a»r1y teeret-iry of M^nfcigtieur D«n«*t; and Prieft of the Seminary of Montreal. It is underftood, that after {pending fom- time in London, he will vifit France and Italy, and not return to Canada till the Autumn of tV enfuing year. Theaf&fo of the Dioccfe will, in the mean time, he conducted by Monfeigncur Panct, BlflkOp of Salde and Coadjutor to the Bifhop Ol Quebec. Gazette. July 6. By late ad«ice<» from the Ottawas, we learn that the ttvrT-corps under capt. Mann, are making progrefs in the*'r undertaking ; and that 100 labourers (civilians) were about to be employed, to further th« work of the canal. The object is to open an unobltru&ed communication, by that riv¬ er, with the Lakes ; than which nothing can be more definable, particularly in case «f a war with the United States, when transport by the St. Lawrence, must be ever hazardous, from the accefa the Ame¬ ricans can at all times have to that liver, at all places above St. Regis. Not fuch is the case with the Ottawa ; that fircam m at too,grt*t a distance from Lhem to be molested. Suicide.—Yesterday about nne o'clock Lieut. Thuma.Maifh, 2d, o^ RifiV Batt. 6oth Regt. terminated his exillence by cutting nia throat with a razor. He ac¬ complished the :.anc'j;nary deed in his bedroom, and tottered into the kitchen with the fatal inftrumentin hUhand ; wheie he dropped on the floor and expired in a very Ihort time. He was a young roan who appeared in many foin.er initanccf to have (hewn temporary derangement The Coroner's Inqneft sat on the body foon after, and brought in a verdict of inlanity. The Cornet has been feeri here three fucteflive nights, and would, probably, have been obferved eailier had not the thiik weather prevented it. Its appear¬ ance is beautiful and diftinct ; and it wa« ■vifible laft uip-ht ab >ut nine o'clock, thV the lays of the sun r.cwly fet, but still vivid ir. trnt quartrrof the heavens where t!ie Co¬ met i'fituated.muth obfcuic.l its lulrre. It appeared then ftbtllt i C or zg° above the h'lrizon. Itj Declination is nearly 50° North, fo that it i* viiible all ni.'ht, near the evf of the Lynx, and about 20' Weft by-North of the bright ftar CapcUa. As it is nearly in the fame Longitude with the sun, the Coma, or tail, is t!ireflcd to the North. Its Altitude at midnight was aSout 4 or 5 , and it» appearance was then extremely fuirtt. This is ont of the objects which, in ages of: ignorance And peTveWitT, earned terror and alarm in its train.—But inch is the beneficent tffeel of the progpefsof knnwl* edge, t1<at it is now beheld with intcrell by all ranks of men, and hailed as a new in- flare of 'he power of the Creator.—Que. tee Mtreury, A Halifax paper of the 16th ultimo, contains an officii' contradict! .n of the re¬ port which was circulated, that His Ma¬ le-ty'a Mini>ters h:id agreed to recommend a bounty r»n FMi caught at Newfound¬ land. It i«* propostd to takeoff fome of the ■ v'li <\i duties ill Great Britain, and in¬ tercede with Foreign Governments to the aame elFtft. July S.