Maccrimmon, or the Exile's Lament. By Waller Scott. Maccriir.mou, he-redi .ary piper to the laird of Macleod, is sail >'<> lune composed this lament, when the clan were about to depart v.pon a di>- tautmnddaiie€fouscxp?dntoij. The minstrel was impressed with a urlief, which the event verified, that he wa> o he slain in the approaching feud, and hence the Gallic i\orJ«, tt Cha till mi tuiWi- a i jjpd tbitlexis Uudeod, cha till Maccrlnnnon.v *• [ >i all never return ; thttttgn Macleod returns, 5it Maecrlmmon shall ocverretain.** lUaclrod's wizard iiag from t'ue grey castle sal¬ lies, Tie rowers are seated. uorriO0l*d are t'negailies; Gleam war-ax-- and broad sv.ord, clan* ta'gci and qa ver, Ai MaCvrimiuM. siuga "farewell, Dunegan, tor ever !'* more his than the French king, and has in them more painted ladies, and genuine rarer and lilies than are to be found at a country wake; he makes raking his bufi- nef» more than his diversion, as many other gentlemen do, but makes ir an advantage to health and fortune, which few others do ; he can boa ft of more rapes than any rake in the kingdom. His wife, notwith¬ standing, has enough of ,aa*s love and heart's ease, and never withes for weeds. Diftemocrsfatal to others, nertr hint him ; he walks the better for the gravel, and thrives mod in a consumption He can boaft of more bleeding h arts than your la- dyfhip, and more laurels than the Duke of Marlborough ; but hi* g resell pride, and the world's greateft envy is, that he can have yew when ho pleafes. Farewell! each tall cliff, on which breakers are foam in?; Farewell! each dark g!en, iu which red deer are roaming; Farewell! louely Stye, to lake, mountain and river, Macleod may return—but Mace rim men shall never I Farewell! the bright clouds that on Qai'Iaa* are sleepii g, farewell ! the b igiu eyes on the Dual t .at are weeping, To each minstrel delusion farewell !—and for ever— Maccrimmon departs—to return to sou never! The ]ie"*hie*s wild voice sings the death's dirgf before in**, The pail of ihedeaJ for-a mantle bang's o'er me; But m\ a art shall no. tiag, iiild my uerves siia i "doi shive , • Though dt-NOied i go, to return again, never! Too pft shall the notes of Maccnm • on's bewai- Be heard, when the r:a ! on their exile are saiting; Dear la.d! to the shores whence unwilling e ££ver, Return—return—return rball we never. » * Ine in* es' mountain in Skye. + Uuavigau Ca.' Is MaeleocTfi residence. From the .V. Y. Com. Advertiser. ___ » THE BUMttbtt MIDNIGHT. The W z^ oi n'glit has sunk to rest, tjpoi t r 1 ive r1-* trai cj *• 11 b; i a*; And e%.-ry bird bra Height her nest, Wn^re silent i her rain^rrfsv ; The Qtfeefl of r*eai?eh h mailing highv A pale barb on the azure sk -, IS here noi a brea.h ?s nr-artf to :*igh— So deep lise nofl trat.qu lit). For;otten now the hr*a of day T at on b buruiM* wiite* av, The itf nigrn ber rosin le g-**v Spread -, from ii B»ti% Mglt blazonry j J?u. giireriog in that con. I' night T rre gl am* a line ol <iJver> iig i, Ab trediuioii-i on the *m> c- ol' while li hovers s>*veei and ^la^ fully* *», •■ - - * MatJjij) ndc*j riot a> when damning o'er her sides Th<* roam g ba\'> uurul> tides Were bf»aviug round her glonoittly % Bui every sail is furi'd and still, Silent list s^amao% whbtle auriil* >V]ji»e Jrearav sloinbei> seem to thrill W ith parted uour3 of extacy. £tar> of the many epangled heaven ! Fain«iy *bia night your