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Kingston Chronicle, September 10, 1819, p. 4

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Government Contract. 50 Pounds fotfxt From thc Legend of Montrose, In the third series of Tales of my Land¬ lord. THE ORPHAN MAID. November** hail doiiddrifts away, November's sun beam nan Looks roliSh o.i the castle gray, Wlien comes forth Lady Anne. The orphan by the oak was set, Her arm^, her feet, were bare. The bail drop*had not melted jet, Amid her raven hair. " And, dame," she said, " by all the ties That child and mother know, Aid one who never knew these joys, Relieve an orphan's wo/' The lady said,*1 An orphan's state Is ha "d and sad to hoar. Yet worse the wido.v'd mother's fate, Who mourns both lord and heir. ** Twelve times the rolling year has sped, Since, while from vengeance wild Of fierce Snathallan's chief I tied, Fortii*»eddies whelnTd my child.' »♦ " Twrhe times the year its course has borne," The wandering maid replied, '• Since i»shers on St. Bridget's morn, Drew net* on Campsie side, " St. Biidge *ert no seals spoil ; An infant. We'll nigh dead, They sav'J and reared in vant and toil, To beg from you her bread." Thai orphan maid the lady kissed— **My hubbap.dV looks \ou bear; Sli Rrid&f* Jte<£*ir*r room.b* h)(H \ - You are his uido»\* heir," The\fvp rob*»d (hat maid, so poor and pale, In silk and *anda1» rare ; And pearls, for drops of frozen hail, Aie gluieningin her hair. w The Steam-Boat FE NT JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following days VIZ Fresh Beef ILL be required for the ufe of His Majesty's Troops, &c. stationed at Kingston, Point Henry, and Point Fre¬ derick, for fix months, commencing on the 25th September next, and ending; the 24th March following, the quantity a- bout 1000/6*. per day, but fubjeft to incrcafe or diminifh. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock on Friday, the 10th September ; the price must be inferted in words at length, and the names of two Sureties given for the due performance of fuch Contract as may be entered into. Commiffariat Office, Kingston, 20th August, 1819. 34 Surgeon Dentist. LL operations performed upon the b-Cer**~ A. - ■ W»- . ■ _. AGRICULTURAL. From the Edinburgh Farmer** Magazine. RATES OF PASSAGES. ■ From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3 - 0 - 0 From York to Niagara, — - - — I - 0 - 0 Gliblfraw 'tmbt*r Ihrree years oi age, \ra\S price ; *b@V€ three and under ten. two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and the births which they may choose, at which time tilt passage nione} must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus b AL- rtC* gage Gentlemen's servants cannot ^^j tffi On tli£ Smut in Wheat. Of the fmut there feemstobe two kind*-; the one comes out a little earlier than the other* but both fpn'ng from the fame root, and have the fmut formed in what 1 call he uterus^ or folium vagindns, fome time before the ear makes iu appearance. The «>ne that is the mMl early, comes out na¬ ked, the whole of its chaff being quite dep¬ loyed; fo that the dyft is molHy carried •ft by the wind before the crop i* harves t«d. Tl.is kind is confuiered as the lead eftru&ive of the two, as what of the duft lemain*-, may be removed when fpread up- •n the thrafhins floor. But I am not mite certain, whether the wind may not be the means of conveying it to found ears, at that tirre haftenirg to maturity in the tame field. 1 he other kind of fmut doe* not deftrny the ch ff 5 fo that the ear puts on a hea'thy appearance. The fmut is contained in round ba^g c^mpofed of a •a k green cuticle, which, when broken, discharge the. black powder This is ".ore dangeiou. than the other. a6 the fmuciy cars cannot be difiinguilhed from fuch as are found, even when placed upon the thraihing floor. The fmut is evident- ;v a minute vegetable body, "f the order of ungiy ard may frequently be confidered as a parafinVal plant , but how it comes, at f > early a period, to take poflefBon of the infant germ, is a matter hitherto unknown. It is ffi6it certain, that when thi* black powder is rubbed upon found grain, that 'he produce will be in general fmuttv. I have fomttime* found found ears to arife from an it:feded root; and I have fecn, though but fcldom, found and fmutty grains in the fame ear. The whole of this part of natuial hiflory. 