Advice" from MarfeiH« (hte. that four bundled ling ilh arc expected at Genoa to form ihegarnfin o* tliat town. By this it appear*, thai all the maritime ar- ran^ements of various governments are dirt ft ed against the Barbafy powers. Buenos styres— %% Silenos ^yres they wen* making the most fpirited exert ions to xepulfe the Cadi/, exp.-ditioh. The streets and tops of houfe-. Were to be doubly fortified ; fifteen thoufjnd men were to COmpolVthc garrifoti— part of them from Chiii; ten thoufand cavalry were to be placed in the fuburbs ; and look out ves- lelato be (lationcdat ft a and at the mouth cf the river, to give the tarlHl advice of the enemy's approach. The FbiXiigoefc authorities, i: isfaiJ, have prnrrifed to ob- fervethe ftfi&fft neutrality. General Pan. deau ii the Supreme Director of the Re¬ ptile ; and Puerrydoa ads as a iimple Colon it I. Piracies have multiplied to an alarming extent in the Weil India latitudes. We fcarcclv receive a mjil which does not de¬ tail fomc newaggreffi >n of this kind, which calls for the iatetpufition of civilized gov- ernments. Earthquakes in Smtth America.—Otic of our London paj>rp* gives an account ol three sev. re and di^triiefive earthquakes in tho city of Copfopo, vvhirll occurred on th~ 3d, -1th ami 1 llhn! April last,and cf which wc do not reiolint to hate seen any previous notice. It is stated, that the whole city was destroy; d by these aw¬ ful visitsi:on>. .Mori: than three thou¬ sand persons werettf»vci?*Ui£ the neigh¬ boring; plains, flying from the desolation which had been produced. It appears, according to tnc account, that the inhab¬ itants had time to save only their lives. Copiapo is a sea port of Chili, and stands on the South side, of a river of the urnve name,* about 400 miles N, by E. of Val¬ paraiso. DNITED STATES BANK. We give this day an Important Report of the Comn tttee of the Stockholders of this In dilution. The l&flri afcertained amount lo three millions of Dollars ; and the report dates that no dividend can be made until January, 1821. After that period, the Committee anticipate that the ftock will be valuaLlv at.J pt-Hlw&Sic. BostDil paper* Sa?-F.m, Nov. g. DARK DAYS. Inourlaft we mentioned the thunder •and lightning of the preceding Tuesday, and its eifefts on a houfe in Middleton. We had very little rain in this town at the time, but the atmosphere wa9 much dark¬ ened, fo that in flores and offices it was difficult to do bwfinef* without the aid of candle light. The following account of the (late of the weather on that day at Ncwhuryport was given in the Ncwbury- port Herald of Friday lad : Dark Day.—On Tuesday lad we expe¬ rienced an atmospheric occurrence very rare. The weather was extremely thick with denfecloods, and fo daik En the mid¬ dle of the day, that lighted candles were necefTarv in many rooms. A torrent of rain, attended with thuudcrand lightning, enfued, as fevere as we have witneffed this feafon. And what is fingular, the rain which fell was noticed by feveral perfons to be colored as with latnt; dingy fabftancc- The lightning (truck i;>. feveral places. At Seabrook, a cow was killed in a field of Mr. Levi Cove, a ftaek of hay fet on fire and con fumed* and in this town one of the poplar trees which adorn our ftrtets was dcmoliuied. Albany, fTOV. to. Dark Day.—Yesterday we had an un¬ commonly dark d3y—At about dey ight, sud at different times m the forenoon, we had thunder and ttcrbfnr&ir—ci^- •**?« *i loin the morning, and about S o'clock a pretty fevere fall of hail ; during which, and for about an h >ur afcrrward-s it was necefTary to have lighted candles v} our boufe6 in order to annul to almoft any kind of bufinefs. From three o'clock in the afternoon, we were obliged to ufe ran¬ dies in our printiflg office.