -ceft quality ; Ladies* Bonnets, a;y colour or (hade wanting ; Gentlemen^ Summer Hats, Grey or Green under if require:. Children's Hats of every quality. Felt hats of the best quality, Worn bats cleaned, floured, lined and bound. Hats coveted lined a>d bound, Oil cases for hats Stoefcingsfand other w0ollen ooods dyed, Silks dyed to any fh.,]e wanting. Kingston* Dec 29, iSi*^ 53 f SCTlVEW STORK THE fubferiber wf^eftfoUy begi leave f. i..form his f.;V:..i5 an(j the p^yJc. rh«t he fca« now open, :,m\ por filit.> at [lt-. Iloftf, winch he has fin ,; up m t|ie hot.ff be! nj».ng to Mr. M. Donald, on the north corner ot the Old ^fctrket PJace__a p.fl'fir" ment of genera DRY GOODS AND GtttlCEitUOS. From the adv*antager»u*< terms nn which the fubferiber ln^p-Jrchafcd hi-flock of Goods, heisenabed lt> fell them :tt very low prices fur Cafl* N. B. JJanev kinds <*t' country cltased. fc& LOO Barwfa of Salt for DALTON. and ;»II other {•nuiucc por- TJIE POST-BOV'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF TV.E KINGSTON CHRONICLE, January 1, 1820. Once when llir? new year came, the blithe poat- ■ Could tell jou many a raleof thai ^onc b\ ; Of leagues and hades, and IniripiM afar, And Britaia's heroes—ihondrr'ooIist>t"wari But now *n dull, old tcythed Time proceeds, Thai ilie poor disappointed wisrllC, who reads And pays for newspapers. Can hardly rind A >in£lc paragraph to s\iii hi*- mind : Nor he the worst—but wc, trilO tripping come, Aii'l east the barren paper in yotiF room, Bringing DO newsofvict*rj »»• defeai. A (haukless la-k perform—-no rapmre mert. Am! pass onqueBtion*d ihro' the well ihrong'd street; As tittle though' of now, as he whose name Once iillM the wide world with his warlike fanv\ But fall'n from high estate, the migliiy biuner Mast from Sir lludson Lowe now begins dinner. Before yon hear my wtoltes for the new, Flrsi let theold yearpassio briefrevtew. Europe has rested from esba«sting war Since. Vulcan like, a day's fall hurl'd afar Napoleon, vanquished twice—ingreai obscurity U;ii sent to breath the sall->ea air in purity. Old Louis has resum'd bi» ancient grade. Anil France, ungrateful 1© the printing trade, !L;- not a banner the past year uttfurtfd Against liiofi-injured freedom of the world. In Germany, ilinl ancteut tribe, ihe Jews, Ha4 furnished something for the public news. I', or wretches! when a German gives 1 he cry Hep i Hep J take to their heel they must, or die Assassination loo, thai odious crime, Lives in the Rermaa record-* of the rime. And secret clubhand organized bocicties Promise of new* t*ye,nexi year, tome varieties. Pi n*>ia !—the name I like nut—the fret' air \.» p'Ms.m breathes,with tri4lt*d forfreedom there l*»;r mai>\ 3 bayonet, ufi iii blood imioued, • * U set gai;i*1 tuiered ri^ht*, and public good. t»fali Napoleon - General*, Kernatlotie, CUo ce of "tie g:k»arotis Swctte*, ha? lallen uoi; I'.- <een>> emhroji'd 11] on the nation'^ lo\e, I'lioTi^h rumour i*afloat. ahoui a move, That 'gainst ' Un makes the luipeiial Muscovite, V hleli threatc * »*> upset hioi I'tom his height. I \\r. • i:*nnkn.d. a..d thei'efji e wont dianmble I I lovi..! en a-1 tinuk oi it, I tremble I'he Kun>tauautociHt* with Dag unluila, flionliL drunk wiili povter, assume a tone too high erthVihci lialiio brook : bniahrrwdly I •■I" cl that, v hen he hall ihecnrwn resign, rb*nes will not MiK.oihh go, wiili CoitstanUne, Spall!!—findow of a realm !—the LiKpiiMtiou \-n\ *»lUpid 1 fii!iiiaiiil,arc her perdition. V\Wneeaus w:uh her ^llort'—greeu hills sublime, \l»d fertile, |ieopleil plains—and a blest clime. Ml 1 ivivruV c(io»ccw roods, upon her rhower'd, i'.v -I Mm k defpoii*mare overpower'*!. O ! who ivifh pHuenee can bee i;".iiuct tell ? 'low fiofi her height jnoug princely pov/rsshe fell, When lamely yirldincbv aruulan baud ) sa!c. Kinrrflon Dec 14, 1819. ;$*$ She «;jn faii I I'lnda, -hai flowerj laud, V virgin dai'gl V r, ravish*d from her hand 1 j l.artii. air and ^eflT*hrshoulil have shook bc&ic; \ thousand rannou »bot*td have bad their roar, Met be«i blood iui'e been spilj—e'er such di<- <T'.tCC ;.V;tie i ;e—too numerrtUd to mention. IOHN WATK1NS. X. B. Flour for fair. Xin^s-.c^. Noverii"; tr i5\h9 18(9. 