fctfrft From Hogg's Forest Minstrel, MY MATIVi: ISLE. Tunc—Sir Alexander JVicdonald LackharCs Strathspey. And must I leavt ray native Isle, Fair friendship'* eve, affection'. smile, The mountain sport, the angler*? wile, TJie birch a weeping willow, () ! The Highland srlen, the healthy gale, The gleaming glee. Hie evening talc, And inusr 1 I rave my native \ale, And brave tin boisterous billow, O ! How sweet to climb the mountain hieh. While dawning gilds the evening sky 5 Grin the shade at noon to lie, Upon the fell *o airy, q ! And when the sun is sinking low, Through woodland walks :o wander slow ; 01 kindly in my plaid 10 row Mj gentle rosy Mary, O ! IMy native Isle! I Jove thee well ; 1 love thee more than I ran tell ; Accept my last, ray sad farewell ; In ihee I may not lai ry, 0 ! What makes my bosom heave so high t What makes trie dew drop gild mine eye ) Alas! that dew would quickly dry, If'twere not for n:y .Mary, O ! O youtb ! ihou season li-iit and gay, How soon thy pleasures inch away ! Like dream dispelled by dawning day, Or waking wild vagary, O ! The thrush shall quit ilie woodland dale, Tlie lav'rock cea-e tue daw u to bail, tie I forget mv native vale, Or my sweet lovely Mary, O ! WOMAN. THERE is a language by the virgin mae*e, hoi read, but feh, not utierM, but betrayed ; A mute communion, yet 50 woud'ious bWCQt, E>es must impart what tongue cau ne'er repeat, *Tis written on her cheeks and meaning; brows, In one short glance, whole volumes it avowsj In one short moment tclU of many days, In one short speaking silence at! conveys, Joy. sorrow, love recounts, hope, pity, fear. And looks a sigh, and weeps without a tear. Oil, *ti« so chaste, BO touching, so retin'd ; So soft, ••o wistful,so sincere, ?o kind.— Were eyes melodious, and could music shower FVniF. tfvirax r&y> «tvw vn*k««S" ••" *" »l»'«i>r. Such heavenly music from that glance might rise. And angeW ow n the language of the skies. almoft diftrafid ; which being; perceived, parental affe&ion conquered every other confederation, they rufhed into the arms of their dear mother, being determined to favc her, or die in the attempt. The waves with redoubled fury beat againft the (bat¬ tered bark, and. rolling mountains high, fwept off the boat, and buried in the wate¬ ry deep this amiable and intereftmg family. After Mr. Soden had his affairs proper¬ ly arranged, he took his passage in a ves¬ sel bound for Quebec, :n high fpirits, in ex¬ pectation of embracing his dear children and beloved wife ; but on his arrival you may judge how he mull have felt, when all inquiries proved intffe&ual.—He was in¬ formed, indeed, that the Mary Ann had arrived, and failed for a foreign port, but there were no paffengers of the description he gave on board.—He remained in this Hate of mind, torn with lufpenfe, hoping againft hope, when one day after making his ufual inquiries, he met with a Mr. Wa¬ ters, from Belfaft, whom he recollected feeing on boa-d, when he parted with his family ; he (lood motionlefs, gazed on the countenance of Mr. Waters, and both burft into tears. He now had no doubt of the mel&ncholy fate of his desr family, and with dreaming eyes prayed he would re¬ lieve him of his anxiety of mind, a* he was fully prepared for the worft. — Mr. Wa¬ ters then gave him a brief recital of th?ir fufFenngfi, and finally of their unhappy and melancholy end. I need not fay his grief was moll excruciating, and after his mind had become fomewhat calm, he faid, u the Lord has given them to me ; he had a right therefore to take them when, and how he pleafed/" F. B. FRAZER. BailicboroughyNov. I, 1818. Melancholy Narrative. ( From the Aden/ Ttk graph.) Mr. Editor, Sir—- W ith feeing* of fincere forrow, 1 beg leave thtough the medium of your paper, to communicate to the public the very melancholy intelligence of the lofs of the entire of Mr. Soden's famuly, late of this town, on their paflage to Quebec, which confided of eight perfons, the mother, five daughters, and two fons ; the cldeft of whom, J\Jifs Soden, a moll inter- letting girl of 22 years of age, had received a finished education in one of the firft boarding Schools in Dublin. The eldeft son, James, had been brought up to the ftu- dy of physic, in which he had made a great proficiency. They all embaiked on board the Mary Ann, in L-elfaft, July, 1817, (bound for Quebec) in company with Mi. Sodcn's btother^ James, from uvhorn the lamentable intelligence has been received.