—The Church of the Ahenequis Indians at St. Francois In the Dillnct of Three Rivers, was dellr )cd by firconthe 27th May laft ; only the church plat-- vid Aruaments were fa\4J. This accident is the more tn be regretted a* the means of thid uonion of ihe ui fortunate IbbfigiRCt of thi* Continent are very inadequate to re¬ build it. There are indeed pe ;pie who think a church and the public excrcifes or religion as of little value; it may be fo to them ; the denouncements to which it gives OCCflfion may even be difa^rca'ilc to them ; but it not fo with the unfortunate ; they theie hear n glad tidings" of « ano¬ ther and a better world ;" where the tears, rnifrries and iftjnftfce of tin's will no longer endure, anions ihe faithful, humble and and fn.cuc followeis of the Redeemer. $>utbcc Gazette. From the Canadian Courant, Jutjf 10- Statement ofhnparls and Experts at the Port of st John* Jbr the quarter end- ins 5th July, is is. 40 \9h da. , 80 Futtocks, 1307* Bushels Corn, ~7 ! do. Sand, 150 do. Potatoes, 46| Ho. Beans, 4 do. Apples, 1 Boxes Garden Seeds, 500 Sable Skins, 28 J Pound Sundries, rained at £-J.WiO in Specie. DUTIABLE ARTICLES. 50858 Pounds Sole Leather, 5568 do. Harness do. 22233 do. Lraf Tobacco, 3439 do. manufactured do. 3626 do. lions, 1046 Kip Skins, 511 Calf do- 100 Sheep do. 35 Morocco do. 12 H"g do. 131 Sides Horse Leather, 96 do. Upper do. 12 do. black graiii'd do. 10 do. Bag do. 2 do. Wax'd do. 164 GallonsS;MritsTurpentioe. EXPORTS. l-JSSf Bushels Salt, 8 do. Wheat, 27 Barrels Salmon, 2 do. Pork, 1 do. Shad, I do. Flour, 1S7 Gallons Rum, , 35 do. Oil, 1008 Pounds dry Cod Fish, 41} Tons Plaister of Paris, if! 7250 in Specie, £793 4 5 Merchandize ralued. Imports from U. C. from HOth April to 9th Jnhf, inclusive. 169 Boat>, with 9,851 Barrels Flour, 10725 Barrel* Pot and Pearl Ashj 1251 do. Pork, 843 do. Wheat* 39 R gs Lord. 70 Barrel? Nuts 5jO Sides S..lo L^afhrr, 25 Hhds. Indian Mcu!, IS do. LeafTobacco, ! 1 Krg« Manf. <lo. . 11 Barrels Whiskey. From U. C. during the week ending July I'Jlh, 10 Durham Boals,containing SOI bar¬ rels Pol and Pearl A»h, !4 Barrels Flour. Wrarpgrafified to Irarn, by an fldvedilfnenl in tin- dav's paper, thai ibe requisilion« «f ihr ( 1 1 hirr I'.in.if rtct are 10 : ,i; ...«l :»t"'-, iliat a meeting of ih* l*r*p» ifior- i* ordered i» lakippMue-on iiicSfiih [Dili '•* *!eel a cominlttec <>: vmjji-1 t 'ii'-!)d;nifc, a;id loaildjn mhrr prfhmin- r.ry .-irrftuc^ni lltR— Wfatern Slnr. Bfrw^^muu * f * # # a 4BAB*A*a ■ - ■ KlNGST0N,xx*cJtrtrWj\&l9. »■■ * I * v * • -* * - - Wr have rectlvtt) Out UMtaJ flrtt Vork pupfi to i*ip ?ih in^lanr, selrciiou> from wbkh arc to be found in our column*. nf4 libel (0 br* pnbl Mj pflWWl^l fi» t\» «M of- fr-nqr»by Jiiv Majr.v'^ Attorney (jem-ra).M His Excrllrni:>, H rrpl)\sa-i! tliai the m-ccssa- ry order* should hv Pve<l on lljc wbjrct ot ihcir address. Govrrnmrnl is a'tmI comraciinc fnr Hie vur- *^y of mx new ilwMWp* coouUiiIm ab*»ut l(lb,OoUacrt-»cachv ,D ll,r Vfttna and London (ttttricts, ubou"rW<*l M>uthcrl> by ilir Uivrr 1lian^>, and UlC TOI»"Wj**C Orlurd, (aindrn and Vriiatbam, and *onh\\e>(^rty by ;i \}m ex- lending from the u0j|faQ?1 m%lc of tbc T<»ivn- «bip «i LundtPii (o 1-^ nuribca^l angle ul ihr *? ForCrrieionCanMl>an Bank paper brgin al* rrady to h?\x ibn)Se'¥^& ,n circulation. Wc naw s*»m several !••» dullar B '1^ of ibo Mon¬ treal Bin It, Wtut #gWhiehiir< promioneed 10 be cuiinlerfeil. Th- o»'v <"a:ks WP know b> whlell l!u*y r^n hv iriecu'd, air ihe folloHinp— In ih^ cenuln* U.II < dinnmnd »napcd dot man br obMrv«daftcr Nti indbrfiirrtlielipttrcsfli the number, which i* n*1 W '*■* found in I6f !<*rj»i*d bill—In the body of',r good MH^after the nunc of (hr payee, a iiasl.