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Kingston Chronicle, August 6, 1819, p. 4

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50 Pounds JR. K WA R D. ITQLE# from Walker's Ffotel, in VSJ ICipfrfton, on the night of the 2yth - morning of the ^cth of June inftant, ..in cf the Trunk oft he Subfmibcr, which was broken open, a parcel duefied to WiiU;im Allan, Efq. containing j|*l000 in M mtreal Bank Bills. Whofoevcr will -;ive information that may Xead to the de- cedion and convi&ion of the thieve?, fhali receive the above Reward. The Bills can be of no ufc to the holder, as prompt *reafurcs have been taken to prevent their difcount at the Bank—where rcguter Entries of their .Numbers have as ufual b£cn made. Any communication refpec- tltig the above, may be addressed to Thomas Markland Efq. of Kingfton, or to the Subfcriber at York. GEORGE R1DOUT. Kingfton, June 30th, 1819. 27 NOTICE. * WHEREAS difficulties are likely to arife in the a»rargement of the affairs of the late Allan Taylor's eftate, the fubferiber deems it neceffaryto inform the public that on the 3d day of Novem¬ ber lad. a filial fettlement of the co^pnrt- nerfhip between Taylor & Parker was rn^de by the parties ; at which time a certain fum of money was allowed to Mr. Tavket for his relinquifhment of all claims upon debts due to the firm, and he was alfo indemnified against the claims of creditors by Mr. Tayfor's Bond for ^5,000. This notice is therefore given that all who aic concerned in, or indebted to the eflateofthe faid Allan Taylor may be eantiVncd agaiuft paying, or arranging their accounts with any other perfon than thr underfigned, as he is the only one duly authorifed to make fuch arrangement. Adminiftrator of Allan Taylor's Ellate. Bellville, June 25,1819. 27 CAUTION. The Steam-Boat T N AC 5 TfHE Subfcriber offers for fale his Iloufcand Farm, together or feparate, as alfo bis llories Carts, Sleighs, Cows, Hogs, Oxen, Grain, IIay. Potatoes, and Implements of JIufbandry, iltuate on the Kivtr St. Lawrence, overlooking the beautiful village of Ogdenfburg, and with; . half a mile of Prefcott, Upper Canada. The Dwelling houfe, which has lately been erected, confi.-ts of two fitting Rooms, 4 Bed rooms, a Kitchen and Cellar, well finifludi The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice Land, well fenced, upwards of 60 of which is Pasture and Meadow, the remain¬ der Tillage and Wood Land, with a young Orchard and good Barn, Stable and Root* houfe, and a fmall Tenement for Labourers. To a Gentleman of fpeculation* the above Premifes which extends 5 Acres in front of the River, must prove of great advantage, as it is one of the best situa¬ tions in the neighbourhood for the erection of a Wharf, Brewery or Distillery, &c. Part of the purchafe money, may remain on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest Erq Montreal, John Macaulay Kingston, or the owner PKTFRO'BRJFN. Prescott, iG\\\ 08. 1818. 6if Soda TVater. nrtHlS cooling, faltUary, end delicious JL beverage, is now ready for delivery, and will be kf.pt during the fu en we rat the Sign r»f the Golden Mortar, oppofite the Market Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who value health, with a cheerful ferenity of mind* are refpcflfuHv invited to call and partake of this bo3lied and fafhionable drink, which is exhilarating without intox¬ ication, and unattended by fubfequent de- preilion. With fuch qualities, furely no Lady or Gentleman wiii conceive it any iax npon time, conliitution or property, occafionally to indulge in the innocent and healthful hilarity invariably attendant upon a glafs of Syrup and Soda Water. Kingfton, June 25, 1S19. 26 NOTICE. JAMES MEAGHER returns his mojl *-* finccre thanks to the p. opts of Kings- JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following days VIZ ° 3 Kingston, for York, on the \st, 1 \th and 2\rI days of each month. York, for Queenston,ods \Sth and^Sd days of each month. Niagara, for Kingston, 5th, \hth and 2bth days of each month. HATES OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £*3 -0-0 From York to Niagara, - -*- - 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, half price ; above three under ten, two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering- the names of Passengers, the births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers arc allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rate.—Centlemei""s servants cannot sieep or cat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers will pay 15s. and may eithe" bring their own Provisions, or ho frwmisbpd b$ the Steward. For each dog brought on board, 5s. All applications for passages to be madfi to Captain Mackenzie, on board. and a nd FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 4s. