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Kingston Chronicle, September 17, 1819, p. 1

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* * *»#* • slCXjli*. V^^^;^8WllUlA)»tt^»CHte**j^»l^^ffE^^ VOL. 1 ] FRIDAY, (jtrgMMQom) SEPTEMBER 17, ISI9. »-* Bank Notice. BANK OP UPPER CANADA. DUiBGTORfoi ih^wwft. Unary Murney, Esquire. Dttysol DISCOUNT—every Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount most be all [landed to Eta Csmhirr nji the dav pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BARTLKT, Cashier. Drafts on Quebec, at shoit sight, will be given lor Specie. The Last Notice, ALL perfons indebted to the late firm . of James Rankcn iff Co are hereby notifiedthi t mtle&tbeit respective accounts and notes are fettled by the fi-lt day of Au- guft next, they wi!l ir.d'fcrimirmeiy be put into the hands of an Attorney foi ro'Iec tion. JAM'*;S itANKKN. Bath. June 30, 1819. 27-tf __ - _ - - * _ - ——— New Goods. LAMB& M'DONELL, Opposite the Rlarhei---------King Street* MOST refpeftfnlly roJWro their friend* and the public, that they havr. jutt received and offer for fale, a well chofen and general afTortment of DRY GOODS, amon^ which are the following articles, VIZ Weft of England Cloths and CaPIoitfre*, -flair carpeting, Kiddermiofter do Jeans Fuflians, Bombazettes, Bombazeen?, drtrb blue, pray and yellow Nankeens, 111 111 Lin¬ ens, Linen fold and Maddapollaoi (hirtlrip-s, ftt-am loom {Tunings, Saliampore^, tang clothe and Baftaes, Manchelter & Glas¬ gow flriped Cotrons,Turkcv Btrfpe$,checks and Ginghams, Dimity, CI. \\z and Cali¬ co Furniture. Cambrics, Calicoes, I-Cno* and Muflins, Lutestring and Sai*"net Si!k< black Florentine, silk. Veils, Shawls '-carls and Handkerchiefs, Canton crape, Canton crape drefles, afTorted colors,cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs, silk, cotton and wors ted Hofe, silk, kid and beaver Gl-ves Thread, silk and cotton Lace*, Ri^ho-s, Tapes & Bobbins, Counterpanes, MaHefllrs Quilts, silk and Cotton Shambray, Linen Bed Ticks, bleached Sheetings Hum hums, Derrys, brown Hollands, Dowlas. &c. &c. &c. ALSO, A'few pairs STA\ S. Kingston, 2dJu!y, 1819. 27 NOTICE. ■ Montreal Fire insurance Company's Office.? 30* h J.h/1819. S THE Company having extended its bufinefs and proteftion again ft lofles or damages by I* ire, to Upper Canada now inform the public, that the following perfons are authorized Agents of the Com¬ pany in that I'rovince : At Kingston* Ww* Mjtcukjj^ Es:j. .. York. IV.\j. All /.v, E*(/. .. Queens ton, Mesx. G.u?rr$) hrnnv. .. AmhvrstLur^li, IV M. I)t'ii\ Esq. The Direftors of this infant Inflkntion fi rtter themfelves, fiom the reduction-, late¬ ly made on their Tariff, that their rates of premiums will be found as ieaionnblc as at any other Office, and they refpectfully fo- 11011 the patronage of all who wilh well to Local \llablilhmenls. Ly order of the Board. 37013 J. BLEAKLEY Scc'y. EMM O VA JL,," nnHE Subscriber rcfpeftfruliy inform* JSL the piib'ic that he hns removed to the Brief: Store, in Store Street, wihin a few doors of rienry Caffady's, where he in- tend- following the TAlLOiilNG BUSINESS, in all its vaiious branches. Any perfons pie "fed 10 favor him with their cult-m, may rely on having their woikdone in the neateft manner, and on m derate terms. 01 EVER W. STEVEN8 KingfiOf 1 September 7U1, 1K19. 38 "" ALLXA.NDhK A&liUi,"""" Merchant Taj/ior. M'.S rtec ved f um Montreal a moll choice . nd excellent aH'ortmeut of tlie bell Well of England fuperfiue Cloths anu G*#sintere$i with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A, As HER informs his f>."end; and th public that he is now working up thefc loth-,, Sec. at his old fraud, where order* will be thaukfully received, and executed on the fh.-uell notice, and on the io^eil cirris foi Calh or ihoit appiuv.d credit. Kmglfon, Sept «o. iS 9. 37 f NOTICE. nr^HE subscribers fcfrjj hare to inform 1 the public, thai thoy have entered into Copartnership, and that they ml* jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under the firm of JLAMB &' McDOSELL. WM. R. LAMB, ARCH. Mc DONELL. Kingston, June <ld 1819, 27 Cult St'(V(s ami Charcoal. int^ANTED, a few thouiandsofCn1! f f Staves ; alfo, a few hundred bush¬ els of Charcoal, for which Cash will be paid on delivery at the Khgflon Brewery, by the f^bferiber, THOMAS DALTOX. Knigflon, July 17, 1819. 