beams are given, Tho* p oudl> wtiei your hosts are dfiv Ye rear \n<ir dB2 1 A£ g*»axy ; Since far and wide a -oJier hue Ik spread acro^ ihe plains of bluej "\Vneie in brigh us. ever true Forevt r swells your harmony. O for ^om* caJly dying no^.e I; on ihib sitetil noar to tloa', IU here from h ■ tiuh ling wo. Id remote, The lyre mght wake it> Biffodj ; - © i** fef bte strain i> all can swell From mil <* a'm «i de?eried >h l)t In mo"H Jul accn -» \et to "Ml That slumbers no its minstrelsy. Thebe js av hour of d^ep re ose T ^ii yet upon m near' shall close, I^Tiiea all .ha tyacirredl eAd- and knows Shall Duru upon me wo. d'rofelyi O may £ then arrake forever M , harp ;o ra^turc'f higa endeavour, Aud a^ fro.n eanhv vain -cene 1 sever, Be lo^t in *mmOrtstfuy ! ■AfV/^ ^AJ^^^A AGRICULTURAL. From the Utoihb; idge Star. TO PRESERVE PLANTS FROM INSECTS Translated from the French Receipt of a liquid, which has the pro- perty of deftroying the inlecrts, cateroi'lars, gruh9, bugs, ants, &c &c. &c which at¬ tach themfelves to plants, &c. Take of black foap, bel> quality, 3 I 2 lbs; brimftone, 3 do. ; wood mufhroom^, 2 do. ; rain or river water, 60 pints ; <tt vide the water into two equal parts ; t."ke one half and put it into a barrel that i- not to he fiUt to any other tife ; trek the foap in it, and add thereto the mufti rooms, af tcr h;.v a^btulfed tliem a little ; bol! in a large p -t the remain in £r pa it of ihe W3Ter; rut the brimftone J;t a dean piece of tin en and make a bundle of it, tiVd tip with a twine : you mult attach thereto a ft one or weight, to m?jke it lay at the bottom of the pot ; let it boil for 20 minutes, taking care to ftir the water ill the while, with a flick that it may take the colour qnd ftrcngth "f t'e brirafton-e : if you^douh!e the qnanti y of thefe i 'gradients, the ef- feet >f the Wdter wf'J be more fure You rru'v pour tl^e boiling water into the bar- ie', a d ftir it a fconi time ; and evrrv day it muft be ?gain (lined, until the whole becomes extremely fetid—the more old and fetid it i<, t1 e better. You mn'i take ca e to hav- t'e ^arre' w«:ll {topped every tin.e it ha been ilir-ed When yon want \a u*"e rhis water, it in f'lffi ent to oo'.u fome riverfhe plant"; but the heft manner is to decant it i.'to a corn* mm) watering pot, and fruit k!e thr* plants thtrtwith, which will have the dcfired ef- N- B. The fediment, remaining after the water in all drawn <.ff, fliould be placed where none of the domeltic animals can liave accefs to it. Ringftoflj 8th June, 1S19. 1 AMAK^iiALL, member of the • College of Surgeons in London, begs leave to inform the public that he has moved to the houfe formerly occupied by Air. A. Macphcrion, and next door to T. Mark'andt Efq. where he continues to nrq&ice the different branches of his pro- fcflion as ufual. Jie i^ now opening the mofl extenfive atid genet al aff rtment of Drugs and Pa lent Medicines. that ever were introduced into Upper Ca¬ nada, and imported by himfelf this fpring from Gre-.t Britain. Store Keepers and .Medical Pracli"toners in the country will be fupplied on as low term3 as they pofli- bly can be in Montreal. He l^is alfo imported a choice afiort- ment of VValnnt and Mufhroom Ketchup, be-ft Enrrtifh Pickles, Indian So y, Balm of Gilead, Maecaffar and Ruffian Oil, So¬ da Powders, Tamarinds, Houfe* Therroom- eters, Spices, a few articles of Perfumery, Colo are for Painters, Dyers, &c. 