on a mercantile houfe in Baltimore for a further am.sunt in hid poflcfliou, failed in the (hip Ceres, from Liverpool for lial- timore, ahout the firlt of February laft Arriving in Baltim >re in the latter j>art of Aprili they all took lodgings in one hunfe, and remained there a few day-:, when not being3i>1e to procure employment in the city, they proeee.led welt in qUeft of it. They met with Dime until they reached the houfe of \UlT\ r. Wood and Weft, in A3 lev any county. On Thurfday the 6ih of May, they contracted with thofe gentle¬ men for employment as laborers on the turnpikeVoad, at which they continued until Saturday evening following. On Sunday morning the 9th Adams, believing that he had lull the cheek which he brought from England with him, deter mined to return to Baltimore in fearch of it, and in the eve t of his not there finding it, toguard againft its payment, and fail for England* l'rcvious to his departure however, the two younjjcl Cottc ills propofed accompanying him as tar as Pratt's tavern. i<>r the purpofe, as they {aid <>f there wiitfng a letter to fend by him to*their relation* in England. The three, Adams and the two younger Cotterills, then darted down the road, together, leaving the elder Cotterill at theh.ufeofMcfTr,. Wood and Weft Be- 'tween two and three h urs after their departure with Adams, the two Cotcerills returned not along the road, but through the woods havirig their pantaloon* wet up to the k'-ees. On their approach to the houfe, they were met by their father, who had maniiefted much unenfmefs and ap¬ peared coofiderably agitated during their abfence ; a fhort convcrfaiion enfurd. in which one of the foes was heard to fay, 44 Father wc have done it," they then ap plied for their wages, faying they intended returning to England, and in about three quarters of an hour after the return oJ the two fons, the three fct off, not along the road but through the woods, in the direc lion in which the two had retimed On Sunday the 16th of M<iy t'te dead hody of Mr. ^da-ns was accidentally found, a (hoit diftanee below the road, in Fificen Mile Creek, in a dreary, reciule foot between two mountains, where the obtrufive ftco of man feldom ventures, and the gl 10ro of which ic almoft fufli -icnt to repu fe the vifitationsof the hhds of heaven. bread, the clothes nearly torn uff, and the pocket?* rifled. Sufpicion immediately fixed on the three Cotterills—they wcie prom-.itly purfued to Baltimore, where they were apprehended on the eve of en- barktng for England, their trunk being on hoard the fhip F»a 'klin juft about to faiL — On examining the trunk, a part of Adams' clothes, hit* watch, and fome other articles kno'.vu to have belonged to him, were found in it : and a part of the money believed to have belonged to him, was found fecreted about the perfons of the prifoners. Under thefe circumdances they were committed to the Baltimore jail, whete thty remained until the late fcflion of the -Alleghany Court, to which county they were removed for trial. Unwilling, how ever, to betiied there, they rtqueded a further removal to this county, wh re, af¬ ter a fair, patient, and impartial trial they were feverally found guilty of murder of the f.rst degree. Yellerday the Hon. John Buchanan pro¬ nounced, in a (oletttn and imptcluve man¬ ner, the following SENTENCE; William Cotterill. jun. And John Cotteiill : Yuu ha^e been tried according to the laws of the country, and, on a lull and reluctance to through the dark cloud of guilt by which] you arc furrounded, unlefs it can be per- ; cefved in the unnatural couufcU of your father ;—and you are