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Kingston Chronicle, October 15, 1819, p. 3

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MWI in th<> kingdom- The most Jmpor- tn » t • '.'i * i n ii ■ oinrt «»f Paris, win ell hits jurisdiction ovor the seven central dc pa I in Mts. It is composed of a first ptV'.sfU,*||K fire pn'sid.'ufs, forty-four couns, Mors orjudjjes and twelve Audi¬ tors [consciller—ittf«/rftfi*rjvj It hasaNo an attorney ijeneiMl ol the kin;;, fourad- toiatns general, nine (h puties, and a re- gHef in chii.-f- If is divided into five chamber*, viz. three civil, one of correc¬ tional police, uel one of preliminary en¬ quiry frffi wl$6 e«? areata*ion.~] Besides the^e chambers courts of assize are for¬ med from members of the court royal.— The keeper of the seals of the first presi¬ dent, appoints live counsel lors or auditors of the court royal, to hold (he courts oi assize of each session, design a dug one ol the counsellors for president. emperor, faying It was from that book lie had derived a fupport which had enabled him to maintain compolu>c amidll th*- genera) alarm. The ernperor holding cut his hand, utherto take the bible ort.> put it fell on the ground, and in um. ; l to 1 falling ft opened on the 91 It Pfalm. The prince taking it up, fafd—•« fee, fire it he* opened on the 91ft Pfalm : and to the refuge here pointed out it is my earnel* prayer that you may be dircfted ; fir ** he that dwclleth in the fecret place of the Moa High fhall abide under the fhadow of the Almighty." The Princes of Wahs. A Mmhtend paper f:iy**—" It i> with mucH oleasme w^ learn that the Piinccf- of Wales does n»>t return to this country with any views c inne&'-d with politics, or fro n any other caufc that is like:y to ex¬ cite public attention hy a reference to do meftic tranfa&ion«, which, we h-pe. will always be covtredby the veil of dilaetion. The Princefs. we are informed, returns lit¬ erally hecaufe fhe has exhanfled her means of living abroad, and therefore intends, to apply to government for pecuniary aflill anee, and to adopt a plan of economy in future," From the Paris your mil des Debate* I e Comet W have had n narrow efcaoe ! The Cftfth •tf'4' '»n th-- 26th o> June in the direc fitsn of the 'nit of the Cornet ! This wander¬ ing 'lav, -^ur globe, ant1 the fun, were then 00 the f^me line, and M. Olhrr* a cele bratd aftionomerof 13»emen, obierved the toaffa;* of the Comet over the fan's difc. The nucleus of the Comet entered by the fouthen extremity, at 22 minutes afcei e. o'clock, real time, and <-ame out by the tt^rtoern extremity at 21 minutes after 9 oVnck, During this MafTige the comei was feven minions of German miles from the iun,aad 14 laii'MHi* from our planet. FT t * * * * hay n. The following i* an extract of a letter from Jamaica. The « liter of ji is a per¬ son possessing no ordinary means of in¬ formation, and we think it cannot be read without some of.thosp prophetic glances a*ill*' fbfurr which shadow out strange events.—London Paper, AC I vra^ at Cape Henry for a few day?. It is scarcely to hi* believed to what n State of system, order, regularity, and civilization these people have arrived. Their police is quite perfect, and their Streets by far the cleanest I ever s.: w in any part of-the world. Their establish¬ ments do them infinite honor. There e nor an hospital in Europe on a more lib¬ eral establishment, or belter re^ulat< d. than the one at Cape Henry. Rnglisli is t&tt&ht in all their schools ; it is, in fact, the Foundation of their education. The Ltturgy of the Church of Finland. the Bible and Prayer Book an* printed in fvi^Hsh and French columns, and forn» th? principal part of their study.