mvt% From T. Moore's new Melodies. Air—Norali Kista. Wreath the bowl With flowers of soul ; The brightest wil cau tinJ us; Well lake flight Towards heaven to-niplit, " And leave dull care behind us. Should love amid The wreath be hid, Which mirth the enchanter brings us, No danger fear While wine is near; We'll drown him if he stings us. Then wreath the bowl, &c. 'Tw.^ nectar fell Of old 'tis said ; The Juuos, Joves, A polios; And man may b»ew His nectar ioo; The rich receipt** as follows : Take wine like this, Let looks of bliss Around it will be blended. Then bring Wit's beam To warm the stream, And there's your nectar splendid. So wreath the bowi,&c. Say, why did Time HiaglabS sublime Fill up with -ands unsightly. When wine he knew Runs brisker through, And frparkfea far more brightly ? On ! lend it us, And Moiling thin, The sr!a*3 in two we'd sever, Make pleasure glide In double tide. And nil boih ends forever. Th.*n wreath the bowl, &e. *\*:v*' your labours will lead you as a natural conse¬ quence. Our most livel> gratitude is due to Almighty God for his Hessiog this season in a muit abun¬ dant crop, in all parts of the province. In thanking you for this address, allow me to make the request of being enrolled a member of the Union Agricultural Society of King's coun¬ ty.— Although I cannot be a practical member, 1 will venture to assert, thai none can wwh it- prosperity more sincerely than I do. (Signed) DALUOUSIE. 8th October, 1819. when the Wheat (k^lnz much i! tiirown AGRICULTURAL. From the Acadian Recorder^ October 16. At a little past 1 o'clock. His Lordship, accom¬ panied by Colonel Darling, the Sheriff, and the Committee of the Society, proceeded to the petm* which had been lined up aud prepared tor the reception and separation of the different animals about to enter into competition for the premi¬ ums : and on the spot, appointed the following Gentlemen as the Judges, who were to pass rhe»r award and deride among I he claimants. In or¬ der to remove every possibly ground of jealousy His Loul>hip was of opinion, that the Judges. should not be selected from any one towitehipi but from all those, which were likely, that da>, to send cattle for the show. In conformity to this prudent and impartial measure he nominat¬ ed, r* r* ii* <fft o. Cumming. ) «„___ For Cornwall... }J-mesCogsw|„ \ E*!** For Hon on, James N. Crane, Esq. For Windsor & Newport, Terence Cochran, E.->q lor Ayl-ford, Henry V. IJuskirk, Esq* The Judges accepted the appointment, and proceeded fonhwith to the execution of their du¬ ty. After inspecting with gnat care and atten¬ tion all the cattle, which thronged the ground, they returned, abo.t half past 3 o'clock, to tile Secretary of the Provincial Agricultural Society aHsl of the successful com^eiiiors. The ani¬ mal, which the> had fixed on a* of superior ex¬ cellence, were then taken IrOiD the pemis ; and a; the desire of His Excellency, ranged rotmd the Court«House,audthrri*exhibited at one view to an anxiou^aad tiiquiring multitude. After tins,the Governor went up to the Court¬ room, and presided over the distribution of the mono. The Secieiary of ;he Provincial \gn- cultnral Society then rose, and addressed the meeting in terms somewhat to the following ef¬ fect : — My Loud, YViihyoi.r permission, I shall state, previous to the distribution of the Prices, some general \ iew «, v. Inch ought to usher in the proceedings in Which we aie about to be engaged. Ji i* proper to mention to the Gentlemen, now assembled, the monev in inv band* b 'he gif. of he !.e- CATTLE SHOW. Agreeably to the advertisement, the Cattle Show * a" held at Honon Corner on the 8th in¬ stant, and as the mor ing was fine, a great con- cm-rse of people collected early on the ground, from all the surrounding neighbourhood. As this was the first exhibition of the kind ever wit¬ nessed in the Province, the eager eye of curiosi¬ ty surv<-\ed every thing with a peculiar sharp¬ ness of vision ; and the cattle OS they approach¬ ed, and drop! in from the different routes, were attended, a:td often too entirely encircled, bv the anxious multitude, who examined their prop¬ erties and di-enssed their respective ground.