doomed to make attornment with your lives. William Cotterill, sen. I turn with painful your cafe. You have been found guilty of the (hocking and unnatural crime of counsel¬ ling and inciting your own fons to the perpetration of a motl horrid murder! for which they mult foon be brought to an Ignominious and untimely end ; and wfliered into the dread pretence ofa judly offended and avenging God. You, who Ihould have watched over, and guarded the moral* of your Ions, and indructcd them in the paths of virtue, have feduced them to the commiffion of the blacked crime. You, who Ihould have been their pro¬ tector and their guide, have ur0ed them to their deilrudtion. On the cou'iicls of a father, hangs the deiiini of his funs. And, in the prefent melancholy and diftnffing inftauce, your unnatural counfels have been but too faith¬ fully, too fatally purfued. 1 forbear to urge the painful CubjeS farther. The foul deed is done; the blood of the murdered cries aloud for juilice ; the offended majr-fty of the law mud be appealed, and you mull anfwci it to your God. The judgment of the court therefore is, (ai'd I deeply regret that I am imperious iy called upon, by the outraged laws of the country, to pronounce Inch a judgment.) Your iVnteuce is, that you all be taken to the jail of WafhingEou county, from whence you came, ami from thence to the place of execution, at inch time ?■* fha'l be duly appointed, arid that each of ynu be there hanged by the neck, until you are dead. Having discharged the duty impofed on me by law, I now owe it to my ouu feelings, and it is due to you, to allure you of my fettled conviction, that not a ray of hope is left you on this fide the grave— and lolemnly to warn, and culrr.it you, earnedly and diligently to employ I1 e fnall remnant of your lives UV preparation (by prayer and fupplication to the Throne of Grace) for the awful moment which will fcparate you from this world, and all mercy, in compaflion to your louta, incline your hearts to that date of devotion neces- laiy to youi entrance Into a nother and a Letter v/oild. Perhaps noTown *n America, of ec}H»il size, h:ii suffr-rcd IeoS fioin the di'Miur- (iv: element fire, tJ.-in this : on Sunday Iu»! \\v had occasion fo bimMit its occur¬ rence ; a Irtrge new dwelling hausfi and manufactory. iVlon?i"t{ *° Messrs. Butt*.- & Co.. Chairmakera *ud luitlters, ua- discovered to be 011 fire about 2 o'clock in the morn in j and b**ch was Che rapid prn$rc»»-ofthe shintc** owing to the histhlj iultammable m&trrJaJ* Ul the house, that all cilortsfo Fubdut thr»m were useless. Thr family nrii.li di'i^ulty escaped, but all tin1 *tock an! wis were destroyed. From the tlii ■ jtinn rd the wim19 hilly one other limine was p;nl:to_o-red. which was v* *•. however iir^biM'Vi'd bi grftat excitiwu fr*" JZBkVBL KINGSTON. Du•*» ft an 24, 1819, V t (>»:• fivvi fork paper^are tinted to the 1 it!i instant, b'rt th^y a fiord nothing l.it*»r from Burope than we w-crc hi pos^esbiou oi' last Tin- Menace oftlta Presidcntffi tt-«s Ccn- grt'ssofUxe Lfnited Sta'^s occupies & cOpaid- eruhlo space inthisduyV paper—and will he retid with intnvst—as containing a cursory \h'W of the various fp] iioos ofth.it gOVftiTJ- \i:v it uirli foreign mtvti its—ofits financial uutl cor.imereial roueem*—-nilof th.t .sir:!*' <»fits iniliiary and naval r.-tar;i.shmntts.—Tlw top¬ ic which is obviously »' ciitff importance at tht» present 'nomenf, aiid wJiich is in eonse- rjiiHncft oio e p iriieulury dwedi on, \< i\v rr- lar'mns oftlic United states with Spain-— Tliis wihjcet is treated of al aomae length, and i he /V-^-v.