—The K* <■:? *?>'£? if he forces th^m to under¬ stand E i^lish,they will become E: g'Mi- tnen ; and if he obliges them t read th. Liturgy of the Church of England, will the Bible and Ptaver book, they wi'.l tiafurally M&'MSn Protestants. Then beirts are quite Enali h.M Rusfium Pietif. The queftion ha«- often been afked, how is it that the Ruflia-i court, former-W the inn4! licentious upon the cntiiietir, fhoulcl now lead alt its fofluence and fupoTt to theennfe of the bible fderies. ? When Lte*:ani*e» cmcto Ae tfotn** *^r rcflt* 11 retained toe laT»e cha'actei —i he bwtwird form of re ijfion was "hfervtd, but it-U'fluenre W4S deJpiud. Th- bible was only known by n me ; and the term u bib'C-reader," w?» ufed as an eoithet of ndicule and reproach. i'he emperor him- fe-f wa« devoted to pl.'afnre, and Ifv d in violation cfthe law of God. lie had been married to an amiable and pious princefs but tbey were fhort-y after iejjarated. and during four year*, they never met. Prince Ga'it^-n was the conftant companion of the emperor in all his purfmt* of pleafure. They were born on tht fame day, educated together, and united by the doled ties of friendfhip The higlnil place in the church and ftate becoming vacant bv the de;ith of the incumbent, the e'rpetor prefented it to hi* friend, wlio at firfl re ftlfed it, alltgtrff h-s entire ignorance of religion, but he was prevaiird on to ac- cen it. Upon the fir(t interview wSich he had aftfrwarrls with the vcneiable a»ch bifh^? PlatoflF he r*qne!led of him fome book that would give him a concife view ©f the chrtHian religion ; tirtE bifhon, fyr prifedat the ignorance he confe-fTed, re¬ ferred him to the bthle. i he prince re¬ plied that he could not thi.de of reading the bible " Then/2 J'aid the archbiftop, mt there U no other book, nor will there «ver be one from which you can get a cor reft view of thechridian religion."—Here th^-y parted, but the words of the aich- kifhop remained on tht mind of the prince, and at length he ref-Ived piivately to pur- chafe a bihleanfJread it. He did Io, and the tffr&s were vifible i" his conduct. "When the projeded invafion ol the French. 5n 18 1 a. threw the whole court into a fl itc of alarm and agitation, prince Gaiitzin alt-ne appeared to remain unmoved The *mperor ohferved that he had noticed the calmnefs the prince had displayed!, and not doubling hi; 1 yalty. ir hid ■• x' ited W* King f>f Prussia. The following anecdote of this monirch is fo afFed.ing in itself, and to honorable to hifl character, that it will be intereiling to our readers to record it \n one of our columns. His majefty had married the late queen when very vonntr, and a long COtltfe of years had cementedtheir a(F, £iion, when her unexpected death threatened to break the bond. The king's forrow was attended by the fympatf»y of his people. It was not the edict of the court, but individual feeling which filled Berlin with n ourncr*. The king and the whole family followed her on foot to the grive. A maufoleum, of his own design was e- reftedat his favorite garden of Charlotten- borgh, whither his wife's remains were conveyed.— liere, on certain days, the pub¬ lic are allowed to enter, and the people dill continue to visit the fpot with reverence a; d aff-ction. Early on each annivcrfary, the king and hi° I I children repair to this fan&uHry, and descending into the tomb, each olaces a garland on the coffin, v.hen bavins addrtfied the Almighty in p.aycr, the king retires to the ifland ot Paon. near Potsdam, and pa(Te.