THE CHRONICLE. + irft .*-.n. VOL I.] Executive Council ^Jfics, Tori, tph August) 1819. THE Order in Council of the 18cJ1 instant, respec¬ ting Locations subject to Settling Duties being revised, it is order¬ ed by His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, that all Locations of Land subject to Settlement Duty made prit r to this date, be rescinded, and the Land otherwise disposed <>f, if Certificate of the Settlem; nt Du¬ ty being performed be not lodg¬ ed with the Surveyor General within the time limited in the Ticket of Location, and the Pa¬ tent sued out within Three Months thereafter : and that all Locations subject to Settlement Duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded, and the Land oth¬ erwise disposed of, if Certificate of Settlement Duty being per¬ formed be not lodged with the Surveyor General within Eigh¬ teen Months of the dite of the Order for such Location, and the Pa ent sued out within Three Months thereafter JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. 36/^6 ■ - ■ ■ * - — — _— - — NOTICE IS hereby given, that William Taylor, heir at law and adminittiator of the late Allan Taylor, hath affigned all the real and pcfoual cuate of the late Allan Taylor deceafed, unto John Kirhy, Vie** ander O. fetrie and Thorna» Paiker, in trust fcr the benefit of creditors. All perfons having any claims against the late Allan Taylor, Taylor & Parker, or Thorn- a* Parker are requested to prefent the lame for adjustment and payment, ami thole perfons indebted to either the late Allan Taylor, Taylor and Parker, or Thomas Parker, arc requested to make immediate: payment to the above trustees ; woo aie fully authorifeJ to give difcharges for the feme. John Kirby, A. O. t'c rie, Thomas Parker. Kmgsto** August a 8, 1819. 361! 4 NOTICE. AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James Ranten £s* Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong¬ ing:© James Ranken individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said £rm, or against the sail Junes RankenTto present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respe&ivc ace >un*s to Chr. A. Hagbrmak, Esq of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber aext. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston- isf Septemberk 1819. 1<$ *" TO LET, /jfN'D pofTelfittu given the 1st Au:y;ft %nL next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store Street, opposite the P^t Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jones*.— ror particulars anply to the subset iher. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 1819. 29 NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned Pganvfi pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- ceffion of Fiederickfburgh, or lot No. 27, in the m conceffion of Richmond,fiom the Heirs or Afiignees of Davis Hcfs, as the Subfcriber holds an indifuut'-ihlc title to the fame. GILBERT HAitlS. Sidney, 4th Dec- 1818. 