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rale, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, wih be considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2s 6d. which must be naid on delivery. Kingston, April 28th, 1819. iStf IT is the particular wifh of the Comman¬ ding Officer of the 70th Regiment, that all dealings with the inhabitants be for prompt payments. Such perfons there, fore as take upon themfelves to give credit, will be doing fo at their own risk, as after this notice it will be ne^dlefs for them to apply to the Commanding Officer, or any other Officer, for their affiflance to reeover any debts* This applies to every individual of the Corps, there being no exception of Mefs- man, Pay Serjeants, Kofpital Steward, or any other. Kingston) 19/A June* 1819. 26 Kingfton, 8th June, 1819. A MARSHALL, member of the • College of Surgeons in London, begs leave to inform the public that he has moved to the houfe formerly occupied by Mr. A. Macpherfon, and next door to 'J*. Markland, Efq. where he continues to practice the different branches of his pro- feflion as ufual. He is now opening the moil cxtenfive and general afTortment of Drugs and Patent Medicines* that ever were introduced into Upper Ca¬ nada, and imported by himfelf this fpring from Great Britain. Store Keepers and Medical Praftitioners in the country will be fupplied on as low terms as they peffi- bly can be in Montreal. He r^as alio imported a choice afibrt- ment of Walnut and Mufhroom Ketchup, belt Englifh Pickles, Indian Soey, Balm of Gilead, Maccafiar and Ruffian Oil, So¬ da Powders, Tamarinds, Houfe Thermom¬ eters, Spices, a few articles of Perfumery, Colours for Painters, Dyers, &c. 24 JfOTICE~ THE Subfcfcribers refpeflfully inform their friends and the Public, that they have now received and juft opened in Mar¬ ket Street, juft below Mrs. Patrick'* Inn, a very Exlcnlwe afToiuncut or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STATIONARY. Likewife—a great qnantity of Claflical Books, the whole of wliich will be fold very low for Cafll and approved Credit. McDONALD & AYKROYD. Dec. I, 1818. 27 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. To Officers fin Half-toy in Canada. IT is defircd that Officers receiving Waif- Pay, or Military Penfions, through the Cummiflariat, in Canada, will tranfmit to their feveral Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the period when their Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavits of Officers refiding in Lower Canada (hall arrive at Quebec before the 1 oth, and thofe of Officers refiding in the Upper Province before the 20th of the following Month, at which period the returns will be made up. As more than fufficient time is given for Communications to reach Quebec from the mod diftant Polls, thofe Officers' Affida¬ vits which do not arrive in time to be incor¬ porated in thefe Returns, mud remain over till theenfuing period of Payment, ' r»------:n\__o.„_,i». *"vcc__ CommifTary General's Office, $ > Quebec, March 1, 1819. $ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Aux Oiiiciers a Demi-Paie en Canada. IT ES OrnciEits qui recoivent la De- -ILji mi-Paie ou Pension Militaire, par le canal du Commissariat en Canada^ sontrecjuis de trausmettre a leurs Agcns rospectifs, a Quebec, leurs affidavits en triplicata, immediatement aprt-s le terme du paiemeni de leurDemi-paie, de man- ierc que les affidavits des Oiiiciers qui re¬ sident dans le Bas-Canadn, pourront ar- river a Quebec avail* le lOme. etde ceux qui resident dans la Haute Province, a- vant le 20mc. du mois suivant, auxquels periodes les retours se feront. Comme I'on donne plus de terns qu'il tie faut pour transmettre les communications a Que¬ bec, des Postes les plus eloignes, les affi¬ davits desOfficiers qui n'arrivent pas 4 terns pour etre incorpores dans ces re- tours, resterontjusqu'auperiodedu pave¬ ment suivant. Bureau du Commissairy-Geneial } 11 Quebec, le. Slars, 1819. ?J (jm THOMAS A8KETF, ESPECTFULLY informs the pub- \j lie, that he has arrived, and intends opening for fale on Tuefday next, the 13th inftant, at the Store recently occupied by Mr. McDonald, oppofite diaries Anderfon Efq. a very choice feltQion of new 8 FOR SALE, 5 Amongfl which area rich afTortment of Ladies and Children's Dreffes, Pelifles Spencers, Millinary, Muflins, Callicoe?, QiRghtmSj $3iin§ ^nd Sikh I'1"1"3 Goods, Haherdaffiery, Ruflia Du:ks and Sheetings, Linen Bed Tick, Counterpanes, Chintz and white Furnitures with Fringes and Trimn-in^s. Ladies Satin and Velvet Sh069, Bombazeens, Dimities 3cc. &c. Many of thefe Goods and confignrr.entf, dired from the Matittfoflurer, and ehe whnle he offers for Sale at the loweft poffible rate, and pofitively for Cafii only. Kingfton, July 9th, 1819. 