—Throughout the whole day, the atmosphere was over- call, thick and hazy, and 'of a veliowiih hue, fomething rcfcmbling the darh day in the revolution ( ! 78 1 )—The wind was from the fouth, with appearances of an ap¬ proaching ttorm. Bt/'RLINGTON, Nov. 12. Tuefday la ft was obferved as an unnfua! dark day. The weather was extremely thick with denfr. clouds, and in many " W0m% during the day it was necefiary to light candle? to fee to purfue the ufnalbu* lijiefw,—Tuesday evening wag alio uncom¬ monly daik. Grand Island E-cantaitd. The Niagara Patriot of the 2d inftant, ftatea, that the inhabitant* of Grand Ifl- the River Niagara, with a few ex- * captions, have, in obedience to a late law of the Hate removed from the llland, and have principally gone into Canada. It is faid, that they have left about Co log hous- ei> and upwards of a hundred acre3 of land sides the incumbent, are Crawford, Adams, Clay, and Clinton. Mr. Monroe will be re-eleded, unlefs Crawford, Clinton, and Clay form a coalition, and agree To divide •he fpoils of office among thcmfclves and followers. Quebec, Nov. r$. The Season.—The weather, during the laft month, has been variable and difagree- dble, without, however, much rainorfroft. Ploughing has not been entirely interrupt¬ ed till this morning, when it fcems to fet in cold, and even fmall (treak3of ice begin to flcirt the margin of the river. Thedatknefs mentioned in the Montre¬ al paper, as having prevailed on Sunday and Tuefday laft, was alfo obferved here, but in a less degree. It was darkefl on Tuesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, when fmall print could Bill be read clofe to a window. The dark clouds came from the weftward, and there fell a little fnow while they were paffing, which was obferved to bedifcoiored with fomething of a footy ap¬ pearance. On Tuefday in the afternoon there was a thick fog, which had a very difagrecablc frnell, rcfcmbling that of ful- phur, foot and iron. — Gazette. Mad Dogs.—We are forry to find that this intolerable nuifance again prevails to an alarming extent in the vicinity of the ci¬ ty. Thefedogs, however, are chiefly from the town. They attack dogs and cattle of every defcription, great numbers of which have been loll within a few years u\ confequence of having been bitten.—Gaz. From the Qjd-.-c Gazette of Nov, 8. Bills of Exchange,— Government Bills are now felling in this city at five per cent premium, payable in a certain description of gold, which is obtained at a premium of one per cent. Government, like individuals, has a right to fix its own price for its own commodi¬ ties, [t is probably not in want of money ; it makes its own conditions, and takes the advantage of the market. Thefe who are acquainted with the trade of (he country, however, maintain, that the average profits on the whole of the imports do not amount to six per cent, the lofs which is now incurred in making remittan¬ ces in Government Bills. It is even as¬ serted, and probably with truth, that ta¬ king the whole of the import trade for the prefent year, the importer, inftead of a pro- III 4 Ina In ft 'dMftfe'i <* Ifcvifl rin l*ic 1 ti* i<mi t a t lotto, independent of this additional Io& of 6 per cent on the exchange. The trade niuft therefore be greatly diminished, or fome other mode found of making the remittan¬ ces. The prices of articles of export are alrea¬ dy fo low, that little relief can be hoped for from this quarter ; at the prefent pri¬ ces the producer, notwithstanding the low price of imported merchandize and provi¬ sions, can hardly afford to bring his pro¬ duce to market. This state of things gives a very unfavor¬ able pP'fpcft cf the trade of the