3 MOTWM.. THE Subscribers refpe&fully inform their friends and the Public, that they have now received and |oft opened in Mar¬ ket Street, jnft belcwiiru. Patrick's Inn, a very Exttnfive aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STATIONARY. ILikcwifc—a great calamity of Claffical Books, the v/bclc of which will be fold veiy low for Cafh and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. I, 1818. _______27 To Axemen. THE subscribers "ill receive pro. posals from any person or person*. willing to engage to clear >ix.ty acres of new land ou their premises iu Amelias- burgh, Bay of Quinle, ready for seed by the first day of Augu>t uc\t. The Ash¬ es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured. T-ams and provisions will be. fun.Uhcd U re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McOOUGAL, &Ui£*toii. or to McDOUGALfe AM.KL1.AN, jbeUville* FRIDAY, (afternoon) OCTOBER 15, 1819 [No. U. NOTICE. Montreal Fire Insurance Company's Office.■> ____ :*0'h July, 1X19. \ v [liHE Company having extended its it. bufinefsand prote&ion againft lofTes or damaged by Fire, to Upper Canada now inform the public, that the following perfons are authorized Agents of the Com¬ pany in that Province ; At Kingston, Wm. MrTCtiEtt, Esq. .. Ju/vt, IVitt. Allah, Esq. .. Qurenston, Mvss* Cr6 jxtS{ Kirby. .. Amharstlmrgh, IVx- Duvf, Esq. The hiredtors of this infant inliitution flatter themleives, from the reductions late¬ ly made on their Tariff, that their rates of premium* will be found as reafonable as at any other Office* and they refpectrully il¬ licit the patronage of all who wiih well to Local Kttablifhment;.. Ly order of the Board 37013 J. BLEAKLEY. Sec'y- EEMOVA £T Ffi iHE Sublcnber refpeAfully informs JL the public that he has removed to the Brick StOre% in Store Street, wi hin a few do ;rs of i eniy CafLdy's, wfiere he in¬ tends following the TAILOK1NG BUSINESS. in all its various branches. Any perfons pleafed 10 favor him wiih their cullom, may rely on having their woik <lone in the neat eft manner, and on moderate terms. * OLIVER W. STEVENS I Kinguon,September 7th, r&iy. 38 al1:xaNdT;u a-..i-.k. Merchant Ten/lor. MVS received from Montreal a moll choice and excel'ent afTort-nent of the belt Well of England fuperfine i loins and C&ssw+cfcs, with Trimmings and every thing com¬ plete. A. AsHER informs his friends and th public that he is now working up thele - loths, &c at his old Hand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed ou che limited notice, and on the lowcll erms for Cafh, or fliortapproved Credit. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. 37!f Removal. K * • THE fubferiber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed from his former Hand t • the large ftone (lore lately occupied bv Meffrs. \V. McCuniffe & Co. a few door' horn the Market Place in King Street, where he has ju It received a well fele&ed and ex ten five afTbrtment of HARDtPJtiE 4' CUTLERY, confuting of fcveral tens of English and Szordrs Iron. Slerl, Null*, Window Glass, Pvity, i amis, 0//f Spikes* Tin Plate, Sheet iron, Truer and Log Chains, Hollow I Vara of tverj/ desenp tion, Frying Pans, Spades & Sho vcls, Anvils, irices, Grindstones, With a large afTbrtment of fiielf goods,— cot'fillitig ef midl articles ^fked for in hi^ lii.e, which he will fell low for calh, produce, or (hortapproved credit. J. WATKINS- Kingfton, Ai:guil i6.h, 1819. 351F ^NOTICE 1^ hereby given, that I, William Toy lor, as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late \llnn Taylor, de- ce^fed, have thi-. day afli^ned wa\\ the real and peifunal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest i-". tlie cot cern of Taylor & P;:rKer, and Thomas Paric-r, unto John Kirby, Alexander Olipham Pe- trie and Thomas Parker, as trustees, for the benefit of thr creditor?. William Taylor, Administrator tifilte estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston* August 28, 1019. 