HUMIi AFFAIRS. • * At a meetfoS of (he inhabitants of the T wn and TowiKhip of Kingston, to UtC Court Hou*e, fh« 15th June, IS19, for the purpose of pr t<1:.>^ the means of BOiWftPtSnfi (ho pnnj* •»> in Hie said Town B"d Township, Thorn n< Maryland, Esq. bine called to the chair, the following resolutions wen* adopted, i-isfe 1st. That it i« nerc«ai v *"ie BUTO of one frit thins* on the pound he rai-ed on the ra'e-'bli' proprttj vfftcty individual within the JownshipS of Ki i£< (» n, I ■• ts- burghaud W ,!f Island, to be applied a* hi reader desciiO..!, for the* maintenance of th" poor in the said Townships. 2nd. That the Clerk of the Peace be requested to furrmh t!;e Cell«ctor with a list apportioning the sums oa'able by each individual, tftat the amount may be collected with the ether Taxes and (hcie- after paid iuto the iiauds cf the Treasu¬ rer. 3n\. That a subscription paper, head¬ ed in the following wouU, *.!*?ll he sent round amongst the inhabitant* for tri.-ir sanction, viz. ** Wo the Mibscribers do hereby agiee to allow our properly to be (axed for the maintenance of the poor, at the rate of one farthing in the pound,and we hereby severally promise to pay the same when called upon by the collector of (he assessed Taxes." 5th. That in order to carry the ob' jects ofthis meetinc inio effect, the fol¬ lowing Gentlemen be aCommittee? tiz. R v CO. Stuart, JoilN KlKBY, B. Bi dwell, )>For Kingston B. Olcott, R. RlCHARDSON", Jo->kph Fzaiasfor the 1st Con. Lewis Day,/o/- thr '2d Cwt. Albert Mc.\hrHAi:i,/or the 3</ Con. . Wii. Mooxjorthe Uk, 5th, and Qth Concessions. Tums Snook, for the Tihandthe Ens* tern Uiziston, Toarukfp of Kingston. A.NTHofcY McGuix,ybr the Western Division. John Grant, for the Torntshfp of Fil-'sburgh. hurus BARp.ETT,/or Wis If Island. 3id. That the monies, -then collected, shaii be paid into the hands of J. Kiiby. E ; Treasurer, to fee by him di-bursed to u -' Wardens, for the benefit of the poor, under th-.- direction and approval of ihe Magistrate, of ttiu dirt-Jen. Si T'liwn- 2'u the Inhabitants oj the Ton ship oj Kingston:* the Tozcnsfup oj frtitsOurgft cad Wolfe UUmtl. 1-< J.-'.* Mill utccy-i'v u(" a-i-luu: '■>* For In -omi' J.10, r rto*Jc *;!"chai*ita(j'i'cnlrihiiiio*!. rm .i>o ribtloill to ri'qnire pON)f >»r lUlKirafion, wea<e buttiewanff 01 urj-rni-er-H entrd'taj to-i. rT*neaH«*J; m tin- tile. ai. ii.r jirsilj oc- O). ntablr to ibe great proni.eto: ami hr iow.-r Cit .«i- lUe Urwri^Unfli, A- S» C1C -)f oul-iUm men i*r left c> mute, i: 1> ■\d.*iilj Ibe in rnliun of P.oviUei -(•■ (^*u t.iu-r ol'u* *»oJ Willi ihMQeRBtfSfcfl i c.nlritj «* Ml ir IIHTC- fro* *o the rebel oftb?d rrcwcil the con:fori of ft* -trk ami the ipppoi. ui :he Itclple-ff. Tii*K be..-p.. Aoridof \ici»»it»Ues a> well a* Ineonnl- fate* ol fortune, any of m, o:<r fii. nj , or cliil- dn a, however ra»y ui present in circumstances, may l>» «»me tn.cipcc eJ re\<ii. iu<hbrbrtneni to a Mateuf inJigpj c<-, and tM oiiriuin need ilie hand of cnarny 10 relieve ..,ir fatXWCt.M sup¬ ply our wants. Ke .cvol-nc, ibcreiure, ix a common cause. A rcavoaaUc rapnon of ire Poor is (lie duf> of "very Christian -oi»r.mi::i\. ID my>( Civilized countries piuv-ion '<i h»*de fi-i it t> lew. But, Hie En#li*b nHemof laws en t\,r i-ubject having been fbuntl ;«. be attended vritfa 'rnooicvil,, our PfOVlDCiul Leffl»W»t.iCin their general a-'opnou of the law* of Entlai d. excrpied the Pauper LaWl, anil have nut vr. prn»;drdany subatuute. Heretofore aJlOtvtnces bave been made in the Disuict, from th* |lfs. trie: fur.ds; but, upon ccnndeiatiun they a:,* cot* dltcomi'iitrd ; and it has be;-n recomm'.-iid- ed iu the Inuabiiants of the several Towntbipl to .vsociaie and make vuluotar) pro»i«io.t fur their '»i,n Poor. K..ig^O!i,Pi.iJburf^Wo;MslanJbe:rg united in one asiessmem list, it i.