country. It forebodes diminifhed confumption* di¬ minished production, low prices and little to tio There is reafon to believe, however, that the importer, in the prefent (late of the, money market in England, will find fome relief by remitting bullion, which, we are told, has been already refotted to. Enough of circulating medium will always remain in every country for the demand, ;md with the prefeni reduced prices of commodities in general, and the diminution ot trade, the quantity wanted here muft be lefs than formerly. Silver 1 as already nearly difapp-earcd, but the Banks mud find gold to pay their notc^ audfupply the demand for exportation. Thus gold bul- li >n being returned as the ftandard of value in England, it will become fo here, and prevent the exchange from being ever much more above or below par, than the amount ot the coft of exporting or import ino- bullion, which w# tw - ' ' WwS* "-".- feeds two and a half per cent. give his opinion refpedinff this Hoe, and, excepting on two point, it does not mate¬ rially differ from that tf Mr. Price. The firll of thefc related tc countcra&ing the rapid h*low St. Johns, where Mr. Jerome would prefer conltru&inga dam along the rapid extending to the enck below, to ta* king in head water abo* the fort, and courfing through the wood as abovemen- tioned—Secondly, he hrlieves that the channel betweenthegrcatfchndof St. The-" refe and the main fhore, night be ufed as a part of the Canal in prefeience to taking it back inland, according to Mr. Price's idea. It may be neceflary to iiaic, however, that this channel was alfo noticed by Mr. Price as capable of being made ufe of, and was fnbmitted to the directors, but he recom¬ mends the inland courfe much more ftrong- There is alfo fome trifling difference of opinion refpecting the node of overcom¬ ing the difficulty of the high ground at Bunker's Hill ; bnt as cfiimates of the expencc will in couife be fubmitted, the direSors will be enabled to judge which is likely to be the bell and mod economical (o sit iJrt«vn contented witn tnevastterritory they Already posnesb, and allow ihcir neighbors to en¬ joy similur priwleges. mcafure. We have not heanl vvlat is the amount of Mr. Price's eilimate ; hut have it from good authority, that Mr. Jerome confiders that it may be executed for from £42,000 to £48,000, independently of the purchafe of property which it may be neceffary to cut through. txyu m^m^nmmmu V£7 ■ • • ,.*.*. • • W 9 f KINGSTON, Km ^ueh 26,' IS19. ***** • * 1 * ■ * m * • ■ * » * • « ■ f M * * I *n M i 4 • • • t i i i Our ilates from Engird are av ]ilt? as Ai>fi| October—at which perMd the Action for Lord Mayor of London bad nq, beeocioed. Th*- Min¬ isterial candidale ha«i ll.e.fl aroosiderabiomal* r-! it is ;>robal»ie ut,„|,| carrv ^ etftciion, nocuttbstuading t;»e e4^KS of Wailhmanand Hunt. Mr, Strafford Cannin- C(m*\n of tt<*orge Can- ninff. K*q. ha% bren upi..,illtt.d BriiWi Hiakter at ila4ir«s(on iuihenl.,lCe of Mr# Bagot, who giu'>to ll'i^ia. The S<i*a:n Ship Saw-.::.^ \ui< arrivrd in >an.. ly;u Siiint Pi-n'r-.lniit;!i. Tln-pfi.h-orsl.ipof N:.ltural Philo-opliv in tl.e itj iif Edinbiirpli, which ,,aJ become va- Uili V.T5! KM !..v thcd.-aih of Proi^gso, Hlavtajri ha, ,„.,.„ c..„i;:nr,l on 1 rofrssop UilUc ^^ opi,0.ins candidate uatf tbr crfr .lra(e(, l)octl,r Cha\men. A very extensuo an, I ..,„,,.„,.. ive fir<. b,okrout op the 4th ,,„iant at W Vlmingf-a, In North (ar- oImk-i it is raid th.-ii :,00 ^ jnciuding a new Llmu.,1% „„e lV11MimP(l, Hlu, llii> >>lf*t| niiiiiiti'l »•! ti(<> ted ainot less iliau a i ,, ■ . , ,, Tiip l.diior of the Ai, rx -. A j notinne me denurture ,. ., ,. . ,. (V i .! ^ u f ii *> *'r- tn>ana\ irom Qjr- u n , ft 'mark*. Mr Gouri3yw.vMVvcra1 wceks ;n t!lid city, after hwcalco^ from Um Canada , and, previous to h.