1*9 wrapt up in obfeurity ; but it if a fingular happinefs, that the negative principle of fmut may be delroyed by certain fteeps, well known to the farmer. Thele feem to operate in a twofold capacity, by deftroying the germination 'f the Imut, and by allowing the farmer to flcim it off during the time When ftale urine and lime are alone ufed it is plain that the cultivator has no view beyond the deftruc"tion of the vegetative principle of the fmut ; a prac¬ tice recommended by many judicious farmers, in preference to brining and (let ping. to be paid for at the usual rate, sleep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers will pay 15s. and may either bring their own Provisions, or be furnished by tiie Steward. For each dog brought on board, 5s. All applications for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. "* ** •» FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at tlie rate of . a ___ * 4s. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rate, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, will be considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2,9 6d. which must be paid on delivery Kingston, April 88th, IS 19. iStf FOR SALE, A VERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing tue rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession of EHzabethtown, U. C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnShu- ter, Esquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, vwth a barn and other ont houses on the premises. Also, Lot number nineteen, iu the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of L<U number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the fir*t concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in the District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of On trims peculiarly e.ioj anil *tU>«UtlAg6* ous to purchasers.—Apply to DAM EL JONES, Jun. Brockvillr, X5th January,18 10. 4 Phj/sic S: Surgery. Teeth, by J. R. SPOONER, at Mrs. Patrick's Inn. Aug. 2d, 1819.__________ 32 THE subscriber, in addition to his constant <tock of St. MAURICE and THREE RIVERS STOVES, JUR onrl GAS lias received, per late arrivals, 100 Tons English Bar Iron, assorted sizes, 9.0 .. Swedes, 10 .. Old Sables Russia, 5 .. Real German and W. B. Siiear Steel, Potash Kettles, of all sizes, Sheet and English Plate Iron, Fine Canada drawn Nails, Frying Pans. &c. JOHN PORTEOUS, At St. Maurice ; and TiiRtr Rivers' Iron Ware House, No. 19, Notre Dame Street, opposite the Custom House. Montreal, 4th August, 1819. N. B. Orders for Mill and other Cast¬ ings executed of the best metal and supe¬ rior woi kmanship to any in the country, at shortest notice. Upper Canada Bank Notes taken at par. 33wG A • • Valuable Lands for sale, • of b«ining. • ■ n To the Conductors of the Farmer's Magazine. On the mischiet arising from This¬ tles and other weeds by the sides of roads and fences. Gentlemen, 1 wifh you would, through the channel of your Magazine, point out the mifchief ariiing from the flovenly practice, of allowing thiQles, and other bearded weeds, to mow and (hake their feeds by the road fides, and along thc whole line of fences in Se mary farms, and which are annually car¬ ried by the winds into the adjoining fields, where they prove a fruitful fource of mifrhief. ^ Were a liitle more attention paid 10 thr* fubj &, and to the kind of hay feeds fo«m, much expence and labour wo..!d be faved, and fewer abfurd com- .'; ints made, of the tendency of particular fk;d8 to run to weeds. It is to flovenly p»actice3, that dirt is owing : " What- loeveraman foweth, that mail he alfo reap :" Whoever fows bad hay-feeds, will reap the natural produce ; and vice versa. I hope, at no diltant period, to fee a law, making diny farmers liab'e for the damage done, by t-eir bad management, to thei« j<t cleanly neighbours. Yourt, frC. R. S. JN the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, and Township of Ameliasburijh. Lot 23, in the front Concession, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eastward of Nicholson's Island. Lots 22, and 24, in the second Con¬ cession of said Township; the whole con¬ taining six hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingston Chronicle, or of the Honorable JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All persons are cautioned a- galnst cutting or destroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly subject themselves to a legal prosecu¬ tion if detected. Kingston, July 9th, 1S19. 