°r tIoun>h i>prrhxrd to thr ;euer o in l*or" wnch i> umiiU'd m 111** bdll 'lill— TlWe aie alu WWC niinute di!lV*pncr> perceptible in the i.Bh 9t the citv of MontrcaU and the >hade> of ilr olo»td% but on IftC nliolr, the tmifatmri »8 >o eilTCCl, as (OVSCapf detection without a close and «reful ckamfoatioo. Thf Mav Mail vit Halifax reached Ibis place on VieJno-day twuhfr James Bird waf onvicted on the 26ih of Ia*t month, before (h'oi/ It. Hark laud, K-q. one of •li^ Majetiy'fi Jdmip > »>f the Peacw, of peitnlt- 'ng xwn SulAC to "H at larre on 01 about the ;'Mb of the month, ft WJtttU offieoc^ he wastmed i^emy ^aillicgb, i^cUier with co>ix • • • • F.vtrael from a wttute pa-^ed in the 4Sd year <*f lli^ Majesty*! n't", ^i*'i' J«L an Act 10 re* "train f!i'» rttaiooi o! |.....IliUflW Horned 1 ,v l-. Mono*| Shrrp and 'wine 10 run a' larj;:' — "And be it enarrd by the ailnuny afore* -aid, Ih^t from anil rtfter H ■ ■ liru day of Ate next,It >hull ho* in .i^ful fin any prrMir* re^id- \i it ie the &evrral urn us of ^urk, NtajtW, Queenitoni AmInT.*inn^, Sattdwlcbi Kie|C4UIIM fiPW John^iovtn, u have S^in(*|t4iiMfl at lai^e m ihe >aid io*MM—-nd if a**y Stvine Uvfun^ifljE ro a'tv t;ieh person 11 p<*rHHi> Minll w Iv*tih1 at |ar»'f 11 uiTJ of Ihe imtii^ atim^ad, si»c!i (»'*i v/n or pK»n«, vliall fu rwry *UC?| Sivin. lurJCil Hltd pay tnr Mim '■( wu ^*tilhn^4, to and fur the tii** of li** Maj*My,ti< ll«Hrt and Sueeefior^ to be reroveri'd mi ^ uminaiy uu\ brlore one of Hi- Mnjerty** Jo>ikesof Ute Ptfaee, either ii|t* •«u tit<* oMtfcv.inn of the parti compltd e,i uf^nr an lh" oa»n of our f r«*d»^lr Kiln****, ulurti > in. ftfit-r the p;^iy *li;ill have been Con tic? 4 it, i.a I be levied hj dMreM and fale of the oueud*rr« ^Oodi aud ciiaMfN-" On the 4»b of J'Jj*, infant, during Ihe nisht, the dwrllin^-hoMre *,f John Mt■L-an, l>q. tt-U bioken open and te^eral art trier* of wiwllH WF* pare! iloleu (Vom llv rfcf-1 of hbservonli Tun nights after ihe »u e uf Luwrenee lie chmer, B*q. uo^ robbed ot :i qaailiii) of liquor, and a munber i)feft&ktan((ea$e^ hmkeii op^nj Dunn; an examination of tM, tn^pleiou^nien Pun Low* errauada.it aa- d ruvr-rrd tha* -hry wereth^n wrarinp the \erv emiir> wdicli had been rJtiden rum Mr ^V^',J»^1 m***-* Tbetr ».vuie Klwn mm l.nho Imhau*. to*;* llier «i;li inker eirrtuii- ^taacei which became kno^u« al>n proven that lliev wie the llllrvei h« aiho*M Mf, Ilrrcinon^ woip was britkeo open, and rorojiletol* rramves any ^iP|»iriou uhich mav ha\ifc inijn tl\ lalliMi npiMi otltttce. (?rO. II. M VRkLAND, J. P. I l(h July, lhl9. 2312 Barrels Asaes, 30Sf do. Pork, 46 do. Bread, 35 do. Tar, 35 do. Flour, SO do. Beef, 1 do. Toupuei, 1 do- Crackers, 106 Tierces Rice, 63683 Founds Butter, 513-2 do. Chcsc, 4710 do. Lard, 550 do. U- ■ -, 160 Head of Cattle, 112 Hogs, 52 Sheftp, 11 Calves, £213600 Feet Fine Timber. 221400 do. Oak, 119.')0 do. Elm, lOOOO do. Fine ft antling,' 4000 do. A"-!' Joi its. 4963010 do. Pint- Flank, 2\i5126 do. do Boards 48S00 Feet Baswood boards, 4000 do. A-h Plaivka, 101000 Shingles, 73600 Staves, 3100 Cedar RaHs 2800 Haiulspike^, 2700 Oars, 2306 Span, 1559 Handmasts, 60 Ma-ts, 4<'0 Cedar L"g<;_ 900 liuc do. Parliament was tn be promoted ah^u* th*- en*l of U&t week* Tbe follouit*p ob$¥fvaM0n> arc from the pen of a oorrespOBdem at York. This Session of Parliament "Ul be im¬ mortalized as commenting a new era in the 1^051^18(17^ provisions for improving fhif line country. The two measure* so uispiv rccommendctl from the Tltronebj His Kxeellmcy have been acted DpftlT, anil hills on the principles suggested have passed hoth Houses, and will no do*iM become hws. The road bill recognises the true prin¬ ciple of taxation, til, that the rich shall pay more tlian the poor. By the assessment bill all lands grant¬ ed in fee or on lease are declared ratea¬ ble, so that all absentees or persons li¬ ving out of the Province who possess larg<- tracts of laiul, and uhMinte hemming daily more valuable by the indu-fry <•( the resident land owners and cultivator.-, will now be forred to contribute Iheii share to the common pood. The enemies ol tranquility and gr/od order are enrajj^d at thc>c salutary mea¬ sures \thich deprWe fhem ol all pr^ltf-ffct for clamour. They see the di«fiii£ui>hed -.hran/.ti-n iub ftJws hriA, if "w Gtow*72flTtt<fA COU8cicntioU!try applying all his abililies. . xcelle;it as tlicy are* to the promotion o\ :he prosperity and »c!l being ot 'he Co¬ lony ; and they hare the grief of behold- <nj> his meritorious excK ions seconded b> Ooth Hi>use , who, forcettittg their IU(d 'inferences, seem wholly engrossed in nsturing such mca'sares as shall spread * outeniment and happiness '.hrough the •\hoie Province- Already we hrcr the praises «f the Li'Miteiunt Governor and liis Parliament re-echoed in all directions. The di*>af- ICCtCQ shrinking back into their beloved •iaikiirss and feeding upon (heir own ve- •om—never will they be able again in mpnse Upon the yood sense of the in¬ habitants of this Province, who t>nw see I early that the object of the d'ovcni- neut is exactly the same uith their own, 'he pood of the country : nor »ull it ever >e possible for any incendiary to induce b-."Fn to withdraw their confidence from an administration so anxious to promote their prosperity. On tbe 5th in«ianr the Hbnseof A^emhly prc- seoted an addrais "»ili- Ba^oIIencji the r^fuien- jiit Guvi'iiior, *iaiiii£ ilia* thrv had huil h^'for'- neiT. thr Niagara siiTtator of the l-l iu-ia>'t. 'ontalniDffa |tnt>iica <o i b\ Itebrrl Gonfla«»no- il at XiugaraJail, WftbJunr, I**!**, and a«l- Irrwed fo thr i;Hi;<M • «hi<h iM'M.tat'un, the\. I:y t!"'ir vot-, timl d»*rlate»l 10 tie •■ a r MUIWOU*. •iuU1cI<Hu»and rmUoras* libp.l.tending-,ti ilishirb in* Prare of tin- I'rovtncc, mul r-riv in»-».r»*c-c- '•111 iigaui^i ihf Oovn nmem.w—Tl»e% furt!i»r ir- mu'&i ihar Hi> Bxcellrucy »■!■ &•' pha^.l to tit. .(._. ;,i- «u;i.j;.-. r..flicr=«md uubiUkon ol (be A* Akcn. En Oermrvny, is a Church of onr Lady, on the South sid« ofuhicu is a [ftlTr OF brass qate*. r.iieof uliich ha* a rack in ihe lira's, occasioned, a> the legend «ays lhlI8 : When Cbaflonjiftgne bf*gan tno building of tin* (hurch. the ilevil came and-asked him what he inten¬ ded ; the Kmperor told him he designed a gnotiufi house ; which the devil being very well -ali\lied nilh ^eut away- 'I lie Snpeior having set upsomp altar-tahles, the d**vil came a«ain and nr.|uirtd »iiat hesc meant ; i-harlcmacnc replird tluy Ante fnly for cames'iTS to p'ay o:i, which encouragedtliedevil to giw hi*. nssistm.ue towards th building. Accor¬ ding!) lie brought * treat pair of bra>s ifiles on his sli uldei*. but seeing a cru¬ cifix he look tn hi* heel*, letting t lie gates Inll, one of whirh in ihe fall received the crack, which is still *hairn- Anatomyofa hrll, as taken from an old p itgious author. "The metal sig¬ nifies the strength of *he preacher's un- der>t?t»din^. and the clapper his tongue; the stroke of the clapper, the torg ji.