- of merit. . Long before the commencement of the proper business of the day, the spot displaced a busy and animated picture ; and could not fail to impress every beholder with hose cheerful images, which are associated with such a mulii- plictty and variety of objects as here crowded on the ight. If the morning was fine, the day was delight¬ ful. An unclouded sun shed on the whole land¬ scape a mixture of rich and mellow tints ; as if not'iioc should be wanting to favour and crown our incipient efforts, and .uperadd the beauty of natural colouring to the lively aud moving spec¬ tacle. At 12 o'clock His Lordship the Earl of Dal- bonsie appeared, and in the house of the Sheriff was waited upon by a Committee of King^Conu- t\ Union Society; when their President, Charles* R. Prescott, Esq. delivered to His Excellency the following address: — To Hts Excellency Lieutenant-Gtnaral the Right Honorable George, Earl of Dnlhoiiiiz% Baron Dalhousit, pfDalkouiU Castle, Knight Grand Cross »/ ihf Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath. Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over His Majesty's Province *f \ova-ScGtiat and its Dependencies^ fife. *c tfc We, ibe members ofihe Union Agricultural ' Society of King's County, respet fully beg leave to uffei our graceful acknowledgments to your Excellency for the active zeal, which you have manifested for the general interests of this Prov¬ ince, and more especially for the liberal encour¬ agement which jou have extended to us agricul¬ turalists.— We look forward with pleading anti¬ cipations to :he beneficial results, which must flow from an exalted patronage, that i*. marked by an earnestness to promote our welfare; and we consider the present period, a propitious era io our agricultural advancement. While we acknowledge our obligations for what fOU have already done, and express our thankfulness for the advantages that are io per¬ spective, allow- us to declare how sincerely we - appreciate the honor you confer upon our coun- t> hy your pergonal attendance at ibis time, tor the purpo-e of exciting a laudable spirit o. com¬ petition among our fanners, which commencing under such Battering auspices, must eventually terminate in the happiest consequence*. It must be satisfactory to yOur Excellency to hear that the agricultural returns of this season, greatly exceed those of many preceding years ; and thai a Munificent Providence has smiled up¬ on tho-e exertions which your Excellency has rc- anloia pd, and which were enfeebled tend nearly destroyed b» the unfavorable nature of several antecedent summers. OflAS, R. PRESCOTT, President. IZortou Corner, October 8. 1819. To thi.- His Lordship was pleased graciously to reply :— Gentlemen, I receive ibis address with feelings of pecul¬ iar satisfaction, because it comes to me from n pait oflhe couniry to which lam inclined togivt a superiority in the public \oice on mailers- con¬ nected will oar general interests. This is one of the earliest settlements; the improvement? are more extensive ; the natural advantage-, of the soil more encouraging; and the spirit of the res¬ ident proprietors more generally active in this than in almost any other county of the province. On these grounds I give to fhts address more im¬ portance than la attached to a compliment paid roe in visiting you on this occasion; and 1 ac¬ knowledge thi* eipression of yOUf sriiiimenrs as the more acceptable, because my o\\ n bosom tells me, how earnestly 1 do feel interested in the im¬ provement oftbe Agriculture of this beautiful country. But 1 am not vain enough to attribute to my eodeaionr.-, the happy results si I ready experien¬ ced from the general spirit cicited in all parts of the province. Give that merit where it is most justl- due; and I shall think it honor enough to fhare your pra»=esavowedly w ith him, who is now kn«i»'.ii toyoall—ar Agncola. I am sanguine enough. Gentlemen, in this caese, to think the grand objeci already obtain¬ ed ; and I do not entertain a-donbt, that every sui c-'-diog >ea: will u«ve >ou additional reason to y mac your improvements With increasing en- ertr> and spirit. One or two t#-a«ms of success are no criterion of chat this province is capable; and I am con- vii red, thai no taruo-r here, who ha- not M-euihe seal-of kgncnli u in Qhrat*Rii'ain, can form *n idea ol the extent to which a perseverance in gislaiure,auu UeMi;iicil by them toititttottttc the agriculture of the country. In the t.xerci-e of their wisdom, they taw the e'fect of competition on the public mind, aud with si liberality which does them honout. mey einiowed the Provincial Society with funds, part of which is now abotil to be distributed as the rewards of sUCCC sful ef¬ fort. iU\t Gentlemen, unless a spirit of emulation i- excited in the agricultural body, unless fai'mera try to improve their breeds, this money will be literally thrown awa> ; for it i-* be-towid, not so much for w. ai is already accompli-bed, as for wlrHt can be still achieved. 