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Kingston Chronicle, June 18, 1819, p. 4

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fjfwfr* SONG—BY MOOKE. Tf WE—*1 77u- Girl I Itfl behind me." A> >imvonr*hiphrr foamv iraek A-^in<! ih<* \\\uA ns rleavinp, Hn tttoAHlig |irnitau( *iill look'd hack To Oiai drur shotr "mat lm\ing. So loath wr pari from all \*e lov«% From all the links t i*t bind US) *?■> 'urn n»| h«*art*, whtrr rr wr rove. To »tK*r hc %* lfft tuhind us. IVferfl ro'iu^ihrbowl, of T*ini>hM years i*ViatkB »Jl-ljfH©-ti ircMtiif, Av'i xmU , ihal might a* \w II be tear?, S<* feint, $o -ail. ilirir braniing; VlnU- menniri brin^ "- bark 3£Sla l\s*'h pari) lir ihal uvtr'd u*. O. swfc'W ihV cup thai rirrlt'* ih*r., To iho>r we'vekfi behind u*I And wh*n in alhrr dim** «e meet Smiie i^Ir or vul* rncb*M-t--iCi V* \ie>** all look^Uourr • uild and ntCClf And nftuali hut lovr is van inj; H>|] nk lura erra! 'Iar' b^enouv b!i$*t 1* H-a **n dad b*'t a MgnM IK, T^ livi- and di** in ««vnr* likr lhisf UVtinJoie we've Uft behind ui. As iravrlliTj- oft look bavk M VVt% When rtrtw&rd darkly pf-Ci To «a?*-iipnn ihal light theN le«e Snll fain! brbind llicm gUmine— So when thr close of pleasure's d iv To ^loom hath near e»»n*>gn\l u:t \\ r mm to raich one fading \; y of jo* th&t'i left behindu*. " AGlUCULIi ..aJ* ..... Halifax, April 17. Agricultural Socitty* The Rated General Meeting of* the Provincial Agricultural Society look place yeKr.Jay in the Houfe of Aficmbly at 11 o*c'< :k» an J waa nnmcioully and refpec- laMy attended. On this occafion Hia Exec lency the Lieut er.aut Governor took the dir and r.pened the proceedings, ihertlv but comprehrnlively, by ftating, Gentlemen,—According to the law faiTed for the incorporation of this Society, J was obliged to call you together on a ihorter notice, than I could have wiuSed ; but it is provided, that this meeting ftiould take place while the Houfe of .uTembly 11 in fcflion, and in compliance with that i.rder I convened you this day. I am happy to inform you, that the Legislature lr. vv .,.!:,. :.• «—— »- •».;- Infti (■mm, and tha: ihc lum of £1,500. id aid of the fui ds, is placed at its difpefal. By meat. ■■ of thefe. it is intended (o to direct the national agriculture, and fulfil the purpcifcs of this Society, a» to lead to happy rcults ; and the Gentlemen, who undcilland the details of tin's bufinefs, will Jay before you the application of the money. Mr. John Young, Secretary of tl«e Society, next rofc and went more into detail regarding the fperiftc apprnpri t tin ot thefe fum». He began by rem*'king, thai the j;reat object 01 this eUabliftimrnt was to excite a fpiiit of indufliy and enlcr- frize, as well as to direct the particular mode* of culture ; 'hat it had been found a poweiful ftimulus to exertion, to hold out agricultural premiums ; thnt, in conformity —:"L that general principle, the fum of cultivated for thr rVft time in Mo*a-Sco- tia ; it'1 ferd* were ptOviJcd by the Ccn trnl B; aid ..' dillnliution. V. The next object to he promoted by prizes, wa> the clearing of the forcft. The Society could not toff fight of 1» impor¬ tant a rnvafure, which tended to add to the arable land of the Province, and in the mean time, although encumbered with roots and ftumps, incrcafed the paftutage of the farmer. Laftly. To beget a {pint of emu'ation among our young men, i. was propofed t" hold out certain premiums for ploughing matches. It WW impofiible to introduce the Drill machinery, till we had trained expert ploughmen, who could lay down the furrow flice in ftraight line* : and luch competitions would have a wonderful ef feci in ftirrirfj up the moit generous an£ powerful paiuons in o-jr nature to the per fcclion of this art. It lay ai ihe bafis of all good husbandry. Such were the general ohjefts meant to be encouraged ; and the fum of X'joo was to be divided according to a fcale after¬ wards to be agieed upon among all the Societies in the Province. As indaciment to the clUblifcment of others in different parts, where they might be ufeful, ^ioo were kept in rekrve, to be parcelled out among fuch new aiTociati.ms as might im¬ mediately eonflitute themfelves, and come under the protection of the Boaid.