28 N. B. Country Merchants who have not made their purchafes, would do well to call. Put i* 0 ^ r*K -~ -al BUSINESS. ■ 4 • • • • Phi/sic <Sf Surgery. * * • imt dtid its environs, for the liberal en- tnuragttiKftt he has met wtihjinct his com- menanjt hufmefs. He begs have to inform his friends and the p:tl!ic> that he has Removed to his New Houfe near thi- Mar- let Place, opp'jfite i'i Air. Bayman's and will as vf:al carry on thd Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. J HORSE SHOEING and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will be executed in the Ufl manner, at the Jhortr/I notice, and on the lowjl terms. * N. B. 'Jo rent) Icafe or fc!lt fir the term of ten years, and immediate pojjfijffion lively that well known J)and, the IVEL- LWGTQN INN, ih BarrartJlreeL— This jitmltm is one of the hejl in town, hnvin'* ftltuy conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a Hovfe of Public Enter'ainnuni and iture. Apply to the Proprietor • ■ jAte PS MEAGHER. K'urflon, Feb. 5, 1 c 1 9. 6 raniiREE FAuMS FOR SALE ; J < r if 1-1 *t fo'.d t > be re'ntcJ foi the cn- ?'*iiig y^ar, vi*2. one .'?t the Pulque Lie 1'iarbof cue d Waterloo, n.>d the Picket i aMTi, ( o called )—A contrail alf;> v\ill -iv n for ctif.ii.g tcoc Ci rd-* of Wood. ft. l> HIT.NLY. Ki.ni ton- iCth Ju*tc7 ibi*j. 25tfj DR. Z. SMALLY, begs leave ref- pcdfully to inform the inhabitants of Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has eftablilhed himfelf as a PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &; APOTHECARY. From his having received a regular me¬ dical education, and from his experience in the different branches of his proftffion, he is induced to believe, that he will he able to do justice to all, whofe misfortunes may render them under the neccifity of fo- * ^ » licrting medical aid. N. B. To any calls at the fign of the Golden Mortar, oppofite the market, the ftridteft attention will be paid ; where will be conftantly kept on hand, a choice and well chofen afTortment of DRUG^-smd MEDICINE ; PAINTS of all kinds ; Linfeed, Lamp, and Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dye Stuff?, Cotton Yarn; Window Glafs, Putty & Nails. A new and elegant afTortment of PAPER HANGINGS. Ladles BONNETS, of the new¬ est Fashion, GARDEN SEEDS, raised by the Shakers. BOOKS & STATIONARY, &C. &C. &G. •April 16. l6tf. FOUJNO, LAST week, in the Town of Kings¬ ton, a fum of MONEY in Gold.— The owner can have it by proving pro¬ perty and paying charge*. Enquire at this Office. A VERY valuable FARM, sihmted near the Village of Brockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession pf Elizabeth town, U. C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood. Esquire, but flow belonging toJolmShu- ter, EsquJre3 of London. There is a ve¬ ry good du filing )ouse, with a barn and Other out houses ou the promises. Also, Lot number nineteen., in the ninth con¬ cession, and the vest half of Lot number one, in the < ightl, roncvss:;on ui fa <;MMt. I ounship. Als^ Lol nuiribrr nfnjen, u, (he first concosM^ an(, numhrr fifteer. in the serond co Cr^\0l,% 0j t|in Town¬ ship of konge, iir(iTe District of Johns- town. Th<^e i^rms will be di.-posed <.f on terms peculiarly baSy and advantage¬ ous to purchaser?._Applv to DAXIKL JGNKS. .Tun. Bfockcillc, !.'■/// January, 1819. 4 Valuably Lands for safe, IN the Midland District, County of Prince Edward3 and Township of Amelia shurgh. Lot 23. in the front Concessiom on Lake Ontario, lung to the Castnard of Nicholson's Island. Lots '22, and 24, in the second Con¬ cession of said Township; (he whole cw- taining six hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingston Chronicle, or of the Honorable JAtUES BABY, York. N. C. All persons are cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying tiie timber on the above lands, as thoy will certainly subject themselves to a le^al prosecu¬ tion if detecle^H Kingston, July »lh, 1819. 28*tf Anchors fy Cables. WILLI AM BUD DEN, WILL ret^Jve by the carlicll fprinp veffcls, a"d keep conllantiy on hand at Quebec an affart^ent of Patent pro\fd Chain Cables of fill sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy thvatt'-'r'llon of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake anrf R,ver navigation. Quebec, lit April, 18 JQ._______Htf P0R SALE, QUANTl'lV of RED CEDAR [CKJ3T& ^rom 7 lo 8 feet in ANY fum required maybe obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.-—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, sd Nov 1818. 23 NOTICE. THE Partnerfhip under the fum of Al¬ exander McDoncll & Co. was this day difTolved by mutual content, All thofe indebted thereto mud make imme¬ diate payment to Alexander McDonell. to whom all having claims againft the faid firm mult prel'ent their accounts, he being duly authorifed to fettle all the affairs of faid concern. • Alexander McDonell, Allan R. McDonell- Kingston* 2<)th May, 1819. 