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Kingston Chronicle, December 10, 1819, p. 3

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pdftbfe force may fee juftly calculated at ; and that perfect tianquility was reflored on pec t'OO men t Jicat unitary prepara- Kite whales frontier line. tions ;c uKfcrvcd throughout the whole On the 8th if Oct-*berf a Common ol Germany ; the regiments are receiving Hill was convened, whew Alncrmcn thfii f II cumpu nvnt, and the fortrcflVs ! ..ridges and Thorp were returned to the of G-I'acia arc h- mgarmed with a Iprorirp- titu t Aoftria, (hould it he thought ne- ce(Ta:y wi I he a I to open the campaign in the cady tnontlw of idling. The king of Bava ia h\is not made any public decla¬ ration but u d'ubi i< criteria ncd that the feci't ncj* nciation of this court arc in uni- £on wit'* its family alliances. The ki"g of Wuittml-.u. g quitted Stutgard vHicr- da) to concert with the emperor of Rus cia at Vv'arl?w. in wh^fc views he tntirely acq irfces—The ■ ther German prfnece are waiting ihc inrpulfion of Er.g.and, whit h i> be-ievrd to he c!o*e!y unite with the ■cabinet o. \crf-i.K-, in the meafures \»bi«h it m; y bt ju lgcn right to adopt. The German Libval propagate leports th^t th* emperor of RniTia, < n hi* rrival in '*'arfaw. ropofrn fco unite o the king* dem f Poland the Palatinate* which were Separated from it a t'^e fir(t and fee-nd Court of Aldermen, to filed one, for the office of Lord Mayor, for the year enluing, when the choice wan declare! to have fallen on Mr. Alderman Bridges The inveftiture having taken place, the worthy Alderman faid—" In the perfor¬ mance of bw duty lie fliould take the belt meafures in hi** p«wcr to luTprefs vice and immorality of whatever kind, and to promote, ZH far a< lay in his power the well-being' of his fellow citizens, the honor of his Ling, and the general good of his country. , Advices from St. Peter.^urgh, of the 15th of September, announce the arrival ,if the Emperor Alexander from Finland; and mention, that the commerce of that capital had become more a<Stive ; that KuiTian produce, particularly Hemp, was in demand for exportation j and that the courfe o\ exchange was confiderably diviiT-Mi, to recall the Rufii 'r garrfih's to | improved, a^o iuh corporal ..unifhmtnts.efpecially the j The London Morning Herald mentions, ife oft e (lick in the army, to educe the i a^arunvr, that Parliament will meet in taxo, a d to remove fome 'f the princi- : November for an esrly diienffion of the pal Fi vex'f.marics, who (according to the . important q eliion of the ega'.ity or Libera-*) have incurred the hatted of the j illegality of the late conduct cf the nation, b a&ing with a vigor beyond the . Manthciier Magittrates. law and beyond their inilnuf>ions.—Cou¬ rier, MAORI ',8<*pt«*t« Tire -entrnce rela'.rxe to 'he eon>j ira^ trf »•* Ex-GT.eral Porher. and approved hy His Maj'~>- ty on he I2;h mU nclotle % *2 individual*, in <:- ■adicrde Ra:non-R»*ii»a\, ( <»>'■■ -1 Vlf P "u, Ma¬ jor EV:»v Miqneiz, i ap-am- Lnj»*s ai>d i*3fctifz. Li*' t. Ujnedia,ai>d tin- Na\a! O'ffiC'T* U'-a.pa-. all -on* 'lied par cont'Jm;;<* ■,;. e sentence i toU- sho in iti^haek, aari 'li*'r '•r.'-vr-v con .^eat^d : t\ e nia> however, b<" fkrq ■*fl 1* r defence, if r.'* \,re.-?Di tbemsehe*. Caf-a.-.j ('as-anc'a at- P^on a-e sentenced o the -^f punhhtnnnt, wrr, .;.,. nseep'u n :Uui . u\f t:» ■ G !>••'-eard m t\i*\- -lefenc^. Thi*r!i <-c !»ra, &n<*n* Ri»xo, \- ate- *• ^r.crd to tiV ^m° faff*. Tfei* -nmUti- xn«- sv ^j»ir.-on'-»* in fvovn IO10 1? y-;:r.>. T!i:^ cla- ■':■ ■■*' •h rt Vtti- -; : *'all rkj«n ^«mi* -; « f ■ ■ 1 LO be COniil'Cll in > r>'i >••••< fron fi':r jc;-- 'i • v moK'fo. and 40 a*" been riTrwd 5uT . w p' n^h^d h\ thr «l',f,*r,iioii iir-y 'iav*» a) '. -M:Te»t><l. T!»