" i\. wOiv-c « >> r*•<?*•*w-d at nus ona- c*iu Oy a Guard of Grenadiers of the 76th Itejjt- with Regimental Colours, and fie Band of that Kegt. playing a Dead .vlan h. I lis Grace's Remains were placed in a -jwprroom io the Chateau, where tiiey \y in state until 4 o'clock of Saturday the 4th of Sept. when they were removed *o the Place of Interment in the Cuthe- _iral Church at Que bee, in the following •rde.r :— The whole of the troops composing the 'virrison of Quebec, consisting of a large Attachment of Royal Artillery wiih 15 Kield Pieces with lighted Ri'stches, the ■iholeoftheRitieliattalinuCOlhSc 76 Re- 'iments, composed the Funeral and Fl¬ ing party, and formed a Lane extending ■ ro.n the door of the Chatrau, passing the rVencb Church, through the Market* . lace, up Garden Street, to the great west entrance of the Cathedral. On the Corpse bein^ brought out, (the Collar and Ln?igfiia of (he Order of tin- Garter, with Ills Grace's Military Ap¬ pointments, bein«r placed on the Coffin,) •tie whole of tiie Troops presented Anns. On its brin^- placed on the Hearse, the Troops rested on their Arms Reversed. The Procession then moved ou in the following order : persons of the Public Military Depart¬ ments under the rank, of Deputy As-»i*.t- ■l.'ltS. Officers of the S'aff and Dnparfrr.f»r.V3, Militia and unaJtachr^ OHicer>, a < srtl- ing to their respective ranks, ai.a that o1 iheir Departments, the juniors o< each r <nk preceding—this part of the proces- Arm was closed by the Heads of (he scv- ■ f a I Departments, (and the Adjutant Cieneral of Militia,) the whole walking iwo and two. Then followed the Civil Procession, •onsisting of the Law and other principal Officers of the Crown,Courts and Public Offices. The Honorable the Judges. The Honorable the Members of the Legislative and Executive Council*. The Honourable Mr. Chief Justice ^EWELL. A Military Band playing a Dead March. THE BODW On a Hear«e drawn l>v Four Horses, l^the Horses covered with Crape.) Attended by • •■ see joi i u .• i *i 1*. <i>ii>, 4* ,,.. - -•.. rt'ing •* Canadians Shtoa—hearts—gra.rful—glimiug, ** All forward press—deep borrow shewing, W et-p ! Mourners' Weep | 4. " Tho' Cold the hand, which oft relicv'd them. Wppp ! Mourners' Weep f "The Orphan Poor—shall long revere linn. Weep • M#nrnern* Weep ! " Thy SovVeif-n's Friend ! thy pDUnify*a glory, " 'Twill (Mlg be fanTrl in Britain'* si#ry, 41 That Patriot Hearts,sincere deplor'd ye. Weep ! MourncrV Weep ! *' There's still ^n Hope Divine tc cheer up. Cease ! Mourners* Cease ! "Our Lennox lives—Iho1 lives not near us. Cease ! Mourners* Cease I u What rbo* his Star with rio:ion gleaming, " Until set on us, wIum* eyes are Ktreamlogt ** *Tia o'er some brighter world! io.*. beaming, Cea^e ! Aloui aers' Cea-e ! Quebec, Sept. 4lh, I8I9. * M." * The abu%e Lines (with pome (rifling altera- fiun of measure,) are adapted to the beautiful Weicti Air1/" Poor Manaiuue." It is certainly graliry,ng to pcceive w.t»i i it would be well that: people should mako what activity the Surveyor General's De- themselves acquainted with those means The Hon. A L. J. I)UCU£SMY. ;ion. M. H. PgR CEV4t. U. Col. Harvey, C. B I). A.O.cf the |*oi CCS. nCol.CoCKBDBN D. Q. M.G.of Ditto. AND Colonel Wilson, IIon.Mr. JusViee C^mV ( ' Q^andani of P*RRAULT. VBm iMe 'arris0n JS PALL IURERS. A»D FOLLOWED BY Major M'Leod. (His Grace's relate.) Sir Charles Saxton Baronet. Lieut. Col, Ready. Private Secretary. Major Bowles, Military Secretary. AS MOURNERS. The Officers of the Piivate and Mili¬ tary Secretary's Office*, and of His Grace's Jlousehold, followed by His Grace's led Horses, Grooms, and*e>er- vants, and by a Company of Grenadiers <f the 76th Regiment, with their Ar n^ wversed, and Pikes trailed, closed tiie procession. The Drums of th* ditlWent Corps cev- red with crape, rolit das the Corpse pus* «& The Military Band filed oti'at the door of the Cathedral, and ceased pUy- • tg as the Body entered theChutcb. The Ri»ht Reverend The Lord Bish¬ op of Quebec, preceded by the Clergx, net the Corpse at the spates of the Cathe¬ dral Church-Yard, & conducted U ' ;.