30 Valuable Lands for Sale in the Tozvusft ip of 11 (tin it ion. LOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- 1 IJitto ditto 1 i and 15 in the 4U1 Con- ce/fion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th ConcefTton, containing ZOO acres. The above Lands are ail lying in the Town (hip of liamilton, Newc-iiUe Dillrict, and will be fold on the moil liberal terms. For further infoin-ation, enquire of Ll:as Jonesf Efq- Hamilion, or the fu'ofciibcr ia King (Ion. Thomas S Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, tSto- 2 2tf GtSDRGB SCOUUAL, Lcd$ Master Smith in the Engi- ^^ necr Department. BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in genera!, that he has commenced buGnefs next door below Mr. George Dou^lafs's, Store Street ; where every article in his line rr.ay be had on the rnoft reafonable terms, and on the Jhoilell notice. The following rates of charges are fubmitted. Hcrse Shoeing^ all round 6f$ —. — rr?noves9 2/6 and all other work in pioportion. Kingston, April $£!>, 1819.__________I? TO LET, /fl^D poflcflion given the 1st Auguft §/JL next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store 6treet, opposite the Post Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jones.— For particulars apply to the subsciiber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 1819. 29 FOR SALE, ~ A LARGE, commodious two ftory (lone HOUSE, with Out Hou&i and Garden, situated on a half acre lot, in the Village of Bath. Forterma apply to tbe Subfcriber. JAMES RANKER Batb> June C2, 1819, 2?-tf LUCRATIVE CONCURS TW\0 be fold, on the rnoft liberal terms, Ja_ and immediate poflcflion given, with a credit of 4 or c. years, if dcfired »or the ^teater part of the purchafu money—an old edabliihed Distillery % With z\\ the necefTiry Apparatus for carry- i i\ on an exlefifive hufinefo—together w.'rh a new BREWERY and MALT KILN, CO'-PLEPE DWELLING- HOUSE, STORES, &g S<c. and up. wards of 2 Acres of Land in Town-p'ots. well watered, and moll ndvanta^eoufly fit- uated in the flouriihing lit tie town of PORT HOPE For further particulars apply to the Printer, or to CHARLES FOi'HERGILL, Esq. 36 Port Hope. A STORK HOUSE, to be built of -£jA_ hewn 01 cut oione, ui l«i> Mtijelty'.s -vai Yard at Kingtt •., U. C according to pla« 6 ( bferving >hat the roof i altered to a pri.jeClinjj eavc) whn li n»ay be Ifetll at ti.e olSce of the Commairiin^ Ln^in ecr at (^i-D c, Naval siUjiekef per'* \ji rice at * ontreal a-.d at the Uom.-fffion cr*» Office at this p.ace Pcrfofli d.li uu • of eoitrdCtinjx leparately for tne fvlaforiV, (by the t&zej Ca« penter's, ui C^li lion work, or ;o w.ioliy fin Ih tne bu:ldiii?». drgyinp the f undation, and covering the rool wiih tin—will {• mi in fealed tenders to the latter Office, on the 1 ith of Octo¬ ber next, naming cwu lu(fie<rnt leeuiitu- f»r the due pei foi ma use and \sno\ ,r c;;e- cuiioii oi the wo.ki bv the ^o«h Septem- her i8zo Other tenders will alio he recuVJ far creeling the buildii'X ivilh wood in;(:ad of the Cast Iron work f*r the i/tfnU\ as desi ri bed in the drawing* Whether the bnil- din^ fs put up with or without the Ca;l Lon w irt, the Stone will be allowed to be quarried on the King** jfround, and all the timber materials furnifhed from this yard. EDWARD LAW-, Na^j 3;ui^Keeper. Naval Yard, Kincdon, 23d Aegull, 1819. 35 N. i>. Tender* :c II only he rctchc fr»m BtiriTSIJ 5UBJKC1S. nor ml* aiuj FOHRlONKll be allowed to have an interest in the Contract. _______________________________E. L. Removal. # § * • THE fubferiher I eos leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed from his for ner lla' d to the large flone More lately occupied by MefTrs. \\. McCttniffc & Co. a few door - from the Market Place in King Street, where he has juft received a well fclefted and extciifive afTortment of HARDIVAhE % CUTLERY, CCnJlfting of fevers] tons nf English and Swedes Iron, Ncrf Nails, Window Class, Putty, Faints, Oil, Spikes, Tin Plate Sheet Inm, Truce and Lav: Chains, Hullo-x Wave Of ir cry descrip¬ tion, Fiying Pans, Spades & Sho¬ vels. Anvils, i'ices, Grindstones, &c. Ike With a large afTortment of fhelfgoods;— confuting of rouft article aficed f r in hi^ line, wtiich he will fell tow tor calh, produce, or Start approved credit. J. WATKINS. Kingfton, Auguil l6thj 1819. 