-e lahrinrs li;/d To place in the must striking poinl of view t '• furhcaraiire, love of justice, 'ind Iqng su;>"i»*tc of t!.«^ United St;-tes, whim to;itpast< 1 with the craftiness :n i\ dnpli ity of llu* ? lanish u(»veniaant.— At'tef i:meh"reasoui»c ii thw point, it pro- :•• eds io tnbmit as pr>per forthe Congress to \r:^i a lav. empowwig the Pre-idenT •• to carr;. u M-i,ii!tri „'-;,>:'_ ^ trCKty in'.- c:I\-et int'u. -i iUO .-."li.e.-.i ifit hadhei-.: r.diiatl bv Rpaiit—< !a-;ii;t;co:. r;e';/| .iriall jN;»th(»ii- \ v.:-.•-:, Hi : yielditiZtO Spain thosif s. citted to In-r/' recomun ndiusni ':!ie same Bmeapro- visi..,: frifvn-iijwiiiling, ifj ecssary.tho opera- tio.l of jnis Ltn tmiifa n;.|-. tiiu* tnight he al¬ lowed fort vplumiliu H»irtftepartoftht' Span¬ ish Kiii:'. This eoiir-e, appanintlv SO niod- eritr, will prohahiy he pur- j*-.l. '|i is gratl- fjrig u; uh?cr»v M Aii-;«iieati uflkwl refu- lUioiio'ilicsfCaluiiinh , -,,i- rlustriouslv ens Fiom (he Rojjnl Gazette of Hm/f/. re¬ ceived at the ojjlcc of the SuL'm lie** istcr* The fubftance of a fcrmon delivered by the arch bifhop of Hayti before the Kingj. in September lalt, upon the fubjeit of the nobility, from ist Timothy. II. t, 2. For all in authority. The Haytians h'jve adopted an heredit ary monarchy a^ bell £»r tlum. An he- reditary nobility comes of courfe. No nobility, no monarchy. The eye pafles more kindly to the bright¬ er light of fovercignty. vvhlle the lull re oi nobility eives glory to the throne. If you ank what in nobility, I reply, it is the title which diftinguifhes and gives honor to privileges. The Roman orator fat"), nobi ity is virtue acknowledged, 39 nobility has its origin from the etb.cin due to virtue- You are taught t^'a wlnn Ins maj^lly confers nobility only on wisdom, integrity, fat;hiti] duty, and valor. It is true, future generations may inherit it by birth, but :t is firil conferred on virtue, and fhould be deferved by it. The king con- eulatrd, which .mpufeil |,, * \\\u\<\\ intn^ue" the ivjitMit* 1 of the Fhirfdii ireilv hv Sp.iin. A most ineudK uiHlvi9tandj 14 isktaled to exist brtwtvnthe I nhMStare*m)d liujrbnd. The rfetenrHtsed ivf-i-. | 0f tite 1;Uut to nl- lowa \vh ve-?ricted ii.tr^ri'Ur-M' wifh \u*t Nofili A .'i:..... Mm »».-'i [iidiati eiilii ies8 vvillprub'thh oiTa->;nn the ifupewition of itd- dition:,! [irohihUnry djtK-4 on British coin- irvrre, I -it i.* •;!*:• r.i-.. if reinahis to hf ;is- '•.-;•;:; >; I vrium tr-'io . wul h.- tin- prwrtcr jVuBmi .', hi' whut cm Ice! .ii^o mr»nMurcs inny inv»- i-i i'r'.'ic:;..- .;^,..tdii, maLe further i*--1 LvnthfR: '..: herc ! • .1 i ;,-<■<:.n. Tin' *......:.i,-:'. •-,! .l.i.i'li'e:, so «:ener dly Urnvuietil wirott;.!:" *t ih." r r. St rto^ii ihcdiin'- inntioii in *he aiiioi.nr u' exjnirts this y.-ar, Iu\« l.i en frith) |l,« 'f .Msnry, audlheMes- Sitp< CiOUi'-l Con e <U'*ilfJ oii'er a v«*ry fi'ith'!- i'Upieture ••!" Uit*^tatis ••' the revi*rtiii*—iho1 it instill if/oii.... \j Jjc kVttal 10 lite « ipeudi- Ure. Nutu'ithshuiAi'jsfTi'.....Ifiepofiry; vo^aH ill the iViV-ideMt'-i Ale— e;i-, j| is |»I::'..l t!'."t ewrv preparation is in*kint; lojiut lie «.• lo.^i ju: >;;;.,.,' ; -ji-ii.it—aiid Ml'. >to|j| o- s:;y*, |!mt afl.-r ih:. -'i. I he eotupleud, ll: • aileuliou of il;e Kie-re ts will t.e *iiri»ed to the nortlurna'iil uie;h-*e-;tern frontier Thrt jnbtiec ol'iiir .tror-.rk i\*tt to avoid war you should 1**1 yourc.ieini.^ so • thatyounre pr<-- ;>; red 'i "-e:'l il, ts ,,l jr.—;m:I1 wt thmild he -vll p'e is d TO W f U vOl'i t's4muu1ii1U T'Cti- i- ty in sU'*' r.'th •", 15 ,> t mmfier, on l'ne part oTurtr pivrt; iciil. Canada is the. wvakor j. M'ty, a-.'i her ..ate'y more inperiouslv re- nui-e-i p.'