K NGSTON m SflRSHBg CHRONICLE. /kWA^Ln•. A il.' mpfyfiS'-^ .^Jii^^fft^f ,^^,^f ■■ , \H- VOL L] FRIDAY, (afternoon) DECEMBER 10. ISty. fNo. bO. P New Goods. THOMAS A S K E W, HAS jufl received his Winter afTort- roent of fafliionable Dry Goods, opened for faicat Mrs. Finkle's houfe, and at the lowrit poflible rate for Cafh—a- monglt which are H, 34 and 4 point Blankets, 9, lOflcad 11-4 Hose do. Superfine Cloths & Cassimeres. Pelisse Cloths, I Icffdevy* 1 Inberdashery, &c. Kingston ifth Nov. 18*9. 48 Govern men i Contract. iHOPOSALS will be received at the Royal Engineer's Drawing Room at Point iJcnry, on the 15th December next, far clearing as much of the Military Reservt- (exceeding 100 Acres) as maybe required The ground to be commenced upon, will be pointed out to parties concerned for three days previous to that of the de¬ livery of the Tender, upon application as above, at 12 o'clock each day. Security will be lequired for the comple¬ tion of the Contradt by the 24th of June next. I B. PAYNE. Kingston, g&9$ Nov. 1819 48 flflHE fubferiber feels it bw duty, from J. the villainous treatment h-. has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public againfl any impo- fiti'^n on the part of Mr So' -mon Johns, by his offering to fell any part of half an acrelot. with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of !>ntft Town, bounded on the eafl by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, flsany title to the faid property held by him whs fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own oacneforthe purchafe made of it in 1 806, when Johns wa^ at low wap.es, and as can fef tfiadi A^pc.r evidently by VJTtOUfl proof taken at the hme of the examination of his tranfe&ions in 1812 -hnd no fliadow of a A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds \7|'rILL be paid by the subscriber, to ¥ ? any perfon who (hall discover and give fuch information as will convict the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft. dole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direction of the Dire&ors of the Montreal Bank, THOMAS MARRLAND. Agent. Kir!gsten% igtb Nov. 1819. 47 NOTICE. ALL p«rfons to whom the fubferiber stands indebted, are -equested to prefent their accounts, for adjuftmnnt ; and thofe who aTe indebted to him, either by Note or Book account, will do well to come forward and fettle the fame on or be¬ fore the fifteenth day of December next. And if the accounts are not then fettled, they will be put into the hands of an at torney for collection. JOHN BREWER. Kingston, Nov- 19, 1819- 47 THREE FARMS FOR~SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for thi en fuing year, viz. one at the Prcfque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contraft alfo will be givfn for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. King'ton, \6th June9 ft 819* 2$ti ■ ■ — ■ - 1 ■-»■ ■ ■ ^*— - F. B. SPILSRURY, | \IdUte Surgeon of II. il7. S. Prince Re-, ge///, on Lake Ontario, <• Intends practising in the various" branches of his Profession, at his res-i lidence, next door to John McLean, lE*q. Sheriff. ! I Kingston, Oct. 6th, 1819. 41 $ claim PETEli, GR \M. TO LET, The -erfon who is ftated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my jull pretenfion in the fir it inftancc, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P. G. ___________________ 4** * NOTICE. ALL thofe who are indebted to Mr. John Whitelaw, late of Kingflon, are rcqnefted to make immediate payment to the fubferiber, who is duly authorifed to receive the fame. A. PRINGLE. Kingston, 26tb Nov. 1819 48 N- B. If payment i:» not made before the 15th December next, the accounts will be pat into the hands of an attorney for collection. A. P. Anchors Sf Cables. WILLIAM CUDDEN, WILL -eceive by the earlieit fpring vefTcls, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an aflortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Wtll worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, lit April, i8iq. I4tf No f fee* THE late partnership of Rohert Gra¬ ham Sf Co. having dissolved