-» e Jentre Aisle, where it W? . ' " olalform, the Mourners :: :d i aUlicarcrs remaining near the V*J I \ After the Anthem and *';e pa I r*t th.* Service before the int^rmt ut^ hn.l hren (>erforcr^;l, ftfl Body "f:*> tlepp^tU'd in a /ault cpeued for the pnrp^'p, betwixt the P'jlj;it and the Commuaion J'able, and the Service was concluded by the Lord B:.c,op. A signal was then g?v?it9 when one round fron^ 15 Field li»ccs was fired. slowly and distinctly, iolloued bya Vol- i*?y of Musqnetry (icw, th? whole of the Infantry; then a second and a third round in like manner. After which, the Troops moved off ;n slow time a* d in perfect sileuce, no Jand playing or Drum beating. Thus were Interred the Renmin of the Most Noble and Pni^s^nt IVim-e ■ HARLRS, Dukp of RICHMOND, LENNOX & AUBIGNY, KuW of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Governor in Chief and Commander of (he Forces in and over the British Pos¬ sessions in North-America. We hear that the Hon. Chief Justice Monk, is hourly expected fn town, to take upon him the administration ol' th« Government of the Proviuce, as Presi¬ dent.—Quebec Mercury. Letters have be n received by one of the late arrivals, w.mn state that assu¬ rances had been given on the p.tri ol Go¬ vernment, to Merchants in Lomlon cuu- corned in the Canada trade, that the proposed Duties on Lumber, would not lake elLct on the importation^ of 18'20. Qu> bec GuZeUe* We are enabled, from information af¬ forded us by one of the paffengera faved tron> the Pliceiix Steam Boat, to corro¬ borate the new* of the dellrudtion of that veffcl by fire, on the morning of Sunday lnlt It appears that the 1 hoc lix hiu q litfcd Burlington about I 2 o'clock, wh-rc fhc had taken on board fcveral pas feuger*. Amon^ whom were vir. Chap¬ man and his amiable family, from B'»lt"n. It is conjedured that th'. rrew and pa«- (engers amounted *o between 50 and 60— out of which, about 8 or 9 ire mtiGng ; the lofs of 7 is ctrtain. J he boat was difcovered to be on fire about 2 o'cloi k, and in kls than 15 mi:iute9 from that pen >d( (he appeared an entire flame Their fituation was about half way between Burlington and Piatlbuigh. and the chief part of thoic laved, were iar.d'cd' 6y the boats on Providence Ifland. The boats were immediately difpatched back to pick up any perfon who might be fuuud floating near the veflel, and fortunately 7 or S were refcucd from a watery grave.— Among thefe were captain Shermat, junr. who Itaid by the boat to the lad momenr, and exerted himfclf in the mod praife- w >rthy manner towards refcuing thofe who were unable fro» timidity, to truft them- felvcs to the watery element. The party landed upon Providence Ifland were taken of about 8 o'clock, ki d conveyed to the boufe of Mr. Martin, upon Grand lie, were they divided ; one party proceeded to Burlington in a Slooft and another to the Ferry to proceed t* Platfburgh. This latter party received every afliftance frr rh the inhabitants of Platfburgh, who flocked around them to offer their congratulations dt their efcape, and to provide thofe deftitute of clcthing, with evcy thing that v/as nquifite For their comfort It is me a choly to reflect that if the Boat had ac all been crowded with her ufu.l number of paffengera, the greater part mull have bee • loll, a< {he was only provided with Two boat*. We arc of opinion, that no Steam-Boat crofiing a wide Lake, ought to ca^ry lei's than three boats, and tho(e (hotild be 10 artanged as to be lowered at the fliorteit notice, and that every light on board them, fhould be lee re 1 by lanth'/tr.s. The following perfmg, were drowned, viz.