.;* id< nt ii'ention to the state of her defe.ji\ ij o?h..T\vi<r h»'r\'.v/;' WvaktteSH vmy one d'v* < i:roisr;;ce so/iu'A^aurivan adven- v.c learn by a^inali vessel which arrived from Oswi-jrn on >\ i-Jni-!ia> la^t, r!»jii the hcnuoie'i .*urv Ann, John .Ui»"i.-i ma>te , iuhtowIv !•*■ C4iji*ii beni^ \vre*'ltctl neai uta* I'ort about onni^lit sine* Tin* M;n_v Ann lefl King-to 01 a sioriii of sh'ei mi Thursday the Oili uisiaai ileu twili gocM , hu' \uifv. and Willi a giea timber oi* passengers. Having passed ifti Mtek l-laiid* -he wa? proceeding v%.iii a fa., .vind, Uiauglt again hi a Immw head $ra rrttsed U a previous pale fViwo the weMuanl. whea a ^e< ie. .a .Ji.a-ter* befe] Ucrwhicb CilVetUiiU^ oreveiiti <i her ironi re.u-.iin^ her destined poit. — rue slee nidi in falling, adhered to every pan uf tht iN auJ ri^injj, -oim rendered iherh uiipliaiii. and the ship berunic unmanageable. The jib, line-i.jlUlld uiaoi 'ill ueiv- feii.\ .-->ucl\ turn Io piecc^h) U.r oiuU, o"n-maiiiruaat vvai >prtiu^ .1. ibiee places aint liuallN \.....t ov.f 11,<• M.'r. ear- »\ nig; wiib 11 the greater pan of the forefnubt. In thU crippled slate the vessel was leit totally at the fneii'\ of the elfltfCHfe. ami was drive.1 toward? thesoutlt shoreaS^oul three oiHea above QitwegOji An siiiclmr was (htownoxt a-«*-lie a|i- .uoacned the shore, vvloeh fortunatelv bronefli Her up about das hgut Oil Fndav uior.ou^. A thi> tune the wind was blown.^ violeutlv, tin- weatherwa$exce»tvrlv cold, and a treoieiidnu* Mirf k»'i't beaiine a^ain>t ibe vessel, which rendei dtier&itttuiinn wiih ..II on bo<o-J i\- Ceediti^lv prriluus. Tne C ab-e hov.eve. piovco n> be good and enabled h/r Io ride out ine »incm ■Iiml s.ur.l.iv, wiii'u die \%eailiei laod^'raced and peiu-iM.j the people from the bhore id a&SHl in brintriug lu*r 1(1(0 the pun of O.mU';'". (heal praise is certainly due to the inhabitant* *>f 0>ui';u for their uuwe3ried at I eu 1 ion in watching the Sctiooner while >hela\ ai anciior for upward of two days. ForthoOgh ihej could t»ot during (he coiituiuaiice of die sti*nn reacii die ve»tfj or render ;tns effectuala^lSlftWCe l<» the persons on board, we understand thai they kept fire* lighted on the land dlllii ^ the night; were pro¬ vided with blankets and buffalo ^kins, iliat in ran* the Cable should have parted and the ve— >el been driven on >hore,ihrv mijjht be prepared to yield rvefy succor in their power to the di^Jressed. The fate of the Mary Ann i* another added to the marry, former proofs of the risk aiteudin^ the Navigation of Lake Ontario at this late period, ufie«l gales of wind are a-, frequent a- ihey are N.nKni, and ate moreover often ac roinpanied b-, Storms of snow or sleei which 'eoniiint; ineru-ied iipmi ihe sail> and rifij- giu^; renderUiem unmanageable on the change 01 wind, and nautical ^kiII useless, Wc lauien. 10 bear a report, thai ihree other vessels were wrecked in tuegale of the lOlb inal. on Ihf United States shore. The Mary Ann of UrnckviUe which left f hi - abnui thi- -ametim** wiih Captain Mosrcr rlfec- ti'd her passage to \ oil;, whic.i port die rcat.ied hi rafet^ last Saturday* On Sunday last* snuiv fell in this place to I he depth (d" one fool—On Monday a num¬ ber of loaded Sleishs IVoiU iheeoiudry luide impartial hearing, hy juries of ycur own fcrs :t upon the def/rving;- choicei have been found guilty ,(f the horrible prime of murder uf the firlt degreej which itr.pofei on the court the duty oi yo u. S^'S com Ever iince the inititution perfons have deferved the honors, and have enjoyed promotion in then. They u>fe from . fr«m