< thought proper fiw them io ucite io lltii association. For Hie akf «f equalizaiion, reference Is had io i lie liK of rat-able property,R- the most certain aed cqu.. table role of apportioning the COUtrfai! 0r>— The rate limited i» very moderate. To avoid Muru*c, it in ptopo>ed that i b«» collect-^ \>\ tin-Tonnellip Collector, to be placed a* af>-ml tor ihe i'oor, in the band* of a Tivaso-er ap¬ pointed tor that purpose, and to benpi.neu to loe proper objects of rf-Uefb j tlie Wardent, nn- der !nv direcuon of the Masi>.ru >'».—T:ii> n\\ f>-* -l..ti..l Jv ,U*. „.„.. .,,„! u .... „...( .......... OH*- uvdt'i *iuch under exisin.g eu\:i'ui>»aiic«- coitl' be devised. it Is ill's.cable (hat the eyoerUnetM oni suc- cer(i, mos to prevent (he decertify ol a rc-ur- to ihe L'gi)lai>>refor legal provision, n.iich i.ill iti'\i(:>bi) be attended hi (i inoie expense.— Jioni iLOiivesof inierest Bird du.v, we shothi ai.ft:vid»nlly aid enitccly rx-it lm'i ii.Uuei.eeto dituoi;:pge id!ene.-> and inieinjer^i'tr. anr. nttutr Uktutl ransei of paiipeit.-m ; ftnd ;o recommend and piitinote bftbiti ol w»bii--tv, fr» galiiy, Indus- tr> and application ii>.-onieiii;neM rinpj-*> muit foi a livelihood,—and in ih<- mean time uV wil¬ ling to contribute oui mile for (he relief ol ibo e who aie realohjecis of charny.—TheCotpml'iee a\ palmed for Ihe purpose will r.a.t Oil Ktiffil t*\- lot, mbJeCU with the piopo.-ed Klb'Cripdop po¬ pe ., and it is hoped that do one. vM.oe ..ran i> mi nri-.ccd by a -pir.tof bnmaoily, rttUrefuse to UAtte ill »o cqmtable and necc^ary an tt'-uci- Olion. (Signed) THOMAS MARYLAND, Cbairr.-an. Kingoion, laih June, ls(9. FEUN THE UI'PER-CANADA GAZETTE- PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF UPPER CANADA. Monday, ytti JV-c. 1819. <*This day at two o'oock, llii Lvccllcncy the Lieuienant Governor, proceeded ir. ftate 10 the LcgifLtivc v our. Jl Cham* bci, vhert being futed on ih- I hione, aid tin! c Speaker and tae fli'iiic of <\fl*eii'b)y b< :no; prcfent, Hh Ixcclei'cy opened tjie xiTion wilt the f«.<l ow.ny cipecti: liuimubU Gtntfetneti of the Le-\;'i£i\vt Cburifr and Cct.thf.A 'j iht House cf S'semb'y, «M) vouiulcmioni flaui'g cliU'imincj 1 me to cal! yon tojrctlicr before the ctofe of the year, 1 decided on the prefent fea- fon as probably more convenient to you than a later perinj. Since yon were aficmbied in this place, little alteration appear? to h~ve taken plrce in the ftate of Uti Majedy'i tndifpo- fit ion. In that interval, hw augnft confort. the Queen of the United Kingdom, ha*clofcd a long life, illulttious for the exemplary dffcharge of every public and private duty. Hia Royal Hiehnefs the Prince Re¬ gent, in behalf of His M?jet'y ha* autho¬ rized the Governors of both Canada- to bfftow Lands '•n certain of the Provincial Navy ar.d Militia, which fetved during the late war. Recent purchafes from the Natives, have been fo far effected, as will enable rre to fet apart adequate tract- in the fe- vcal Diilrictfl, to accommodate fuch of their refpeflive inhabitants, as are Within the liiT»it of the Royal instruction. I do n«t confider myfelf juftified in extending this marl; of approbation to any of the in¬ dividuals who compof-d the late Conven¬ tion of Delegates; the proceedings of which wete properly the fubjctl of your fevere animadverfion. The Koyal Aflent has been given to the Bill for the eftablilhm-nt of a Provin¬ cial Bank, but, from fotne delay, it did not arri.