36tf Valuable Lands for *N/<V in the Township of IJamUton. IOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- A ceffion. containing 400 acres, i.'itto ditto 1 1 and t j in the 4th Con- ccfTion, containing 450 acies. initio ditto iO in the 6th Concefllon. containing 200 acres. The above Lands are a.l lying in the Townfhip of Iiamilton,NewcafUr i)iftrid\ and will be fold on the moit liberal terms. F-.>r further information, enquire of Klias Jones, Efq. Ilam.Aon, or the tubicribcr in Kingtlon. , Thomas S Whitafcer. I Kinofton May 28. iRiq. 2itf B~A N K OF THE Mibferiber bci \% appointed agent ^. for the i,a.;k of ^ anada, he will e- gotiate bank notes for bills ou Montreal, Quebec. i>r for Si/ecte. Win. MITCHELL. DAY & MARTIN To the Merchants and Trader* of Upper Canada. finUE Subscriber has recehed per the JL Louisa, from Loudon, a fresh sup* plv 01 the REAL JAPAN, iii Casks of about >ii dozen ; Width will be sold, immediately, at iif- trcn shillings per dozen, fur the largest sixes. BENJAMIN HART, Agent to Da) & .Martin. Montreal St. Paul St. ^th Srplcn,bei\ IS 19. 41 * R B. RPILSBURY, | ■ Late Surgeon of 11. M. S. Prince Re* \ V gfiitti on Lake Ontario^ <> I fntends practising in the various"- [ branches of bis ProfesMOff, at his res- • eideucp, ne\t door to John McLean?'" 4Ebl|. ShniiV. a Kingston. Oct mh MWi 41 ■• For Sale at tins OffiCf, AFKW copies of a SERMON*, preached at Quebec, ou ttre XSklh *»l "irpt^inhpr. after the death of Hi> Gnut* the IX'kk of Richmond, by Oil* \iv\*t rend G.J. Mounrani, A l> lli^hop^ Ofiicml iu Lutvci Cttnada, and R-ctor*1' Qi bee. 4 I New Goods. LAMB& i\ ijOSblL^ Opposite the Maria--------Bang $treetf ■x/ji (>.sT refpeAfuPy inform then, frjctlJ^ 3 J. and the public, that they b,atfc ju[{ received and tf.^r for talc, 3 well, ^hyjgu md general ?fibrtn e»-t m BUY GOODS, amon^ which are ihe < d,owing ain'c|es VIZ Wetl of England Croth^. and ^fomere*, ll.iii eaip. |int. \{^ ' r#i il-i d , Jreiit*. Fufhai.s, Bombazettc* Poir.bazcen-", drab. blue, gravand yellow \*».n-¬ cus, foldajrd MidiaiuMlurn (hirtin^. loom fliirtTngs, ^allampores, I*.n£ cloth-* and Bafcaes, ;ancl.e!l«r & Clas gow ftriped Cot:on?/'urkev *tri;*es,cruck and Gtnghanas, Dimiy» Chi: 12 ;u(d Cali¬ co Furn'ture Camhrc^* < altcoe*, Lcno> .jnd Muflin-:, I utmrhg and Savinet Sokf black Florentine^ silk Veils, Shawls ScaHa and Han^kereh r:V Ciuton crap*., Cinton crape drcfTca, nfT ited .-olors,cotton ShowU and iiandk-rchicf-*, *\k9 c ton and wors ter? Hnfe, Li!k, kid ind beaver 01 ves Thead, silkat.d coton Laces Ribbons* Tapes & Bobbins, CointerpaBcs^Manetllea Quilts, silk and Ccittftl Shambray, Linen lied Pick*, bleachrt Sheetings, Hurr*- hums, Dertys, brown Llol!andaa Dowlas, ic. &c. See. s/LSO, A few pans STAYS. Kingston, 2d July, 1819. 27 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. A NY fum required may be obtained at /-A. the Office for good Bills, on Mon treal. Quebec, BlJis o; Exchange on Lon don, ol lor Specie—Note- a*lo wdl be discounted at thirty, fixtv, and ninety days. THOMAS MAMvLAND, Kingfton, 3d Nov* 1818. Agent. *3 NEIV MEDICINAL STORE TilK subscriber re-spectfully informs the inhabitants of Kingston and vi¬ cinity, that he has opr-nrd a MEDICINAL LABORATORY In i-Voiit-Strcet, opposite to Mr. Kirby'.; where they may be supplied with every article iu his line. W. WILLIAMS. N. IL Physicians' prescriptions and order from Merchant* in the country, uill be received and carefully attended to. Kingston* Oct. 4, 1819. 