dukes to princes. For ihcfe honors It 13 unticcelTary to recapitulate, or 1 we are atfemhed. make any conuncius on the evidence i it j5 llow t|KCc. $ioufottd y^ars fince adduced againft you, which unfolded a | Homer defined tie d .ties of nobility, in cafe of unoarallelled atrocity, and was J his I2fh Iliad. Why are we revered as iuch a^ irrefutably to f..ice a full c<,nvic- God I VN hy poflefe we the beii land, and tion of \ our guilt on the moil unwilling | gie chief honors i PouMedan mind. Your cafe is of no ordinary character, but one which is marked with the deepell dye of the blackcll depravity ; a cafe th it pains the mind to dwell upon. James Adams, the uaforlutrace victim to your foul and inordinate cupidity, was a native ot rhe fame foil that gave you birth ; he was your corop'Hii'vn in the long and per ilous voyage which brought you from the land of your fatheis to this ; Grangers together in a forii^n country, friendlcfs and unknown, there was every thing, in the ordinary feelings of humanity, to bind you to each other. But different, far different, were your views and feelings. PoffeflTcd of the fatal fecret that he had a confidcrablefum of money in his pofle- fioOj you pracliled every outward feow *>f friendship and attachment. You called him uncle ; were artfully afllduotu in your attentions to his pet ion, and wickedly won his confidence, only to abufe it. Forgetful of every obligation, human and divine, and difcarding the common fympathtesof man, you burft the ties of country, often more (Irong than thofe of blood, and, in an ill fated moment, per- petrated the (hocking crime which has brought you to this bar. Without provocation, without neceffity and impelled by no motive but a third for gold, or love of crime, you deliberately n:ir appearance in our Market pine*—ttnd during rhe week it has been crowded wild the.u. We think that we have never before been Ihe Kingston Markei so plentifully sup¬ plied with poultry and other kinds ol pro- m i«»in a>. ii has keen wiihiii these few days |iis!. It is .in rvidenee that our f:irmers are ai leogLb bc|iinin£ to feci it thrtir interest to r.iise u supply of provisions for tliifi place, and to receive in r»:;urn that money which they line so long ne: luted, and ^iSeredlo pasa into other hands. ■ ^ —™ On Friday las^ asflotue labourers were ex* CUVating the ground for th** found nion of n new store about lobe built in the dock j ,u-d. th -v found the remains of three Indians seve¬ ral I* el fro i the surface. Th y were incn- seil io Kirch Kark, which, v.e are Infor.....d AVai. slill son.ul, and k'd ton s'e«;>o>itioii th:ii ;i;e hi.die-^ had been depo*!It d in thai pliMT more ivci*Mfly Hi •! was iudU'UHl by (lie d-- cayctl andpulvM-iscd «t-i-e nftut*bones. TO f 0~RR!Wf7OXjJr:.VTS. Tin iiciftion :fj. IK iy> Communication is iicceititaritif poslt vn*:J itoltU nt rl \ced%. W* hart io u'nu': A \"i.V \i-::\ K for f.!sr>>in- municatii/iL but it trill he nvcessanf Uutt we shstttd 566 Hid fc. /ore rue ctffl ia&trt it- IVr \ III th$jtIcJiy*to '■' calttti lh* Qflfo, w art mwhjfl imhrith his sent!itu&fa^ thei/hi s ■■■>.- v fatiiij?mtndyftnd aiimdablt i/ittntiv » 111 L k li./'i'M' in tlogGOit. riv ; < \. • Blnii i a- 'T'1 mand in the field of battle, and merit difunAioii. So . hays a Hc.ytian nobleman. It h beiter to defend our country and its thro, e, and to delcrve the honors bellowed upon us. G;eat honor6 impoft great duties The duty ia yours, your honor will difcharge it, and your king reward it. The apollle in the text requires prayers for kings and all in authority, that autho¬ rity may be fafe and all the people happy. Let us iing the Te Deum, and rarfeour voices to heaven for the kiti^", the royal family, the nobility and the people. Amen. The court relumed to the palace to a fumptuous eutettainment. The king drank to hi* brave and faithful nobility Nothing was wanting tti the joy of the occafion. His gracethe duke or Gonzales and 1 almes, archbifliop of Hayti, grand almoner of the king, officiated in his pontifical robes. turer to ptai-i unotr •:• 3 < ■ • -iius. her :-i lio;e of pro * u; pe,:e»'.