-e in time for promulgation, with¬ in the period limited by law ; the form of a re-enactment will, therefore, be neceffary to render it available. . At the termination cf the Salt ScfTmn it was recommended you to bellow your at¬ tention on an amendment of the i<.oad Laws, At prefent. after a nearer ac¬ quaintance with ihe flat? of the Country, I am more deeply iciprefled with tlie im- poitancc of that (object* It is painful to oble;ve, how fcrtOOS an evil the neglected Grants of an eatly date arc ptefentteg to the actual inhabitants of ihe Province. The exemption of any land belonging to fndivSdoal* from the operation of the AlTtfTment Law, ii found to be detrimental. A new Bill, so mollifi¬ ed a< to protect the Land ftom tale by diftrets, until due notice can be given to the Proprietors, will receive His Majefly*s Aflent. Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, I (hall direct the proper officer to lay before you the public accounts of Receipt and Expenditure, with Eftimaics for the fcrvice of the enfuieg year Honorable Gentlement and Genileme"., The growth pf the Province in popula¬ tion and wealth, juftifics .1 reasonable £*: pectation that the niejfuics adopted to en¬ courage it will receive your fulleft fup- port. And I muft fuggcR for y.tur eon- Uceratfon the expediency of affording the new Settlers, unavoidably fituatcd more rcmot- from the great Lakes and Uivcrs, en eafy approach to market. XCillf attention will ciouhtlefs be given to fuch laws abnut %q expire, as may re¬ quire to be continued Some parts of the Province, not acccfil- bit by Land, it is my parpofe to vifit du- ncg the p'clenr feafon for Navigation,that 1 may become perl»nalty acquainted v ith eveiy part of the popuh'.icn committed to tv.y caic. Montreal, June 12. ^ On Tut '>6ay night Lei ween 10 and 11 oYlocfc ihe elegant r'u^ bulongiuq; ?/. Judge Fetiche, in netghbonrbond nu discovered to be on tir> ; and fr<>m it* being at a distance from town, the 'thole «a consumed before ariy ascjt- tr^^ce could be procured. We have been informed th*\ house vrr-S insured at the lltcenix office for £l200, but as the r^pid rroirressof the Itume*;. prevented a ^reat part of the furniture and other moveables from bein^ saved, the loss sus¬ tained by the pmpreitor will be very con¬ siderable; . Montrcalller. FOR THE KBT0STOS CHROStCLE. THE ORACLE.—June, IS19. No. 9. Fhc would ftrwn on mm and hng than hard, J\td after scandal them* Mp. Oracle, Thrre i* a rerlain description of p**o] Tfe vrlto. ihr»p-rh nnt mi hlond-tbinl) a^ ih# Mohockl spnk- ... tit uj Mi. i-iai An n« i* 1* eiitfciAjoi- 91 * uh^« Hr*n-;r'ou8 to tho peac^ of torifiy, from UUdfF- minit'git* fhundaiioiM hv evrry -traiae^rl ttiat CHimiofccandevisWf lmrau a^tof iiulivlditaii who mafc<* i* a »t«4j to Irani the affair- of iheir n^i^hbour**^ :*nd retail li**m iviih -uch ahcrafion^ a1- hr?t mil llicir own nmlfvotrnce. Th*:s? per- *^n< use zn\ n:rans huvever di%hoinirab!rf Io M'li a knpVk'leflcr of (iUutV transactions, anil hy ihf aid nf Tvi11 p >*rvani$t ;»dd^d to ihrlr own rn- vtolii ferftng^* xnzUv rp a la!^ of lamrilttiblf im- port for the rdihcation oftuch m arr thrown in* to their sorirly.- I once lived in the Me;£hhou^):oon of a lady of lb\<- ^ort, w!io em pirn ed ni'ich of hrr tine i^ vol- Ir^ffap itCKv for the eot^rtunmeni of Iht ae- Quain!anecsf ard *vhoeieo >all«od loftbto tt*h hearers. Mhen WO grrai 00aceonalafion render¬ ed ;t n."c*>ar\ :o nnboolen hermit On tQCh occa ion* she gei<iral!v Rave birth to \h* m^t nflPWOUf productintif of matice, and IprrjuJ a co;*fn?ion ato^nd uliie*i seldfno subsided until the aett visit*] Th^u rcpleiion> vierr BiWavl h**** trnert b\ a ball or part*, which could nfit*nlmaL* rer for invention to h^r prolific brain; afcer **'hich she hobbled forth io w* uHienfioa amou;* :(iO*^ uho r.