1 am aware thai the country ha% in some meas¬ ure, been take; by surprise for this.dsy's exhi¬ bition, and 'hat many, not anticipating the ful¬ filment of the original destination oflhe Piovin- cial Grant, thought, that the cattle show might lift: take place, and relaxed their exertions ; but it wa?gratifying to His Lord nip, and to the Gentlemen present, notwithstanding this mis¬ take, to sec cattle of such excellent shape aud size brought forward on so short a notice. The working oxen in particular would not disgrace any country; as the se\eral yokes which bad this day appeared, were distinguished for their powerfulness, noi le s than for tueir Other good quali:ies The bulls and the milch COWS were Certainly neither of that -ize nor breed which were desirable ; but the} were far from being of ader-pirablesorf. 1 have it further to -tale, as the opinou of the Judges, that all the rams presented, and raid to be of thesouihdown breed, were degenerate and intermixed with the ordinary sheep of this Prov¬ ince. I had further in charge to say, that there was a wish that this breed should be restored to i:s original pur'tiv, and that if any such existed, lliey rhotild be cherished, and brought forward on next year'** exhibition—which in all proba¬ bility willhappen about the same time, aud cer¬ tainly in the same place. Of all the animaU present c IthisJay/he^wiae weic unquestionably the wot it; aud perhaps the Judges would have .lone wcM to withhold the premiums altogether, but a- they were anxious to stir up the ardour of improvcm*.-::!, ii was thought best, to -;i\e the prizes to such >is were offered. I'ut in man}' other parts of tie tVuv- iace a better kind could be found ; audit was die duly of farmer? to procure those, and bring them to this quarter. This race, in a peculiar man¬ ner, might be styled ts the poor's friend ;" a** i wa* often in the power of an indigent set¬ tler to fatten a hog, when he could not attempt to feed one of the larger s.uimaU. A call, on this account, was made on the pa liotism oflhe weal¬ thy and independent, to improve the breed for the benefit of such as were in le,-s favoured cir- cumstanccs; and a hope was indulged, that the effect of this days ?how would beget a better tone of public feeling, and aniiuat ■ ail classes with a de-ire, to improve the live stock oflhe country. The Secretary then proceeded to call the suc¬ cessful candidates by i.a-i.e, and to pay each in open assembly the amount ot the different pre¬ mium's which had been awarded by the Judges. Tor the best pairof working oxen,.. .23 dollars, to Mr. E. Calkin. For the second best do...............15 tOMr. J.Cogswell. For the fattest and heaviest ox.......20 to Iter. Wp.i. Campbell. For the second best do...............10 to .Mr. A. Harris. For the best bull...................20 f» Mr. VV. Dcwotf. For the second best,................10 to Mr. H.Chipman. For tile be*t milch cow.............20 to Mr. S. Fox. For the second best.................10 to Mr. Samuel Chipman. For the best ram, south down.........12 to Mr. K. Blshopi For the second best ofany breed.......8 to Mr. \\. Baxter. For the best boar.................. 15 iu Mr. J.Cumming. For thesecoud be-l................10 to Mr. W. LVwolf. For the best sow...................15 to Mr, Parker. For the second best.................10 10 Mr. Ward. To the public it will be pleasing to learn that all the prizes offered weie thus actually won; and that many Cattle of great excellence were unsuccessful. After all the sums were distributed, lfi> Lord¬ ship left the chair: and a meeting was then cal¬ led of the Union Agricultural Society ot King'* County, and such farmers as did not belong to it were requested to withdraw. After (tie private business of the Society was clo>ed, the President intimated to Mr. "i uung, thai at the las; general meeting w hich took place on the 1st instant, a vote of thanks was passed him, and ord red to be emcred on the Journal*; and thai a copy of it would be presented on his return from Annapoiis. MONTHLY a(;kicultlral KKIORT- By the- sudden unci timely rli&iigO of weather ahout (he riiitWllr ol July, Ktt- n»[;( \m* Menu d thcnio-t pindui live liar- veat ever Jtuown. At the very moment down by the great huvdeu upon the land and the preceding be%vy rains.) was be¬ ginning to mildew— -t*this very impor- I ant period; the veafterbecanie sudden¬ ly clenr ana dry, and matured the crops of all kind, which hat) become truly ha¬ zardous iu consequent 0f their unpre¬ cedented great bilk. _fhc continuance of that clear, dry, 2nd warm weather throughout the »vho!c of the last month, has enabled the fanner to harvest thi- most extraordinary |)«-„ductive crop in the very be^t manner. 