—.Y!r. Manning, pilot ; Mrs. wilfi>n, boftt-naid ; i.i»ry j.ltifh, failor ; Andrew Imrnlon, c-iofe ; Steph n Krllis, paltry cook; and a lad of about 15 y-ara of age, from Qjel ec, named 1'eiiiter Montreal Herald. KINGSTON, Sl-PTEMBLIt 17, 1819. partment, under thf direflion of Govern¬ ment, in making pHJVIaion for the rapid'y increasing populati( P *»f the Piovince. The extensive Township^ now oroposed to be surveyed, it is true, are ratber remote from the usual wafer co unaunication of the St. Lawrence, and the lands may perhaps be eRteemcd less valuab*c ^Y l^e 9cttler at the present moment, on account of their did taticc from the prin- *Pa' market Towns on the frontier ; but if we are rightly infor med, the lands in th°& new townfhlJM are generally of a lu;ierior quality in point of f>il ; and in many places the face of the Country is really b-antitul, being neither flat nor mountane-us- ^ut prefentiug to the eye the more ao*tCalJ'c piofpeft of hill and dale, plentiful!* watered with fma!l but limpid ftreams, which either paf-^ into the greater rivers ti lt ^a" ,nto l^e S tint 1 awtc.iceon the Sd^thi OI into the fmall lakea in the interion a"d ihc Ottawa Riv¬ er on the .North. Vlany of thofe Hrcams, though fmall,are far-l to afford a fufFic'eut quantity of water tc diive rails con!lru£t- ed upon the moft ey enfive plans, vvhilr on their b^nks abundant* oFeligible mill feats are to be found. A*d if we advert to tht 'M (ini'ertedin ourpaperofthr 3dint*ar.t) p (fed lad fcffi >n of parliament, for regu¬ lating 1 he Statute tahours we (hall fee thai from thr increaftd quantity of Statute la¬ bour now required t*' be pe< formed, not on¬ ly will the old r<>ad> ke much improved, but new ones npme& and ponfequeutly the communication bet*/c,**n the old and dew fcttlement** greatly t*cilitated. The very fl >urii>ing condition of the new towufhips in tic interior, which h^*vc been recently furveysd and granted to ac- tna! fctt:crs, is a c>cumllaiice highly en COuraging to thole vhu niay be located in ftruati -lis flill mote remo'e. .Nome of thofe; townlhtpa which hut two ye ir ,-.> were an entire ivildernefe, arc now thickly fettled* a*id tl'e m habitants abundantly fup- plied With provifi ns and o:her neceffaries of life from the produce of their farms, which already begin to dfTtime an appear- attce of nratnef» and cunf'.rt not alwrys to be perceived in fome of the older fcte- ments, where much mi^re might have been ex peeled if the people had been equally in- dulbkUia. We are perfuaded. lb** & ,ne fettler* in the remote towi.fhip»9 irdleacl f 1 xhautling their lands by a fuccefll >'• of white crops, as we fear many nfthe Mrmers on our fron¬ tiers have done, fhall cJi-e£l their attention principally to :hc rearing °f "ve Hock and to the cultivation of graft and -'ther green crops fuitable f *r the f'biilling and fatten¬ ing of their ft ck, the) will li id this plan in every point or view, the molt profitable, as the rearing of Hock requires le&lab >m\ and cattle are more eafity conveyed from adillance to maikrt, than grain or fl «uc. We have often beard it afleited, that rn Upper Canada, from the very fir A lettle- mcut of the Province, Beef, Pork, &c. have always borne a htjfn price in pr :pcr- tion t■» grain an.d Other pioduce. We at leaft know that this hm been the cafe for fevcral yca'-s, and it is a fact not much \o thecredit of OUT old farmers, that our mat k- ets are principally lupplied with all fdrta of butcher's meat from the United States, from whence cattle, ihcep and h*gs fur.';y cannot be imported at a lefs expe> ce than they might be brought on foot f om the moll ditlant parts of ■ ur own country to] li,(us ■ ; her town rcMdcuce was CaineU the fame markets. - LTt on the whole, if j ford Ho use, the lute owner of which, our information refpedirag th? foi ami face |,oid Camellord, was untimely killed in of the country in the interior be c■ rrect, ;» dLei ; her country rr>idt-nce t'lare- and noothei obllacle cx:i(t to impede I he fet* mout, not long a^o Ihc property of Lord tlement anrj improvement of tnc land-., than Clivc, who ended his days by suicide : their didance from our maiktt towns, we she died in Childbed, the name of her may foon hope to fee inllead of a lonely Aicouchir bcinc Croft. V. fordl and dreary wilirrnefs in our rear, rich a*»d populous di'iri^ts, fupplying us with luch proviizoni as aie now imported from a foieign country. which have often b'-en successfully used for restoring persons taken out of water Apparently dead. For the information of such of our readers as may be ignor¬ ant of those means, we insert the follow¬ ing observations and instructions by Dr. Hawes. What thou doeat—do quickly. TUG DROWNED. 