24 JVQTICEr A VF'R JLJl. near FOR SALE, , VF.RY valuable FARM, situated the Village of Brocjtviile, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession of Elizabeth tows 9 U C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood. Esquire, but now belonging to JohnSbu- ter. Esqnire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other ont houses on the premises. Also, Lot number nineteen, hi the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second co- cession, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in fhc District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DANIEL JONF.S. Juii. Ih~aclccilh\ \bth January, 18 19. 4 NOTICE. . f. FARMERS, SH!- <\fl YOUR L\tt!?fi. The fubjeft of (hearing lamb* is one that ought to engage the attention of eve¬ ry farmer. It hai been proved by expe¬ rience, that to (hear lambs is not only profitab e to t:ie farmer, but of gieat ad¬ vantage to ihe lamb itielf. Every man's o' fer vat ions have fhown him that whm ihecp are flu rn. the ticks will all leave t;--em a d rdh r- to the iambs ; whereas if lambs a.e (horn, the ticks will lea\e them and it y with the (h^ep, who can tor them with left injury. It has been fafitla&orfly ascertained, that when lambs are fhorn, the fleece, the next (eafon, will be ef much better quality, and equal m quantity. Tlye proper time for hVaring lamb", i« the fi^ll and fecond weeks in July. The wool (horn from the iambs will alw-y, me? with a ready fale, an J a price tn the hatter, who is now oblig¬ ed to pav hia mo*ey for fuch wool at fome market town. If farmers would all (hear their la nbaf t't wu'd not only be a clear f^vi- £ t > themfelves, but a ere. t favtog iG the country. FARMER, Why is a Gardener the most extraordinary of men P \d<*rt>,,ze4 f . e Ctin.e^s of ni\vpalty-. Becaufe no m?.n has r-».o»e b'-linef? upon earth, and he always choo/e uo ri grounds for what he does. He commai d.s his thyme, h- is n aller of the mint* and fingers penny royal; he raife« his celery every year, and it i* ■'• bad year indeed that dr>es ;;ot bring him a plum. He n;.-et, with mote bwghi thau a minifter of Hate; he makes nrjfiE Subfcfcribers refpcftfully inform E their frier Is and the Public, that they have now received a d ju'l opened in ^lar- ket Street, j rt below L-.ttg. Patrick's inn, a veiy Estenfwe affortment cf DRY GOODS. GROCERIES and STAilONARY. Like wife—a great qnantitv of Claflical Books, the w.i;le of which will I e fold very low lor t afh a A approved Credit. McDOtf VLD & AYKROYD. Dec. 1, i8t?- 27 Kingston Branch of the Mon- o (real Bctnk. 1 • • • A NY fum required may be obtained at JlA_ the Gin ' for go. d Bills, «.n Mou treal, Q-ebec. fxi 1- °* Exchange on Lon¬ don, 01 for Sf-e^ie —Notes aHo will be di^counted at t'irty, fixty, and ninety days. Ttf^M-.o MAUKLaND, Kmgfton,3^ Nov- 18)8. A 21 i^rU«#^ tf< SURGEON BOYD, Of I la Majesty's Navy, SEG8 leave to announce to the inhab¬ itants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has taken the (tore lately occupied by Dr Scott in ^tore street* wher*- h-- i - tends practicing in the different branches of his profcflion. Surgeon B. having made Midwifery, and the difeafes of women and children. a particular part of his ftudy, in w-tich he has practiced with RUccefs, hopes the pat¬ ronage of families in the above line. Ladies and gentlemen honoring him with their commands, (hall meet with due attention. N. B-. Advice, gratis to t' e poor, be¬ tween the hours often and eleven o'clock in the morning. Kingston, June 14, 1819. 