'I'liis wonderful sea¬ son will fm-mati epoch in the historical record of European agricultural reports: that it will be banded down to the remo¬ test period, as one win re tlu> timely co¬ incidence of favourable seasons has mul. tiplied and matured the fruits of tile earth, through a grater variety of c!i- mate and extent of surf act* than can be recollected or found recorded in any pre¬ ceding year. This great produce is not confined to one species of crop, to oiip district, crone nswioiij hut the same lux¬ uriance of produce oi not only corn and pulse, but of all the fruit-bearing trees, extends throughout <he whole districts from IVtersburgh to Paris, and from Pa¬ ris to London.—The Wheats are equal¬ ly abundant, aud of the best quality.— Barley by far the m-t productive crop ever known, of goor! quality. Dean-, Peas, and all the leguminous "species the same. Turnips the same. Hops tlie same. The vine\ard: are so richly la¬ den with fruit of the finest quality, that it is asserted in Franc,, that wine will be at lite sous the bottle. Apples throughout th? cider counties in England, aroso lar^e a crop, that the trees «hich are n t property propped are breaking down in all directions. In Ivent omctrc-sare split rl«ht down through tlieirbuts; one half of {he tree lying tip- on the ground maturing it« fruit. A se- uouti crop oi ii ) 0| ojeat bulk is well se- cur.-d.— Lontun paper. KlNGS'iON TANNERY. T' UNCr:RHILL & Co. Refpea- » fllllv "*<* leave to i.,f( 7 beg leave to inform the Shoe-Makers, :3dd!ers and leathcrfellers in gt-nera!, tliat tley have now fele&ed fro-n tbieir extei.Hv 2fT .tment of different defciiptions of Leather, sad are preparing it ready for S?.e, upwards of one Thou- fandfidesof l)per Leather, from one to Twenty Thiiui,nd lbs. of light and fttong fole Leather, ,nd one hundred and fifty fide-- of Hnn.f, do. together with twenty dozen of Calf H;ins and a number of Hone hides, Dotf anc sheep Skins, too numerous to i.ilcrt, and »J,ich can be delivered on the fhorteft no ice Hnd loweft terms for Cafh. T. U. Pi;itt'rS himfclf tlmt ihofe who are inclined \-, favour them with their Orders, will find the above articles by far fuperior to an) yet offered for Sale, h?ving already been p»oved, and acknowledged bv the bell judge* in this I rovince. Kingft"", N.vember 5, 1819. ^.r For Sale, rTIHE weft half of lot number sixteen, £. tn the sixth concefTion of the town- fliip of Kingftnn, containing ioo acres, lying on the public road leading to Lough bwovv^VuvoVh ten n**fi« tevprovemeuc« Alfo—Lot numl'er font, in the third concfffion of the t^wnflifp of Richmond, containing 2ccacr-'*':|a jjo--d fettlement, and improvements aujotnmg it Inquire of SAM^liL MERRILL. Kingfton, 4th N^v- iSlg >> " 17 » » 3> •? :» 53 i» l» " ?> ___ 49 ON Monday ni^ht the 1 Sth the More of the subscriber was broke open and to the arroni t of 75 Dollars or upward^ in cafh earned away : alfo a few laree cotton Shaw?*t WW remarkable Fo- reipn red Scarf, u^Watdaof four yards in length, one end of "hich richly ornamen¬ ted with gold thteffA* ^c other end plain. Whoever may give ll)ch information as will lead to the recoven ofany of faid articles will be hat-dfomel) rewarded by applying to the fubferiber. For SAMUEL AYKROYD. DONALD iViURCHISON. Kingston 1 tgflid8 1819. 