« the remainder of the day in perfed tditude- That a monarch who can cherifh fuch feeline^t and encour¬ age them in his family and in his people, fhou!d enjoy their affection and confidence will allonifh no one. Mr, Walter S<off.— We hnvethem^st iincere pleasure in stating, thsit this dis¬ tinguished poet and excellent man i* ia- pidly recovering his health, alter an at¬ tack which, though never attended uith l; t immediate danger, was at ne time a source of painful Buffering to himsell,and of consequent anxiety to his numerous friend** —""^^^ From the Montreal Herald^ October 9. Several Ollicers on half-pu\ it» the Ga* nadas hating been su'jecltil fo inconve¬ nience from their hills and affidavits be- in^ returned w ithout receiving the rauliey, we bf.n have to subjoin the following for their guidance in future :— M Londos, 10th June. Ci The War Office have notified, tlmf the privilege of transmit ting Priiitetl Forms, five of postage through that De¬ partment, is to be liithdruzzn from and after the 24th inst.M From the above order, .f appears, that affidavits and printed forms, from ti.i- country, must hereafter be transmitted to the Agent of (lie individual receiving th* half pay, 01 if sent to the war office lie postage must be paid. before the Prince R.**grnt and received the [loyal assent. The fellow fevei* lias made its appear Mice at Cadiz, wh^re it is said to hav b'-en introduced by the crew of the Asia. •i ship lately arrive-*' fr,°m the* llavannah ■ith a quantity of Specie* All comniti- nication hetwen Cadiz and Gibialtur ha been interdicted by the Governor of tlrr latter place. Thh fevercoutinuts its ra¬ vages at Rilfimon- *°d the more South¬ erly S.a Porta of till" United States. The typhus fever is als-> reported to be verj prevalent through the states ;& our own Province has not estfipcd the visitation ol disease. The Ijondon and Western Dis¬ tricts areailiictcd \i ith a species of bilious fever, which in some instances has pro¬ ved fatal. This unusual prevalency of fev.-r of one sp'-cie* or other is probably owing to some peculiarity in the weather, perhaps to the extreme heat and drought of (his lajit summer. 1 nto its cause, how¬ ever, it is m;t our province to inquire ; we would only observe, Mint Canada ever has been, and Mill is, comparatively a healthy climate. Though ««ur winter is * considered by some as cold and rigorous, and though we do not enjoy the fruits ol more southern climes, \\r have a pure air, a clear unclouded <ky. and are ex- eropt from those dreadful epid *mics which sweep away smli ittuItttuctes in wanner and milder countries. regret at tlie loss of «=o much excellence, miM, we would fondly hope, sooth the orrows of hi- beloved children and rela- ilve.-.. In offering our < endoleuee toyou !.xcellcnr\ we canuot omit to expressoui unfeigned thanks to our Most Graciou Sovereign for the additional mark of hi favor in having placed o\er.us so illustri¬ ous a character as our lote Governor ;— md although we deplore his loss we feel • hat it is our bounden duty to submit with patient acquiescence to this or any other affliction with which the wisdom ol Providence may be pleased to visit us. Kingston, Uth October. 1819. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The Quarterly Kxaminatiin of the rhil- l'» n will take place on Sunday next, the 17th iust. at <2 o'clock, P. M. at the N»< 'tonal School Jlm^e. The Parents of 'he children are requested to attend. To the Magi.,'rates, Qlcrgi}. and other Inhabitants oj the Toicn of Kingston. Clntllmkn, I thank yon most sincerely on my own account, and on behalf of my fami¬ ly, for thi kind expression of true and genuine feeling, which offers to us per- haps the best consolation Humanity has in its power to bestow. His Excellency Sir Peregrine Moil- land, with Lady .Maisland, and family, arrived on Saturday last from Lower Ca¬ nada, and after inspecting the troops in garrison, embarked on Tuesday for York in the Frontenac— The following Ad- dussrs of condolence were present* d to His Kxeclleney previous io his depar¬ ture. To His Excellency Sir Ptregrine Mahhnd. Knight, Commander of the Molt Hono¬ rable Miliiary Order of the Bath# Lieutenant Governor of the 1 r-vince of Upper Canada, and Major Central Commanding Bis Maje'lly'e forces therein, &c. &c Sec. May ii pleafc your Excellency, Wc iti» M4eitv't dutiful and loval fuhjefta, thr? Grand Jury for the rVfidland Dillridt, in the town nf Kitigfton aflVm- blcd, beg le-Ive with feelings of the decptfl forrow, to approach your KxccIIency sttd itc nff » our fi-iccie condolence upon the nJHi&i'ig tfv^* wlnV ha* deprived your Excellency of'Bit Atctix -.natc relative, and Hi* .VUjclty's Canadmn fubjVcTts of their Illu<trieiU« (iovcrnnr in Chief. \^ • • * * % • * KINGSTON, October lft, 181 ft. • • * • « t t Commodore Oliver H. Ffrry, uh< -onnnnitded the Ameiican Squadron al in--battle of Lake Erie, during the (ate •va t*. died of the yellow fever on the22nd Angust, at Port Sptin, in the Island ol Trinidad.—This officer was at the time in command of a squadron on thR coavt of ^outh America, and his death appi ars to !>e a source cf great regret among his countrymen. oflilile that <vc can feci ihia lr'>vv cfllamity f» Beutcly a< your Excel'tncy* ant' ^* aWgttfl fae*:- ly of Richml,l,d« jTCt <f ihi^ we are con¬ vinced that no public misfortune could more dcep'Y *^®« not °";y u,,» but all claflea ol c'ie community to which wc belong. If anythtn2 can cenfolc your Excellen¬ cy and the diftingoifhc I pcifons to whom y<;u are alli-^ uT,dcr this difpenfatioi* of Providence,*1 mu^ be the foothing reflec¬ tion that while alive, His Grace pofleffVd the love and f^fpeQ (^f all thofe who vcfit rate real w- 'th. and that h's mem :ry will be chenuSed^ !n tn'R DiflriA, in propor- tion to the tfr*irf which his death has oc- Ciifioned. We ^ke this ooportunity of exprefTin^ our atta( hm*"t to yotir * -xcrllcncy. praying that, a life )■• valuable n ay long be prefer- ved, and thai hia Maj.lty'^ fubjeda in this PiMvincema"/ enjoy a continuance of the happincnj tbcT have already experienced ut-dcr your £xcellency*s administration. The following statement of premiums bestowed by the Johstown Agricultural Society iit their late meeting, reflects much credit On the spirit of the District. We hope it will have a good effect in ex¬ citing theomula'ion of our farmers at tin- meeting to be luld pursuant to notice, at Adolphus Town on Monday next. AGRICULTURAL^ At a cattle show, bridal Urnckville, on the fir-t Monday (-Jth iust.) of instant October, by the Johnstown District Ag¬ ricultural Society, the following premi¬ ums were adjudged :— fahms. Dollars. l?-t best cultivated Farm.------Clias. Jones, of Brock vi He, Pre>ldenl.. IS 2d do.do. Daniel Burrett, ofilideau Vice Tres.................. 10 3d <\o. do. Mr. Ilichd. Cortman, of KlizttbethtOM n............. 5 MHEAT. 1st best fied of old land, Winter Wheat, not le -than ftarres, Mr. ■ Benedict McCallam of Bastard, 40 2d be«f field, do. do. Cho*. Jones, 3U 3d be»-t held ol old land, do. do. Geo. Halidav Ireland, of Au£U$- l3>.....................