41 LETTERS remaining in the Post Of- jicc at Unth. bth October, 1819. J HIN Abrahams2, Davrd It. Anderson, Th: Price Baker, Solomon Hall. Nicholas liruiirk, John Bu-h, Abigail Haker, Co- ner, Samuel rronk, Patrick Cavitey 4* Jcroml- ab (liatlniaii. S, Coi-, JaineR TampbeU, Bcuja- miii (lapp. ^ieorge 11. Detlor. Il"*:ii Daley, Ma- • V De^itard, (atharine Dm^iuan, Knmfrn Nem\y '-inernan, lloor^" Douglass, 'I noma' Darling I- ael D' itliani, William 1 inerson. i>a. te| Fra- rer. Liritieoant, Abraham Fiaser, John Gordin, JoflQilowih. William llavley, Koberr Hoj»ow, Jooatli&n Uaickiss or Peier Cornwall, Jamr- W. Jones, William John8(on. Jam*- Jewell, lux ton Knowlioii 2% J»Un Lake, John Lmhl \li-> Mar) McCeeler, Alexanrlei Miller, Bzvu ilallaiv. Itoberi McCuman, Owen McGrath, Sen. <'iilhaiint> Medraw, Samuel I'urdy, Peter Philip-. Sen. Wihia »i Prindeli Cbri»t«»pher Pe- [ersoii, liugll Palter-on. Abrnham Philip-, Orii. Ranne.v. Uexekiab Ruwell8, William Ro-li. David Kolit-rrson, Joseph Sin'uh, Herman S- e. ,.m«'- Stewart, &eorgf Sinnnotia, Jt»hn Thnu)|>- ■on. \lr*. Ann A'ahitn. Nathan WiJIiaiQ?, lien i ■. W.ll:um-k Si.pi en YottBjT, SWi. MM!s K ^^K!i^^ P. V. liKRKAS .M^^dalene. n>y uife. Iia- doped and leff n>\ l>«"d and c.-ird. without any ju-t prorocation, j then lore rorbid all parson? From harbo • itiu" or trusting her on my account, as 1 uill not pay any debts pf her contract¬ ing. ZACHARJAS FRALKK. Frederkkstmrgh, Oct. 6, I8l<>. 41.3 TO BE SOLD, QAACORDS of FIRE WOOD.lying ••** *" on the bank of Mr. Daly's Farm, a little beyond Collin*' -B<y, convenient for convevanee by water to Kingfton. Not lels than 50 Cords fold to a pur chafer ; price J« per Cord. A WILSON. Kingston, $th Oc7. 1819. 41 riQITOLE.Vor Strayed away about a K_5 fottnfgKt fioce a Da.k brown COW. with a Ifj^hl red ilveak aloi ^ her bi*ck and a bolb^vv plftCc in htr :ump, where frc lud foimcrly been mjurcd. Wbi ever v\ill give information la the iublcribcr where the laid Cow may be tound, (hall be liberally rewarded FRANCOIS LEFEBVRE. Kingfton, 0<fiober 8, 1819. 41 \^ 3 NOTICE. Books of Subscription tor ihe will be opened at the Direftor's Room in the bank of Upper Canada, on the 241I1 Augull next, and kept open each day frum the hon often till three o'clock, until further nuttct. Kingilun, 27th July, 1819. 31 is* I Kingfton,Oft. 13^ ltf:S 40 NOTICE. / |^(iIF! snb^rrlberb bv-j; leave to inform i t ii' poblic, that they have eutrn d iatO C'opnrtner^hip, and ';at thev *ill Jointly, Irom the date heitoi^ tarry on ' iiMtio^ uttdt'r tkc nvm of LAMB 6j U; DOS ELL. Wm. b, lamb, AllCIL McttQtfELt* Kinzitnn. J'/.ir(l<l 1819 '-7 Late Muster Smith in the Engi¬ neer I)'partir< nt, EGS leave 'o inform his friends and ilie public i'» genera!, thar he has commenced bufinefs next door below Air. George Dourrlata's. Sto»e Street; where every ai ticle in his line mav be had on the mow reafonable terms and on the (hotteft notice. The following i-itea of" charges are luhmitieJ. Horse Shoeing^ al! round 6/"8 — — removes 1 2/6 and ^U other work in proportion. Kingston, April $th, l8 lg. I c NO I ICE. WE Board for >.!ilitia Pen¬ sions, will inert on the loft Monday in February^ and continue J- to /lo* th: fame day in each Month, until the huftntfs of this Dj/lriJ, as ngtwd* the fame \s finjfhed JOi.N Fj-rgUSOK Kinjypn, Feb. \/L 1819, 6 A £ood Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfeauj Premilcs, in the Town of Kingftot^ at preferU oc- cuoicd by the fubferiber. por particulars apply to SAMUEL AN ;LEy)Jlin. Kingston, May 5th 181^, |y TO LET, ^Ti. And poflVffion given immediately a HKs vcry p'.eal'ant and healthy ill nation, in the town of Kingfton—Enquire at this Office. Kingfton, 061 8, 1819. 