*- mnniir*; a'*f( *ii»ed amuiii.r tt> ' I ■'. . ••H-ly all • fScci>. among-i whom arc 3 O • \an-l 3 L ■■»( *ii.'i »'•-( o!on'i-, In civ¬ il . >*. of;hp enfrrbl 1! frraftnof tl;e And : <- ci ". . litea Manuel Panturio-Omvia, and liw ■i»" .< d irin»a loiiir inpi i^o'inn'iii, h" is *en- t* • * hccou(ioeda< IVu*aft>r*hi' le'mo! (iii* >*% i'-!it the su wilancp of ihc Gnveruor, fxi-. ••nee he rarrnoi remove withoui the p»*- *cia". f***fofhifi Majv i\. lemporary a«>>Ium for the rfcitifutr. AM »vli fi| |, re-jj' «'*lnll\ .si'lunincd. Ft Urpon brin^ rrfld ni»l niiop.iil. IIi> Tx- •Ih'uev tin- Lit'i|l(ai:at»l rlovrnior was vractt>iif^ •> pl*'a .• I (o mforin the Socieiv Hint lie ,■.;:! p(\- " auihornv to the t'oiunn^nriat oflrc-r at tliia |io.i to i-'ie KaUoos, Hi the CqutrUci price, 10 destitute l.tiiisrain—file distribution to be nn- Jer the dii-Ttion of the Sorieiy, which is to be re-poojiblefor the paymeni. Tic Hon. Chief JuJnrc Powell,.seconded by •".re Hon. Mr. Chief .lu-ilee Scott, DlOVfd Ifittl ttltf iiank-of rhr soc'nM> he presented to 11m Kx- <'r||fi,c> for ih.« benevolent assi^tanct* voneh«af- d 10 It, «b expires (il in the precedinj; miuuLC. bo.iiiimon \\ adopted. 1 hf lnlto.v nijj 1 c (ilu'ioo \vn* also earrr«'d : TU.u tin- Hon. J>i. ^rae'.air and Lieut. Col- W.'lls hi-a Co-n uiti ».- 0 net *- P.BItlrli^s T. q i). \. ( out. (iciu'iiii. i%\ form a plan wom* effect¬ ual Fy to carry ln> I-Acelrejicy"s inn-iiimn? intoef- <CU By Order, R. ('. IIORNK, Sec>. I • Th" navigation of -. .• > . Lawrence is still per- f i* I; open; 6Sf> vi-—e| from sea, hriu£U'£ I ^0o9 ,'a-en^i'i-., Uavi" arrived th is >eaM>i).— Quebec Ua- zzlte, Dec.% KINGSTON, Dzcemblr 10, 1819. JFVs;a (he A". J'. Specialor\ Nov. 23. I /.ircv from '* ji »i". An arrival yefterday in 36 days from Gi a.taB. furnifh'- ihe following intei iig °ce .•— From ^pain.—We lc2rn from Captain B :Ji.#n, wh- arrived yefterday f** m Gibraltar, wbich place he left n the rjtfc ul im'. that Cart. Reid, ot the Hornet, wa- Hill at Madrid, but iroa expefted at Ha aj>a on the 20th, whither the Hornet vi- about to proceed to receive him on board, and thence dire&ly for the t'nited St3*es It was undtWl'od that on the recei?*- of the defoatche^ by capt Rcid, ..the American Minifter intimated to the • Spa- ifb g-overnmenr that he wor.ld then awHt their determination as to the final tat'Gcati'.inof the treaty, for the period of Dine days—but ir was generally believed at would n^t then be ratified, and ih;it Mr, ■ Forryth would demand hi? pafports, and return home £x!raB cfa letter dated Gibralter 08. 12. ** It 1- »>nJerrtrod here, that the •Minifterof the United States at Madrid wa^ to receive tvie ui' imatum of t he SpaniuS jtoverr.mcnt, or his pafTports, on the 9th inftant. It is 'did, that the Young Queen of Spain when at Touloufe on her way to M idrid, was addreffed by feveral Spaeiifli eattlcpj who prefented to her petitions folreittng her fntcrterence to procure their nturri to then country She received t.'em with affability, and promifed her influence in their Favor Her demeanor is represented as exceedingly intereflintf She is but fi>;:ecn year o'd and fpcaks Frmch, Italian, and Spar.ifh, with per¬ fect facility. It was rema fced that (he cr»overfedeagerly with pe«fons wh" had lived in Spain* and ci old h form her i»f the ch rafter and manners of the Spanilh people. The intended F< rtilieations on Grand Mcnan (f r which purpofe 1*40,000 wa- voted by Parliament at the lalt hellion ) are, we uuderftand, to be imnnMatey emmenced on that Print (.f the Ifland, called the Swallow'- Tail, bcin^ the fpot m it approved of for that purpofe, and elt^difhine a depot ; ill the vicinity of which there U a fpaciiiUS Bay and la!e an- ch<5rage f"r Shirs lecurc from all winds except from the Ealtward.