itself this day by the death of Roderick Mnc hay Esq. the bussjness in future will be earned on by theSubscriberj to whom all persons, who are indebted lo the above firm, will plf&se pay theiraccounts with¬ out delay,and those who may hare claims ftgainft that concern will please present them for adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, $1*1 Srpf, 181S. To Clot/iters. For sale, a quant it) of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 For Sale at this Office, A FEW copies of a SERMON, preached at Quebec, on the 12th of September, after the death of His Grace the Duke of Richmond, by the •Reverend G. J-Mountain, A. B Bishop's -Official in Lower Canada, and Rector of iQnebec. 41 For Sale, TWO excellent MILCH COWS, one of which will calve in about a week's time. Whoever may wiffi to purchafe faid Cows, will apply to the fubferiber, near Mr. AdamB*6f leading to Stuartville. MARK LAW. Kingflon, Nov. 1/1*19, 45 Ftjf sale at this Oj/ice. the outrea! .Almanac for 1820. u A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, new Doftor Keating's, two stories high, *vith-sevcn rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. h'ingston} $th June, 1819. 23 For Sale or to Let, yjl TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a (f/i* large and commodious (lone Store, fiiuate on the water'* edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafcr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. Kingflon. 26th February, 1819. 9 nriHE fubferibers being duly nomina JL ted Executors to the laft Will and Tedamcnt of the lace Lawrence Hcrchmer. Efquire, Merchant, requeil all p» rfons in¬ debted to hie cftatc to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againft the faid eflate to bring them forward with¬ out delay- JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingflon, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 SK\V MEDICINAL STOHE THE subscriber respectfully in for ra¬ the inhabitants of Kingston and vi- c;\!i;rvr, *Wt, 'no 'r»as ope tic A a MEDICINAL LABORATORY In Front-Street, opposite to Mr. Ivirby's; whne t!»ty may be supplied with every article in his line. W. WILLIAMS. N. B- Physicians' prescriptions and orders from Merchants in the country, will be received and carefully attended to. Kingston^ Oct. 4, 1819. » 41 GEORGE SCOCGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engi¬ neer D<partn;cnt, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, tha* he has commenced bufinefs next door below Mr. George Douglaf8fa* Stoie Street; where every article in his line may be had on the mod rcafonable terms, and on the (hoited notice. The following rates of charges arc fubmitted. Horse Shoeing* all round 6/Q — — remove f9 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April 5/^,1819. 15 NOTICE^ ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part net (hip of Richard Robison and David Secordt are reqnefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnerfhip may be indebted, are re- queded to fend in their accounts for ad- judment and payment. Kfngdon, 27th May, 1819. z6tf PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requed- ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kiugdon, and with as little delay as poffible^ JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. 16 T. TO-AlKINS&Co. Jyoofibindrrs, Stationers, %c. RKSPECTFULLVinform the inhnb- / itants of Kingston, and its vicini¬ ty , .hat (hey have commenced the above Bus "ess near the Government House: and *hry hope, by strict attention and moderate charges, to meet vvith support. Rooms Papered, Pocket Books made to j-attcrn^ Account Hooks Ruled and matt' to any size or pattern. K ngston, November 30, 1819. 49-4 Government Contract. EALED Tenders will be received at thl'fi Office until the 15th December next, at noon, for baking Bread from Go¬ vernment Flour, for the ufe of the Troops, &c. n this Garrifon and its dependencies, from the 25th of next month to the 24th June 1820 1%e piopofal mud fpecify the names of two -efpeftable perfons who will become refponfibie for the due performance of fuch contract as may be entered into, the cond cions of which, as well as the form of Trader may be known, on application at ths Office Conmissariat 0jp.ee* Kington* %oth November. 