28-tf Anchors $ Cables. DR. Z. SMA2 LY, begs leave ref peCifullyto fcnform ihe inhabitants of Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has eftablithed himlelf *s a PH r&IClAK *' HGEON, Sc APOTHKCARY. From his having received * regular me dieal education, am- fror his experience in the different brar^h-• pi ris prof-flion, he is induced to be.<-Vr» that he will he able to do justice toall, whofe n i<= fortune* may render them order the neceffity of fo- liciting medical aid N B. To any e*^s at the f?2-n of the Golden Mortar, optofa the m ik"t, the drifted attention w-1 be paid ; where will be cunltdiuiy kept n hand, a choice -and well chofen affortntnt of D«<1 G^and MEDICINE ; PAINTS of ail kinds ; Liuleed, Lamp, an-1 Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dy- ntfT:. Cotton Yarn; Window GUIs, Put y & Nails. A new and elegant affortment of PAPER HANGINGS. Ladies' BON SETS, of the new¬ est Fashion, GARDEN SEEDS, raised by thc Shakers. BOOKS & STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. April 10. l6tf. The Farmers RE respectfully informed, that the subscriber will receive all the well cleaned BARLEY they think proper to delivrr before Sleighing time,at one dol¬ lar per bushel for cash ou delivery.—He is also desirous to contract for two thou¬ sand or more bushels of Wheat. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Aug. 13, 1819. 33 To Axemen. Forwarding & Commission BUSINESS. HE subscribers beg leave to inform T", WILLIAM BUljuv.l f WILL '•eceive by the earlier! fpring velTels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, 1 ft April, i8iq. i^tf FOR SALE, \ QUANTITY of RED CEDAR **■ PICKETS, from 7 to 8 lect in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, July 17, 1819. 30 THREE FARMS FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (focalled.)—A contraft alfo will be given for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. King ston, 16th June, 1819. 2 5 tf heir friends and the public, that they have formed a connection in busi¬ ness; the object vf which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law* rence, and of Me chandise of every de¬ scription fiom Montreal to any part of Upper Canada and thc United States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will be conducted by W. HcBBELL, at Ojzdenshuroh, and under thc firm of m L IVHLTING § Co. at Prescott. To prevent defeji nil property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay of Qui ate, will b" forwarded from Pres¬ cott by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twu ' every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable teriws as any who are en¬ gaged in the bv»>iness ; and, pledging their united exetfioiittd give satisfaction. will be grateful fv»r every favor. W. L. WHITING, W. J1UBBELL. Frescott, 20M 3%, 18 19. 23 To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S.. Whitaker & Co. ^ August 19, 1P19. 34 THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or persons willing to engajre to clear sixty acres of new land on their premises in Amclias- !>un;h, Bay of Quinte, ready for seed by the fust day of August next. The Ash¬ es on '•aid land will be requiied to be coll cted and carefully secured. Teams and Provisions will be furnished if re- ,ji.*,rwJ Tnr prtrtifrjl&l"! nnnlr to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, 9 Bellville. JOHN DEAN HAS juft received, and now offers for Sale, at the New Store, next door to Mr A. P Forward's Hotel, in the Vil¬ lage of BATH, a general affortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery & Hardware, Unusually Low for Cash, or most kinds of Country Froduce. In fome instances where FUN(TU\LlTYmavbe KELT ED UPON, a very short credit may be given, and in fuch cafes only. Lath, Aug. 2, 1819. 32 Notice, TIIE late partnership of Robert Gra¬ ham oy Co. having dissolved itself this day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. the bussiness in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above firm, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay,and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. 9,9 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 21st Sept, 181S. PERSONS having Books belonging to thc Kingston Library are requeu¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poflible* JOHN FERGUSON. I2th April, 1819. 