*crccredulou5 T.ongh 10 pin faith in h*- - igg^*rions- HfT fabrication* wfre ptefa- CtA by <atttiont no* tomcncoti her uametai.d* Ciu ** protected from $figma. -ho poured forth her venom Iq enviou* liints, raisiOfj faU!.ood-on rli^ fa.rba-i Of Irath Wrf tinpariinR them with tlV fno-i'-(••rintiit-enihlanrrof>ct*>ilMli,v. Htuv iniich nc1) a one "-1^ lo b** p itird< ^ht hail been told that her httsband ft(0eet«J her tn ihe mo>t *hamef.u PWBDef, and Indeed -be bad got it & a j'cai >e* r *t, lha he pemmonAri)i*tintrabji>ad. Ano¬ ther, ha*e ^en himsrlf tip to drmifc^iine^ aud feh* f*-Ii for his wretched family* which in a abort tinj^ Bnttt be reduced to bepeaij I* a jemng e<"n:lrmen vUlUd married ladte- ^he tmmcdllilrl} i3ve out, that ii v,a- uOI 00!s yo»»n^ ladies nefe in love *Jlh him. !f he pai:5 atr#niion to Rtrit, ^he ^a^ sure 10 b** Informed rtint ihey Kcre d**- inr every thine <hey rouldiontrh bin, but he eai not a mirrvmjt Charactei. A I* :)ii* vuis C*Q*ed bv :i de all of the pifiyof Iter oun dauglt* tri^, ih*'ir nomeraut re«Miree^ and ibe 0bH*ws tiain of Biiiclicj UlCJ have refused, in which ac- eeant ell rere- Ir.du-^cd ^ho paid them com¬ mon civility. This e *.quatii(aine of mine bai Ions; the an to bide b*r dttpllrtfy from observa- vatton, and H«h pretty ^^acrally r-sprcied, un¬ til a fortunat cuncidei*'^ °f cirriim-lanei>rfevf* loped her Ciiaracter, ar d threw her into deserved contempt. I have nmanbarC remarked a parage nf Shakespeare, in uhicS emilal i^ termed " foul- faced t" an md^upv yell merited by a vice so d^eradinr—never, iin^. do t hear the fame of mother attacked wlib«ui looking at (he face of the speaker, add fancy ng ttdofonned and dfl» gustm^, \nstide& represent* the GoddefS of Discord a$ a creator* with dfendfillly firry rye% pnlr connienance, blai k lips coverrd wtih pui- sor.ou foam, and cav1>injE a dacser in her b«vun willi which to n^a^iMate her prey* The ancient> beii-ved ilii? tillhv h;i!; to have been banfrfeed f^orn luaven, for ea Ulinj; distentmnsi among the ftodt, and creat U the pity >he had n#t been *e*t to the Infemftt rcgiani at mire, for even this dirty pt.mei it Ion R^hS r*ir ** fi,<* a creature. Ton uu not. Sn\ devi>e snme mode of rendering one's ebataeier secure and pretent- in^ the detraction fflrirh b daily \\ i^pcrrd a- ^ainst the peaec of twt re peela^'e people. 3«rely gossips nho «pend ihrfrtrmt hi meddling with the co":ern* of ifrur nei^iibnurs dOierve the notice of al*^ilatitc#ga*inurttai they who diltnri thecrderand ira>Hjtiility **f gflSCl'lnneili by ted?Uooi praeiloe^ -\ low t" preve#tl the meetii-ssof pennni rendered d:inrero»- by 100 great accumulation of hp-eefl HWlld guard lis aeain:* *heir o\erwhelmtnff eXpl«lcnfc Vour opinion on thh*ubjert unuM oMtje Yout obMt. Servant j ^^ The detractor i> al«a>> ibe Itme.l moral cha* racier tn +wry society. To i>ther Crime! there bc-raCrally a powerful loeeDtW^i The drunk¬ ard, by iudt Ipence. jratities r-neof the pleasure^ afwnstf« which custom mav ha%e icndeted habit¬ ual to bim. The felon uiijhl pleftri urR- ui want. or a *tnr\:tt2 familv. To protect bis uun char¬ acter, the linr Asserts a fafchot-J* Btit the de- fumer can receive unthiugtn retuftl br.i the con- srioiivnp>? of having iniHred another, wi I Lull even Ihe miverable e\cu-e of !>eueti|i^?: .*iim' Mf. Ev- erv cr;me become- more de-,pieahle from the ab¬ sence of a !H*Mive. a:* 11 protfra a mall^ulty of dii* portion which mr* heiant\MA «*niy by the in¬ jury nf other;, aed nbirJi wr ascribe to none but theDrvil hirawlf R"Jalter» i*f vandal fierej hesitate tn invent it, and he who taice* pleasure in sp-f-adin? n talc M Mic d-. ..dv-*\ti*a2e of other- betray- 31 hart t hnrt \\* \\ rUihricn'nr. Yei Hiecor.'*** I *>f • iw \f to** **:rf.