1819. 49 Executive Council QJfice, Torh, I 7 th November. 1819. WHEREAS the prefent LEASE of the Ferry from the Town of Kii-gilon to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE IB hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealed Propofals tor a new Ltafe to be given to the highed bidder will be received at this Office until the 10th of June, 1820. 49 JOHN SMALL, c. e. c Tamb&McDo;sllu Opposite the Market^ King Street. RESPECTFULLY inform then friends and the public, that the\ have received part of their fall Goods, AMONG WHICH AUF, Ladies Pelbse Cloths, most fashionabb colors : West of England superfine Blue and lilack Cloth : Grev, Blue, Black. Brown, Olive, and Drab Cloths, and Cos* si meres : Red, White. Green, Blue, and Yellow Flannels; Rose Blankets; Wors¬ ted Shirts and Drawers ; Marseille Quilts and Counterpanes, Chintz FurnU 'ure with lining, Fringe and Binding t*» match ; Scarlet and Bkie Moreen ; Scar¬ let, Waterloo, Blue, Salmon,Sage Drab. Fawn, and lV:ich colored Cassiroeri Shawls ; Merino and C-inton Crap<* Shawls; SilkShawlsaud Handkerchiefs: F'as;, Bandannas, Satins, Silks, Loit£ Lawn, Jackonettp, and Mull Muslin : Cord«d Can brir& Book Muslin Dresses; BookMnslinTrinimin^s:CandJrics;Lcnos' ThrfadLace<ScFootini::Ca!icoes:Check>. Stripe Cotton: Red ic BltieDerry's; Stri- ped Cambric Ginghams,Vestmgs^Bomba- zeensand Bombazettes, Tartan IMaid Turkey Stripe, Brown Holland, Irish Linens. Cotton Shirting, White Cotton. Diaperand Diaper Table Cloths, Greei and Blue Table Covers, Dimity Furni¬ ture; Hearth Rugs, Brnfisellfl Rugs: Scotch Shirting, Black Silk Veils, Best Treble Gilt Coat Buttons, &c. &c. Rib¬ bons, Tapes, Thread*,Cotton Balls,Sew- ins Silk and Twist, Lady's White and Black Silk Stockings, Slate colored and Black Worsted Hose, Boys & Girls, d<*. do. Men's Lamb's Wool half Hose, do. Worsted do. Ladies' slate colored black ano VhiteSYiVliloves Men's lined Bea¬ ver and Kid do. Men? lined Beaver and Buck Skin Gloves. ALSO, A great variet) of othrr articles, too numerous to mention. The whole com- [>ri«es a complete a^ortraent of Dr) Goods, which they will sell very low for Ca**h. Kingsfon, Nov. 1S:/j, 1819. 47 Notice. THE fubferiber has just received a quantity of Double and Single Stoves, of various fizes and of new and elegant patterns, which he offes for faleat Montre¬ al price and charges for ca(h He has alfo received, in addition to his former fupply, feveral t^ns of English and Swedes Iron as¬ sorted shes ; Hoop and Round ditto, Nail Rods, Grindstones, Anvils and Vices, Double and Single Sheet Iron ; Trace and Log Chains ; IVro't and Cut .Sails (all sizes; J Smiths* Bellows, Hollow Ware, (of all descriptions ;) Cut, iJit} and Mill Saws, Carrier's and Lintseed Oil; Wagon and Cart Boxes ; trmi and Brass Wire ; A go^d aflortment of Saddlery, Stamped, and Cast Braf* Cabinet Furniture, with an extenfive aflortment 0f Shelf Goods. con listing of most articles in the Hard Waie line too numer,lUB j0 mention. JOHN WATK1NS. N. B. Flour fnfaU Kingston, November 16th, 1819. 47tf ALEXANDER HOPE, Late Farrier in theSd (Queen'sJ Light Dragoons, BEGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Kinglton, and its vicinity, that he has rented the (hop of Mr. James Meagh¬ er, near the Market Place, where he in¬ tends carrying on the lilack^niitbing Business, In all Us various branches ; And he flatters himfelf, from the long ex¬ perience he has had in the above line, to eive fatisfa&ion to all who may pleafe to favour him with their cuftom, and on as reafonable terms as at any other fhop in the place. Kingston^ 2d Dec. 1819. 