26 . wtf NO LICK, HE Parferibtp under the firm of Al¬ exander ^IcD in- 1 Si Co. wa> this day diffolved hy muiual con<ai.. All j tn-» e- indebted *he-cto mull m«ke imme- diitc p y«ient rU Alixtidcr McD ue-ll to whom a^l Lav kr cLims acain|! the laid fi-m mUtt -p.reU»i l c" accounts, he bting duly authuiifcd to ftfet-eall tlu- afT.irs of $ iid concern. A^xander McDoneQ, All ft \i. ?fetoec\V. Kftissfm iutb ; ay. ,89. I TIME'S NEAGHUR return*Ms mofl Jinctre thanks to the p ople of Kings ton and tts environs for the liberal en couratetntni he as met with flnce his com mencinv Imfinefs. He begs leave to iajorm his funds and the public, that he has Removed to hi> i-tiv Houfe near the Mar let Place opjto/itc to A>r. Bay man's and is&iii as ufual carry en the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iroft Manufactory. ffORSR SHOEING and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will be executed in the* befl manner, at the JJjorte/I notice, ana on the lowijl terms N. fi. To rent, leafe or fell, for the term of ten rears, and immeatate toffeffion given that <ivtti known fiend, the IVEL LING TVS INN, in t. arrack J'net — 7"Zrii J: nation is one of tie bell in town, havin" many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a Houfe of Put lie Fntertainnunt and Store. Applj to the Proprietor. J4MES MEAGHER. Kin?Jinn, Feb. J» 18-19 6 / a Lh ? rcatat.i.n : in tlu Poti-Oj- 23WI z To Axemen. 7 REPAIR EO. THE fubferiber begs leave to inform hi" friends and the public, th«t he has token a Shop near the Ma-ket Place, oppofite the Medieal More of Locic rn v^ar Me and Hull. rhofcf*votinghinj with their command may depend he will ufe every means in hi power to give general fati-faction. Jewelry Sf Plate Repaired with care,on the mod reafonable tfrrms. His prices will be found to meiit the approbation of the pub'ic. JAME?i CLARK. Kiagfton, Vay 28 18(9 22eowtf " J.CAREY, TUBA V( 0\l$T, EGS leave to inform the public, that he has opened a STORE in Store flreet, nearly oppofite the houfe of Mr. Dow'fng. where he offers for fale OU mo- debate rrms, the UBdermentioued articles of a fuperiof quality, viz. Plug Tobacco, fweet fcented, 6 and 8 hand to pound ; Ladies' Twift, Rapt^ee, Scotch and Macaba Snult, Spmilh and American Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound and half pound papers, with the ufual p.pers of a lcf> iize. Kingdon, May, 1819* 23°owtf TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUS^, rear Doctor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; al.«o a v»fy good Spring "ear the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, ^th June, 181 9. 23 NOTICE. A LL perfont. indebted to the late Co- -l\- part net (hip of Richard Robison and David Secord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to tr.e furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faici C' pattnerfhip may be indebted, are le- qnetted to fend in their accounts for ad- jnWm-nt and payment. Kingftofl| 27th May, 1819. 26tf ^/|IHE Mibfcribcrs uill r.