—Mr. S. not having finally ar¬ ranged his affairs, was under the necessity of (tapping fome time after his family, for that purpofe, and the period having elaps¬ ed in which the veffel was to fail, the Cap¬ tain would not make further delay, but promised Mr. Soden that nothing should, on his part, be wanting to make his family as comfortable as possible. This in a de¬ gree tended to alleviate his diftrcfa of mind ; but how this promife was fulfil led the fe- quel will more fully prove* Being about to take his leave (alas ! his lad farewell) of hi* dearly beloved family, a fecneenfued which language fails to defcribe —-Shortly ^fter,the rtijp failed, and theft}* buffeted about by contrary winds, their passage was much impeded, and at length their provisions were nearly exhaufled, fo much fo, that their allowance was one bifcuit per day !—At this period a typhus fever raged with great violence on board, none cfcaped it« baneful influence. — After a lapfe of fifteen weeks they arrived in the GutofCan>o—being delayed there for a month, and having taken in frtfh provis¬ ions, they failed fiom thence for Quebec ; th« (hip was again toffed about by contrary windd, and ere she reached .he river St. Law¬ rence, provisions were once more nearly exhauftcd—their allowance was now lim¬ ited to nne pourd of bread per week ! though it is stated there was a fufneiency of provisions on board ! ! We were now informed we were within 120 miles of Quebec, but the captain (through what motive it has not yet been ascertained.) weared bit courfe and caR anchor at a place called Richibucto. Here he ufed his rhet¬ oric with the paffengers to prevail on them to go onshore, and when it proved inef- feftnal, he swore he would clofe down the hatchways, and fmoke them with fire and brimstone. This threat had the defircd effrft—they landed ; and when leaving the veffel—(gr'ing a$ appeared to them, on a defolate i&land) the cries of the mother and thefeven children were mod dreadful. They had to travel 120 miles through this ifland, ere they reached Cockain, where they agreed with Captain M'Cray, of the brig Mary, to bring them to Passamma- quody. Now Sir, the mod melancholy part commenced ; they all embarked on the 8th December, and on the morning of the 10th (8 o'clock) were alarmed with the cries of diftreft* ; ihcy rufhed on deck uudreffed, where they perceived their awful lunation —the brig being heavy laden with plaster of Paris, after flic ftiuck, filled in a few it mutes with water. Their situations became now truly awful ; the boat's lafli- angs were cut, and a good many of the passengers rushed inta it, amongd whom were Mr Sorien's children. Mrs. S. fail¬ ing in her attempt to join them, appeared Mr. Soden is now carrying on the bu- finefs of a Tailor in Quebec. WATCHES andJEJVELRY REPAIRED. THE fubferiber begs leave to inform hi* friends and the public, that he has taken a Shop near the Market Place, oppofite the Mcdital Store of Doctors Car lifle and Hull. Thofe favoring hfrn with their commands may depend he will life every means in his power to give general fatisfadb'on. Jewelry Sf Plate Repaired with care, on the mod reafonable terms. His prices will be found to merit the approbation of the public. JAMES CLARK. Kiagdon, May 28, 1819. 2zeowtf J. CAREY, TOBAClO.MST, EGS leave to inform the public, that he has opened a STORE in Store dreet, nearly oppofite the houfe of Mr. Dowh'ng, where he offers for fale on mo¬ derate terms, the undermentioned articles of a fuperior quality, viz. Plug Tobacco, fweet fecnted, 6 and 8 hands to pound ; Ladies' Twill, Rappee, Scotch and Macaba Snuff, Spanidi and American (. igars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound a"d half pout.d papers, with the ufual papers of a lef> fize. Kingfton, May, 1819. 2£eow*f FOR SALK, AVERY valuable FARM, situated near th€ Village of Brock vi lie, be¬ ing the rear half of Lat No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond GQltCRBsion of Rli/abrfhtoMn. lT. C. Containing two hundred acres, forme r- ly (he property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire* but now belonging to JolmShu- ter* Esquire, of Loudon. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses on the premises. Also^ Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Atso^ Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, ol the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in the District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of o.i terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous topurchasers.—Applv to DANIEL /ONES, Jun. Brochville, \bth January, 1819. 