■A-*, "'hrr^. >• *-n. -.. I..- v**>J * i*y r*<\'. . K'V/taW** ■*£•; valuing you/ 'Valuing ue—how Sir * Yes ladies, his Excellency, after thcjj cuftom of his country, has been fetting a price on each of you.1 * Well, that's whimfieal enough ; and how much may that lady be worth, Recording to his etli rnation ?' * A thoufand crowns.' ' And ihe other >' 4 Five hundred crowns.'— 1 And thnt young lady with fair hair?*— * Three hundred crowns.' ■ And that brunette ?' 4 The fame price.1 • And that lady who is painted V * Fifty crowns.'— * And pray, Sir, what may I be worth li¬ the tariff of his Excellency's good graces?* 1 Oh, Madam, you really cnuft excufe me 1 beg—'—* Come, come, no conceal¬ ment/ 4 The Prince merely frid, a-> Ik pafTed you---------^' ■ Well ! what did hej fay V 4 He faid, Madam, that he did: not know the ("mail coin of this country." KINGSTON, S*¥TSXBWt3, 1810. Our American papers furnish uh thi.-iaviM. H \» believed, i'" ""' PJTf"! "WW"*. i -.u t. • i ,< r, i t , Bill til i( n'lt'i nuinv nitirli - *«»•"!»•- Illfltdi :u- ;unl inn. week with London news (o the 9th Jul yM \ ' J '^^^ ,..,.. -,., ,-j !,,- ,aii| „: \v romthc statement given in one of ouila lm .»l0 ,.. Jic M'a , labie, and ashamed m * * ¥ ♦ » » *** * » It is with the deepest feeUng of sorrow that we announce the death of His; Grace the Duke of Richmond, fc^ver. nor General of His Majesty's ;Yorth American Dominions. This lamentecfl event took place at Richmond, cu Satin-; day the S8th ultimo. His Gvcvc v. cmmi-Ib derstand tVIt the first attack of liis dk- olumns, it will be seen that (he British .oYHiue for the quarter ending the tiftl of the same mouth, shewed 1 considera¬ ble excess beyond that of the correspond¬ ing quarter of last year. A misunderstanding is reported to ex¬ ist oil board the American fleet in the Mediterranean sea, which originated in *ome clrcunvtances attending a Couri Martian It !s added that Severn I oir<c*?r> •vill be sent home in consequence of theai 'issensions. Some cases of yellow fever have ap- •earcd at Charleston in Carolina-, but the liscase happily has not yet m*ide au\0 damning progress.—The President oi he United States returned to ll.e seat ol ;ovcrnnient on the 15th August, having :omp!etcd his extensive tour through tlu >outhcrn and western xectiouj of th.- Union. The total number of settlors (hat have irrived in Canada since the opening < ieg "t The above affray "(>r>> **&* wt> copy from the \Vaslii-"Kl0K L'"y G»Kene,| describes in forcible ftWns» tlR' miseries at- jtendancon Err.igratio'" to a country where 'there is an acknowledged " •«« <il em¬ ployment," even for "« °"'n inhabitants , where ft il frankly co-"fe;i5eiJ **• " "° a<-'* cession of population " wanted^ to theirj large cities and well peopled districts," and! Jwhere the poor Erai#vant is ?