2 3 \v 12 To Axemen. THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or persons wilting to engage to clear sixty acres of new land on (heir premises in Amelias- fcurghj Bay of Quinle, ready for seed by the lirst day of August next. The Ash¬ es ou said land Mill be required to be collected and carefully sccurod. Teams and Provisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, f) Bellville. THE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce dosrii the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription from Montreal to any part of Upper Canada and the Uuited States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will be conducted by W. Huiwell, at Ogdensburgh, and under the firm of W. L. WHITING $ Co. at Prescott. To prevent delay, all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay of Quiute, will be forwarded from Pres¬ cott by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction^ will be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, i W. HUBBELL. 1 Prescott, 20//i May AS 19. 23 ffiotice9 length. Tailor. Apply t0 Mr. John Dawso.v3 Kingstoiiy July 14, 1S19. *i t)*U>J AVILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, &b ITylgtO-_________30 WriF.ilKAS my wife, Margwet Faro, ffasjeft my bed and board without any j»jt c^oje! this is Ih^refore to forbid all jjefsn"s harbouring or trusl- itig her on my •cewint, as I will not pay any debts of he-1' conti»rli»g aftrr thin date. PETEB FAliO. BANK OF THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the bank of Canada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, Oft. 13th, 18:8. 20 For Sate9 THAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Concefiion townlliip of Fredericks- burgh, 28 miles from Kingfton, (contain¬ ing 200 Acres*) formerly occupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Manflon Houfe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with-2 barns and 01 her buildings. Perfons defirous of purehafing may enquireof the Subfcri¬ ber on the premiffes, or to D. llagerman, Efq.-at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Frederickfburgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 tj A, FA KM FORSALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town- {hip of Fredericksburgh, the Eall half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceffion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log haolc and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wafliburn, Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGIINET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 30 " BLANKS, Tor tfie Courts iof f^equest^ For sale at tlris Ojfics* TIIE lale partnership of Robert Gra* ham &; Co. having dissolred itself thisdavby the death of Roderick Mar¬ kup Esq.. the bussiness tu luiure w«U uc carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above lirtOj will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay, and those who may have claims against that concern will please present Lhem for adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 21st Sept, 1818. PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft- ed to fen«l them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible* JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. 16 v** * ^_ -1 TERMS op the KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the Ibtof July, or the 1st of Janu- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (OLV lines and under 2s. Crf. first in- *GJ sr.rtion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion: \Q lines and vnder^ 3s. Ad. first insertion, and IQd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line for the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent insertion* Advertisements without written direc- tionsare inserted till forbid, and charged accord in git?. Orders for discontinuing Advertise" meats to be in writing, and delivered by WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after 1'EN o'Clock on the day of publication. • AGENTS. Ilcnpv Cowan, Ksq. Quebec. Kdwant Sills, Esq. Three Itivers. James Williams E>q. Montreal. Messrs. J. & J. Dunl'ip, Lancaster. Paul Gla^sfurd, Esq. Mhtftda. Alphcus Jones, Esq* Prescott. Henry Jones, Esq. Brockville, N. B. Tominas, Esq. Perth. J. K. Hartwell, K>q. Dastard. J:. WebMer, Esq. Gananoquc. J. Ranken, K*q. Bath. AHan McPlierson, Esq. Napanec, Thomas Parker, Esq. Rcllvilte. James G. bechune, Esq. Hamilton. William Allan, E-q. York. Richard Hall, Esq. Dundas. Daniel BOSS,Esq. f'ittoria. Jolm C»ooks, E>q. Niagara. T. McOormicfc, Rsq. Quernstan. Joht\ Wilson, Esq. /tmhcrsthwgh. - KINGSTON, U. C. ritlNTLD I OH TUB JfPlTORS.

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