4 Valuable Lands for sale, IN the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, and Township of Araeliahburgh. Lot 23, in the front Concession, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eastward of Nicholson's island. Lots 22, and 24, in the second Con¬ cession of said Township; the whole con¬ taining six hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingston Chronicle, or of the Honorable JAMES BACY, York. N. B. All persons are cautioned a- gaiust cutting or destroying the timber on the above lands.as they will certainly subject themselves to a legal prosecu¬ tion if detected. Kingston, July 9th, 1S19. 2S-tf Anchors Sf Cables. WILLIAM BU0DEN, WILL receive by the carlictl fpn'ng vcffels, and keep conllautJy 011 hand at Quebec, an aflortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS tlo. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, iil April, ibi<j. J4tf CATION. IT is the partic.T]ar tffa of the Comman¬ ding Officei Qf the -oth Regiment, that all dealings wj^ t]ie inhabitants be for prompt payauncs- Such perfons there* fore as take upon themfelves to give credit, will be doing fo a> the[r own rfsfc, as after this notice it will oC Tieedlef8 for them to apply to the Con^an(5jnff Officer, or any- other Officer, for heir afiiilance to reeover any debts. This applies tc cvery indfvldin! of the Corps, there beit.r no exception of Mefs- man, Pay Serjeaiu, Hofpital Steward, or any other. Kingston^ \tyhjune% 1 S19. 26 KiMton, 8th June, 1810. A MARS;ALL, member of the • College sf Surgeons in London, begs leave to ii.fwm the public that he has moved to the boife formerly occupied by Mr. A. Macphcrlt^ 3nfJ rtCXt dour to T. Markland, Efq- where he continues to pn&ice the diffe.-nt branches of his pro- fcflion as ulual. lie is now opting the mod extenfive and general aff'Knent of Drugs mid Patent Mvdmms* that ever were iniodnced into Upper Ca¬ nada, and import^ by himftlf thir, fpring from Great Brit ah. Store Keepers and Medical Praftitioiera in the country will be fupplied on as low terms as they pofii- bly can he in Montreal. He l^as alio imported a choice affort- ment of Walnut ,\\d Mudiroom Ketchup, beft Englifli Pickes, Indian Soey, Halm of Gilead, Maccafar and Ruffian Oil, So¬ da Powders, Tamarinds. Ploufe Thermom¬ eters, Spice.-, a fev articles of Perfumery, Colours for Painters, Dyers, &c. 24 M D TICE~ THE Subfcfenbersrefpefifolly ii.form their friends and the PtiSlic, that they have now received a id jut! opened in Mar¬ ket Street, jufl b'-'ow sLr\. Parxtck-'? Inn. a very ExtenOve aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STA IIONARY. Likewife—a great q-iantity of CJaffical Book*, the whole of which wi!) be fold very low tor ( alh 2nd apwdved Credit* Mcdonald 5c aykroyd. Dec. i, t8iS. 27 50 Pounds R E TV A R D. \ Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ■ • ANY fum required may be obtained at the Officr for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec. Bids of Exchange Gn Lon¬ don, or for Specie. — Notes alio will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingflon, 3d Nov 181R. 23 NO «CE. THE Partnerfhp under the firm of Al¬ exander McDonell & Co. was this day diffolved by mutual conftnt. All thofe indebted thceto muft make imme¬ diate payment to Alexander McDonell. to whom all bavin? daiaia againft the faid firm mud prefent tretr accounts, he being duly authorifed to«':tt)eall the affairs of faid concern. Alexirder McDoncIl, Allan <• McDoncIl. Kingston* tyih Wof% "819. 23WT2 To Avemen. THE *nbserilvrs will receive pro- p >sal* from ;ny person or persons u tiling to engage t> clear sixty acres of new kind on llirii y}\tfrlbWhVrt AWf^lY^- burgh, Bay nf Qitii,(e. ready for seed by the first day of August next. The Ash¬ es on said land will be required to be COll *ct*-d and carefully secured. Teams and Provisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGALj Kingston, or fo McDOUGAL& McLELLAN, 9 Bellville. BANK 6~F THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the 1'ai.k of Canada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, 0£t. 13th, 18:8. 