•••• JNOtrW COUV. 1st best field of Indian Corn, not le^than c2 acres. Dl. Ilurritt. jr. 2d hist held. do. do. Dnnl. Ship- n«an, jr of Rli/.abethtow h,..... 3d best field, do, do. Justus Me r- wtu, of Augusta,.............. B\UJ.EY. 1st beM fi'dd of 15ai|py,ootles<than 2 acres, Wm. Jones, of IJastard, 20 2d best, do. do. Geo. Ilaliday ire- 15 10 THE Stockholders of the HANK OF UPPEit CANADA are herebv re¬ quired to pay into the Bank, in Specie or Bills of the Montreal Bank, an Inflalment of fix per cent, or Six Dollars on each Share, on or before the firlt day of Decem¬ ber next. S. BARTLI Tf ; Cafhier. K:ngflon:Oa. 14, 18 tg. 42 Mrs. MARY BARNET/ RESPECTFULLY informs the pub. lie, that fhe has fitted up her lioufe in Srote Street, oppofitcthc Store of John Dowlln^; in a convenient mannci for the reception or genteel Boarders, where every attention will he paid to their comfort and accommodation She will have good warm SOUPS and Coffee ready made, at the fhortefl notice, at all hours, for travellers, and gentlemen of the town, who may plcafe to favor her with a call. MARY BARNET. Kingfion, 14th October, 1819. 42 A Pocket Book. FOUND by the fubferiber, between Kitigfton and Beach's tavern, a Red Morocco Pocket Book. The owner ii defired to deicribethc fame, wiih ic3 con- trnts, ar.d apply at the Chronicle Office, Kingftcn. • • CHr. GERMAN. Oftober 12, 1819. . 42 20 30 20 10 la no • * « * * w 4 * r • f » 15 10 4 ft * ltwvfcirStatute nit Fortune has l>Hallt«:: v anada in fhemma0ntih«f3ousi Oaiu- vy, BsqtuTo, Hi, MajrKhVCrmtmlssio.irr t- rasccttarwtu/t the H.-unrtmy lino be* i««'tMi this rountrj and th,. United Stales. ilus geutlenuui, w-liile pnwritfiiuE the nrvey of Lake K ir, v^as attack >d by a •"•nfsof |.Vl.r. vhid, had prevailed in the adjoining country among the inhab¬ itants as Wf:l| as amoUg M . Sur7eyf„gpa|%1 t), lie remained sj'veral (lavs ill in his U-nr, exposed to the hoat of (|.P sun by ay, and the cold, and dews of the night, un could not be persuaded by the most arnest entreaties of hi* attendants to re¬ pair to An.h-.Tstbun;h, where he might iiawe hnd regular medical assistance, un¬ til '.I'? last extremity, uhen the disuse "as too Car advancer!, and his eonst'tto- ticn was nnable !nng*;r to resis* its fatal progress. lJf> (vu>(\ af (;,e a,,Qvt. phl.p after sixteen days illness, on the 28th September, aged ali-.ut r>r>, and his re¬ mains were interred on the 30th tilth mi¬ litary honors. Lolnnel Ogilvr, from his extensive in¬ formation, at'd Intra! kno»-|.*dse add»«d In .triwenried fivrsQwrmtr-e and assiduity, was eminently (pialihed for the impor¬ tant charge with which he hnd hecn hon¬ ored, and we fear it will not he pa«j to replace him with a person equally capa- ble and equally dispoied to stive the fount ry. Mr. Thomson, Mr. Gray,rind Hie ofb- kt persons employed in tlio Purvey, nrri- vet\ here in the FrcntUntar last Friday on tl»cir way to Lower Canada. Tt> which his Excellency was pleated to return thef- lowing anfwer; To the Grand Jury of the Midland D'tsiricl Gentlemen, l?e alTwre.l that both rryfrlf nnd my timoy will l(Miir entertain a preathil remembrance of the genuine and honorable fcelinp-^, which y« n have been pleafed t(. man if eft, on thuaffiiding and memorable occafion. 3d best, do. do. Charles Junes, ... Lst/Porthv b^f bull, Gardner Lee, ol* Eiizahrllrtown............. oq 1-t. host Bull nnrrd in the DUtrict* Hi njamui Hamhlin. of Von^e,.. ?il best Bull do. do, Stephen Col- liu*. of Augusta............... COWS. 1st hest Cow, Stephen Collins,..... 10 2d d . d^ Solomon Easton, of E- lizabcth.own,................. hams. L For best Ram, Solomon Easton, r.