—Star. The Sic&ntxs at Xna GrUans — \ -otter from Neu-Orleuii" nie;uio:.s thai ;he SeXtOOK of tha. en\, in a r^poi 1 10 \w \ia\or, -tti e rinii upwards o' txt&Tuc hundred b-'tU:\ wen- tfepoaiifd 111 .ti jjiave yards in 'he eour-<M»f 6Dda>s| The nnm- h-i b»'ri<*il, rb'rii »r (.a- uio^. fatal 60 days oi iyi7. i> b.ate^ ai 41KI. FROM THE UPPER-CANADA GAZETTE. • ~"V Florida Treaty. We u"derfhnd, that a letter was recei¬ ved in town yeft.rdav dated at Gibr?.ltar on the I2th ult. which ftates, on the Confol at ! ifbon,M that the King of Spain has at length ratified the treaty." L"fr.st from Fr*r<v & England. Vy the arrival this nvrnins of the fhip Comet Capt. Hal!, in 46 days from Havre de Grace, and 3^ from 1 ortfm• uth, Engi r.d, the Edit rs of he C«.mnicrcial A-f,"C,tifer have rec-.ived Loud n papers t■' th 9>.h ult inchilive, and Pari* dates to tHc 6'h. The Pan? papers mention, that the pivrch funds had continued in decline for nunc than a week- and that, during that period, rumornwere induftrioufly circulated of an ap-r^achrn? war httwten Ruflia on the one Bde, and Ai.ft-»'a and Pruflla on the other. They add, however, that thefe rumors nre en/i»ely unfounded, and that the paper* and letter* mod worthy of credit, which arrive fiom Germany and trr N^rth, contain abf lately . othing which can excite apprchenfion* of fuch a rupture. The vintacep commenced early in 0£t- in federal r.f the Departments in France, and it i.« faid that there is every prolpefl of an abundant produce and of excellent qudity.^ A Vienna article of the 24th of Sept. fav* that the new military 1 ivies, which 4 w continue to be made in - uftria, whatever foliation they may excite are only mecfures of precaution. The lame article mentions, that on the 26th, the \rchduchefs aroline v?av to be married to the Prince of Saxor,y, an." wa" to take her departure for Drefden on the 1 ft or 2d. of O&ober. A Vienna paper, oF the 25th of ^ept. fays—" Therf is a report of fome flight difference* with RulTia but it is a tumor deliituteof -uih'»ritv " Accounts from the Cipe of Good H >pe totheeth of Ati-j-.u\.lt,ne th t the CafTre I):vembrr2. 1319 His Royal Highness the I'rinci- Regain. 11; ibenameaud on thehelialfof «i:s Majesty, ba& hern pleaded tuappoint GeorgeCrooitiin*ok E>ij. to be Receiver GeoeraJ of tiiis Province, vice the Hop. Joar M'fvill, \\x\t\ retires-:—and lia* also nominated the said Gpotg? Crookchank, K-q. 'o be a member of the llouurntile Legt.4atlve Council. His Royal HffchttCS* ha^ al»o been plea-rd to appoint llenrv John oooira;;, i,.q. tobeSuliCUOl' tieneral tor this Provlnee« The annua! raeeting; ol ire ^oeiety of Frienrl< to tlie Stranger iu (ll»tre»S was held 011 Tu&tia) lae. His Excellrnej S;r Per^^riti'e Mariland, Patron oflheSi»ciH,Yi in die clu»«r. Tne Ho... Dr. Sjraehan, I'reastrrer and .Vhnorier ot ihe Soci r\ pie-oni toe tollouin^ REPORT. The grcal influx of hmi^fant^ during llrt- sea-ori, and tht* sickness w hic.i prevailed ainor(« iliem, have uearLy exhausted ibe Nads of till Society, ample aa tiiev ajpraicil to be a: Ibc jas ineeilng. The Treasurer forbears enrf-rin^ into au\ particular description of tfec na ure of the t\h~ tress 1 "eiievod, or ihr extent to umeb n'lit*! was gentleman pre^eii*. TheMtms actuallv expended, amount to ihr»<. hundred a»-d sweuty puuiuli- rune blirlting* aim h\p pence ; and ihe number of person < iiou j.u;\. and promVed relief, will require the furtber mm ot k"l\ at Ira-;, to rede, ia ihe pledge ol a-M*,- ancc whieli ha-bren given iln*jo. After d«dui- Iriiglbifi how ihe imaiev 10 »be hand- otyuui Treasurer,there isoolj iiie sum ot i.60 I 3^u i:rr dispn-al of the Society- The frra-urei ha- in manv caft.esacted hv ih<* a* vice ai.d recomtnrnda ion of me Mib-rri!»»"s ■ andatnioM in all From examining stud inq *n in^ 1110 lh<" siluat'iOl of the partirh ap,ply»ut£; ami 'hrsx-'tn s ol urehveilkier-H and di>nr?