41 w-2 Bank Notice. THE Stockholders, of the Bank of Up- per Canada arc hereby required to pay into the Bank, in Specie 01 Bills of the Montreal Bank, an instalment of six per cent, or .six dollars on each share, on or before the 4th day of Oct. next. x BARTLl'.T, Ca.hier; Kingston* Sept, i, 1819. 36 Surgeon Dentist. LL operations performed upon the Teeth, by J. R SPOONER, at Mrs. Patrick's Inn. Aujt. 2dt 1819. ' 32 A T w No lice IS hereby given, that any pcrfon* who (hall be found trerpafiintr; on Green Point, (Tnwnfhip of Sophiasbm^h) will be immediately profecuted with the uf moll ri^or.—A perfon has been appointed tc< give information of any d> r-redatious that may hereafter be committed thereon. Ch'r. A. Hagerman, 38^6 Agent for the Proprietor, HRRBAS JohaGiaham,an Irifh emigrant, lent hi* wife forwaidto Rintil »n fiom La Chine, on Thurfday, the 26th of Augull, intending himfelf ro io low oy water—This :- lo requell any perfon who may be acquainted with thr c'rrumlLmces, t<» infutm his dUcoulolate witc by kttir dir-ded lo the Polt Office, who hi. been long at xioufly looking foi her hu^ai.d at Kingfton, wr ether he i3 It-It living, and where he is to be found. Kin-all' '*• Sept. 2Zt 1819. i L 1 v h \ ~ For the f. oufig . '-ucst, For iait at thU Office* FOREIGN KEIVS. From the /.one/on Courier of August 24, received at the Office of ihe Ne<w T**r& livening Post, Iludclersfirld Kt'forniers. Cnnfiderable alarm has hten excted am. ng the loyal and peaceable part of the community in this town and neighbour¬ hood, by the proceeding of the Radical Reformers. ' he following paniLulara, collected on the (pot (w'-iVh we vifite^ for the purpofe) are, we be feve, anthrnri- Almoll every evening during the week, meeting were held on Crofsland Mo^r, (the place whe-.e the late xtt\ c<fted Mr. Hoi^fall waj (hot) between Huddet^field and Marfden, on the ManthtHer road ; principally, we are informed, for the put- pofe of tiaining ; and on Thur'day after¬ noon, a number of perfon* afTerrbled on Colcloogh Moor, to tc play at oldiers,*' a3 they are pleafed to term it. On Thurfday evening a numerous and moll unexpected meeting took place in 3 field on thedtch'vityofa hill between Hud- dersfield and Almondbury. Thi& fpot was chofen for a Cmi'ar meeting a Kw wecka ago. and jV quire appropriate for the pur- pole of guaiding againft furprife, being inacctflihie to cavalry. The fiift notice the inhabitants leceived of this proceeding, was from a number of perfons affembiing on the roads hading to the place of rendez¬ vous They met between 7 and 8oVo« k. No regular chairman wa* appointed The meeting was opened by a perfon pro felling himfclf to be a Delegate from Manchester, whb dated* thdt he left that town a few days ago in company with two or three others. The Manchefter meeting, he laid, wa- intruded to have been conducted in a peaceable, manner ; but no fooner had Mr. Hunt afcended the hultings> and began to (peak, then the yeomamy cavalry rufhed forward, made him and fcveral othert prifontrs, and killed and wobnded many perfons- The 88th regiment, he addrd, had afterward* fired thiec volliV upon the people which killed three perfons, one of whom he had the tonfolation to inform them was a fpy. Tlie queilion now was, whether they would tamely fubmit to lhia butchery oftl eii fiiendsand fellow-country- men, or conic forward, like men, to affift them.