^iv^pro- JL posals f'rem au) p.roti or persou: willing to engage to clear -ixty acres of new land on their premises in Am»dias- huroh, B:i> of Quinte, ready for set d I)) thr first day of t not. The A-u- es on ^aid laud will b>> r'(|uircd to bt coil- ctcd and carefully secur-'d. T amN and i rovisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN M.DOLCiAL, Rioi^t-ni. or to McDOUGAju 1- ?,1. LF.LLAN, 9 BeltWlle. RAN K OF THE Mibfcn'bt r bei gaopointed a^ent for the L'a »k •«£ anada, he w-ll nc- gotiate bank note* for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingston, Oft. 13th, 18 8. 7.0 For Sale, WiUAT Elegant fa-m No. S, fiift 1- ConceiTion 1 own fin';; . f Fredericka btifgh, ?.8 miles ft «m Kinjjfton, (contain¬ ing 200 Acres,) formerly occupied by Colone' Spencer, and known by the name of the Manfi n li'ot.fe. It contains about" 50 new of land mid' f \i.u^fovtmrnt, an elegant frame houfe 2 (lory high with 2 barns and o:her buildings, Peri»ns defi'ous of purchafing mav enquire of the Subfcri ber on the prei iiTe&, or to D Uagerman, Efq- at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Fredericknbuigh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 A FARM FORSALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in theTown- (hip of Fredericksburgb, the Eafl half of Lot No. 2, in the ftcond Conoefiion, containing too acres, and having about 40 acres unrier cultivation, with a log h'U.e and barn upon it. For rhe terms apply to Daniel Wafhburn, Efqnnre, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, lb iS 30 ! Soda Water. THIS cooling, falutary, and dclicicia^ beverage, is now ready for dcivcry, and will be kept during the fummcr at the Sign of the Golden Mortar, oppofite the Market Thofc Ladies and Gentlemen who value health, with a cheerful leremty of mind, are refpedtfu'ly invited to call and partake of this boailed and fifliionab'e drink, which is exh/iarating without intox¬ ication, and unattended by fubfequent de- preffion. With fuch qualities, lurely no Lady or Gentleman will conceive it any tax upon time, cor.flitntion or property, occafionally to indulge in the innocent and healthful hilarity invariably attendant upon a glafs of Syiup and Soda Water. Kingfton, June 25,1819. 26 To h o Sold, -ruL St J* IlOU] NEAT and commodious Hou«e in ore Street, with a good Stable and Garden, in which there is a good Well and all other conveniencies requir- •d. Terms of 5 ah wiiibenipde known bv npnl}ing to the Subsfriber on the premises. AiXTilCWY BURR. Kingsion, Afa$£8, 1819. 22--tf VlfE Subfcrifeer offers for fale his and Farm, together oi fej:.arate§ a- alio hi, .<iorfe.", Carts, SI■ i^hs, Cows» li'-gs, Oxen, Ornui, Lay, and Implement- oFliufi>-ndiy, fituate m 'e Jiver St Lawrence, r-v ilinking the beautiful village of Ogdi ntbnrg, and within ha-f a rrii'e cf Prefcolt, LJpper Canada. The Dwelling houfe, which has lately ^eenertcted, c- nfi t oftw fn tug Rooms, 4 Bed r./oms, a Kis.clie.ti an 1 Cellar, well fi-illi d. The Farm contains \cj A Cres t f choice Land, well fenced, upwards of 6o of which i'- Pasture and ita low, the re i LE fice at Kingston, July & ft, IS! 9. "BJ >Br?.RT Aitorerautto, Fiaucoia A.tniote, Jlc- ! { my Akn. on. Yiu £.4 <»l Baltoor, Samuel )\. Barton, Henrj Bui ,;nn, i-'raxicots Burner, (ianiej lilake, John h.ack,.»oi:n BU* • a, T. Black, Jame- Blacke- b%i Richard lioiid2,-Maiv b»«ll},JamesBra- dv, Robert Bradny, \\ili.iiin Bradley, Hugti Bnowa <, James Brvarit, • oinchus Buckle , John Burlex, Rial B«r( Mr>. B-'ll. tai.arine (iijit,, ju,,n Cameron, John Charles W.t a.n.