> 111 \..;.ri, be lias fn :r.d mau} fauuhe? or' LaugiaiM*, w#»re efiO'gb '« rturrou up ibe soul. Uc has, hone v. rr, he satisfaction ofslat'mp, tliat comparative^ few (lea»ir-octurred, and nt\*S\ of ihe sick \v»re ie*ui'od bj the aid of rite Si.ruty. T:ie Trea-tirer having dh rrbtlted lire bi-nevn- lence of rite Soric.y 111 v&j -mall sum-, can fnr- iti'1'1 ver\ feu voucher* hi support his account, i'x*tjii tlie nr»me> ol tin* prr*o prelieved; an<l In* irels ibis to hr ih^ mo>t iiksume and dtsa«rit'ca- b\f parr of ins office. Tvmmhj iive poundsn**re^ent asa donation, to a-^i*t the mhahnai i' at Smith's t ieek to ercCi a h<»n-e for ihe receptiouof hiiiigrants Twelve pounds ten *>inl!og- \tere remitted to rolonrl Till bo . tor the relief ofsooiP \udows, who p boabandH (kmigraitt»j were drowned as l.tey were lauding 1 h< 1. 'ia££ft$f ai Pi»SI Talbot. Tin' sum of 1 \\on 1 v : vi' poi:nd- was given in loan td Richard Taibol, L.-#|. who came out uitii agreai number of >eiC^Nand bad mel woh w rv ;-evcre lo hCS b» an 1111I01 tUIiate com u r--.ieeol events. The Treasurer feel* much pleasure in men ioniog to tlve Sociei>, the ^reai and persevering rxerii"ii> of the ANiliral ^emlemcn, and the . promptness on ail 0vcaalon» lo visit the po(n<ini' disiressed. The small nes* of the fund, requires the run W- era'ion 01 the Society,as the il.orand- upon 1 , how that th«* winter i- approaching, may be rx- pected to be great: peri*apa swmf general pla of relief, without giving mtni-y, ma> !)•• disro* en*d, which may piov • moie efficacious. i i'om <"i<- ^ri at cause of PXpPDCC, tlie Socie* - ha- been relieved b\ the munriicenceoi'i.»e Lieu¬ tenant (lovernor, inoppuing some of ihe Ban at room> for di-tre-sed I .migrants The -.urns .-pe,. in paying fm rent, form a formidable ilcni i» he (teratttd aicouui. Th- ^oitei\ uni\ lo^ew ise anticipate much I i.imi ibe e ahli- tmeut of an Mm pita!. vfkW* * A ■ * « We have received \nv York papers cort- I lining daleafcora Hn:!and as late .n the 25th October, from whence v*e have made a few [nterv^Uiig elections. Wa ar« conceniFd ws tsbservc that n£Ttirs jn :!.o motliorcouutrj lwv« nsHitmcdn txvorc se¬ rious ttspert Mian previous accounts .had in¬ duced 11s to anticipate-—Mtciiugson the .sub¬ ject oftho uitforttiijal* business at Mauchea- tw hnvcbpennurnerOi**throughout the King- d .ni; and we e rhi*v coniinwl to the mere ohjfc( i of petitioningl;ia Royal Highness the Prince llfgent fore-tyriry and iure-srijjatioaj ami for the puiiMnirnt of the magistrates ar»d their agents, if it urere provedtli.it they !nd eondneted thftm^lves wiiu rm^'irrauTa- ble violence and |>rec p-nation, >ve eould not withhold our ao]ipnb;f:on, or co::s der thom other than proper, nttf uetnonstrarivi* of the 'tttachiiput ot* Mnjdir- orn to their eoi.stitu- tiona] riglits. But v en it is notorious that > band of unprincipled demngoi'itesaJ!e optsn- lv exalting every nenc to render liie lower '•la so. ol'tlie people dmeonlriited with tJudr present form of guvniunent, and jcnidually • raining tin 111 to contemplate 'Us uU.r Mib- yprutoiiftlie.se iiieeiin:^-, may be rcgnrdidas i ijtfdieioiisand a-, inl leijoridii:-' tosnen^th- e ■ tin- raiise of ihe Ivulieols n id add to tla-ir hnportiiiee.—(n ihis \ |,.w of the KlbjceLitfe Mn.fier of n -re tlril nn-eti i^s shouitl nave luen so^ehcralJy called, however laudable and patriotic the mam eg, and it appearsaur- j^i-io"; that any of tin. nobility sitfn&I have • -it their eoiuirena:ic« to 11 ie ciittse of thos^, ivlw 111 attempting to uvrwim ilw* soeialI sys¬ tem ofuw'ireo'mtiy, Votdii involve the pnv- ibcefOfthehigheroi.