-WE5. For best Ewe, Solorilon Eastor, 6 no ARS. For the host Boar, Hugh Murray, of Augusta,.................". 8 sows. 8 8 I 1 1. Fort e beit brctdin» Ste- * 9 • Commissioner Barrio rrtnrnrJ by thn same conveyance from his tour through Ifcc Cpi-cr Lakes. A BUI which passed the Parliament of LrturrCariBdn during tho Session of € T ~ 'Pi ' ' ' '**'7* authori>in£ an fic-oriaiinn cif per* iurpr.k. tht,inner drew a little bibk fain pmons by the nam. aTt1ip"Qn& troco hi, pocket, and held it out to the1 ws Friendly Socxet*,w has bton laid T» JJis Excellency Sir PiCBEGnist MjtHA&D) Knight, Commander o the Most Honourable Military Order of the Hat hi Lieutenant Governor oj the Province *f Upper Canada* and Moj->r ('-aero! Commanding His Mil' f'stjfs- Forecs therein* &c- cYr MAY IT PLEA>£ VOIR F.XCELMiNCY., V\ o, the A'3ai:i-lrat<s, Clergy, and lnhal)itants of th*-Town of Kingston, bcii leave to approach ymir Excellency, to *kx|>rcs-»' our unfeigned sorrovi and crief at the mi lancftoly event which has ber'-av. i d your ntastrinu* family of a Father, and the J'rpvnce of a most kind and af¬ fectionate Governor. Although we, i( Is tniL'. cannot compare our feelings up- nn Hip occasion with tho^eof hi* Grace'?, more immediate connections, and al¬ though Hie voice of gratitude is revcr so s-trongas that of natural a flection, yet. without pain, wc cannot but recollect how recently we saw the Noble Duke passing through tlds piact»,ex posing himself to toil and fatigue bcvi-ud his strength for the benefit of these l*rovincrs, then so happi¬ ly under his Government. Nor can our hearts be so cold and thankless as not to feel and acknowledge that we are in¬ debted ti! him for the adoption of manj most important meamres, t&ndhfg rapidly to increase our happiness and prosperity ; nor above all can wefor^Pl that it was in the very act of t (siting the new settlers in the wildei,iess<) adding (hereby frefh energy to t^eir industrious labours. and planning inijprovernentsfnrthe inter. un I communications of the country, that (he fatal summons overtook him to re- rfgn a lift evidently so zealoubly devoted to the public go...(Cl. These reflections as they increase our pheii Collins,................ G stai.i ions. 1. For the best Stallion kept for Mare* in the District this season, Isaac Uurd, of Augusta,....... 5 Several premium*- were withheld for want ol -uJticient un rit in the aitides of- iei. d loi premiums. I . S, Most of the above persons, to whom premiums have been adjudged, have subscribed the amount as part of the next year's fund. MARRIED^ On the 2Stli Sept. i\lr. SAMtjEt BASX- h \kt. to Miss Mary Ann Sills, both ot l'i. di ricki-bur^h.--------- Mr. Bl.njamin Avlsvvouth, of Ernest Town, to Miss Mary Simmon, of Fredericksbtirgbi S: pt. *29th, Mr. William Miller, to Ali-s A lad A Sharp, both of Ernest Town. Oct. 3d, Mr. Daniel S. Way, of So- phiH^burgh, to Miss ScaAN^.ui LRisrot, ol Ernest Town. On Wednesday the 6th of October, at this place, Mr Uavio Kobf.rt.^on, to Miss Catherine SutherfokIi. day the lOtJi Oct. Mr. Henry VKLIK, tO Mii>> llALDA IjIVINGSTON. vlUDs At Edinburgh, on the 20th July, Ja- nlt. fourth daughter of Samuel D.nid- *>on, Esq. and sister of Mrs. Dr. Mar¬ shall, of this Town. On Sun t • ™\ ■ **% 4*«K For Sale, njTl HAT valuable Farm, kno^n by ML Lot No 8 in the fiirt Concefflcn of Frturrickfburgh, n the bay of Qjdntie, upon highly advantageous terms io the purchalcr. There is a large two ftory Houfe upon it that may be conve ted into a comforiab'e relidence, at a trifling cx- peufe —There are alfo vaiious outhoules attached to it. with a we!l of excellent water—An ind'tfput able title will be given, and the terms made known at Mr. D. I lager man's office in Bath, application to the proprietor, JOSEIU BERGON. Frederickfburgh, 8th Oft. 1819. 