■ &»«£** Q*j starving before he can' make lit? 69. Sell, Olive Branch, White. N*.l. Sell. KaiubltT, Hiraing*. Steam liuat Si>|>lua, Vaughn. Steam Boat F«»»nu"nac, McKcnzie. 31. Sch, Jackson, Koirbaulu, Sept. I. Seh, Marian, Miller. i Stcani *ioai Sophia* Vaughn.. I 2. Steam IJoat Charlotte, Deonif. CLLAttLll. Aupust 28. Steam lioai Saplna, Vati^lifl. 801 Sri..Olive Branch, While. 3\. Sch. ICambLT, Ricking*. Sept. I. seh. Marjal): Miller. 2. Sieani lioat Frontcwic, McKenzSe. i Bteam Boat Sojini^, Vaughn. 8, Steam Boat Charlotte, Dennis. Ll'CRATlVE CONCER.\. r|^'0 he fold, on the mnft liberal terms, JL .^nd immediate poflVflion given, will 'a ci edit of 4 or $ years, if dtfucd. for th 'gieater pait of the purchaie rconty—ai !.o!d eitablifhed ivay iivei Distillery, with all the ncceflary Apparatus for carry ling on an exlenfive bufintfi—togdhi; >ith a new 6REWERY and MAI'1 KILN, COMPLETE DWELLING ■||HOUSE, STORES, &c &c. and up .wards of 2 Acres of Land ;o Town-plot-- their mountains into *df western f-ests.^y^^j^ Qrder'in Council' ofS'Wdl ******* a"d m°ft advantag^"fly fit Executive Council Officet ^^^ Tori, 15th August, 1819. thereto become the J"veof.«r.ning.mllTPnf °^. ** CJUadl to*"Uj - the flourifhi.g little town of SLLSjob^-ED. i.JL «*■.*»* instant respec-|PORT HOPE. F^M^ Suno Locations subject to bettlmjr'S-Wo'/0 <** Printer, or to- fouties being revised, it is order-l CHARLES FOTKERGILL, Esq. led by liis LxGeUsncy, the Lieil-S36 Port Hop,. , c i •- CT i,.t -i»viii* iM.riitwtenant Governor in Council, that% _.k _ ^^ On Sunday innni:"gIJvt- aoou. ei^nrga . ' .^ T>^,,,7, A7^^.^.*^^ tfeiotk, as eighteen y°ll"S pewoiw wertV11 Locations of Land subject tojjj JLiU/lh, iSOllCC. erossiiis Ifay Uay, "°»' I;,e fourth toPScttlement Diity made prior to thctl.iid concession «" Atlolpfeas-twvvujgtjjig t^ate;> be rescinded, and tlie'^npHE Stockholders of the Uank of U;J i-Vow /Ac U. C I feral J, Ai'rvsi 31 Melancholy &<<*iden"t •ovi'rnmcnta naci of 2,?4b,000acres nf land. -rji'.al in r.\tt:iii to iG :ov»i»-i'ip^. Ii i> said tlia !,i* tract embraces lhat el^anl river,the -VJis^i- i;pi, fn inifs sluice until it.-* c;itrantc into ilu* ted—(Ue other leu ui»k ihui to mea- ,^ase on the way from Perth- Tin* rnadB. Whttond led through a lor, DiidH kMft,lisaccou,HUctrUeiandtUeBrli}5h^vwi- marshy tract of country, that *va> \nll3_:l.*'*|^^ '"*it have acuallv oSiainrd an rxiinciio.: of di sa Gn '^r , ";,;......"" , rl l - I *witlijn the time limited in the! aiul I'M names■««' niuse who p. r^li-ja.. . , r , . T. d are a> follous ;-John Gkrmain.9 [ lcket of LOCKIOO, and th^Pa- aik, M vuy i>r.TLC't, JANi.fgrcnt sued out within Three S. BARTLET, Cashier. Kingston* Sept. r, 1819. j5 Jakj: GeHm NOTICE. Di.TLonjMAin.DA kobun, nuuiwruBMonths thereafter : ahd that alH I.McKav, r.ti/Ai.Lwi Clark, ^lARY^t,ocati AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Land .able for uagens or hones, and BuHttrftaM^ ,fBcoiBf ItvvnAu AlA0i>^ aud 1'ssrn iio-1^ ^ 5UUJCCI CO oecuemencgGoofo anddebjs, belonging to the lat. Srace was consequently obliged t, pcr-g '^ mm.Uy i Uu a wn hm«fi«r ta««*b«*r?