4;tf rAs.i Hundred add Fifty Pound* J ILL be paid by the subscriber, to 1 - — __ _ A .L * V* atvy j;erfon who fhall discover and gtvefncli Miformatton as will convict the perfon or pcrfuos who, on or about the 29th e>r 30th of June !aft. ftoie from George RiJnut, Esq, at Walker's Kctel; a Parcel* coFWining Montreal Bank Bills of fivj i\ *'!ar3 ench, to the amount of two tlioufartrl p.-Mird*. By tllvcAuni of i!ic Directors of the Mcittrenl Sanlc. THOMAS MARKtAKD, A'i':?/< ■*> wii Nc%\ 1 Sic. *A^cnt. NO'LICK. ALT. perfons indebted to the late Co- jLSL pirtneifhip of Richard Robison and David Secord9 <mo rcq^eftcJ to make im- rnedrate payment to t^e (ttrvivittg partner, David Sccord, and thofeto whom th; faid CopaMner(hip n ty he indebted, z\c ie- qrtelted to lend in their accounts lor ad- ji:ilt:;ent and payment. K-ingflon, 27th May, 1S19. 2{*tf PERSONS having Bocks belonging to the Kingston Library arc requcil ei to fend them to the fnbfcriber; at his honfe, adjoining; the Town of Kinglion, and with as little dc!?.v as poffible' jOHNT FERGUSON. i2ih Apnl, 1819. 16 pfi^HE fubferibers being duly nomina JL ted Executors to the lad Will and Te(lament ot the late Lawrence Hcrchmcr* Efquire, Merchant, requefl all pcrlons in¬ debted to his tftatc to make immedFatc payment, and thofe having demands againll the fiid eftate to brine them forward with- c;ut delay. TO TIN KIR BY, GEO. H. MAKKLAND. .1- I KlngHlon, yth Nuv. i3». 9, A O TICK. CI HIPPED by the fubfeiibers at Pre3- 1^ cott (or? time in the month of Au- guit lalT, for die Upper Province, by mis¬ take, a Crate of Crockery, marked H I B containing, bffides the Crockery, tliree Japanned Cruet Stand?, and a few bottle of Sweet Oil Any pel fun who may have received it, will oblige the fubferibers by giving information where it can be found. If required an Invoice can be produced "f all the different articles contained in the JONES & VANSLYCK. Prefcott, iJec. 13. 1819. 51 Dancing School. MK. TOBIAS refpeftfnlly informs . the Ladies and Gentlemen of Kings¬ ton and its vicinity, that the next quarter will commence on Monday next at Mrs. Panj'rk'fl -li&xnhiy Rnnrrv H/m-^if Te. ition f.r Lidies fr»m 2 until 5 o'clock, and from 6 until 9 o'clock, P. M. for Gentlemen. A gret't variety of Cotillons, Quad- rillcs, and Englifn Country Dances will be practiced. ttSngilMt Dec. 30, 1R19. 52 ~ NO ncE. rpIIE Board for Militia Pes * sions, toil/ meet on the lajl Monday in Februaty* and continue fo to do, the fame Jay in each Month, until the bufinefs of this D'lh-ia, as regards the fame is jtni/hcd. JOHN FERGUSON. Kin«j!on* Feb. \J29 1819. ____6 4 rood Bargain ! rOK Sale, the Houfe and Prcmifes, in the Xo\vn of Kingfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY, Jun. Kingston, May 5th 18 19. 19 iRICKED up between Captain Brafs* and Mr. Firman's tavern, on the Kingston Mill road two TABLE CLOTHS, nearly new. Whoever may have lust the fame and can defaibe the mark thercun, may have them by paying for thU advcrtifemrp.t and applying to the futjferiber. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingston, Dec. 3 7, 1 S 19- 53 F O R SAf ■" x6 ■ AT a very low price for Cash —the south or front half of Lot So. I1-- »vi the first conces¬ sion of Louivlthorou^h.—Forpar- lieniars. uppl\ at this Office. Dec. % 181 "9. 