— Thi* fum was to be diftributed amon^ them in premiums to prumcte the fam? purpofes of imprcvement- Another grand objec?: with the Provtn c;'al Society was lo improve the lire flock the machinery, and the ftaple grains by new i ppnriatior.s. For thefe ends the fum of C500 W»« fet apart. It would be unnecclTary to detail all t'.ie fpecific feeds which might meet the apurobation of the Board ; but, anion^ others, poiatoe oats from England bore a confpicuoua place, as well as Polif:*. and Mvedifh wheats, and rye grab feeds to be mixed with our clo¬ vers. We might impo't either bom the States or from the Can adas ; and the Dr rectors would afterwards determine accord¬ ing to the bell infatmation they could col left But ii wa* in their immediate view to import anadian Stallions which unite ftrength with action in order to improve our llock oh agricultural l<orfcs; and alfo Stallions of that middle breed, which arc known in Englam', let be a mixture of the Ilrong draught horfc with the active and fpirited hunter Dairy v ows too from Ayifhirc, which have attained a peculiar chaiacler of dillinction from th»- long and pcrfrvftuig 1 Rorti to improve thrm, might be advantageoufly brought cherc, and wculd yield a much greater quantity of milk than we are accuftomed to receive from our prcfent race. Swine might be added to the lift of impoitanW ; and per haps, if theappropiiated fnm did not fal fll'Tl fall with ■ « - — —— t- ^500 wasf«t afide t.' provide thefe prize*, win' h were '*■ '>e dirtrib"ted among all the CVumry ^oticties m-w 'ormed ; and that the Board had in view f:x great utjedi— f. To introduce fuimncr-fallov/ as a preparation lor wheat. 'Ike old cultivated lands were, many of tlicm, ovcrgiuwn with weeds ; W»d this fyftem would tend cffcclually t© extirpate thcie, to fay noth ing of the other benefits refulting from the plan. II To extend the culture of oats. It was well known that this grain, under our general management* degenerated in quali¬ fy, ar.d that the iced might weigh fiorn 40 to 45 lbs. per burtie!, but it fooa funk as low i* 30 to 3J lb«. after the full or fccor.d fowing. By turning the attention of tjruirr» to t/us j"ri;u,'it wa> i.llrnue\l to keep up the weight, character and quality of the oats, for which our foil and climate vcrr peculiarly fitted. Besides it wa* ac &nowledged on all hands, that the pre- lent flate of our husbandry was infufficient to provide enough of fubliilence in whet fr>r our population, fc-*:t oat* came in a ufe- fu »:ilirtitute, and by extending them in all the fcltleir.ents of this Province would fooncr reach independence with iclptct to brc3d.rorn. III It was meant to encourage the use of J.ime. He felt happy in ftating, that already feme efforts were made to this walk of indnftry, and that ccnfiderable quantities of rock were prepared for born- •u-j during the latt winter. He conceived that this new manure would advance our Agriculture more rapidly than could be —iflly imagined ; and that it was the ub- on ject of the Society to confer premium* o ih«-fc enfen '.Ting individuals, who too! the lead in thin improvemem. IV. Drill green crops alfo within the contemplation of the !>oard___The en- couragrment of thefe was a highly proper cliect, becaufc they nccefTarily introduced n o-c perfect machinery, bc.'ides preparing '-c land after cropping, Toroipi this ..