-y.Cl.a.le- l/arpe, Ler, Uni a... fai-on, ^r. C .au-ii" ci'Oeul, Joim Cr«*s, vHil- liaui Cnm. i z. Mr. ( n^iCft, (Jdietl tone, I e- pha S. McCo.inell, Carmick Gonuers, T..on.a- ( oukiu . Margaret Cook, William Cook, iv ai- ,Upa l^wliflg, Henry t"*, KaUtamel Co.uu, UaSM <-'>- -»-■♦• , ,^ • jr^nilip PalVi J^'"1 Dav«i Samoel l>-iv«s, Charles noller>, Mr*. Doogheitj.'JeOi^e m « laj.8, William Oovdieg, Airs. Dunn, Lna les v\ii|,a:i Embury, Jamrs English, Daniel t.%- -riu i, Jottn haris.Sr Win. .^iod.leri,, hd^aid t', (Kirge F.nkle, Johus a. Fmkic, An- n.i,<' Fnm ni« r, Jane Frj . ,?..n e»jh '<a 'h.crdir S. Germain, V. m. Gib- iad, As.i G. Gos 2. Loui3 GjIih, Peter G.anan, !. \.i . 1-. Gva :t. Robert rlanitl'on, Thomas ;?a*die, R.Chard ilarri , .'oh i Haves, Joyn How ill, Horaoo li. Hicks 2, Low's HIcks, . am H.ldreth,Mr. rioau, I'M). P. ii-lmos, Ueboiau Holun--, \Jexau4er riope iKsk.1 i) Ma garer How, bdwa ! Ilovta d, l-.ii/a'tein Ho.flfnan, 1 abetia iiuutpUre^e, La- vid Henderson. AnneJacksOQ, Marj'Ingram, RobertJobn- -too, Martin John lone. Mi..-ohn.-o ( aiior.) Mrs.Laboard, Wdham Lamo2, R. 4" w- ••^id- law, F. Lai'drrgan, Wui Lansing 2, John W. Leonard, M«a3 L5vick, John Linli, Francois L>- onai- 2, John L iier. Ja «e> & David M'Bride, Mary M*Cormick, Willian McDonnel, W. McCrav, Silvester Mc- F.noa, Jam»*s Mr Farland l2, Peter McGilit\ra> 2, Rr\an McGinniw2, H< or, McGo"gh3. George McLean, Angus McMillan, A«ch. MacNo.ll, James McPhee, Josette Ma-on, Daniel Mar¬ tin, Louis Martin, Win. Marriott, Joseph Mel- tert, J am ps Magee, Mrs. Miller. Walter Moody. Joint 6f *riiuir ^'i'jlock, Henry North. Thoma* (>'Hara. W illiam Pai k S, ITngh Patterson, James Pat- t^rson, William Patterson, Paymaster DeWat- fpville Regiment, Jauie- Perry, Lucia Phelps, B«*i ■ jam in Porter, Mrs. Pmdy. William Randa'l, ytr. Roark, James Rorison, L. Rosier, Joseph Rosecrantz,Johu Ryder, Dan¬ iel Reikey. Joseph Saint Germain. Thoma* Save, John 8(o. t, George Srongal L2, William Simpkins, Da- rios Smith,Thomas Smyth. John Spong2,Charles Stewart, Mr-. Stedman, Wm. Sullivan. Joseph Ta^Tor, James Tait. George Thum- wood, James Tod I. Anne Tlromp on. Jacob Vat amain, Richard Var.arnam, Jaflpb Van Valkenouigh, James Vendall, Philip T"- a>, James Wall, Thomas S. Wafcon, Peter White, Joseph White.-ide, Daniel Wrhitne\, Arteroas Wilder. Edward Wilkinson, Thomas William- -on, John Wil-on2, (baker) Mrs. J« hn C. Wil¬ son, \\ illiam Wright, Francis W ycotl, John W. Walker. Horace. Ycornans. JOHN MACAULA^ P.M. ilREE FAKMS~FOR SALE "; derTillage at d Wood I and, with ay.nog Orchard and pood Barn, Stable an-d Root- houfe, a id a fmall Tencmmt for Lebourrri. jo a Gentleman of fpeculat'on, the above Premifca which extends 3 e\cxi* in front of the River, must prove cf p e.ic advant re, as it is one of the he*t bitua- tions irt the Btighbourhood f >r the erectioO •fa Whaif, brewery or Hi-.i illc-ry. Sec. Part of t'ie rurchafe money may remain on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purehafcr. Application to be made to Fir ivy Forest Efq Montreal, John Macaulay Ktnpt n# 01 the owner Pr.TrRO'BRH'N. Prcacott, 26th Oa. 18; 8. 