*lcav|-Bg thid for Q^e. bee, he paid a vifit w Cobbl.u at Nevv. York; and, onhilrcUmi> ^j^ to g fiicud, thac many of he ,an3 and rojecla ofCobbettmei hm mtcr abhorrcnce, as moll ptoflcgate and immora]> Jle adJ<;j lbatiiCf^t. in^?^d him, that he had totally faded m all ^ ^^^ hc contcm. plated when he cam ^ ^ coun( and that he was miserabv and de;,a,d. And we would here /^ |hat Mv Q h.mlelf cair.yd with [Jm eyjd^t mavks of dejection, and morlifica. tioll.—All). Daily sJ t The formation of a n, the V.'llow Stone Rivei Govcroracnr. ha* ^ivm Htarv esfablisliment on h\ Hie t'luted Sraies1 \, /T ■ ri-c u> \anou> ^i>eeula- linit- anion;* iIn- Auirii' .. * i ob-,i*ci>ot tlie l»u-.. iillll Ollf Ii.'.Ht i»laM.!;. ii*a. Ui<? general L\ pa^er, hint> pivuy i- w ^irud Mr bourn}vIfw »r 1,iIa P^ernroettt fMoreab?otl,uMont1o„|.:mes1* akd. l" «W a wiucnoo.-nov i!.e Um0n>*Z those Indian irihes intervene*fcurog tllt-;*«'act ol .-ountry that Pacific Occm. Notsat ******* **** a,ui *e rrady tooextevilve for ; Uvd «-* I>osHV3«onsal- mex are Wlv mukmp,,nr ***** population, Yefterday, in the Cathedral Church, the Rev. S. S. Wood, A. B. of Bennet Col¬ lege, Cambridge,was ordained Pricft by the Lord Bilhop of this Diocefe. Mr. G. R. Mountain, one of Hia Lordfhip'a Sons, was ordained Deacon at the fame time. Prom the Cui\. Guaranty Nov. 20. Chamlly Canal,—Wc underfUnd that the Purvey of ihe grounds between Charm bly arid St. Johns was delivered in to the Dircftors of the Company on the 25th of laft September, with the line of Canal as propoftd by Mr. Price marked thereon. According to this gentleman's opinion, the courle will be, commencing at a fmail creek shout a quarter of a mile above the fort of St. Johns, and running through the low woodlands in the rear of that place until it approximates the river Richelieu, near the mouth ofa fmall creek three quarters of a mile below the town. From this place it runs a courfe parallel to, and at a ihort diflance from the Richelieu, along ground peculiarly favorable to the purpofes of ex¬ cavation both as to foil and levels, until it arrives at the hi^h land called Bunker's Hill, at the head of the rapid of St. The- refe.—Mr. Price propofes to cut through this high ground, (which may extend half * 1 V. The following return 01 ilir population of the London District, uilh the aonual incrfn&eltaxn the year IBIG 'o the year IHI9, ua* lately copi¬ ed from the Books in the Office of the Clerk of the peace, and handed us hv a friend who re>idrs in that part of the Province. We had heard much of the rich land* of the London District, and of Colonel Talbot's flourishing settlement, ami as Car a* x\p ma> judge from the present doc¬ ument, these accounts have no; been exaggerated. Similar returns from the other Districts of the Province, accompanied, if practicable, with ac¬ curate statements of the quantity of cultivated land and the quantity of prain, and niher pro¬ duce annually raised, would altogether form a mas» of information highly useful in a statistical point of view, and very gratifying to those who feel interested in the piogressivc improvement of Ihe colony. oc S 00 1^ uC CO «> I c o 1* > En - to 0 0* .n •?* c^ 3J ^ m #1 w U * 6 ■■ w r« »fi rs r: .-*. v) iM 0"« **i • V mm "p. 05 — <T. 73 7*. — •— m . "2 c Z <Tk ?-. — tf5 •* *m CO to *t — r-.-. a j2 c »o 00 C: T? 2? — CN — O 30 J 13 a *■* ■- ■1 K p IS .^ ?i Xi *3 •- X C X r— * "3 1 La. C* '-P — X SB - * c n X 1 — OC ift c. r — 0 4 e» '£ n 1^ «n •- * -* -O ^ 0 r- X ^ cc •r. Q E D } • a * • . M ■ ■» ^ -2 *-. iC *> * CD S a CO 0* New Goods. Til 0 VI AS AS K EW, HAS juft received his Winter affurt- mentof Dry Goods, opened for fale at Mrs Finkle's lioufe, and at the lowed poflible rate for Cafli—a- mongfl which arc 3, 3j and 4 point Blankets, 9, 10 and 11-4 Kose do. Superfine Cloths & Cassimeres, Pelisse Cloths, Hosiery, Haberdashery, &c. Kingston, l$th Nov. 1819. 