*lv extend¬ ed to aflbrd nrieu wipe of hanisluns heroftprit^ iron tlie world. Du^nHUiOihha* M manjb ea ■ nf ir^ineatin* her **:*„«, mil return* ;0 lii le thai her »c*tle<* malice VfOrivd b% dailt toil ntntleng continue 10 mduenc*>mankind. Th- favnnriie imp of |CO(R^| |* (mod, ftMch f ild- ih'f foui lie ^nd a-Mimes l& . ., robliitiee (A Ipuh, rt'u- derinj; the horfkee tc^^pimj to the ^ighi- Tti herefnre weaken ihr In- d faUebooil. ThU m»gli n for Hie ^uppresjiuu id 'hirh wmid be to detect to^oflie*. Bv vigilance icatuiu couio be traced cultivate iruih* woutd fluence of b\potri*\ a. be dour by an asHKiati scandal, 'he object of ; the coiners and propOj^ and eicrtion each faht toii*viurce,andquaiit.r]V repnrt> would make the putliy known io t||r world, ttllO might be avoided and dejmed. \f ftf,r ((.....^lcj, \V(te» *urha>ociety UfonuM :!rui dKulays the fame zeal in d- t*cling>laudiTrr%a, \% :Uvl\o m a du< them, veracity will ptrva:| in.teadof falbood, nnd tattling RO*»ps CMr|filif m (neir own bowmi thai venomuu- tall,^h)>j, ^ now io tcdu*triou>ly dtUut' 'I i,} putMiu ihejoyftof >uc:ciy. For the Kingston Chronicle. MOSTBCAL, 10i!> June, I8IP. SIR, Hirre weeks have novvriapsrd>ince Uie Snb-C"|iMon I'laih* frr tl;r L'triniie Canal ttttvt bernii|*eiiedln thisCiiy, and it Is wlih t+gtci 10 beob^rvvedlhat ati tiuder:akineof 1 icli acknowl- edtred |iublic mil it \, m^el^with no betieri*uci>ur- axemen! tltiUI Ibi? !i*l at preMfnt e.vlnbit- —The apaih^ ■d.*" n hj taana ofourrfepectabjccitiacn* \K f|*e ■ »ore 10 !r* rendered at, when notoihl\ the ineab ilaM* advauivywi to the counttv witti vhich t1"* 1 i*ii*cutlpn of tWs enterprise mast in a little time be attended, are con ioer-*d, but HJtewiWtbotii ti&Wf?|Wa)yy yield uceifain fnir piolii i" -he Socki <daer>.— M> connections with Hi*itJjH1*r Pwwlnoe maftc ok pecollarlj alive M^bai ! f*^iijer l:k-*y to pniQKKe lu W *fare atid -iicie^>el'- wealu ,and 1 tliin^tlu' tluback- wipdrtrtyofiho people here ta suo^crihrng io thi1 (*anal aBMbrafatr oppnrtttmtj lor the rapiui* iwt%*if - our province fn-K^f* foi rtatdwUh ceituiti benefit tn thrn^e've^ zM \*:o \*i*ct* of perman/ni and i*i ^reaslnp lt»pro*emejis to ihe trad<- aud a^- ric l n •' *i KJifper Can?i^^.—Cnle^the Ibui-N a^sp'-eeijj tilled up ther.p. -TlJiiiLy n|1) br Iffkt, and've mujt then continue Jic old aud ruinou* trode r/f fran^porting all ynjr valuable property to Lac:iine by land. YoO <tf*U knon ihe Ioas, damage and expense your me- clianl? are exposed to, as well by Inn care!e*-ne5* a-^d dr ttLbennesi of carters as by the injuries cf ihe weather during ibe conveyance, in ill cor>:ructei* GOTO ba*lly covered.and overa^ouph r^ad, t:f lai^r q^aiiti- iie^of^hevariou« cnmmndit.r* whirr po aud le- tiirn hv the present COfitK and ie Convenient route. The Canal, on the contrary, will afford you the mean&ftf receiving y6urgt»0dl '^ txcellen: cundi- lion, IfrUe burhened H ith charges, and in a jjiv- en and certain lime ; as well a-of forwarding 10 market r!l the v ay dowi» lo Quebec, >our\alua* ble prodn'1** without appr^hrusion nf injury,avd Ht a much lower rate. 1 ihink, therefore, you ought for vour own *^akesto lo^e no time in order¬ ing your cormjionden^f here to lake up all ihe t-haresyou can man;ige( and I trnot that by timely exertion, this excellent undertaking will bepre- vented from ffllHra ro th^ ernnwL which vnuld tu taci noi only bedi ^ aceful to the tnhiibiiaaG* of both Pcovtir*ei, ami uflnrd an abundant source nf extihaiinn to eur MeighWM^ en the other side of the 1 tries (who ve with united tlew* of public spirit and of private ietei*e^tt working na^d at iheir Giand Western Canal) lf|tt be likewise lrre» Irirvabls detrimental to the be>t iulere^is 6t the whole country, and all who inhabit it. Jib Of ace the Duke «»f Richmond, who has the jroed of the country much at heart, has taken ^OO shares iorWi< Mnj*?>ty,aiid£CO for the Province. I am. Sir, Your ttio*t obedient Servant, UERCATORi ^Itt^stoji <^CjX0X\UU , . . # . KINGSTON**, c- JfTMlB, 1819. 