-'a censure of rice; Bttd that which holds Iheclappei, Ihemodeiation of (he foiiguc; Up* wood on which ihe bill hangs de¬ notes the wood of th> cross ; the pieces (o which the wood is fixed, 'he oracles of the Prophets; Ihe cramp iron fixing the bell to the wood, represents theprea- cher/s attachment tn (he cross of Chii-t ; th** bell npe likewi-e includes Conside¬ rable mynerieS) the three cords for in- taitce ol vhich it i^ made, are the three senses of he Scripture, viz, the hisiori- . il, tne noral, and the allegorical. vny r+tptt\abU (fiuacler of tin* Militia r.rr- flee, lU <*i»abliug inc to allunl 10 any of lit Mtnw InT^aii »p|iorluirity of obtaining in lime? of pcac<\ bur |ji ->|i<*rl v only .it ln>pi\0| nqur>rf ihr vrntici of u 1'iHirl Mariml—anct you jja*e ac lhc nan Itinr n*lirvrrf nir frura ibt* unpl-^ant nrCttSll) •if linviHR *n rvrr) cccasion to iIim iilr b\ llieltgb^ of rvido«ct% urguarJrd by lhc sanctity of an oath. Gtnttrmrn of Ihe House flf ststtmhh/t I thank v*u, in the name 01 Hi* Mojcs(y« f«r lhcMi|i|*-y ynu Itavc granted mc for IbeflttTVlce ul Ibt eiaDillC >rart anil 1 congratulate >ou thai thr plan which ha* been adopted for mectin* ihe expend of survey ha*>o u el I succeeded g| to have put if 111 m\ poneriorriie?e yiuiroin any demand on acoonni uf that scrvicct for V&icttfc in the for¬ mer of lh« *«o preceding jeaft you Wltd a turn c\rcrdi"E iliivi\ and iu the latter oue exceed¬ ing leuf Thousand pounds f/vnourabt limthmcn end Gentlemen^ Wlieu returned (• jmir topeetive Oi>irict5, let it lur yoill tare to piouiute in thrjn a spirit of concord, and that penerous obedience to tbr law*, wbidl is HlWajf essential to lhc happinc^ ol A people. It -hall be mine to protect the righis of Hi* MajpstyV subjects (OMpprca tbff i-lforts ot lhc Mdhlom. and with diligence to aid thr growing nvilarr nf itie Province, B1KT1K On Tne-Jay the 61I1 ^Fuly! the Lady of Captain Shml hv, K. N. of a Sun. DlEDy At Jmtuwt&urgj on the lthJnne% in tht %\st %ftor Oj M* ttg£) of 0 fang an ft tinge*ing itlnc+v* trhirh fir bve with tkt grtahst /**#!*&§ and ChriUien ptttitnre, Rtbttt Hicharthon* jr. se¬ cond $un if Robert Ricfiardstm* of the ansa j>*ace. 1^7* a young gintltmtiri ujiivtrsaiiy re$pec- tfti und trgrctttd* — In him At* familg have '* thp*orc tht Ivs* of an affrrtionatz and tcmrm htaftrd ihtld and brother* and in him the Province has test »n* of hrr brawion* and gallant dtfmdtrs —he criS »»h* &f the many who fought and blvd in drfentt uf hU ruunfry* iindthtr* fo no doubt, bvt thn hif+il dlieaso tchith terminr/ed^ ct en tarlj period* hi* earthly career* vriginattd in a most se¬ vere an** dangerous wound which Ac received during the lute vwt* The %hock wttich his constitution then rfcriucd, it never recovered, fli* conduct d<tnng *t short W/e, he* been such tu ?o meet and obtain thf pr&tectivn and friendship of n:an^ dis* ftngufohrd indtvidunt\t in both Provintts.and mnrt parti'utnrtt/ that of the /}*y. *4dj* (ten, Lirut* Cnt% ilttrvn/Jhe late Sir Geo. PiYWtff, and Sir tlnrdon Drvvunottd*—That he dhd a g>*od and tifittff CAjr&fldfh fy trv.ly toti\oting to Ai* uj/Ucttd fuwfty.