48 AUVEUTl&tiMENT. ~ ^ 0 3* a> 1 0 ^^ » U — rt ^m 4* *^-- ^ «* ^K^ 0 ft* -2 i ^5 0 ^i. m^ 0 c Oh ■ s "5 *J 0 p c c fc s A^f i - 0 aj 0 ■S 0 •* 0 rt 1 - I ta O 0 #■* 0 M •0 *" n *+ B f ^^* &• w* w c fl H C ^J *. '^-" .» r"*m «■* O u ** Ci ^^ V .: -** 0 H H , CO * S5 Mr. Marcus F. Whitehead has been appointed Cnllecuirat Port Hope, in the District of Sew- Castie. Wp understand that the Honorable John Mac Gill ho* retflgncd the all nation of Receiver Gen¬ eral nf this Province, and that '..orge Crook- shank, I- r). has be**n appoitited hi his stead.— i" he latter Gentleman has also been created an Executive CounciUor. On AVcdnesday t.itcht we experienced a heavy /rale of wind from the south west, which c<»ntin- •ifil during >cv^ral hours with great violence. The schooner t'ommodore Oupii, which had sail¬ ed in the eour e of the day, wa* compelled lo put hack, having heTSO'Issplit to pieces by a sudden p|Hi.— While at anchor in the harbor, a trusty teuinan named Jacob I.enander, who had been placed oti Jerk as a watch-man about four o'clock t!ie r.e\t morning, was not fotttid at his post by the man who wa> appointed to relieve him,-— It i> conjectured that the unfortunate man fell over¬ board* and sunk without bring; able to alarm his shipmate-. Thai part of the bay where the schooner rode Oil) the gale, wu< rep^atedlv swept yesterday, though without finding the body. To <"or*RE>POvni:\TS. li A fri'-nd to Genius" shall appear next week Government Contract. which is cleared, fenced and cultivated. It a mile,) and then to fall into a ftscccfllon appears, thnt they had a Government of of ravines, which run parallel with the riv theipown. and that thcii public documents •ere all iffued *« /« the name of the P^cplc °J Grand //land." The Salem Gazette, in referring to the approaching fefTiun «>f con^rel*, obferves r What will mt-lt inteieft the feelings and occupy the minds of the members will be thecatvaffin^ and intiii^ues the prefi- dcntial election, which i :o take place next Wl Th- cauifdatca are r.omcious i be¬ er, till within a mile of Chambly. From this point, the line deviates from the Rich¬ elieu, until it falls into the bafin of Cham¬ bly, either at the old lock, or at the deep water near the houfe of Mr. Potts, not ve¬ ry dittant from the Parifh Church ; being a chord of fhe arc formed by the River from the head of the rapids to the bafin ot Chamb.'y. Another Engineer. (Mr. Jerome of the United Stages,) basaU? !>*•«•:; employed to them ihe expectation ofoWatnin^a lar^e acee»- •ioaofii rrilory toward.- he Highlands of the Kiu'i-.n. ('mix, by whi<-i.,he pri-etn communi¬ cation Iiecuecn Qieh^cai ( Halifax will be cut oil". He lelb them that.*- |a a national point of uview this reMiIi is of?ma.| i::»j)oria-;cc, as in the 14 event of Axonrcn w.\u between the United Slates no.; I n-clHud, and the posie.«-ion of t'a- 1 nada.-i10.1W hcioinean.-.rional i-bjecc, it needs 1 liOM-cond siuin r« forete.|%ii,at the former need ** rely on mi oilier pLint tU ,m that of the ba>nuel " to mukv a &afe luujceineot i:, iiK. citadel of Que- fc- becint*MMnffnth-after iiedeciaraiion." This Set: e; riainly view* ohjeM> il.rou^h n verj o!i- Miue tacilium at first sigt.t. and we may venture to affirm taut it will re<jut#e e\cu more than his stcoml siglit to guide his tvumtrvinci) siafeij into thecKa.lel ol (Jiebcc. A J whliotil boa-ling ii ma) he .