35tf BL t\KS, ' For tbe Courts uf Request, For sate at thU Office. Bank Nofice. npHE Stockholders of the Bank .if Up- JL per Canada are hereby required to pay into the Bank, in Specie or Dills of the Montreal Bank, an instalment of bix per cent, or a;* dollars on each share, on or befoic the 4th day of Oct. next •S. BARTLKT, Cashier. Kingston^ Sept, 1, 1819. 36 AN assignment having been made to . the fiobsc-nber of all the Lands, Good<i . nd debt--, belonging to the late firm of James Rmkn (J Co. of Ernest Tmvn, ^icrchants, as well at those belong¬ ing to Ja nes Kankcn individually £.r the benefit -..f creditor-. Notice is hzpeby given to all pcr.-ons Having claims against the said firm, or a^ainyt the .said James Ranken to present them forthwith, duly autheuii, ated ; and such au stand indebted are deaii.-d to pay thvir re<pe£ljvc accounts to Chr. A. Hacfpman Eq of Kings¬ ton, wn o, before the iii =,t day uf Decem¬ ber aexi JOJIN KiRBY. Am?j; <n j <t Septmier, 1 ;i 19, 36 IS hereby given, ti ■* William Taylor, heir at law ard sJnimi^tratot ot thi •ate Allan Taylor, Mh »flig«cd all th, real and peiL«- .-,1 e5t: W of the late Allan Taylor deeeafed, unfjohn Kirby, ^leK ander O. J etrie and Th-ma» Paiker, in tru-t for the benefit of creditor;. All j.eif <n- having at«y cl-itns against the late .l!an I 'V:or, Tay' il i Paiker,or i'houi- a-* Pa:k-r ae 'i\'v: ted to prefect the fumefur a jiiftttr.ej t a. J payment,and thofe 0erf ms indebted to tithei the late Allan By of| Tnylur and Xaiker, or- !'honiH« arkcr, are requested to make immediate '.avmentto the abov-. tru>tees ; who a*e fully author tied to gitr-r difchargea for the lame* John Kir by, A. (). Pe ric, Thomas Parker. Kingston% August 2IS, 1819. 361 f G&Q; lUVH'MQyfh W ATE Surgeon uf the 5th Regiment, i A will prjftiee the v*rious bianchea of his pr Kin -n in Kingston. 30.h August, 1819 36^4 N O V iTe A LL perfons are cuitinned againft p«r- jL\. chafing Lot No. 2?., iti the 7th c n r. ffion of Frrderirkf! mv.i'i nv lor NTrt ?»i in the i*-t cn'Tcin n • f Kit hmond,lium the lieiH or Aflt^neea of Dm vis Hefs, as the Subscriber holds an h>dirpotablet?tltf to the fane. GILBERT HAKI3. 3 Sidney, 4th Dec. 1S18 ^NOTICE.. np|HE ^ubiefcribers refpeitfully inform JL their friends and the Public, that they lu'.ve now received and jutl opened in Mar¬ ket Street, jnJl below Airs. Patrick's Inn, a ve»*y Exteafive afTortment of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES and STATIONARY. r.lkewHV—a creat qnantitv of Clafilcal lio- k~, I lie whole of which will he fold very low for I arti »nd api-roved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec- 1, iSi3. 27 BANK O F T\\ 1E >ubleribcr being appointed agent for the Bank of V anada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes/or bills-on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, 0<& i^h, 18:8. 20 NO I ICE! " fffM Boar J for .\!ilit!A Pek- ?IONS, rvtll meet on the lajl Monday in February* end continue fu to do, the fame day in e.ieh Month% until the hufimfs of this Dylricl, as regards /he fame u fimjhed. JUI1N FKKGUiiON. Kin?ft™* Feb. 1/.1, 1819. 6 A ^ood Bargain ! TOOK SaletiheTLMifeandVPremifc3, in JjL1 the Town of Kingfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubfe^ber For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY.Jun. Kingstofl, May jvh 1819. 