—U. C Gazette. At l*iii*huu;h, nn rhe lOili insl, M^.Jane Mi L**Xt wile of Wr. William U«Lra»tagtd&3 wwt of Mfrw&w* ARRIVED, 9lh— Seh. Catharii»e« Kruncii*, from New Ca** tie ; SiOTVft«< - -Steam Boat Sopl,-av Vaughn, from SackeiS Harbor | Parfi'i-grr* A IWpaRr, JOjIi—Sch. Kainlilrr, Wintv\uriDt froui Sack- •■t\ Harl'or; l*a >en^er> and Baggage... ,8ch. I.nid \el nn, Sweet* trom Uurlii^ion -t Flout, VVnikrv and P-ua-h. lfi|l—ttoul II inbtrd, Est-N.frmn S. Hatln.;. l:J'h—fcirum Htiat Sciph*^ Vuti£lm Jmm ^Suck- et*' Ihpl'or; PafM*ir|;ertand BatrcaK*"- I |t —Seh. Matiibb*tt WintHorlh, tnnn ^ack* et' l|:iflM>r; P;j-*i*ii}?rr* and KapenjjA... Mr-iui Boa Sophia, Vaghn, from Siitket** Harbor. Iftiii— Srh, llrnviclto, Kroi» Irom 0>wcj;o ; a quaituls of Salt. cli *nm, flih-^Srh Catriariue, Fiatieis, for New Castle. Mill—tftram lh«4 Sopbltj Vaogim..,.Scli* Rambler, VS tuiwodb, II ill—Siea« i:<«r Fronlenac. MtKiriizie, fur Vork.»*■Steam ^Juei Chajiouc, Ucnm^ for UMIvillR \:uu—Steam Roat Sophia. 14 h—Sch, Kainhler-----I5lh—Seh. Hemirltn. in, ,—> ►atN I*n« Cnarloue.fnr Prweo'l, We are nd^hted 10 tbe politeness cf a friend, fur the follnvhiff f«py of the SPIT/ 11, deliv¬ ered l>\ Hi BtrcelleJtC^ the Lieuii-nam Gover¬ nor, nu ihe iforoga:ion uf Parliament on the 12th ilWaftl, Tie BRIestablMllinsihe Bank of Up- per Cat ada.ii Kin*--on, ha* received thr Royal ;i^e!il,aud i»atl appear in our next paper. Av lar a> maj . . . i.:,..| frnm A hasty j;e»u^al, ivc think it ne.ily atnin?c ipi fiun the fom:rac:. SlHKCil ; fftnoUfubhGenttsm** of the Legislative Conn- ci/% i,ttl Gintlanc, u//A# House of A$i*mbtjf% 1 CAJ\<)T put an end 10 ihis Se^ion» WtthOUl e.\|rt »inj5 wv\ jjreai baiUbccion at the brnelit wino, vim nave eoulVrred on lli> Maj's* >** people iiy adoptiiij; a principle in y>ur \»e»mem 11«11 and yn r auiendmrnl t;f the BihUi I'M uhieh Mibjrcls all (he granted and leaded land in ihe Province ;o an M||Mi| UUt) : iditjh ! mnp jo get lb* laitei of Ihnc AeU Mill iiupioved h. iit^ atfop ton irf the >ame equilablf pnticipfe ot :;adation whicn i> cstabliiibcd mi the aiMhri Coih(r>, \o.if iiictnft ;,m will. I am <ati^li.*d% lead ynn oreiww ,i par\y a^ha!! be found po Mhle/ihe *w i**env r^itb youbavc been accnMomed to m.....I Hi* !-^opntriit tihamot MU M^m)1! iaihi\i -ni*c 5 for the ed'Calton of thr.VraiU tlreu ; s*»d j |,1Vi* nn dnubl the w^Jomi-t Par- lament, 01 a due con>:detario;i nf the >ubjivt, uill find in- Mieanxif MMideriujja fai |Ut«efr0fr4l i;ranl lltui 4U> uCTetofotr been Uj^m e-! to iiat NOTICR ALL pcrfons arc hereby f rhij par- clubing two Notes of Hand, rHncd 21 ft June laft, for the fum of fevrn pou»{?» ten fhillinga each ; one due in Ofinbrrr the other on the 15th January next ; gi¬ ven by the fubferibtr, to one Ceorgc Shinks, ofiheWeftern Addition of Kings- ion ; becaufc laid Nntcs have been fraudu¬ lently obtained, and will n«t be paid by WILLIAM J. ADSIT. Kingston^ty.h July, 1819. 2y, havini Bank Notice. BANK.OF UPPER CANADA. DIRECTOR for the week, Tlioman Daltoni Esquire. DaOftoi DISCOUNT—every Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount must be nil handed 10 the Ca«hier*>n the day pre* ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. UAKTJ.GT, Cashier Drnfts on Quebec, al short sight, will begifeu lor Specie. Sunday Union Schools. THK Qaarteily cxaminaiion of the children v. . 