-nltl-d, that should tUe\v hardihood even tempt tin m to assault this fortress at any pointy u the freedom strung iotvc, of the son^of Colum¬ bia0 ma> probably securefhem a long and qui¬ et toi'^ftmnt in the plain Ifclow. Jhe Americans may a^nmea lofty toaeto- ward^ Sna.n. and force fro-T, her ueces.-tties the hivolutrury cession of Klvrida, They may e*- tablt-h and occupy militai, j)0sl> within tlie In¬ dian bmmdaricr, and thu^ ^omjx 1 them to aban¬ don then luiliK All this |,ev mav compass with impunity and boa^t to the (Vu"rilj (}f {\xt\r acqui- riLious, of their tmlitarv pi.,Wess, and ui their di- piumaiic skill in nc;;ociai.l(nSt j, migiu be well | f<»r them, howevei, to observe a little moderation in their iauatljigagainst f.-.^land. ll might be prudent tor them to COa?t<ier that (jreat tjritain lias never veipuifonh all her ^Irength against them, hut that die assuredly uin (iuM), ;f neces- ii\T\ fttf the protection *>! ||Cr 1>IOViiiivs. Nor Provinces insei ib|r unhe blowings which lhe\ enjoy under ihe fu>;cring care and proteefmn ot the pareots(%n. . anJ |!k.v |iav<.;,u read} evinced tliat tiu-> aij, neither lohe^edtteed by tnc iiuidiouHpromise* of American Generals, nor tntimidMed by Kh'eir threats of $xtermina¬ tion. In noticing the^e idle ^p0rings of American politicians, we di-elaim alt iu,eoiio.i; of. .veiling or Keeping alive a spirit oj bosliHt^ between the countries We sincerely I ope u KSI\\ oe |0flg Ut._ tore American valor will 1 (. t lo tUe proof bo. fo.r the walU ol Qoehcc,an<j lh:u ihe benefit to be derived by the fnned ^tarrs f,on| a peaceful intercourse with Great R ilai|| UIU1 ,„ r dt.pen- de.ic..-, ma>. by u directs, { |0 |heir miere>l> overcome then luM lor wa M(, aill|)lllon for rx. tend. J mie: ihai in nhot'i |bwe benefits, while they to I'.^pel thech t|.m and faUe glare of ,:-,-.v.o,;,,lt R,a: ;.f(jUcc thj. pWpif of lhoH. Slulc, PROPOSALS will be received at the Royal Engineer's Drawing Room at Prr^t Henw rni fcl n ~x^ r>-.....—*-• next, for clearing as much of the Military Reserve (exceeding 100 Acres) as maybe required. The ground to be commenced upon, will be pointed out to parties concerned for three days previous to that of the de¬ livery of the Tender, upon application as above, at 12 o'clock each day. Security will be required for the comple¬ tion of the Contract by the 24th of June next. I. B. PAYNE. Kingston, 26th Nov. 1819. 48 THE fubferiber feels ft his duty, from the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public againtl any impo- lition on the part of Mr. Solomon Johns, by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of llrneft Town, bounded on the call by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, as any title to the faid property held by him, was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns was at low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfadtions in 1812—had no fhadow ofa claim. PETER GRANT- Theperfon who is ftated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my jo ft pretention in the firft inftancc, but any thing to anfwer the purpole. P. G 48 " NOTICE. LL thofe who are indebted to Mr. John Whitelaw, late of Kingflon, are rcquefted to make immediate payment to the fcrbfcriber, who is duly authoriied to receive the lame. A. PRINGLE. Kingston^ 26th Nov. }$it). 48 THE Printing Eftablifhment of the late Niagara Spedator having tome inta the potTcfTton of William B. Pe¬ ters, Esq^ a Ntwfpapei wil be publish¬ ed weekly, at Niagata, by him, entitled THE CANADIAN ARGUS, And Niagara Spectator ; And will be delivered to Subfcribers at Four Dollar* per annum, .-xclnfive of poftage, payable every fix months. PROSI ECTUS. 11 Sfl'uv Poputi, Suprema Lex.