50 Il.tfl f'rtillj i,f.ier;*i! an IvcrancirKJ race. An J sliCj ;!;c drn;-;-:cal repiiblic I—ftliich Uould^^a*!) the moon, il 'twtfre wiliiio her reach— Insane! tliat raimot think herself a whole, s:ve ilia! ih* Atlantic bounds, ami ihia the Pole, That M-cre of 1 tew born sfates—a vip'rousbioud who'd eat their verj motht'r ifthej could— Govs on—;\m\ everv year >he either hatches \ -<(•■■ v state.hi brings ihcm forth by batches. "»n ciniilren hubhles blow. On which are seen ia> shades 01* var'w J ilow'rsand meadows green, i.ut unsubstantial u\\—die mere outline, Viid like rich nature, onh in design. sjie, lai fnno -liuddenn^;, could wilh honors meet 1'ne murderer Jacksoo, reeking from ihe feat •)thanjj'd ArbuihiiOi—and her counsellors hoary Could sramp—oh t\ianliood ! wiih the seal ofglo- i iie unhallofcv d wresting, in a listless hour, •fa fair Province, from a friendly power— Yet drunken a* th*\y are, and prov'w a foe, U ho -coin not) to deal out thca^a—in*>blow, Would ihev but change, how gladly should we greet Their simple citizens as kindred meet; For thej arc Scions of a noble stem, \nduiice ihey honor'H kn^land'sdiadem— Land .if our sires ! fair Albion, blest abode • I uiei,—the present lavorlteof God; ' Twa-* thine, when clouds the troubled sky o'er- And o'er a hemisphere their darkness past. When a hold Chieftain slept on France's throne \ud stood a mightier foe than e'er was known ; ' |\va*;hme, like I'hcebns in hisa/ure path, lo lower sublime, beyond ihe Tyrant's wrath, And with a steady energy and Slate The rolling cloud- of slavery dissipate ; Tuine,all we know of what we hold most dear, Thine,are the arts 1 hat aid our comfort here, Religion,science, laws and polity, For which who would nut, when he's called on, die ? What though from various quarters rumours rise, That Thou most blest of all beneath the skies, Art in a state of turbulence—a jar Ofjusllkig factions, a.id no bloodless war— I fear uol—for a healing principle U In thee—winch will soon make all things well. The purging tumult iniocalm subsiding. Leaver health am! vigor, in the frame abiding. So things appear noroail, but here at home A nii^hiy host of Immigrants have come ; ri;e\ -et this way in such o' erw helming floods, Canadians ! take your last look at the woods. L'mglad they've come—unhop'd success attend Ihem, I think we ought our bect assistance lend them. t)ur Kingaive* land Tor nothing mure than thank 'ye, V larger price they'd have to pay the \ aukee. Our farmers havebcg'Jii lo look about A belter mode of tilling to find out; '('"improve the breed of animals bestow The well earned honors at the Cattle Show Ottiliai, whose skilful judgment, may combine Beaut} with size, in horses cows or swine, (umiiay has gone—and if tor lack of gales He'd nothing but our sighs 10 till his sails, Driven by the tide.on rocky Labrador, The B&quimeaux he might reform ashore. Hail to t!te infattf year! if ever sun A happy prospering country shone upon, 'TlS Canada—her fortune's bui begun. And yon my patrons may each blessing crown That on the heads of mortal men comes down : In your quick eyes rnay*parkle happy health, And in your coffers shine the yellow wealth, Which good strong locks, I hope, protect fromevil, That vuu may have the more to give THE DEVIL. FOREIGN AA7FS. SALEM, Dec. 2i. Bytheanival of the brig Triton, WG find that affair* at Copenhagen had been ia confufion between the Danes and Jews, Frederick VI was in favor of tht latter, and the Danes were in confequence difTat- isfied, and a revolution feemtd to be brew¬ ing. The Jews appear to be perftdly hunted down by the Danes. For thiee or four days they were obliged to keep themfe'ves fecreted. The Horfe Guards were ordered out to quell the diiturbances that were at ^nc time* g-'ing on, but the Danes had good time to make their retreat home before the charge was made. Oneoftle iirtt traders in Copenhagen (a Jew) had his houfe demolifhcd, anH he barely elcaped with his life- A vcflel from one of the lower ports in the Baltic airived at Copenhagen with roc pafTen- gers, (moftly Jewt) who were not permit¬ ted to land. The King had in fome degree quieted the diflentions of his fubjifts when the Triton failed. ■ — From the N. Y. Ev. Post, Dec. 25. Prom Cadiz. We learn from Capt. Macey of the fhip Edward, in 47 days from Cadiz, that the new Queen of Spain, Amelia, **f Sax¬ ony, arrive*! at Madrid on the 19th of Oc¬ tober, and was received with gieat po.up and fp!endor It was a report at Cadiz, and we only mention it as fuch, that a treaty nffenGve and defenfive had been entered into be¬ tween Great Britain and Spain. The for¬ mer promiits ro aflift the latter in ward¬ ing r IT all attacks upon the Florida* In confident ion of which, fhe is to be per¬ mitted u> introduLe cotton fabrics into C hs'.