—T esi oh- •rvat:o'> ;::e not m *[c i.t u desuoudlna; mood • oa i!»" eontrarj e,e ftr.-ilv co ilide in rhepnwerand dispositio i ol lit. ISrhish guv- en.nicit to pn>:ect her loy;>I Canadians, and cherish tlw»ir commerce In spite of the ^'Vorts of American ambttioo, or th'- invidious insin- iiuious an U-.il foreuodi.ijrsof theEdhiburSh tw*V!o\verv; We have, he Tore n*the proceeding of the Congress up to the Rthhistunt, but nojsbttn; very t>ih^esUug hud yet ocenrretl. The time Uf Cli\. It -ma. of ICJpi ■ ' o- -i •'-^ liau bl.UtJ ehfcfly occupied n appi«otiriK standing Com- iniltcPi, and assigning!" each, as usual, the dufereUtsubjects hrou.;ht under their notice in the Ue-sa^*-. Mr. 1 k»y had been re-elect¬ ed Sue d.er wiih senreelv a dissentient \oiee. A BUI has parsed both Houses fiw ihe eree- Lion of the Alabama i'*rritory into a State; ami petitions praying for a similar admission into :lr* co.'i(ctleratiou had been presented Ul Hir-;" PHK GBTroSTONB. r.KUATl'J.I—ror-iVi; turn," read" Seg vour's X. \ . DIED, A' Montreal, nn the morning f>f Weilne-dn\ the 15th iiikt. Itobtrt HcKenzit Esq. of tbe St An'nine Sttb'trbs. At York, D. Con the 2d inst. Mrs, JarvSs uife ofStephen Jar?ls ISsq- Register of the Home District. On Tuesday last, Mr. James Adams, for many years Jailor andClerk of Lite Market offi ;s low. -ered ■"» r '•""•*-• ami 4s months from the District of i^aiuc, and from the ^Ii^soiU'l territory. his notified in the Upper Canada Gazette oftlie LOth iustaur thai iuthemonth.^ofMay aiul.lu.ie next, about ;»i,uuu acres of land will lie sold at public Aueii ••'• '^ theCourt House in the To.m of York nrtder.tiie authority of :i Provincial act of P<ntiamimf, passed hi the :';Uth year of His Maje-'.V's Rt'ign, for * V«St- iti^int ommissiont ;*& the Estates of certain LraitOi>, and el in of i"-r ons declared Aliens by an act passed in tl.c 54th year of His Ma- je.-ty'srei^u, entitled/ .Vn Act to declare, cer¬ tain persons therein w tcrihed Aliens, and to vest their fclstateSin life Majesty,' and for applying the proceeds thereof towards com¬ pensating the. losses which His Majesty's sub- From the Upper Canada Gazette oJ the \6th December. On Friday last, John Oliver, a settler Ironi England, was killed by the fall ofa tree that he had been cutting. It is ob¬ served that many of the Emigrant*, nhen they have nearly cut through a tree, tun au ay to some distance until it falls ; this very dangerous practice has lately caus- and inhumanly imbrued your hands in the i v& tin* loss of several lives and many se- blood of your countryman,your companion, I v*vrc injuries : th** safest place, is near and your friend. In vain ihould wc fearcl for any extenuating circumflance in your the tree, whete tie (?r*t t<nd< noy to fall is seen several sccord* 1>- fore ir actually Mulf. Not a mitigating ray buaks coa»ci do\vn? ^ud ma) bv easily avoided. iects have sustainetl in co:;iequence of the hite war, and for ascertaining and satisfying the lawful debts and claims thereupon." The following are to be the terms of pay¬ ment: " One third of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, one