42 Prices Current in the Kingston Mar ket—Corrected weekly. 1 From | per. \£ _». ri \£_ To 1 ^rticle>. >. it [ Remarks \|»|)l«"., Iiiish. 0 2 3 0 0 0 Bread, toaf 0 0 b 0 0 0 11. 0 0 4 II 0 5 liat'on, * ■ • • • 0 0 9 0 I a '- \Y\. • • « • fl \ fl fl I 3 Hark?), tub. 0 5 0 0 0 0 Beets, * * * « 0 0 (j 0 0 0 c ider. At.! 1 5 0 1 10 u Chec-e. lb. jO 0 4 0 0 r. ( ab^a^eb ..•ad 0 0 4 0 0 * Cafrots, i^h.,0 0 0 0 0 ii Ducks, j.air 0 8 0 0 4 1, 1 -SKn loz. 0 0 9 0 1 11 Fort Is, (Kiir 0 2 0 0 s 6 1 lour. bbl. 1 2 G I 5 1. do. CHI. 0 12 6 0 0 i • ^n'bp, each 0 2 0 0 0 (< Hay, ton 8 0 0 2 10 0 Laid. lb. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Muuun, 0. 0 5 0 0 ^ Gad, bosh. 0 2 0 0 2 :< t'eas 0 3?) 0 4 u Potatoes * • • * * 0 2 0 0 2 G Parsnips, 0 0 0 0 0 Q I'ork. fresh lb. 0 0 7£ 0 0 0 .... saltt * » • * 0 0 to 0 0 0 S.raw, bun. 0 0 4 0 0 0 Turko>s, each 0 5 0 0 0 tt Turnips, bu-h. 0 1 X 0 0 0 Tallou, lb. 0 0 ?J •) 0 0 Vr.-il, 0 0 5 1 0 6 VeniM»n, 0 0 -J 0 0 B Wood, cord 0 10 G 0 19 ri . GERMANY- A new iron rail-way has been invented in havaria. On an exa&iy horizontal fur- face of thK impr vement, a woman, or even a child may, with apparent cafe, draw a cart loaded with more than fixteen quint- als. On another kind of railway, by the fame inventor, in which there is an infen- fible defcenioffix inches and a quarter in 100 feet, a loaded wagon will run alone, without any external impu'fe. Ir i> prov¬ ed that thefe iron railway* are two-thirds better than the Englifh, and that they coft only half as much. A fmgle horfe h e- qual to twentj-two on the bed common road. London paper. From a London paper. In one of the /hips belonging to the Hudfon's Bay Company, which recently left the river f«.r their fcttiements, lieut. Fiat.klyn, late commander of the Trent, in the expedition to reach the North Pole, has taken his pafTage for the porpofe of exploring that part of America to the n ithwatd of Hudlon's Bay. The route thio officer is to take will be neatly the fame a^ that purfued by Mr. Ilearne, iu 1770, who Hated that he reached the fea at the entrance of Copper Mine river. Lieutenant Franklyn will be accompanied by about five Europeans, one ©f whom is a furgeon : and on their airival at the Copper.Mine river, are to puriue fuch further courfeas may app-ar proper. During the voyage of difcovery 1a(t year to Baffin^ Bay, a bottle waa thrown into the fea from the Alexander, lieut. Parry, on the 24th of May, when that fliip was off Cape Farewdl. It contained the latitude and longitude the (hip was then in. About twomentha fince, the bottle was found on the ifland of liartragh. in Kiliala Bay, and an account of it forward¬ ed to the admiralty. It isfuppofed it mud have floated at about the rate of eight miles per day act of* the Atlantic* Internal improvement in England. From a tale statement in the house of commons, it appeals that the whole coy*t of constructing roads in England ? UrJ[ Wales has amounted to seven millions Sterling; that they extend over tumty. live thousand miles : that vheyftre main¬ tained at an annual expence <>f fiom twelve to thirteeu hundred thousand pounds ; and that the udvanta^r result¬ ing to all commercial intercourse from an improvement of the roads, cannot, uhen joined to the saving in horses and J in wear and teai, be estimated at a less ' sum than Jive millions sterling.

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