„7 ^Duty hereafter to be made Will -f of **• J** jjj ff Frn/- ornia considers ,. purtiou oJ the »'outc^lh . in.alyol ^uur b»undariesoii tlnMionh an'.ig I Uh truly dislres-ms sfccr.5 ues rcu-KWe rescinded, and the Land Oth-j&Tcwn, Mtrchams, as well^ those belong no foot, travcrsin:; many swampy place- where the water was upwards of two feet :u depth. This cxpos'ite to fatigue and wet, added to th** influence of a powerful *att) produced a fever, v. hich affected hiJ brain, and in two day*'proved (fetal. The magnitude of this sudden calamity de¬ prives us of the power of contemplating its consequences in all their bearings. Canada is in a moment bereft of Ihe bi I cf Governors—one who while he pos- ■ essed tlie power had aUo the will to ssrveher, and who iu fact sacrificed Ufa life in endeavoring to acquire an intimate k uowledge of her present state Jier wants. U.J lciV\UCC&» ilnu ill. .ii'.-i.'i ..*•:,!• , Ay of t&,«iQf DountJaneson inenprttl anUjfeg i"M3 truly wst«e.ccUcl.uediu be tTirough the centre trt88|er..ci douijly SO by the presence oi s(-vc -lerwiiC dispOStd of, if Certifi •m C4tcf«» g to J.imes Ranken individually, for th a miwttemHfo**** ..pan „f ,h., Uk^ tMti ISWW** P?^»w **° »w«*« ««'• fof Settlement Dlitj bein^ per-%bf"cllt °^, creditor*. Not.ce u hereby lie Woods ;—jfcmt lliciise dao west t» tfce .Mi>p>!.oiv, aixl in., n.ls- t' m-.. nt- il.-ir iiii.-S;, ,. . » , , , ?. £ i ',ftg|ven to all persons having claims agair,.-. itfiiqrii lhn»w domrihe middle *t ibis r;*vr.gdreu from the wn*». From » pnM,;,'!" ««.cu ^ WW ioqgcu Willi,;L"t'^the Raid firm, or against the said Jamt^ ' .■'■nM'Jrn <! a iirr.lv wi;!n;i tii.^ir ffrrr.i:. ••. l)niffit;iIro!!. \v iiiir i* f>J t-rat'.S as a uarniii^ uvcetheuurcbasc*»rL(iai»hinia&y aiir »vern.|Bro (|rJ0Se wji0 sur,jvc. hot Uunficessaril^ K^6/«fi nt'rtf, its boundaries have bi'cn ron-idrie.I as al-gg . . .. . ,. 1 . •* • ■ \ wdnrcMtiHtmA Indord, *ewmfaic< widB,0/'*k ,hcir I|M^ " rit *»|™ u-s W* laiiiisot'onrgoxeri.mrntiii relation to this ler glhi.i solemn tro:1., that, v" ju lheiii;d-t- i i«orv, have Uren j-ucn, that one "aonld iina;i'»- J JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. iifi- w* ar*in rlcdl!*/' and io be prrpnirdjlj Iti " such!. ;i a •. I:a:i^;<\ is the pt c ilia; j^J Notice. OTK'E is hereby given to JOHN K1RBY. A mgsfon. T // Scptembtr* 18 ' 9. 