third at the expiration of six months, and the remaining one third at th«'expiration of one year from the date of such purchase, with legal interest on the same till paid." His Excellency has been pleafed to pro¬ claim the establishment ofa public Fair or Matt in the Home Oistrift, to be holden under the infpedtion of the Sheriff in the I Town of York twice in each year, via. on the third Monday in May and the first Monday in Oct. Fairs have already beeo establiflicd in the Niagara and Eastern Dis¬ tricts, but we are not informed whether thofe DibtriAfl have reaped the advantages ufually derived from fijeh institutions. We have, however, no dotibt of their good ef| fects, and are aware of no reafon why this Distrid ihi)idd not petition His Excel¬ lency to grant us similar privileges. i ifcfr-NEW ST OPE THE fuWcriber vd^ixl y Ik;;- |»ve to inform his friends a.it) thr pub ic, hat bcha» now upi n, aid or fa'c, a» fm •tore, which he ha fined up in die h< ufc l»el nK-n« to .vir. Mt])„NUD| on >b« north corr.rr of the Old Market Plate—a ^ene-a' l-(|* r^rneot (»f DRY GOODS AM) GJccn KKli .-, From the advantageou terms on which the lublcriber hnspurchafid hi- !to,k of Goods, he i- enabled to Icll tbem *x very low prices for Calh WILLIAM N. B. Barley kinds oi country chased. [=3- 100 Barrels of Salt for sale. King Ron Dec. 14, 1S19. jf&wS — — -. w ■ ■ a — » _ - _ Bank Notice. A Meeting of the Stockholm of . the&a.-k oflJ e wiitbeholden at the laid Bank on Tuefday the hiu F.-h. next at \z o'clock at n "ti for the prrp- U- or takii t> into cot fi-erai-on the expediency and propriety of altering & amending fome of the articles of AJn*ciation. Bv order,} the Directors, S, BARTLET, Cafl/r. Bank of Upper Ca ada, J December 22. 1819. \ $% DALTON. and all other produce par- WHF.ilFAS Catharine Woodard, my w &, has can fed t» be inicrted in the Kin<;lton Cbrnniclc a tnalici u^ and falfe llatement rtfpedfng me, accufi g nic of having turned her * ff wiihoutany prov- ocation, and that I am now living wrhh her Sister's Dai.^ht-r, the wife of Jeremiah Mantcr 1 think proper in Jul!ire to my- fclf. to date to. the public tl.c following fact*- : We were martu-d about nine years ago, fome time after the death < f her for¬ mer husband, and by induilry and pertevc- rance I was enabled con»-iderabiv to im- pro»e and add to the property we pofleffed at the time of out nianiage. About two years and a halfaj/o 1 fent for my daugh¬ ter from the States, (the only child hj my firll wife) and from the firll day of hct ar¬ rival (be ufed her in a flumef* 1 «*nd unnat- nral manner. My wife** conduct at length became fo inomfiuVnt that 1 was- u'.dcr the neceffity of propo ing terms of lc.,a- ratien, which (he confuted ro, and an e- rjual partlti .p of the property was made before witneffes, and wc parted about two years fince. About twn months ago the wife of Jeremiah banter, whofe hufband waa jjone fcorn her, and left her with 1 wo children without a provision, applied to mv daughter t-> induce me to afford her an as* yiu-'i in my houfe for the winter, or until her hufband fhould return, which I Con¬ tented t», my daughter not being able, from ill health, to mannge the houfe af- fait*. From this circumllance my 'A'ife has thought fit to publifh her ridicalotia Hate- ment, and to endeavour to h jure me in the • ipinion of my friend*, arid traduce tl-e cha¬ racter of an honeft woman. I therefore coudider it a duty 1 owe myfelf to c^uti m any perfon from trull ing the faid Catharine Woodward, as I will not be reiponsib fur any debts fhc may contract. WILLIAM WOODWARD. Kingstqttf Dec. ii. 1819. 