- *~-x pej u^IvflXC TU c<f.<4Mtofl for South America was to fail from Ca¬ diz r he nrft of January. Briti(h (hips were preferred to American, when any freight offered, on account, it was faid, of two A- merican velTels having b*en lately captur¬ ed by the I atriots, bound from Cadiz to Vera Cruz The fick"efa had abated con- fidcrably. The deaths which had avera¬ ged upwards of too daily, for two vreefcfl before Capt. Macey failed, had diminifh- ed to from 60 to 80 a day The whole number of deaths were computed at 5000, and 6000 remained fick in the hofpitals. Next-York. Thursday, Dec. 23. Lamentable Occurrence.— It is our painful duty to state the fact, that the dd) before yoste-day, about 3 o'clock, in Broadway, James Stoughton, son of the Spanish consul, and one of the finest young men at the New-York foai, was strbbed to the heart with a short sword, concealed in a stick, bv Robert M. Good¬ win, of Baltimore. Mr. Stoughton never spoke after receiving the fatal wound, which terminated his existence in about ten minutes. A jury of inquest *at on the body about five hours, but adjourned without being able to go through all the testimony, but met again yesterday, and after a patient and impartial hearing, brought in a verdict, of which (having bi-en refused a copy for publication) we only give the substance as follows : That James Stoughton came to his death by a wound received from a sword cane, held by Robert AI. Goodwin, and which en» tered between the ninth and tenth ribs of the left side, from seven to eight inches. It was signed unanimously. It will naturally b^ procctfd, tfrtt ^ should mention some of the circumstan- ces that led to this fatal rencontre. But as the unfortunate man who committed this act is now imprisoned to await his trial, his critical and awful situation for¬ bids us to state any thing that may have a tendency to prejudge his case ; we therefore shall give some few ofthe lead¬ ing facts only, unaccompanied by a single remark. The deceased was profession¬ ally engaged in a suit against Air. Good¬ win, who, conceiving himself improperly treated, on Saturday !a t sent a message to Mr. Stoughton, but who declined to accept it. Mr. G. on the following Tuesday, walking with a friend in Broadway, met Mr. Stoughton and insulted him, by us¬ ing publicly towards him the most rude and offensive terms : Mr. Stoughton, however, passed him without noticing him, but presently turued back, crossed Courtland street, and coming up, the pergonal rencontre ensued, which ended in Mr. Stoughtou's receiving the sword of his antagonist in the manner described in the verdict. He fainted and fell ; some person lifted and carried him into the nearest house, when, after remaining speechless and senseless a few minutes, he breathed his last. Mr. Goodwin ira- mediately left town in the Steam Boat Atalanta, for Elizabethtown, (.V. J.)but was followed by our police-otlicers, ar¬ rested and brought back on Tuesday night, and lodged in the city prison. The speedy measures adopted to pursue and overtake him, were chiefly attributable to the activity and tigilauce of General For sale at this Ojfice, the Montreal Almanac for IS20. Oo&ardus. The public feeing is naturally excited, but we repeat it,ifWxtremely desirable that as little as possible should be said previous to the prisoners trial, that may tend to create a bias unfavorable to the strictest justice and impartiality. Messrp* Ernmett & Ogden are his counsel.

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