3 ( NOTICE i^T^ herehy given, that William Taylor J&-R- heir at lew and adnifnistrator of th fondly hoped he was destined to hrw. ion^ presided, the loss Lsiocalculabio, i trrparable. ra T|(0 Coregolng qaotutimi is crrtair.l-. On reference to the Pecrape lot *#yritt« unto * Aim mtapprvhevioii .iid His Grace was born m the y^-^'.p | the achiaUituatiou oi ihe tractofc: u-i- i7GI- Be was accordu»-!y 55 years clfl^ tthUh isUu? subject of remark. Thr ^ge atthe period of his d-cm-.?. gn-fcrciice made to the River MUsissipp , ha?, perhaps occasioned this error— though) at the same time, one would ■impose that it would have been corrcc- Whether the UtM\>)\ povprmvicnt will aJm.. tiu'ffl0' !"'- oi.ji cts of a Hi bnnijjlil itrto t:h« %$[ luim.u another qnw^H.1' Bimpftfel Paritou H •.> Ltird L;.ih-ir.t," *|rchit*-ig to the L>Khoj 1 and C'ciyy of thr; luiUi is ttfl ituw t tj'ftt tiie errors ol \" 'flic Avsi/.esat Niajaiuternrinaiedun VVriinrs- •a> ilte'iS-h ultimo. Oil the Tuesday pre^f ding Vuicmoi Fergason, the Ed't<»r of • lie Niagara ipcciator, was tried for a |)ubiicaUon coufamvd .1 his paper uf ihe 1st of Jriy la-t, winch fcadj ••?e.n voted bv tlie Horw* of A •,r;n!ily tc l>ra canJalou?* and seditions h^ol, and fii" which uv-? tin an una'innous ad. torney Geueral liad Pile trial was by a S -aat was coarreted « h f I itTOsmpH- ^.M:tl! Scats Will be dv^n, in "k!(I«-^|Jsrkcr» are requested to make immedia t The objects of the m*«ih< wtm th^Mtwa in the other loO acres, to tiiek^X'^K0 Vl?t 'b°-e t???8; ^° ^l . _ ., ^yul'y auihcrikd togive ddtharges for th' John Kirb'y, a--i-;., ij.^ps at :., ■■, c,uid .mt ■"•gp«-Jfirsl i.pniicant who gives securitv| |!arlyortia;rj tor the cmr-uivs J even tor®.. ' *. r, ?..„ . ,k| Sthofi:, v.:.,:e no Uuh p i, established :fitl)r «recni.g- a Saw Mill immedi-J !on ti.'r other ha: df M,' Ct.loiiiai Sishop-w^tely, and u Grist Mill in eightrcn1 tt d on obsemng thut the River Mib$is-ra», i-ouiu oidaiu in Ki.jaml. Tae U'.il.Wtnonths. The residue of the! .-theic fore, i^ivts u* nn»ion to the At■•Ni-?3'Tri\v:Twli In \ ill ka f ln-nivii nnon oJ nppi ^i^t4iiM^«CAiBmbogaif.g«,|l5h 0l c,,.,1,,,,,,.,., ;in(1 Vcrk, a;ulI l P^PSUip will be Itoovp open ^ i!Y/«///idiseuar0,e.stt!8tribatarv u-at-crsiiiif:«%« h11.IT- and lerk, n.icMSJ .1 ,<. i 11 1 c • 1 5 do.\ to ordain for Ui J8o%°" as lue Sum7 shaI1 be finishl A- O. Pet tie, Thomas Parker. Kingston* August 28, 1819. 36tf &EO; RICHMOND^ VTE Surgeon of the 5th Regiment, will pra&ice the varicus branches oi ofedion in Kingston. :h August, 1819. * 36W4 r*^ A .y.tii—lit-crowed the tVrry at Niagara a.»out ^^JSw&dppi or Mis^issccpi river iticluded iuBp.^:,,*,, „«j *i. . iy '. clock the next day. Mils purchase, is a stream, whose source mice inri ti- • Ki f p r tte* sa JMaUivihulicul Acadcmu, 71 nee, ana u, i>. lion oi tne i>ioi'p<e2g; r , . ^: !S>ary to persons ordained in the Co-aln a" uPPcr» fPac,ou$ and c]egant roomc! j .L perfons a^e cautioned apainft pur- chafiog Lot No. 22> in the 7th con Pceffion of Frcderickfburgh, or lot No. 27 in the 1st conceffion of Richmond.fiom the jllein or AfHgnees of Davis Hefs, as the Sobfcriber holds an indifputable title to the fame. GILBERT HAR1S. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 9 Dairy secret.—Hare ready two pan It i» >a'i.-fac:ory t» Irann Itiat til© *rerry ■': '&*'M ••°i\ui no lii'.Mta'inu in either ca*'\ a* u» Ui** vvt-Srs 11» Si ^R^^\TIo^•. /'• jw the W&ehingio** Gazette. ches 2 c/I Tl.r farmers U\ the-icir.ity of * -11 •-= ritvSS m ixi . . j. , ■ , -Re ^'l' v^ difor rarticjlarlv loltcits the pro u'»« busuy empl \tdtuthi:iv **.hfat»-„WAwA f,i f 1 -,l l *i J, , ... J \ ** .... h/? patronage of ihote who vtlh to Have the iiarvc *> e are sor.-y to nun it does! t.4 Valuable extract from a late celebrated English publication on horses. Directed to Blacksmiths in skoeine. Lrt nothing be cut from the iole, hin¬ der or frog,except the louse rotten scale. No opening of heels on any occasion—it infallibly causes in lime the disease call¬ ed hoof-bound. No shoes to be fitted on red hot. ShoeS always to he made o the best hard and well wrought iron : not with a convex, but a flat and ev>i. *urfdcc next the ground, so that the horse [may stand in a natural and easy position. fore ot t>u.e tins happy clwiig*. l^e oui^h-euv.t ui-|£ - ti0^ has geueiraU-v proved deMient in® rtcaaemy win n lo*n and wwjMrtWc mrc^niy pi . m Grto«fv«r ^.M.peor re«cii}«s Htrbmiu.U. uu plMn-of h\- dr,-Pj * Hlj*v " g^pupil will have one as v iHe they eviJ.-wtiy htcreated fh* sr.al-v .!• ^-^."B .-v-ion. E^fmlm^nii n-r.# j ujifljuh sflord <-S i 4 ,,->' &»or 1^ lile resiles -bring- who^ d>ii:;. tli?y irj- - : •-•*§.' ,!.„.»! »,-.r5.rta ..id cui.-i in wiraoui .;.... j-3 ^•ebec, Aug. 20. H j.. - „ .oa-od, have not b.-rn exprc'. i-i yvfiwcu^ ils-'Wn^ ., >>a. unrnml-nv : i»r tlu-it.-«»u liaJmaik K Tne Cnrr. missions ? of the Halifavlg i"lll^l'°n- OLTr- "- interests of an [os-iurbleor un.?::a "\v, p 0. i\ •%> 1 th- miller for liis o,vik- T«c isreesc^u R8TU»b V-,..i um— r-iu . c . t- i » .," ^S -.,^-.,, Rtnis Academy will be pn-ted, and eachS 1 ,- gui'.idj) -,ovid ciuiicient mfed ., .,1 1 , i- -j j . Eed from touching the ground. It ,< a is is guide and moot-1 3w36 ntereMsof an ImMtjr n#* -fttl p 0. K ^ , ^he «lmr for ^ o.vn - I,:- ^cea»c« SDork Yard, have faile : for England, thH» NfVrK^V .vh-^!iba^:j^M i:iscit!iu'd hv Mi.Gfturla> a:.nn-;^ n, wfto hail a shr.n hn;;*>ii:rc >nil.\! iV.v.n !.w::-H|;aXK; ?orQ. f? navnifSten di-bandcJ, the^iw.i, . , • , T tv:i,- m w**r .1-. lsa.ic S-..a7,ie. of Niagara, fW <i:;-!■,,„ ^ • .„ !tl. ,{l. Ulliu ,| v-^-l^.d.-d :n i'ut mi.i ©'-aval 1 o^pttal broker u5 and a!l . i!:c.rsd[G-^ I ,1U(Cf>; ;':'-r' nac 1\ v* ;lll: V il arged, except the .to.ckeepcr. *v.j.J-, charging uim wiih ir*a on an<! sedition a:""^.