'Mt • ••*fcM#*^. FLOUR TVTOTICE is hereby yivrn, that propo- 1S% sals v\ i 11 be received at this ollice dnttl the l-»t ol Februery, 1820, at noon, from such persons as may be willing to contract for thr» supply of Three Thou¬ sand Barrels of fine Flour, for the use of Ilia Majesty's Troops, deliverable at the posts of Kingston, Fort George, and York, between the 1st of May and 15th July, 1H*20% freight free, and under the usual guarantee that the same shall keep sound and sweet for the period of twelve months after deliver). The conditions vf the Contract and form uf tender may be known on*applica¬ tion at this ollice, or at the Commissariat Cilices at York, Fort George, and Fort Wellington ; and nu proposal will be no- ticed) unlc* made in the terms prescri¬ bed^ nor unless the party end his sure¬ ties^ or an agent on their behalf attend at the opening the tenders? h uich must be sealed, and indorsed 4t Tenders for the supply of Flour." EDW'd. I ine coffin, Depi'y. Corny. Gen. Commissariat Office% Kingston^ U.C. 17th December, 1819. 52 NOTICE. A CHARITY SKRMON, in aid of the Funds of the KingftonCompas- sionatc Society, will Le preached in St. George's Church, by the Rev. G. O. Stu¬ art, on Sunday 2d Jan. 1820. PERTH, December 3d, 1819. His ] xoeUency the Lieutenant Governor ha* been plra-ed to appoint Jost.is Richey aSftir- ve^yr oi Lands in the Province of Upper Cana¬ da. tor sale at this Office9 ihe Montreal Almanac for 1820, Bombay, [India ) tprii 1. On the 2d ultimo the inh'-bitant* of Ahmcdabad were much luipiiled by the appearance < f a ioya! ti^ei, which was brought alive from a neighbouring vi!l ge ; lie had been caught in a large cage con- ftrufted on the principle ofa rat trap, w-tli a goat for the bait, but partitioned off with flrong bars fo as to be beyond the reath of th ttgtl ; the goat wa*, however, taken out dead, without having apparently fuf- fered any injury ; we may therefore c in¬ clude that the anirhal died entirely of fright. A large fierce dog, of the northern breed, was put in the cage for his food, and the gentlemen who were prefent were much furprifed at obfrrvintr the dog, infteadof being alarmed at the terrific animal, immediately rufli forward and le zed him by the vofe, aad it was a confiderable time befote the tiger could difeugage himfelf After having been kept for fome days to gratify the curiolity of the natives, a gentleman of known celebrity in tl e fportin^ worl , ut an end to his exiil' nee by (1 Oolii g him with a rifle through the forehead : the ball was afurwa'da extracted, and was com¬ pletely flittcntd, which fliowe the extreme hardneU of the (lculls <»f thefe deft motive animals. At the village at which this animal waa caught, above fixty people are faid to have be^n deftioycd by him. — — .—.- The warm baths of Julian, the fole relic of Roman atchiteduie in Paris, have lbte- ly become an objeft of fo much inured there, that a considerable part of a Itrcec fa to be pulled dmvn to give a fuller view of them. This Rru&ure was erefted by Ju- liat. (the Apoltatc) in the year 357, in im¬ itation of the bathsof Dioclcsian at Rome. In a late nnmber of the Black Dwarf, it is faid that Clio Rickman. an old and intimate friend of Thomas P ine, h ahout to publifh the life of the author rf Com¬ mon Senfe. Another life of Thomas Paine is alfo to be pubhflicd by W. T. Sherwin, the author of the Manchcfter Weekly Mcffcnger. Wm. Cob!cttf>me time fince, announced his intention to write a life of Paine, aud we believe t roniiied to publifh a complete edition oi his works. [The Devil could give a much belter *c« count ofhil life.} tt&uj