1> our prrcrdinp cohnnnv Will bti found tlie Sppecti «f i\h UxctllfnQS ihr Lteiaenaui Gover¬ nor on the nUEflin*:of Parliament W'.• ate infoun<-t1 bv av coire*pondft»| that -e\rra! b':ll> ftavr bcru InfroduCnl '.uu> thr Ua\n>e 01 Awrmbiy, smong «|ii-h aw (lie following, A (Ml to reflate ihe MUitUoflhe Provinc*-, Ihrobjrcl of HJiicfa • 10 r-'abii..': llcult itln in «*arh Uai allnn o;i ili«->;.me prhitfiplt .i» iliosr called inro art-iai >erviee during the laic »*r. 10 be em'Hiilieit fiif f'.ii'v da\s in rarli v-jtr forth.- purport of bring .triile.i, -luring which r?rioiMh.-\ ar- io br r.-£ !arl> cluK'-d and paid. Tin- plan, ii i- -aid. nill mrci i>pposfilun. prliicijKrflj onaecoam „f die i^ipuverhiied state of (be P.-ovjtuial r'niiiis, A Hill unending t;lf. present A'<es>men: Bi'.! jsfito before the Houw, h\ which iRitds belong- In^ to iion-r.-id.-ni> Hf- t-, b«- mad. .iable to the im.vment of ra-■>, the Road Act h to be a- >"*nd"H, and the quantum of '*b«ur t>: h- pei- iurn*i<d by oachiudividual i> o br-an-ordin^ -o tncamoun: of propi*i.v for whirh h^ i>aj*es*ed, A mUlocorporam.p * PrawlnClal Bank baa been introduc.d. anil it i- mpuowd w.W pasa v, hunt «'| position.-urll a......> to-nrrrasc th* ren:g3enia:touofaje froviucc, b) *vi,icn his said. I member is!obea«i(»ned lo the principal fowif, itid.'prndi'iitol'lbe t ountirsin which ihr* are >iiuated—A member is al-ti to be allowed foi the Perth settlement, und an additional on* foi the I)ir-tr»ct of Johnstowti aud ihr Diatrici ui Neff-l'a tie—Prom ibH statement it appear* that our Lf^iilatiirei'iiol composed of that UtelflB s.'i of pn soma disappointed faction would de». cribe thi-ir to lie, but lhat they are really engaged in ntatfen hunorable lo themselves aud useful to ihe Country.— lT<tf1rflpftobia.— Accounts from various part? of the District, Mate lhat great alarm ha-been oc- cattoned by the appearance of ilu» dreadful i.i.t ady among the dog*, who are biting children,and doing great mischief among the cow*, and other ilonii'-tir aniraaU. We are even assured that the disorder has been communicated to the fox- e>. il Ci'iinot therefore be amid* at thr present juncture, to lay before our readers Ibe following ob-ervatiii:i-;if the liditor of the f-ew-Yorfc Eve¬ ning Po 1..ui the Tirtue»of a certain plan:, which, no doubt, is a- common tn the tield-of Canada at io tho-e* of ibf United State-, and which \$ repre- -rnied fo be a-ure preventive against Ihe terrible cflVc'4 produc-d Lytbebi cofauiaddog. *{J|iromi,-"riyes'et(U)'to resume to-day fhe Subject Of mad dogs* but if I had not, Ihe CftSfl wtiicll I bave just read from the Phil:iil»'lpliia papers, and which we re- publibfi tjiis evening nould reodcr come remarks, at ihil time, on this awful and alarmiits topic, highly Interesting and piTtinenl. T is case is attested by two cmiiicnt physicians, anJ they add (hat hydrophobia u is without the hope of a relief from nirdicine"—" we know of no cure for hydrophobia." This is a frank confession, and I have scarcely a doubt accords «ilh the truth—Il is a disease, which) when once bitTing nrrircd at that pass as to -hew itself by the usual symp¬ toms in the system, baffles equally the skill of the mo^t learned physician and the nostrums of the boldc-t empyrick. Bui, fortunately, it is not so rapid in its progress, but that it may be arrested aud en rifely counteracted and prevented, if proper means are seasonably roorted to, duly administered, and faithfully per- -i<ti;d in. The^e means nature has prp?i5cc1,in the pimt called the Scullcup, whichgrow'Salmost every where in a- bundance in our country, [t is not, however, eTery species cf the plant licaiiug this name that will answer ; but tftnt paiticular one called in Latin Scutellaria: tuf/fora% or side-hearing flower, and riot that one colled tcuUllnria ifalcrtcutata. or Selmet-*haped. The former ol these is efficacious in prerentin^ this incurable disease, the latter is not. A mistake in taking one for the other hat lomctimes pioduced fatal effects, and bronchi the plant into discredit, at the eastward. Seme time since, there was published, in the Medical Repository, all account of this plan!, Willi an engra¬ ving : but there was an error in the text, .