1 take place on Sunday next tbe 18U1 inft. at 3 o'clock in the af- tcrnoo 1, at the Lancallrian ^cl"ool Houfe. The i'artnis of the children are recjueft- ed to attend. IT is requcfted that the Members of tbe Agricultural Society for the Midland OSfXrna will meet at the Court Houfo in Kingston, on Saturday the 24th infiant, at twvUe o'clock, for the purpofe of ma¬ king further recutat-on*, necdT3iy to ac- compliih tbe defign of the itifiitution. GKORGLII. MARKLANO, Secretary. Kingston, 14//; July, 1819. 29 STttAYED, ITlROM tbcPafturcofMr. SAMUEL ABUOT, near Kingston on Friday the gib July, a fmall fized BAY MARK, wiiir a peculiar maik on her under jaw, having been hurt when a colt.—Whoever will take u'f* f^id mare, and give informa¬ tion thrtcuf to the fublcriber, (ball be gen- er-uii-ly uwarded, 2nd all neccfTary charges pa& AMOS MARTIN. Ernest Town, Juty '4, 1S t e>. 29 LOOK TO Tli.S! ALT, persons indebted to Jo^r.rH Scott, Surgeon, late ol Kingston, jire request' 1) to n.al.e payment before the lirst'f Auj;u>t.tO thesiibseriber, who i"- duly autheriM-d to reeeivt the baffle,— ifllOl complied «iih legal proceedings will be taken. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Ju»*ston>Juli/. 1819. 28 4 NY perfon having in }iU pofTcfii^n, XV the fecond volume, Philadelphia Edition, 1805. of Roscoc'i History of Lco> 10th will oblige the owr.er by leaving in¬ formation of the fame with the Editors. July 13,1119.______________________29 //^lAME into the cnclofure of the fub- V^ fciibcr, ahout a wrek ago, a daik bay COLT, abnut three years old. The owner is rcquefled to prove his property> f>ay chatge;, and t2kc it away. JOHN ABBOT. Kingston, Jafy 13, 1819. 2f> NOTICB. THE fubferiberbegs leave to in for 71 hi» creditor*! that fiodiug it imp. fliblc to difcharge the amount of their Notes and Account?* in the situation in which he was pbred in Kingston, he has remo¬ ved to Socket's Harbtr, and is now get- tii.r into bufinefsi and he confidently trulls, that in the courfe of a year he will be enabled to discharge all their claims, with many Thanks. GEORGE IIARPHAM. Saclifs Hjrbor, July 9, IS19 jp. FOUND, LAST w«k. in the Town of Kings¬ ton, a fum of MONEY in Gold — The owner can have it by pro*in£ pro¬ perty and paying charges* Enquire ac ihis Office* Kingston. J-ily 24* 1819, %pwS Lrjt oj Letters remaining in the Post~ OjtrrruMtttViitt\ l2tKJutlj% 1S19* FTVIOMA3 Applrlun, B^njannu Allison, tt^ JL brrl -Andcryon, Chmlfa Arkland. Jaxnti Andt tMin, 1 Jri«r\ AlbraiM, Jfj?hua Antler-on. Allan BrOtro, Austin Buss^iuS, Blod^i & John^, John II::ki*r, Ira Heentan^ Murv Ann r»radli»rrl. Frfunrd Bid well. >atbanl. 1) ■; u - COWU*Jotin Busli?tJuhh Blerkrr, Mi>. Mallow Bndrki^k, Atntucl H, Barton, Sanm<*l BL*Krl<v. Tnoma_OL Brown, Janies Bohoi\ Pu^id Iti^Ii* opt Charles Brnaelt, jACOb ur John Bull, PUt* ins Byaui, Stephen Bowcrmair^ Gcox-r iiurk- Int 2. Junr* Campbell-i. BAfttH« CUmrnl^ Vzud CuihdmiKi ^ illunn Clitik, Rsbrit t uunu^f ^"rf James Couer, E^q. )L I1* Frwlrrlck I'rjluou, Ruben CaWpwHj V'illiani * Opftf (ptr*e±jtfj Joiiu COKUI4 t-uitfi ( o*Jt Im Laiu^. Arvhy < 'amjitif :l, fc^Hirr Gli&d*cvf Uunran (G'»<rnnt Samuel Clapii! Joau CttllUs* Beitjumiii I lark, John Clark* StlvCfliU DojSW*! Urnry DiMRman» RM« I)e* pronr, Ganm Uran 5* John DM^b Uike De%ltti# ttlchard Davl>a Pierre Dign, Jame> Uogic, John BUii* CaptOlD Eliot. Oau^rl Evcrir^ Fd^ard Lvnn>«2. J. M. Miudnll. James Fail