40 6P *6igi 'jaqujaooQ })i *o0$3org '3JJIMT03N 83nYJft' *HJB0 JOJ dni\o j|3j i|tn sq qoiqM '6SUU8 OUD JO-(j -nuenb eajJM^^j—uojwj aqj 03 p^depc 'spoof) £jq jo au3ajuojjB papapj \p/A B p3Ap03J £Bq 3l| 3CI|J Oiiqnd sqj TT sujiojui Xfinj^adjaj ^quDiqnj 3H^ li SO OOP AiHSL AT OTI-CE. THE fubferiber has now, and will con¬ tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup¬ ply of Rich flavored Ale. The prefent price is one (hilling per gal- on, for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of extra flrong bodied Ale are refpeft- fully informed that as foon as poffible he will provide a Hock that will satisfy the moft faflidiouscritic. He thinks ft will not be amifs to remind the Farmers (who are the mafs of the peo¬ ple) that if they wifli their grain to com¬ mand Ca/h, thrf mo.1 ahfaim&eifa&kt .maJc Liquor their common beverage, and thus fupport the Canadian Brewers inllead of the Weil Indian Dlflillers. It is of feri- ous confequence, both to thcmfelves and to the whole country, that they fhould im¬ mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a refolu- tion. Orders fent to the Brewery, or left with Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartlet, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery% Oct. 26, 1819. N B. Grains at all times for falc, 7^d per bufhtl. 44 NOTICE. Montreal Fire Insurance Company's Office 30ih July, 1819. THE Company having extended its hufinefsand protection againll loffes or damages by I'ire, to Cpper Canada, now inform the public, that the following ptrfong are authorized Agents of the Com¬ pany in that Province : At Kingston* tVsi* Mitchell-, Esq* .. Fbrki Wm. Allah, Esq. .. Qucenston^ Mess- Grjst S{ Kirbv* .. Amherst burgh. Wm. Dvrr^Ksq. The [Jiredlors of this infant Infticution flatter thcmfelves, from the reductions late¬ ly made on their Tariff, that their rates of premiums will be found as reafonable as at any other Office, and they refpefifully fo- licit the patronage of all who wilh well to Local Kftablifhments. By order of the Board. 3?m3 J. BLEAKLEV, Sec'y. ~ ALEXANDER ASUE^ Merchant Taylor* HAS received from Montreal ?. mod choice and excellent aflortment of the bell Weft of England fuperfine Cloths and Cassimcres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe oloths, &c at his old (land, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the fhorteft notice, and on the lowed terms for Cafh. or fhort approved credit. Kingilon, Sept. 10, 1819. 37tf For the Kingston Chronicle. SECOND ESSAY ONTHE EDUCATION OF UPPER CANADA. 11 At thirty man BUipecKbimself afnol; 4; Knows it at fort>. and reforms his nlan = plan, * At n'fty chides his in famous delay, 11 Pushes his prudent purpose to rerolve; u In all the ina^n^niniiiy of rliona?hi« %" Resolves, and rr-reso!>e5, then die the same." dr. young. That youth is the proper season for in¬ struction, is a fact so self evident, as to need hut little occasion to dwell on it in a brief essay : and yet mankind are but too often observed to act as if they fre¬ quently required reminding of this im- portant truth. A man grown grey in his prejudices, and unyielding in his habits, often looks in vain on the pages of the moralist, or returns unimproved from the pious exhortations of the prea«her. Let parents then redouble their attention to their youthful offspring, and hold indue estimation the Tutor who stamps tin cha¬ racter of a future generation, w ho bright¬ ens the prospects of manhood, and the hopes of declining age : for opportunity once lost is never regained ! Though the benevolent intentions of government are often frustrated by party spirit, or low minded jealonsy, it is yet surprising that the annual allowance of ^6000 for the establishment of Schools, in Upper Canada, has not in a greater degree quickened theexertions, orarous- ed the spirit of the Province on a subject so much allied to their dearest interests. To the observing man, there are, at least, three obstacles to the success of ed¬ ucation, which readily present themselves; lirst, the little regard paid to engagements with teachers ; secondly, the too rigor¬ ous or repulsive plan often adopted by School-inasterfi ; thirdly, the frequent in¬ ability of youth to quit their more press¬ ing employments, or useful occupations. Bating, iu the Kingston Gazette, of June, 1818, made