19 T T Executive Council OJJici, Tori:, 25th August 1819. |HE Order in Council of he iSth instant, respec¬ ting Loca».ion= subject to Settling Duties bein<^ revised, it is order- ed by His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, that all Locations of Land subject to Settlement Duty made prf< r to this date, be rescinded, and the Land otherwise disposed of, if Certificate of the Settlcm- nt Du¬ ty being performed be nor lodg¬ ed with the Surveyor General within the rime limited in the Ticket of Location* and the P3. tent sued out wirhin Three Months thereafter : and that all Locations subject to Settlement Duty hereafter to be made will be rescii ded, and the Lind oth¬ erwise disposed of, if Certificate of Settlement Duty being per¬ formed be not lodged with the Surveyor General within Eisjh- teen Months of the d.tte of the Order for sujh Location, and the Pa enr sued out within Three Months thereafter. JOHN SMALL, c.e. c. 3 Cm f% Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all thosH persons who have orders for Land, and who expect¬ ed to procure Locations in Chin- guacousy, that the Southern half of that Township will be open for Settlement on the ninth of Sep .c:.iber, eonsij»ting-of288 Lotsoi 100 acres each, two of which il is believed are Mill Seats. The Mill Scats will be given, in addi¬ tion to the other 100acres, to the Brsl applicant who gives security for erecting- a Saw .Mill smmedi ittelv, and a Grist \ ill in eighteen months. The residue of the Township Will be thrown open a^ soon as the Survey shall be finish¬ ed,. Statutes of Upper Canada. The Surveys of Albion, Cale tion, and the north part ol' Esque- <mg, are daily expected, and will be thrown open for all Settlers, Lhosc who have larger giants a.» Weil as others. JOHN SMALL, e. b c. fixeeutwc Council Office, Yotkx z^th stugust. 1819. 3*^36 Tut Juvmile Commercial ana Mallieihaticul Academy, In an upper, Radons and elegant room of Mr. Haffel Coy's Unioa Hotel. MR. WLLLrfONhegs leave to an nounceto the public, that on Mon- d.iy. 6th September, 1819, his Academy will bcopei., and the following branches • -. ,. 1 - . - % ,.*rx^,iy, W '■ -'. .^ 1 .".,1 .. . ric, En^liih Grammar, Elocution, Prac¬ tical Book Keeping, Geometry, Trigo nometry, , enfuration of Superft^es, Land Surveying in all its branches, Navigation, Geographical and-I.andfcape Drawing — Terms and enrrance, pe; quarter \$f and \cf6 enrrance—added tothc hi^helt bran¬ ches 25/. Mr. Willfon particularly (oliciti the patronage of thofe who wi(li to have the principles of a polite and refined Kduca- tion, as well as a Commercial and Mathe¬ matical ore, inculcated in the minds of their children, in order to lay the founda¬ tion for manhood ; and by a due afllduity, he hopes to give general fatisfadion, ha¬ ving had no fmall opportunity of acquir¬ ing the fyitems of the piincipal Acade¬ mies in England and America, and ei^ ht years in the interim for the practical part in different countries N- B, The Rules and Ilegulations of tin's Academy will be printed, and each pupil will have one as his guide and moni¬ tor Kingfton, Sept. 3. 3W3^ NOTICE I< hereby given, that I, William Tay lor, a** heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late Allan Taylor, de- ceafed, have thi* day afli^ned all the real and perf.mal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest in the concern of Taylor & Parxer, and Thomas Park* r, unto John Kirby, Alexander Otiphvu Pc- trie and 'Thomas Parker, as trustees, for ttic benefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator of the estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston* August J&S, 1819. 36^ ~ liLA.SK DEEDS and MEMORIALS j For sale at this Office. An A3 to repeal part of and amend an ad p<]ffe I in the fifty-ninth year of His Majes ty's reign* entitled" /In A8 to repeat an a8 pajfed in the fifty fifth year of His Majpflfi rehn" entitled"' /:n /.'8 U Licence Pra&itioners in Phyfc and Sur¬ gery throughout this Province and t>) makz furtherpr'sv'fton for Licencing fich Prac tilioncrs." [Pastel lTlIi .!••!