- would be cultivated :o a greater «x- icnt than at any former period, and al ■ ;rgh there might i.e ipprcnenjbni en- Bioed about prrferving them during winter rficaually from the fr..», yet when he minds of men wcie firongly turned to ■ fjr;ect, he had no doubt but a plan u!d be fallen upon, foltablr to our cli- ^e, to acc-oiplifti this ci.d Mangle .vl:;;! was s otwrooj **Ukb wpyU feci fomc ramj of a choice breed. The Secretary went on to obfcivc, that it would be in vain 10 encourage the cut iUre • f oats with a view to be concerted into meal, unfed Mill* '*f that defcripti"ii were bu.lt in the dijferent teitltmenU : and on purpofr co f<rw-rd tht- grand nhjefi, it was intended to deflincthe fum of Pi6oto be divided into eight (hares of £20 each arid to be given to fuoh perfons as are en gsged in thefe erections. The fite of tl<. mill, for which a premium i- to be aflLiu'il, muli be approved by the County Society, or by the minor local Society in the im¬ mediate neighbourhood ; and ihe applica¬ tion mnft oe forwarded to the Provincial Board, to receive their continuation and afTent. It wis not n?cefiaiy f^r him to fay any thing regarding the cattle mows, which w ie,fopaiticulartydefciibedby lr. \1cl1i r Id, as the advantage19 aitending th>m were mamfeil ; on the whole Ii** concluded With exprrffiiigH hrrpe ihat thefe appropri ations would be generally acceptable ; but the Society was prepared to hear any alie- rationb which might be tuggelled. His Excellency then aftcd if any Gen¬ tlemen—members of the Society—wiflied to.propofc any improvement in the diflri button of thif money which had juft been lined. 1 'fits JhadHcncy next dblorvcb, Chat a* , there appeared no objections to the appro- pnati' us aa dettilcd by Mr. Young, he took it for granted, that they were ap. proved of. I lis Excellency again rofe and exprefTcd the great pleafure he had perfonally felt in introducing totheSociety Mr. John Young, a gcr,t'eman, who in fact was the founder nf it ; for although his name was brought forward to give il fupport and patronage, it wa« to Mr. Young the credit was due Tfcfl office of Secretary. Hi* Excellency had the fati>faction to fb'te, had been ac¬ cepted by ^gricola, who had fo ably fhown himftlf capable of conducting the bufinefs in a way honorable to himfelf,and he doubt¬ ed not beneficial to the I rovincs- Mr. Young rofe in r<ply; My ! : ,—The honour you have this day done me, calls for the warmeft cxpres- was hi lie more tuan the organ ot ihe gene¬ ral f.r.fc of the Provide; and I do f >fl ihat 1 (hall ft ill be upl.._ld oy ihe lame ge ncral encouragement. Allow me there¬ fore to offer 10 your !A.cllCnCy and to this refpeaable alTembly, mjr warsneftand heart felt acknowledgements. Appleiices. Jt is mentioned b> an oipprienc-d Agriculturalist, tliai the Lice which i.tfesr Apple zim\ other (rt.es, issue from llfirabodt'Sy which appear on the body of the tret* as hard vcfjetabic barnicle?, and ascend to the limbs, eailj iii June ; when thay can naily bt. destroyed by a <v,ab with hot water. Thi> «ill destro> them more effectual) than scoping thr tr^es. They are almost invisible to the naked ojb ; bat cliscov..ra.bie iamvrkds bv a magnify 105 glass. Edward Jones* * JF.GS leave « oft refp^afuily to in- 1> form his friends and the public in general, that he has j.»ft received an ele¬ gant afiortment "f DRY & FANlY GOODS. Confitling partly of the following articles, viz : Superfior Well of England Cloths and Caffimerea, of the mofl falhionable colors. Irifii Li'ens, Biitifh Shirting, Lincl and Cotton Cambrics, Corded v ambric, Leno^ an ' Vluflin-, Jiconet and Mull MuHins, Fancy Muflin Han-Jkcrchiefs. Bandanna and Barcatoi.a do Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and col-'I'll Silks. Si'k and Cotton Shawls jnd fearfs. Fine Corded Dimitie-, White Jane, white and hull Mar feils Quilting* B'ack Florentine, line UndrclTcd Calicos Bombazerres St Bom¬ bazines of all Colors, i.jnei Diaper and Huckabuck. white and Coloured Flannels, Rufua Sheeting and Olnaburg. A well chofen afibrtment of Thread and Laces and Kibbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladiet. Tortoife ftlell Combs, Cambric and lace Fo'-tings, and a number of articles, too nu¬ merous to inlert. 4 i rates of Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spi'iiis, Brandy, tio'land Gin. Port and other Wine*. Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankcy 'Peas d iub!c and Single refined Sugarh, Multuvadodo. Spermaceti, mould and dipt Cai.dlc-, Soap, Siarch and Fig Blue, &c &c- &c All of which will be iyld for Cafh or an. •"'■- ■*'« »w* * - . . ap¬ proved credit. Kingston, $tb Aug. 1818. 10 GEORGE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engt neer Department, il ?^*^ \wt to inform his friends and al3 ihe public in general, tha' he ha> commenced bufinefi next door below .Mr G-orge D'.uglaf-'s, Store Street; where every article tn bit line may be had on tt-e "oft reafonable rerm^, and on ihe (hortell n-nice The following rates of charges IV ITCHES avt> JEWELRY THE fiiblcribcr begs leave to inform hifl friends and the public, that he has taken a Shop near the Maiket Place, oppofite the Mcdieal Store of Doctors Car lille and Hell, Tliofc favoring him with their commands may depend he will ufc every means in bis power to give general falisfadion. Jewelry <$* Plate Repaired with care,on the mod reafonable. terms. His prices will he round to merit the approbation of the public JAME^ CLARK. Eiigfton, May 28, 1819 aseowtf J. CAREY, TOBAfCOMST, ILifEGS leave to inform the public, that JO he haa opened a STORE in Store llrcet, nearly oppofite the houfe of Mr. Dow'ing where he offers for fale on mo¬ derate terms, the undermentioned articles of a fuperior quality, viz. P'ug Tobacco, fwect fccr.tcd, 6 and 8 hand to pound ; Ladies' Twill, Rap;>ee, Scotch and Mscaba SnufF, Spanifh and American t igars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound and half pound papers, with the ufual papers of a left fize. Kingston, May, 1819. 23«OWtf op. are fubmitted H^rst Shoeing, all round — — removes^ and all other w»k \\^ 6/3 tfi u*oporii"n. Kingston, April f/b, 1X19 ct For Sale or to Let, y7 TWO Oory frami.l Houfe, and a Q/IL tarjicand c-imm-dious ftone Store. fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prcfcot, i»n exceedingly ad- vantageousterms to the purchaftr.-r lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. \. HAGERMAN. / Kirgftnn. 26tlt February, 1819. Physic <$* Svro-ery TO THE PUBLIC. AT the eh.fa ..| the firil year of it* eration, the DireMors nf the Quebec Fire Assurance Company^ feel themtelvea bound to expiefs their acknowledgement* and thanks for the great and unprecedented encouragement thU new Eihblifliment hai experienced from an enlightened public. And at the fame time they congratulate their fellow ciliztr.i, and the inhabitants of thefe provinces generally, on the complete attainment of the object this Company waj affociated for ; in ihe fhori fpace of fa months from the day the Office was opened, Premiums of Infuiancc againll fire, were lowered to lefs than half the foimer rates; and at thic moment, in many in ft a net*. property is inturcd at, or under one third the rates of premium charged 12 montha ugo ! That the Ellabh'fliment of the Que¬ bec Fire Odicc has effected this, ia iudia- putable—It cannot therefore be too (Irongly inculcated, or too often repeated, that to fupport this Company tc. the utmoft of your power, by giving them a pre* ference vfatl Jnfui ar.scs intended to he ejftc- tedagainst\firet is the only elTcctual nieauj of enabling them to continue their exer¬ tions, and confeejuently of preventing monopoly, and a recurrence to ihe former extravagant rates of 1'iemium. For the prompt and honorable fcttle- ment of all lolfcs, the Quebec Fire Office- offer, you the fecurity of nearly three hundred of the motl rcfpcctable of your fellow citizens, excluiiveof a large fum of money in the polTillion of the Director* for iudden emergencies. No delay ot indulgence will be required, nor any un¬ worthy evafions made ufc of in the fulfil¬ ment of their engagement the moment that a lofs is afcertaincd. This company will continue to infurc property in all parts of thefe Provinces, on the moll moderate terms. And the Directors have :he utmoft con¬ fidence that a discerning public will univerfally