\s to thy species ; nor was the engraving, which was after (he rii*bt si.rt, sufficiently accurnle to correct the mistake. Ol the superior merits of this invaluable plant in the bite of a mad dog, as evinced in particular instances, I hare not room here to give any more than a general outline. S)i: Vauduvetr left it on record, that in upwards of three hurdred cases in which he seasonably administered it, ihe SUCceSS was complete, without a failure- Lewis asserted that he had net with the like success ii upwards of one hundred cases, of three or four of which I was myself (happening to be in the county of W'-ii-Clie-ter at the time) an ,Ae-w'tness. Dr. Thatch, in his valuable |)ispen*aVy, speaking of it, says : •■ Should this o'an uUirnatety prove a successful1 remedy for a disease s-> truly tit'plorable in it> nature and ^o distruc- ttve iti )i> consequence?, no encomiums ran stirpes its metit, even if recorded in [otters ufgold* The following is his description of it : M The Scutellaria U perennial, cf whicii there are numerous species indig- enou> "o the United Slates. The plant is found in great abundance on the banks and borders of ponds : flowering in July or August. Tlie stem is square, bran¬ ched, and attains the height of from one to three feet, The leaves are opposite, narrow pointed or narrow foot stalks. The racemes are axillary and lateral, bearing ^mill violet colored blossoms in¬ termixed with small leaven. The calix is hooded or helmet formed, from whence originated the genera name of scuM-cap 01 ?cutcii.tiu." ifnt* however* is a description of the genera not the species. The following i* the manner in which Dr. Vandeveorand Mr. Lewis prepared 2nd admin.s'errd (he remedy, as we find it: Thatcher's Dispensary : *; The leaves should be gathered when in flower, (July or August.) carefully dticd, and reduced to a fine powder, and put into bottles, well corked, for use. Winn a person has received a bite by a mad doR, he must take of a strong infu¬ sion of the leaves or powder, a gili fcur times a day, every other day. The day ii is omitted, he must take a spoonful of th'* flower of sulphur, in the morning, fating, and at bedtime, in new milk, and itppiy the pounded green heib to the wound every two hour-, continuing the prescription fur three weeks. For cattle or hordes, three t'«mes the quantity of tiich." gfrtf of m>m$tm. ARRIVED, June 11— Sfram boat Sophia, Vaughn, Sack- ei' llarbafi p«"*en#et« and bajg.'t^e. P>:b—scb. Piotdent, Lanubre, H^luiryvilie, (l.iur :>tid ulir-. Mill—B*»at Ifornet, Warner, Sachet's Harbor. ^Tnrk ; *hr, Otttlrarfne, F atins. Vw tVile, *ta\'-; «•'»! PtninodoreOweii.SlA*Jtdr» Hao> ilnui. itavr*; Si.jmii JJoat V:ii/-ii,". Hariior 1Mb—Steam Hoai Cbarloue, DornHv, Bell- \j||r; f*t NrUie., Kairbiink>, I'liltneynlle, Il0' r. pfti'k. all ■ e. ICtb—Scl;. -New Havea, W'wd, Oswego, -alt and Pork; Stfara Beat Sophia, Sergeant!, 9l Harbor. 17(h—Steam Boat Pro tenae, M'Kenzie. CLE A HE 7. June tlth—Steam Boat Sophia, Vanghn, S. Harbor ISJth— Sch. Piesidrnt, Larraliee fienewrr. 14ib—Boat Hornet, Wanirr S Harbor; -ch. Caibarinr, Franc'u, Nrv* Ca-tle. I"»:h—Steam H.»at Soiihin. Vangbn,^, Harbtr. I6ni—Steam li<tat Charlotte. Denrm, Prr»- rotl; nch. Cummodure Owen, Sinclair, Smith's t'reelc. 17th—Steam Boat Sophia, Vaughn, S. Harbor. 