some remarks on the rwo» nrsc obstacles, and as our conviction of a truth is most effectually confirmed by demonstration, 1 shall here but briefly recommend any doubting, or disinterest¬ ed person to visit what are termed school wettings ; they may thete see how wretched is the man whose reputation, and whose bread, must depend on the breath of an angry child ; and how often modest merit is culled down by the cla¬ mour of some ignorant up-tart ; so that peaceable and well meaning parents, find¬ ing every thing managed by noise and fac* tion, shun the assembly, and thus leave the poor persecuted teacher to his fate. Such truths are alwaysoallingto the guil¬ ty, and come with pain from the pen of him whose experience enables him to re¬ cord them. Thus we may well cease to wonder at what so much astonishes and dejects European emigrants, when they see our schools shut up, and education suspended the greater part of the year. Every friend to his family, and to so¬ ciety, must consider that he who annoys an impartial Teacher, is as much a pub~ lie nuisance as he who molests the unbi¬ ased decisions of an upright magistrate : But I can see no reason why a teazing aud thankless employment should also be made so dependent or so despicable. Jt has been said, that in Canada," there is a risk of the whites relapsing into Mo¬ hawk ignorance, and of having to bargaia at talks for want of being able to sign a contract" ! Canadians consider well, or repent too tetc ! It was not by despising the dispensers of public learning that Rome arrived at its zenith of glory. Mar¬ cus Aurelius, one of the wisest and most illustrious emperors that Rome ever wit¬ nessed, thanked heaven for two things especially ; first, for his having excellent tutors himself, and secondly that he had found the like for his children. In Canada we hire Tutors, as in Eng¬ land they employ travelling Tinkers, who, when their job is finished iu one place, wheel off to another ; but with this material difference, that the Tinker never departs without his pay. And yet, should a Showman, or a Fiddler, perform but for one night in a Canadian village, he carries off the next morning, as much ready cash as would have paid for three month's instruction of all the children 1 Siuce then all the world will pursue NOTICE -IT* hereby given, that I William Tay- ^^ come5 fa ^ of e Jl lor, as hey .t aw and administrator , us abate our austerlti; B»|ld mak^ to the estate of the late Allan I aylor, de- ceafed, have thip day affigned all the real and perfonal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest in the concern of Taylor 8c Parser, and Thomas Parker, unto John Kirby, Alexander Oliphant Pe- trie and Thomas Parker, as trustees, for the benefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator of the estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston* August 28, 1819. 36tf A good Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfe and Pretnifee, in the Town of Kingfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jun. Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 SUBSCRIPTIONS To the Letters of AGRIC0LA received at thi» Office. our School-rooms also, attractive and cheerful. " Were these institutions un¬ der my direction," says the celebrated Montaigne, u I would ornament the Schools with the pictures of joy and glad¬ ness, with Flora aud the graces, that where their profit is, there might be their pleasure also." I was lately ac¬ cented with much dictatorial vehemence, by one from whom I expected more libe¬ ral sentiments, "Sir," said he, "your mild method of instruction will not do ! you must rule your scholars with a rod of iron, and keep it red hot!!!" Yet, so inconsistent are human expectations, so unhappj i? tbe lot of the Tutor, that nothing could appease the anger of this advocate for "red hot rods," when he soon after heard his child had been repri¬ manded for disturbing the good order of the School ! It will often be the fate of a School master to waste his efforts on a stubborn uiifld, aa it is that of a Farmer to till a