^isio the same indis- crimniatr ram. Th.. proposed i:ic-e Sfl of the milirrv es- ttihlistiiiieur w'nhi'i ih. Kinvdmn, sie-\v< e-- ili. 1 a c.:uise 01 icun-id 'le'T iu the lUludsol tie- mi lisiry. or a prudi*n1 .m\iety lo juo- id- against |"»*ihr.' eo'itne.e tries. TIiis|.recati- I tion, added othe p'o.'jej^ide and*vigour evinced durratf diejr limiiitijj'raiioii, com- mnndy ourcojifidenie ■ 1 In ir ability 6 ui dn- 'ftiij iiueriu'l ti'aiiii; i'ii \. or a leasi, it war¬ rants a heliet'thai th nioilons of he nndcOH- • ecs will f»r- e-uo-'.ry w:i'i,!i:,il. aed their ;<lo s di.;coccd, dele .ed and punished. Various nitnoursarearbiat relative tn the prohahle cause of fiielate 'itgmentiitiOn of the military forces of Russia, Frussia awd Aus¬ tria, and i; Ja conjpctureil lhat ihe h pote oi' the world will spV <!i,y he disf.nhed hy ihe amhitio.i of the Jirat tinned pmver,<irthi jealotisy of the two latter.—h is alllrmed thai the intended eorouation t*f the Enilwror Al¬ exander as King of i'ohind is the eangeOi tliese warlike measures, that the iiei;uihonr- ius states are alarmed at the vast and increas¬ ing power of thi> monarch, and are propp¬ ing to resi-taiiy inn-oHchmenis wluchlnsum- bition ma}* dictate. If we may form any opinion 00 !he sub* jeet irom tne meagre and hnnetfect state¬ ments before its, we are inciiueU *o think that Lucre are but sli^lit groimndis foi any apprc- he.isions of hostilities.—Tit©.nations or Eu- rope, not even excepting (lussia, have not yet reentered from the exuauistionproduced by ihe lace coiiiiict for their liidej.-e.oJeiiee, an'd itis fair to presume that the instructive ex¬ ample of the fate which attends extravagant ambition afforded by tlie once formida¬ ble Inapoleon, would mr anmeat least de¬ ter Russia, however extrusive her territory,. or immense her power, from engaging hi ihe wild sell erne of universal dominion.—Besides 1:0 corresponding augmentation has be-'i p|'- itUt.u tn the amiiti oi tx&aCQ and r-u^lanU —and hi tin present sta'.r of society a::d of the relations existing in *.te bnropean com- monweahh, no war cun ■»»**«- between any of the great powers without involving file rest in ihe quairel. 1'ossibly tl;e additions made to the milita¬ ry establishments of R^tVia, Austria and i'russia, tuny hi- precautionary measures a- riopted in eouseqU; nee of die eeret soeie ies laiely oi^anb.ed in (ie.many, of the objects of vwiieti we are still ignorant.—These three might) states are essen tit a iy military in their cotistuttiion of Kovenimeut, and as military jiu-. emmciits are always adverse to popular liberty*the late.u.ere isfc bt ihdr armies may have been occc-eioned hv alarm at the organ¬ ization of thet.esocieties, and by a consequent d^ti riUtnation to soppi'e>s every thing like uemoericy, or a rising desire for liberty a- ii;onj; tnefr people. W_.| I I » I . I ( Mliril «!•' ' MlHil' Itllt III .!< .III t»- IM.... .. • Or hqi* i.eefi r-n».,iet< V Inmnnh I l»v ' i n J ) tminatiJ t>) 1 SMUV Ul coiueun'a mil, a- 1: will <v *'ll% "", toe capture or defeat of the Uoltile Chiefs, I to alUhe bickraud may become frequently a Our readers will find in the fit ft page of this day's paptr wh t appears to be a se¬ cond ffay ^y John Morris Fliru!a<L ON the Lducati.-n -f Upper Canada — Nil. FiiiKiair&oldetvaiion^ a«e in t the lefs worthy cf attei tior 1 hat they come from one who is hindcif a teacher hy pn feffion. It has been i\ • - by way of qneHion, Where is the.. " an tket country (mean¬ ing Canada) in:d.. the ,un, that fpends one fourth of its revenue in Schools for the poor ?" It m.y perhaps with jullice be added, Where is there another people that won d not have moic fully appreciated and more readily availed thernselve of the mu¬ nificent approbation which ha> been made for the educatioi of ilun children Our author