1. Convey carefully the body, with the head raibed, to the nearest conveni¬ ent house* 2 Strip, and dry the body.—Clean tho mouth and nostrils. 3. Young Children between two persons in a warm bed. 4. An Adult.— Lay the body on a blanket, or bed,and in cold weather uear the lire,—In the warm season air should be freely admitted. 6. Ith to be gently rubbed with flan¬ nel, sprinkled with spirits ; and a heated warming-pan, covered, lightly moved over the back and spilii . 6. To rlstore BRFATiiiNG.—Intro¬ duce the pipe of a pair of bellows (when no apparatus) into one nostril : close the mouth and the other novtril, then inflate the lungs, till the bi«.*ast be a little raised; the mouth and nostrils most then he let free : repeat this pr©cr*s fill life appears. 7. Tobacco Smoke is to be thrown gently up ihc fundament, with a proper Instrument, or the bowl ofa pipe cuv r-d, so as to defend Ihe mouth of the as<istant. 8. The breast to be fomented with hot spirits*—if no sign< of life appears,— the WARM bath:—or hot bricks, &c. applied to the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. f). Electricity early employed by a MEDIC \L ASSISTANT. CAUTIONS: Bodies taken <uit of ihe water ; 1. Never to be held vp by the hccte* 2- A"o/ to he roiled on Casks, or receive other rough usage. 3. Avoid the u*e of bait in all cases of apparent death. GtMieruI Observations. 1. On SIGNS OF RETURING LIFE, the Assistants are most earnestly advised to employ the Restorative means w ith GULAT v'ACTlOV, SO 3S tO DOO^VSA W*4 revive the languid signs of Life A test-spoonful of warm wal-T may be gtVcn ;—and if swallowing b. return- d- ward] wine, or diluted brandy.—To be put into a warm bed, ami, 11 disposed to sleep, will generally awake restored to health. *2. The I'LAV^ above recommended are to be used for I'*;HEE or FOUR hours. It is an absurd and vuLai opinion to suppose persons as trrecover- ablt, because lift dues not soon make its appcGi unce. 3. BTectricitv and Bleeding never to bo employed, wiles oy the directions of ths Medical Assistants. The 1jre\thi> the principal thing to be attended to. Extensive and unlimited bale. BY AUCTION, WILL be fold at the fubfcruSer's Auftion Room, in the Store late Iy occupied by Mr. John \\ atkias, ir King Street, a general afliirtment of Cloths, Fancy Good*, Glassware Crockery, Ironmongery, Metal Stoves, &c. Sale to commence on MONDAY *7'h inftant, at four o'clock in the afternoon and to be continued eaeh day at tlie farm, hour until the whole (hall be diipofed of JOHN STRANGE, Audionetr. Kiugllon, Sept. 16, 1819. ^8 Custom House Office, Kingston. 9/^ September, 1819. ON SATUHDAY, the twenty-fifth day of September inftdnt, will he fol-1 to the highclt bidder at tiie Govern- ment Wharf, The Sthooner Comet. lately feized and condemned. This vefle- is nearly new, and is well fitted with fail- anchors, cables and all neceffary rigmg including a new boat. A liberal credit will be given for a part of the purcbale moneyj on giving fecunty. C. A Hagerman, 3Rw*_____CoIUaor Port of Kingston. WANTED, a Mao and Worn Servant, Who under/Kind all ki d, of housework. None will p.eaf« app:> who do not brine with them mod unqucs tionable characters. Fnquiie of the Printer. l6tk^ept, t8iy. 3C* C V For the Chronicle. Curious coincidence* respecting thelet- ter C, as connected with the lamented Princess Cha.l.'tte. Her mother's name is Caroline* her own was Charlotte ; th *t ol her consort Cobourg ; she was married at Carltun If O^T —On the road between Pre JLj cott^nd KingUon, a Blank Morocco Pocket Book. CQn'aintng a note againft Rtaat Sager j I for fifty pounds, and a receipt f r a Pna f»m paid faid Sailer. Whoever will re¬ turn the fa'-n^ to the fubfcri'ier, Jhall b.- handlomcly rewar.'ed. Andrew Thompson. In/or/natim tVnnttd. OME time in the year 1807. a mm oy the name of Fhlfia Pfcliet t • atj.iut 22 yean old, left his friend >, in *« t-rburyf Windham county C«.