18th—Durham Com, Paraxon,Tuekrr, Mon¬ treal. . MAEHiBP, Oi Ttie-daj^rttf -lib dav of May la-i, hy the Pev. Official Stuart, Mr. Jcm-# Cnmmins to MittSarall Black.—On \Wdne\da\, the GSthof May la*t, by the Re*.. Job?* Wilson. Naval Chaplain, Mr. James Charlr* Bird to Mi*: Eliz¬ abeth Howard.—On Sunday last, the 13th, bv id- Rer. OfficiiU Smart, Mr. Sylvriter llnL den, of Kindlon, -o Mi** Sarah Ea'relt,of Wolfe I-Hnd. si;it st^r £*#*: w:*fi*&&mxf: DIED, OnMondav. lib in»ianff Wiluavt Robi^ K-quire,a5edd?>-ar-- Good Pasturage, AT Point Henry, an the farm former¬ ly owned by Capt. O'Connor. June, 1819.________ 35 wj Bank Notice. BANK OF UPPER CANADA. DIRECTOR for the week, Neil McLeotl, Esquire. Day^of DieCOUNT-every Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount must be nil handed to the Carrier on the day pre¬ ceding Che DISCOUNT Day. S.BARTLKT, Cashier. Drafts on Quebec, at short *ight, will be given for Specie. -Sj/ Auction, \JtTlLLU fold at the Houfe 0/ the TT Rev. Mr. Curtois, on Tucfday the ?2nd irifl. the whole ol his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CONSISTING OF Bedding, Carpets, Tables, Chairs £c %c. %c Alfo, a number of valuable hooks, A Double SLEIGH, and *kins com¬ plete, A sioui HORnE, 7 years old. Salt to commence at 11 o'clock,preewty. - A. McDONELL, a & ». M. WILLIAMS 5c Co's^ * I, BGOT&; SHOE FACTORY (At the Ngn oftheGoldee I.all.) WILLIAMS & Co refprafuWr • inform their cuftoner- and the public, that they have removed their former ftand 10 a houfe in Stote Street ncar.y oppofitc M-ore's CorTee HmLV where they keep conlUntly on hand an el- efe-m luortment of Ladies* and Gentlemen's Boots and Siiocs, cf a func-for bm% and nemft faflifon. 1 I3,'arSc ft,PP!>' ** Spanii!: SOLE and UPPER LEATHER Kingfton, June i.f, i?lo. 25w^ NOTICE i* hereby given, that all perfons indebted 10 the late firm of Taylor ST Parley either by Book account or Note, arc r-quefted to come forward and fettle the fame with the fubferiber IM¬ MEDIATELY, as after the fitrt day of October next, the whole, remaining unfet- tlcd, will put into the hands of an Attorney for colicaion. And all thofe having demands againft the faid t:rm, arc alfo requcfted to prefent the fame. duly authenticated, for adjtfftment. THOMAS PARKER, Surviving Parmer. BellviMc, nth June, t8io, 25W29 HREE FARMS FOR SALE; or if not fold to be rented fcr the en- fuing year, viz. one at th« Prcfque Isle Farm, (focalled.)—A contract alfo will be giv.-n for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, \ 6th June, 1819. 25tf STRAYED away or ftolen from the lubfcribcr, a fmall Bay HORSE, with one of his hind feet white, and a white ftar in his forehead; paces well.— Whoever may find faid Horfc mall be lib¬ erally rewarded on bringing him to the owner, NICHOLAS MORiN. Kingston, t$thjunt, 1819. 2jtf A calculation for making Pot &~Peari Ashes. Twcmy-five cwt. of clean black falti will make one ton of pearl alh ; but if wet or dirty, ir will tequire from 25 to 30 cwt. 700 bunSels of field afher, will make one ton of pearl afh. Five hundred bufhelswf houfe aflies. or 650 bulhels of field afhes, if clean, and 1 j nt from green timber, will make one ton of pot aftY The looncr the afhes are worked after they are burnt, the more pot afh can be got from them ; and, by putting three or fou» inches of slacked lime in tbc bottom of yottr leaches, you will find that the pot afh will melt much cjfier; and by putting the pan in the bottom of the kett'e in which you are boiling the U y, you will C3tch the ncutrrl fahs that firtt etilc for thtee or four hours : it will be well to put them ainon^ 'he black (alt* for pearl .i(h. a% they will if left in the kettle, n it only make the pot alh melt hard but wii' 1 .e a tendency to muk-.' it paf» f^r feconi o^Uility.—C//;/> JnauiiUor.