and heartily come forward ia fupport of an inftituiion whofe future ex¬ ertions can alone maintain anJ render per- manent the great advantages that it has in fo fhori a period been productive of to the Country at largo. Quebec Fire Office, May 24, 1819. N B. Application* for In finance to be made to the Subscriber, Agent in Montreal. *3w$ ADAM L. MACNIDER. Forwarding & Commission BUSINESS. they have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the objectof which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription from Montreal to any part of Upper Canada and the United Slates ad- jaccnt to thp Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will be conducted by W. Hubbell, at Ogdr-nsburgh, and under Ihe firm of IV. L. WHITING cy Co. ac Prescott. To prevent delay, all properly desti- ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay TAMES ME 1GHFR returns Ms mojl \ of Quint*, will b.' forwarded from Pres- ** fmtere thanks to the p ople of A ings M(CIRCULA1U R- Kri Lufhcr having difpofed of his interest in the Houfe of Lufhcr & Van %ck at Piefcott, and that of Lufhcr & *^ext nat I .a . hine, to Mr. A. Jones of I refcott, Upper Canada, ihe Bnsinefs will, after the first day of March enfuing, be carried on under the Firms of Jones & Van %ck at i refcott, and of Levi Scaton & 1*0 at I .a Chine. W e be i leave to refer you to the an¬ nexed Notice, wherein Mr Lufhcr makes himfelf rcfpousible with u«. for any co.a^c- menu entered into by faid Firms. We feel laiistied, from our late experience in Busincfe, the number of Boats now owned by u», and the commodious Mores at this place and La (hine. that we fliall have it in our power to ^ivc ycncral fan's- I faction. A JONES, COUR \. VAN SLYCK, L. Si'XfON. Prefcott, January -filh. 1819. NOlICF.- t II IIF ^ubferiber havin difpnfed of his interest in the :oufi of Lufher Sc Van ^lyck.at ' refioti.and rhat of Lufhcr & Sexton, a' La Chine, t Mr, ,\. Jones, the buincfi willin future be carried on under the F"m* if Jones & Van Slyck at I res- cti, 3':d that of t-evi *exton Se Co. at La hine—le will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refpon ible with ihem, for any en.a/ement they may make. rt EiU LUSHER- NOTICE • • • I • * f OR. Z. SMALLY, bega leave ref- pectfully to inform the inhabitants i'f Kingfton and its vicinity, that b-' rias eftablifhed himfelf as a PHYSICIAN, SURGEON* $ AroriiEt .my. From sis having received a regular me¬ dical education, and f n>m hi* erpeuence in the different branches of his profeflion, he !» indo;ed to believe, that he will be able to do justice to all, whofe misfortune* may render them under the ncccflity of fo- liciting m:dical aid. N B To any calls at the fign of the Go/den M.rtar, oppofite the market, the ftricteft attention will be paid ; where will be cnnilaitly kept on hand, a choice and well choen afibrtment of DRUGS and MEDICINE ; PAINTS of all kinds ; Linfeed, Lamp, and Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods aid Dye *tuffs, Cotton Yarn ; Window Glafs, Puny & Nails. ton and its environs, for the libera! en- eauratemenl he as met 'with Jinee his com menein* hujinefs. He be<>s leave to inform bis friends and the public, that be has Removed to bis AVw Houfe near the Mar kei Place. opp'Jite to Mr Baymart's and will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. % m m M HORSE SHOEING and BLACK- SMITH WORK will be executed in the bejl manner, at the Jhor'.'JI notice, and on the lowtfl terms N. B. To rent leafe or fell far the term of ten years, and immediaU pojfeffion trvetti that welt bnown Jland. the IVi'.L. LINGTOb IN A' « Barrack Jlrcet This fituation is one of the befl in town, havin? many conveniences thai render it fi by the Steam B>at Charlotte, which. leave* there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on a* favourable terms as any who are cn- gag'd in the business ; and, pledging their united exertionstogivp satisfaction, will begi-ateful for every f.ivor. W. L. WHITING, w. HUBBELL. Prescatt, 50/A 3%. 