-n eet:e- a«>d tor ieveial years ha« not h en heai from. If any perfon could give inform; tion refpe^ing him, whether livinp nT dea'" it w.uld greatly oblige his fri. nd« 1. living, he migi.t be entitled to confident ble property. Any communication ot\ tht Lubje.a, addreflcd to Thoma^ B. ' die- Canterbury, Connr&rcut. will be glad*: received. U3P Printers in the Unired State«, a»( in Upper and Lower Canada, are requcft ed t> iufrrt the above • 4 * *»*••** ii hi 4 Elegtac Dirge* 1. O'er Leaox I calm in Doaih reposing, Wppp! Alnurn>iV Weep! His laurerdUrn for K^-r •—cIomii^, \Vee>>! MoomPr*1 Weep! While ehildren, (blis-ful ties endearing !) Wiih Festive bands, werejovs preparing. Caaxe Death!—nor rank, nor virtue -pa-iij:. Weep ! Mouriirrs1 Wwp ! 2. How soon their Hearts from t bought* nfV|;iiUie>% Weep ! Mourners" Weep! Were turn'd alas 110 melting sadness, Weep ! Monri ers' Weep ! Each blooming Riue Bud doom'd to sever From tender Parent Stem fist ever ! Shall thejj e'er meet hi. !ike ?—Oh ! never. V\cep ! Mourners" Weep ! 3. Look rouod, e>n Wain or's (ears a>e flo«ine. Weep ! MouriieiV Weep ! Their tribute to his worth bestowing. Weep ! Mauniers' Weep ! The Upper Canada G&zettP of t\v 26th of ikngUSt contains proposals for *> further very extensive survey of land We copy the following description of fin- position of the various townships to b< laid out, from the S.irvryor General^ notir*^—iC Two toxnships containing about 70-000 acres each in the Western District, hounded on the East by the Di¬ vision line betWB€lt the London an-d We$* Urn Districts, on the South by the Mo¬ ravia } Tonnsbip and the Townships of Camden and Cha ham, on the West by the Siaicancse T^xnship, and on tht No. th i>y the Nor/hern boundary of thv last n.eu toned Township produced on an East coarse until it intersects the Divi¬ sion line between the said District—Also for the survey of the Shaivanese To&n- ship, kc " Also, a Tract of Land to ha surveyed into Townships, containing 6(>.000 acres each, u'$n the Home and Nfto Castle Districts-, bounded Southerly by the Toxcmftips of Brock, Car/might* Man- vers ana Entity, and Northerly by Tal¬ bot river (shich empties itsetj into Lake Si/ncoe) una by the Water Communica¬ tion of the Rice Luke:y " Also a Town¬ ship nn the River Trent; bounded Wes¬ terly hy the Township oj Otunvhce, and Easterly by the Township of keymour^ and its produced boundary." fct Like- zcise, a Township situate on the South side of Kempenfeli Ray, and bounded Easterly by the Western shore of Lake Simcoe" C.V'V \ LTIES. On WednefdaY 'a^» about four o'clock in the afternoon. a *' ite min zni an ln dian pulhcd off ' ;,,n ibe Ma.ket Place in a r-ark lanoe f r ,|cr p«*prf< of crofling to vVclfe lOand. W ^n they had gW nearly oppofite Point Frederick, the canoe wa- feen to upfet ard Jl11- The Indian beinjr an expert fwirr.n^, made f r Point Fred eiick but in fcuflicqHenc*»F Intoxicati*m, funk before he n.^hed tht fhore ; and be¬ fore a bat an which was g..ing to hisrc lief could afford him fuccour. He was a middle aged matfj a native of the village of Saint Regis, and was called Peter Tracer. The other man who could n«t fwim. pru¬ dently chmg to »be canoe, and was faved. Lafl evening a lamentable accident oc- curr:d at Point Henry. Two men who were employed I*' finking the well in the fort, had gone down to prepare for a blaft. While thus engaged, and before they could get out of the well again, the fne commu¬ nicated to the powder, and the explosion touk place. 0»e unhappy man, by birth an American, w*s dreadfully mangled, and i$ not expected to furvive. The other, whofe name i9 J^hn Whitclock, was killed on the fpot. He was a native of Cum¬ berland, in England, and had not been more than six weeks in the country. He has left a wife and three children in a land of llrangtrs to bewail their heavy lofs. The Onforturiflte and melancholy ac¬ cidents which have bo often occurred to persons attempting to cross tho Bay of Quinte in small boats and canoes, fre¬ quently ill equipped, sometimes over¬ loaded, and not always under the man¬ agement of skillful rowers, ought to make the inhabitants who reside on its banks more attentive to th^se precautions in which their safety is so much concern¬ ed. But as no human prudence or cau¬ tion can at all times prevent accidents, JjIED, At Point Frederick,on Monday morn- ing last, Mr. Jon* JS1. Ward, aged48 y jr>. \M Of g&fttg£fctt» • • • *?