* The safety of the (Vople, the Supreme Law. ■ ------------------------ 11"N the motto selected, we truft the JL Rulers and the ruled, in all countries where rational freedom is cherifhed, will recognize the great and important truth It contains. Life, Liberty and Property ate the primary object which the compact of civil fociety is intended lo fecure ; and on thofe principles are the Conftimtiun and Laws of England founded Among the mod eflenttal fectirtties the Britiih nation d"th enjoy at this day, m?y be ranked the Independence of the Picfs.— But for this auxiliary, the con^iiinn of the liberties of the people of England would be no better than that of the Cos- facks, or poor and mifetable peafantry of Poland and of Germany So valuable a privilege cannot be too highly apprecia¬ ted by the people of this Province, who have hitherto displayed an honorahle attachment towards its fupoort ; and their patronage is again refpeftfully folicited. thyanuitti'i&rtil-ib-ttit uut/hc—to the world, the Profpc&ua of a Journal, which has for its end the welfare of tin's Province, and mull necefTarily embrace many objedfs, it may bceafily conceived rh- Editor feels imprefled with the weight of the taflc he has undertaken. He pretends not to infallibility, but is aware he may frequently err ; and can only conlole himfelf in the anticipated indulgence of a generons Public. In the firft place, we vvifh it to be diltin&Iy underftood, that we invite dilcuffion on all fnbjeds conneftcd with the immediate incerefts cf the Country ; fa the expectation It be temperate in its llyle and language, and making a due difcritm- nation between public and private charac¬ ters. Our own obfervations, from time to time, will be guided by thefc principles ; referving always to ourfelves the full and undoubted right to iuveftigate the conduft of public men and their meafures—"noth¬ ing extenuating^ nor setting down aught in malice." Thofe, if any fuch there be, who may attempt to make this Journal a vehi¬ cle for dctra&hn or malignant gratifica¬ tion, will be aHuredly difappninted. Ag. ricultural eflays, tending to fa.ilitate the labors of the husbandman, will be regard¬ ed among the molt important which can grace our columns. This Colony, from its fituation, is peculiarly adapted to agri¬ culture, the mother of all fciences; and with its profperity the commercial tnter- efts of the community are moft intimately connected. All ccjrorowiffstffrJb .u-.r.^ in view the promotion of true piety and benevolence, will be thankfully received and attended to ; inafmuch as in the prac¬ tice of the Chriftian virtues, confifts, in an eminent degree, the happinefs of fociety. Affiduity fhall not be wanting to colleft and infert in o«r columns the proceedings of the Houfe of Afembly, when in Ses- fion from time to time ; alfo, all articles ' of intelligence, foreign and domeftic, a3 (hall be thought moft ufeful and infttuft- ive ; wc (hall, indeed, endeavor to unite the "utile cum dulce" the ufeful with the a- greeable.—And, in (hort, from the grave philofopher and plodding politician, to the fantaftic admirer of the Mufes, all will be equally entitled to attention, and fhall have a corner appropriated for their chafte ef- fufion9 726* Canadian Argus and Niagara Spec¬ tator will be printed on fuper-royal paper, with a hand fome type, and the firft num¬ ber iffued on Thurfday the 18th inftant, Subfctiptions will be received at the Ar¬ gus and Spectator Office. * Niagara, Nov. to, i8l§. i£TSubscriptions received at this Office. A Anchors 6f Cables. WILLIAM BUDDEN. W'ILL 'eceive by the earlicll fpring vtfTcls, and keep conltantly oo hand at Quebec, an afLrtment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, lit April, iSiQ. I4tf ■on . — — — A merchant adver > T an of gOOtlti fnr fale givi I take in payment all k... • except promises %