^ (Loud cries of we ivi.I, <wc will J A penoi in another pan of the field then presented htm (elf, and after a few obicrva- tian», piopofed a? a refolution, •• that all perfom> prtlent who were willing to fup- port rhe taufe of radical reform by orcep pbyfitaiforce, (hould llgnify the fame in the ulua. way " j\\\ inllantiy held vp their hand-, and a tremendous ftiout was railed, which w.< diftimftly heard at Huodc afield, a mile dillant. Aftcr.waiting fome time, and no perform .-ppearinii dilpofed to addrefs the meeting, the lame individual again fp.-ke, faying, ** it noonehad any observations to offer, he would conclude the bufinefe by infor¬ ming them, that another meeting would beheld- the following night at 7 o'clock* in Fixby Park." " With armsl" was here .;/kcd by the multitude. He added, 14 And ail perfons are requcilcd to provide themie»ves with fuch things as may, in any way whatever, be uftfulto them." The whole proceedings did not occupy an hour. A few minutes aiter nine, the altcmbly had entirely difippcartd. Jjunngthe proceedings, a piftofwas fired by tome perion in the middle of the crowd j tut by whom, and for what purpofe* remains to be alcertained- Thcoarti.g defiance of the conflituted authoiitie-, evinced in thefe proceedings ; the multitude, (upwaroe of a thoufand.) who, notw.thitanding the fecrefy obferved, were preicut i the latenefs c f the hour (the Ihadet. ol evening having clofed upon the aHunb.y beioieitbr keup;) the proximity ut the pkee o Manchetler ,• the eutrageoua ■an^uagc ot the fpcakeTs, which am Hinted to el thai, open reb'lhon ;-^;he ferocioilt* acquiefccnce of the people, and their deteimi..ation ;oa!tend thefucceeding meeting iu a m& ; united with the recol- leciiun ot tUe ianguii ary events which oc- corrcd a few ytars ago in the fame neigh¬ bourhood, weie circuraitancc* that excited do imau aiarm. Larly the next morning (Friday,) the Mdgtltratcs (wh.j difpiayed the molt laudaolc -tCtiviiy on the occafio' ,) had a meettngi ai.d a hand bd* was ilTued by J. aigb, b. H. Allen, and J. llorsfaH, i-lqu.rcs, calling upon the refpeCtable inhabuanta ot Huddeidfield,in conUquence ot the meetings l.elu in thii and the neigh¬ bor tug counties, to enroll themleives as ipccial conilubiea, and appointing twelve o'clock each uay, as the hour of foeatipg them in. kv,ry other precaution was. taken, which circumllanccb appenr to> rcuUcr lucifljiy. 'J hefe formidable preparation* probably Itruck terror into the rcfjrmetK } for no meeting, of any con- leqviciitc, tu*.k place An ineunfjuoahle number of ucrions alTemblcd at Exby, ^which is between tiuducrsficid an.! ilaidax ) according to the notice whicix had bcvU given ; and, we are ii.forrr.ed, meetings were held in fcveral other places iu the ueigiibuuih.'od, during the night, but the quietly ditperfed. >C*«ml tn>op» 01 i\i\ 4 11 D'agoon Guards, under capt. bifeth »pe, and the Yen ma 1 ry Lavaiiy, ufldcr i>i. Jofcpli (ad.;i£f., vvcr^ in n.adinet , ui.. icmai Lv] under arms mul| ot ibcugitij but^ wc are o^^y t« l"-yt