hat had an Opportunity of witnefs- ing the manna in whivh bufinets i<- too of 1 en conduced at "what are termed School UmingtS* it might be fuppofed that at theic meemgSf aathori^d and appointed '•y aw, for the eltablifh vent and organi¬ zation of Common Seh ^|R throughout the country, the molt diicrc, x anJ i-.tt-lligcnt n-en of the neighbourhood would always be nominated and dented a- trufteis, without ny c availing o< party t p;m cither «*n the I side of the elc&OTfl or thc perfons eledted. It fnicjht be fuppofed that the truflees, af ter bcinjr duly appointed, would exert thv«»( felves t'> procure fomethtug Idee a perma nent fubfeription for the fupp<«rt of 1 teacher, and having done this, that they wmld ihm be careful to felcft a perfon ei ther well known to them for his abilitiV and moral charafter, or well reco'Tunendt to t'-cm a:» fuch for a teacher ; and in their 0ffici.1I capacity continue to be his patrou and proti c'tor in every thing connected with the profperity of the Schools under their fuperintendencr. If oui inforniation 13 correft, at theft fchool meetings- the eleftjon of trullees in ma: y inltanecs i»: made by a mere cabal, Who exert th* mfeives to pet certain indi- vfnuals into < ffice at the time lo promote their own privute views. The choice of a teacher is frequently made without much care or concern either about his abilities or moral chaiaifter —a temporaiy piovibion is made lor his fopport, which loon fails and he isdifmided upon fome fiivolous pre¬ tence, with is little ceremony a* he whs at firft ei.gaged. When he is at laft obliged te- n ake application for the pay which is juilly due to *tirn. he is perhaps repelled with an air of indifference, or receives an infulting reply to hi- modefl reqoeft If he does not at once resign, a firing- of compiamts is drawn up and preferred ag¬ ain!! hi n to tbe B^atd of Education, fometi * es without giving him an opp »rtu nity to defend himlelf, or at lealt without transmitting to the Board along with thole complaints any thing like a fair report pf his defence. Thus the DihSitt Boards of Education, which were wifely appointed by law, as checks upon the truilces of hefe School?, being fe'dom furnilhcd with fair (latementh of cafe* in which the juftifica tion o: a teachci is concerned, are fome- timc1 induced to fan&ion and approve of his dilmif^al or removal upon accufations WithuUl proof, either altogether uujult in themfc.ves, or exaggerated by prejudice on the part of t'»e accufers- It is readily admitted, that the law pro vid.'ng for the ellablifhment of Common Schools is upon the whole exceedingly good—the fundsappropriated for their filp- port are iberal, and the mode picf. lihcd for the diHribution of thofe toads wise and judicious; but the teai iVr fliould be more effectually lermcd againll the influence *>f popular prejudice winch is evc> varying atid unceitain. Km Ion* otie»ii:g thtmf vts astc^rhrra might be recoi-rnended by the trotted bur they Tho .:d be examined by th Di Irif't Pond . f Education, and if found qnaltfii d, appointed by theic B tarda and placed tnor*e immediately under their proudti-n The tnillcer. rniglrt be author- iled to fufpend a teacher for *mpropcr con dud or wilful neglect of duty ; but in r>o calc fhouid 'hey be permitted to dtfmifs or remove hii. Whenever it might be found ntceiTary for the tiullces to prefer a com- p'?int againft a ttacher, tint fliould be regularly dune in writing, and forwarded to tin Board of Education, whi*fe duty it Hi uld th:n be to fmniuS ihe accufed with a copy of the complai x% and to ap, oint a time and place for the invelligatiori of the matter. Tenchers would by this mtidc of proceeding a'way- have an opportunity • f obtaining a fair trial, and un mpartial de- cillon upon their conduft by perfons en tirely di inteielled, and therefore unbiafled by prejudice or r^ariy fpirit. It would 1 hen be f.