20 For Sale, THAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceffion lownfhip of Fredericks burgh, 28 miles fro-n Kingfton, (contain- ing 200 Acres,) formerly occupied by Colonel iipencer, and known by the name of the Manfion iloufe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant fr?me houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings. Perfona defirous of purchaling may enquire of the Subfcri¬ ber on the pretmflea, or to D. Uagerman, Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGEHON. Fredcrickfbuigh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 A FARM FOR SALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town¬ ship of Fredericksburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the ftcond ConcefGon, couiaiuing 100 acref, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon k. I'or the terms apply to Daniel YVa<hburn, tfqU;re, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7,1818 30 blanbTj For the Ooiuts of Request, For safe m ffy 0j;C€m TOLEN from Walker's Hotel, in Kingfton, on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of June iuftant, out of the Trunk of the Subfcriber, which was broken open, a pa. eel diie£ted to William Allan, Efq. containing £tOOO in Montreal Bank Bills. Whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de- Le&iot) and convifiion of the thieves, (hall receive the above Reward. The Bills cau be of no ufe to the holder, as prompt meaiurea have been luken to prevent tlieir difcount at the Bank—where regular Entries of their Numbers have as ufual been made. Any communication reflec¬ ting the above, may be addressed to Thomas .\iarkland Efq. of Kingfton, or to the Subfcriber at York, GEORGE R1DOUT. Kingfton, June 30th, 1819 27 NOTICE. ^n^THEREAS difficulties are likely v v to arife in the arrangement of the affairs of the late Allan* Taylor's eftate, theluHcribcr deems it neceffaryto inform the public that on the 3d day of Novem- berlaft, a final fettlement of the co-part¬ ner fhip between Taylor & Paiker was made by the parties ; at which time a certain fum of money was allowed to Mr. Packer for his relinquishment of all claims upon debts due to the firm* and he was alfo indemnified against the claims of creditors by Mr. Taylor's Bond for J?5,000. This notice is therefore given that all who are co iccrned in, or indebted to the eftateofthe faid Allan Taylor m;.y be cautioned againft paying, or arranging their accounts with any other perfon than the underfigned, as he is the only one dulv uLiO.ivWVtwOi LU Uirtiww *UU1I a- .... ^/lliUi. Wm TAYLOR, Admfniilrator of Allan Taylor's Eflate, Lellville, June 29, 1SJ9 27 TfHE Subfcriber offers for fale his Houfe and Farn^together ot feparate, as alfo his Hoi fee, Carts, Sleighs, Cows, Hogs, Oxen, Grain, Hay, Potatoes, and Implements of Husbandry, fituate on the River St. Lawrence, overlooking the beautiful village of Ogdcnfburg, and within half a mile cf Prefcott, Upper Canada. The Dwelling houfe, which has lately been ere&ed, confiots of two fitting Rooms, 4 Bed-rooms, a Kitchen and Cellar, well finifhed. The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice Land, well fenced, upwards of 60 of which is Pasture and Aieadow, the remain¬ der Tillage and Wood Land, with a young Orchard and good Barn, Stable and Root- houfe, and a fmall Tenement for Labourers. To a Gentleman of fpecnlation% the above Premifes which extends 3 Acres in front of the River, must prove of grea! advantage, as it is one of the best situa¬ tions in the neighbourhood for the erection of a Wharf, Brewery or Distillery, &c. Part of the purchafe money, may remain on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest Efq. Montreal, John Macaulay Kingston, or the owner PETER O'BRIEN. Prescott, 26th OA. 1818. 6tf Soda Water. THIS cooling, falutary, and delicious beverage, is now ready for delivery, and will be kept during the fummerat the %%n ffi tftft ©ahfen Wiwvary oppoiae v'ne Maiket. Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who value health, with a cheerful ferenity of mind) are refpeflfully invited to call and partake of this boalled and fafhionable drink, which 1*3 exhilarating without intox¬ ication, and unattended by iubfequcnt de- prcilion. With fuch qualities, furely no Lady or Gentleman will conceive it any tax upon time, conftitution or property, occafionally to indulge in the innocent and healthful hilarity invariably attendant upon a giafs of Syrup and Soda Water. Kingfton, June 25, 1819. 26 NOTICE. JAMES MEAGHER returns his mjl ** Jincere thanks to the people of Kings ton and its environs9 for the liberal en¬ couragement he has met nvith fmce his com- mencing bufinefs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the publicy that he has Removed to his New Houfe near the Mar¬ ket Placej oppofite to Mr* Layman's and will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will be executed in the bifl manner, at the fhortefl notice^ and on she lonvefl terms. N. B. To renty leafe or fellt for the term of ten years9 and immediate poffejjion givent that well known Jland, the WEL¬ LINGTON INN, in Barrack flrect.— This filiation is one of the befl in town, having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a Houfe of Public Entertainment and Store* Apply to the Proprietor. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingfton, Feb. 5,1819. 6 THREE FARMS"FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contraft alfo will be giv»n for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston^ 16th June, 1819. ajftf THOMAS ASK&W, RESPECTFULLY informs the pub. lie, that he has arrived, and intends opening for fale 0:1 Tuefday next, the nth inilant,at the Store recently occupied br Mr. McDonald, oppofite Charles Anderfon Efq. a very choice feledtion of new Amongft which area rich afTortment of Ladies and Children's Drcfles, Peliflei Spencers, Millenary, Muftins, Callicoes Ginghams, Sa;ins and Silks, India Goods, Haberdafhery, Ruflia Ducks sod Sheetings, Linen Bed Tick, Counterpanes, Chintz and white Furnitures with Fringes and Trimmings, Ladies Satin and Velvet Shoes, Bombazeenn, Dimi'fcs &c. &c. Many ofthefe Goods and coniignments, diredt from the Manufacturer, and the whole he offers fur Sale at the JriWeft poflible rate, and positively for Czfh only, Kingfton, July 9th, 1819. 28' N. B. Country Merchants wfco h?ve not made their purchafes, would do well to call. Physic of &m geri/ DR. Z. SMALLY, begs leave ref- pedtfull) to mfotmihe inhabitant! of Kmgftoil and its vicinity, that he has eflablifhed himfclf as a PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, § APOTHECARY. From his having received a regular me¬ dical education, and from his experience in the different branches of his profrfllon, he id induced to believe, that he will be able to do justice to all, whofe mi-fortuitei may render them under the neceffity of fo¬ liating medical aid. N. B. To any calls at the G^ti of the ^ffetVcLcfWic u W if tfc*jwi*n vHieu tfih be conftantly kept on hand, a cho:< s and well chofen ailo cment of DRUG** and MEDICINE ; PAINTS of all kinds; Linfeed, Lamp, *nd Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarn; Window Glafs, Putty & Nails- A new and elegant affortn.ent of PAPER HANGINGS. Ladies' BON SETS, of the new¬ est Fashion, GARDEN SEEDS, raised by the Shakere. BOOKS & STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. April 16. l6tf. NOTICE. THE fuhfrriberbegs leave to inform his creditor;, that finding it impoflible to difcharge the amount of their Note* and Accounts, in the situation in which he was placed in Kingston, he has remo¬ ved to Satket's Harbor, and is now get¬ ting into bufinefs p and he confidently truits, that in the couife of a year he will be enabled to discharge all their claims* with many thank*. GEORGE IIARPHAM. Sacktfs Harbor, July 9, 1S19. 2■ FOUN d, ~ LAST week, in the Town of Kings¬ ton, a fum of MONEY in Gold.— The owner can have it by proving pro¬ perty and paying charges. Enquire at this Office. Kingston, July 14, 1S19. »9-a;3 LOOK" TO "Tills"! AAAa fKV^OOS ilidie?bieO to ffOSEPH Scott, Surgeon, late of Kingston, are requested to make payment before the first of August, to the subscriber, uho is duly authorised to receive the same.— If not complied with legal proceedings will be taken. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingston, July, 1819. 26 TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum; it" ;eut by Mail twenly four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance 10 the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu¬ ary. Mi PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. £V/J[ tines and under 2s. fid. first in- Kjj sertioiis and 7\d. each subsequent insertion: 10 lines and under, 3s. Ad. first in serf io?i, and lOd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line for the first insertion, and \d. per line for every subsequent insertion. Advertisements 'without written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise- meats to be in writing, and delivered by ZVEDNE.SD A Y NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN 6*Clock on the day of publication. AGENTS. ReQFy Cowan, Y.sq. Quebec. Edward Sills, Esq. 'f/trer Riuers. James,William^ Esq. Montreal. Messrb. J. 8c J. Dltnlop, Lancaster. Paul Glassfbrd, Esq. Matilda. Aiplieus Jours, F.^q. Prescott. Henry Jones, Esq. Brockvittc* N. D. Torama*. fc^q- Perth. J. It. Hartwell, £sq. BiutartL K. "Webster, Esq. Gananoquc. J. Ranken, Esq. Bath. Allan McPhciaon, Esq. Napanee. Thomas Parker, Esq. Bettvilte. James Q. Beiiiune, Esq. Hamilton. William Allan, Esq. York. Hichard Halt, Esq. Dundas, Daniel Ross, Esq. r'ittorta. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq, Qwenston* John Wilson, Esq, Jmhcrsttmr^h. KINGSTON, V.C. PRIMED FOB. liih HIHTORS.