ley. KidiardD. I>a-er? Alexander Fair, I)^i>iei Fraier. StcpHeit Griffin fft Jacob German* Benjamin TfCroWi WillipiTi (iivt-n, Fruuci* (irnerr, Jafac^ (iilen^ Uwu (iolan^ Tlioinu GaiotfWli Lltn^L Germaint Jolmuihan (iiitley, Joseph Htxardj Koben Ituntt David Hue* gin*, Uradiej Han-ley, Peter l)n>ck 2, Johoa- man lloruin, Sol-ro-m Uufl, Marshall How L't John Huibands, Mr, Harris Andrew llu^rk. Knock I?mey, John Jackson, Beta John*ORa 2t William Ja^> *f l>avid Jenkins l^aac Jono- *on. Jolin K^aip, P'ter Kilmer,2- Thro'ii Leadens James La(hamt BarrrM^w- i>, Daniel la|i|nii. Mathew La^inn, Salm'in l^>ck!la, Ja>. Laleil^, Joseph lurk now* < Robert Laiiig. Richard Lowe, John Longue!!, Johu Loulesi, Jainci Living-ton. John Morehouse, Pat. Maguire, Mary Ann Man»lield, l-Ji^ha Miller, James Mtlaggart* Agnes^ Slel'artoev, Richard McYdcn, Ju^-ph Micliat*I« Nathan H. Mar»b, James Mcltanf II, Juan V. Mufptiy, J. R. McF&fl, Doi-ald McDo¬ nald, Dor.ald Mcintosh. Joseph Nichol*, Alcxr, Nichcrson, Ro^5 Nixon, Stephen Nile-, Iru >icbulSj Manin O'Brien. hint* Piue, IJi Peck,Jo;eph Pringle, Simon Palinaleer, Joseph Paloul, Uu;b PalteftOU, Thomas R. Riion. Thomas Roraltck* Wtlhazn Ko«% Jacob B. Ko^e. Audreu Siratiunv Nntbantel Staple*, Saattrl Sherwood, J. D.Suiilh. Rev.CSchermerborn, Je¬ remiah biinson, John Standee?* Peter Scoi^ Ru* berl bhenff, Solomon ^palTord, T. V. San ford, Benjamin Smith, Jacob Strong. John Sin'Iciou* Jacob Stickler. Andrew Thompson, John Tbnm=oot Gidenn Turner, Janie* lant* Corns. Thrasher. Charted Teal* Mf.— Thornlon, Stephen Inmpkint. Peler Vcrrailyeu tt% — V an \ olkeubnrgb, Da^ niel Van Black, fcbeuczer Van>, Pete*- Van llUnuni, Jumri S AIM, liitke Wallace S, Ji^iah Willite, Prentice \Vin?eUuu y, Stephen Wimiiivcr, Rev*Mr*W|nnfl Mephen Web*i-r, R*C* Wilkin*,Stephen White* John Wood. Div*d Wait, Ruben Williani*, Law* nee Way* George Williams. TilOMASPARKFR, Fost Matter* ie v> jci?* ai bail equally benr^t il ui - flVe*. ^oa nMc^gj^ii^^iii UuiUok fetfiii*^, ;US To Let, /ft^D pofTffll..n given the ist Aujrufl $fjl tmu% th*c BOUSE and STORE, in Si* re Sirect. oppo»itc ihe Pc«t l!fi c, lately nTKpied by M«. Ed wart! Junes.— ) Fui Darticuun apply 10 ihciuhscubcr. NEIL M.LEOO. iiincston, 151I1 July, 18 ;q. ?q THE BIBLE CAUSE. Extraft .if a letter from Jofiah Robctii» Elq. in London, to Koben Ra'ston. in Philadelphia, dated April 29, 1819. " The recent accounts f«om UuJfiii arc very gratifying ; the income of ilic Rus¬ sia Bible Society the past year, has ex¬ ceeded 380000 loubles, or ^'19000 steiling: and 50,000 copies of the fcrip- ture* in feven different languages are now in the prefs at St. Pcierfijur^h. I he em¬ peror Alexander tjkes g»cat dJiglit in Imv'ng his fubjeds taught to read, and in having no other lelf ■<» than (criptural one?. M New Bible Societies continue to he furmed in France, auxiliary to that at Pa¬ ris. Touloufe and Nilmes, as well a* Bourdeaux, have now their Bible Societies and in the parts where thoe has been no unhappy coHifion btt.vecn the protectant* and catholics- and where tne population is of the latter clafs almost entire y. the Icti^. turefl aie generally well received by tbe catholics. " l)i. rinkerton ti continuing hit route fiom me "^ouih of France, to Nice, Genoa, and Leghorn, on his way to A»U Minor, ■kc and tin!* j»rcat ccoura^emeM in h:^ woik 3J 5w p"Ke^4U'ivc-, place to plac*.?'