-und a much more diffit ult matter toiem.-vea teacher fti»m his office, and were thi> the caCfi the trullees would not only become more>careful to inf.^m thtm- filves refptding the character* of thole whom they piopofed to recommend for teachers, but would become left dlfpofcd to liflen to filly and gronnJlefs complaints too often proceeding from capricious and perulent children and brought forward by foolishly indulgent parents To induce men of correct morals and adequate talent* t\ herome tev-ners t^^ mult be protected aed lupp*-rted in the dif- charge of their duty, and their Stoat nns feeured to them during good behaviour.— The emolument raifed by fubfeription, in¬ dependent of the Government falaiy, fh^uld be punCtua y pai 1 at the end «>f every three n>< nths, and a certificate to that effeft,fign- ed by the tiu-tee», fh>uld accompany their quarterly leport. The teacher would thus be relieved from unneceff-iry care and cm- barraiTmeriit about pecuniary matters, and therefore enabled to proceed with more cluerfulnefs and alacrity in the difcharge of Ins duty. We have been led to make thefe obfer- vations upon the (late of our Common S huol- from .1 knowledge of the fact, that within ihc fhort period of three years since they have been eftablihSed, feveral faithful and diligent teachers have been compelled to reMyn their fituaiians fometimes from difficulties made about their pay, but more frequently from difgull at the impertinent interference of individuals, and the want of lufiiciert urolcdtion and fuppoit from thofe whole dutv it would have been to interfere iu their behalf, for the benefit of the (chooh We lubmit thefe our remarks, not i-nly to the trullees of Schools and Boardn of Education, but alio to our provincial le¬ gislators. The importance of a well or¬ ganized tyftcm of Elementary Education is acknowledged on all hands to be the lu- rell foundatit n for the improvement of pub¬ lic morality and the advancement of na¬ tion *l proiperity. Our Legiflatiire has been 1 xtremelv libetal in making an appro- pnation for this objtcTt ; and as the pre- fctit School Dill expires in A^til next, we trull that on it« rt-enaftment iuch modifi cations and amendments will be introduced as may render the provision* oi the Law more efficient and best calculated to pio- n.ote the important end in view. King's ftrcct belonging to Mr. Henry -;i(T.id\, wh; h owin^ to its fcnl Hate btlint wiih great fury nearly a ho r. Die adjoining buildings to iht fouthward being .wood were Confide rrd in \-r. at danger but -vere fa.ed from deftruftion by ihe wcl- timed aid uf the Fire conip<*pits, who merit the acknowledgments of their fellow t"vvnfmen ror the zeal and promp¬ titude diltdayed by them «n (hi*, occafion- Had the lire c miniinieated to the I onfe occupied hy Mr. Shaw, t*tt conflagration in confeqience of the violence and direc¬ tion of tlie wind would have I ecn very ix- tenfive, and might indeed have laid one half the lown in rows. The ravages lately made in fome t"WM in Jto United Stoics by thi» dtvomrng element fhouid induce Ub tn take proper precautions, and not only inforce the regulations foi the fweening •.* chimnc«t but alfo adopt lomc 1 fficient meafures for fapplyiog the Fire 1' ugin with wirer, in the event of any fire breaking out ia this town. Messrs. Pririgle Sfjilacaiday, Gentlemen, You arc requested in the vamc of Ihe Fire Companies oj theToum of Kingston, legate myoumcztpaper, that at a meetings at Wait¬ ers ablet after the Fire last evenirg, .'