43 Forwardin»- & Commission BUSINESS. TIIK subscribers beg leave to inform their friend*an<' the public, that thpy have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the object of which is the trails* portation of Produce down the St. Lav\- rence, and of Mei^'haudise ofevcrv de¬ scription fiom Montreal to any part of Upper Canada ai»»l the United States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Ewe. The business vrlU be conducted by W- Hl'bbf.ll, at Ogdensbnrgh, and under the firm of W. L tVBJTlNG $ Co. a! Piescott. To prevent delay* all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay ofQuinte, mil br forwarded from Pres- cott by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twico every week. The subscriber^ engage to freight on as favourable teriftS as any who are en- gaged in the burfness ; and, pledging their united exertlonstogivesatisfaction, will be grateful foi evnv favor. Executive Council Officet Turk* 25/A August, 1S19. THE Order in Council of the 1 Sth instant, respec¬ ting Locations subject to Settling Duties being revised, it is order¬ ed by His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, that all Locations of Land subject to Settlement Duty made prior to this date, be rescinded, and the Land otherwise disposed of, if Certificate of the Settlement Du¬ ty being performed be not lodg¬ ed with the Surveyor General within the time limited in the Ticket of Location, and the Pa¬ tent sued out within Three Months thereafter : and that all Locations subject to Settlement Duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded, and the Land oth¬ erwise disposed of, if Certificate of Settlement Duty being per¬ formed be nor lodgeJ with the Surveyor General within Eigh¬ teen Months of the d.'te of the Order for such Location, and the Parent sued out within Three Months thereafter, JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. 36^6 NOTICE 1^ hereby given, that William Taylor, heir at law and administrator of the late Allan Taylor, hath affigned all the real and peifonal estate of the late Allr.n Tr.yior Jeceafed, unto John Kirby, Alex- TO&fl O, \ (Safe -aitii TV/mat. fiifer, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All perfon*» having any claims against the lace Allan Taylor, Taylor 8c Parker, or Thom¬ as Parker, are requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment, and thole perf ms indebted to either the late Allan Taylor, Taylor and Parker, or Thomas 1 arkcr, are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees ; who ate fully authortTcd to give difcharges for the iame. John Kirby, A. O. Pcrie, Thomas Parker. Kingston^ August 28, 1819. 36tf NOTICE. AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of Jams Ranken tig Co. of Ernefit Town, Merchants, as well as those belong- ,n£to J'l^es Ranken individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice 13 hereby given to all persons having claims against 'he said firm, or a. ainst the said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective accounts to Chr. A. Hagerman, Esq of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber next, JOHN KIRBY. KwgJWi) \$fbfy;cntoa> 1619. 36 "~ for"salkj AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se- ioud concession of Eli/abethtown, U. C containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JolmShu- ter, Esquire, of Loudon. There is a ve- \y good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses on the premises. Also, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in the District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DAXIEL JONES, Jun. Brackmtkr 15th January, 1819. 4 NOTICE Rooks of Subscription for the will be opened at the Dire&or's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Anguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 3r To the Farmer?, THE fubferiher being fupplied withai much BARLEY as his Stores will conveniently hold, begs that the Farn.erj will withhold bringing any nvire for Six Weeks, when he will be prepared to re¬ ceive it again at the fame price* THOMAS DALTOX. Kingflon Brewery, September 30th, 1819. 40 Valuable Lands for Sale in (he Township of Hamilton. IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con' JI_J ceflion. containing 400 acres. i)itto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th Cod* ceflion, containing 450 acres. I/itto ditto 10. i:i the 6th Concefliemrf containing 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in rflfi Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcaftlr Diftiift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elia* Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber i\\ Kingiton. Thomas S Whitaker. Kingfton, May 2St 181Q. 22tf - BANK OF THE fubferiber being appointed agent for the bank "f t anada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal* 'Q/uduL-c, 01 riui bpecte, Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, 0£. 