18 19. 23 FOR SALE, AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Village of Brockfille, be.- i'jg the rfarhalf of Lot So. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession of Elizabethtown, U. C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to John Shu* ter, Esquire, of Londou. There is a ve* :y good dwelling house, with a barn and particularly well adapted for a Houfe e/"-other not houses on the premises. Alsor Public Entertainment and Store Apply to the Proprietor JAMES MEAGHER. Kingflon, Feb. 5, 1819. 6 The Subscriber "flnj EGS leave to inform the Public, that JtS/he has commenced manufacturing V* lions of my gratitude ; and I would cx- prel- them, were not my mind filled with one great and overpowering fenfation I can- n«.t arrogate la myfelf the merit of our ?aa Agricultural effort.. I was fupported by your Lordfhip'* countenance, and by a genemus public who contributed largely in jurnifhing the material* from which thefe letters of mine were compiled- 1 can hardly look around me m this rcfpc-aable affembly without recognizing the faces of thufc numerout friends who lent their as- uftance to my wdOno. Thefe in fact, owe little to me but induflry and perfevc- tance-When I ihaie .hacUc with your Excellency, who early encouraged me in the undenting, ami with my marry coriefpoudcuu, the honour, of Agricula, 1 can only !ay claim to a final! portioft. I A nnr and elegant aiTortment of PAPER HANGINGS. Ladies' BON^ ET>\ of the new¬ est Pusliion, garden seeds, laised by the Shakers. BOOtS & STATIONARY, &c. &C. &c. APril 6-__________________V/ i6tf. TO LET. r, IC^9R -•« or more years, and poflcffiuo ^ g,vc' immediately, hat Stone h..ufe, Km1' ';,or^,ri« lately occupied by Mr. Meri ltr> wuh ^iMc, Garden and other out ),uu(cia Tl mull l*'oi parti lc Jil-jation of the above premifes is a<*v-iitjgeou* f.»r a Dwelling houfe. Kim-ll dar-w apf.lv to PRANCI^X ftOvHELE.^U. i*"-jn, 1^ Jau. iyi^. oap & Candles in the houfe formerly occupied as an Inn by Mr. John Nze. in Store Street ; and he hopea that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufinefs, he will be enabled to give fatisfaction to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and fupport. JAMES BENSON. Kingfton. ifl March. 1819. (CJ»N. B. Cafh Paid for Afhes. lotf ~NOTICE. f IlHE 'subfefcribers refpectfully inform _l their friends and the Public, that they have now received and jutl opened in Mar- ket Street, juft below Mn>. Patrick's Inn, a very Extenfive aiTortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES andSTAIIONARY. I.ikewife—a great quantity of Clafiieal Books, the whole of which will be fold very low for ( afti and approved Credit. Mcdonald & avkroyd. Dec 1, i3i8. 27 STRAW \ ,4 FFW hundred bund'ei STRAW J_\ '<, i,r-Enquire at ibis Oflicc. 23 I June l, taif}. Lot number nineteen, in the ninth cou- cession, and the wrai half ol Lot nmnhT one, in the eighth concession of the sama Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number lifteeu I in the second concesMon, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in ihe District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous topurchasers.—Apply to DANIEL JONES, Jun. Brockville, Xbth January, 1819. 4 AFARMFOKSALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in thcTown. fhip of Fredericksburgh, the Eafl half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Concefiion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and b3rn upon it. For the terms apply to' Daniel Wamburn, Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 30 _ STRAY HORSE] TAKEN up by the fubferiber, a few day« ago, a large bay llO.tSE.— The owner can have him by | hil property and paying charges. JOHN ABBOY. Kingfton, June 2 1819. 23 N FOR reafonable SALE terms, two STONE \J HOUSES.oppofitc JohnMcLcan'a Efq. Sheriff.—Enquiie of April 2. NICHOLAS MO KIN. '* KINGSTON, V V ruiiiXBO tor vm boitgr*

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