6cf For Sale or to Let, A TWO dory framed Houfe, and 2 tituate on the water's edge m the centre ot ihe Village of Prefcot, i fi exceedingly ad- vantaoeousterm^ to the purchaLr cr lessee* E: quite at the OiHee <;f CHr. \. HAGERMAN. Kiv-gOon. 26th February, 1819- 9 to PERSONS having Bocks belonging t-» th» Kinesr.rn Library are requeu¬ ed t'^ fer»< 1 hem to the lubfcribe*", at his hooTe, aelj i> inp the Ti vvn «f KingttoDf and wi'.n a« little dc'av ns p. flihie1 FQ^vil FERGUSON, 12th A • 1^ 1819. t5 "*" LOST, - BCTTT a week ago. he- en the South Bay, in M?ryq- hurgh, and Kingston, a Note of hand, in favor of the fubferiher, ;»t;sind John Brew¬ er and WilhVtn Sp.iff-rd, for the iu n of eleven pounds five (hillings. All peifciii arc hereby forbid purchasing faid Note, as the fame will not be paid to any one ex¬ cept the orginal owner, by agteen.ent f the contracting panic*.— Wh'ever rray have found the fame, and will return it to the fubferiber, fhall be generously rewud- ed. JOHN BRAZURF-. Maryslurgh, June 18. 18:9. 26V* AB0T iV rwi Notice, CAUTION. "F"T is the particular w: ll) of the Comman- JL ding Officer of the 70th Regiment, that all dealings with tine inhabitants be for prompt payments. Such perfons there¬ fore as take upon themfelves to give credit, will be doing fo at their own rirk, as after this notice it will be nee-dlefs for them to apply to the Command hug Officer, or any other Officer, for their a»ifliftance to r« eover any debts. J This applies to every individual of the Corps, there being no exception of Mefs- man, Pay Serjeants, Hofpital Steward, or any other. Kingston, lyth June, 1 • 19. 26 T ■1 A FEW hundred bundles STRAW ll for sale —Enquire at this Office. June 3, 1819 *3 or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing y^ar, viz. one at the Prefqne Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contract alfo will be givn for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kin?-ton, i6th June, l X 19. 251f \\,\ ® ^ ^ ^ *s 'iere^;y 8lven» *hat the JLi 1 artnerfhip heretifore fnbfifting be tween Smith Bartlett, and Thomas Da It on, and carried on in Kington under the fiim of Thorn an Dalton cj3 Co. is this dav dis- solved by mutual omfent. The faid Smith Bartlett havinp; relin- quiflied his intereft in the Brewery in favor of the faid Thomas Dalton, ti e affairs of that concern will from this date devolve to his sole conduct. SMITH BARTLETT, THOMAS DALTON. Witness to the signing, John W. Ferguson Kingston, June 30th, 1819. 27 3W THE late partnership of Robert Gnu ham cY Co. having dissolved itself this day by the death ef Roderick Mac* kay Esq. the bussiness in future will be persons, who are indebted to the abort iii m, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay, and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. '29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 2lst Sept, 181S. NOTICE. THE Subfcriber has Loft three Notes Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, viz. one of 25 Dollars on demand, one of 25 Dollars fix Months after date, one of 50 dollars, payable in Joiner's or Cabinet work ; the endorfement according to the bell of my knowledge ii! as follows, vrr. 4 or 5 Pounds on the full Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 1818. DANIEL REYNALDS. February 11th, 1819. 8 TO let! FOR one or more years, and pofTelTtoti given immediately, " hat Stone h. ufe, lituated in Store Street lately occupied by Mr. Medcalf, with Stable, Garden and other out houfes. The fit nation of the ab^ve premifes is mi'ft advantageous for a Dwelling houfe. For particulars applv fo FRANCls*X ROCHEEEAU. Kingfton, 15 Jan. 1819 3 bLAlSKS, For the Courts of Request, For sale at this Office KINGSTON, U C rRLSXLD FOR WK J-lUTOKft.