•** • t * * « • # • « * Sept, 11 tb, Sch. Mnnror, Hobbard, ------ .. Rambler, Smith, ------ .. Maj Flower, Patlfrsoo, l'Jih, ,, Minerva \ 11 n, Godfrey, ------ .. Jackson. Spring, ------- .. K'tglitiiipile-, Wood, ------ .. Swallow, Le>lie, ------ .. Oltw Branch, White, I4t*», Sloop Arcadia, Koapp, 16m, Seh. Com. Perry, Parker, ------ Sieain Boat Sopnia, Vaughn, ------ Sieam Boat rharlone, Dennis, —— Sch. Rambler, Smith, CLEARED, Sept.lUli, Steam Iioai Frouienac, McKenzic, ------ Sch. Rambler. Smith« I3ih, .. Munroe, Hubbard, ----- „, Swallow, Leslie, Ifiih, .. Com. Perry, Parker, \mi U s-ea .' !'<»a' CharliVie, Oeenic. Notice IS hereby given, that any perfons who fhall be found trcfpafRnc on Green Point, (Townfhip of Sophiasbmgh) will be immediately profecuted with theutmnft rigor.— A perfon has been appointed to give information of any depredations that may hereafter be committed thereon. ChV. A. Hagerman, 381^6 jlgent for the Proprietor, EDIVARD DUNS, |"|Pl OSITK the Market Place, keeps a Houfe of Call for Servants, where any family in lown can be provided with one at the fhoncit notice, either male or female, and fervants applyino; as above can obtain places. Thoic who apply rnull leave their names in writing. Kingflon, 14th Sept. 1819. 38*3 States and Empires WVNTSD, a petfoti orperfo-iB-vvho will undertake to cleat twenty acres of B AUSH >^ OOD, fo that it ma; be ready for feed by the latter end of thi month. Enquire a- the Post Office- Kin^ston, Sept. 6. 1819. 37 C\ME into the foclofore of L Herch mer, Efq. near Km^rton, about year ago. a large black LOW. about feve years old, a blaze 10 btr forehend, a fma white f.'Oi a little under her breaft, and • each fore foot, w -ite fpot* under her belly while on each flank, both hind legs white the lower part of her tail white, and - fmall white fpot on the right fide of he rump. If fhe is not claimed by the owr er by the 20th inftant, fhe will be fold t defray expences Kingfton, Sept. 4. 1819. 37 J~CAllbY, TOBAt'i 0\IST, ~[I1)!:GS 'cave to inform the public, thai JljJ* rit us opcucO a S" (JK'fe in Htt 1 (Ireet, nearly oppofite the houfe of Mr. Downing, where he offers for fale (»n m derate tfrm^, the undermentioned ariicK of a fupcrior quality, viz. F'ug Tobaccu, fweet fcented, 6 and 8 hand to pound ; Ladies' Twift. Rap ;ee, Scotch and Macaba Snuff, Spanlfti and American Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound ai-d half pound papers, with the ufual papers of a left fize. Kingfton, May, 1819. sieoMf ■ J PEEP INTO FUTURITY. PPOGRESS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN AMERICA. Under this head, (says the St. Louir Enquirer,) we lately published the in- formation lately derived from the Fu» f radars, relative to the designs of the mo* dem Alexander upon the Peninsula and Gulf of California and the western coaat of North-America. In a few years the Russians may ae~ quire a dominion in America, tvvelv- times larger than that of the old thirleet* United States, people it from Asia, plac a fleet upon the Pacific, and annihilate the p< wer of England by attacking it in India. By that time the valley of th* MiSMppi will be filled with warriors and with statesmen. The giant republic vt mi hnd a ^iaut empire pressing upon its bor¬ ders, obstructing its progress and worth) of its arms. That the Russians will 'o'* pushed back into Asia, cannot be doubt, ed. The Americans will occupy their place to the shores of the Pacific : th« narrow pass at behring's streets will divide two powers ichich encircle the globe ; and the world may then tee but two nations, whose will is to be consult¬ ed in the rise and downfall of -Kingdoms.