/•< nemte • / Daniel Broun was traskdfrom il* fxt t.ffht tnxd Companies, for his violent and abiuripe tnguag^ and as unworthy to ULng ta ihc &aul Companies. Jam, Gentlemen, on behalf if the Companies, Years, J. .YiCh.lLLS. Kingston^ December 10, 1819. correspondent ha* communica'ed tous flic fotluvring sentence lately passed al Y'"!» on Mr. lartemtifl Ferguson, Editor of the Niasa^a Sprc- h or. for publishiig a fibel upon the Oovern- ment. Tn 1>- iiDpmoped ejjrhtrpn months ; To-:and in (he pillory oner during his conflne- tncnl; To pay a fine orjL"50, and rcmattl in prison nn- il paid—And on hi> liberation to Hod -rerrrity fo- >even years himself in £300, and two -ure- ies in 2250each. PI-.RTll, >e- mher:3i 1819. His Fxroileney .he Lie tettattl Gov. • (»i baa lieen pleaded to appoinl Jost*s Rchev a Sur- \tyw of Lands in the Provinee of I'm* ' Cana¬ da. Ai a meeting of the Committee of the Kingston Cotnpasaonate Society j the. Vm* tors for the lasi two months reported fliat '!te tin of £J5 : 7 : J/ had he u expend' d in tlfor^ di'.;, relief to nineteen distressed families and veven individuals. Kingston, *\th Dec lSlfl. Visitors for the cr^iin^r^ponth. Geobcf. ff. .Makki.and, i P Thomas R. i.Vutxwa.a.iT, J E*J««*3- KI.YGSTO.Y ASSEMBLIES. The first win ta/;ePlare al WaJUXEB' tdon t >'ifiijA7tf> ins/ant. Tickets to hedrmvn at Sevin oVhck. s Hxr Thomas R. CAKTtvawHT.&e^. . FOli SAL?:, AT a \erv low price lor Cash —(he south or front half of Lt^t No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loug-I)borough.—For par¬ ticular^ applv at this OlHce. Dec. 7, 1819. '0 rflHISia to inform the public, rhat X about nine years ago I was rr>a ned to William Woodard ; and 'hat about two yearN ag .he turned me off, without any provocation! and now liven with my litters ! daught r, the wife of Jerry Vfanter------ j lieie is the difference between a poor I man, and one pofTefTing plenty of Cafh ; after trading upon my m .ney, a 1 making a fo> ■ one he is afaan.ed of me, and lo turn3 me off , CATHARINE WOODaRD. Kingftm, Nov. 30, 1819 eowz Ci \MF imn the -neloliir. r.F-T - \** ' I can. Pittsburgh, about the <>;h of Odober, an Iron Grey HORSK, of a imall size, with feveral mark^ about him, which the owner miift defcribe ; and who can have him by (o doing and paying ex- peaces. samuel Mclean. Pittsburgh jti December, 1819. 50^3 • • - Laft even np; a out five o'clock, a j chimney took fire in a feall tioufe in Damn Humboldt, in his u Essai poli¬ tique sur le Rvijaume de la Nottvelle Es- pagne" hasdescribed nine points of com- munieation between the Atlantic enci Pa¬ cific Oceans. It has not been yet gene¬ rally known that a communication by water has actually existed. Of these the 7th is peculiar I) interesting :— u In tlie interior of the province of Choto, tlie small Ravin de la Raspadura unites the ni ighbortng sources of the Ilio do Noanama, called, aNo, Rio San Juan, and thi- little river Quito. This livor, united with the Rio Anda^cda and :he Rio Zat;ira, forms the R.o d'Atiatol which Hows info the Sea of th*1 Antilles, (CaribbeanSea) and the Rio San Juan falls into the South Sea. An enterpri- zin^monk, (the curate of the-village of Novita,) with the aid of his flock, (ses paroissiens.) dug a small canal in the Ravin de la Raspadura. By this canal* which s navigable during the peri d of abundant rains, boat"*, ludenwith (.'o. ao, \\*xe passed from one sea lo the other.— Here then is a communication, which has existed since 1788. and of whieh the Kuropeans know nothing. This canal of Ua^padura unites, on the coasts ot the fwo *>cean>, two points which arc seven- tyjive leagues apart.M EssaiPolitique, hv 1. ch.% This canal, effected by the rnterpri- Ztng monk, i> nearly in the latitude of Cape Coriente&i 01 about si\ decrees orty-rtve minutes »orM*anci atioirt thred legrees cost ol the Capital.—JSat. IrUcK degree: «

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