16 NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part net (hip of Richard Rdbison and David Secord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord. and thofe to whom the faid Copartnership may be indebted, aie ie- queried to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf REWARD. TOLEN from Walker's Hotel, in Kingfton, on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of June inftant, out of the Trunk of the Subfctiber, which was broken open, a parcel directed to William Allan, Efq. containing i,Jicooin Montreal Bank Bills. Whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de¬ tection and conviction of the thieves, fhall receive the above Reward. The Bills can be of no ufe to the holder, as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the Bank—where regular LEntries of their Numbers have as ufual been made. Any communication refpec- ting the above, may be addressed to Thomas Markland Efq. of Kingfton, or to the Sublcriber at York. GEORGE R1D0UT. Kingfton, June 30th, 1819. 27 Midland District Agricultural bo- cie(y. THE Committee of the Midland Die- tiicl Agricultural Society announce to the Publ'c their wifh to have a DiV trid Show at Adolphuft'jwn. on Monday, the 18th October, ;ind offer the fo lowing premiums to Farmers. 20doliai? for the first bo4 Bull, raised in the Pro- vinee,and owned in the District, second ditto, best Cow, second ditto, best Ewe. second ditto. best yearling Steer or Heifer, best Boar. second ditto. \ best breeding Sow. best Heifer of three year? old. bcstpIoiigMus ofonequartcrofan acre* wifh oxen or horses, second ditto, third ditto. best sample of Wheal., accompanied by Certificates that the same is a specimen of a whole field consisting of not less than five acres. > for the be-t sample of Barley, ditto, best sample of prime white Peas, for the beat improved Plough, suited to the agriculture of the country. 31 NOTICE. TAMES MEAGHER returns his moj *■* finccre thanks to the p. ople of Kings¬ ton and its environs, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has met nvith Jince his com mencing bvfmefs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has Removed to his Neiv Houfe near the Mar ket Place, oppofue to Mr. Bayman's and will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING and BLACK- SMITH WORK will be executed in the befl manner, at the Jhortefl notice, and on the lowefl terms. N. B. To rent, leafe or fell, for the term of ten years, and immediate pojfeffion given, that well known flan J, the tV EL¬ LINGTON INN, in Barrack peet.— This fit union is one of the befl in town, having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a Houfe oj Public Entertainment and Store. Apply to thc Proprietor. JAMES MEAGHER. King/Ion, Feb. 5,1819* _______f A FARMFORSALE • ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town- fhip of Fredericksburgh, the EaU half of Lot No. 2, in the fecondConceflion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houie and barn upon it. For the term9 apply to Daniel Wamburn, Efquire, Kingfton. , P. VAN KOUGHNET. ] Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 30 •! 10 do. 10 do. ,0 do. b 00. 4 do. 6 do. 3 do. G do. S do. 4 do. 8 do. 8 do. 10 do. 7 do. 5 do. 5 do. 3 do. 3 do. 10 do. TERMS of titf i KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (Of/Jf lima and under 2.?. Gd. first in- Aj) scrlion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and unaer, 3s. 4d. first insertion, and 10rf. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4(7. per line for the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent insertion. Advertisements without written direc* tionsare inserted till forbidj and charged, accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* wcuts to be in writing, and delivered by JVEDNESDA Y NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN oJCtock on thc day of publication. AGENTS. Henry Cowan, Esq. Quebec. E lwarri Sills, Esq. Three liivcrs. James Williams, l.-q. Montreal. Messrs..?. & J. Dun lop, Lancaster. Paul (Jlassford, K?q. Matildc. Alpheus Jones, !--q- Prescvlt. Henry Joins, l!s<;. (troekvillr. IS. B. Tommas 1-'.mj. Perth. II, VV hi (marsh, Y,-<\. Richmond* J. K. Hartu ell, l.-q. Hast aid, 11. Webster, Esq. Gimanoque. J. Ran ken, Esq. Butt*. Allan McPher>on, tesq. Nopanee, Thomas Parker, I'.-q. Bellville. James G. Bethune, l.sq. Hamilton. William Allan, K.-q. York. Richard Halt, Esq. Dundas. Daniel Ross, Kwj. Vittoria. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq. Quetntton. John Wilson, Esq. Amhtrtfhurah. KINGSTON, U.C. PRINTED FOR JUL PMTOftS. i .-:-' •>:i^7'-f > -.■ ' ** '-;-\ ** v.v.^ > :*«n*.«. r •. »\- , /•..?■*

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