•, istp.] WHEREAS by the fifth claufe pf an aft of the Pailiament of thf I rovioce psrffifd in the fifty niitth yrar of His Majclly's ro>n, entitled " An'Aft t repeal an Aft pafled in »h< fifty-fifth ytai < fl^is Majtily'treij/n/'entitled 'An 'ftto Licence Fr;:ftitioner« in Phyfic and Sur gery throughout this Province, and to nuike further provifion for licencing fuch Praftitionen/' the Board con- Hitutcd and appointed by vinue of and under the authority thereof, is required to be held at York oil the fiilt Monday ir» January and July in each yrar, And whereas much delay and inconvenience may arife from a limitation of the filting- of the fuid Board to thofe periods And whereas it is expedient to make further provifion for the con (He ul ion and or^ani zation of the faid Board, Be it enaftcd by the King's moll excellent Majelly, by and with the conlem of the Legiflative Council and A (Terribly of I he Province of Upper-Canada, conftituted and aflerabled by virtue of and under the authority of an aft puffed in the Parliament of Great Britain entitled " An Aft ro repeal certain parts of an aft polTcd i-i the fourteenth year of His Majeuy's rei^n entitled. h An Aft for making more cfFcftual pro^ifi .n for the G<»vcrnmcnt of the Province of Quebec in North America, and to make further provifion for the GovCrnrneit of the faid Province" and by the authority of the fame, that the fifth claufe of thr fai recited aft of the fifty ninth year 1 f His rvJajeRy'fl reign, be and the fame f^ hereby repealed. II. And le it further ena^ed ly the au thority aforefaidy That it (hall and may be j • j j .......... ' . lawful for the faid Board or the majority of the members compofing the fame, tu appoint from time to time a fit and pro ptrpcrfon to be Secretary of the faid Board, which Stcretary (hall attend the meetings of the faid Board, and keep a Record of the proceedings ©f the fame in a book or books to be by him pn vide*1 for that purpofe, together with aH fuch matters and things as to the faid Boar*' (hall a -prrtain6 III. And be it farther enaded ly the au¬ thority aforefaid 'That fr m and after the pafllng ofrhis aft thefaid Board (hall be kept and held in the Town of York, in the Home Diftrift, four times in each year. viz. on the firfl Monday in January, April, July and Oftober refpeftively, and may be continued by adjournment from day to day, until the bufinef* before tht Boflrd Is finished, Provided, that no oae quarterly fitting (hall he fo continued by adjournment, beyond the Saturday of the week,in which fuch fitting (hall commence IV. And be it further enatlcd by the au thority aforefaid- That every peifon de- lirouR of being examined by the faid lioard, touching hi* qualifications for the Praftice of Phyfic, Surgery and Midwifery or either of them, (hall and he it hereby required to give due notice thereof to th« Secretary aforefaid in writing, letting forth JU '-....-.: .. .i.wi.-.ii,^ ui'.WwiUw p.-iC*iCc, that he wi/hes to be examined in, and (hall pay to the Secretary aforefaid the fum of ten (hillings, as his fee for receiving and entering the fame, and a further fum of tea (hillings as bin fee apon his receiving the cenificate cf the Loard. ~ NOTICE. " Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Direftor'a Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Augult next, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice. I Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 31 WHEREAS my wife Hannah has left my bed and board, without any just provocation, this is therefore to forbid all persons harbouring or tru'ling her on my account, ao I will not pay any debts (he may contract after this date. ROBERT ATKINSON. Kingrton Ath Sept. 1819. 37w9 TO LET\ A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Doftor Keating's, two stories high, with seven room* a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house___ Fur further particulars apply to jambs robins. Kingston, 4/A June. 1X19. 27, For Sale or to Let, /ft TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a ®/. JL large and commodious It one Store, fiiuate on the water'* edge in the centre cf the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly nd vantagcou^ terms to the ourchafcr ur lessee. Euquiie at the Office of CHr. a. hagekman. Kiogften. a6tb February, 1^19. 5 v:v^; «*S3?«X[e.<v.,«-* -.-•-^ - vt£te -si N3<334 f*&tt*&a*afe&~«'-->VKj :•' .. , _ ,^^ -

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