13th, i8;8. 20 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Rank. ANY fum required m^.y be obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon. treal, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days* THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d Nov r8i8. aj- W. L. WHITING, W. HUBBELL. Prcscott, 10th flT<0r»18 19. 23 TO LET, ^JND poffeffion given the 1st A uplift d/lL next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store Street, opposite the Po9t Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jones.— For particulars apply to the subsciiber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 18 19. 29 NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing Lot No. 2 2, in the 7th con- ceffion of Frederickfburgh, or lot No. 27, in the 1st conceffion of Richmond,from tht Heirs or Affignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an indisputable title to the fame. GILBERT HAR1S. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 To Axemen. TO KB SOLD, OAACORDSiFIREWOODJyina *"Vfon Lhe btfkof Mr. Daly\Faim, a little beyond C^l'"5' Bay, convenient for conveyance by -valerto Kingfton. Not leffl than 50 Coid» will be fold to a pur. chafer ; price 58. j»*-'r Cord. A. WILSON. Kwgtfan% $ib 0^ 1819. 4I THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or person- willing to engage to clear sixty acres o! new land on their premises in Amelias- burgh, Bay of Quinte, ready for seed b) the first day of August next. The Ash- es on said laud will be required to be collected and carefully secured. Teams and Provisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN MtDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUCAJLfc McLELLAN, G iScllvillc. A FARM FORSALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in theTowfi. fhip of Fredericksburgh, the Eatf half of Lot No. 2, in the ftcondConceffioni containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log h*>ufe* and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wafhburn, Efquire, Kingfton. 1 P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 3° For Sale, THAT valuable Farm, known by'. Lot No 8 in the fir ft Conceffion of Frederickfburgh, en the bay ofQniutjft upon highly advantageous terms to the porchafer. There is a large two ftory Houfe upon it that may be converted into a*f,f^mf^vm^,•, t»fl%CM -f- f»' /*-»"flinig «|f. penle.—There arc. alfo various outhoufci attached to it, with a well of excellent water—An tndifputablc title will be given and the terms made known at Mr. Dt Ilagerman's office in Bath, or on appW Hon to the proprietor, JOSEI II UERGON. Frederickfburgh, 8th Od. 1819. 42 foiTsale7~ A QUANTITY of RED CEDAR « PICKETS, from 7 to 8 leet )u length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawmw. Tailor. J WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, juty 17, 1819. 3Q TERMS of ms "KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum: if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the Istof July, or lhe 1st of Janu¬ ary, m PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENT^, (Of IX lines and under 1$. Crf. first w- Ol sertion, and l\d. each snbsequtnt insertion : 10 lines and witter, Zs. 4rf. first insertion. anttlQd. each subsequent insertion ; above ten lines. Ad. per line for the first insertion, and Id, per line for every subsequent insertion.- Advertison. nts without written direc* tionsare inserted till forbid, andcharged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* ments to be in writing, and delivered bu WEDNESI) A Y NOON at the latest* No Advertisements received after TEN 0'Clock on the day of publication AGENTS. Henry Cowan, E?q, Quebec Edward Sills. Esq. Three Risers. James William*, Esq. Montreal. Messrs. J. Sc J. Dunlop, Lancaster.* Paul GlassfortI, Esq. Matilda. Alpheus Jones, Esq. Prescott. Henry Jones, Esq. Brockvilk. N. B. Tomma:., Esq. Perth. H. Whitmar.sii, ISstJ. Richmond. J. K. Hartuell, E-q. Uastartl. E. "Webster, Esq. Qanaaoque. J. Ranken, Esq. Bath. Allan McPbcrson, E-q. Sapancr. Thomas Parker, E.sq. Bdivide. Joseph A. Keeler, Esq. Cramtthe. .tames fi. Reihune, E>q. Hamilton, William Allan, E-q. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. J0I111 Crooks, Esq, Niagara. T. MrCormiik, Esq. Qucmston. .Mlm Wil on, l-^q. Amht><thurgh. KINGSTON, LIC PRINTJiD TOU liili EDITORS.