< rl tiniim-r no pr*wj>eet of employment i-i ;iirt onv „f Mr. Gmi»!uy%pub!inn^ii^ luS^a. . #hitm»eil cit;.,' he wa* advi^. .1 tteat IC.yun »nrg|Media|V{ca havc als0 b ai-ch^rcre^ " T1S10 Many iviincssca were calJvtl, wl>') did ::'." pr^ve^rtocldmvsrtu a Clteatr^toiUh tra*iej iui'.uhi-^^ 4 , , ., * U1 "'"^s6"- p*cc tiie exprc=*ii:iM con tallied in the itirelarr*.,.i"n. b':-#j't-£ t« (;•• mw, lipsel out on fiiwl, « oiunt m*icc; My* CXptfCted titat ncrrn»ida would be the& who all concurred in };^o^inp that Mr. Sivazi*M-%u.h(beexpectation of gritin^work anibetta>ffifi^arc place uf rcndczv.lUi- This ii a ead^fn on taa: occa-ion had vphrai'! d Mr. Gonr!*> S«'tl'fray hi^expemvs. There raft he ik» Jonl-tSstroke upon Kalifax. uaenty uiin an iillruiioii to excite d<-^»i»trf»r.t. ^j**% hi* industry 5 Ibr, on arriving at lite litinSiiiuQ___r_________ a«id JUiurb ihe public peace, haH rt^niiPiJedibf/ae If!:i»-*iii, |u\ while in the ogontefi of death, st.J (M-e-'Mit ii.-u -;ie American tc*j*iu*m tv-vi wivh^ nd?f the Mibiamin^ influence o'* luioc M j 1**. ai«cli proceedings ot' chncjainj; tfelr&ates and^J till hear»ib.arji, • or quits us when we di v Willi 1 a:>;;«rrtin? i.on veution,% a* i'u\y w ' *• li>'*n nrz rT\$ 1 |'M "«n . a ton I ihe |uo-piTi or pi*i!ii:<; enipin\- u aiupt—b.at ttt?y hau sren t!»e «-n *» t- ai»d^Mim*i»t — ii i> to he noped. Err charity sake, iha prp:«i-ii-*ui • 'f V':illcorf;,arj(]i)i|:rr p-VfT'. :. J pa-ttl -heie i1 1 u s'nh adruJ'nti.iii f:om the be-1 fee' M Ij iiitf and i^'iltl rem mbvr [fl «h"ti il"\v lldd^i^soi" ilu-In-art ;..;v v.ncre* to be fouuu iu tllbH 1 n '?.i. T 1 .i'jiv Wiriiyut relifiug fioni;.':« !;ei^'*.i^oi"'eO tandv84 la .uhnit thai a iVIInw rro^HiuE ■- •■'* •••••-« ■ • 10 tud a verd-;'. ror the Dei'-nJui.t. Anntvi. Sd*liouWrfar»Ghidwpheoffi*tpi.liea ion fora^i:>'-«! Wust S7. Steam L'.ai ; *,;... v..».«t»m, 'd'^^lT^ 'ierc^y P'ven> l^3t ^ William Tay-i rp. flil l°r» as hc:r at law and administrator] * " K"" to the estate of the late Allan Taylor, de-] ceafed, have this day afligncd all the real' d peifonal estate of the late Allan Tay- lor, and all the interest in the concern of? Taylor & Parser, and Thomas Parker,' unto John Kirby, Al?xandei Oliphant Pe-1 trie and rl homas Parker, as trustees, for] the beiiefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator of the estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston* August 28* 18 19. 36tf cbsurU to pare down the fmg. abi3 usual¬ ly done, a^it would be to [.are away t!, thick skin which nature has spread o\t 1 the human heel. All the horst-s iti 5Sn ■- laiid are now shod ai cording ta the above directions. Good rjfeds of Salt on Land.—On Aughton Common, uearOrmskirk, there is a held, sown with oat& andcloverseed, Which field had salt throwu upon it, a few months ago. Adjoining this field. [there tlSanother with \vheat, that has not [had a drcssiog ttith salt; duiiuo the [night, thousands upon thousandsof snails leave the wheat to feed upon the young [clover, but as soon as they get upon the salted land, they immediately die.—Zo«- 'don paper. aseife <***#» K»B -^irv*****irtsn :-^BP *«"-\t .-,.- ^Jiftsa.*--^ ■